Western High School Key Club 2018-2019 | March Newsletter

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CNH | KEY CLUB Division 30 South | Region 3 |CNH Volume: 07, Issue 01

The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | March 2018

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lovely letter from lovely people For the very last time, hello sunshines! As of 10AM on Sunday morning, April 15th, the 2017-2018 Key Club term has ended, marking the beginning of the 2018-2019 term. To be honest with you all, the end of the term has been so surreal to me. Key Club has encompassed my entire high school life; it has shaped my core values. The warmth of complete strangers at my very first volunteer event, the triumphs in my journey as a leader, my own growth in character, and the way I learned to care about others in more ways than I ever thought possible. I will miss serving Western Key Club so very much. These values I've held, you the members have kept them alive in all that you do. I am so humbled to make a difference in the community with such sincere, caring individuals. Western Key Club has always been known as warm and inclusive, and I don't see this changing anytime soon. Thank you, every single one of you. For the hours you've served, for caring about people, caring for yourselves, constantly building yourselves up to be better, so that you can lift others up as well. I love you all in every way, and I hold nothing but hope for all of your promise in this coming term. Goodbye, Western Key Club. Because of you, I will never run out of thankyou's. Sincerely, Your Proud (and practically ancient) Retired Pres

Hello my favorite human beings!

This is Winzel Payumo, your Bulletin Editor for the 2018-2019 term. Typing that sentence out still gives me chills because if someone told me a year ago that I’m going to be Western Key Club’s Bulletin Editor for this term, I would have laughed at that unbelievable statement, but here we are. Making my first newsletter was definitely one of the most nerve wracking yet exciting events of my life. Doing a great job as your Bulletin Editor is one of my greatest goals, and I hope that I can reach it by serving all of you well. Without further ado, I present to you my first newsletter, and I do hope you enjoy it! - Winzel Payumo



Floor Hockey Championship

The Floor Hockey Championship was held at the Anaheim ICE Rinks on March 11. Khrystal and I signed in together and our first task was to either pick various cheering posters or make your own. We decided to make our own and Khrystal’s poster said “G-Double-O-D job” while mine said “S-U-P-E-R super star is what you are.” As you can tell we just choose chants from Key Club and the two guys watching over the stand really loved our posters that they took pictures of it. We went inside the rinks and saw four games going on. We got to choose what game we wanted to watch and cheer on which was cool. The Floor Hockey Championship event is very similar to the Fall Baseball Championship. Basically, in the event special-ed people get the opportunity to play competitively for medals. I love the idea of this because people with no disabilities shouldn’t be the only ones have fun and being active. Once everyone was here, we all started doing cheers for the players. The players were very nice and made eye contact with us while giving us acknowledgement that they appreciated our cheers. The games were pretty fun to watch because some players were extremely good in my opinion. Afterwards, we got to our outside and have free food. The food was similar to what chipotle sells, like rice, beans, and chips. Overall, this event was very fun and I would attend this event again. Your only task is to cheer, so over the time you may find it boring. However, you are supporting players who never get to play in the big crowds and don’t get cheered on.

- Joanna Chatouphonexay


Daylight Saving. It is where people ponder whether it is worth it to wake up and notice that the time went forward by one hour. Though, volunteers were able to show their dedication and effort in going to an event the same day as daylight saving. The sun is shining and the weather is calm. March 11th marks the date of the Floor Hockey Championship Event at the Huntington Beach Ice Rink. The event was actually for the hockey players with intellectual disabilities. Despite their condition, they were happy enough to still play and have people cheer them on. There were two different floor hockey arena. Each arena were split into two sections, so that there will be some competition in each section. Instead of the floor being ice, it was covered with mats. Therefore, none of the players will trip, fall, or get hurt in the process of playing. Throughout the event, the teams will compete with each other until the time is done. At the end of all the competitions, the winners will be announced and they will either get gold, silver, or bronze in medals or in ribbons. Volunteers were the fans in the stands. Their basic duty is to cheer on the players. Before they get to cheer, the volunteers will make their own poster or grab one of the posters that were already made and provided for you. Some of our volunteers were creative. The volunteer coordinator were really nice and had small talks with us while we created our posters. They liked the “s-u-p-e-r super star is what you are” poster that one of our volunteers wrote. During the event, volunteers cheered with some key club chants. For instance, they used “s-u-p-e-r super star is what you are..,” and “g-double o-d j-o-b..” We also used, “defense attack, get the puck back.” It was one of the cheers that our volunteers chanted. One of the people actually started chanting with us. Overall, it was a cute and nice event. The hockey players were delighted to see some fans in the stands. They had a smile on their face when we cheered and they liked the support. Just making their day, brings happiness in my heart. - Khrystal Claire Contreras



Riverbed Farm

I’m so glad to find this green paradise of a place that is the local neighborhood Riverbed Farm. Ever since I found this lovely little farm earlier in my term, I’ve been making sure to get every opportunity to help out every way I can. I was able to volunteer again on Saturday March 17th, along with other members of my club, to help prep the farm for the new spring planting. All of this was occurring while there was a wedding event undergoing preparation as well—which is not a surprise, considering we’ve bumped into two other weddings the last two Saturdays we have volunteered at the farm. So while I was fulfilling my farmhand duties, moving mulch and dirt and other fun stuff, I also took the liberty to help the occupying family set up for the wedding. Moving raw-wooden tables, putting up leaves of paper-white decorations… I had the uncanny feeling that the families of the to-be-weds were just as much in love with the farm as I was (as if having a wedding on the farm wasn’t indicative enough!). I felt a strong sense of sonder then. Knowing that I shared this lovely place with the members of my community is humbling, and only makes my adoration for the farm grow even more. But can you blame me if I said that love was in a doubtful place while I was sticking myself into fish-waste-water to dislodge handfuls of slimy spiders-worth of roots? Disgusting. I’m just kidding. It only makes me feel closer to the earth. A true bonding experience! I wonder if I will be married in a green place like this in the near future… - Jerry Castillo


Board Training


Although I was not here in this event, I will talk about the board training because of everything that I have heard about and it was really fun. The board training started with the board meeting led by our President, Crystal Ly. The new board members watched how board meetings were conducted and how lovely everyone works together in order to make this work. After the board meeting, the board training has started and all new members are having fun learning about their roles and how to run a club in general. A lot of them were excited for the next term and I sure hope that everything turns out good for Western Key Club. - Cedric Baral

The time is running out. The term is ending. It is a training day for the new appointed board. It almost feels like yesterday that I have just been trained by the ’16-’17 key club board term. So cliché to say, but honestly, it did feel like my first term went by so fast; all the fun moments and memories that happened and getting to meet the people in board and becoming close to them. It is unbelievable. March 18th was the day of the new appointed board training for the ’18-’19 term. Before, we had the regular board meeting. We discussed our normal conversations and events that happened as usual. Once, it was over, the real training begins. It was honestly my first time training someone on some of the materials I do to contribute to key club. I discussed to the new publicists, Marilitz and Vannie, about the programs I use to create my flyers. I told them the necessary duties that need to be done to make it successful. Some tips that were discussed were communication, publicizing on time, when to publicize, and how to capture the audiences’ attention. They were fast learners and were able to adapt to the new materials being taught to them. Now that the term for ’17-’18 term is ending, there were some things that I regretted doing in my term. However, I wish the best of luck to the new publicists. I am hoping they won’t have any regrets and are satisfied with their abilities. I would like to say goodbye to the old board and I wish you all a successful, happy life. I will never forget all of you because all of you made me who I am today. To the new board, I hope we make our term successful and I can’t wait to work with you all. - Khrystal Claire Contreras


As a Bulletin Editor for the term 2017-2018, I felt happy and I also felt like crap. We had a great relationship as a board but we also had our downs. A lot of argument with deadlines, a lot of stress, etc. However, it’s worth all the stress because at the end, you’ll realize that the bond that you and the board created will be the strongest bond you will ever make. Working with the board has been such an incredible experience. These young and talented people teaching you a lot of things with your job and also with life makes me tear up with the fact that the term is ending. For the next Bulletin Editor, Winzel, you will have the best time of your life. You will have stress and you will have some time-management problems, but don’t worry because you’ll be able to handle it. All your hard work will definitely pay off. I know that you are better than me because I was not a good Bulletin Editor. I was always late with everything and I felt like giving up. I cried because I couldn’t take the stress with making a newsletter and having family/school problems at the same time. I was lucky enough that my board members were understanding even though what I was doing is unacceptable. I hated myself for that. I regret that I did not do my job well and I regret that I let everyone down. With Ali as your president, I know that he will do his best to help you with anything that you need and he is a very understanding person which I admire. Time is one of the most important factors that you will need to be able to control especially due to the workload every month but I know that you can do it because I believe in you. That’s all for me and I wish you the best, Winzel! Thank you very much and much love to the new board! - Cedric Baral This term has been as fast as a blank of an eye. It felt like yesterday when I was appointed as member recognition for 2017-2018 key club and it was a long journey but it felt so short. I had my ups and downs but overall it was a fun experience from the interview last year until last few weeks when I was running the new member recognition 2018-2019 which is Ivy Vi. I’m so happy that ivy got it because I know she will shine all the member and I hope she does better things than I did. I’m so proud that we submitted over 10 DCON awards and I recognized almost 13 members each month. I also met a lot of people that became my best friends like Abril, Linda, and more. Or like meeting underclassmen like Khrystal and Cedric. In my first hiking experience with key board, I also met Inanna (YouTube) in that day with key club. I had so much memories in key club. Key club got me out of my comfort zone and made a better individual and a leader. If you are reading this and you are not in key club, then go join right now because trust me, you will not regret it. - Omar Al-Saleem


Last year in April, I officially became one of the next historians for Western Key Club for the 2017-2018 term. I had my doubts I was going to make it because it was my first interview ever for anything, so I had no experience. I didn’t really practice any of my lines because I didn’t know what sounded good, so I decided to just say what comes out of my mind. I felt like my answers were more genuine because of it. As a historian, I was able to work with two other historians, Linda and Manuel. It was fun having them as partners because they were really chill people. Over the course of the term, I was able to make new friends from my board. The first was our member recognition which is Omar. Omar is a very sassy, outgoing person and he is the best to volunteer with and make jokes. I only had a few months of experience with my Nikon camera, so I wasn’t sure if my pictures were that great. Sometimes, I had trouble with ISO but thankfully, Manny fixed that problem. I have always seen myself as an introvert person because I never thought I would become a leader or have any leadership positions. I enjoyed being a follower and that could be one of the reasons why I was a general member for three years. I genuinely love Key Club and volunteering. However, now that I am historian, I notice that I’m not afraid to talk to strangers and ask questions to adult. I became more “professional” when the time came. I understood my tasks and diligently complete them. My growth in character raised up so high and I couldn’t believe I could improve myself to this point. If I didn’t apply for Historian, I would not have been the same me as today. Key Club during my senior year has truly shaped me into who I am and I am happy. I am so close to retirement and I kinda happy about. I feel burnout due to reasons in the board, but at least I can say I did it. Currently, the historians are making a scrapbook. As you can tell from the photos, we decided to do a simple but aesthetic approach. The tree lights up too which makes it even more amazing. I can’t wait for the finish product! - Joanna Chatouphonexay

My last year in Key Club at Western High School. I joined Key Club when I was in Sophomore year, it was one of the best decision I’ve ever made. That year I was able to volunteer in many events gaining many hours, I was able to meet different people through key club. Even though I was really involved in Key Club when it came to positions I was hesitant in becoming a board member so I didn't apply for a position and kept being a member for my junior year. In my junior year I once again volunteer not as much as my sophomore year because I took AP classes that year and were time consuming.Once the 2016-2017 term was over Abraham who was treasure during that term encouraged me to apply for a position for the 2017-2018 term, since I was going to be a senior I decided to apply for historian. Although I didn't make it as historian, I was placed as publicist. Even though I didn't get the position I wanted, just being part of the board was good for me and maged to become a good public alongside my coworker Khrystal. It was something I wanted to do because over my 3 years in Key Club, I saw how close the people in the board were and it's true the 2017-2018 board is like a second family to me. Now that I'm a senior and I look back over my years in Key Club, my only regret is not joining Key Club as a freshmen. I’m positive that if I began Key Club as a freshman I would have applied for a board position in my junior and senior year but unfortunately I didn't. My time in this club has been full with wonderful memories and I’m sad to see this term end but I’m positive that the rest of the senior on board are confident in leaving Key Club in the hands of our 2018-2019 board. Through this amazing club I grew more as a person, I become more social and open-minded towards others. I also got to see how there are many students that care about their community. Most of the students that become members of this club don't just do for the hours, they do it because of their love for volunteering and that's another I discovered about myself my love for volunteering. I hope that the 2018-2019 board have a wonderful time being part of the board and even though it may be difficult at times, remember that everyone in the board may also be having troubles with balancing school work and club work, and helping each other out once and a while goes a long way. - Abril Petlacalco



MARCH SERVICE HOURS Thank you for all your hours of volunteering! Keep shining, suns of WHS Key Club! :D













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