SpeakOut Autumn 2020

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Speak Out Magazine | AUTUMN 2020


t is very nearly a year since I went to meet Yvonne and Lynsey for a chat about joining Who Cares? Scotland as a volunteer. My training was very enjoyable and interesting. I must admit when it was first suggested that I join the Wee Diamonds group, I was quite unsure as I never think of myself as at all crafty. However, from week one it was just great. The kids were lovely, and the crafts were easy to be involved with. I was surprised at how direct the kids were from day one. At the end of my first day, I was asked ‘how did you get on? I replied ’I really liked it, how do you think I did?’ Their answer was ‘I think you did good’. ...phew! I was made to feel welcome by the WC?S Renfrewshire team, it quickly became part of my life and I liked the honesty and warmth from the kids. I already have a few memories that will stay with me forever. One is when one girl said to her friend when I was helping decorate their umbrella ‘she’s a good drawer her’ I nearly expired with joy and seriously considered getting that embroidered on a cushion. For my help I was given a square of chocolate from both girls - wasn’t that so kind? Then there was the Christmas party, all the kids looked lovely and there was such a lot of love in the room. It was an emotional night and such a privilege to be part of it. Lastly, just after the Christmas break, on our return to the Wee Diamonds I was greeted by a cannonball at full pelt who gave me an enormous hug and said ‘I missed you’. It’s an amazing group to be part of. My other volunteering has been at Paisley Grammar school, usually with Lynsey. We go to the lunchtime drop in hub and see who turns up. This too has been enjoyable, sometimes only one or two young people turn up and sometimes there are more. There have been some interesting and open conversations.

During lockdown, we have all had to adapt, but I have really enjoyed ‘zoom’ time. I took part in the Digital festival - I read some short stories that were put out online for anyone who wanted to listen. This grew into me reading - while filming myself - the Harry Potter books ‘The Philosopher’s Stone’ and ‘Chamber of Secrets’ a chapter at a time and them being put on Facebook for anyone who wants to listen. I had never read ‘Harry’ before, nothing prepared me for how good they were....and how hard some of the words were for a muggle like me. During lockdown, one of my favourite things has been fellow volunteer Lee’s craft masteclass on a Thursday. I’ve learnt lots, I’ve bought craft things and the young people who have joined have been so keen and enthusiastic, it is a joy to watch them. It has been just amazing to be part of it all and to have heard one person say it was helping them, made it all worthwhile. It’s just lovely to know that in a tiny way, I’m doing something that helps, when you add us all up together, it’s a powerful, magical force supporting Care Experienced people.



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