Western HS Key Club August 2016-2017 Newsletter

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CNH | KEY CLUB Division 30 South | Region 3 |CNH Volume: 5, Issue 6

The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | August 2016

a letter from the editor Hello! This is the first publication released after the events of our club rush and first couple general meetings. Quite a milestone for me. Hopefully, that also means I’ll get more general members reading my newsletters. Isn’t that news! The month of August brings us our last couple summer events for this year, and the complete transition from summer into the school year; a collection of marathons, carnivals and fairs… the summer setting is pretty appropriate! As we shift gears from summer into school, we hope to see even more volunteers at the events to come over the school year. The events have been a bit far apart in between, but once the school year comes in full speed, masses of fresh events will come rolling in soon enough. Recently, our school clubs and organizations have voted on their king and queen nominees for this year’s homecoming. As for us, Western Key Club has nominated Noah Holguin and Nhi Truong for the running of homecoming king and queen! Congratulations for making the nomination, and I hope them the best of luck in the trials to come. But while we wait for the homecoming, sit down and read through the August newsletter! Look through the beautiful pictures taken by our beautiful historians, read an article or two, peek at the back for our monthly hours leaderboard and board member spotlight! Stay tuned for more newsletters and features to come, and I hope you enjoy this month’s Western Key Club newsletter publication! With sincerity from your bulletin editor, Jerry Castillo

TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 Western HS Key Club Goal Progress 3 The President’s Thoughts 4 June Collage 6 WHS Classroom Clean-up 8 Wet n’ Wild 5K 10 OC Fair Fun Run


12 Townsend Street Fair

14 August DCM | Super Scavenger Hunt 16 CLUB RUSH!! 18 August Service Hours Leaderboard 19 Board Member Spotlight, featuring… 20 Monthly Calendar



21 Food for Thought 22 Contact us!



14 16



Delving into the mind of a maniac…!

THOUGHTS Hoodly-doo hoo everyone! This is Nhi Truong, reportin’ in (@ Jerry)! I’d like to welcome everyone into the school year and into your first Key Club experiences! The rhythm and timing of the newsletters are a little bit ways from the actual month—nonetheless, are always still relevant and absolutely adorable to flip through, so a big thank you to Jerry Castillo as always (heh). Even though it was harder this time of the year as we all settle in and such to find time to volunteer, I’d like to say thank you anyways. I guess for those who are reading the newsletter for the first time, I’ll say a few words.

people who pushed wire glasses n’ eye-shielding bangs to the front lines and gave me something like confidence. I hope these people will find you just as well as they had found me. And if you can’t find comfort just yet in them, know that I’m here for you 100% as well. An ending note to a rather cheesy/movie-line dialogue, I’m wishing you all a wonderful experience into Key Club. I’ll have you know I was absolutely shaking during the first general meeting—in the face of all 154+ of you. You all make me very happy, and I hope serving the community alongside all these sunny Key Clubbers will give you something like light as well.

I hope you all will find a home in Key Club like I did as well. Home is never just one place mind you, and family is never just blood. I’m glad to say Until next time! that this club has grown to be something like family and something like home. These people of the RainNhi Truong, 2016-2017 Western Key Club President bow Region who add color into my life, these people who know how to brighten my days, and these people who always open their arms for me to fall back on, lend ears to tired words. Region 3, Division 30 South, Western Key Club. These people who’ve let me grow far more than I had imagined I ever would. These





WHS Classroom Clean-up

I’ll pull a bit from a post I made on the Western Key Club Instagram (which I’ve invested quite a bit of time in). “Something about rolling boxes to and fro classes, tipsy staplers, and dusty books is oddly relaxing (maybe not so during the school year though perhaps). Greeted by my former English teacher, the three other students and I followed her to the English department room to begin our clean-up/move-in of sorts. A few of the classes were remodeled over the summer and my goodness, they looked good. Unfortunately, there was the process of moving materials into the room—the apparently important things like textbooks and school supplies (but who needs those, right?) Tasked with transporting rather heavy boxes and rather whimsical items to the class by rolly-chair was an experience that I am rather glad to have had. Arranging books by alphabetical order. A cockroach. Failed staples. Bubble bath bottle. Pizza. English teacher’s 3 year old daughter who happened to be very in love with sea animals. Tragic looking whale. Something like relaxed. Alas, the school year has started but reflecting back on this little event out of a favor for the English teachers, it was quite an event. I suppose it gave a means of transition from summer to school in the gentlest way possible. ~Nhi Truong

On Wednesday, August 3, my fellow Key Clubbers and I helped organize and tidy up Mrs. Leang’s newly renovated classroom through this event called WHS Classroom Clean-up. Our shift was fairly long, but durable. Some of our tasks included transporting boxes of textbooks, yearbooks, and other material to her classroom, as well as rearranging her bookshelf alphabetically by author’s last name and removing remnants of staples from her walls.

We also offered to help Mrs. Criner settle in her new classroom; our duties were quite the same as before―unloading boxes of books, organizing the bookshelf, and cleaning the teacher’s office area. Once we finished cleaning up both classrooms, Mrs. Leang was very kind and brought us pizza and refreshments in return for our hard work. Giving a helping hand to some of Western High’s teachers during my leisure time in the summer was overall an enjoyable day of giving service! ~Brenda Lee



The waters are running at the…


On August 6, 2016, I volunteered at the Wet N’ Wild 5K. I actually volunteered at this event last term, and I was really excited to be attending again. Arriving at about 6: 30 in the morning, I was pretty brain dead. Luckily I was in the company of D30S Suns, so there was no shortage of happiness and spirit. We were out into groups to work along the race course, and I actually ended up being placed in the same station as the last time! One of the most memorable things about this event is how inspired I get by the amazing efforts of every single runner and walker. Abraham, our treasurer, will vouch for me when I say that I put my all into cheering on the runners and encouraging them to try their very best. It took a bit for me to start getting spirited and loud, but when I got to that point there was really no stopping me. I didn’t care how embarrassing I might have looked to those who were enjoying a morning stroll. I didn’t care about how out of breath I was. All I could see was the smiling and laughing faces reacting to my loud shenanigans, and all I could hear was the words of appreciation and encouragement from the runners when they experienced the marvel that is my cheering. Some people even said, “This event needs more volunteers like you!” After the event was over, we all cleaned up as we went along the path. Western Key Club did a great job at keeping ourselves busy by offering vendors help until the very end of our volunteer time. This is one of the events that I always look forward to. The people are so kind, and the positive atmosphere is extremely infectious. I look forward to the Wet N’ Wild 5K next year! ~Crystal Ly


On August 6, a marathon race was held in La Mirada. Western Key club's volunteer were divided into pairs and redirected to different parts of the marathon to cheer on the racers. Western Key Club was joined by other key club as well as staff members to cheer on the racers. This event was fairly flexible. They allowed us to pick a partner and from then on cheer for the racers. The staff was very friendly, they provided us with t-shirts and visors to those who were working in the sun. Many members of the other Key Club were welcoming and socialized with us throughout the event. The organizers were very informative, they kept us updated as to how many runners were coming. Overall this was a great experience. I felt rejuvenated after this event. And although I had to get up at 5am, it was worth it to see many people so pumped. Cheering was my favorite part. My partner, Aaliyah and a staff member, Miguel, cheered alongside me. I would totally advice members to participate next year. It's a great boost to start your morning! ~Tiffany Nguyen

On Saturday, August 6th, Western Key Club had the opportunity to assist the Strong Tower Ministries in their annual fundraiser by volunteering at a 5k run/ walk at the La Mirada Regional Park. The Strong Tower Ministries is a non-profit organization that helps feed and shelter individuals living in Mexico. The organization has relied on this run/walk to fundraise for their money in order to send the youth from Baja California to Mexico. When arriving at the event early in the morning we were instructed to wait for any further instructions on how to enhance the runner's experience in while running/walking the 5k. My friend and I were positioned on the corner of the route where we would cheer on runners in hopes to boost their energy to keep on running. We got many completes form the runners and Volunteer Coordinators on the enthusiast work we’ve done through the race.

The cause for this race was incredible since not only the Event coordinator enjoyed the environment of the event but as well with the volunteers since this event was for a great cause to which will be helping kids around different countries. ~Abraham Vicente


OC Fair

All’s fair in running and… funning… ?

FUN RUN On Sunday, August 7th, Western Key Club had the opportunity to volunteer at the OC Fair Run. The OC Fair Run was a fun event to experience with the OC fair Grounds Company. Waking up early in the morning we waited for our instructions on where to be placed around the course. We as a club were placed along the course inside the fair where we would cheer on the runners. Placed alongside with the Hotdog stand we would cheer our lungs out while the runners would past by. Screaming S-U-P-E-R SUPER STAR IS WHAT YOU ARE!! And G DOUBLE O D -J-O-B GOOD JOB GOOD JOB! filled the hallway where we were standing which many runners complemented us on our cheering since they appreciated the enthusiastic environment we created. At the end of the race, we helped pack up the cones and throw away the trash and received a complementary ticket for our work we’ve done for the day. After all, it was nice to get appreciated on the work we do. ~Abraham Vicente


On August 7, The OC fair held their annual fun run that the oc fair ground. Key club volunteers were dispersed into several aspects of the fairground. Western key club was assigned to cheer on members. We were expected to sign in by 5am and be present before the job dispersion. We were provided with "breakfast" of two granola bars, some candy, and ice cold water. Many other key clubs were there so the event was quite packed. The volunteering itself did not start until 7:00am and I believe by 10:00am, runners began to run by. This event is one of those "it's how you make of it" events. Be mindul to be around spirited people because it makes a world of a difference. I was cheering alongside western key club treasurer, Abraham Vicente and upcoming member, Samantha Bello. With their energy and spirit, they made this moment memorable. Plus, the runners were really hyped and happy when we cheered them on. All in all, this event is worth investing time in. Like I said before, it's what you make of it, so make the most of it. I'm really glad to have members who were so spirited it made me want to reach their energy. Many people should give this event a shot when deciding to volunteer. It'll sure open your eyes and make you realize why Key Club is so great! ~Tiffany Nguyen



STREET FAIR On Saturday, August 20, my fellow Key Clubbers and I volunteered at the 9th annual Townsend Street Fair in Santa Ana. Some of our tasks included traffic flow management, face-painting, and food preparation and distribution. This annual event brings together local community leaders and nonprofit organizations to promote specific programs and encourage community spirit. The majority of us were made responsible for directing traffic and pedestrians to the Street Fiesta/Resource Fair. There were minor complications due to the fact that the event took place in the streets of a residential area; all the householders who were trying to enter the neighborhood or park their cars were unfortunately forced to wait until 4:00 P.M., the time of which the fiesta officially ended. We were in charge of making sure that the fire trucks, police cars, and vendor management people were able to enter and leave the fiesta area swiftly by opening up the entryway to Townsend street when necessary. The coordinators of this event were very kind and helpful, making sure to have everything running smoothly and being open to any comments or concerns. At the end of the day, they even waited alongside us until each of our rides arrived. Participating in the annual Townsend Street Fair was overall an amazing experience. ~Brenda Lee


On August 27th, the Townsend Street Fair took place where members of the community came together. At first when we got there it was a bit confusing due to the fact that where it was located it was between a residential area. However, as we continued driving around the area we realized that the street fair was literally on Townsend Street. We went around initially looking for where to sign in until we realized that we had passed the booth. As we returned back to the booth we ran in to the other volunteers from Western Key Club. All of us received these bright yellow shirts in order to help distinguish us from the people there. After we got our shirts our tasks varied from each volunteer. Initially only two of us, including me, were sent to parking duty. The job had us making sure no one from the neighborhood came into the street since it would be dangerous for the people. However, there were a few exceptions as to who could pass. Later on Brenda, one of the historians, came with us to parking duty. The other volunteers were either face painting or working parking duty on the other side. The coordinators overall were really nice people because they brought us chairs in order for us to sit on and gave us water bottles. Even though this event didn’t have hard tasks and seem uninteresting, it was an enjoyable experience overall. This shows how often times events are just what you make of them. ~Jennifer Hernandez







On August 2016 there was a DCM at the La Mirada Regional Park it was pretty hot that day so it was perfect to go to the park. As I picked up my friend Isabel I realized that to get to this park you don’t have to go on the freeway, which made me happy because that meant that meant that it wasn’t far. As I got to the park I found parking right away which was good and also the destination where it was located wasn't hard to find. It was really easy to spot where D30S was and where D30N was because I got to spot both the yellow and purple from far away. The LTG gave us watermelon, which was absolutely delicious because it was perfect for the weather. As soon as everyone was registered we started the DCM. Everyone sat on the grass, there was so many suns all over the place it was great. The LTG started the meeting of as usual and we had two of westerns board member go up and explain what key club means to them and explain what they did in one of the events. As we finished up the DCM we took our club picture and then we made groups with people we didn’t know and we introduced ourselves while we were waiting for the instructions for the scavenger hunt. The scavenger game was pretty fun because we did stuff like dance, and try to find something. Overall the DCM was pretty fun because I had a great time talking to new people and being out in nature. The DCM was a great way to spend my day because if it wasn’t for this DCM I probably would’ve been home doing nothing. I also found out that D30S was having a 7 leaves fundraiser so me an my friend stopped by 7 Leaves and got some drinks and supported our division.


~Elicia Hernandez

This month’s DCM took place on Saturday, August 27th from 1:00pm to 3:30pm at La Mirada Regional Park. In this month DCM I arrived a little late, when I arrived many were already there. I looked for my school and sat near, they had only taken role and ate some watermelons before I came so I hadn’t missed out on much. They stared with award giving when I first got there. Deserving clubs were called in and a representative came up and got the award. Later we were divided into mixed groups, they asked us not to all be from the same school and to socialize. In the group who ever had app on their phone for the Scavenger Hunt was asked to sign in. Whoever was successfully signed in became the group leader. The group leader had the list of what we had to do to win. We had to take pictures with a lot of thing, in funny ways. The one that I mostly remember is where we were asked to dance to our favorite song and to be videotaped. Most of the time spent in the DCM was in the scavenger Hunt. Later we were called in to call out the winner. Unfortunately we did not win but it was really fun to play. The winners got bags with bubbles, socks, and more. I wasn’t sure what the bags had inside. Before the Hunt we took a club picture as a memory for this month’s DCM too. The DCM was simple and fun. Over all the DCMs have been improving a lot throughout the past terms. I liked that the DCM used a little bit of technology for the scavenger Hunt. I enjoyed the scavenger hunt as well. I actually think we should have more hunts in our division events. ~Lara Matty

On August 27th, Division 30 South had its monthly division council meeting. Although generally the August DCM is held at Downtown Disney, this time it was held at La Mirada Regional Park. The theme was super scavenger hunt with Division 30 North where we all would be grouped together in order to bond with them. At first I was a bit nervous because we were going to be paired up with members from Division 30 North. When we got there everyone signed in and even received some snacks to help us survive the heat. After everyone signed in and settled down, Kelly Tran, our Lieutenant Governor, started the meeting. It was nice to hear about past events, future events, member recognition, and other comments. We even promoted our future fundraiser, Chick-fil-a! Plus Jerry Castillo, our bulletin editor, went up to go speak which was quite amusing. After the meeting we were put into groups and while that happened one of the Kiwanis members approached Abraham Vicente, our treasurer, and commented on our Souplantation Fundraiser. When we finally settled into our groups, we encountered some technical difficulties with the app, goose chase. Despite the difficulties, we found an alternative way to form groups that would allow everyone to participate and somehow I ended up being one of the leaders. Even though I was nervous to lead a big group, I ended up loving my group. They were filled with so much enthusiasm and spirit in order to get the tasks done that were listed on the app. Although we didn’t get first place (we got third place), I was still proud of them. By for this has been one of my favorite division council meetings from all my years in Key Club. ~Jennifer Hernandez

After an exhausting morning of a Senior NoSunrise, a few of the board members and myself later came to the sunny DCM in La Mirada Park! We were also joined by the D30N Rhinos which was a lot of fun and a great way to get to know other people from our region a bit more. The actual meeting was interesting and I thoroughly enjoyed how the DLT presented the agenda and created a comfortable atmosphere. We were even fortunate enough to have our last term’s president, Van Bui attend the DCM! We were then faced with the challenge of solving and or completing a scavenger hunt in the park. It was slightly troublesome because we had a few technical difficulties but while our LTGs were resolving the situation, my group had a nice conversation. The issues with the app were not obnoxious but it did limit our time to hunt. We had a blast doing silly acts and it was refreshing to goof off with the divisions! I personally do not play Pokemon Go but I felt the DCM reflected the game a bit. Altough there would be the occasional technical crash, I still wanted to play with the Key Clubbers. Overall, I enjoyed the DCM and can’t wait for the service events our divison has planned! Also, I plan to go to Seven Leaves to support D30S with their fundraiser announced at DCM. ~Isabel Almanza

Another month, another DCM. And I don’t say that in a bad way at all, I find myself looking forward to these regular DCM’s with the other school Key Clubs and our lovely Kelly Tran. At this particular DCM, we met at La Mirada Regional Park on Saturday afternoon, August 27th. The park was really pretty, and a very appropriate place to hold a scavenger hunt. It was awesome! After signing in, D30S gathered together for our DCM news and updates. Unfortunately, I had the grand opportunity of speaking about our open mic topic, ‘why did you join Key Club?’ I would blame my fellow officers for putting me on the spot, but it did feel really nice to share why I joined Key Club in the first place. Key Club people are just so contagiously happy… how could I not join in? Our super scavenger hunt with D30N went surprisingly well. After some minor technical difficulties—the game was organized via phone, the errors weren’t too much to figure out—we were organized into six(?) big teams and were tasked with various challenges. Through the app on the phone, it was pretty easy to organize people and points in spite of our numbers. I got to run and dance and chant like a maniac along with other very friendly, very spirited maniacs, and the whole game was an overall great experience.

And I bought my new, neat-o division shirt and pin there too. They’re cool. You should buy ‘em. I’m looking forward to the next DCM. Its success came by no surprise at this point, which makes anticipating the next DCM all the more easier. Big thank you to the LTGs for their hard work with making these divisional events happen! ~Jerry Castillo




What can I say about Club Rush? Well, I had been long awaiting this since the summer because we wanted to have a lot of new people join as well as have the freshmen take advantage of us due to the mandatory volunteer hour policy. I think Club Rush could have definitely gone a lot smoother but it was still effective. I felt quite rushed and slightly overwhelmed. The first day of club Rush, August 30, I was next to the Key Club table while being stationed at POND PAL, but I was still able to make some cheers. August 31st however, I helped set up the Key Club table and stayed there to invite students to sign up. We were stationed in the back quad, however so I found it upon myself to run around the main quad screaming “Join Key Club! I love Key Club!” as well as telling my fellow peers exactly how I felt. Some people gave me strange looks but I just smiled at them and continued on with the mission. Anyways, we had a sucessful day having students sign up. I had fun talking a few students and telling them the beauty of Key Club. A Junior asked me if it was too late for her to join which struck my heart a bit. That insecurity of hers was disheartening but I assured her it was never too late. That moment made me realize just how Key Club is since we’re so open to new people and allow an assuring and lovely atmosphere. I love Key Club and the welcoming nature that is carried out from our LTG to general members. ~Isabel Almanza


Club Rush on August 30-31 was awesome! Club Rush is a two day event at Western High School where all clubs are set out during lunch so that the whole school can see what each club's purpose is. We set up our Booth table with pins that had Western’s Instagram username so that everyone would see what we’re up to, we also had Smarties all over the table so that we could use for puns. Of course we were probably the loud, annoying club that kept on chanting to everyone. However I loved showing my Key Club spirit it was fun shouting at the top of my lungs as well with my other lovely board members. Many people also loved seeing us do the chant so they would ask us “How do you feel” we would drop what we were doing and show our spirit. We had an Instagram cut out and also a “I joined Key Club” that everyone enjoyed taking pictures on. On the first day of Club Rush we decked out on yellow and showed our division color and on the second day of Club Rush we wore community service shirts that we have received from different events, to show one of the things that Key Club does. I really felt like I belonged in Key Club as I have never really been as spirited as I am now, and I would thank Key Club for making me more outgoing and spirited. Overall Western Key Club Club Rush was wonderful because we got to show the whole school what Key Club is about. ~Elicia Hernandez

Every beginning of the school year our school, Western High, has club rush to promote all the clubs we have in school. Every year Key Club is the loudest and with the most sign ups. We didn’t want that to be different this year so we dressed in key club gear for the two days club rushes is in and cried our voices out when asked how we felt. This year’s club rush took place on the end of the month of August on the Tuesday 30 th and Wednesday 31 at lunch. Before the end of 4th period some of the board was excused to set up booth. The booth had a big key club poster with candy, fliers, cloth pins with cute key clubby things written on them and our flag. st

As soon as lunch started we got people coming to our booth, when a person signed up a flier and candy was given to them. We ended up with over 6 pages of sign-up sheets after the two days of club rush combined. The board got asked how we felt a couple of time, mostly by another board member, it was fun and got a lot of people’s attention. The person asked how they felt cried it out as loud as they could as we always do every term. Even in the last minutes of Club Rush we had people signing up and it was a great turn out in the first meeting of the year.

The day right after Club Rush, Thursday, was our first general meeting of the year. We had a big turn out and even ran out of seats. We did the meeting this year a little different before starting. Assuming not everyone know what Key Club is and what we stood for and how big of an organization we are, we did a power point presentation led by Nhi, our president. After the presentation we did a short run down or demo of how normal meetings would be and the event we had coming. I hope we have the same turn out the next meeting and to be full. I also hope this year we don’t only have a lot members that come to the meetings but we encourage a lot of members to also sign up and go to a lot of events. ~Lara Matty




Thank you for all your hours of volunteering! Keep shining, suns of WHS Key Club! :D

Linda Le & Abraham Vicente| 13 hours

Nhi Truong | 7 hours

Jennifer Hernandez & Brenda Lee| 6.8 hours

Elicia Hernandez, Cecilia Dang Samantha Bello, Manuel Camarillo

Jason Jose | 4 hours


6.5 hours

BOARD MEMBER SPOTLIGHT Featuring… one of our historians, Elicia Hernandez!

What’s your secret to being so pretty?

“I can not answer this because I do not think this question is valid hahaa!” 

Important question of the day… cats, or dogs? And please excessively elaborate on your choice.

“Dogs, no questions asked. I’ve always found cats creepy and scary. They just stare at you and it makes me feel very scared also I always hear cats quarreling outside my house when I’m trying to sleep and the way they fight sounds like babies shrieking and it’s creepy. While dogs… dogs, on the other hand, are super fluffy and not creepy (some)!” 

Besides Key Club things, what occupies your time the most? What do you wish occupied most of your time?

“The thing that occupies my time the most would have to be… uhm… HOMEWORK. It pretty much takes up most of my night and yeah, it’s stressful. What I wish occupied most of my time would be working on my college personal statement!” 

What motivates you to better yourself and move forward?

“What motivates me to better myself and move forward would be my parents because they are the ones that are always there so I always try my best to always better myself so that I can succeed and make them proud.” 

What makes you happy?

“A lot of things make me happy but if I were to choose one it would be food! Food makes me happy because it’s so good and yeahhh.” 

Do you have any stuffed animals you have lovingly named? Do share! “Sadly, I do not have a stuffed animal that I have named. Makes me very sad.”

What is your favorite word?

“My favorite word is idk… well, that’s technically not a word—it’s an acronym—but I use idk a lot because it can be the answer to anything.” 

Choose a color to represent your life/point of view on life. Explain if you’d like!

“White because I see white as a positive color so basically in life you have to be positive or else nothing will be achieved!” 

How do you feel... about Key Club?

“I love Key Club! Everyone in Key Club is so caring and truly passionate in what they do. Key Club is also filled with spirited people which I love to be around them because I was never really spirited and I think Key Club helped me a lot with that and being less shy.” 

How do you feel?





- National Rehabilitation Awareness Week

- author William Golding was born in 1911



- OC Children’s Book Festival

- National Pancake Day







- National Cherries Jubilee Day

- Autumnal Equinox





- National Coffee Day


- Aloha Run 5k




1 - October | Breast Cancer Awareness Month


8 - October DCM | R3 Training Conf.

- National DoSomethingNice Day

- OC Walk to Remember





- Native American Day









- National Pumpkin Cheesecake Day




27 - Navy Day



- Membership Applications due!

- Yale University was founded in Killingworth, Conneticut





Cecilia Dang Historian

ceciliaa.dang@gmail.com (714) 837-5187

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