Western HS Key Club August 2015 Newsletter

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Division 30 South | Region 3 |CNH

Volume: 4, Issue 6

The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | August 2015

The Key Club Times

! S 0 3 D s g n i t e Gre HELLOOOO AGAIN, PIONEERS! I hope that you’ve all had a great start to the school year! I won’t mom you all about studying well, managing your time, and avoiding procrastination, because that I know you’ll all stay on top of whatever you have on your plate, whether it’s athletics, clubs, officer positions, college-prep classes, or youth group activities. By the time you read this, it’ll probably be well over one month into the school year, but it’ll feel like it’s been much longer than that. Even I have to admit myself, school has already gotten tough. But regardless of what grade you are or how busy you might be, just have fun with high school! Get out of your comfort zone, try new activities, make friends with strangers (well, not with people hanging out on the streets, but you get what I mean—hopefully)—and get more involved (hint hint, in Key Club). I understand that with all of our radiating spirit and major service events, the atmosphere can be more overwhelming than welcoming. But trust me, just take it one step at a time, and I promise that you’ll get something out of this club, whether it’s a new friend or two or an entirely new lifestyle that you can embrace. Even if you’re a senior or junior, it’s never too late to try new things such as joining Key Club, and if they don’t go well, then there’s no harm done. As a shapeshifting yellow dog from a popular show on Cartoon Network once said, “Sucking at something is the first step to becoming sorta good at something.” Now, I’m not saying that you’re going to suck at whatever new thing you try out, but if you do, then hey, you live and you learn from that experience, and at least you had the courage to try. I hope these motivational quotes are working out. I try my best. Stay classy, Pios! Radiating with Service, Van Bui, Western Key Club President 20152016

Hey Pios! Hope you’re all enjoying your time at school! There are plenty of events coming up to look forward to, don’t forget to get signed up and get in those hours. Also throughout next month there will be many more opportunities to give to our amazing charities! The past month has been full of events that were great and I hope many of you had a great time. Maybe you’ve met some new friends, or even taken off that shy shell you’ve got on. And that’s great! KEEEEEY-P doing it bees, because the more fun you all have, the better your time in Key Club you’ll have. So make many friends, and get yourself out there! I hope you all have an amazing time at your future events, and stay happy Pios! Yours Truly, Michael Coates, Bulletin Editor 2015-2016

Table of Contents e e f g i L lla r r o o e F C y m a l m P.1 e u S R f P.2 te o y r a s r a b i T L l A o o P.3 h c S P.4 air F ! C e s i O r p r u P.5 S ir 6 . a P F M n C a D p t a s J u 7 g . u P A P.8

August Collage


Relay for Life On Saturday August 1st, 2015, I volunteered at the Relay for Life at Cypress. I had signed up for the night shift, so unfortunately everything was finished. I went around asking booths if they needed help, but everyone was fine. I thought this was going to be one of the events where I wouldn’t get much out of it, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. The event started out with the D30S Suns running in fear from a little toddler. Long story.

My shift had started from 2 to 10pm I didn't mind the time and effort for this, while arriving I thought I was at the wrong place noticing that there wasn’t many attendees at the event but looking through the field with all the yellow shirts I knew I was here. In registration I was eager to get started, but at signing in many of the volunteers were just hanging out in the registration booth immediately I was furious thinking why are all these volunteers here not do anything until one of them told me that this event didn’t have much to do for the volunteers and that we would have to wait for an assignment to occur… At the end of the day I noticed that not all events will need to be working hard to stop physically but as emotional and having people bee there is grateful enough, I’ve enjoyed this experience not for all the hard work that we’ve done and for all the effort that we could have put there but with all the acceptance and joy for the thought that was put in there. -Abraham Vicente


While that was happening, we ended up meeting a few friends along the way. What a great first impression. There were some really nice people from Kennedy, and we bought some food from them to support their fundraiser. While we were eating, we found out that karaoke was open. Of course, we had to go sit in the audience and cheer with true Key Club spirit. A few brave souls from Oxford signed up for karaoke in a group. As they sat down to wait for their turn, one of them walked over to us and asked if we were going to sing. That person turned out to be an old friend of Abraham’s (one of Western Key Club’s publicists)! We all apparently went to the same elementary school, so we got along really well. I’m so glad Key Club gives me the opportunity to meet such amazing, unique people. -Crystal Ly

A Taste

To officially start things, we started on the service project. Linda, one of our club’s historians, had made these amazing cutouts. The cutouts had to do with our theme which was Marvel. A lot of our members had brought supplies in order to help us out. Which we are forever grateful for! With the service project we were able to get a lot of the cut outs for the scrapbook done and it saved us, the historians, a lot of time from having to make and cut them.

Of Summer For the service aspect, we helped our historians by cutting out some decorations for our scrapbook. I feel like half an hour wasn’t enough but they got some help. I can’t wait to keep adding to it and seeing the amazing project in completion. Moving on to the main event, the obstacle course relay race is truly one for the books. All of the stations were very well organized and explained thoroughly. It was pretty funny watching and participating in the obstacles. For the first station, we had to blow a bubble with gum but the gum was expired so it was difficult. Once we realized it was expired, we got to just skip to the next which was jump rope, pretty simple. The third station was Key Club trivia which everyone got correct, of course! The fourth station as my favorite because it was where we had to use our face muscles to eat a cookie starting from our forehead. This is one of the funniest visuals ever. The ending obstacles were surprisingly very easy for some of our members, very impressive. To end it, green team didn’t win but we were still the best. I love how although it was a competition, we didn’t treat it like one in the end. We all had fun and showed sportsmanship. The photoshoot at the end is always very candid and we get to post them on social media and show everyone else what they’re missing out on. This social was great to get new members.

Next came the most fun part of the summer social, which were the games. Lesley had created the event to feel like the Sunny Olympics and there were three different teams. Three board members had been chosen to be the leaders for the three teams. Blue, Red, and Green were the three different colored teams. Each member had been assigned to a group at the start of the social; my group happened to be the blue group which was led by Linda. There were unique games that we had to go through. For example, eating an ice-cream sandwich, blowing a bubble, jump rope, putting a Oreo into your mouth, using a spoon to hold a ball while walking, and etc. Some of these obstacles may sound easy but in reality they weren’t. My task was to put an Oreo into my mouth, but the catch was it had to start from my forehead and couldn’t touch it with my hands. Each time I tried to put it into my mouth it would either fall or wouldn’t slide down my face. Also, for the last obstacle, the Key Club cheer, no one knew what it was. Their leaders had to ask him how they felt and they all had to participate in saying it out loud. If one of them didn’t say it they wouldn’t be able to win until they all did. -Jennifer Hernandez

-Brenda Rosas


School Library On August 6th, Ms. Richie, our school librarian, needed help with putting the bar codes onto the textbook for it to be easier to scan this year. Our school had just switched to a newer method in checking out textbook needed for each class. When I arrived, there wasn’t that many people there that were volunteering for this event. We were quite worried we wouldn’t finish on time due to the fact it was just me, Van, and three Key Club Alumni helping our school librarian out. Before I had arrived they Van and the others had already been hard at work doing the task that was assigned. At first I was pretty slow at putting the bar codes onto the textbooks because I was afraid that I was doing it wrong or I would happen to mess up. I felt pretty shy around the three Western and Key Club Alumni since I had never really talked to them when they were attending Western. However, they really did make me feel welcome and slowly as time progressed I started to become more open and get out of my shell. It was entertaining to see them bickering with one another. I really felt included despite not really knowing them. It was actually really fun putting bar codes onto the textbooks due to the fact that we made it into a competition between all of us. Whoever had the most boxes finished won, but there really wasn’t a prize. We were all just competing for the title. I probably had the least amount of boxes due to the fact I came later and I was probably the slowest one out of the group. After we finished the first set of textbooks, we moved onto the 10 th grade books. This was where all of us got separated into different tables or sections of the library. The reason was it would help us progress faster if each of us focused on a different grade level. I got partnered up with Van to work on the 10th grade one, but even though we were two people we were still pretty slow. It had to do with the amount of books there was, but it could’ve also been my fault for taking a long time to just get through one box. Ms. Richie was quite kind in giving us advice on how to save more time when bar-coding the textbooks. That day I really saw that Ms. Richie was actually a really nice person and not how others portrayed her to be. Before that day, a lot of people made her seem really strict but I think once you get to know her she’s actually a really cute lady. When everyone had practically finished Van and I were still working on the textbooks we had to add bar codes to. Everyone was so kind that they came to help us out with our set of books and we were able to finish everything in a good amount of time. -Jennifer Hernandez


OC FAIR The race was held on Sunday, August 9, and volunteers were expected at 4:30am. This was pretty early, and it was still pretty dark out, but I didn’t mind. I hadn’t slept at all, but I’m used to that from homework (what is sleep?). For those who weren’t quite as awake yet though, the atmosphere of the event was very upbeat, and there was a lot to do, so they woke up relatively quickly! When I first got there, I was stationed at the Day-Of Registration booth. I got to volunteer with other Western Key Clubbers, and saw people I recognized from other clubs across the way at the Pre-Registration booth. The tent I was at also doubled as the questions and technology center. We set up laptops and learned how to register runners before the event started. Once they came in for registration though, it was pretty hectic. A lot of people had questions we didn’t know how to answer, or were difficult to work with, and the process seemed to go on for quite a while. We had an advisor around to help us though, so we managed just fine! -Randall Belyea

The station I worked at was the registration station. All of the Western Key Club’s volunteers were basically put at the same station. First, we helped put up the tables. Then we plugged in the laptops and credit scanner. Anyways, once we finished setting up at our stations, I was able to find some free time to go walk around and take some pictures. Fun!! I meant it by the way. You know, just the usual. I basically had an hour left until the event actually started… There wasn’t that much to take pictures of, so I just went back to my station with Abraham, Joanna, Mia, and Randall. While we waited for our station to finally open up Abraham, Joanna, and Mia were dancing to “We’re All in This Together” from High School Musical. How do they even have so much energy so early in the morning?! I was so done with them. #westernkeyclubatitsfinest It was pretty funny I have to admit. When it was 7:30 AM the registration booths finally opened up. The volunteers knew what they were supposed to do and were ready to go. During the whole event, it was such a chaos. There were so many runners! The volunteers all had a positive attitude and seemed genuinely excited to be able to be there. Having to walk back and forth helping runners register online I am not going to lie it was a lot of work, but I enjoyed being able to help out. The runners were really kind to us. -Linda Le


Membership Dues

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C-N-H District



Membership Card and Pin Administrative Budget Officer and Board Budget

Key Club Magazine

Recognition Awards

Administrative Budget

Office and Board Budget

Key Leader Scholarship

Recognition Awards

Japan Fair

I haven’t been able to volunteer in a long time, and yet here I was again. I’m really happy with this event honestly, despite its shortcomings. When we first arrived, it took us a while before we found the event building we needed to enter, and as they let us in, I found out we were supposed to find the event coordinator. There were a lot of jobs we were given to sign up for when I had first contacted the coordinator for the event, so I had assumed those would be the jobs we would get. Of course, tasks and events are always prone to change...Everyone at the fair were honest, king human beings, if I had to say. I’m glad to have worked alongside them, and watching the volunteers work the food booths or game booths diligently for hours, I’m glad to have them. When night came, we were all exhausted, but we were able to spend time with one another nonetheless. It’s to these nights that I truly value.

I can’t remember the last time I volunteered at a not-so-local place and with vigorous tasks before this event, so I suppose this resparked my passion for volunteering. Thankfully, my friends were kind enough to give me a ride there and back, since this event was a little farther than we’re used to. We went around the back which is (ironically) where the entrance was, and asked the volunteer at the entrance where we could sign in. She told us just to look for the event coordinator, who was actually running amock around the entire event to make sure everything was going smoothly. Our other friends were actually already there helping out with the game booths, and one of them was actually helping sell face masks! -Van Bui

I’m glad to be back. -Nhi Truong


We ran all over Downtown Disney for what seemed like hours! Finally our hunt came to an end and we managed to get 5th place! I was extremely proud of my team because we stuck together and in the end had a great time!!

August DCM

I thoroughly enjoyed this scavenger hunt because it is the perfect icebreaker for the year! It allows all of us to work with new people from different places and to be silly on the happiest place on earth‌ As I said before, I deeply regret not going to this DCM in my previous years in Key Club. That is my goal this year, to go to events I would always have to miss! I want to spend my senior year to the fullest with this club -Lesley Aguirre

On August 22nd, I had attended my first DCM of my senior year! This August DCM includes a Scavenger Hunt at Downtown Disney. I particularly enjoy these kind of events due to its location, but this day, the heat made me a bit sluggish. Anyhow, the suns beat the heat (ironic much), and we precede to have a DCM in the grassy areas near the hotels. It always doesn’t hurt to stay informed and updated on Division events and information through these DCMs!.. The Scavenger itself had some pretty interesting ones, like going to Sephora and putting make-up on a guy. All in all, it was a pretty great method in achieving unique group photos. My favorites include the make-up one and the ones where we had to pose the same way the Lego displays did. -Kiara Legaspy


Member Recognition

1. Abraham Vicente (27.25 hours)

3. Joanna Chatouphonexay

2. Crystal Ly (16.5 hours)

4. Van Bui (10 hours)

(10.75 hours)

5. Tiffani Nguyen (10 hours)


BOARD MEMBER SPOTLIGHT Abraham Vicente 1. Favorite Color? 2. What’s the best part about being in Key Club? 3. What is your favorite fruit? 4. Who is your role model? 5. Are you enjoying your current position and term? 6. What clubs/activities are you involved in? 7. Who is your favorite music artist? 8. Do you prefer tap water, refrigerated water, hose water, or bottled water? (Everyone’s different) 9. How hard is your job? 10.What is your way of escaping school and relaxing? 11.Any advice for up and coming board members? 12.What is your favorite book series? 13.Who is your favorite superhero? 14.Do you have a catchphrase? 15.Who/What inspired you to join Key Club?

Abraham Vicente has been chosen to be the Board Member of the month due to his great leadership, character, as well as spirit throughout his Key Club career. Keep up all the great work Abraham!

Monthly Calendar Sept. 19th

Sept. 19 OC Food Bank

Light the Night

Sept. 22nd –24th

Sept. 26th





November 7th Step Out: Walk to Stop Diabetes

Oct. 3rd—4th Children’s Book Festival

Silverado Days

Long Beach Zombie Walk

Anaheim Halloween Parade




Van Bui

Nhi Truong

Kiara Legaspi




(714) 824-2884

(714) 234-0275

(714) 931-7222


Spirit Coordinator

Bulletin Editor

Member Recognition

Randall Belyea

Lesley Aguirre

Michael Coates

Crystal Ly


aguirre_lesley@yahoo.com (714) 576-3432

coates179@gmail.com (714) 225-2181


(714) 209-3865


(714) 315-6317


Lara Matty/ Linda Le/ Jennifer Hernandez laramatty999@gmail.com (714) 306-9969

Brenda Rosas/ Abraham Vicente

lindale922@gmail.com (714) 886-2467


jenniferhernandez1634@gmail.com -

(714) 342-0281 abrahamvicente3@gmail.com (714) 855-7625

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