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hsJr . Hish Fincls Friday 13 Lucky

e don't have much room to rate tbls week, so let's go! lday the 13th dJd not pl'Ovo cky nt aU: t::t·ack teams trtlt>d in 1 h e m ee t held tlu\t oon. r•nt-ticipanta: All en Dave Brown, Dave Debuse, f:Ulot, Roger H e rring, DAve crford, Bob Jiur.st, Bob Uaa, Jim Tony Rose, e Snodf.triL.,S, John T h omas, e Tyler, Eddy W Jgg and WarWhitted Gordon Nealy set a Junior HJgb high jump reI of 1 ", Congratnlntlon.<J, 11!

n't forget the "Swing into g" dance, spo nsored by the ent Councils, tomor row et")·on e ready for some ge-throwtng and fortune-tellSee page J for det.ails of side's Carnival May l9


CO RPORA TIOH , Omaha iTANKS FOR YOUR BUSINESS" th a n d W ill is 346-02 82

For those who core • I :ockbrook Barber Shop Derrell A. Small, Prop 1080 3 Cen t e r

Graduation Is Near, So

Rain, rain, stay away! Come upon any day but June 1!

1 , 7:30 p.m ., means graduation tor the c lass of '62, held outdoors for the first time. Student .speakers wm address the crowd

Thos e intereste d in try- I ing out for marching Squire s n ext fall should meet with Mr Snyde r W e dnesday afternoon in th e band room To qualify1 on e must b e 5' 8 H or ove r.

63 Cheerleaders

To Be Posted

April 25 was the payotr for 21 lucky girls, who along with sco res of others have been practicing all year for the big day

The event--cheerleading preliminary tryou t s.

The " Top 21": Kathy Arthur. Carol Bloom, Barb Brinee, Cris Calandro, Sally Cockle, Andi DUQon, Les Henderson, Corol lpo, Kristy lsoocso n, Koren Kehm , Kothy Kelly, Koren Nelsen, i Pom Patz, Carolyn Rankin, Phyllis Sharp, Nancy Shook, Cor· olyn Simmons, Clndl Smith, Lon l Stoc:k· mon, Brenda Williams, and Kathy Zoroyo.

Teachers judged the girls on ability and crowd appeal. Character and other points were also considered.

On April 30, final tryouts were held in front of the Pep Club. From the "Top 21," the Pep Club members selected next year's squad. Re sults were not ready before the Lanoe went to press.

Klein, Lagerberg Visit Psychiatric Institute

"We want to show you the complexities and the opportunities in mental health." Tbls was the purpose of a two-day conference of Nebraska high scbool students, as stated by Dr. Thaddeus P. Krush, Clinical Director of the Commun ity Services Division of the Nebraska Psychiatric Institute. Eighy-nine students attended the conference held April 25 and 26. Westside's reprell6ntatives were Steve Lagerb erg and Bev Klein.

The conference inclu ded a briefing session at the Center for Continuing Education in Lincoln on Tuesday and a tour of the University of Nebraska College ot Medicine campus in Omaha on Wednesday.

The conference was held to acquaint the students with the numerous career opportunities In the field ot human sciences.

At the Nebraska Psychiatric Institute the students were shown the facilities and services the Institute otrers. Lectures and questioning periods were included to help the students probe deeper tnto the various aspects of the human sciences. They learned that careers in this area are nuand include almost everything from accountants to zoologists. There Is also an increasing d emand !or trained people in thl.s area

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BOB MILLER STUDIO • 43rd and Dodge b:r Cathie Filkins llecanse swlnuulng ts sneb a popular Ameri can sport, the industl'y has grown into a l arge, fa.shJonabl e business. Swimsuit styles have changed from those of yea.rs ago. Today you can choose from many styles, fabrics, and colors.

Splash! The ramlllar sound or swi mming pools ,, Ill soon be heard as t.he summer months approach. Many students are lookIng forward to the warm weather when the pool will become their home away from home.

Tb.e featured swimsUit this week is by Rose Marla Reid. This swlmsheath of elasticized strlpes called "Summer Spice" has a deml-eumberband to belittle your waistline.

"Summer Spice" and many other excl usive are 1\\'ailable at t h e Nebr·a.ska.. Choose your s ui t ft'om thell• var•ied stock.

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