Western HS Key Club 2017-2018 March Newsletter

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CNH | KEY CLUB Division 30 South | Region 3 |CNH Volume: 6, Issue 1

The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | March 2017

Pg. 8 IHOP National Pancake Day

WHS Pg.4 A letter from us to you


12 Pg.6 Termino Beach Clean-Up

Pg 10 Walk @ Knott’s for Disabilities

Pg 12 S Annual 5th Color Run

CONTENTS Pg. 15 Board Member Spotlight

Pg.14 March Service Hours Leaderboard

A lovely letter from us to you Hello, sunshines! It’s your President for the 2017-2018 term, Crystal Ly! I am so honored to have been elected to serve Western Key Club! The month of March has mainly been dedicated to the transition into the new term. For the 2016-2017 board, this meant spending as much time as possible together before our retirement at DCON. For the newly elected/appointed board members, this meant being presented with a lot of new information about Key Club; I have seen such genuine passion coming from this wonderful group of people, so I can assure you all that amazing things will be accomplished in this next year! For this next term, I plan to focus on improving the experience of each individual Key Clubber. Of course, these efforts include more of the general organizing of fundraisers and activities, but I want to focus on creating Key Club moments. Being more present to be able to advocate inclusiveness firsthand during Key Club events. Creating a positive atmosphere. And countless other things that I was lucky enough to be a part of in my past three years in Key Club. With that, I hope all of you are excited for the new term! I truly look forward to growing together.

Sincerely, Crystal Ly

Hello my fellow Key Clubbers! My name is Cedric Baral and I will be serving you as your 2017-2018 WKC Bulleting Editor! I am excited to show you guys what I have to offer for this club. Key Club has inspired me to change from a little, shy, and fragile kid to a confident, outgoing, responsible student/person. As I show you guys my first newsletter of the new term, I just want you guys to know that I love you guys so much (it’s so cheesy I know). It’s an honor to serve you guys and I hope that we, the new 2017-2018 board members are able to make you guys feel at home when you lovely people attend our meetings! I know this is a pretty short introduction but I know you guys can’t wait to see my very first newsletter! Now, please enjoy reading my very first newsletter of the new term. Have a nice day peeps!

- Your proud bulletin editor,

Cedric Baral


Our Key Clubbers enjoyed @ the beach

Termino Ave. Beach Clean-Up

On Saturday March 4th, 2017, I volunteered at the Termino Ave Beach Cleanup. The morning was quite eventful, with me coughing my lungs out (I was in the middle of getting over the flu). The prospect of volunteering after having not done so in a while was enough to get me out the door in the many layers my mom forced me to wear. I carpooled with the Vice President-Elect Jerry, and when we got there we arrived to see…nothing. No big deal! I called up the event coordinator and apparently he hadn’t gotten here to set up yet (mornings, amiright?). Jerry managed to find the other volunteer from Western, Khrystal. We lined up with the rest of the volunteers, and after being fully equipped with gloves, trash bags, and some sudden energy from who-knows-where, we headed off in our own little group to clean up the beach. We started picking up trash a little ways from the volunteer tent. However mundane a task that may seem, this is Key Club we’re talking about. So of course we made the most out of our time. Collecting eyecatching seashells and trinkets until Jerry’s pants pocket nearly ripped, looking towards the horizon while contemplating the mind-boggling yet far too simple riddles one of us had lined up in his/her head, and just enjoying each other’s company. The Termino Ave Beach Cleanup wasn’t a loud or busy volunteer event. But all the while, it was charming and enjoyable in its own way; the sight of these strangers coming together to do their part in the community along with the developing of closer bonds with my home club gave me a happy feeling that lasted the entire day. - Crystal Ly

On a lovely Saturday morning on March 4th, I went to Long Beach to participate in the Termino Ave. Beach Clean-up. Going to this event was a little saddening for me. Not that I didn’t enjoy a day at the beach with fellow members Khrystal and Crystal—spending a calm, breezy day walking along the sandy coast with some friends was far from sad. I enjoyed every second with them. The sight of so much trash wasn’t as pleasurable.

As a smaller human, I’ve spent a lot of time with family sprinting across the sand and dodging the ocean waves at Long Beach. Going to this event was nostalgic for me; Long Beach has done me so well by giving me so many lovely memories. And after so long since the last time I visited, seeing so much plastic and Styrofoam and trash polluting every square foot of sand was heartbreaking. Thankfully, dozens of volunteers gathered on March 4th with Crystal, Khrystal, and I, all with the common purpose to do all we can to mitigate the effects of littering on the shores of Long Beach. The unity that volunteers have in tackling a single cause still leaves me in awe. On another note, the hours of picking up trash made room for lots of time picking up seashells and conversation! Walking along the beach made for a great bonding experience with Chrystal^2. I doubt I would’ve gotten a better opportunity to talk to another member as closely as while at volunteer events like these beach clean-up’s. Overall, I had a great experience at the Termino Ave. Beach Clean-up; it was pretty fun and especially relaxing. I’m always looking for excuses to go to the beach, so I look forward to going to the beach again for events in the near future.

- Jerry Castillo

Lovely pancakes and volunteering were shared!

I-Hop National Pancake Day

On March 2nd, 2017 Western Key Club helped out the local IHOP establishments in serving pancakes as well as raising funds for the local Children’s Network Hospitals. I found it a genius way to promote a worthy cause by taking advantage of free pancakes. We had so many customers and the event was a massive success in enlightening people and helping out children in severe situations.

We had a fairly small location so we were able to go around, greet, and collect donations from the customers. All the workers and people we met were absolutely lovely and positive allowing us to be in a comfortable atmosphere. A lot of people did not bring in any cash and had not known IHOP was collect money for charity. I think that this overall was the most significant part of working with IHOP. We tend to forget about those in need around us since we get caught up in our daily lives. IHOP took the opportunity to use their voice to advocate for a deserving cause. Being around so many avid and selfless workers gave me some faith in humanity and allowed so many children around Anaheim to have better opportunities in health. Every worker was kind, welcoming, and caring of one another and welcomed all of us with open arms. The staff and management were beyond generous to us and gave us a free meal to show their gratitude in helping them collect donations. This kind-hearted action was a nice reflection of the IHOP chain. I would definitely recommend to attend this event next year since everyone is selfless, considerate, and positive. - Isabel Almanza

Pancakes, eggs, bacon, and ham on top of OJ. It's the typical American breakfast. All decked out. But on this particular day, IHOP National Pancake Day, millions of free pancakes are given out for free. The triple stacked buttermilk ones only of course. But behind every action, there's a purpose. And on this day, pancakes are given to in hopes that a dollar here and there may be donated to the cancer foundation. In partnership with Kiwanis, Key Clubbers all around would volunteer by raising awareness to the fellow customers of IHOP that every penny of their donation goes towards charity. There were those who were more sympathetic than others who simply turned away, but in the end, all proceeds went towards the cancer organization of their choice and everyone enjoyed their pancakes. - Cecilia Dang

The IHOP International Pancake was known as the day for “free pancakes”. That’s exactly what I thought however going to this event changed it. I volunteered at the Buena Park IHOP and I was there for about 3 hours. I was there with a couple of other members. When I got there they asked to go around and carry a box that collects money for local hospitals to research about cancer. We went around tables and dropped off envelopes and explain to make sure that they know why there is free pancakes and the reason that IHOP does the event. I myself was really surprised what IHOP does to support the community. There was many customers that understood about it and donated which made me and the girls that were helping happy because we were actually making a change. Kiwanis does a lot for charity and the community and I realized that through this event because they are the ones that sponsor IHOP. I was really grateful for going to this event because I learned a lot on what Kiwanis does. -Elicia Hernandez

Key Clubbers walk for disabilities @ Knott’s!

Walk @ Knott’s for Disabilities

The day started of with me being late since the time changed. I arrived and they were distributing volunteers to location to cheer on runners. They took us inside Knott’s Berry Farm, which was pretty cool since it was empty. Once the runners passed by we started cheering on all the families supporting a great cause. All of the little kids were cute and happy. They would give us a high five as they passed by. The run was a really happy, positive one. Once we were done cheering we headed back to the stations were all the volunteers met up. When we got there we took down the registration tables and all the flyers. Then they let us get boysenberry pie which was really good. All the staff there was really helpful and nice. We got to browse around in the booth and then we went back to se if there was anything else to do. Everyone there was very positive. Many of them were there to support a family member have a disability. The walk was a great experience. - Elicia Hernandez


March DCM...

Blossom In Service

On March 18th, Division 30 South had their final division council meeting for the 2016-2017 term. Since it was the last division council meeting, the day consisted a compilation of four service events that represented the term overall. When we first arrived, we did a few ice breakers while we waited for more people to arrive. After some time, we were taken inside the auditorium in order for the meeting portion to take place. I had the opportunity to go up onto the stage to say the Pledge of Allegiance, but I ended up messing up a bit which was quite embarrassing. However, at the same time it was a funny situation overall After we went over division updates and looked up on the term, we moved onto the service projects.

Western was assigned with their club buddies, Kennedy and Cypress, to do the sock making project. This service project is one of my favorites due to the fact that it allows the members to be creative on how they want to paint their design. After we had spent a good amount of time on making socks, we were assigned to making dog toys out of old shirts. The old shirts were provided to us by members who had donated them to the division. This was also a fun service project, since it allowed for members to interact with one another when cutting the shirts into strips and braiding them. Although members had the option of doing a more complicated design, many chose to stick to the basic braid. After these two service projects, we had a spirit battle among the groups in order to determine who would leave to get lunch first. Our group was second to go, after their intense cheering, to get pizza. When lunch was over, we returned to the cafeteria in order to continue on with the service projects. The remaining two revolved around making posters and card for two different set of people. This was another fun activity since it allowed us to be creative in what we were making. Overall the last division council meeting was an enjoyable experience and bittersweet since this is the last one before the term ends. I hope for the next term they choose to keep the idea of multiple service projects at the end of the term. - Jennifer Hernandez

Our lovely Key Clubbers shower under the Cherry Blossom leaves!

WHS 5th Annual Color Run Western High School held their 5th Annual Color Run on Saturday, March 25th, 2017. Our lovely historian—Elicia Hernandez—was able to put on this spectacular event. So many volunteers attended including other clubs within D30S. I attended this event last year and it was a blast so I of course felt inclined to attend again. The race was a great way to raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. As volunteers, a few of us also downloaded the app “Charity Miles” that took the distance we ran/walked at the event to raise even more money. My group and I were lucky enough to throw colored powder t the runners and it was lovely to decorate the participants and see them race to the finish line. I worked with a few board members and this event was like a mini board bonding so we could have fun volunteering with one another. Serving the community is fun but it’s even more fun when I get to be around my fellow key club members. We even performed a few cheers for the runners and making the best out of this event. Going through this event again made me a bit nostalgic. I love events where I can work closely with people and provide for a wonderful cause. As my time in Key Club is coming to an end, I hope you all take advantage of this stupendous organization I have grown to love and call family.

I would definitely recommend to attend this event for as many times as possible. Western is very welcoming and accepting of people so the atmosphere is invigorating. No matter what you do—if you pass out water, throw powder, or just cheer on runners, you will definitely have the time of your life with a group of beautiful people. Enjoy every event you can and make the most of your time in Key Club. - Isabel Almanza

Glad you guys had fun!




Keep up the good work Key clubbers! You guys are truly shining with service!

Ali Al-Saleem| 17.5 Hours

Khrystal Contreras| 14.5 Hours

Cecilia Dang|12.6 Hours

Omar Al-Saleem| 11.5 Hours

Elicia Hernandez| 8.2 Hours

BOARD MEMBER SPOTLIGHT Presenting our lovely president, Crystal Ly! 

What is your quote/motto in life?

- Regrettably I’ve always said that a quote that defines me is “Fake it ‘til ya make it!” And admittedly, it’s 100% true. I feel like there are times when you have to put on an air of confidence to be able to achieve your goals, and in the process of that you actually do develop a true sense of confidence. Throw yourself into situations that make you a little uncomfortable and you might come out as a better person because of it! 


What does Key Club mean to you?

- Key Club has very much always been an escape for me. No matter what’s going on in Club makes things simple. Serving others is the one thing I’d say I can easily find joy in. 

my life, Key

If you are sent to an isolated island, what are the 3 things that you’re going to bring and why?

- I’d bring a lighter and a knife for survival purposes, and a book to keep me sane. 

Being the President of the 2017-2018 term, how can you inspire our members into being more active in Key Club?

- I hope that through maintaining a positive attitude and genuine excitement for all that Key Club has to offer, the members feel motivated to serve the community and grow as leaders. 

Besides me, who do you think is awesome and lovely in your life?

- I mean it’s hard to think of anyone other than my wonderful bulletin editor, Cedric, but I’ll try my best. I think Nhi Truong is a pretty amazing person. She has been there for me in more ways than I can even count, and I am constantly inspired by her selflessness and undeniable talent and intellect. 

What’s one thing you love about Key Club?

- Friends! I’ve been fortunate enough to build long-lasting relationships through my involvement in this organization, and I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to meet these amazing people if I didn’t join Key Club. 

People go through rough times in their lives. Who do you go to when you are having a rough time in your life?

- I don’t usually actively go to people to talk about my problems, so I am forever grateful for the people in my life who are so easily able to detect when I need help. My mom, Nhi, and Jerry are the main ones, and there are plenty others in my support system always willing to lend a helping hand. 

Describe yourself using adjectives that starts with the letter A.

- Artistic, awkward, accepting, adventurous 

Pick wisely. Jerry or Boba?

- Hmm, so I have to pick either something incredibly sweet… or boba. You’re killing me here, Cedric! I plead the fifth 













-DCON Day 3 -Ronald McDonald Walk For Kids -OC Symphony Concert




DCON Day 1

-DCON Day 2 -SoCal Corgi Beach Day



D30S l Sun- Easter Egg set Banquet Hunt






22 East Anaheim Community Garden Workday







Into The Woods Theatre Show


29 March For Marrow 2017







2017-2018 Western Key Club Board Members

Crystal Ly President lycrystal@gmail.com

Jerry Castillo Vice-President jerbeariuss@gmail.com

(714) 315-6317

(714) 854-4848

Annie Nguyen Secretary

Cecilia Dang Treasurer



(714) 251-3847

(714) 837-5187

Cedric Baral Bulletin Editor cedricsalvador17@gmail.com

(714) 709-0165

Abril Petlacalco Publicist


(951) 410-3288

Linda Le Historian lindale922@gmail.com

(714) 782-2393

Omar Al-Saleem Member Recognition omarziadalsaleem2000@gmail.com

(657) 293-4569

Khrystal Contreras Publicist khrystal06@yahoo.com. (657)226-7150

Manuel Camarillo Historian

Joanna Chatouphonexay

(714) 420-6149

(714) 331-8542


Ali-Al Saleem Spirit Coordinator

Historian joannachatou@gmail.com

Jehan Kamoona Spirit Coordinator



(714) 933-6518

(714) 808-7817

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