Western High School Key Club 2017-2018 May Newsletter

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CNH | KEY CLUB Division 30 South | Region 3 |CNH Volume: 6, Issue 3

The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | May 2017

Eliminate Week (pg.5) Greetings Letter (pg.1 and 2)

OC Marathon (pg.8)


12 Teacher Appreciation Week (pg.6 and 7) May Collage (pg.3 and 4)

Kiwanis DCM (pg.9)



CONTENTS OC Children’s Festival


Calendar, Service Hours Leaderboard, etc (pg.17-22)

Board Meeting #4 (pg.11 and 12) May DCM (pg.13 and 14)

Greetings from your lovely president! Hello, sunshines! May was the month of APs and finals, but if you're like me, it's also a countdown to summer vacation! With that, I'm so incredibly happy to see people still volunteering this month considering all the craziness we face every May, thank you for that. This month has been packed with volunteer events! There's been many opportunities to volunteer with the other schools in Division 30 South, which is always exciting. One of the most exciting things about May is all of the activities the seniors get to participate in! They definitely deserve it for all their hard work. Towards the end of this month, we recognized all senior Key Clubbers for their efforts with some candy crowns! Seniors, we will miss every single one of you. Thank you so much for contributing to the community and investing time into this lovely little club. I wish you all the success in the world. To everyone else on their way to graduating, I hope the prospect of it has you motivated to be the best you can be next school year! With that, why not get a head start and volunteer with Key Club this summer? Sign up today! Enjoy the May Newsletter! Sincerely, Crystal Ly

A word from the editor….. Hello lovely peeps! Thank you guys so much for reading my newsletters! It’s been great to see wonderful people who liked reading the newsletters so far. Summer is coming, which means sleeping in ( a lot), and of course, going out on vacations! Key Club will also have your back in this coming summer because we have a lot of volunteering events ready for you guys to enjoy! And summer also means that our lovely senior Key clubbers are taking their step towards the real world. We thank your dedication and hard work for this club. I don’t really have much to say but once again, thank you guys for supporting my newsletters! Enjoy!


Cedric Baral


Eliminate Week I personally enjoyed collecting donations during this week, knowing that it is for a great cause. Just the purpose of this whole project and the fact that we are doing all of this work to help children warms my heart. True, I have been involved in many similar projects where I collect donations for multiple causes but this one just holds a dear place in my heart. Knowing that every penny can be helpful just motivated me to push further and to actually step up and ask my classmates to donate. What made it more fun was the fact that we split it into groups and each group had about 3 board members. We were competing for a whole week, we pushed each other and gave one another enough courage to step up and ask strangers to donate. Who knew that even collecting donations can bring us closer together as a team and as a family? Overall, I was pretty satisfied with the outcome and how much we have collected. Each one of us collected at least 10 dollars. After all, it’s not only about the money, but our spirit and will. We worked together as a team to help children in need. Now all we can do is hope that others do the same thing willingly to help these children! - Jehan Kamoona

Teacher Appreciation Week Western High School’s ASB hosted Teacher Appreciation Week to recognize and appreciate all the teachers and custodians on campus from May 1st to May 5th. As Key Club, we love to celebrate our teachers every year to let them know that we truly appreciate them. The planning of Teacher Appreciation Week was conducted by the board members who did not have any AP Testing. The board members and I agreed to design a digital flyer that indicates a picture of the teachers’ subject, their name, and room number. On every flyer, we indicated the quote, “Key Club Thanks You.” After the designs were printed, the board tried to draw a sun on the back, thanking the teachers for all that they do. This is one example that was designed by Western’s Key Club Spirit Coordinator. The planning of the flyers, printing, and distributing the gift took about a week. The three board members that did not have any AP testing designed all of the flyers; had about three days to finish them. Each board member had multiple departments, such as English, and Math. Then, all of the board members printed the flyers; the total number of flyers was divided by the number of board members. At the end, we put the flyers in the teachers’ mail boxes which was the easiest way to distribute all of the flyers. The digital design was chosen because it is an inexpensive yet thoughtful way to appreciate the teachers; some of the teachers hung their flyer up on their door which beautified their door, especially with the bright colors. Western Key Club loves to leave an impact on everyone’s life, even in the smallest ways. We love our teachers and try to appreciate them in any way possible. The board members of Western Key Club were truly satisfied that the teachers liked the simple gifts, and we as board, will do anything to leave a positive impact on our home, school, and community

- Ali Al-Saleem

ASB hosted the Teacher Appreciation week and it’s also traditional for key club to send a simple gift for the teachers for Teacher Appreciation week, which was on may 1st to May 5th. I believe it was the second week of AP testing so most of the board couldn’t work on it. So, 3 boards we responsible for it and I was one of them because I didn't have any testing plus Crystal helped us a lot to pick the idea of the gift. At the beginning, each one of us came up with an idea for the gift and then Crystal picked one of them and that was Ali’s “spirit coordinator” idea. Ali’s idea was to create a flyer for each department (for example math, English, chemistry, biology departments, etc.….) then we divided the departments between the three of us and I got history, foreign languages, health, and BTS. So we did the flyers and then we asked the board to print out the flyers and then we sent them to the teacher’s emails in the school’s main office on Friday, may 5th 2017. We only had week to plan for the gifts so wants to make something simple and small so the teachers can put it in any place they want. We as key club wanted to show that we appreciate all the teacher’s hard work that they do for us on campus and that flyer was way to say thank you for them. Below is one of the flyers that I did for one of the history teachers we had in our high school. -Omar Al-Saleem

As students, we love our teachers very much. Even though some kids hate school, everyone has to appreciate the hard work that these lovely teachers do for us, their students. Personally, I want to thank all of the teachers around the world that are doing such a great job teaching their students everything that they need in order to have a bright future. Without you, knowledge would not be passed on to students that are eager to learn. At Western High School, we appreciate all of the teachers and for myself, I gave some teachers cupcakes and food! I loved to see them smile and become happy. Western Key Club has been doing special things for our lovely teachers and giving them treats! It is to thank them for hours of non-stop grading and planning on what to teach for their lesson plan. I sincerely thank you teachers for also teaching us how to behave like a real student and giving us motivation to succeed. Many people have put me down, but teachers in my school never gave up and helped me with everything I needed help on. Whether it be academic problems or life problems, they are here for me. Honestly, we all should appreciate teachers every single day for what they do, not just a day or a week. Give them what they want to see from you, and that is enough for them to be happy. Love all the teachers from around the world and always remember, we appreciate your hard work.

-Cedric Baral

Thank You To All the Teachers!

OC Marathon The OC Marathon took place on Sunday, May 7th, 2017. It began at 6:00 AM and lasted until 8:30 AM. It took place at the Newport Beach. Key Clubbers of Division 30 South gathered together to this very event. I saw many new faces in which it was good to see. Although it was pouring that morning, the volunteers never failed to put a smile on the runners/walkers face. As everything was getting settled the designated drivers took the volunteers to their spots. We were all pretty spread out so that was something different. They had either one person or two people per station but most of the time it would be just one. I thought it was a little dangerous since it was pitch dark, but it wasn’t as bad for me since I was paired with someone. For half of the event my partner and I would be standing under a tree to stay dry while cheering. Eventually, I walked around to take pictures of volunteers doing their thing per usual. Then, when it was time to leave I gathered the volunteers that were at the same neighborhood together, so we could all walk back together. Overall, I thought it was a pretty fun event. Because it was raining, it made the event for me a little more enjoyable. If there wasn’t any rain, I wouldn’t have been able to experience something different and different is good!

- Linda Le

Kiwanis DCM A well spent Thursday night with the lovely Kiwanis at their monthly DCM. The Kiwanis DCM took place on Thursday, May 11th, 2017. The secretary of Western High School Key Club, Annie, and I attended the Kiwanis DCM. We got to see the past Lieutenant Governors of Division 30, Kelly Tran and Snghyun Byon and we met the new Lieutenant Governors of Division 30, Vivian Bui and Victoria Chau. Lastly, we met the Executive Assistant of Division 30 South, Anjika Morari. At first, the Lieutenant Governors of Division 30 South and North gave their updates to the Kiwanis, then, the Kiwanis gave their updates which I extremely enjoyed because every description they gave regarding their events was really thoughtful which I truly admired. Throughout the DCM, we enjoyed dinner and desserts which is extremely appreciated. At the end, everyone sang in honor to Memorial Day which will be taking place on Monday, May 29th. It was so sweet to get to hear the Kiwanis sing because they are genuinely adorable and them singing inputted comfort to my heart. In addition, during every Kiwanis DCM, there is a raffle and I look forward to participate in one in the future. This was my second DCM, and I have been enjoying them the more I go because taking a small break from school is extremely need. Attending the Kiwanis DCM was the perfect way to end a Thursday night. The best part about Key Club is that we can bond with different kinds of people, and attending the Kiwanis DCM gave me the opportunity to bond with older members that share the same passion as I do; I always look up to the Kiwanis because without them, there would be no Key Club and I hope one day I can be just like them. I really look forward to attending more Kiwanis DCM with my club and the rest of Division 30 South because I absolutely enjoy the company of the respected and adorable Kiwanis.

- Ali Al–Saleem

W.A.N.D BBQ Wand BBQ is a very wonderful event that is organized by Wand and other organizations. This event happened on a beautiful Saturday, May 13th, 2017. This family-friendly event was full of fun, joy, and excitement, together with performances from amazing local choirs, dance groups, etc. There were many people that are just enjoying the day with lots of food, shows, and for kids, there were toys as well! The booths that you can go to were really incredible! We have our own Western Football, having their booth and they sold very large proportions of BBQ. It’s also great to see volunteers from local schools gather around and help the booths with what they need. I worked in a Disney booth, where my job was to unbox all these boxes that contained popcorn buckets and Disney-related cups and give them out for free to the kids that are lining up with their smiles on their faces. There was also a car show on the side which showed a lot of vintage, exotic cars lined up with a side of perfection. Having the opportunity to volunteer at this event is really amazing and I am grateful to everyone who made this event possible. One thing that I will never forget about this event is that you will never see a person in the event without a smile! Everyone was really having fun and volunteering at his event was definitely worth your time. I also haven’t mentioned that there was a train that you can ride for only a dollar. A TRAIN FOR A DOLLAR! How great is that deal? Many kids rode this train and of course, I wouldn’t let this deal pass by! Having fun while volunteering is one of the perks that only you can get when you volunteer! The feeling of you knowing that you’re helping the community in some way is already enough, but the fun you can have while volunteering is definitely a worth to try!

- Cedric Baral

I volunteered for the W.A.N.D. BBQ on Saturday, May 13th. The event was held at Twila Reid Park and it was the prefect day because the beautiful sun was out. The point of the event was to provide families with a nice outdoor environment to enjoy some barbeque and other little activities. The event was similar to a fair which are my favorite type of event to partcipate in. After I checked in, the ladies at the front told me to roam around till the event coordinator gave us a job. I was greeted by Omar, Ali, and Cedric after and did many activities the event provided. There were so many fun booths! From animal balloons to a live Disney cooking show, you name it. There was even a train and live performances of singers and dancers on a big stage. Finally, we were all assigned a task which was to help out with the Disney booth. The Disney booth gave out free Disney inspired bottles and popcorn bucket for free to everyone. Our job was simple because we just had to assemble every bottle and popcorn bucket. However, it was like rush hour making these items because families were taking them left and right. Omar, Cedric, and I helped in the back putting all the nooks and crannies while everyone else was passing them out to people. Boy, I was busy but hey I survived with those five second breaks. High five Joanna *high fives*. It also made me happy that many families came to this event and had a great time. I can see their smiles across the park.

There were other tasks too, such as breaking down the boxes which Omar and Cedric helped with. I wished I could have stayed longer to help but there was help definitely needed. Overall, the event amazing and filled with laughter because I got to spend with some of my fellow board members! I also met some new key clubbers and I hope to see them in future volunteer events during the summer. I think I got a bit darker from the sun but, it’s all good. The event coordinator was extremely nice and gave us money for lunch. W.A.N.D. BBQ was fairly organized and I will absolutely volunteer again next year! - Joanna Chatouphonexay

WHS Key Club Board Meeting #4 School gets out in May 25… School gets out MAY 25 … SCHOOL GETS OUT MAY 25!!! Alas, summer finally begins, the giant reset button to everything that has encompassed junior year. But of course, right before the school year draws to end, who can miss out on a final board meeting of the school year. At this final board meeting, gathered before Ms. Rittel’s room, Crystal Ly, our president, called to order the final meeting with open mind sessions, ideas to keep the club alive over the summer, fundraisers, and every other detail in between meanwhile secretary, Annie Nguyen, frantically types everything away and nearly knocks off her glasses. On the other hand, vice president, Jerry Castillo, stares admiringly out into the distance, or maybe it’s at our president. Only he can tell. Fundraisers are being discussed as I offer slutty brownies as an alternative to boba sales. Ideas spring up! What about cute Key Club bracelets and grams for the beginning of the school year? Up to you guys… But keep it in the budget! Greenies are to be picked up. Socials are to be planned as our spirit coordinators discuss matters fervently. But in the midst of it all, I’m just trying to enjoy my tuna sandwich and feed it to the starving child next to me? Oh wait, it’s Manny. I’m just trying to finish my white chocolate macadamia nut and strawberry cheesecake cookies. And let me tell you, they were the BOMB.com. Subway, thank you, you’ve done it again. But of course, as we parted our ways and I tossed the remainders of my crumbs into the nearby trash can, man I got to say, I’ll be missing Key Club over the summer. JUST KIDDING, I see you guys every other week

- Cecilia Dang

This is going to sound cliché but board meetings are one of the favorite things that we do together as a family and as a team. To some people they might be boring, but honestly, to me they are really important. Since I am a really busy, it’s hard for me to keep in track of everything that is happening and so that’s why board meetings are important to me. They remind me of pretty everything that we will be doing.. My memory is kind of bad. But I can swear it’s not as bad as Dory’s During our board meetings we actually bond together as a family as we share all of our ideas and plans for the rest of the month. Whether it’s summer social, which is an event that I am in charge of with Ali, the other spirit coordinator. Or just discussing other plans like the fundraiser that we were planning on doing with help of the nonprofit organization, Big Brother Big Sister. We originally planned on selling brownies and ice cream just to help our club budget. After all, this board meeting went pretty smoothly, especially since all of the board members where there. It did feel special because it was our last one in school campus for this year, and from now on we might have to look for a new place to meet in.

- Jehan Kamoona

First off, I would like to appreciate Crystal Ly for managing to fit the meeting in her busy schedule in order to organize and make sure everything is doing alright. I also like to appreciate the board members who took the time to come to this board meeting regardless of how busy they might have been. On Tuesday, May 16, 2017, the board meeting did not start right away. It was still being set up with all the agenda papers before we started. We still had to wait for others to come, of course. We usually begin discussing about any past volunteer events and our experiences there. It was delightful to hear what the event was like so that next time, I can volunteer for it. As time goes by, we started discussing about the upcoming events and who will become the event chair. As always, most of us were dedicated to go to an event. To make sure we did our jobs, we usually say what we are planning to do for our position and if there’s any updates. Everyone got the say of what they have been doing. I liked that way, so that everyone gets a fair say. After a while on our updates, we were assigned tasks on what we should be expected to do in the future. If there were any questions, comments, or concerns, some of us would speak up with what’s on our mind. Overall, most of the time we talked about old business and new business. We get more ideas from each other to decide how to increase funds, get our content out there, etc. I enjoy the time I spent with my board members so that the club can be organized and how we are able to collaborate on things to come to a best solution.

-Khrystal Contreras

Division 30 South

MAY DCM What better way to kick off the beginning of summer than with Key Club? Starting off the summer with a service event at Kennedy High School, the division gathered to help repair and clean donated books before shipping them out to their final destination. The best part of this event? In all honesty, it was probably the air-conditioned room because the weather was absolutely stifling and the heat waves guaranteed certain dehydration. Fortunately, Kennedy was kind enough to provide the division with a well and abled air-conditioned room to make any last changes and repairs to the semi-worn books. On the other hand, prior to commencing the reparations, there were boba sales, open mind sessions, and overall just looking at the last term in retrospect. In addition, while the books were being prepared and laid out, there were icebreakers such as “I love my neighbor who…” and an improvised version of musical chairs substituted with shoes. All of which were fun if weren’t for the sweltering heat as we stood barren in the sun straining, listening to the following instructions for the next icebreaker. I’m not even joking, but I’ve been avoiding the sun this past semester post tennis season, and those twenty minutes of suffering that heat probably tanned me a couple of shades. Thanks DCM!

-Cecilia Dang

What was great way to start the second Division Council Meeting of the fresh term with some service as a whole division! The goal was to MAYke a change by cleaning up different books for children and libraries to enjoy.

swear car.

The DCM was held at Kennedy High School on Saturday, May 20th. We were in this big room with air conditioning on blast because it was blazing hot. I felt like the drought was back when I stepped out from my

Anyways getting off topic, the meeting was presented by our lovely DLT, Vivian Bui and did the usual: attendance and old/new business. Even though our club did not receive Shining Club of the Month Award, our hardworking secretary, Annie Nguyen, was announced as Shining Secretary! Jerry and I were flying off our seats as the secretary’s description matched with Annie. I am sincerely proud of Annie’s accomplishment and I hope she will follow in Jennifer’s step and be awarded as Distinguished Secretary at the end of the term! Afterwards, everyone went outside to do various ice breakers. In one of the ice breaker, we were required to grab as much toilet paper we needed to do the job. The twist to it was that the amount we grabbed was the amount of facts we need to say about ourselves to everyone. Finally, it was time to do some community service and be book doctors. We were put into groups containing people from different schools to promote socializing with other people. You may think cleaning books with a Clorox wipe is boring but add bonding with people and listening to a chill playlist turned this “boring” experience and memorable one. This DCM was a successful and I’m glad everyone who went had as much fun as me. It was now time for a club picture! Next time we will get Omar in for sure. I just wanted to give a quick thank you my board for being able to act weird with me and accept for who I am. I appreciate every single one of you <3! You guys are the reason why I can smile so big and I can’t wait what the future has for us. Keep shining!

- Joanna Chatouphonexay

May DCM was on Saturday, may 20, 2017. It was the second DCM of the 2017-2018 term. The DCM was at John F. Kennedy High School. It was my first time visiting Kennedy high school. The school is so cool and big. It was very hot that day but the room we were in was cool so that was a good thing. Also, I got boba it was so good. First, we had the division meeting where we went over the old and new business and other stuff. What made this special for us “western key club” is that our secretary Annie Nguyen got “Secretary of the month”. We were really happy and proud for her because we knew that she was really busy at the time but she still kept the hard work. After the meeting was over, the division spirit coordinators had a game for us while the others were preparing for the service project. Honestly, the game was really funny but the thing is that it was really hot as I mentioned before but we had fun and we got through. Then they put us in groups of 12 people I believe. Then we went back to the room and we started working on the project. Honestly, it wasn’t that hard. All we had to do is clean the cover, check the inside of the book and put the sticker on the back of the book and that is it. I believe it took us an hour to finish all books. Lastly, we had some free time to take pictures and stuff. So, we took some home club pictures and I was the one who’s taking them even if I’m not the historian but I wanted to take the pictures because I felt that I was ugly on that day. On the picture below “Jerry and Crystal look like proud parents”. - Omar Al-Saleem

OC Children’s Festival The OC Children’s Festival took place on Saturday, May 20th, 2017 at Pearson Park. Families and friends were able to come and spend their time with their kids at the OC Children’s Festival. It began early morning and ended at 3:00 PM. Volunteers from Division 30 South joined to help make this event possible. Those who were working the second shift were expected to meet at the OC Fair at 11:30 AM. The person in charged introduced herself and quickly took Manny and me to our booth once we arrived. There the volunteers that were stationed there for the first shift explained to us what we needed to do. The station I worked at was the fire truck making station. While I was cutting and prepping the craft, Manny was helping out the kids. Afterwards we helped the vendor clean up. Once we finished cleaning up at our stations, I was able to find some free time to go walk around and take some pictures, but there wasn’t that much to take pictures of. Overall, it was a pretty hot day, so it was kind of dreadful, but Manny and I tried to make the most out of it. I wished there was little more stuff we could have work on, but I was pretty content. I am looking forward to the other events the Division Event Coordinator has in store for us though! -Linda Le

Again with the sweltering heat and severe cases of melanoma. Of all days, I regret not checking the weather on this day; especially since I decided to wear a turtleneck long sleeve in 90 degree weather. BUT moving on from the weather situation, the Children’s Festival was held at Pearson Park in the sunny spot decked with tents, food trucks, performers, and of course, booths upon booths of activities. I, myself, was placed with the Boys & Girls organization in which we helped kids color print outs of foxes, Spiderman, and polka dotted giraffes. However, given it was the morning shift, there were not many families except a lingering few who meandered from one booth to another. Regardless, it was still a fun event as I sat under the shade and enjoyed some quality time coloring as I have not touched crayons since my elementary years. In addition, we’d cut out the print outs and make little masks out of them. It was quite endearing to see so many little hands reaching up and forward for the spectrum of crayons. Many colored precisely within the lines, while others I’ve questioned whether or not they have any taste in colors. I mean who colors a giraffe purple, scribbled with brown? But who knows, he might as well have been a second Picasso in the making. Creativity runs rampant at these events, it’s only whether or not we are willing to acknowledge a child’s creative mind or reject it. -Cecilia Dang


LEADERBOARD Thank you for all your hours of volunteering! Keep shining, suns of WHS Key Club! :D

Linda Le - 12.2 Hours

Ali-Al Saleem - 11.7 Hours

Jerry Castillo - 10.6 Hours

Khrystal Contreras - 9.2 Hours

Manuel Camarillo - 8 Hours

RANDOM FACTS Here are some random facts to cheer you up for summer! 1. A crocodile can't stick it's tongue out.

2. A shrimp's heart is in it's head.


3. People say "Bless you" when you sneeze because when you sneeze, your heart stops for a mili-second. 4. In a study of 200,000 ostriches over a period of 80 years, no one reported a single case where an os-

trich buried its head in the sand. 5. It is physically impossible for pigs to look up into the sky. If you sneeze too hard, you can fracture a

rib. 6. If you try to suppress a sneeze, you can rupture a blood vessel in your head or neck and die. 7. If you keep your eyes open by force when you sneeze, you might pop an eyeball out. 8. Rats multiply so quickly that in 18 months, two rats could have over a million descendants. 9. Wearing headphones for just an hour will increase the bacteria in your ear by 700 times. 10. In every episode of Seinfeld there is a Superman somewhere.

11. The cigarette lighter was invented before the match. 12. Thirty-five percent of the people who use personal ads for dating are already married. 13. A duck's quack doesn't echo, and no one knows why. 14. 23% of all photocopier faults worldwide are caused by people sitting on them and photocopying

their butts. 15. In the course of an average lifetime you will, while sleeping, eat 70 assorted insects and 10 spiders. 16. Most lipstick contains fish scales.

17. Like fingerprints, everyone's tongue print is different.






- Annual OC Visions Walk










- Kiwanis Baseball Game



- Relay for Life

 

Relay for Life June DCM








-Flag Day






Officer Training Conference Bolsa Chica Habitat Restoration













- Riverbed Farm










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30 -

2017-2018 Western Key Club Board Members

Crystal Ly

Jerry Castillo





(714) 315-6317

(714) 854-4848

Annie Nguyen

Cecilia Dang





(714) 251-3847

(714) 837-5187

Cedric Baral Bulletin Editor cedricsalvador17@gmail.com

(714) 709-0165

Abril Petlacalco Publicist


(951) 410-3288

Linda Le Historian lindale922@gmail.com

(714) 782-2393

Omar Al-Saleem Member Recognition omarziadalsaleem2000@gmail.com

(657) 293-4569

Khrystal Contreras Publicist khrystal06@yahoo.com. (657)226-7150

Manuel Camarillo Historian

Joanna Chatouphonexay

(714) 420-6149

(714) 331-8542


Ali-Al Saleem Spirit Coordinator

Historian joannachatou@gmail.com

Jehan Kamoona Spirit Coordinator



(714) 933-6518

(714) 808-7817

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