Western HS Key Club 2017-2018 April Newsletter

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CNH | KEY CLUB Division 30 South | Region 3 |CNH Volume: 6, Issue 2

The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | April 2017

SoCal Corgi Beach Day (pg.5) Greetings Letter (pg.1)


DCON 2017 (pg.7)


12 Spring Social (pg.6) April Collage (pg.3 and 4)

OC Symphony (pg.8)

ald McDonald Walk For Kids



East Anaheim Community Garden Workday


March For Marrow (pg.13)

Member Recognition, etc (pg.14/15)

Easter Egg Hunt (pg.10) Into The Woods Theatre Show (pg.12)

Greetings from your lovely president! Hello Sunshines!

It's your president, Crystal Ly! April marks the first month into the 2017-2018 term, and I have to say that I am very proud of the progress we have made so far. There has been consistent volunteering, so thank you for keeping your interest in our service events. A goal of ours this term is to provide you with a greater variety of events to enjoy, so we can all look forward to that! The new Western Key Club board is working hard to fulfill the needs of the club, and while getting accustomed to the responsibilities of a new board position is always challenging, everyone has shown that they are quick and eager learners. Very many fundraisers were conducted so thank you for your support of Key Club; it all goes back to the members! Everyone is taking a well-deserved break this summer after school has ended, but please do remember to give back to the community by volunteering with Key Club. There's also a ton of fun summer events in store for everyone, even on the region level (that's 7 divisions!). I hope you all stay tuned and see what Western Key Club is up to this summer, see ya soon! Sincerely, Crystal Ly


SoCal Corgi Beach Day

It was like paradise. I saw something and it is gone the next day. The sun sets as I say my farewell. No, this won’t be depressing. I am a person who loves dogs, but can’t keep one. The day, Saturday, April 1, 2017, marked the SoCal Corgi Beach Day. This event had so many corgis as it says in its name. Now, sit back and relax while I talk about the adventures. It was a nice day at Huntington Dog Beach. The weather was great and of course, you can feel the beach vibes. Volunteers were not needed right at that moment. They told us that they would call us if they need any help. So, our days just contained a meet and greet with dogs, especially corgis. It was a delight seeing their cute feet and bodies walking on the sandy beach. There were food trucks, booths to check out, talent show for corgis and the owners were nice enough to let us pet their corgis. Volunteers got to help out with the talent show and it was a fun experience to see the corgis do their own tricks. It was crowded and many wanted to watch it. It was almost time to end the corgi event, sadly. We got to help out a booth by passing out free sunglasses to people walking by and help them carry their stuff. They were really nice and we were glad to help them. - Khrystal Contreras

Spring Social! The final club social of the 2016-2017 term, BIG NEWS! The Spring Social was the last club social hosted by Jason Jose and Isabel Almanza, the 2016-2017 Western Key Club Spirit Coordinators. Saddening-yet-exciting because I will be hosting the upcoming club social. Spring Social was potluck styled, and it was on a breezy Sunday, April 2, 2017 at Arnold Park. In the event, we had various icebreakers that hyped us up, and I won both of them! I hope that was a sign in terms how successful my future socials will be. The IP Spirit Coordinators hosted an Easter Egg Hunt, and unfortunaKEYly, my team lost which led us to eat food last. However, through the hard loss, it was extremely amusing to compete with my team because I got to bond with members that I never talked to. Food time, also known as the best part of any event. Food is like the jelly to my peanut butter, the cheese to my macaroni, and the bacon to my eggs even though I cannot eat bacon. Since my team lost, the opposing team got to eat first, but nice of them, they did not finish the food. We still had a lot of options. While eating, we all got to bond and socialize as a club which in my opinion was my favorite part. We laughed, socialized, and bonded like a family. Spring Social was special to me because I wanted to experience the process of planning out the socials, so that I can perfectly execute my future club socials. My Sunday was very engaging and amusing. Thank you, Jason and Isabel.

- Ali Al-Saleem

Key Club gets lit at

District Convention 2017 DCON was something else. I don’t think I really knew the huge scale of this whole “Key Club” thing before I went to my first district convention. Granted, I had a grasp on some numbers, I knew that Key Club was a bigger organization… but it wasn’t until I walked into the convention building to the sound of a thousand screaming Key Clubbers that I realized that I was part of this huge family. A wonderfully massive, huge, service-loving family. I will never get over how friendly everyone was. I probably should’ve figured that kilotons of Key Clubbers in one place is a recipe for aggressive friendliness, but I still have trouble comprehending how easy it was to talk to complete strangers. I remember being packed into an elevator with other DCON-goers, and the elevator was being uncooperative and stopping very slowly at every single floor, providing a hilariously perfect environment to break the ice and talk to the others about our mutual predicament. Stopping at each floor to say hello’s and goodbye’s to people down the hall, jokes and hugs and “you-are-amazing’s”. I don’t think that could’ve happened anywhere outside of Key Club. And besides new friends, being able to spend so much time with old friends was amazing. For nearly three days, I got to run around with my best friends, attending workshops, screaming our heads off, singing and laughing and dancing the night away. I wouldn’t have had it any other way. Insightful talks, general meetings, important people and important things. Friends and family and yellow and pride. Lots of love and a couple of tears.

On the weekend of April 7th, I found my (very belated) Key Club moment.

- Jerry Castillo

OC Symphony

This lovely event I volunteered for was provided by Mr. Barry. I wanted to thank him for the work he does to provide Western Key Club with amazing events for fellow volunteers to participate in!

Hey Guys! So, this will be my very first article as Western’s Key Club Publicist. How exciting my name is Abril Petlacalco and I can’t wait to tell you guys about my event at the OC Symphony. I volunteered along with one of our Historians Joanna Chatouphonexay. Never been a Chair Event person so I was nervous to see what exactly I had to do but much to my dismay it was a very simple task that did not needed to be nervous about. It was Sunday, April 9th, 2017 and we were to arrive one hour before the event was supposed to begin. The reason for this was to give the volunteers a chance to get to know each other and set up what was needed for the event. As well as begin required to wear white shirts and black plants. The event was to take place at Servite High School. To my surprise no one from that school volunteered but I must be thankful for that or else I wouldn’t have gotten the chance to volunteer at the vent and met some new people. We were introduced to Dorothy Rose who oversaw organizing the event. As well as being joined with three students from Loara’s High School Key Club. Now because of this event I made a good friend and got to talk to some of the people that do other events like the OC symphony one. During the intermission, we were to pick out a few tickets from a bag that the audience had purchased to win a prize. There was this one lady who won and she donated it back to the program which was a kind thing to do. Afterwards we cleaned up and greeted the audience out the door and we were free to go home after. Once I got home I filled out the event chair report and sent it to the VP and Secretary, as well as our President and that was the end of that event So, a big shout out to Mr. Berry for finding this event for us and allowing Western Key Club to take a part of this vent. Thank you for this opportunity\

- Abril Petlalco

beso, I made

The OC Symphony was held at Servite High School on Sunday, April 9th. It was my first time volunteering for this event and I wouldn’t mind do it again next year. I chose to volunteer for this event because I tend to enjoy night shift events cause I am quite a night owl. The event was semi-formal myself look decent for once.

Western Key Club and Loara Key Club teamed up together to serve the coordinator, Dorothy Rose, for this event. The event was well-organized and the tasks were simple. Abril and I handed out programs to everyone along with asking if anyone wanted to support the OC Symphony by purchasing raffle tickets. The feeling of rejects hurt but, we did manage for people to buy some tickets.The event was very fun because I got to socialize with people from Loara. They were seniors and such sweet hearts. Making friends because you have the same passion of serving as they do is such a huge plus. During intermission, we revealed the raffle ticket winners on stage. The stage was huge and beautiful with pretty lights in the background as you can see to the below. Some winners won money and gave it back to the symphony which I thought was such a kind gesture. The musicians played so well and produced passionate melodies. The beat was too good, my hands couldn’t help but do jazz hands. I hope my prom gets as turnt as this symphony. Once the symphony was ending, we all packed and cleaned the area. Dorothy Rose gave us a big thank you for going out of our way to volunteer and do a fantastic job which made my heart warm up. OC Symphony just had a nice atmosphere overall because I was surrounded by wonderful people soulful music. I look forward to volunteering more events like these!

- Joanna Chatouphonexay

Ronald McDonald Walk For Kids

DCON, the great weekend that marks the end of one term and beginning of another, it’s obviously the most anticipated and participated event of the year. Although basically everyone attends DCON, service at home continues and requires the rays of help Key Club radiates. The Ronald MacDonald Walk for Kids happened to fall on the very weekend of DCON but it didn’t stop us from spreading our light. Occurring Saturday April 9 th, the purpose of this event was to mainly cheer on the “walkers,” not The Walking Dead type, as they journeyed through a very long trail to raise funds for childhood illnesses. In case you didn’t know: only three of us attended this event but that didn’t stop us from fulfilling our duty. Now at this point you may be wondering: How can three people possibly be good enough cheerleaders? My answer to this would-be teamwork and what could arguably be called choreography. It was quite a sight seeing three children yelling at the top of their lungs in unison, marveled at the way they created little dances and chants to keep others spirits up, and laughed at the quirky cheers they made. To describe my day at this event would be quite simple. To begin with we were all basically lost on the way to the event, though I failed even harder because I managed to get lost not once, but two full times. The first being because I neglected my GPS and the second as I tried to find the other volunteers. Once together it was basically smooth sailing. After being stationed by our lovely volunteer coordinators we waited for the marathon to begin by socializing with groups of other schools. This was my favorite part as it reminded me that there are others out here who share the same experiences as I and it’s this that bridges us together. Once the marathon began everything was just a fast-paced blur of shouting inspirational quotes and creating cheer routines. By the end our voices were half gone but I testify that we all had a blast. Us volunteers even made a “human tunnel” at the end line to greet the participants, awarding them for their contributions to the event. It wasn’t only the walkers who were awarded since at the end of it all we were treated to free treats. Nonetheless, this occasion brought service during a time when volunteering became difficult. - Manny Camarillo

Easter Egg Hunt

The Event was held on Saturday, April 15th, 2016. We went to the Central Park at 7:00 am. At the beginning, we helped with decorating the tables around the park. After 2 hours, they divided us into certain positions for example (Trash, games, pancakes and much more!!!). A lot of people came to celebrate the Easter and there was really good breakfast which I was one of the volunteers who are responsible for passing the food. Then we went and helped the other volunteers with passing the gifts to the winners. At the end, we cleaned up everything after the event was over. Personally, it was my first event as Event Chair and honestly, I would say that it was one of my favorite events so far not because I was the event chair. I really got close to the new board and they finally saw the other side of who I am because I look like someone boring but I am not. They saw that I am funny and even the general members knew me more. I became closer with the board and the general members.

I also took a lot of pictures there. When the historians posted the pictures on the social media, I was in most of the pictures. Usually, I don’t take a lot of pictures but I rally had fun at this event and I wanted to capture most of even with pictures. I even got a new Facebook profile picture.

- Omar Al-Saleem

East Anaheim Community Garden Workday

It was a hot blazing day in California. But, the weather won’t bother me or stop me from doing something I love. Take risks and don’t let anyone stop you. You might think it is tiring, but I will tell you the fun benefits in doing so. Possibly tell you “13 reasons why”? On Saturday, April 22, 2017 was the East Anaheim Community Garden Workday. Many of you know it was also Earth Day, so what great way it is to help out at the garden too. I am a freshman and this was my first time going here, of course. The place there was very beautiful with the trees, flowers, and having to listen to the sound of nature was a delight. I am not saying I am an expert of nature, but nature is like art! More volunteers and families attended. They assigned us to level out the rocks and have no hills. We had to use shovels and rakes!! I’m small and I know it is probably hard to believe, but we managed to finish the job.The volunteers and the coordinators were so nice. We got to take breaks, so that it wouldn’t wear us out and die with thirst. They gave us a new task to pull out the weeds and we found some weird things on the ground and we acted like we found treasure. We were done for today and they offered us snacks and water. They also had a bbq and offered it to us. I did not expect them to do so because I thought it was just for them. Although, most of the time, I felt like I was burning, we finished our job with a little motivation. I highly recommend others to come and enjoy this event. If you love nature, then you will love beautifying the garden. Reasons why it was enjoyable: 1. The people there were nice 2. Who doesn’t love nature 3. Experience the garden techniques 4. You were helping out the community. 5. They helped provide fruits, snacks, and water to help you as you work the garden. 6. You get to meet new people and socialize 7. There was a beautiful sight 8. Helps you stay motivated 9. You get to work out your muscles by shoveling the rocks 10. Gardening 11. Time to escape reality and relax 12. Stress reliever 13. Keeps you closer to nature

- Khrystal Contreras

Into The Woods Theatre Show An artistic, and classic Sunday afternoon. Into The Woods Theater Show was the my first event as Event Chair, ever! I specifically chose to write about this event because of being Event Chair. I was stressed out at the beginning because the address took the members to the back of the school, and we were supposed to meet in front of the school. However, I coped through it by messaging the group chat with the route to the front of the school. I extremely enjoyed my first event as Event Chair. Into The Woods Theater Show took place on Sunday, April 23, 2017 at Segerstrom High School. In this event, members set up the silent auction which took place before the actual show started. When the show started, half of the members passed out programs to the guests, and the other half guided the guests to their specific seats. Afterwards, the members and I had the privilege to watch the show for free. The show was very amusing and unexpectable because we did not think that kids between 6-12 years old can execute such a great show. It was shocking-yet-incredible. The decorations, the acting, and the kids themselves made us feel incredible. For a fun fact, that day I was sleep-deprived, so I accidentally fell asleep during intermission. My members took a picture of me just to tease me every time. I did my job, I just took a tiny nap during a 15 minute break. I love bonding with Western key Club members and I cannot wait to be the Event Chair for many future events. - Ali Al-Saleem

March For Marrow

Majestically riding a little kid carousel on a beautiful street by the beach was something that I didn’t think I would do too soon, but I’m glad Key Club gave me the opportunity to!

On Saturday, April 29th, Western High School Key Club went to Shoreline Village in Long Beach to volunteer at the annual March for Marrow. The event was made for the purpose of raising money and awareness for bone marrow disease and research. Volunteers were tasked with set-up, supervising and cheering on runners along the track, lunch service, clean-up and break-down, etc… When I saw where it was going to be, I knew I would love volunteering at this event! By the beach, right in the cutesy Shoreline Village, next to The Pike… and the sunny beach breeze made things even better. Western Key Club members were the first people to be at the location, arriving even before the coordinators did! There was lots of time to take pictures as the sun rose before then. I can’t express enough how much I loved the setting. This was my first event that I chaired for in a while, and I’m very proud of myself for being able to warm up to the coordinators. I ended up helping coordinate a bulk of the set-up team alongside the coordinators, making sure that everyone had something to do. Set-up went very efficiently, and it was nice feeling that I really did help the event setup run as smoothly as it did. I want to thank the volunteers that I dragged along with me to this event. Western Key Club volunteers always do a fine job with helping out, and I felt very proud when the coordinators recognized that. Keep making me proud and giving me good memories like these, Western Key Club! - Jerry Castillo

Division 30 South

APRIL DCM April DCM is one of the most exciting DCMs I have ever been to (even though all DCMs are exciting). Seeing our new LTG for Division 30 South, Vivian Bui, made me very happy for the Division because I know that we are again, in good hands. There were a lot of people that came to this event. Loara, Kennedy, Oxford, Western, and many other Key Clubs from different schools came to celebrate with us. At first, we discussed the agenda for the day and announced our new lovely Division Board! Getting to know our new division board and so many Key Clubbers from Division 30 is the best thing ever. Smiles, laughter, and happiness are all shining throughout them. These things are making me appreciate being a board member of my home Key Club. My smile shined as I heard that Magnolia Key Club was selling boba and spamusubi! I was so hungry at the moment and they saved my tummy! I also loved the diversity of the Key Clubbers and how everyone was getting along. When we played the dance game “Pancho” or something, I had lots of fun! I saw a lot of talented Key Clubbers especially on the hoola hoop game where everyone was really hyped up because the battle was very intense! The last part, which is the dragon tail, there was a lot of people who were letting go but it was fine because the fun and excitement made it worth it! I love how these DCMs connect us to other people that we do not even know and how it strengthens our bonds. Key Club has meant so much to me, and it always will. - Cedric Baral

Fun fun fun. Tons and tons of fun! This event was the first event that our new LTG, Vivian Bui organized. It was a really hot and sunny day but you can say we made it a lot hotter with our energy and sunshine as suns! We started with a quick meeting and we discussed old business such as DCON then we talked about new business and our newly elected DLT. After that we were divided into 4 teams and we started competing for the spirit stick. Although we didn’t win the spirit stick, we still had tons of fun playing the games. The fact Ali and myself led most of the spirit battles made me really proud. We presented a really good image for our beloved club! Also it warmed my heart that many members/ board members from our school showed up. We stood out with our spirit, especially since most of us were dressed in blue and white and had face paint everywhere. Some of the games that we did included Dragon tail, spirit battle, dancing battles and a few other ice breakers like Jelly Fish. Meeting new people and making new friends can be really awkward for many people but this was a great opportunity for us to meet new friends that are just as spirited as us! In all honesty, it was nowhere near awkward because hey! You see all types of people! It’s okay to be weird, we were all there to have fun! Personally, I was really sick that day but I still felt full of energy over there!It was a great get together, we bonded pretty well and again, had a lot of fun.One mental note that I left for myself to remember was to come up with more spirit chants just so we don’t run out quickly during spirit battles. They can be really simple and based on well popular things like songs, just so our members can remember them easily! - Jehan Ezzuldin

Congratulations to the first member of the month of the new term, Ivy Vi!! Ivy is one of the most Active freshmen members. She is really active and she always volunteers whenever she can, and she always shows leadership to her fellow volunteers. She always put her best effort in the events. Keep shining Ivy and keep up the smile

And the member of the month for April is... Danica Lopez Danica is a really active member, you can find her in every volunteer events. She always offers the help without asking her. Thank you for showing a great example of what a key clubber is. Keep shining and we wish to see you during the summer events.



Thank you for all your hours of volunteering! Keep shining, suns of WHS Key Club! :D

Khrystal Contreras - 17.1 hours

Manuel Camarillo - 14.6 hours

Khanh Hoang - 14.1 hours

Ali-Al Saleem - 13.2 hours

Omar Al-Saleem - 10.2 hours

BOARD MEMBER SPOTLIGHT Presenting one of our Spirit Coordinators, Ali Al-Saleem! 1.

What is your favorite Key Club chant? - My favorite key club chant has to be "KEEP THE HEAT" because as the Spirit Coordinator, I get to lead the club/division which is a huge responsibility and I have the honor to take the lead.



What does Key Club mean to you? - Key Club is my number one passion! I truly found myself in a creepy and stressful world named High School throughout Key Club! I have always loved helping others and Key Club was the best opportunity for me to give back to my community. Therefore, Key club means passion and I am forever grateful for joining it.


How can you describe yourself as a Spirit Coordinator? - Me being the Spirit Coordi-

nator, I'd

describe myself very energetic, outgoing, and friendly! In times when no one has the energy to do the "HOW DO YOU FEEL", I am there to do it no matter what the circumstances are!


5. What is one moment in Key Club that you will never forget? -One moment in key club that I will never forget is when Nhi Truong, 2016-2017 Key Club president won distinguished president because I personally kept on yelling for her nonstop and I was really proud of Western and her.

6. What’s one thing you love about Key Club? - One thing I love about key club is that all of us, key clubbers share the same PASSION of giving back to our community and that passion drives us to build our home, school, and community!

7. What are three things that you want to bring in a zombie apocalypse? - 1)Respirator to save me from their hostile, stinky breaths! 2) Night Vision machine to spot them when needed 3) Purified water to survive

8. Cookies, or Donuts? - I donut hesitate to pick DONUTS!! 9. What can you say about the Key Club community? - The Key Club community is the most friendly and passionate community out there, the significant people, such as the Kiwanis and Key Clubbers make it the great community it is! Everyone is giving and that is very lovely! I JUST LOVE KEY CLUB














-National -National Loyalty Day Truffle Day



-National Barrier Awareness Day



- Mother’s Day

- Peace Officers Memorial Day






-National Sleepover Day

-National Clean up your room Day


17 -National Walnut Day



-National Taffy Day

-Brother’s Day




-Memorial Day

-Loomis Day




27 -National Grape Popsicle Day

2017-2018 Western Key Club Board Members

Crystal Ly

Jerry Castillo





(714) 315-6317

(714) 854-4848

Annie Nguyen

Cecilia Dang





(714) 251-3847

(714) 837-5187

Cedric Baral Bulletin Editor cedricsalvador17@gmail.com

(714) 709-0165

Abril Petlacalco

Omar Al-Saleem Member Recognition omarziadalsaleem2000@gmail.com

(657) 293-4569

Khrystal Contreras Publicist khrystal06@yahoo.com. (657)226-7150

Joanna Chatouphonexay


Manuel Camarillo Historian



(714) 420-6149

(714) 331-8542

Linda Le Historian lindale922@gmail.com

(714) 782-2393

Ali-Al Saleem Spirit Coordinator

Historian joannachatou@gmail.com

Jehan Kamoona Spirit Coordinator



(714) 933-6518

(714) 808-7817

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