Western HS Key Club July 2016-2017 Newsletter

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CNH | KEY CLUB Division 30 South | Region 3 |CNH Volume: 5, Issue 5

The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | July 2016

a letter from the editor ¡HOLA, MIS AMIGOS DE KEY CLUB! Already, the first couple days of school has passed, and that’s honestly a little bit scary for me. Time proves, again and again, that it will not wait for me or my life to catch up to it. But that’s not something I should be sad over! New teachers and classes and classmates, new experiences to tackle that the new school year always brings; the fact that time goes so quickly only means I’ll meet these things quicker, and I’m excited for that. I think. With the new school year, new challenges will arise for us to take on. Relearning how to balance volunteering, extracurriculars, and school side by side will be something most of us have to do, since the summer has been more or less unproductive—for me, at the very least. BUT ONCE I NAIL THAT BALANCE, I’ll be able to do more things than I’ve ever done. I feel it, this year’s the year! So I challenge you (and you, and you, and you…) to challenge yourself, reach to that uncomfortable height, achieve those things that were unachievable before. Because honestly, when you’re doing your best… what could go wrong? Well, a lot of things, you could overdo things and disappoint yourself and not reach your goals and overwhelm yourself doing literally everything at once and cry as your first quarter grades plummet… but I digress. Adversity breeds wisdom, right? This year, I was a good little scholar and did my AP English Language summer project a little early. Yay me! With it, I had to listen to some TedTalks, and they’re quite something. I could say, without a shadow of a doubt, that I’m getting more out of these talks than just some points towards my class grade. So, here’s the bit that stuck to my (shriveled-up, cold and unfeeling) heart the most: There are three questions that you should ask yourself in the beginning of the day. When you’re finally out of bed, when you’re finished cursing at your drowsy self, maybe while you’re brushing your teeth or eating your nice breakfast, BUT BEFORE YOU WALK OUT THAT DOOR, ask yourself: Today, what are you grateful for? Today, how do I get a little bit closer to my goals? Today, how do I give back to the ones I love? Ask yourself these questions before walking out the door and seizing the day. If I’ve been sounding cheesy in these letters, I’M SO SORRY. I’m a bit of a hypocrite for not following my own gooey, excessively sunshiny advice sometimes, but that’s why I need to constantly remind myself of these things. I hope this helps you more than it helps me! And with that, here’s the latest newsletter! Let me take you back into the month of July, and re-experience all the things we’ve done: Beach Boomba, Keychella, Kiwanis meetings, just to name a few! Thank you for taking the time to look through the photos, it means the world to me. I hope you enjoy this newsletter—there’s only more to come! With lots and lots and LOTS of love from your lovely bulletin editor, Jerry Castillo <3

TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 Western HS Key Club Goal Progress 3 The President’s Thoughts 4 June Collage 6 Souplantaion & Sweet Tomatoes Fundraiser! 7 Bolsa Chica Habitat Restoration 8 Club Rush Preparations


10 OC Fair | Heifer International

12 Kiwanis Relations



14 Beach Boomba 16 Key Club Summer Social | Keychella 18 July Service Hours Leaderboard 19 Board Member Spotlight, featuring… 20 Monthly Calendar



14 16



Delving into the mind of a maniac…!

THOUGHTS Hello everyone! July’s been quite the interesting one. I hope that you all have been settling in well with school and everything, the transition (buffer weeks) back is always quite rough. Volunteering has slowed down a bit this time around but I’m sue we’ll be coming back full force with the first general meeting of the year! We’ve been working on a bit of things this month so we can come in our full glow of gold and glitter, so watch out for that! Keep signing up for events as well, let’s get those service hours back up! From the sunny beach to the Heifer International cow suit to our own little pockets of sunshine, let’s keep it going! Just a reminder, be sure to take care of yourself this school year. Sometimes, academics may seem to be the only priority and the only thing we can do is work— until we wear ourselves out, both mentally and physically. So my advice to you is to just take those breaks. This may sound like generic advice or you may be like, “nO, time is money!!!!” but I assure you, it’s

worth it. What’s better after all, working while wellrested and with a clear mind, or working with a tired body and cluttered mind? It can even be something like taking 5 minute breaks every 30 minutes. Find an outlet for stress as well. Whether it be in journaling/ blogging, venting, exercise, and on, find something that makes you happy and let it stick. Tired now? Don’t worry. Good times will come again, I promise. I’ll wrap up here now, we’ll see you all soon! Take care, as always, and if you need something or someone to fall back on, we’re here (and of course me included). A see-you-later for now.

-Shining with some sort of glow, Your Pres Nhi Truong







On Saturday July 3rd, 2016, I volunteered at the Bolsa Chica Habitat Restoration. This was actually a Spotlight on Service event; this month’s topic was “Go Outdoors!” It was unfortunate that I was the only person from Western, because I ended up meeting some really nice people from Fountain Valley Kiwins (similar to Key Club, but a bit smaller). I awkwardly introduced myself, and found that they were really friendly! We were led by the event coordinators to an area in the Bolsa Chica Wetlands where they kept all of the supplies. That day we would be pulling weeds that didn’t serve a purpose in the ecosystem there. After some instruction we were split into groups and put to work. After working for a bit with the Kiwins, I realized how close they all were. It’s only been a few months into the new term and they already had such good relations, whether they were a board or general member. I asked them things about their clubs, and they were equally curious about Key Club. It was so fun volunteering with them! The time passed quickly and we walked back to the parking lot. I said goodbye to all my new friends and left feeling accomplished. However small of a task it might seem, our contributions will benefit the balance of the ecosystem in the Bolsa Chica Wetlands for years to come. I’ve definitely learned a lot from my Kiwins friends as well, and I’ll be sure to try to implement them this term! Crystal Ly


Club Rush

We rushin’ and rushin’…!

PREPARATIONS It must have been the multitudes of yellow shades that were scattered across the floor or maybe it was because of the two lil’ dogs, but geez—I’ve been pretty pumped for the school year (yes, I know) since then. Our third board meeting of the term (we’ve decided to do monthly board meetings for the summer rather than bi-weekly) was a meet for club rush preparations and a discussion for the school year, a refresher. It was rather like a mini visions meeting and helped quite a great deal in terms of sorting bits and pieces out in my own head. After discussions of plans for the future (club website—which is nearly complete, Key Club passport, service during meetings…) we decided to dive into spirit/Club Rush prep. Unfortunately, we found ourselves quite low on supplies so treasurer Jennifer Hernandez and I had to make a quick run to Walmart for pins, paints, and a few other things. When we came back, we found lovely posters waiting (and of course the lovely board members and our vice pres’s dogs as well). By the end of the day, we were able to finish quite a bit of Key Club pins and posters. In the following days, I would come back to vice pres Crystal Ly’s house to work on the spirit stick, which is now completed and beautiful and a grand surprise of a sort. I’m quite looking forward to this year and always thankful for these little sunshiney days this club gives and has given me.


~ Nhi Truong




OC Fair



On June 15th, the OC Fair had just opened up for the first day this summer. Western Key Club had the wonderful opportunity to volunteer at the Heifer International booth which was inside of a barn. This was my second year volunteering with Heifer International which was an amazing experience for me yet again. When we got there for our shift we signed in and put the aprons they had for us. This event did require a dress code; however, the coordinator was pretty cool with it as long as it was black and white. The coordinator, Frances, gave us a brief overview on what to do and the simple rules she had for the exhibit. We also received information about the baby goat they had for display. I personally enjoyed the shift because we were able to hand out cute pins to children that had animal puns on them. It was cute seeing all the little kids get excited over the exhibit and letting their families know what Heifer International does for families. Sometimes during our shift it would be quite slow since the crowd would be on the other side of the barn watching the other animals. After they would finish on that side, many would head over to the exhibit. I even got the opportunity to make a man sign up for more information about Heifer. When our shift finished we were able to wander around the fair until we got picked up. A week or two later after volunteering at the event the coordinator sent us an e-mail thanking us for our service.


~ Jennifer Hernandez

On Friday, July 15th was the kick-off to the first day of the Orange County Fair. To help assist with the fair Western High School Key Club volunteered with an organization to help promote the services that they do. Heifer International is a marvelous organization that helps provide those in need be informed on how to maintain and care for livestock; so instead of giving them food for a day they teach them how to properly care for these animals in which they can, later on, maintain and raise on their own. When arriving at the location we were instructed to help assist the event coordinator in talking to people and informing them on Heifer International. As many would stop on by just to gaze over at the goat that was displayed in the center of the room. The goat was highly adored by everyone, especially by the event coordinator, the goat's name was Henry since he didn’t have one considering he was only 3-4 month old so he was still a baby. Working with an organization such as Heifer International makes you appreciate the many programs that are out there helping assist those in need and not just helping them on the spot but as well in the long run. ~ Abraham Vicente

Concerning the issue of entering the OC Fair as a volunteer, some things could have been explained better such as where to enter, what shifts needed tickets and how much, but other than these problems, it was a interesting experience working at the Heifer International. As volunteers, we were given the task to spread the awareness of Heifer International and explain how their beneficial programs work. Out of all volunteer events I have worked in, this was the most social one for sure. Luckily, our work as volunteers didn’t involve attracting people to talk to because the fenced-in goat proved to be a great attraction for kids and everyone passing by the Heifer International Booth. Although I worked a short 3 hours shift, I learned that one is able to easily distinguish the distinctive personalities and behaviors. As I talked to many people, explaining how Heifer International is a program that creates self sufficiency in nations where hunger is a significant problem, I could tell which people were genuinely interested in Heifer International and the people who were silently nodding their head, waiting for me to stop talking because they weren’t intrigued in the topic at all. Also, volunteers were delegated with the task of distributing buttons to little kids and WOW!

Once you attract the little kids with the cute multi-color animal buttons, the trap is already laid down. This leaves a perfect opportunity to interact with the parents and start talking about Heifer International, great business tactics. This fantastic event was a great opportunity to practice my social abilities. I would volunteer at this event again, and not only for the free parking ticket and free entrance ticket. ~ Jason Jose On Friday, July 15, my fellow Key Clubbers and I volunteered at the OC Fair collaborating with Heifer International to promote its mission: to work with communities to end world hunger and poverty and to care for the Earth. It was very inspiring to be a part of a team to encourage sustainable agriculture and help families become more self-reliant for survival. This event allowed for volunteers to link with the collaborative effort to change the world one step at a time. Our duties were to voice Heifer’s purpose and mission to the public by connecting with people, sharing interesting livestock facts, and distributing Heifer pamphlets, bookmarks, and free button pins. We were also responsible for looking after the baby goat on display and answering any questions that the audience may have regarding the goat or Heifer International’s duties. The coordinators were very kind and helpful, making sure to have everything running smoothly and being open to any comments and concerns. Working with Heifer International was overall an enjoyable day of service and an opportunity to learn something new! ~ Brenda Lee On Friday, July 15, Heifer International held an animal exhibit at the Orange County Fair. Heifer international’s goal is to provide information to visitors about their organization and see if there are interested in their contribution. There was a live goat present at the farm for children and people to pet and observe. Volunteers were given aprons and knowledge of the organization to present to the audience. It was quite surprising to see how many people stopped and observed the goat. The goat was a male and 3 months old without a name. We, as volunteers, encouraged visitors to offer names for the goat. By the end of the day, Henry, became his name. Our job was to, basically, answer any questions while handing out pins. Joanna Chatouphonexay and Crystal Ly stood out to me, they were eager to encourage visitors to engage in learning about the organization. This was actually my first experience volunteering at the Heifer exhibit. I’ve heard numerous great reviews from past volunteers on this event and Key Club had been a loyal volunteer organization for Heifer International for a while now. I feel that I had expected no more or less for this event. I had a great time engaging with people and getting to know more about this organization. The organizer was incredibly kind and trusted us when we were volunteering. Overall, I would encourage members to participate in this organization. I’d say at first, it is nerve wrecking because it requires socializing, but I got used to it. Everyone at the event is very kind and won’t give you a hard time. ~ Tiffany Nguyen


Regarding Kiwanis relations

Meeting & Board Training

On July 7th, I attended the one of the weekly Kiwanis meetings that took place at the Clarion Hotel near Disneyland. I was quite nervous despite it not being my first time going to a Kiwanis general meeting. Thankfully I had Nhi Truong, Western’s President, and Abraham Vicente, Western’s Treasurer, to make me feel less nervous. When we entered inside the room they had already begun eating. We immediately grabbed some breakfast and sat down with Mr. Barry and some other Kiwanis members. At first it just consisted of us eating our breakfast and making small talk with the Kiwanis members but later on they started the meeting. During the meeting one of the Kiwanis members went up there to tell his life story. This part was actually one of my favorite parts during the meeting because I enjoyed every minute of hearing about his story. Also, it allowed us to see all the things he went through to get to this point in his life. After he finished telling his story the meeting continued on with its usual updates about Key Club. Also, we were able to hear about good or bad things that had happened to Kiwanis members the past few days or so. Before I knew it the meeting had ended but I was glad I had attended because it’s always nice to hear their humor and stories. It allows Key Club members to interact with their sponsoring Kiwanis club more and build that connection. ~ Jennifer Hernandez I’m not too sure if I’ve written one too many articles on Kiwanis but I can’t help but do so (and no, it’s not because I’m out of article topics). First off, I attended my second Kiwanis general meeting this month, with treasurer Abraham Vicente and secretary Jennifer Hernandez. In this bit around, as always, quick wit and dark humor was thrown about the room (just the way I like it) and updates flew up and about. Once again, we were given the sneak peek into the Kiwanians’ lives through their happy/sad bucks. And once again, we were able to listen to another one of their guest speakers, this time, a British gentleman—a former policeman from back in the day. I always leave any sort of meetings with Kiwanians a little touched and thankful. The second time around with Kiwanis this month—the monthly Kiwanis board training. This time around, as we received do’s and don’ts on fundraising and quite a hefty amount of good tips and wisdom, the training did take its turn for a bonding soon after. After the Kiwanians warming speeches of their BUG (Bringing up Grades) programs and their good words, the Western Key Club board decided to go on a spontaneous board bonding of a sort to the Packing House, nearly everyone in attendance. I truly was happy to sit together with the board and enjoy a good meal, and it’s not often we get together to do bits like this. Just recently we discussed whether to keep Kiwanis Board Trainings as mandatory for the entire board, and none voted against. I truly am thankful to the bunch for being willing to drive out 20 minutes for these trainings and for gaining that passion and love for these ever caring Kiwanis/family figures. If I had to include a bit, I do wish I was more prepared for photos. ~ Nhi Truong On Wednesday July 13th, I attended the Kiwanis board training. This was the second board training, and I was really happy with the turnout! Western Key Club had almost every board member attend (minus the ones on vacation of course). It had been about a month into the summer, so we talked about all of our travels before the meeting started. The training was called to order, so everyone got situated and introduced themselves. Unlike the first training—which was more of an introductory session—we got right to work, complete with helpful materials and important events. I found the things we learned at the training really useful; there were guidelines on service hours, fundraising ideas, and plenty of new service events that helped fill my quota. Some of the advice I most value though comes from the Kiwanians themselves. One story in particular that I remember is Mr. Dale’s experience with a particular BUG award recipient. Bug stands for Bringing Up Grades, and it’s meant to encourage students to continue improving academically. One BUG Award recipient’s teacher gave a moving speech about how this award will motivate her student for years to come. Mr. Dale was brought to tears by this speech (and so was I by his speech).


Every training, meeting, and event we have with the Kiwanians inspires me to continue to work as hard as I can, in efforts to repay for al that they’ve done for us. ~ Crystal Ly


Fun in the sun with Region 3 at…


Beach Boomba was a very thrilling event filled with joy and just overall, incredible. We had fun activities where we were able to bond with our Region 3 Key Clubbers. It was a bit hectic at Huntington Beach because police blocked off and patrolled near the area we were located causing a lot of traffic. Besides that, we go to have loads of fun and I was fortunate enough to spend a great amount of time with our Kiwanis Advisor, Mr. Carter! He told me about all the things he was doing with Kiwanis and in turn, I informed him of how Western Key Club was doing. Somewhere between the water bottle relay and the DCM, I got a horrendous sunburn. Remember to take care of yourself at every event you go to! From OTC, I had a blast being with the region but I think Beach Boomba was even better! We had a bit of board bonding at the event where we got to play in the water and build a sand “castle” and moat. Towards the end, we had a bit of time to clean up some trash off the beach. This event was honestly incredible and I woulf recommend to attend next year.


In general, it was amazing and I had fun spending a beautiful day with beautiful Key Clubbers!

~ Isabel Almanza

On Saturday, July 16, Divisions 4E, 4N, 4W, 30N, 30S, 41N, and 41S of Region 3 were able to assemble and bond through one of the first region events of the year, Beach Boomba. The sunny day consisted of numerous icebreakers, activities, and games, such as relay races and tug-of-war, pulling everyone together through teamwork and communication. We were also given free time throughout the day to just hang out with friends, play in the ocean, and have a blast. Thanks to the supervision of all our kiwanis advisors and chaperones, the event ran smoothly with good organization from start to end. I spent the day taking pictures of Key Clubbers engaging with one another and participating in the fun activities, including the Region 3 Pie-the-LTGs that was proposed for a good cause. To wrap up the event, Key Clubbers participated in a beach cleanup, a big plus for service hours. All in all, Beach Boomba was a lively and inclusive event that allowed for Key Clubbers across the region to meet new people, socialize, and give service through acts of kindness and eco-friendliness. ~ Brenda Lee

Beach Boomba on July 16th was a perfect beach day, it was hot and such a nice time to be at the beach. As I got there on time I headed over to the registration booth which was filled with beautiful people that were wearing yellow shirts. D30S was so welcoming to their members they even had little cute snacks set up for us with a handwritten note. After registration, the lieutenant governors set up activities, which were enjoyable and funny. Everybody was running through the sand having a great time with friends. There was all type of games some in the sand and some actually in the water. After the many games it was time for lunch and our lovely Kiwanis and chaperones served us pizza. After lunch there was a DCM and a watermelon contest which I participated in, it was pretty good since the watermelon was pretty tasty. After the contest we got to pie the LTG, which is always fun to watch-- although I don’t think it’s fun for the LTG’s since they are getting whipped cream stuffed in their nose. It was a very cool event that was very welcoming and fun event. This event really made me realize how there is so such great people in Key Club that make a difference. ~ Elicia Hernandez

On July 16, Region 3 joined together for a Division council meeting at Huntington beach! Region 3 consisted of 4 East, 4 North, 30 North, 30 South, 41 North, and 41 South. During the event, Region 3 manage to bond with one another with: tug-of-war competition, several ice-breakers, watermelon eating contest, and pie-the-ltg. It was great to be surrounded by all the divisions within our region. I got to bond with some of the other division and have casual chit-chats. This year, since it was my last, I decided to go all out. I participated in the watermelon-eating contest as well as pie-the-LTG. I felt little hesitant at first because I was embarrassed of getting dirty with watermelon but it was really fun. It was however, awkward when I pied my LTG, Kelly Tran. I was good friends with her but not that close to pie her, but it was a great contribution as a donation. I felt that this year’s Beach Boomba isn’t as comparable to last year’s. I felt that the ice-breakers that they hosted were a little bit unorganized and the historians weren’t taking as much pictures of each club, rather than their own. But besides the little critiques, I fairly enjoyed my last Beach Boomba. Rather than counting on my day to be great, I made my day count. And in the end, that’s all that matters. Overall, Beach Boomba was successful. It’s in my opinion, one of the biggest events of the year and I encourage members to participate and get to know their region as well as bond with their club or region. ~ Tiffany Nguyen


Time to get social!

Summer Social This is the very first event I’ve ever organized and yep… it caught me by surprise by how much thought, planning, and organizing went in to each detail of the event. Only three more socials left to plan. I found it quite troublesome coming up with a creative idea for a game that people would find entertaining and fun. The idea that was developed was essentially the Color Run combined with Coachella, which was hard to combine and capture these two different activities. The amount of supplies needed, I completely underestimated. The event started off with icebreakers, then into the Bead Service Project (making bracelets for kids in the hospitals), and then into what I found the most troublesome for some reason, the obstacle course. After the completion of every obstacle, colored powder was thrown, creating a rainbow of colors at the end of the race essentially. The colored powder we threw onto the people didn’t stick unfortunately, so it was basically colored sand that we were throwing. The team to finish the course the fastest was given the ultimate prize important for Coachella, flower crowns! But everyone was a winner in this social, so everyone got a flower crown. Even though everything was set, I felt this uneasiness in my chest that I couldn’t explain. I was extremely worried about the happiness of the people and how fun these activities were to them. I’m so glad I wasn’t alone in creating this social, as a coordinator, you have complete control of everything you will do within the time of the event. This control was something I wasn’t used to at all. Although it didn’t go as well as I anticipated, I think it went okay as the first social. I hope my intentions of having fun went through! ~ Jason Jose



We kicked off our first social of the term at Evergreen Park. As Spirit Coordinators, Jason and I were excited to bring Keychella to life! We got a lot of help from our board members in preparation of the event. We were fortunate to have our stupendous LTG Kelly attend the social as well as Kennedy High School’s lovely VP Trinh. At the social, we first had icebreakers then participated in a bead service project. Cool tunes played while this happened in order to maintain Keychella vibes while Jason and I situated the obstacle course. The obstacle course was fun to watch while members completed each station. We threw colored powder at the members but since we had a lot leftover, there rose a color powdered war of some sort. People threw the powder around and it was very entertaining to watch. In the end, everyone received flower crowns. Overall, the members had fun and Jason and I gained a lot of experience from this social. Hopefully, we can have the next socials be extravagant and a lot better than Keychella. ~ Isabel Almanza

On Monday, July 18th Western Key Club held one of their famous club SOCIALS!! This social wasn’t like any other club socials, no sir this was extraordinary-- this was our KEYCHELLA SOCIAL! To prep for this social, some of the board members stayed up the night before helping prep for the event. While wrapping flowers on crowns and creating colored power seemed a fantastic way to spend my day. As the day of the social arrived we quickly gathered all of our material and greeted our guest with an ice breaker. Our agenda for the social was Ice Breakers, Service Project, and an Obstacle Course. Starting with the Ice Breaker we played, Western’s favorite, Indian Chief. Finishing the icebreakers, we then started on the service project in which we made bracelets for children at orphanages, which help them brighten up their day. After creating a wide amount of bracelets we then on started to the obstacle course. The Obstacle course consisted of seven events, when completing an event the players would be thrown colored power at them so they can get the ultimate Keychella look, as well the winning team would be crowned the ultimate KEYCHELLA GIRL!

Western’s “Keychella” summer social on July 18th was a great experience. Keychella was a interesting experience because it was our first social for this term. Members and the board all came together and enjoy a day filled with sweet activities, bead project and flowers. The social consisted of many creative and interesting activities like relays and rock papers scissors with a water gun and there was also a color war! The games were all really fun I enjoyed them because it was something new and creative. Also along with having a great time, I also interacted with more members which is always fun getting to meet someone new . For the service project we had a bead project, there was many colorful and pretty beads. Everybody, including me, really enjoyed it. After all, who doesn’t like making handmade things! Also, knowing that the project that I was making goes to a child out there in need of a smile makes it even 1000x much more exciting and enjoyable. At the end of the social everybody got pretty flower crowns and went home with a smile and colors on them! ~ Elicia Hernandez

Sadly, our team did not win so we were sprayed with the hose of shame. In all, the summer social was a great event for Western, as this gave us time to catch up with our members and see what they’ve been up to as well witnessing their dedication to Key Club. ~ Abraham Vicente



LEADERBOARD Thank you for all your hours of volunteering! Keep shining, suns of WHS Key Club! :D

Linda Le | 10.5 hours

Crystal Ly | 7 hours

David Mai | 6 hours

Abraham Vicente | 5 hours

Helen Luong, Jason Jose, Brenda Lee Jennifer Hernandez, & Tiffany Nguyen


4.5 hours

BOARD MEMBER SPOTLIGHT Recognizing… our member recognition officer, Lara Matty!

What compliment/criticism has stuck to you? Whaddya think about it?

“A compliment that has stuck with me is that I have nice/ long eyelashes, I think about it or believe it because a lot of people have told me this.” 

What’s your ideal house/home?

“My ideal house/home has 4 bedrooms (with a pool or big farm with horses, it's either that or that ), I would like it to be some place nice and quiet. Maybe on the country side... that's just a summed up version of how I imagine my idea house , I guess.” 

What’s the strangest thing you’ve eaten?

“The strangest thing I've eaten is sheep head, I think… I didn't like it though and would never eat it again.” 

What are you passionate about?

“I'm passionate about baking… I like to learn new things to bake or even try adding my own things and make something new or a new dessert” 

Why are you so amazing? … but in seriousness, what do you consider is the best thing about you?

“That's a hard question to answer, I mean many people have told me I'm very patient and I consider that a great quality in a person because patient people think things through and are great at teaching. So I think I would have to say the best thing about me is being patient.” 

What’s your first thought in the morning? “My first thought in the morning is ‘What time is it ?’ Or ‘oh god, I got to do (fill in the blank) today’ ”


“I mean, I consider everyone in my life special in their own way...ha ha ha?? I'll leave this questions for the readers to decide.” 

What does Key Club mean to you?

“Well, Key Club to me is this ball full of sprit, excitement, kindness and a couple more things. This ball brings life to what ever place it goes to, that's why when every key clubbers join a place its always loud and hyper.” 

What motivates you to do things and improve yourself?

“My family, especially my parents motivate me to do the things that I do. Because my parents did so much for me and sacrificed so much, I always try to do my best and improve my self. If I don't try my hardest I will not only be disappointed because I'm wasting an opportunity but also that I'm letting all the things my parents did for me go to waste.” 

How are ya feelin’?






- Western’s Back to School Spirit Week





- French composer Claude Debussy was born

- National Sponge Cake Day







- The first transatlantic balloon trip was completed!

- Fall Sports Assembly

- Back-toSchool Dance | Coachella

- Townsend Street Fair





- Back to School Night

- Freshmen BBQ

- August DCM: Super Scavengerhunt




- Edgar Rice Buroughs was born

- National College Colors Day




- OC Japan Fair Day 1

- OC Japan Fair Day 2


- Club Rush week (?)




- National Wild- - Labor Day— No School! life Day



- 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center

- National Video Games Day

7 - National Salami Day



- Bolsa Chica Land Restoration

- Stand Up to Cancer Day



- Sep 15-Oct 15 - Trail of Tears | Hispanic Her- Commemoraitage Month tion Day

17 - Hope Walk

- Sep, DCM: Project Warmth

- National POW/MIA Recog. Day




21 Sep 17:

End of Aug:




Sep 5:

NO SCHOOL!! And Labor Day

Sep. DCM | Project Warmth

23 Nov 12:

Oct 8:

Oct. DCM | R3 Training Con

Fall Rally South

24 - OC Children’s Book Festival Day 1

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