Western HS Key Club March 2016 Newsletter

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Division 30 South | Region 3 |CNH Volume: 4, Issue 6 The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | August 2015



Hello, hello everyone, This is 2016-2017 WHS Key Club President Nhi Truong speaking. So we change hands again, and all I can say right now are thank you’s. Thanks for making it all this way with us, for those who were there from the start, middle, or/and end. The club has definitely grown a lot since I first joined as a freshman and I know that it will only continue to grow. This letter thing is a first for me, just as being president is a first for me or Jerry being bulletin editor is a first and… I digress. With the finals weeks coming up and the end of the school year nearing, good luck to everyone! I’d share a few quotes but I think it’s too soon for that. So I’ll just close off with a few more words. I’m hopeful and excited. New board, old and new members, new year. I’m trying to be inspiring right now but the most I can do is ramble about the future. So I’ll focus on the present for now and here is a present-day, thank you, and hello.

From yours truly, Nhi Truong, Western Key Club President 2016-2017

GREETINGS EARTHLINGS AND WESTERN KEY CLUBBERS ALIKE, If you have to zoom in to read these passages, I’m sorry for the inconvenience. I appreciate that you’re taking the time to read this though! As I finish up my very first newsletter of my very first term of being on the Western Key Club board, I realize how quickly the school year has flown by. Looking back at all these events that we as Western Key Clubbers have done in these past months, sifting through articles, editing photo after funny photo… the amount of memories in one place is scary. And yet, this is only my first newsletter, there will be even more memories to come, still more experiences to experience, events in the making! With that in mind, it motivates me to be even more active as a student, an editor, and a volunteer, and to keep on creating even more memories. What I want to say to you is to continue making memories, and I’ll be honored to compile your recollections into a nifty nifty newsletter. Keep shining, suns! Your beautiful bulletin editor Jerry Castillo


Coaster Run

p. 3

Color Run p. 4 Board Bonding p.6 Cypress Spring Egg Hunt p. 8

March DCM | Dodge for a Cause p. 10



Coaster Run! The Coaster Run took place on Sunday, March 6 th, 2016 at Knott’s Berry Farm. Families and friends were able to come and spend their time giving back to the community. People who ran the marathon did it for the Kids of Speech and Language Development Center. The event started at 7:00 AM and ended at around 10:00 AM. Volunteers from different organizations joined to help make this event possible. They were expected to meet at the event by 5:00 AM to sign in and to be given instructions on what to do under their given tasks. That way they would know what they’re doing and where they’re supposed to go. When arrived at the event it was raining a lot. I headed over to the volunteer tent and it was chaos. Water was dripping from the middle of the tent, volunteers were crowded altogether in one corner, and there was no light until like thirty minutes later. There rain was no help whatsoever. Once everything was settled down, the person in charged started separating people to their stations. Before she sent us back to our stations she asked us to grab something to eat and then head out. Western was sent to the gear check station. Since it was still raining and they didn’t want to get any of the equipment ruined we were sent to set up the trashcans in the meanwhile. It was actually really fun because we were working with two other key clubbers from Division 30 North. We struggled trying to put up the trashcans and getting the trash cans around the event area. Lucky enough they gave us ponchos. Once the rain stopped we started setting up the gear check station. The station was all set up, and then the runners started coming up all at once, LITERALLY. It got so hectic and chaotic, but it wasn’t that bad since there like probably 10 people over at gear check I would say. Then, everyone was out on the starting point. During that time I found some free time to go walk around and take some pictures. Fun!!! You know, just the usual. When I was walking around I saw Kevin and realized that he was supposed to be with us… I went over to him and asked, “What happened?!” His sweater was soaked. Then, he told me the whole story of how he was lost. Shaking my head… Anyways, once the runners started coming in from the finish line. They came back to get their stuff. It was pretty slow, so we got bored and started organizing their bags in order. Soon after, all the runners got their stuff and then it was time for clean up! There wasn’t much to clean up but the trash cans and the tables & chairs. Overall, it was actually pretty fun! Even though it was raining it made the experience a lot more different for me. It was really nice getting to work with some people from Division 30 North, and of course and listening to how Kevin get lost while walking in the rain! Linda Le

Knott's Berry Farm has long been renowned for its rides, games, restaurants, and other attractions, but there's more to it than that. In more recent years, the popular theme park has hosted the annual Coaster Run! On Sunday, March 6, Knott's Berry Farm worked together with the Speech and Language Development Center to organize and carry out a 5k and 10k race in order to raise funds and awareness for children and adults with specials needs and disorders. The event becomes more popular every year, and is just as fun as it is successful! Both races are set up throughout the park and surrounding area, creating an interesting environment for both runners and volunteers. There was also plenty of merchandise available for everyone attending, making it quite the fashionable event! Volunteers had a few different things to help with during the day. On the more technical side, volunteers could work with registration and computing and calculating finish times. Volunteers could also be helping at the many booths that surrounded the races, advertising different products and services. Other activities included organizing merchandise, passing out fruit and water, distributing medals and prizes, and cheering on runners and walkers. After the main festivities of the event, volunteers stayed behind to help clean up. This included doing things like picking up discarded cups and wrappers, gathering cones and tape, putting away technology and merchandise, and taking down tents. Volunteers were also welcome to take home lots of free things like food, flyers, bags, and more! As fun as that all is, I wasn't able to volunteer at this event. Instead, I participated in it! The money I paid to run the 5k was used to pay for research and treatment for different speech problems found in children and adults. It felt amazing to run for such an incredible cause, and I'm sure everyone else felt as purposeful! Ultimately, I think this was a great event! From my perspective as a veteran runner at this race, I think it was very well organized and fun. Every aspect of volunteering was necessary in this event too, and all the jobs seemed like tons of fun! I'm sure that Knott's Berry Farm's and the Speech and Language Development Center's Coaster Run will continue to be successful in the future, and that Western Key Club will continue to volunteer at this event!


THE WESTERN HIGH SCHOOL “It’s obvious that the relationship between Key Club and ASB isn’t as strong as it should be but I’ve seen so much improvement, especially in this year! Since a few board members are also members in ASB, there is a lot of conflicts but we manage to be understanding and adjust. Connections have formed and we have began to support each other. For example, on Key Club agendas there is always shameless advertisments that help spread the word of what is going on around campus. Because of this, many ASB members have started to appreciate Key Club. The Color Run is one of ASB’s biggest events since all funds made go to the Lukemia and Lymphoma Society. In order to make this event successful, we needed a lot of volunteers! This is where ASB truly needs the support from our bugeest volunteer group on campus. Many Key Clubbers volunteer at this event because it’s just so much fun and accessible since it is right on campus! For ASB, I was put into the Color Run committee because it is known that I have connectuobs with other clubs and organizations which helped us bring more people to our event. A lot of planning went into this event and volunteers were essential to making it a success. The morning of, ASB had to come super early to set up the tasks that volunteers were going to be in charge of. When we saw volunteers coming, it was definitely a relief because we had so much to get done! Volunteers become like superheros because they are willing to do anything to help out!

Before the run started, volunteers were primarily in charge of helping out with registration. There was a lot of confusion because some people were supposed to get shirts while others weren’t but in the end, it all worked out. Next to the registration booth, there was a booth from the organization that offered more information on how people can get involved.”

“After registration, volunteers were assigned to a specific station where they either had to cheer on runners or throw color at them. Obviously, like any event, each station is what you make of it. That’s why it was important to have spirited members to encourage the runners to continue running. Although we did have some problems with volunteers from other schools, who threw the color on our blacktop when they were specifically asked not to, our volunteers did a great job at kindly asking them to stop doing so. Volunteers with good energy and positive attitudes are alweays essential to makinghige events like these work efficiently. A kids run was organized after the major event to make sure everyone got the chance to participate. Volunters all gathered around this one minute walk and cheered on all of ther kids which was super cute! After the events, the top runners were recogjnized and Western High School was acknowleged for how much we have helped this amazing organization over the years. Everyone began taking pictures for the memories and using the left over color to attack each other which truly shows the unity that volunteering brings. Clean up for this event went extremely well and smooth because everyone was active in order to finish as soon as possible.


This was my first time attending this event and it definitely won’t be my last! I truly love the atmosphere because so many people who usually don’t volunteer are able to attend and learn about howe eadily they can make a change in their community and serve the bigger picture.”

Brenda Rosas

COLOR RUN!! When washing the colored powder off my hair, feet and nose; I felt the satisfaction of volunteering for Western High School’s Color Run on Saturday March 5th. This Color Run has been Western High School’s 4th annual Color Run and was a way to raise funds for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, as this being a local event many from the community had come along to participate and be drenched with the powdered goodness. Once awkwardly arriving to this event ready to help out I was assigned to sign in and hang up poster where runners would be encouraged to be motivated to keep running. Poster after poster the school gym was filled with poster with encouraging words and message, when finished with that job I then on was told to go to the practice field and there I would get my assignment on what I would be doing during the time the race would take place. Joyfully meeting up into my station I was greeted by one of Western's ASB members and was instructed to wait for a while until the race would starts and I would cheer, through color powder and pass out water to the runners. As I met up with another board member we saw that the water station was filled with water and since the race was about to begin we began to fill the cups with water so we will be prepared and ready for the runners because as my teachers always tell me “ work smarter not harder”.

We were still minutes away from the race and since the majority of the volunteers were bored and not pumped for the race some individuals started to blast their music with the giant speakers that was provided from the school. As everyone started to get crazy and dance, sing and have fun, it was entertaining to see all the smiling face of people finally realizing that volunteering can be fun. Minutes way from the race about to start everyone stop lypsyncing to the song “Bohemian Rap City” and got ready in their stations. Runner by runner I started screaming and chanting for all those that would pass by me and encouraged them to keep going. With the S-U-P-E-R Super Star is What You Are! and the, G double O D-J-O-B Good Job Good cheers came from my mouth people would smile either with the awkwardness of someone screaming in their ear or with the passion that someone would come early in the morning to volunteer at this event. After cheering for the last runner with all my might we were then told to help clean up and tear down all the stations. Since many thought I was strong they made me carry the large buckets of water whereas I then spilled all over myself, while laughing the embarrassment away I started to make myself useful and helped taking down the poster. While this event has been one the last volunteer events that I’ve done this term had made me realize on what a great deal of service I’ve done to not only help the club but to the community and organizations that need our help. I’m happy to say that this was a great term filled with service and happiness and can’t wait on what next year would bring me as well.

Abraham Vicente


Board Meeting and Bonding

On March 11th, was our board meeting; however there was something different about this board meeting. The new board for the 2016-2017 term would be here to listen in on the meeting and get trained on how to do their jobs. I was quite nervous for this meeting since it would be the first time I would be taking board meeting minutes. I was praying I would be able to do a decent job at taking notes during the meeting. Surprisingly I didn’t die as I thought I would, if anything I had a lot of fun taking notes as weird as that sounds. We went over the basics and assigned tasks to board members for upcoming events. After going over the usual info, it was time for us to eat pizza. We all pitched in to buy some food since no one had eaten lunch due to that day being a minimum day. When everyone was done eating, it was time to finally train each of the new appointed board. I was quite nervous but excited to train the new board because it feels as if only just yesterday I was getting trained to become a historian. As I saw Brenda, Hadeel, and Elicia sit there at the table I knew they would do a good job as the new historians. Linda and I taught them the basics and gave them advice that hopefully would help them during their term as historians. We explained where we made some mistakes and hopefully they could prevent from making the same mistakes we made. Since there was only so much we could teach the new historians, we (the old historians) hope they’ll do a good job on their future tasks and can always rely on us for help if needed. A lot of their job relies on learning it firsthand. When training was over we all wanted to get to know the new board a little bit better by reading out sticky notes of something interesting about everyone. Also, we started to play headbangz which was definitely amusing to watch people try to figure out what they were. While we were playing this game I was multitasking by counting coins from our rice bowl fundraiser. Unfortunately I had to leave the bonding earlier than I wanted, but overall the experience of training the new historians was a good one. I wish them loads of luck and hopefully they don’t procrastinate on the scrapbook!!

Jennifer Hernandez

Training and board games are the best, BUT it is even better with one of the sunniest boards in the world! Our board is already well into finishing our term and what better way to (almost) end it with a board bonding with new and current board! To think that this was the last time I was going to be training someone in my position was surreal. My future successors were eagerly waiting to learn how to adjust to my position as Spirit Coordinator. I taught them the ropes of how to lead a cheer and how to properly organize a social. The biggest advice I gave to them was to really let their imagination run wild- that no idea is stupid or impossible as long as you have the determination to achieve it. I explained to them that within my term, planning socials have not always gone my way. Many times the venue would already be booked, supplies were low, and sometimes interest was low. Although this became dis-

couraging, I pushed through with the help of my president and my amazing board members. I told them to really utilize their Presidents help for ideas for the social and to always ask the board members for any supplies or publicity help. My successors were eager with questions and I happily answered all of them knowing that I am really making a difference on how they continue the term. After training, the current board and new board decided to play various icebreaker and board games. It was not awkward at all for new board and I heard a remark later on about how they felt that they were right at home with this board. For me it is very bittersweet to be leaving the club into new hands. I understand that I must part ways with it and let it grow with new people guiding it. But, at the same time I do want to continue staying and watch it grow myself instead of coming years later to see it is all grown up. I know we seniors leave the club in good hands and I just look forward to what the new board has in store for the next term. :) Thank you guys for always putting a smile on my face and for making me feel sunny! ☼ ~Lesley Aguirre


Spirit Coordinator

The current and upcoming board members got together after school for both a board meeting and board bonding on Friday, March 11th. At first, I planned this to be only an appointed officer training and old/new board bonding, but I thought since everyone was able to go (for once), why not have a board meeting too? It would allow the current board members to continue preparing for the end of the term while giving the upcoming board members some insight as to what goes on during a board meeting. We met at our vice president Nhi Truong’s house after school, and our first order of business was actually ordering pizza for lunch. While we waited for the pizza to come, we started our board meeting, which actually went by pretty quick. It was the normal introduction of guests (usually we have none, but now there were just as many “guests” as there were current board members!), old business, new business, extra business, and closing. Some of the upcoming board members were able to contribute by providing feedback on events or stepping up to serve as event chairs for upcoming events—which really does help us a lot in terms of organization. The pizza finally arrived a little bit before we were about to start training. Everyone got their pizza then started training. The current board members got with their successors to train them on the ins and outs of being on Key Club board. A lot of training, however, consisted of what the current board members learned from experience, and what mistakes they made. As I walked around—since I already trained my successor a few weeks prior to this day—I heard people sharing a lot of tips about how to avoid making the same mistakes that they made. Every officer has their own individual challenges every term, but those of us who have already faced such challenges can help those who are about to (that just got real deep real quick).

Afterwards, we jumped into old/new board bonding! First, we started an icebreaker where each person had to write an interesting fact about themselves on a sticky note, but couldn’t write their name on the sticky note. The notes were all collected in a bag and every now and then throughout the next game that we played (which I’ll explain later), I read a few sticky notes out loud and we all had to figure out whose sticky note that was. It was actually a little hard because there were over 20 of us this time instead of just the usual 12, but of course it was still just as fun! The other game we played was Headbandz, where we had a card on our forehead (some of us got the actual headband and some of us just held the card against our foreheads) and had to guess what the card was by asking everyone else in the circle yes or no questions. The minute time limit flew by fast. Mine was an apple, so I started out with questions like “Is it edible?” “Is it bigger than my hand?” until I eventually guessed it right. I had to leave after one round of this, but I still enjoyed being with both the current and upcoming board. Part of me wishes that I could serve alongside next year’s board because I really do want to see them grow and support them along the way, but I know that they’ll do an amazing job regardless of whether I am there or not to help them out. Knowing me, I’ll probably visit a few times just to check up on them and bother them during their meetings. Van Bui



It seems like me getting lost to events is a rather unfortunate trend. This time it was possibly more unfortunate than I thought it could be, since I ended up dragging two more members with me when I thought I had “rescued” them (although Dad was the one at the wheel) and ended up driving them around for a good 15 minutes before we realized that the spot that I had picked them up from was actually where we needed to be. After being very regrettably lost for a quite a bit of time, we finally made our way to the actual event (which was in a park located behind/in Cypress High School which is honestly the strangest place to have a park, does the school own the park or... I digress) and signed in with the coordinators. I was placed to work the butterfly station, which was actually a station full of black and white butterfly coloring sheets/ templates, which I found actually adorable.

This event is known for having about a thousand kids coming to the event every year, and it did indeed to prove true. Pastel pinks and blues appeared to flit across the remarkably green grass, and the faces belonging to the pastel hues were striking contrasts to the colors. On what should have been faces of childlike innocence were replaced with the solemn faces of soldiers going into battle, anticipating and restless. Of course, these were for the kids who stood held back by a bright yellow tape, labeled with alternation “Cuidado”s and “Caution”s, as they stood, awaiting the chance to surge forward onto the open Easter egg fields, a spectacle of pale blues, purples, and yellows, the only relating factor to the little pastel soldiers. I suppose this is when the “hunt” in egg hunt truly gained meaning. In comparison to the fiery intensities of volunteering at the egg hunts, my work at the butterfly coloring booths appears rather anti-climatic, but I can say I was rather glad I was at the booth. With the almost equaling intensities of AP testing and the nearing of the end of junior year, I needed this chance to unwind, and of course, color a few butterflies of my own. Under the gentle sunlight of the morning, I quite enjoyed the time I had spent, celebrating Easter before Easter, and despite Buddhist origins, for the first time (in some way). I’m glad this was the last service event I would have, as well, before the coming of the new term, and before the hecticity of coming presidency will grab me by the foot and drag me up/down.

Nhi Truong


EGG HUNT On Sunday, March26st, I volunteered in the cypress Spring egg hunt at Oka knoll park. The event was originally at 9:30Am but it was changed in the last Minutes to 9:00 Am, this caused many tardiest and a little confusion. I got there at 9:51pm. The first thing I did was look for the sign-up sheets, after checking in I asked where I could volunteer, they told me that most places were already full of volunteers so I could just wait by the tables until someone told me what to do. Although many came late due to change of time, we were still able to volunteer at different stations. There were multiple stations; face paint station, Egg hunt area, coloring station and game area. After waiting for a while I was told to be in charge of the egg hunt for age’s three to five. I was not the only volunteer in the egg hunt there were many from different schools. We stood in front of the kids to hold them back until the egg hunt started. After a good amount of kids we were allowed to let the kids begin. The egg hunt did not take long. The kids collected the eggs very fast. When the kids left we cleaned up the area and we were send to new different stations to help in. The next station I help in was the coloring station. We had cut out and picture for the kids to color. We help the kids come up with new ideas of how to color and give them what they needed, crayons, picture and act. Around 12:00pm we switched with new volunteers and we left to get food. They were giving free hot dogs and punch. We ate for a little while then we signed out and went home. It was not my first time volunteering in this event but it was still fun helping out the kids and seeing how excited they are for Easter. I will definitely volunteer in the cypress spring egg hunt event next year however I will try to help in different station to experience something new. Lara Matty


March DCM

On March 26th, 2016, Division 30 South held its final DCM of the term at Katella High School. This DCM is a bit different from my past experiences at DCM’s, but it was different in a positive way as its theme was new for me. The theme for this DCM is “Dodge for a Cause” in which the Key Clubbers were divided into teams and competed against each other. The dodgeball event was pretty interesting to watch, even though it may have been a little disorganized here and there since there were so many members and teams. Eventually, the game was settled to be 2 rounds, and fortunately, the side that Western was on won! Besides the dodgeball event, there was the usual update from John Hoang. In the meetings, there are usually open mind sessions, but since this is the last DCM, the open mind session is to the question of next year’s goals. The answers, especially for future board members, were pretty touching, as we always strive for the better success of each Key Club. After the dodgeball games, there was another highlight of the event… Pie the DLT! DLT stands for the Division Leadership Team; the DLT consists of the Lieutenant Governor, Executive Assistants, Club Presidents, and many more hard-working Key Clubbers of Division 30 South. Pie the DLT is a fundraising event in which the other Key Clubbers are able to have a bit of fun, so to say. Round-of-applause for our WHS Key Club President, Van Bui, for going through 12+ pies-in-the-face, all for a good cause! This year, I’ve been a bit more nostalgic about the previous years, especially now that almost everything has a “last” added to it. But, it’s a relief to know that Division 30 South would never stop growing, as goals are accomplished and new higher goals are set. Good luck to the next term!


Kiara Legaspi


The March DCM on Saturday, March 25th was pretty cool. John chose to hold it at Katella High School, which was interesting because I’d never been there before. Things can get pretty wild when there pie, rubber balls for throwing, and more pie. Lots and lots of pie. Well actually it was whipped cream and not pie. Well it all started with me arriving almost 30 minutes late. Yea they all waited for me. Just kidding, but as I walked in they were just getting to the back side of the agenda John made. And as the agenda preceded Mr. Barry came up to talk about the Mystery Authors Event that I really want to go to but I can’t because I’m busy that day. Next we all split into teams to play dodgeball and luckily we had just enough people who wanted (were forced to) play to make an entire team of 8! WOWOWOW Western for the winnnnnnn! Well at least that is what I thought until we split into two huge teams that just dominated anyway. The right side of the gym was miles ahead of the left side in terms of people getting out. I was dropping people left and right. Just kidding, I kind of just stood there like the rest of our school except for Rafa who occasionally shared a throw with me. After the right side won, because of time we just split that group into 2 and continued to eliminate the left side. After that we all sat back down in the bleachers to see what was going to happen next. John announced that the pie facing would commence and so it did. We all bundled up outside to see the Division Leadership Team get pied one at a time. Sometimes two. Most of them received around 7 pies each. Van Bui, our president got it pretty bad. We all pitched in a couple dollars and pied her to pieces. Plus 3 other boys had bought a can of whipped cream from the pie makers to start her off. That was crazy. But I gave her the last pie to get one of them back. I really had fun at this DCM and I do really recommend that the next LTG have some sort of sport game incorporated into a DCM during their term. Michael Coates



Member Recognition!

1. Jerry Castillo (17.75 hours)

2. Linda Le (8.5 hours)


4. Elicia Hernandez (6.5 hours)

5. Kevin Maglalang (5.5 hours)



3. Aaliyah Chee (8 hours)

BOARD MEMBER SPOTLIGHT featuring… our KC president Nhi Truong!! 

What are your personal hobbies? Drawing or reading. I like immersing myself in the arts when I can.

If you could go out to dinner anywhere with anyone, where would it be and who would you take? A good dinner with anybody in all honesty, at any small, warm restaurant would be fine by me. I’d like to hear their stories in such a


What makes Key Club so special to you?

Key Club has always been a refuge of positivity for me. Whenever I needed somewhere to go to recharge on positivity (whilst losing in energy), Key Club has always been that place for me. Not only am I able to see everyone smiling together but I am also able to smile :).

If you could have a superpower, what would it be? Controlling time. All the lost sleep and extra hours are very much needed back.

What motivates you to do things/improve yourself?

Myself. It used to be that I was doing everything for my family, friends, and club, but I realized that I was ultimately doing everything so that I could be content with myself. So it ended up being that I would take every single day as an opportunity to better myself for the sake of me, and in turn, benefit everyone else around me by being the best version of me I could possibly be and doing everything to the best of my potential.

What would your DJ name be? Crispy Tornado Fusion Fruity Tutti Rainy DZKB 2.0

On a scale of one to adorable, how cute do you think is the bulletin editor?

I have the right to remain silent

Do you have any pets? If you could have any creature as a sentient, talking, friendly

(to you at least) pet, what would it be? I had a fish once. :^) A talking dog would be a pretty good friend like oh gosh.

Books or movies? Books, for sure. It lets me reinvent the characters to my own imagination and

everything is there for me to take. :’^)



Monthly Calendar March 1-2

March 6th Coaster Run 2016

Krispy Kreme Fundraiser

March 26th

March 14-18

March DCM


April 1 Division30S Banquet

April 8-10 Disctrict Convention

May 8th Disneyland HalfMarathon


Dodge for a Cause

May 13th Twila Reid Carnival

May 19th Club Banquet

Nhi Truong

Crystal Ly

Jennifer Hernandez




(714) 234-0275

(714) 315-6317

(714) 588-1644

Abraham Vicente

Isabel Almanza & Jason Jose

Jerry Castillo

Lara Matty





(714) 855-7625

(714) 588-7304

(714) 854-4848

(714) 306-9969

jasonisonjose@yahoo.com (714) 204-5067

Hadel Ahmer / Brenda Le / Elicia Hernandez

Annie Nguyen & Tiffany Nguyen

Hadeelameralbaghdadi@gmail.com (714) 746-9825


brendaax79@gmail.com (909) 609-4428

(714) 251-3847

eliciahernandez14@yahoo.com (714) 727-8669

tiffaniouo@yahoo.com 714-467-5347


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