Western HS Key Club December 2016-2017 Newsletter

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CNH | KEY CLUB Division 30 South | Region 3 |CNH Volume: 5, Issue 10

The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | December 2016

pg. 6

W.A.N.D. Tree Lighting

RO pg. 2



12 HOPE Food Bank |Christmas Baskets pg. 8

December DCM | Winter Extravaganza pg. 10

pg. 12






lovely letter from lovely people

Ciao everyone! I'm a little confused on how I should be opening these letters now, whether I should be addressing the events of the month it's being published for or the month I'm writing in, so I'll just say a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Years! I hope that life has been treating you kindly. There's a quote that caught my attention lately and I figured I would share it with everyone. “They invented hugs to let people know you love them without saying anything," Bill Keane. I think it's something absolutely lovely. Because in spite of heartbreak, solitude, midnighttears, and swallowed words, the one thing we can't hide is the love in the simplest of actions. That even in the darkest of times, there are people who will love you, even in the times you feel hardest to love. The little squeeze from a hug says "I love you" just as much as the longest of hugs. Because there is such an unspoken and purest kind of "I love you" in hugs, I think these are the little things that get us through life. Even the world knows how to hold us in its arms in morning breezes and gentle sunlight, to say "I love you" and "thank you for existing." So I hope that we learn how to tip-toe a little quieter into 2017, so that we can listen a little more, be a little kinder, and understand others more. To the stories of ourselves and others, we'll tiptoe into 2017, and love. Thank you Western Key Club for all the warmth you give one another, you make it feel like Christmas morning all year. To the club that carries a home in its name and to the club that is nothing but kind. I love you!

With a million ways to say I love you, Nhi Truong


Key Club gets lit @ Twila Reid Park!

WAND Tree Lighting

The W.A.N.D. Tree Lighting is always a fun event because there is so much energy and positivity. Although the parking was hectic and it was freezing outside the event made me forget about how cold it was. I got to help little curious children make their own Christmas cards and reindeer hats. I learned a few things myself for my siblings. Interacting with children was so sweet, they were the most fun to talk to! No matter how hectic the booths were, I enjoyed my time there. After a while I got moved to the food tent which consisted of giving serving the food like coffee, hotdogs, etc. I had a fun time because there was a ton of volunteers helping. We were able to interact with everyone, the coordinators were very lenient and let us get free food. I signed up for the night shift so I got to enjoy all the performances while volunteering. I got to hear the elementary kids sing Christmas carols which was really cute. Then it was time for the tree lighting! It was beautiful watching the tree light up with the Christmas decorations. It was then time to clean up and all the volunteers cleaned up and got left over food! This event is always offered to Western Key Club since it’s right next door and members always have a blast giving back to the community. ~Elicia Hernandez

On Friday, December 2, Western Key Club volunteered at the W.A.N.D. Tree Lighting event at Twila Reid Park. This holiday event has been an annual tradition that gathers families and friends together to celebrate Christmas. Key Club volunteers decorated canopies with colorful ornaments and setted up activity booths for making personalized cookies and reindeer hats. Children also had the opportunity to take pictures with Santa Claus! My task was to help serve food to customers at the food booths and warm up the chili sauce for hot dogs. Children sang Christmas carols on the performing stage and other featured singers gathered around to entertain the audience. The W.A.N.D. Tree Lighting event is a cherishable memory that lifts the holiday spirit of our hearts. ~Brenda Lee

I’ve been in the Christmas spirit since June, so this event couldn’t come sooner enough. I’m talking about the WAND Tree Lighting on Friday. December 2nd of course! This event is always full of bright and happy individuals. From the volunteers to the booth owners, everyone is filled with Christmas cheer.

With such a big event, I went into board member mode, making sure that everyone had something productive to do. The two people I went with were a bit lost at first, but luckily I found a job for them at the food area. I was working with one particular booth that was selling various sweets and other festive things. The options just kept on being produced; there were cookies, churros, and programs related to the performances. I took the opportunity to buy a few cookies during my break, and I had a great time decorating them with Ceci, one of our historians. we took some time to appreciate the young talents on the stage and got right back to work. Selling churros was really hectic, but it was worth it to be able to spend more time with some friends that I haven’t really caught up with in awhile. That’s one of my favorite parts of events like this. We ended the night with hot chocolate and good conversation, leaving me with a warm feeling inside and out. ~Crystal Ly On December 2nd, Twila Reid Park held the annual Wand Tree Lighting for the community to come together and celebrate the festive season. Volunteers for the earlier shift were able to set up and decorate the park. Students were able to decorate booths with streamers, make Santa’s booth festive, set up the food tables, and any other tasks. A few members and myself tied bells onto string for the children to cheer performers and to celebrate the tree lighting with jingling bells. A few other Key Clubs including Cypress and I believe Oxford also attended the event which was nice. The members were able to work with the other schools opening them up to new people. The coordinator at the event was friendly and maintained her patience with all of us. Sometimes the adults get ticked off pretty easily but this coordinator was kind and put a lot of her faith and trust in us to follow our tasks. Myself and a general member went around handing out raffle tickets to children for them to win the opportunity of lighting the tree. It was lovely seeing all the children excited and the Anaheim Central Library was giving away free books. It was beautiful to see all these people and organizations volunteer their time and effort into the community and allowing children to enjoy their youth. The children were also able to participate in crafts taught by the volunteers. The crafts were lovely and each child made something very unique and creative. They were able to make a candy cane made of fruit loops as well as decorate their own cookies. It was funny watching them stack a ton of icing on a slim cookie and cover it with gingerbread sprinkles. I heard a lot of good things about this event and I personally loved it. I wish I was able to volunteer for second shift. Other events have a lot of interaction with adults but I was able to work with children. It was lovely to be with them and make them happy. Also, the community coming together to participate in this event was incredible. The people were lovely, kind, and I would definitely recommend attending this event next year. ~Isabel Almanza

Key Club’s Attack on Magic Mountain @...

HOPE Food Bank Christmas Baskets!

I came into this event expecting to weave Christmas Baskets only to find that I was to be in charge of picking up the trash and deflating cardboard boxes. Strangely, I started to fall in love with my two-hour job. When I first walked in, I found that there was a great line of food waiting for to be devoured on a table. Of course, the food-loving me rushed towards the table and inhaled all the donuts and coffee that my stomach could take. After about 15 minutes upon arrival, the senior citizens started to give us instructions on what to do. Basically, we were packaging food to be donated to Food Bank. There were A LOT of people so I was worried that the Western Key Club members would be left with nothing to do. So while we were all getting assigned to a job, I made sure to keep all of the Western Key Clubbers together or in range so we would 1) not feel lonely, and 2) be able to help each other if we need it. Some of us were in charge of packaging food and the rest of us (including me) were in charge of deflating cardboard boxes and picking up trash. It was strangely fun, deflating all the cardboard boxes. What was a simple task turned into a competition to see who could get to each cardboard box the fastest. I had fun competing with the general members, speed walking to every available box I see and dueling with them if we both got there at the same time. We were also low-key competing with the senior citizens because we noticed that they would sort of “steal” our cardboard boxes. It was competitive out there I tell ya; it was every man for themselves. This event was a nice way to start my morning. I also got to appreciate the “underdog” jobs a little more, and also learned how to turn anything into a fun game. ~Annie Nguyen

December DCM |

WINTER EXTRAVAGANZA On Saturday, December 17th both Division 30 South and 30 North conducted their annual joint DCM as they call it a Winter Extravaganza! I always admired joint DCM’s as it gives you the opportunity to meet new people. When arriving at the DCM we were greeted by the DLT since it was about to begin; as the DCM concluded we were all happy to know that our very own JENNIFER HERNADEZ got Secretary of the Month as well Western HS got 5th Shining Club of the Month, and on top of that we achieved most Funds Raised for the Month. Therefore, this was a successful month for us all considering we achieved a lot. As well we had the opportunity to enjoy food, as we all gathered to be first in line by answering some few Key Club trivia, but after it was our group to get in line and eat, my friend and I noticed that a group of freshman was having trouble answering some of the questions, so we both helped them in the game but sadly we failed in obtaining our Key Club History as they were last. Nonetheless, the freshman group was thrilled to know people were out to look over them. Even though I didn’t have the chance to meet new people from D30N, I was still able to bond with people from our school and let them know how great Key Club is and have their Key Club moment. As it made my day to have a chance to meet people who still have their whole high school years to love Key Club as it made my happy knowing that Key Club will be in good hands in the following years. ~Abraham Vicente On December 17th, Key Club division hosted a division council meeting at Buena Park high school. This particular DCM was formulated to fit the theme of Christmas. The DCM had certain activities such as: white elephant, ugly sweater contest, and potluck. This DCM was especially special because it was jointed with D30N, the rhinos. There was a lot of people and activities within one DCM and it had been surely exciting. As I arrived to DCM, there weren’t as many participants as the other DCMs. I notice that half of our board was able to make it but I was glad to see consistent general members arrive. There was plenty of food which was a relief to how much people were expected to come. To start the day, D30S and D30N split up to discuss their month and give out rewards. To my surprise, there was Miss. Anaheim present. It was fascinating to see how great the benefits for being a participant for a pageant by just simply being involved. Sadly, seniors or males aren’t able to participate. Moving on, after the meeting, we moved onto the pot luck. To decide who goes first, we split up into groups and whoever answers a trivia questions the fastest and correct,they get to go next to get food. My group lost the first round but we won the second round and were able to get food. There was an abundance of food prepared with several main dish meals. Unfortunately I was not able to stay for the ugly sweater contest or the white elephant. But hearing from those who attended, they enjoyed the white elephant and ugly sweater contest. Overall, DCMs are a blast. I’ve never missed out on any DCMs so it’s safe to say that DCMs are not only informational but also very fun. I advise everybody to come to meet many new people and bond with key club members.

~Tiffany Nguyen

The December DCM: Winter Extravaganza was held on Saturday, December 17. This event was a joint DCM between the D30S Suns and D30N Rhinos, which gave everyone an opportunity to meet and bond with Key Clubbers from either division. People were preferred to bring contributions to the potluck and $10 gifts in order to participate in the white elephant event. Icebreakers were incorporated to allow the 30 South Suns and 30 North Rhinos to group up and talk with one another. Those who participated in the trivia questions were the first to receive food from the potluck while others waited their turn. As everyone had a chance to get food, an ugly sweater contest was begun to cheer everyone up. The worst sweaters had their well-deserved recognition, while the not-so-ugly ones had their shot in the limelight. There were service opportunities as well, such as making thank you cards for veterans and non-slip socks. ~Brenda Lee th

On December 17 , the monthly Division Council Meeting took place at Buena Park High School. This month the DCM would be a joint one with Division 30 North, where we would be doing different activities ranging from a potluck, white elephant, and a card making service project. When I first got there it was nice to see so many members who had came out to bond with the rest of the division and D30N. As usual we had the meeting portion first where Kelly, our Lieutenant Governor, went over division updates. It’s also the time where she announced recognition for the top five shining clubs, most funds, officer of the month, and secretary of the month. All of Western Key Club was surprised and filled with gratitude for being awarded fifth shining club, most funds, and secretary of the month! We hadn’t suspected of getting three awards in just one month. It was a humbling experience and showed us that we were doing good progress. Also, that we should continue that progress in order to keep making the member’s experience the best that it can be. Afterwards we all sat on the floor to wait for the potluck to begin. The way we were excused was through Key Club trivia which was a good way to get the members to know more about Key Club. After our group got excused and received food. Abraham, Western Key Club’s treasurer, and I decided to help out some of Western’s members answer the trivia questions since this was their first year in Key Club. Unfortunately we didn’t succeed much, but they still got food and we moved on to making cards for children in hospitals. We all were able to decorate the cards how we wanted as long as they were appropriate. This event overall was a good bonding event because I was able to get to know more the freshmen in the club and converse with them outside of the usual small talk. Also, it was rewarding to see them have a good time and have an interest in joining the board either this upcoming term or next term. ~Jennifer Hernandez

The 128th Annual

ROSE FLOAT PARADE The Rose Float Parade was an interesting event. We woke up early and met up with our lovely division. It was quite a lengthy event as well and it was blistering cold. If interested in attending next year-layer! We all were separated into groups and were assigned different tasks. Some of us had to fill tubes to water the roses, work hand on the floats, or work on mending the flowers for the float. A group of members and myself were assigned to a large group to cut the petals off dried chrysanthemums. It was interesting to see how many petals it takes to decorate different portions of the float. We worked on the Trader Joes floats and they looked completely transformed after the day was done. It was tiring to work but I was able to see how much work it takes to put into these floats. Kiwanis has a major help in this event and I found that lovely. Although it was a disciplined event, it was incredible to know how the community of Pasadena and a few cities outside the area to join forces and put on this event. A lot of volunteers felt exhausted halfway through the event but my group made the best out of the event. We played games and just bonded with other clubs whilst cutting the flowers. The event coordinators even gave us a free meal for lunch. I found that as a kind gesture since they fed us well and after that, time went by faster. I unfortunately had an allergic reaction to the flowers after cutting them so I alternatively went with another group to help on a Jungle themed float. The coordinator for that float was stressing out but she was still lovely to us. At such a long and stressful event, most coordinators still helped us and were nice to us. I would recommend this event if you want to see how a national event is handled or if you have great patience and discipline. ~Isabel Almanza

On December 29th, it was my second time going to help decorate for the Rose Float Parade. I was excited and nervous not knowing what would await me this time around. As we got there around 7a.m. we stood in line for a while since our shift started at 8 a.m. The temperature was a bit chilly and in order to keep ourselves warm we would all huddle together until it was finally our turn to go inside. When it was finally our turn, we got assigned to the Trader Joe’s floats. There were many of us who had been assigned this job and other people from our group had been given other jobs. The coordinators of the Trader Joe floats made us sit down while they gave us directions on what each of us would be doing. Most of Western Key Club was assigned to cutting flowers with scissors to sort of make it into a big pile of just flower petals. Although it was a bit tiring since we were on the floor slouched, we were able to make it fun by telling each other stories. We passed time by even getting to know three Cypress members even more than we already did since they had stuck with us. It was entertaining overall hearing about the different stories. As the clock hit 12pm, everyone rushed as the coordinators told us we could finally start getting in line to get food. All of us were starving and were grateful for the food they had provided us with. Lunch only lasted for about 30 minutes before we had to go back in and continue working. As we finished our last bites, we walked back inside to our original jobs. This time around in order to pass time we would play random games that wouldn’t distract us from our work. One of the coordinators would even joke around with us about how we were going too fast and we should slow down a bit. Overall the event was rewarding as it is every year, even though I was quite happy to be able to go home. It’s nice to see the outcome of all your hard work which is why Rose Float is a awarding experience because there’s not many events where you can directly see the difference you make. ~Jennifer Hernandez

As cold as it always is I never seem to be prepared for the Rose Float Decorating event. On Thursday, December 29th, Western Key Club alongside with Division 30 South had the opportunity to volunteer with the Pasadena Rose Float Parade. Having to wake up early in the morning isn’t something I usually do, but this was an expectation, as I arrived at Savanna High School we waited for the rest of the volunteer to arrive so we can then on drive on over to the site. When arriving at the site all I can recall was the devastating wait we all had to do in standing behind a wall in the freezing cold, considering that we all were anxious in getting inside and starting to work on floats. As little by little, the line started to moving as we weren’t aware of the long hours that waited for us ahead. As we all waited for the time to pass by to go home we were lucky to meet new people from Cypress Key Club, who were welcoming of our weird personality. Meeting new people didn’t make volunteering at this event as bad as many make it but I was glad to have the opportunity to help with this event, even though at the time it was painful to continue cutting flowers but it keeps making you want to attend.

~Abraham Vicente Tens and tens of people meeting at Savannah High School early in the morning, waiting for the buses, it gave me the impression that this event was Fall Rally x2. Long bus ride accompanied us, as we made our way to Pasadena. The weather throughout the entire day felt in extremes, either really cold or blazing hot and I’d have to say I feel glad for having an indoor job. Although many of us were doing repetitive and laborious tasks while few were actually able to work on the float, it wasn’t an experience I would forget. I could feel the stress and tension in the atmosphere for the directors who were telling us what to do. Everyone was preoccupied with a task for the entire 8 hours, surprisingly. It was basically a regular job schedule, but instead of being paid with money, we were paid with “thank you” and smiles.At the end of the day, I may not have enjoyed the entire experience, but it does feel nice and rewarding when I see all the flower pedals I cut being used on the float. ~Jason Jose

Our Key Club board is getting close! (maybe too close)

Key Club Board Bonding


KBBQ is go-to lately for any occasion, so it was no surprise that we chose this as our next board bonding. I’m thankful for Jerry for giving me a ride and I had a pretty nice talk with him in the car—I think that’s how I bond with him. When we arrived at the KBBQ restaurant, I was extremely suspicious and a little scared because the lights were flicking on the sign. I’m telling you, it looked like something right out of a horror movie. The restaurant was like the ONLY building in this plaza, so that made it 20x scarier. When I went in, I was greeted with dim lights and an overwhelming smell of meat. As I sat down next to Tiffani, I realized that I probably shouldn’t have brought a scarf because now it’s going to soak up the meat and I’m gonna walk around smelling like a KBBQ House.

The dinner was extremely fun though. I got to bond with Tiffani more, and the people who sat in front of us. Poor Nhi spilled her drink (heheheh). It felt sort of like having dinner with your family because ever since that night I see the key club board as my family. We also all walked to Starbucks to refresh ourselves and the walk there was pretty…grueling. Actually, it was pretty fun but I’m a lazy person in general and I hate exercise. At Starbucks we all hung out and talked to one another, sharing memes, telling each other stories, and that’s where I started giving each board member a nickname from a character from Mario. Maybe I was just SUPER hyper from all that caffeine, but I thought I was pretty hilarious heheh. Overall, this Key Club bonding was incredibly fun. I got to bond with all of the board members and laugh until I could barely breathe. ~Annie Nguyen I eat too much sometimes.

At 7:00 p.m. we had to get seats for 12. Luckily, some of us were waiting in the front already so we didn’t have to wait to long for our seats, but I’m glad that many of us were able to attend the bonding. It feels impossible to have a day where everyone is free because of everyone’s active schedules, well I mean I’m one of the people on board who has the most free time I would say, but whether it be because of other club priorities work, this bonding has been delayed for quite a bit. As we were eating, I was afraid of silence overtaking the tables, but that fear was easily ridden of as I observed how much more comfortable everyone was with each other in comparison to the start of our term. Eventually everyone began to finish up eating and I was not even close to being full. For the next 15 or so minutes, I could feel the aura of everyone wanting to leave already so instead of ordering another plate of meat like I originally planned, I decided I would be satisfied by just finishing the meat I had left. It was a nice day to just wind down and chill and I enjoyed hanging out, one thing that was particularly hard to find was a common interest to talk about or just a topic to talk about in general. I’m glad were able to have a bonding and hang out . ~Jason Jose


On December 23rd, we decided to have a secret santa for key club board. I was especially excited because I love being apart of secret santa and I loved the person I got. When we met up, it was expected to be a karaoke potluck night.

Each person brought something for the potluck. This was hosted by Crystal’s at her house. Surprisingly, everyone was present and each person was able to receive. To start, our first activity was to eat the potluck. I would say this potluck was successful because people were able to bring enough food to get them full. I especially loved Brenda’s fried rice (yum). After we dove into eating, we decided our next task should be opening presents. I was surprised to see who got who. My person was Isabel Almanza and I got her the most amazing gift. Isabel and I share the same likings, we both love Ms. Rittel (who doesn’t?). So I got her chicken nuggets and lobster socks. I fairly enjoyed my person because I knew just what to get her and her reaction was worth every penny. After the secret santa exchange, we decided to move on to games. We played cards against humanity and it was not as appropriate at it should have been. None of the less, it was a great time and great laughs. Unfortunately, this is the time many of the board had to leave but the party didn’t stop there. It was finally Karaoke time! Keeping in tune with the season, we decided to singing christmas songs and carols. This was my favorite part because i was able to bond with the board as we sang loud and ugly. Overall secret santas are fun and I can confirm that this one was one of the best i’ve ever been to. I love my board and I hope this bonding will make us closer so we can have more fun as our term comes to an end. ~Tiffany Nguyen

‘Twas the night before the night before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a--well actually, I was frantic as usual setting up for the upcoming secret santa board bonding. I’m always happy to host though, I love company (especially this lovely group)! The entire board has been waiting for this day, because it was finally time to find out who our secret santas were! People began to arrive and my parents helped me set up. I was surprised to see that the board really went all out for the potluck: crispy chicken, three types of fried rice, ice cream?? Not your typical “chips and cookies” potluck for sure. We had a great time eating and talking, getting away from the stress of finals. Then came the secret santa reveals. The gifts were incredibly thoughtful and creative. I found out that Annie was my secret santa, and although I had a slight idea based on her speech, I was not prepared for the gifts. It was basically a box of sunshine, and it couldn’t have been more perfect. I was trying my best to hold back tears, but finally the waterworks came and Annie came to hug me (THIS IS BECOMING A COMMON OCCURRENCE). There were many memorable gifts, but I’ll leave those as insiders for the board. We played Cards Against Humanity (apparently Annie is the most terrible human; she said it, not me) and then ended the night with some beautiful Christmas karaoke.

This board makes me so incredibly happy, and I constantly feel humbled to be amongst such caring humans. ~Crystal Ly



Thank you for all your hours of volunteering! Keep shining, suns of WHS Key Club! :D

Nhi Truong| 14 hours

Justin Soria & Jasmine Noriega| 13 hours

Abril Petlacalco & Khrystal Contreras| 12.5 hours

Annie Nguyen | 11.5 hours

Brenda Lee & Jennifer Hernandez | 11 hours

BOARD MEMBER SPOTLIGHT Featuring… one of our spirit coords, Jason Jose!

If you were restricted to consuming only one foodthing and one drinkthing for a year, what would it be? Chipotle and iced caramel milk tea.

What’s your DJ name?


JJDragon (cuz like djs produce fire, dragons produce fire). 

What is something someone said that changed your way of thinking? "You dont have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great" -Sean Cannell, this pushed me to try dancing, make videos, and practice social skills.

As the world’s only and almighty ruler, what would your first order be? As ruler, ALL disputes between two parties or more must be settled with a dance battle or a freestyle rap battle, must be decided by an odd number of fair judges.

We all got big problems, but what’s the smallest problem you’re facing? Smallest problem: I forget to charge my phone

What color represents your mood in general? A fire-type-ish orange because I feel that I am open and welcoming of others, showing warmth. Also orange stands out quite a bit, eccentric almost.

Other than me, who’s the greatest person you know? What is it about them that makes him/her so cool to you? I don't know if this counts because I don't know him personally, but Ryan Higa. His clever jokes, puns, and plot twists. His interesting videos that he has created over 10 years amazes me about how could one person be so creative and captivating. In every single one of his videos from skits to music video parodies, they make me smile. The ability to make people smile is a skill I want to improve upon.

What motivates you to better yourself and move forward? My main source of motivation stems looking forward to the results of my labor, and the amount of enjoyment I'll receive from whatever I've endured. Life wont stay at rock-bottom as the only way is up ya know.

You wake up in 2117. What’s the first thing you Google? Is there a way to have instant In-n-Out or Chipotle Burritos at your house

What does Key Club mean to you? A job except my payment is the happiness of others (cheesy af ik)









- Tet Festival Day 1

- The Super Run - Tet Festival Day 2





- Tet Festival Day 3




- Groundhog Day


- Surf City Marathon



- Charles Dickens’s Birthday


4 - Tet Parade


- National Pizza Day

11 - February DCM - Eighth Annual Monarch Butterfly Day







- Valentines Day

- Singles Awareness Day (the day after Valentines)



- Presidents Day



18 - Bolsa Chica Habitat Restoration



- George Washington’s Birthday

25 - Hamilton Neighborhood Tree Planting - Los Alamitos Race on the Base

26 - 26th Annual Brea 8k Classic Race




2 - National Banana Cream Pie Day



Cecilia Dang Historian

ceciliaa.dang@gmail.com (714) 837-5187

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