3 minute read
Westside Sculptor Denes Displays Work in Library
"Oh I thlDk lt: s just marvelOWl!"
"Have you seen It It's terr ific!"
"And he's only a J u nior in high school?"
Fran.k l)eneB, "\VllS art s tudent, bas been drawing rav e comm ents like th ese tor bJs o n e-man art exhibit wbl cb Is now set up 1n the sooth e nd of t h e library
Unlike many talented artists, Frank has not been interested In art all o! hi s lite. He began studying in the American high school in Mexico City during his freshman year. Since then, be ha,s studle d at Central, WHS, an d the Midwestern Music and Art Camp In L awrence, Kansas. As a result,
Teachers Are A Necessary Evil I
according to definition by many s tu de nts. Th ey ore vultures lurking over innocent child ren , watching and waiting for them to make an error, and then pounce! Between sco ldin gs they devote a few brief moments to enlightening their victims in reodin', writin', and ' ri thmetic.
As we grow older, more mature, and a little wiser, most of us reali:ce--although we hate to admit it-the real value of a good teach e r When we get away from our mother's apron strings and off into the big world, we need guidance in playing with blocks in kindergarten or studying Shokespeore in high school
Frank has been In several slnd exhibitions and one protessl s howing at Joslyn Art Museu Frank's favol'ite type o1 art sculpture in which he tries achhwe "beauty abot'e all." favori te piece or work i s " cion," though be spent the time on bis "Self-Portrait."
"Picasso is my favorite a but I try to develop a style or own," Frank says.
FTA Aic/s Kindergarl
"Back to kindergarten," the cry or a group of WestaW. gir ls. They are not beg their second childhood. They FTA members who are he ing wlth kindergarten round In District 66.
Two girls work at school both the morning and altern groups. They help the teac register the children for sehnext year, then keep lh amused playing blocks, dra or llstening to stories.
"Sometimes they cry their mothers leave." Cathl Eaton, who bas pated in the project.
The roundup s are taking pi from April 2 5 to May 14 sound like the minuet, and automobiles that have gasoli n e and won't run.
Jean Lewis discovered thJs when the stick sbllt on h er car tUpped into neutral and wouldn 't change on Doage street. When s h e reached 84th stzoot, through the e trorts of Carol Litch and Lynn Graft, s he got Jt going-in n e utral! J ean's comment was "Don't let anyone tell yon I aon•t believe in Friday the l Stb."
Mechanical devices that didn't work or worked too well upset the Journalism Convention at W e s t s I de temporarUy. Over 100 people from the convention waited one hour to be served at the Old Engllsh Inn. The bread truck carrying the buns for their l1amburgers broke down!
Wests ide is fortunate to hove 87 fine teachers on its s taff After spendi ng ove r eight hours at sc hool each day, some ore taking night classes at Omaha U., while oth ers h ave been awarded schola rships for summer instruction Always keeping up with the latest in their field, our tea chers are inte res t ed in improving themselves and Westside.
As we go on to college we will probably real i:ce even more the help and guidance given to us in our school years. The teachers taught us, teased us, scolded and corrected us, but all for our benefit. As we grow older we may forg et the rules of English or math, but we will never lose sight of the principl es and standards which they have helped us establish.
Thanks may be on often-used words, but we soy it with great sincerity. S T
Environment Stu
Planned for WHS
A summer school course olf lng so methin g a bit unique something student s don't get d lng a regular session will be lit fered at Westside. It Is en ecology.
It 1.s designed to stu dy l ationships of plants and to their enl'ironment. I t wtU · a seminar tfJ)e class with a Sid e r abl e amount of la and fie ld work.
Ed itor .••. Pri5CIIIo Young
Feature Edi t or ••. Lori Whitted
Circulohon Monog er .•• • ..•••• Kay Fuchs
Jr. High Co lumnist S. J. Johnson
Photographer •.. .••.•. Peyton Whitely
Stoff Reporters ••• Judy Nelsen,
A non -functioning car or Cltn opener was not the problem of Cu.rol Oleaves, who was making posters lor Latin Week. On one poster s h e was supposed to put, "Salvate," which means greetings, but instead she wrote, "Valete," good-by. Also seen during Latin Week \Vas a poster outside Kenneth llan.9en's door, read.in,g "Pater Noster" (our Father).