Western High School Key Club 2018-2019 | June Newsletter

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What’s poppin’ Western Key Clubbers? Congratulations! You made it out alive out of this past school year! Give yourself a HighFive! The end of June marks the end of the first Quarter of 2018-2019 Key Club Term; it’s crazy is not it? Thinking about all the accomplishments we have made over these past three months make me feel unbelievably proud of you! We were able to raise +$350 for the Eliminate Project, serve +600 service hours, and increase the club’s attendance at division events! As the President, the most joyful part of my position is watching the club reach its peek in service and fundraising, which you guys are contributing to. In other words, you all are the SOURCE OF MY JOY! I know volunteering in the summer may-bee something you have not been used to, but with your dedications, we were able to serve 370 hours throughout the month of June! Watching the club and you all hit incredible milestones like this one pushes me to go above & beyond, so that I can provide you with all the best Key Club experience. To this day, I am still extremely thankful for you guys for providing me with the chance to be serving the club as its President. Key Club has truly been such a positive impact on my life, and I really hope it is a positive impact on your life as well! We have 3 more quarters left of the term, so let’s make the most out of it by continuously volunteering, attending division events, and endlessly supporting the club! With your hard-work, Western Key Club will rise to the top and we will all be making history! Before I sign off, I hope you all have a great rest of the summer; make the most out of those last few weeks and start getting ready for school! You know where to reach me, so if you ever need ANY form of assistance, feel free to hit me up whenever & wherever! SUNcerely, Western Key Club President, 2018-2019 Ali Al-Saleem

WRIGLEY RIVER RUN On June 1st, Western Key Clubbers volunteered at the Wrigley River Run event. This event was split into two days, but I only volunteered on the first day. Key Clubbers who volunteered at this event got a free shirt. When I arrived, we first began with set up. I set up tables along with other volunteers. We carried water over from the car to the table to set up the water table. Also, we carried watermelon to another table. After I set up those tables, we set up even more tables! The event on the day I volunteered was the Pizza Pig Out. This time, we set up tables and chairs for people to sit at and eat pizza. After we set them up, we put tablecloths over the tables in a pattern of red and yellow. There were going to be a lot of kids at this event too, so we set up activities for them to do. Western Key Clubbers were in charge of setting up and managing the bounce house. I like kids, but man these kids were so scary. I’ve never screamed so loud (in a nice way) to get them to slide down the slide, so that other kids could have a turn. Volunteers were able to get free pizza and drinks, so we took turns watching over the kids. There were a lot of different pizzas to choose from including the brand and the flavor. We also got drinks which were water and juice. Overall, I had a really fun time with the other volunteers at this event. Some parts were more challenging than the others, but it was still enjoyable seeing everyone have fun. - Vicky Vu | Secretary

In the early morning of Sunday, June 3rd, Division 30 South, alongside Division 4 South, volunteered at the OC Triathlon in Mission Viejo. To start off, it was a long drive to the site, but the actual city and location truly please the eye with the beautiful look on the lake, the trees, the flowers; nature. Although there were only three volunteers from Division 30 South on Sunday, I had the opportunity to bond with the LTG, Anjika Morari, and a beloved member from Loara Key Club, Maria. The OC Triathlon consisted of three joint races. The racers first started by swimming in the lake, then they claimed their bikes and participated in a bike race, and finally, they ran to the finish line. It leaves me in awe how strong the participants were because it is not easy to participate in such an intense course. To be able to finish the course, they needed to have a strong stamina and a healthy mind, which all the participants had—young and old, men and women. Our duties first consisted of setting up the water table by unloading the water and distributed out the cups on the water table. We waited for the participants to finish the swimming course and we handed out water as they were transitioning into the bike racing course. As we were giving out water, we were also cheering them on since the swim course was the most exhausting out of the three. Once everyone was done with the swimming course, we moved on to the finish line and cheered the runners on as they were crossing the finish line. It felt rewarding to cheer for them as they finished because we were all proud of their hard work and dedication. At the end, this was a tiring-yet-worthy event. I personally enjoy attending division-wide service events because I always have the chance to get to know new people from other schools and make connections with them. If you are reading this, look out for division-wide service events as it is a joy to volunteer at them. - Ali Al-Saleem | President

On Sunday, July 1, Western Key Club volunteers had the pleasure of taking part in the Bolsa Chica Habitat Restoration event. This is by far one of the most exciting and fun events I have been a part of this summer. It was nearby the ocean and highway. It was a very sunny day so I’m glad that I brought a hat. In order to take part in such an event like this, you’ll have to follow dress regulations since you actually do labor out In the sun as well as work with dirt. I at first thought that I would hate it but as we got to work I realized that it was actually very fun and helpful to the environment. In this event, volunteers got to plant plants, water plants, massage roots, etc. Step-by-step, we created a crater In the ground, add some water, massaged the roots of the plant and inserted It Into the crater, and added more water since it was on very dry land. After planting, we started watering other plants and shrubs down the trail. This was the best and worst experience for me during this volunteer event. It was the worst since I wasn’t able to carry the larger buckets but it was also the best since I was allowed to freely walk around and water plants. Even by just volunteering, I got to learn more about certain plants and our environment. In the process, we also saw lizards crawling under shrubs and eagles circulating through the air. This is a volunteer event that I would recommend and encourage everyone to join and take part of. - Marilitz Diwa | Publicist On the first Sunday morning of June, 2018, the Bolsa Chica Conservancy holds their bimonthly volunteer event from 9am-12am. This is a reoccurring event for Western Key Club. It is a popular event where Western’s Key Clubbers leave feeling accomplished about contributing to their own society and community. Members are encouraged to put on sun screen, wear closed toed shoes and gloves for their safety. Although there has been opportunities of this event before, this was personally my first time to attend the Bolsa Chica Habitat Restoration event. Before it reached 9 am, we had to sign up on their electronically sign up form which made it easier since there was no waiting involved. After everyone has signed up, the workers gave us a brief introduction of their non-profit organization and how things ran around the joint. They also gave us a description of our task for the day. We were provided with snacks, gloves and sunscreen. Our group walked to the planting grounds and our first instructions were to dig holes for the plants. There was even a demonstration of how to massage the roots and how deep the hole should be for our plant. This required a lot of team work for unskilled gardeners like us, but Western’s Key Clubbers were able to get the hang of it after a few tries. Halfway into the shift, we were given a break with a genius amount of snacks to replenish ourselves and to end the day out Key Clubbers worked together to water the shrubs and plants all around the area. This event truly is a fun workout and we were able to enjoy the nature and scenery around us. - Ivy Vi |Member Recognition

Hello Hello Everyone! On Sunday, June 3 Bolsa Chica held the well known reoccurring volunteer event, the Bolsa Chica Habitat Restoration! The volunteers are given the options to water plants, plant endangered vegetation, or even dig the “donut” holes to plant them in. Along with protecting the native plant species, we got to learn more about the wetlands from the people who were in charge of organizing the volunteers. Before starting, all the volunteers got donuts and bananas. As we were eating the people who were in charge told us about the different tasks we were going to be doing, and demonstrated how we would do certain tasks. All the volunteers gathered at the area along the path to get the plants and carry the heavy gallons of water. There were occasions when the volunteers would accidentally spill water onto the volunteers around them due to the heavy water containers. The water that survived the hands of the volunteers would make it to the plants to be watered. Each plant had about two to four volunteers. The volunteers would have a specific task which ranges from watering the plant, planting it, or digging the hole. This may seem gruesome but you’re able to take a break along with the complimentary snacks and water! The heavy water containers may seem like a challenge, but it’s worth it in the end to see the wetlands to continue to thrive. - Vannie Tran | Publicist


Kiwanis All Star Baseball Game was held on June 5th Tuesday, at Glover Stadium/La Palma Park from 6:30 to 10pm. Western Key clubbers got there earlier than the actual event at 4:30 to set up and prepare for the Annual Kiwanis All Star Baseball Game. Western Key clubbers had to cook, serve, and sell food such as hotdogs, tacos, etc and drinks to run the food station for the spectators of the game. It was an All-star baseball game which the best players are selected from all over the Orange County high school baseball teams and created two different teams depends on their school location. It was really good to see how players run, hit, and catch the ball for the same goal and same reason in a same team even though some of the players saw each other for the first time. Sadly I haven’t seen any of players from Western High School. However, it was still a meaningful and fun event since it was an official Kiwanis event that Key clubbers from other schools are also volunteering and participating altogether with Western Key clubbers. Additionally, there were Kiwanis organization advisors at the event, so we had chances to talk to them as well. We have heard stories about Key club, the values and responsibilities that Key clubbers should have and what Key club is supposed to mean to us by volunteering and giving out helping hands from the conversation, and the advisors also shared us some tips and information about the Key club opportunities and programs such as scholarship program for seniors, etc, which also made that volunteer event more interesting and valuable time.

- Joy Seo | Spirit Coordinator

AR BASEBALL GAME I didn’t think that an event can be so fun and hectic at the same time, until I attended this event. Kiwanis All Star Baseball Game was held on June 5th, at the Glover Stadium. I was the first volunteer to arrive, so I saw the event empty and peaceful. Another Western Key Clubber, Joy Seo, arrived and we started looking for the event coordinator and that’s when the fun and the stress began. Our very first task is to move the sodas at the back room, and that was pretty easy. We met Key Clubbers from Loara High School, so that was cool. Then, we were asked to get packs of ice from the parking lot, and the ice packs weren’t heavy, but definitely cold that it took an hour for me to feel my arms again. For an hour, we were just preparing the booth where we are going to sell food. When we opened the booth, that’s the moment I forgot to breathe. Customers started flooding in and all of the volunteers are running around to get the customers’ orders. For the next 2 hours, we were making sure we get their orders right, and I’m really proud to say we didn’t mess up, and that the people were pleased with our performance. Our shift ended, and we got free food! Overall, even it was the busiest event I attended, I loved the event and I can’t wait to go to this event if they have it again soon. - Winzel Payumo | Bulletin Editor

This event marked as the second division event that I have attended. This event started super early in the morning which meant that I had to get up early. Since it is now summer, I stay up super late especially the night before the event. I later on regretted my decision as I slowly got more and more tired during throughout the event. Despite how tired I was, I was excited to see the race. I didn’t get to see them start the race because I was busy handing out t-shirts for the runners but I was able to see them finish. When I was handing out shirts to the runners, I was surprised to see kids my age and even younger run the adult race, go them! Overall the race took about 30 minutes and in those 30 minutes, volunteers cheered on the runners as they ran through the finish line. I felt the adrenaline even though I was not racing. Since this a division event, there were other schools there as well. I talked to some new people as it was one of my goal for this term, to be more outgoing, I hope I did well and didn’t scare them away. This event was held at Center Street Promenade which was near Anaheim Packing House where some of the volunteers and I decided to go after the event. We first crashed into these big cushioned bench while waiting for the shops to opened which felt amazing after standing and walking for so long. I also say on the swings they had which was very relaxing. - Anh Cao | Historian

It was five in the morning, I was sick, and yet I found myself volunteering for this event. Anaheim 5K was held last June 9th, 5 am at Center Street Promenade, Anaheim. It is a division event, so we got to meet other Key Clubbers from other schools. In this event, each school were given certain tasks, and for our school, we started off by putting the tents and tables up for the pre-registration area. Then, we were assigned in distribution of shirts. We made things organized by laying it out by size, and we make sure things are distributed fairly. We were told that we can only give out the shirt that the runner put on their form first and that they can’t change the size because they have limited number of shirts. It was easy to talk to some runners about it, but of course, some were mad about it. This continued for hours until the actual event started. We then went ahead and cheered for the runners. It was fun to see these runners have fun, and the highlight of this event is definitely seeing parents running with their children on strollers! I was in awe and that’s definitely amazing. Overall, it was a fun event and I’d love to attend again if they have this event again soon. - Winzel Payumo | Bulletin Editor

Holy. Flags. There were a lot of flags and by a lot I mean from a radius of 10 feet you’d be greeted with several flags surrounding you. On a sunshiny Sunday in the Summer, Anaheim’s 20th annual Flag Day celebration is located at no other than Pearson Park. This day celebrates the 238th year our flag stands waving its stripes and stars. Accompanied with this day, the city brings us a parade, performers and honors our local World War II military veterans. Bright and early, Western’s Key Clubbers arrive at 10am on the lookout for any service they may attend to. The event doesn’t start until 1pm so we were put on hold until the heavier tarps and state flags were set up. It was an extremely spectacular sight. Once it was done, Western Key Clubbers were summoned along with Loara’s Key Clubbers to help set up a flag themed booth. Some of our tasks were to set the tables, attach pinwheels, and lay out decorations. Afterwards, we were asked to set up chairs in front of the stage. It was heavy work, but nothing that couldn’t be done without team work. Later on, our group got to cheer during the parade and watch it pass by while taking a break. I had the opportunity to meet new Key Clubbers from Loara and it was such a joyful experience. During the 5 hour shift, we were assigned to different jobs, and it made me feel very accomplished for completing all of them. What we have contributed isn’t even 1/4 of how much ordeal and planning the people prepare in order for an event like this to go smoothly. It shows how much work gets put into each event similar to Flag Day and my appreciation for them wanting to put a smile on others grows stronger. - Joy Seo | Spirit Coordinator The annual Flag Day event was so fun and patriotic! It was also a Kiwanis sponsored event and the first one I went to. It was a beautiful morning when we first walked in the park at 10am sharp. We then checked in with a nice elderly lady and started decorating her booth with streamers and flyers. Later on, we set up an abundance chairs for the main tent that everyone would flock to later. Shortly after, our next task was to cheer on the parade! During the parade, we were able to see floats, cars, and even dancers. We also took part in this event with Loara Key Club and got to bond with them as well. After the parade was over, everyone at the park was able to get free ice cream and cake! After receiving our desserts and finishing our shift, we toured the event and were able to stop by several booths to win stuff of just learn about a new organization in Anaheim. Overall, it was a great first Kiwanis event for me because it really showed me the true value of people from different backgrounds coming together to celebrate as one community. I’ll never forget the patriotism and joy I saw on everyone’s at this annual thrilling event! - Kathy Tu | Historian

It is now June which means that first quarter has ended. I celebrated this by attending this month’s DCM. At this DCM, Anjika gave a presentation about the Happiness Project. I was very attentive when she was giving the presentation since I wanted to learn more ways that I can be happy. I learned that happiness isn’t something you can automatically get but it is something you have to work for by implementing small habits into your daily life which helps you to feel better and happier in the long run. After listening to the presentation, I thought about small habits I can do to help me feel happier than I already am. One of which is listening to more music. I did this every single day and I have noticed that I feel more relaxed and not as stressed as I used to be throughout the day. Another one is to spend more time with my parents more because I thought that this would help our relationship since I am always on my phone, I still haven’t seen any improvements yet since they are working most of the time but I hope I get closer to my parents. Last one is to own a pet whom will accompany me when I am lonely. I begged my parents for a dog but they were extremely against so I thought that I should buy plants to grow and take of. I know that they can’t accompany me, but I love plants as much as they love the sun. I found myself devoting my time into planting them into new pots and watering them. As time went by, I saw them grew bigger and I felt very accomplished and happy. Currently I have 9 plants and I call them my pets because I love them so much. They each also have their own names; Bert, Phoebe, Tim, Girafve, Alro, Sage, Breathe, Kiev, and Anne. I hope that by doing these small things will help me feel happier.

- Anh Cao | Historian

Friday, June 15, Kennedy High School hosted the June DCM. As we were waiting for our people to come it was packed there were a lot of people. The event started so we were outside doing our pledge, attendance and awards. One of our very own person from our club got an award for member of the month. As the announcements ended we had time to take group pictures and then we went inside. Once we got our inside we were spilt into two groups one of the groupworked on books and help repair them and the other group worked on project happiness which is basically about you awareness of happiness. It was time to switch but before we switch we play ice breakers on of the games was called Indian Chief. We played about 5 rounds of that game. As we switch of it was our turn to listen about Project Happiness. At the end of project happiness we had an activity where we had posts it’s and wrote something that makes us happy. - Vianne Vicente | Treasurer

Friday, June 15, marks the day of June DCM at Kennedy High School. The sun was shining. Nice weather I would say. There were dedicated key club members that were able to come during their summer time. I appreciate it because I want more attendees for our club. Anyways, the DCM didn’t start until most of the people were there. Like every DCM, there was the monthly update of our division. The monthly updates consist of old business, new business, most spirited school, school with most service hours, school with most funds raised, etc. It is similar of being in club meetings and hearing the updates. Although Western was not part of the top 5 shining club of the month, it just gives me more motivation to be in top 5. Therefore, the president and I are working our best to reach it. Anyways, one of our club members, AJ, actually got a member of the month award. I am truly proud because I know how dedicat ed and spirited he is. It was funny when they announced his name because he was so confused and he didn’t believe it. After the updates, we did the service b events. One of the service events was Book Doctor and it is where members repair child ren’s books by cleaning and taping any ripped pages. In between service events, we participated in an icebreaker which was Indian Chief. After the icebreaker, we went to the second service event. The other service event taught us about Project Happiness. To show positivity, we wrote what makes us hap py in a sticky note and posted it in a board. Additionally, we got to make cute cards to promote happiness. At the end, I got to take a group picture with our Western Key Clubbers at the polaroid photo booth. It was a nice and beneficial event. People should at least experience a DCM event once because it is one of the events that broke me out of my shell. - Khrystal Contreras | Vice-President

Saturday, June 16 , La Palma Park hosted an event called Eid festival. We helped move out the waters and candies out of a car and sorted them on a table.We helped separate and sort out the candies to put them into goodie bags. When we finished with that , we went around the booths so we can familiarize our self’s with the booths. As we were doing that we moved a table and two chairs towards the entrance. We helped move the water bottles again to a different location. When we were done with that everything was pretty much set up there wasn’t much to do. We helped decorate the poles with paper plates , as we finishing off with that. We had a little talk about our duties and what were we’re supposed to do. Our job was to help people and to throw trash away the festive was not open yet put there were still people there enjoying the music. There were workshops and food stands at that festival. As our shift was ending were we lucky enough to have finished enough ours to get a chance to have free food. - Vianne Vicente | Treasurer

The Eid Festival was held on both Saturday, June 16 and Sunday, June 17. The Eid Festival that was held at La Palma Park celebrates the ending of Ramadan, an Islamic holy month of Fasting for Muslims. Western Key Club volunteers got the chance to take part in this special event by taking care of various tasks. Each shift had a different story. As for me, my shift was on Sunday from 5pm to 9pm. The coordinator was very nice and welcoming. Volunteers were also given free shirts that suited the event. Unfortunately for me, they ran out of the size small which left me with an extra-large shirt. During my time at the festival, I mainly picked up trash for the first two and a half hours. After that, I was given a ten minute break. Eventually, I was free to do any other task In which I chose to help out with the children’s rides. For this job, all I had to do was collect tickets and confirm that they were eligible to go on the ride. This was pretty tough since quiet a handful of kids would not listen and just go straight In without giving me their tickets. Thankfully, there was another volunteer to help me with all the hassle. At the very end of my shift, I was given a $10 food voucher that I could use with any of the vendors. But, since I had a late shift, most of the vendors have already closed their shop and I was left with getting two slices of pizza along with a soft drink. - Marilitz Diwa | Publicist

Corgis, corgis, and more corgis! SoCal Corgi Beach Day was one of the best events of the year, hands down. It’s an event that every single key clubber looks forward to each year. During the gloomy morning at approximately 8am, volunteers helped set up tents and stuck signs in the sand. Throughout the entire day, our members were constantly staring and petting each adorable corgi that passed by our eyes. When we were setting up the tents, we filled bags with sand and tied them to the poles in order to support the tent. Also, when we had our free time and were walking through the event, many people pulled us over for help with their tents or anything whatsoever. Even though I had to leave this event early due to officer training conference, I would have loved to stay longer and see all of the events happen. I 10/10 recommend Corgi Beach Day to every single person out there. I know I will definitely be coming back next time! I’ve never seen so many corgis up close and personal ever in my lifetime and helping set the whole event up made me feel like I doing a great thing for some really great corgis! One last thing, this event was and still is one of the best, and I mean best, events of the entire year. - Kathy Tu | Historian SoCal Corgi Beach Day was held on June 23, 2018. It is an event that is always held once every spring, summer, and fall. This event brings together a bunch of corgis and owners together at the beach. Other dogs are invited too. Several events are taken place like dog races. There are also several booths that sell items for your dog and also corgi merchandise for yourself. Food trucks are there if you are ever hungry too. This event goes from the morning to the afternoon. In the morning, volunteers are tasked to help set up the place by placing signs, moving boxes and other things around, setting up tents, and hanging up banners. Once the actual event starts right before noon, not much help is needed. However, volunteers get to use this time to take a break and enjoy the event. You can pet and meet dogs, have fun at the beach, shop at the booths, eat somewhere, and see the competitions. Once the event is over, volunteers are tasked to help clean up by taking down signs and other stuff, and moving boxes and other things around bunch of stuff around like a table and boxes. It was light work. The people in charge were really nice. I was also able to pet and meet nice corgis and other dogs. The people at the event were nice and most would let you pet and take pictures of their dog. This event if you’re a fan of corgis or dogs in general. If you missed this event, there is always another one during the fall season. - Danica Lopez | Historian

OC Symphony was held on June 24. It was a Kiwanis event. OC Symphony has several concerts every year which you are able to listen to or watch even when you are volunteering. The OC Symphony provides music education and other musical events for the community. They also expand musical exposures to children or families who cannot afford other live classical concerts. The people in charge are very nice, which are the same people for every OC Symphony event. Like the usual, key clubbers are tasked to set up, and sell a whole lot of raffle tickets to the attendees. I could not get anyone to buy the raffle tickets. However the other key clubbers did. We were all kind of competing against each other on getting the most people to buy the raffle tickets. It started to get more difficult for me to try to sell as everyone kept rejecting me. But it was still fun how we all would compete with each other. I was able to socialize this way. Once the concert started, key clubbers were free to relax and enjoy the music. During intermission, we were tasked to hand out the programs. I was also able to sell raffle tickets to one person during this time. After that, we all put the raffle tickets in one bag and see which people won the raffle. We gave the prizes to each winner. Once that was over, the concert continues. During this time we helped clean up and enjoy the rest of the concert. - Danica Lopez | Historian

Saturday, June 23 marks the day for the Officer Training Conference. It is an event where the whole division of region 3 board members come together and learn more about Key Club and their position. It is a beneficial event where the DLT leaders get to teach the officers. Before any training, we checked in and there was actually a little scavenger hunt. The scavenger hunt was to break time and a nice icebreaker to meet new people. Some of the challenges were to chant the cheer and more. Once most of the people were present, there was a guest speaker that was part of the CHOC Walk in the Park. The CHOC are presented by Disneyland where they raise funds for health care programs, education, and research for kids. The guest speaker got to tell us all about it and in the end, there was a trivia about what she said. Afterward, everyone went to their own division group. During that time, we did some ice breakers like hug a bear and another where we had to say an adjective in alphabetical order in a certain topic. For instance, the topic would be encouraging words: “awesome, believe, celebrate..� and so on and so forth. Later, it was time for the Officer Training conference. We went to an auditorium and the DLT leaders start to talk about each session and some several updates like events. It was a little too early for the sessions to start, so we did another icebreaker called soul mates. When I went to my session which was vice president and service project, I got to learn new aspects. In the vice president session, I got inspired with new ideas to get new members or more people to join Key Club. I also learned about my limit as a vice president. In the service project session, I also got new ideas and how to start a service project. Before the session, I actually was sort of still confused about service projects. The sessions were very helpful for me in order for me to be the vice president I will be satisfied with. At the end of the Officer Training Conference, they were handing out merchandise based on what other officers learned from each session to check if they were paying attention. This is not my first officer training conference, but I enjoy going and learning about the aspects of Key Club.

The annual event, Officer Training Conference, took place at Costa Mesa High School on Saturday, June 23rd. However, this one was a little extra special because of the bedazzle the theme brought in: Training in Wonderland. The day consisted of several activities, ranging from scavenger hunts, to a speaker from CHOC, to trivia, and to workshops. Officers started their day by signing in, participating in the trivia, which enlightened everyone’s mood as they got to meet new people. Then, a speaker from the Children Hospital of Orange County (CHOC) talked to us about CHOC’s medical achievements and she truly made us realize how much our con tributions to the Children’s Miracle Network, which is one of Key Club’s preferred cha rities, really matter. Then, we bonded over slices of pizza, icebreakers, and the open ing session. The main purpose of Officer Training Conference is to make sure that the of ficers are ready and encouraged to make a difference during their term. The 7 LTG’s of Region 3 prepared different 12 work shops; each with their own surprises, en richment, and bedazzle of magic. Person ally, after the event ended, I felt ready and more thrilled than ever to serve my club as President; therefore, I assure the LTG’s that their purpose was thoroughly accom plished. In my two workshops, I had the honor to learn about key club’s preferred charities, their missions, and ways we can get involved with them. I also learned new duties that a President should be aware of, and I also learned how to deal with last minute situations that could easily happened. However, my favorite part was during the opening and closing sessions because during that time, we all came together, as a region, with the same purpose. At the end of the day, I always look forward to OTC because I am guaranteed that I will learn something new from it. Who knew LICC could be an acronym that ev ery officer that attended OTC now knows about? It actually stands for the 4 Key Club Core Values: Leadership, Inclusive ness, Caring, and Character-Building---thank you, LTG Josh Hessel for that fun acro nym. My point is that you ae guaranteed to always learn something new and bond with your whole region. I am proud to be a part of such a strong division, region, dis trict, and community. Events like those always remind me of why I literally fell in love with Key Club in the first place. It is all about hundreds of people gathering in the same place, aiming to make a difference in their communities whether it is big or small. - Ali Al-Saleem | President


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