Western HS Key Club March 2015 Newsletter

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Division 30 South | Region 3 |CNH

Volume: 4, Issue 1

The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | March 2015

The Key Club Times

! S 0 3 D s g n i t e Gre Hey Key Clubbers!


First off, welcome to the new Western Key Club Newsletter! I hope to make the Newsletter as fun-filled and stock full of memories for y’all. March was a slightly more than busy month for this time of the year and I hope you all enjoyed it. The Twila Reid Carnival was a blast. Made me almost wish I was that little again. While stationed at the golf booth, many cheery smiles came up to play the game. Little kids can be so funny. Anyways March was a great month for us as a Club and I hope all of you volunteers grab some more hours next month! Have a good April!

The first month of the Key Club term was a bit hectic—what with International Week, DCON, and our weekly service events— but we still managed to get off to a strong start! We served over 200 hours, which is more than usual! As the 2015-2016 term gets off to a great start, the school year is (slowly, but surely) coming to an end. Props to all of you for being able to maintain your grades in school while staying involved in Key Club. Every once in a while, after a long, but worthwhile, morning of community service, it occurs to me that we do all of this without getting paid. So thank you all for your dedication and service to our club, whether you’ve just started getting involved or whether Key Club has always been a significant part of your high school career. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been a member, but rather, how the Key Club experience has impacted you. So, with that being said, let’s continue to serve in our home, school, and community!

The Editor, Michael Coates

Shinin’ with Service, Van Bui, Western Key Club President 2015-2016

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March Collage P.3 Ebell Club of Anaheim P.4 Western 5k Color Run P.5 Japanese Cherry Blossom Festival P.6

Twila Reid Carnival P.7 Run 4 Homeless Children P.8 Cypress Rotary Club Spaghetti Dinner P.9 Recognition/Misc P.10-11 Page 2


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m i e h a n A f o b u l C l l e Eb On Monday, March 30th, I attended the Ebell Club of Anaheim event. The volunteers at this event helped organize the supplies and make the club look presentable. Our first task was to move chairs to storage. For the most part, we

were occupied with unloading and unwrapping new chairs. After that, we mainly cleaned the floors and tidied up the stage. The jobs assigned required teamwork between the volunteers, such that we were working together the entire time. We managed to finish the job an hour early, and were rewarded with brownies and lemonade! -Member Recognition Crystal Ly

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Western 5k Color Run! As I was passing out water for the runners, I was busy taking pictures as well. I was able to capture moments from the very beginning until the very end of the event, and boy can I say it was colorful! Being the one able to capture these memorable moments is such an honor. Capturing many great moments, Key Club moments, and of course, creating many great memories along with it. My favorite part was the end where everyone had finished the 5K. Everyone was just having a great time! Being able to have a good time and raising tons of money for a charity is pretty challenging, but Western High School did it! We raised about $7,500 for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society! - Your Historian, Linda Le After the entirety of this event, I have spent a couple of minutes hanging out with friends, and eventually went home, covered in a mix of color that my friends have tackled me with. (Definitely did not go without a color battle or two). 5k Color Run is certainly one of my favorite events which I plan to go my senior year as well, and certainly one of the school events I recommend others to join. The proceeds go towards a good cause, and it’s definitely a good feeling to be able to have a lot of fun while doing a good deed. -Your Secretary, Kiara Legaspi

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l a v ti s e F m o s s o l B y r r e h C e s e Japan We then chose to go to the Samurai Hat Craft Booth. We got to help children make hats of their own that they could wear around the festival and show to their parents. At first not a lot of children were there at the event, but later on more children started coming towards our booth. We spent the majority of our first shift helping children make the samurai hats. At the end of our first shift we were able to explore around the festival and see the different types of festivities. It allowed me to try out different types of food; for example, I had some fried squid leg which was actually really good. I also got to see some of the performances they had at the festival while I was in line to order food. Also, during my break I was able to take many photos for our Western Key Club page. -Your Historian Jennifer Hernandez

Huntington Beach Central Park as it was a great spot for many people to walk by and attend to see festival, and the environment had accommodated the festival since it was surrounded by cherry blossoms at their full bloom since it was the beginning of spring. The festival was to celebrate Japanese culture, but also the time to celebrate the kick off to spring, as donations we accepted go towards Anjo Huntington’s Sister City and their student exchange program that they have between their schools. As I was working in a booth we were to accept any donations to support and help out the exchange program and hope they would enjoy the Japanese culture. By this event, it has shown me what I have signed up for Key Club and what is comprised of giving back to the community and what one can accommodate while working together. -Your Publicist AbrahamVicente

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Twila Reid Carnival

My partner and I were assigned to Toilet Toss, a game in which the kids would try to throw a roll of toilet paper into a makeshift toilet from behind a given line. We got there before the kids did though, so we had time to set up and meet with the parent in charge of the game. While waiting, we prepared prizes for the kids. If they successfully threw one of the roles into the toilet, they won a coloring sheet. If they missed, they won a piece of candy instead. In addition to the Toilet Toss, there were stations for bean bag tosses, lollipop pulls, dunking, face painting, and plenty more! There was plenty for both the kids and the volunteers to do, and it was a great way to make myself and others happy. -Your Treasurer, Randall Belyea

I loved working with the children! We tried to make their experience at the carnival memorable. Although there were a few times where we had to handle difficult situations with kids and their parents, we were able to do the job in the end. It was worth it to see the smiles on their faces when they won prizes (we decided not to tell them that it was impossible to lose the game). -Member Recognition, Crystal Ly

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Run 4 Homeless Children Which meant we had to have chalk marks on the ground, set up cones that indicated one cannot cross there, and left and right turns. I think one of my favorite parts about setting up is being able to see all the cute ducks! (I have a very huge duck obsession haha) Once the race started all you can hear is all of us cheering our heads off! We were cheering on all the runners; from old to young and even dogs too! I am not kidding when I say we cheered for a straight hour. I remember my whole body became tired from all the cheering; but that just meant I was doing my job right! It honestly felt like the amount of runners that came through never ended. But their kind words helped us continue our cheering. Once the runners were trickling down, we were getting ready for clean up. We washed out all of the chalk marks and picked up the cones and signs. We helped gather all the stuff and placed it in the Kiwanis car. We all went back to the starting point and checked out. It was an extremely long morning but it sure was fun! It was one of the first events I attended in a while and I was happy to start going to Key Club events again! -Spirit Coordinator Lesley Aguirre

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Cypress Rotary Club Spaghetti Dinner!

I was the first to arrive at the Cypress Senior Center where the event was hosted. When I got there we had already run into a major problem. Tickets. In order to get into the event each member needed a ticket to attend. Finally after everyone got there a nice man named Karl came out to talk to us. He let us in once we informed him of the situation. This is where the fun began. We first walked in and lined up to get our plates and first servings of spaghetti, salad, and garlic bread. After finding our table we began the process of bonding over a meal. It was pretty fun in all honesty. We shared stories, jokes, and even some of our food when others were full. I’d have to say, everyone loved the garlic bread! As we sat there and ate I watched numerous families and many elderly people walk into the room together. It was a pretty sight as you could see all the people in there with us bonding as well. That’s when I realized that the Rotary Club sort of does what we do here in Key Club. We care and share, but with passion. I think that is what made the Spaghetti Dinner so special. It was a pretty sunny day after all. -Bulletin Editor Michael Coates

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Linda Le: 15 Hours

Abraham Vicente: 15 Hours

Crystal Ly: 13 Hours

Jennifer Hernandez: 13 Hours

Brenda Lee: 10 Hours

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1. Favorite Color? a. Turquoise! 2. What’s the best part about being in Key Club? a. I think being able to have fun while serving in the community, and being able to go to certain events that not many other clubs on campus offer

8. Do you prefer tap water, refrigerated water, hose water, or bottled water? (Everyone’s different) a. … I prefer bottled water. Yes, there’s a difference between all of these. The only times I ever drink tap water, refrigerated water, or hose water is 9. How hard is your job?

a. Hands down, dragon fruit.

a. So far, being president isn’t necessarily hard, but it’s been busy. I definitely have to keep a lot of different tasks and ideas in mind when making decisions. The only hard part about it is that I have less guidance compared to when I was club secretary and D30S executive assistant last term. I know that the club board is always there for me as my support system and whenever I need feedback, but in general, I have to be a bit more independent and autonomous.

4. Who is your role model?

10. What is your way of escaping school and relaxing?

a. Honestly, my older brother is my role model. He is one of the worst.

and is one of the most level-headed people I know. Sometimes I think that he is underappreciated and that people take him for granted.

a. Well, I busy myself so much that sometimes I think that I’ve forgotten how to relax. But my idea of escaping school and relaxing is playing tennis—exercise in general, especially with friends. I have to put all of my focus into the game and into my performance that I don’t even have time to stress about my schoolwork. I also like watching Youtube videos to unwind on Friday nights. Who needs to go out and party when there’s Youtube, right? Ha… no, but seriously, I get a good laugh out of watching WongFu Productions’ videos or Ryan Higa’s vlogs.

5. Are you enjoying your current position and term?

11. Any advice for up and coming board members?

a. Of course! It’s been a little busy and hectic so far, but I really do enjoy serving Western Key Club as president so far. The board members this year are very ambitious and I can see so much passion for Key Club in each and every one of them. I’m actually very excited to bring new ideas and projects to the club—

a. Please do not procrastinate on your assignments—or on anything for that matter. I know that I should be following my own advice (I’m working on it, trust me), but I sincerely mean this. It’ll make your life 10x easier and you’ll save yourself the stress. Also, work that you do last minute probably won’t be as good as if you were to do it in a timely manner. And please ask for help whenever you have any questions about ANYTHING, because there is no harm in asking questions.

(like Beach Boomba, Region Training Conference, District Convention) is one of the best parts about being in Key Club. 3. What is your favorite fruit?

procrastinators I know, but he has done a lot for himself and for our family,

6. What clubs/activities are you involved in? a. Aside from Key Club, I’m only active in tennis, honestly. Occasionally, I’ll participate in the Class of 2016 Club (like for winter skit), but otherwise, I don’t really do any outside activities.

12. What is your favorite book series? a. Definitely the Hush, Hush series by Becca Fitzpatrick. That was probably the book series that I finished the fastest out of all the books I have ever read. And I’m a slow reader.

7. Who is your favorite music artist?

13. Who is your favorite superhero?

a. I’m really into Sam Smith right now, especially his songs that aren’t as well-known. Yeah, I’m Not the Only One and Latch are both good songs, but Make It to Me and Life Support are both just as good, in my opinion.

a. BAYMAX FROM BIG HERO 6. [insert fist bump and ba-la-la-la sounds]

-Your President

Van Bui

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Van Bui

Nhi Truong

Kiara Legaspi




(714) 824-2884

(714) 234-0275

(714) 931-7222


Spirit Coordinator

Bulletin Editor

Randall Belyea

Lesley Aguirre

Michael Coates


aguirre_lesley@yahoo.com (714) 576-3432

coates179@gmail.com (714) 225-2181

(714) 209-3865



Lara Matty/ Linda Le/ Jennifer Hernandez

Brenda Rosas/ Abraham Vicente

laramatty999@gmail.com (714) 306-9969


lindale922@gmail.com (714) 886-2467

(714) 342-0281

jenniferhernandez1634@gmail.com -(714) 588-1644

abrahamvicente3@gmail.com (714) 855-7625

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