Western HS Key Club April 2015 Newsletter

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Division 30 South | Region 3 |CNH

Volume: 4, Issue 2

The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | April 2015

The Key Club Times

WHAAAAAT'S UP PIOS? It's now the month of May, and for a lot of you, you're going to be walking down the aisle (no, not to get married) to receive your diploma. Props to you for surviving high school, and I wish you the best of luck with whatever you're planning to do after graduation! For the rest of us non-seniors, we still have a long way to go--but that's ok! Key Club will always be here for you whenever you feel stressed or overwhelmed during school, and surrounding yourself with like-minded people is a great way to loosen up and have fun when you need to! During the summer, going to Key Club events and volunteering is a great way to make those long, sunny days worthwhile instead of staying at home and watching Netflix all day. I hope you've all learned a lot in this past month--whether it was about yourself, about others, or about the world around you. "Don't count the days. Make the days count." --Muhammad Ali So now that AP testing is almost over and the school year is winding down to an end, let's make the most of what time we have left in the school year and really make it count. The One and Only, Van Bui

Heyyyyy Suns! AP Testing is finally here and I know all of you will get out there and kick some butt! If you still have more coming up then good luck to ya! Thank you to all of those who donated to Project Eliminate, you’re all making a big difference one step at a time. Just think, because of all of you out there, plenty of children with MNT can be cured and continue to live a prosperous life. And thanks to all of your volunteer service, it was only a busy month because of all this service! Yours Truly, Michael Coates

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Table of Contents April Collage - p.3 Cypress Easter Egg Hunt - p.4 Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast - p.5 D30S Banquet - p.6 Huntington Autism Walk - p.7 Boba Sales - p.8 April DCM - p.9 Ronald McDonald Walk For Kids - p.10

Arnold Elementary Carnival - p.11

Imaginology - p.12 Peace Clothes Drive - p.13 Page 2

April Collage

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Cypress Easter Egg Hunt “At first, we had to pump it by hand but were later on told they had air to pump it up. “Wow…,” I thought myself, but oh well, I still gained a little bit of muscles from it… I think. Anyways, once I finished setting up at my stations, I was able to find some free time to go walk around and take some pictures. Fun!! I meant it by the way. As I walked around to take pictures, I noticed that it really was about the eggs not the bunny. No one really seemed to care about the “bunny” to be honest. There were just so many activities that were set up for the kids. It really amazed me of how they actually took the time to go out and buy all this stuff and plan it for the kids. It made me really think of what I wanted to pursue in.” -Linda Le “Kids were given either a paper crown or a paper egg to design. I made some myself with other kids, some of the designs were very creative and seemed as if they were made by and adult! For the k ids that did not know how to start I showed them some of the designs other k ids did or one of the ones I or other volunteers made. Most of the children took their eggs and crowns with them. After each child was done with the crown we would take of the sticker paper and make it in to a crown for them to put it on their head! There were kids from the age of 2 to age 10 trying to draw. We gave the kids a choice of the two, crown and egg, but most of them did both sometimes even one more than once. After a while fewer kids came”. - Lara Matty

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Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast

Before I came, I was honestly expecting to serve pancakes to people like the Kiwanians as a bonding event alongside other Key Clubbers. When I first arrived, I realized that this event was a part of the Stanton Easter Egg Hunt. I remember going to this event as a child, hunting for the Easter eggs myself, and now here I was again, but as a volunteer‌. Fortunately, the people there made my time worthwhile! I was reunited with my friends from Rancho Alamitos Key Club, and the Kiwanis members were super nice. Unfortunately, I don’t remember the name of the Kiwanian I was with for a majority of the time. But in between tasks, we talked about anything from college to her grandchildren (one of them happened to go to Western too!) Volunteering at this event brought back childhood memories, and even though I went solo, I met plenty of different people, and it was just a well spent morning overall! -Van Bui

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“We all decided to play Indian Chief. In case you don’t know what that is, it’s when someone in the group has to go in the middle and cover their eyes and ears. While they do this the rest of the group has to pick someone in order to make random movements; when that person is chosen we let the person in the middle know. The person in the middle has to figure out who’s the one leading the rest of the group in the random movements. We invited other members from different schools to come play with us. It was honestly so much fun playing with people from other schools and interacting with them. Jokes were made here and there. We were probably being stared at but we enjoyed playing too much so we didn’t mind; all we thought about was enjoying our time at the banquet. More people actually stared to join in on our game. Even Jordan Garcia and John Hoang, our past and current LTGs joined us”. -Jennifer Hernandez

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Huntington Autism Walk

“The Huntington Autism Walk was actually Ricardo’s first Key Club event, so we made sure to give him a run-through. Got to make sure we maintain inclusiveness! Even so, he was a quick learner, and most likely didn’t need our help in the first place. Ricardo really took initiative during the event, making the most out of his volunteer hours. He interacted with the kids and was diligent in his work. Once I arrived there, we got right to “work” making chalk art in the kids’ area. I drew a bee! It was really fun, but we had to make sure we left some drawing room for the children”. -Crystal Ly

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BOBA SALES! ‘It was really fun getting to do boba sales again, it was our first fundraiser after DCON! I’m glad that I was able to get out of track practice early to come help, I enjoy being with my board and yelling at my friends to buy more boba (lovingly, of course). I think this fundraiser was particularly exciting because it was the first one I was in charge of. This was our first fundraiser of the new term, and thus my first project as club treasurer. It was more work than I thought it would be, and being the shy person I am, it was a bit of a struggle”. -Randall Belyea

“‘Have no fear! Boba is here!’ Is the announcement on our Daily broadcast show, the pioneer press, which made everyone’s hot spring day 10x better! Advertising this fundraiser was very crucial for Abraham vincente, publicist, and myself because it was our time to shine and show western key club what we got! I dedicated about an hour of my time to work on a creative poster which I was proud of even though my ‘k’ in “key club” was cut a bit crooked”. -Brenda Rosas

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April DCM “After my awkward entrance, John Hoang, our new lieutenant governor, started to announce the new division leadership team. I was excited to hear who would be serving this year; I wondered if Jessica Tarm would get division historian. When John made the announcements for division historians all of our club members who went were excited! I was really proud that one of our members had gotten a position...The games lasted for a pretty decent time, but they were entertaining to watch. John then finally announced the winners for this year’s Sunny Olympics. *drumroll* Western had won! We were pretty ecstatic for this because we didn’t think we would win, but our spirit must have really shined”. -Jennifer Hernandez

“The games lasted for a pretty decent time, but they were entertaining to watch. John then finally announced the winners for this year’s Sunny Olympics. *drumroll* Western had won! We were pretty ecstatic for this because we didn’t think we would win, but our spirit must have really shined”. -Nhi Truong

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Ronald McDonald Walk for Kids “By being able to participate in this event I have been able to reflect on how impact full one can make just by cheering and the one who gives moral support, by the end of the event a lady had came up to me and said that she was delighted that we had come to make her push herself into keep going and motivating her to make it to the finish line, by this simple comment had touched me since it made me appreciate why I have always joined Key Club and its many actions that it has helped aspire”. -Abraham Vicente

“This was my first event where I was event chair so I was very excited. Event chair responsibilities include: reminding people that they are signed up for the event, designating a meeting spot where they can sign up, and sending a short description about the event and sign up sheet to the secretary. Although not all the volunteers who signed up made it to the event, we still managed to make the best of it. We chanted various motivational cheers such as “s-u-p-e-r-s-t-a-r superstar is what you are” we also came encountered other members of key club from division 30 and they asked us how we felt so we proudly yelled “I feel good! Oh I feel so good! I feel fine, all of the time!” Recognition between divisions at certain events gives a sense of unity and acceptance which made the other volunteers feel welcome as well”. -Brenda Rosas

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Arnold Elementary Carnival “It was 11:00 AM and we were all pretty busy working. There were just a bunch of little kids jumping up and down, excited to be able to go play at the jumpers. It was so cute! At the jumper

stations the volunteers were expected to make sure the kids took off their shoes before they came in, check for a wristband, and if they did not have any wristband were expected to take six tickets. That was the easy part. The hard part was getting the little kids to listen. Some were really sweet and others were obnoxious and ignorant. We had taken a lot of effort in order for them to listen to us. Boy was it a pain. But in the end it all did pay off, life is not expected to be easy. Also, I want to be working of my hours and earning them�. -Linda Le

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Imaginology “There were also many things to do at the event after volunteering. If a volunteer were to take the morning shift, there would be plenty of time afterwards to grab some time in the giant hamster wheel or stroll around and listen to live music by big red fire trucks. Imaginology was an event of great young minds and some of the older ones collaborating. I honestly must say that seeing all of the artwork really put me back in the 4th grade when my elementary classes went to conventions like this. While volunteering our tasks were assigned by skill and what we liked to do. Some were sent to the wood working station, others to sewing, and eventually Abraham was sent to help with Giant Jenga�. -Michael Coates

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Peace Clothes Drive “While we worked, I met many Key Clubbers, and even saw a few from past events and DCMs. After we finished our workload for the day, they treated us to lunch! The event coordinator talked about the charity, specifically his appreciation for the volunteers. This charity is far less renowned than it deserves to be. No person should go without something as trivial as wearable clothing. I hope that this charity will grow to be able to help even more people. Overall, it has been one of my favorite events this month.

When I arrived, the volunteers were given the necessary sanitary supplies and put right to work at the warehouse. It was organized into an assembly line. The volunteers were assigned to inspect clothing for rips or stains, fold and categorize clothing by age and gender, or sort the clothing into the designated boxes. There were a few miscellaneous items as well�. -Crystal Ly

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BOARD MEMBER SPOTLIGHT 1. Favorite Color? Anything pastel is my favorite. 2. What’s the best part about being in Key Club? Being in Key Club is the same as being given a bundle of fun and unique experiences and opportunities. It has made a dull high school life shine. 3. What is your favorite fruit? I love nearly all kinds of sweet fruit, but my most favorite would have to be between strawberries or watermelon. I’m sorry, can’t decide. 4. Who is your role model? I don’t have a specific role model, but if anything, the people who influence me the most is my family. There is always the ups and down, but being the youngest, I have learned a lot from them, they have supported me when I am trying to reach my goals, and they have motivated me when I was too afraid to pursue them. This especially applies to Key Club, one of my siblings have influenced me greatly in my involvement. 5. Are you enjoying your current position and term? Definitely! Being secretary, and just about any position, takes some time getting used to, and I am always trying to improve to my best. 6. What clubs/activities are you involved in? Besides my Key Club experiences of being a past historian, I am currently the representative for Planeteers, which is the recycling club of WHS. I recently became the publicist for Japanese Club, and I am a general member for Do Your Part and History Club. There are other clubs which I haven’t been as active in, but I plan to change that my senior year. 7. Who is your favorite music artist? Only my closest friends will know, unless you have figured it out yourself through obvious hints. 8. Do you prefer tap water, refrigerated water, hose water, or bottled water? (Everyone’s different) Bottled water! Specifically, Arrowhead. Though, I’m one of those people who think that all water taste the same. (Is that hose water I see?)

How hard is your job? Each job takes a lot of effort and dedication. I wouldn’t exactly say it is hard, it is just a job where you have to learn from your mistakes. 10. What is your way of escaping school and relaxing? Social media. It’s where I’m able to enjoy my interests and even chat with my friends for enjoyment. 11. Any advice for up and coming board members? Every decision benefits you, and don’t be afraid to make mistakes, because you will learn from them. 12. What is your favorite book series? I really like dystopian literature, like the Hunger Games series or the Divergent series. 13. Who is your favorite superhero? I don’t really have a favorite superhero. 14. Do you have a catchphrase? Nope! 15. Who/What inspired you to join Key Club? Continuing off from the question earlier, my brother has been one of my main inspirations for joining Key Club. Honestly, when I was a freshmen, I couldn’t help but feel awkward during the meetings. I would only talk with my brother and his friends, and that is about it. Sophomore year, my brother influenced to be part of the board, and so I pushed past my hesitations and put in effort to become historian. Junior year, I have begun to make large decisions without the dependence on others, and it has led to me becoming secretary today. -Kiara Legaspy 9.

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Thank you to everyone who donated during Eliminate Week! In total we raised $82.60 towards newborn lives that I’m sure have gratitude for all of us.

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Van Bui

Nhi Truong

Kiara Legaspi




(714) 824-2884

(714) 234-0275

(714) 931-7222


Spirit Coordinator

Bulletin Editor

Member Recognition

Randall Belyea

Lesley Aguirre

Michael Coates

Crystal Ly


aguirre_lesley@yahoo.com (714) 576-3432

coates179@gmail.com (714) 225-2181


(714) 209-3865


(714) 315-6317


Lara Matty/ Linda Le/ Jennifer Hernandez laramatty999@gmail.com (714) 306-9969 lindale922@gmail.com (714) 886-2467 jenniferhernandez1634@gmail.com -

Brenda Rosas/ Abraham Vicente sasorasnerb@yahoo.com

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