7 minute read
Juniors Journey to Court House
After several delays, 12 Westside juniors, accompanied by Mr. Wayne Glldden, history teacher, arrived at the court bouse to participate In county government, Tuesday.
These juniors w ere elected last tnJ.l alter vigorous campaigns to r e]l r esent Wests ide. They w ere abl e to visit th e court house and tho o m ces ot county governmen t
FMA Elects OFficers
Betty Hahn, as newly-elected president of FMA, will have plenty of help from her cabinet: vice-president, Sharon Mosley; secretary, Cathy McGrayel; and treasu r er, Cindy Rosner.
Elected April 24, they will be Installed next autumn.
FTA and Pep cl ub omcers will be anno unced later. Y-Teens will vote soon.
to wWcb they had been e l ected.
After an introduction by Mr. Knowles, county attorney, they each went with their counterparts to foll ow the dally rountlne of their offices. Vts!Ung the jail, sitling ln on court cases. and visitIng the treasury were only a few of the activities of the students.
1\fr. Rlcha,rd Win ch e ll , hi story teach e r, exclaimed, " \Vests ld o is ind e bted to th e Oount.y for Ot c lr willingness to hAve u s l ook into t h o local government. To bo given s u ch a tine consideration 1s a tribute to our stud en ts from a gro up o f outstandlnar men "
Read Warrior W hitticisms for the 1z.ew title bestowed on Pri1lcipal Ktmneth Ham en
Filkins 1 Diegel 1 To Direct Publications
Cathie Filkins &nd Dick Diegel will l ead publications staffs next yenr as e di tors o f the S hield and the LIUlce respectivel y. Announcemen.ts ot the 1962-63 staffs were made today by publications adviser Miss MarilYn Miller.
Other members of the Shield staff: Judy Thomas, associate edttor; Sue Baade, business man ager; Becky Amis , promotion manage r ; Krlst.y Isaacson, sports editor; CarolYn R&nkin, senior editor; Linda Finb, academic editor; Carol Bloom, activities editor; Jud y McClendon, organJzatlona editor; Terry Moran, underelasa editor: Ruth Saund e r s, artist.; Nadine Berg, Kathy Kovarik, and Betty Hah.n. editorial
Lance personnel: Bev Klein, managing editor; Tedi Rosenbaum, 6rat page edito r ; ChYDne
Koser , aecond page editor; S u sie Roberts, third page editor; Jerry Nealy and Shain Humphrey, sports ,e ditors; Lind & Lee, business and c ir c ulation; Cathy Lau· tenschlager , buslnea& and adver-
3-4-Thesp ions One-Act Ployt, Little Theoter, 7 :30 p m.
5--Jr Hig h Donee, " Swing Into Spring," g irls ' gym , 8 p m
7-Pep Club Mot he r -Daughter banqu et, Peo ny Pork 6:30 p m
4-Westbrook Bond, Jr High Convocation, l p m
1 1-Jr.-Sr Prom, Sherot o n- Font e ne lle Hot e l, 8 p m
14-Bond Banquet, First Met hod ist Church, 6:30 p m 15-Jr High Hono,. Convocatio n girls' gym 1 : 30 p.m.
Using manager; Dlck Theis, Virginia Seiger, and Pat Meredith, reporters; Marty Runstrom, arllst.
Photographers f or t h e publications: Hal Stult, Pbll Freyder, Ken Kestel, and Steve Wlgodsky.
According to Miss Mtller these statf members, with the exception of the photographers, will be enroll ed ln journalism classes 5th and 6th hours. Other students may asalat on an extra-curricular basls In p r oducing newspapper and yea r book.
Twist Train Tapped For Post Prom Fling
Juniors are putting the ftnal touches on the decorations tor the annual Junior-Senior Prom to be held May 11. Over 700 invitations have been mailed out, Including those to the faculty &nd sc hool board. Eddy Haddad will provide the music at the Shera.ton-Fontenelle from 9 p.m.-12: 00 &.m.
Following the dance a train trlp through Nebraska wlll be sponsored by parents tor all Interested studenta. It wUI leave tbe depot at 1:30 a.m. and stop at a su rprise location tor breakfast. Taped music wlll be provided on car& for dancing and club cars will also be availabl e.
ThJs train trip was lDAde possi bl e by th e help of many puents and others l\fr. and Mrs. 1\Wton i>eterson are donating all the paver tm ppll es and the Music Service Co. will provid e tho l't'COrds to be t aped t o r dancing. An unknown dono r is providing pancakes.
Tickets ( f or couples only) are $5.
17 seniors had r eceived scholarships.
Dt>nYer UnJverslty offered mu· sic scho lnrships to Kn.th y Bybl an d l Uckey Elley nnd full·tuitlon scbolarsWp to Lori Whitted.
Navy ROTC scholarships were offered to Greg Eden, Ron Jones. Harvey Lemon, and Cam Lucas.
Yale offered scbolarsWps to Dave Allen, C::nnLucas, and J eff Parish. Jeff and Dnve nJ.so got a scholarship to Princeton.
Karen Mlller received one to Coe, CarolYn Falkenroth to Vnlparaiso, Susan Petersen at Vassar, Dave Allen at the University of Chicago, Bob Maddox to Brown University, Elden F ranz at Grinnell, Marilyn Mantel won the Regents' scholarship and Steve Ludington won the National Merit Scholarship.
:ur. P echt commented tbat the llst of seniors with scbo larshJ ps will grow greatly before gradua.Uon. " W e haYe yet to hear from Omaha U:niverstty, Nebr aska Uni·
•erslty, and the Regents,'' he added
The LA.'lCE will run these names In the next issue.
Ou.r congratu ln Uous are also extended to junior Steve W atson \vho won the Tt>Uurido Scholars hip at C'ornt'll for a summe r ce u n:.o nt thelr Science Institute.
Thespians To Stage One-Act Plays Soon
Coming soon are the Thespian One-Act plays. Three plays will be presented. "Shall We Join the Ladies?" will be perfo rmed at the carnival ln the parking lot, May 26. Cast members include Brent Warren, Dlane Whitaker, Kenny Ploss, Rena Olson, Pat Moore, Pam Pat.z, Chlp Lockwood, Wade Wright, Carol Strauss, Judy Nelsen, Chlps Elias, Dick Meier, and Dick Theis.
Come One, Come Alii
Councils Sponsor Carnival
"Peanuts - popcorn - cotton candy!"
The Carnival is May 26! Everyone's welcome-bring your guy or gal (brothers, sisters, parents, friends, canaries, pet turtles. etc.) and plan to have some fun! Carnival hours are from 4·8 p.m., and the many booths and actlvi· ties will be set up in the parking lot and gym.
Hi-Y, under the leadership of John Wupper, will undoubtedly find their booth surrounded with enthusiastic students as their "let's - throw • another - nice· wet • sponge - at - the - teacher" event gets into full swing.
Thespians will present a performance of their murder mystery "Shall We Join the Ladles?" directed by Mrs, Anno. Clark.
International club will sponsor a penny toss; Pep club 11. make-up booth.
Girls! Save those pennies!
All se n io rs planning to attend Omaha Univ ers ity, reme mb e r that the first guidance exams will be g iven Saturday, May 19 Th e storting tim e is 8 a m. , and the tests cost $5.
W-club Ia planning a Sl&ve Sale for Initiates and Top Choir will entertain the Espresso House. Future Medical Assistants and Future Teachers will have cake walk.
"Guess the Jellybeans"-Esquires and Y-Teens wlll host this one. Radio club's Sock Hop is in the a!lernoon.
W orriors To Perform
"Central hns lts Road Show, Nort11 Ita Aurot·a, and South its Sound .Of1'; now Weqtslde will have ita own 'Sph lt of 06,' " commented Mr. WilHam J(ellogg, top choir director. He is speaking or the new Idea. for a student "variety'' show whlch will be Initiated this Spring at WesLside, :\lay 18-19.
According to Mr. Kellogg, the theme or the show wlll be patriotIsm. ''Each year, the 'Spirit of 66' will ha.ve a dltrerent theme to tie it together. This way, It won't be just o. variety show," he added. "With times as they are, It was that a. patriotic theme might be appropriate." Then, smllMr. Kellogg sald, "The Top Cholr will end the show with a 'Ballad for Americans.'"
Proceeds rrom the show will go toward futur e musical producand euulpment.
II I object to the way that people underestimate the thinkin g power of teenagers, and that they cons ider teenagers not aa people, but as a class apart, " commented senior Lori Wltitted thoughtfully.
1\!te r movin g !rom WHS in her freshman year; Lori attended school In Hi g hland Park, rtllnols. "Coming back to Westside was quite a change for me the school and area are much more conservative
than in Illinois," with a cl ever smile she added , "here, th e teachers argue on my side rather than against me!"
Lori 's Interests Include "talking, eating, and reading." However, she Is also fascinate d by political science In which she plans to major under a tour-year, full-tuition scholarship at the University of Denver.
As feature editor ot the lAnce, Lori commented with h er c u stomary alacrity, "I e nj oy writing t hat require a sense of J1mnor even t h ough mine's per\1erted."
''Repent, and the world w1u be saved," advises senior Art Lorenz when asked to r a word of wisdom. Besides "pbllosopby," Art's major interests are "S. J., drums, skiing, swimm in g, sleepin g , and s e nior math."
Wh e n not tendin g the s tore at be found playin g with tbe Omaha
Brownie' s Melody Lane, Art may Junior Symphony or engag ing In an Important discussion wllh the Dundee Presbyterian Youth Group. Westside students may also remember his 1ine work 1n the p ercussion section in "Oklahoma!"
earlie r this year.
Art has been sin g led out as the on l y student in t.be Midwest to atte nd the "'Pe rcussion Workshop" in Littleton, Colo. this summer. Also durin g th e long vacation. he will teach drums, llteguard at the Pacific Gardens Pool and possibly attend the World's Fair.
Witb vacatio n ove r, Art will attena Kansas "U. and maj o r in cbemicaJ engineering.
Warrior hitt-icisms,-------
by Lo l"i Wllitt.ed
Mechanical devices are the bane of modern existence. Milk cartons that won't open without spllllng lhe milk, televlslon sets that stop working In the middle of "Ben Casey," vacuum - packed bottles whose vacuum can't be broken, can openers that
Students Research On
Taoism, American Jazz
"What 1 want ts demonstrated abtllty aa a student," explained Mrs. Judith Hoyt, discussing qualIfications tor English Seminar.
English Seminar Is a one-semester course in which the student does extensive research on one toptc and presents a two-hour discussion and a paper on this topic at the end of the semester
The object, according to Mrs. Hoyt, Is "to give them (the students) the opportunity !or a good bit of selr-dl r ection." The papers are 80 to 90 pages.
Topics have Included George Sand, America n Jazz between 1880 and 1930, American Foreign Polley, and the philosophy of Taoism The subject ls restricted only by available materJa.l for research. Presentallons for this semester begin May 17.