OutMagazine Magazine| |AUTUMN SUMMER2020 2019 Speak SpeakOut
his year, for the first time since 2014, we were unable to hold our annual Summer Camp due to the ongoing Coronavirus crisis. This was disappointing news for Who Cares? Scotland Members and staff. July just didn’t feel the same without a visit to Struan!
Natasha, 16 “Camp is like my second home. It’s where we all go to see our Who Cares family. For some of us it’s the only time we see them. Some of the best memories we make are made in that field that we all know and love. Sing song at night and activities during the day are just the small things that make it amazing. Not having camp has been one of my biggest losses this year. It’s like not getting my holiday and my time away from the real world. Camp for many of us is an escape. An escape from anything going on in our lives. We get to just leave it all behind for those great 3 days and make the most magical memories. I hope that next year we can all be reunited, sing our songs together and drink hot chocolate. But most importantly I want to be reunited with the family that sadly I won’t get to see this year. All I can say is thank you to WC?S for letting me make those memories. I will cherish them forever and I can’t wait to make more next year!”
Usually, the Autumn issue of SpeakOut is a chance for us to reminisce over this year’s crazy camp stories and share all our photos. So to fill the glaringly empty space in this issue, we asked Campers and Crew to share their stories of camps gone by and tell us what Summer Camp really means to them!
Chloe H, 17 “My first year at camp was the most magical moment of my life, I never thought I could feel so at home with so many lovely people. When people ask me what I miss most, I always say home. It’s not a lie. Until I walk off the sweet smell of nostalgia, these feet of mine will always yearn to return to this special place each year. When I came back for the second year, that feeling flooded back, actually making me quite emotional at the fact we had reunited once again as a big massive family. We got to welcome new people, make new friends, make people feel at home and we got to reunite with friends that stay at the other end of the country! Thank gosh for social media! What would us campers do without it? See you all next year! From Bin Lady! Xx
I’d also like to take this opportunity to remember our friend Chloe Brown (pictured). Chloe passed away on the 18th December last year. Chloe went to camp and was a great WC?S family member and we miss her so very much.”