Western High School Key Club 2019-2020 | May Newsletter

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CNH | KEY CLUB Division 30 South | Region 3 |CNH Volume: 8, Issue: 2

The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | May 2019





I. Introduction 04

Greetings Letter


Editor’s Note

II. Past Events 07

OC 5k Marathon


H.O.P.E. Food Distribution


Bolsa Chica Habitat Restoration


Eliminate Project Week


Stanton Spring Car Show & Kids Fair


OC Greek Festival


Western Key Club Banquet


Anaheim Children’s Art Festival


Kiwanis All Star Baseball Game


Strawberry Stomp 2019


Liquid Run



III. Miscellaneous 20

June Events


Service Hour Puzzle


Service Hour Leadership


Board Member Spotlight


Board Information


Hello all, It’s already been 2 months in the new term! What I like most about the month in May is that despite all the stress and lack of sleep, we managed to get through it and made an outstanding performance. It gave our board an opportunity to learn from mistakes as well as the success. Take the risk. It doesn’t hurt to try. It’s okay to make mistakes along the way, as long as you learn from it. Volunteer. Get out of your circle or comfort zone. Meet new people. Start finding your passion. Try new ideas. I, too, was shy and was scared of new people, but look at how far I’ve come once I got out of my bubble. And honestly, I am proud to serve as Western High School’s Key Club President and for everything as a whole. I just want to let you know that if you need any advice or help, you can message me anytime. All of the board will happily talk to you about anything. It can be personal, rants, and anything random. We are here for a reason for you to feel included. So, I hope you will take the opportunity to do so and I look forward to seeing more heights in the club.

- Warm regards, Khrystal Contreras


’ Hello once again! So much stuff was going on in May as in so much testing. It was difficult to tackle, but we made it! It is summer now so please enjoy a nice break from school while you can. Anyways a month has already passed and we are now in our 2nd newsletter for this term. I have included a mini puzzle game for you to earn one service hour, so please be on the lookout ^^ I hope you enjoy reading through the newsletter, May was a very eventful month!

- Danica Lopez


Thank you for all your hard work


OC 5k Marathon OC 5K Marathon. I have been to many events as of late and I can say without a doubt that this event is my favorite. I went for both days, Saturday and Sunday. The event was held on May 4th and 5th and was at the OC Fair & Event Center. This event is a great way to bond with other key clubbers and as well as being put to work. On the first day I was the only person from Western to go, however it did not stop me from making new friends. On Saturday I bonded with Oxford’s Key Club President and Vice President/EA, Tobi Yao and Jennifer Vo. This day was less chaotic then Sunday, but it was still busy. I was assigned to did the second day. Don’t get me wrong I love this event and these two days of volunteering were by far my favorite.

pass out water to the runners while they finished. While doing this task I meet another student who was there for his schools’ CSF I forgot his name, but it was great to make him come out of his comfort zone. Although the runners finished exhausted and tired they still thanked you for volunteering. Their kinds words made my heart warm up. I do these events for fun, but when the attendees thank me, it makes me realize that events wouldn’t be the same if it weren’t for the volunteers. The atmosphere was amazing everyone from the volunteers to the runners had a big smile across their face. I really enjoyed this day more than I

The second day I had to wake up early, I remember waking up at 3 AM and getting ready for the event. The event was held at 5 AM in the morning but that didn’t stop me or anyone else. On the second day I was joined by more Western friends and that made me glad. I was also joined by more Oxford people as well, including Tobi and Jennifer. This day was more hectic than Saturday. They had us working and I mean WORKING. We had to unpack energy drinks. That doesn’t sound like a lot of work, but when there is 100+ runners taking a bottle every second it became very busy. We would take packages of the energy drinks and quickly place each induvial bottle on the table before we ran out. This day like Saturday I made new friends, such as Lance Sahagun, 1 of the 3 DLT Historians. I also met Division 04 West LTG Diego Solorio. This event has been my favorite event of this new term so far. It was a great experience and it was a great way to meet and bond with new and familiar faces. Plus, you get a free shirt. I highly recommended going to this event in the upcoming years.

— Anthony Ontiveros | Publicist


H.O.P.E Food Bank Haha, back at it again at H.O.P.E. Food Drive! I think that I have been to this event 234892849 times now. (I’m just kidding, I’ve only been 3 times) This event is always nice to be at! The church staff are so kind and welcome you warmly. The tasks at H.O.P.E. Food Drive are usually the same, but the THIRD time that I attended, I did something different! I assisted handicap people with getting to the line to get food, and I threw away trash. I had a very great time doing those things. Volunteering at this event always leaves me feeling accomplished and with a sense of goodwill in my heart! One of the tasks here includes handing out food (such as pastries and pizza) to the local community, and I think that it’s neat that you get to interact with them through this way. There are mainly old people who attend, and talking to them always makes me happy. In most of my daily life, I rarely interact with elderly, but through this event I get to talk to so much! Although this event starts early, its nice to start off the day being productive by volunteering! A plus to this event is that it is local to Western. During this event, I got to bond with my lovely juniors! This event is fun, but it is even more fun with friends, so if you go, you should invite your friends as well! — Alexandra Sitthydeth| Member Recognition


I had the wonderful opportunity to volunteer at the Bolsa Chica Habitat Restoration on May 5th. At this service event, we were given endangered native plants to restore along the trails at Bolsa Chica. The staff had us meet in the parking lot and sign in digitally. It was 9 am, so it was nice and breezy on the coast, which later got warmer. We carried supplies to the site and were given all of the essentials: gloves, shovels, and water jugs that we took turns retrieving from the parking lot. The staff there was really friendly and knowledgeable about the plants and the Bolsa Chica Wetlands. They told us that there was a proper technique to bury the plants and how to water them. I was surprised that it wasn’t only high school key clubs volunteering, but so were families that just wanted to help, which was really nice to see families bonding through community service. Farrah was historian for this event, so we took turns planting while the other was taking pictures, which all came out great. Through the planting process, I came to the realization that these tiny plants would make a large impact on the Bolsa Chica environment. These plants were endangered to their natural habitat, meaning that they used to serve a purpose in their environment, but are losing contact with it. By restoring them in their natural environment that they were originally

native to, we were building back their habitat. This day felt like a biology class field trip since we were learning so much about habitats and an organism’s role in its ecosystem.

The staff continued to be amazing when they brought out a variety of free snacks for the volunteers. The assortment included bananas, oranges, animal crackers (my personal favorite), lemon loaf cake, cookies, watermelon, and water. I was so thankful for that gesture because we had been working hard in the rising heat for a while, much needing an energy booster. Overall, this day was a huge success, for we were able to plant and water dozens of endangered plants within the span of about only 2 hours. The staff was so caring and well educated about the habitat, making this a great learning experience about nature. I would highly recommend this event. Not only is it super productive, but you’re restoring and learning about nature, so I encourage you to participate when available.

— Maile Kobayashi | Publicist


During the Eliminate Project Week, we raised money to eliminate the deadly disease of MNT, Maternal Neonatal Tetanus, throughout our world specifically to poverty-stricken countries that are less capable of preventing this infectious disease. Fact is MNT takes a baby’s life and it’s mother’s life every 15 minutes. That means while we live and complain about how our life is so rough and hard…someone never got to live theirs. Not only that it’s a tremendous pain to the participants who were exposed which is painful to think about. We had a variety of ways of donating to Eliminate MNT throughout our school for a whole week raising over $1700 dollars. One way in particular we did this was by having a penny war among our Key Club Board. We separated into 4 different teams each with people around 3-4. Every participant would have their own jar to carry to and from school to collect donations from students. By advertisement and serious understanding of the condition we were able to raise more than $800 dollars. However there was a twist that benefitted not only the cause but the competition its self. For every bill we had it would subtract our total which was a thrilling change in the whole atmosphere. Truthfully I have no regrets in using my own money and I’m sure no one else had any regrets too Another way we raised money was through a hydro flask raffle. Now I liked the ingenuity of this because each side of the party got something. A chance to win a hydro flask and a very welcomed donation to the Elimination of MNT. We had many people donate with a passion to get that hydro flask but only one winner. In the end it was a great way to earn a good amount of money for our cause. The last way I will be talking about is through fundraisers. Now I’m always one for giving people a prize for doing something great. I even


treated myself to a treat through our fundraisers. We sold boba and Italian ice. Believe me or not it sold out incredibly quick and I’m kind of grateful I was one of the lucky ones who got one. Throughout people waiting we also asked for any change through the penny wars which was an amazing bonus. In conclusion, I had a lot of fun and would love to have another dedicated week for a good cause. By adding creativity to helping it really defined our club as an organization willing to do things others might not have time for. It made me realize especially how Key Club is so helpful in our schools and teaches students at this age the importance of being a good person. I don’t know if I’m using this saying right but there’s this person who threw a star fish back into the ocean and an old man said there’s too many it won’t make a difference. Well there’s multiple endings to this but one way I like to think is, why not do it together then? — Nicholas Dinh | Project Chair .

Maternal and Neonatal tetanus is a very serious infection which can cause death if left untreated. “In 13 countries around the world, Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus (MNT) can quickly turn the joy of childbirth into tragedy. MNT kills one baby every fifteen minutes. Is effects are excruciating- tiny newborns suffer repeatedly, painful convulsion and extreme sensitivity to light and touch. There is little hope of survival. And tetanus kills mothers too.” (www.keyclub.org). As stated on the MNT description, having this defect is critical to that person’s loved ones. Because of this, Kiwanis and UNICEF worked together to help prevent this disease. As a result, Key Club decided to make eliminate week concentrating on going against MNT.

going on. For example, we sold boba on Friday, we also sold Joe’s Italian Ice on Wednesday, and we had a Hydro flask raffle going on. The whole experience is incredible and it’s good to know how much this serve as a good will to others around the world. Lastly, this occasion is the first event for new board members, so it really is memorable.

I, myself, thinks that this event was enjoyable. As I mentioned before, it is the first event for new officials, and it is for a good cause. This is why it helps me boost my will to really explore the event, and to be involved. One of my favorite part is the penny wars. Board members were divided into four groups, and whoever had the highest amount of pennies win. What’s more fun Eliminate week happened during May 6, 2019 about this is if a board member gets a bill to oththrough May 19, 2019. This week has been event- er officials, it will be deducted to their pennies ful to most members of Western High School Key consumed. We did this throughout the week, Club. There are many occurrence going on reand at the end, my team won. garding to this matter. For example, we had a In general, the whole event is mesmerizing. spirit week throughout the school days. On MonHuge thanks to all of those who helped us make day, we had block out day which we had to this happen. Western Key Club earned $1,726.74 wear a sunglasses. On Tuesday, it was mom in total, and we will not be able to et this much if day, Wednesday is bring a lemon and wear yelnot because of those who supported us. low, on Thursday is throwback Thursday or baby — Farrah Ermeje | Historian day, and Friday is blue out. Aside from spirit week, we also had penny wars and fundraisers

Thank you! 11

Stanton Spring Car Show & Kids fair It was a nice cool morning when it was time to volunteer for this event. The event was on May 11th. This event helps give donations and money towards children’s programs and education. It is also a yearly event, so if you missed out on this, you have another chance next year to volunteer. In the morning, our work mostly consisted of just setting booths. We walked around to set up the tables. Then we walked around to set up the tents for each booth. Then we walked around to put a blue cover on each table. When we finished we waited until another booth needed help. After a while, a booth that does raffle ticketing asked us to make them a sign and draw nice pictures on it. It took a while, but when we finished the people in charge of the booth loved it. The event also started already when we finished.

During the event we had some free time. We walked around and looked at the cars. We also took some pictures for the same booth mentioned earlier. After that, another booth told us to collect raffle tickets from everyone participating in the car show. It was tiring walking around under the hot sun, but it wasn’t too bad. It was cool how some people already knew us and just walked up to us when they need help. At this point around noon, there wasn’t anything else to do. So we watched some dances. One of the group was for old ladies and they did a Hawaiian dance. Another group did folklorico dance. It was a very nice event and you do a good amount of work while having free time too. — Danica Lopez | Bulletin Editor

Stanton Spring Car Show and Kids Fair took their last task was to walk around to the people place on May 11 where volunteers were asdisplaying their cars and collect their raffle ticksigned to do various tasks to help run the fair. ets. The first things volunteers did was set up canopies and tables for booths to be set up. We had to tape tablecloths to the tables and move the canopies over the tables. As this was happening, many good-looking cars were driving in and parking in the grass across the road. It was very impressive to see this, since I am not really a big fan of cars, but they were very nice. We continued helping out with the set-up by placing trashcans around the event area. Some volunteers were assigned to draw a sign for a booth that was for free raffles. They drew beach related items on the sign, such as an umbrella, beach chair, sun hat, cooler, beach ball, and a dog playing with a frisbee. After that,


This event was a very fun one. In-between tasks when there was a bit of free time, volunteers were able to walk around and experience the fair. We were able to view the cars, watch hula dancing and Folklorico performed by local groups, and take pictures with a vehicle used in the Vietnam War. This event was a great experience since we were able to both volunteer and partake in the fair’s activities! — Tiffany Castillo | Historian

OC Greek Festival OC Greek Festival was one of the most productive yet difficult event that I had to volunteer in. The festival is actually an annual event where families and friends come together to celebrate the Greek cultures. In the festival, you were able to do so many activities ranging from dancing to traditional music, strolling through the marketplace, and even spend time in the “Kids Zone” with games and inflatable rides! This went on at Friday, May 17 to Sunday, May 18, but I was only able to volunteer on the Sunday shift.

slide and make sure it was one person going down the slide and that there isn’t any problems. I was able to interact with so many kids and they kept coming back to slide more. One of the cutest memory I have was one kid that was too shy and scared to go down, but after a little encouragement he was able to go down. It was cute because after that he kept going again and again and didn’t want to leave. Don’t get me wrong, I love hanging out with the kids. I even made sure they had lots of fun. However, there were some kids that misbehaved. One of them Each shift had various duties. Volunteers were didn’t want to leave and the parents were telling able to set up, clean the tables, monitor the kid him that they had to go. It was hard at first bezone, be in charge of the cotton candy, interact cause he really didn’t want to go down! I held on with kids, as well as cleaning up the whole booth. to him to go down the slide and he would try to When I got there with the rest of the members, get away. Until after the 6th try or so, I was able we received a free shirt and was assigned to the to get him to his parents. Another kid kept shovkids zone. Minutes later, we had to go back to ing and pushing other kids and even tried to push the check in area for a new job due to the overme and almost caused trouble to another volunwhelming amount of volunteers in the kid zone. teer. To solve the solution, I told him that it wasn’t We didn’t do anything for the first 15 minutes until okay for him to do so and also reported to anothwe were assigned to clean the tables. It was a er staff about it. nice experience, hence I got to bond with the others more. It was raining a while ago and some It was a pretty hectic job to be, but it was realtables and chairs were wet. After drying the taly nice getting the experience from both the bles and chairs, we waited for any mess on the good and bad side. I would love to come back tables. At this time, more and more people are and volunteer again!! starting to attend the festival. — Khrystal Contreras | President Eventually, they needed help in the kids zone. The new task was for half of us to monitor the bouncy house while the other monitors the slide. We switched off places, so one doesn’t get tired of the other. For most of the time, I was in charge of the slide area. Basically, I went up the bouncy


Western Key Club Banquet On May 17th, 2019, Western Key Club celebrated the year, because the end of the term has come. We wanted to celebrate the accomplishments and achievements that we have made over the term, during the Western Key Club Banquet. The banquet was held at BJ's, located in Huntington Beach.

After we began eating, we started the awards ceremony. There were many different awards that were recognized to the members. For example, members were awarded for completing 50 or 100 service hours. Then members were also awarded for other achievements. Then we gave gifts to the old board from the new board.

The Western Key Club Banquet was an amazing get together with the whole key club of our school. It wasn’t just the board members but everyone who takes key club with pride and joy. We had an abundant of photo shoots since memories and awards were given to the new and old board of our club. Awards were also given to the outstanding efforts of the members who volunteered their hearts content.

whole day. The new board were giving the old board their farewell gifts and the 2019-2020 LTG was there since he was the previous president.

We recognized Ali Al-Saleem as distinguished President of Western Key Club. Then I was recognized as the officer of the year and distinguished secretary of Western Key Club, which was a great The banquet began at 5PM. honor. I am very happy that my hard work and dediWe first started off with taking cation over the term was recognized. This has been pictures with each other for an unforgettable term and I enjoyed every second around 30 minutes, then we be- of it, through all the success and hardships. gan the banquet once everyI am very excited for the 2019-2020 term. I hope I one was seated. It began with am able to make the best out of the term and build a welcome from Khrystal Conunforgettable memories with the members in Key treras and Ali Al-Saleem. Then Club! <3 we were served pizza, pasta, — Vicky Vu | Vice President and salad.


I was assigned to design the backdrop in which I was happy to see the members use it in their pictures. Everyone was just having fun and taking pictures the

The whole day was filled with fun and jokes as the night progressed. It was sentimental to finally say goodbye to the seniors who attended the banquet since this will be one of their last key club related events they’ll attend. Regardless the realization, new prices less memories were made and everyone seemed more like a family after the banquet. I was fortunate and happy that I attended this banquet since nothing else will be like it. The first key club friends you would most likely make are in your own home club. So for everyone In my home club to be there, ready to start a new beginning in the upcoming year was very cherishing. — Allen Sia | Historian

Anaheim C hildren’s Art Festival On Saturday, May 18 at Pearson Park, Western Key Club volunteers attended the Anaheim Children’s Art festival. It is a free annual event with many activities for children to participate in such as crafts, dancing lessons, art lessons and many performances. This day marks the 28th year of hosting the festival and the City of Anaheim & MUZEO continues show their commitment for children all around the OC area. Western Key Club volunteers were able to sign up for different shift times, each shift had specific designated tasks. I had the honor to volunteer in the morning and was assigned to many tasks to work on alongside other volunteers by the head lady in charge of us. We helped with several booths by setting up the tents and tables. Volunteers were also given a stack of flyers and highlighters to pass out to all the booths and relay information about how the flyer worked. All our help was very much appreciated, and I felt great being able to contribute. This event was super organized right from the get-go and extremely productive as well. We were provided with water and breaks to accommodate for our hard work which was very generous. The afternoon shift took care of working with the children and getting the opportunity to teach kids how to make arts and crafts. This was the second year I had volunteered at the Anaheim Children’s Art Festival and it has not disappointed me as a volunteer. I would highly recommend attending the event even if you aren’t a volunteer just for the atmosphere. — Ivy Vi | Secretary


This volunteer event is 54th annual baseball game that Kiwanis holds to recognize all the baseball stars from different high schools. These are the top players throughout their high school career that are competing against each other at the event. Before the event started, we as volunteers had to arrive earlier to set up the food station for the people in the audience and the families that watch the game. The Kiwanis members who in charge of the event showed us different stations we can be at such as ticketing, food making, coffee making and more. We got to work with Loara Key Club the whole time we were there. When we didn’t have anything to do, we talked with each other to know our members better and make new friends with Loara.. At the beginning, it was slow so we spent most of our time e joking around and talking about different topics that are Key Club related and nonKey Club related. As more people come in and order, we started to get busy and I, a cashier, yelled loudly for members to prepare food for the customers. It was hectic but funny because we got to get food afterwards and got to meet other student that have the same passion ate for Key Club as us. We also saw how good and competitive the baseball players are and how cooperative they are in terms of teamwork. It was one of the memorable and joyful events that Kiwanis holds even though we were super tired at the end but we still got to bond with each other and helped out our Key Club members.


Through this event, Western Key Club has expanded and got more recognition since we worked with the Kiwanis members and other high schools. This baseball game has a good purpose which Key Club members from different schools can work together to bring the best results and get to know each other. I recommend you to go to this event next year so you can see how much effort Kiwanians have put in and expand your friend circle.

— Huy Nguyen | Spirit Coordinator

Strawberry Stomp 2019 Strawberry Stomp? No. No. It’s not what you think. We don’t stomp strawberries. Actually It’s much better than that. It is a family friendly 5K run that is held with the annual Strawberry Festival. Many walkers participate for fun and to enjoy a breathtaking tour through downtown Garden Grove.

dressed in a strawberry costume. Dogs participated as well and were dressed in a cute shirt. Some groups ran in unison and kept their pace. For us, we cheered with many key club chants and even changed it up a little. We did “G double O D J-O-B Good Iob”, “S-U-P-E-R Super star is what you are” and even “Keep. Keep. Keep it up. Keep that running spirit up.” Many walkers were Saturday, May 25 marks the day of the event delighted to see us cheer for them and hyped where volunteers cheered on the runners, set up, them up on the way. An alternate to get the run the water station, and clean up. The memevent more inclusive was to get high fives from bers and I arrived to the destination where the each runners. Sadly, it ended so soon and we event coordinator had talked to the whole group were done for the day. of volunteers on what to expect. Then, we waited for an assigned job. Each groups were picked Overall, it was an amazing event that I would out to an area in which they will cheer at. They volunteer again. Although it was a long wait till it were very much organized and we were actually actually started, I took the time to bond with the placed near the park, the library, and the straw- rest of the members and talk to them more berry festival itself. For most of the time, we about summer. Also, at the end of the event, we chilled and waited. It was actually an hour or so took group pictures on the big chair! We even until the race actually started. It was a long wait, took a group picture with Savanna Key Club!! but it was worth it because we got to see so — Khrystal Contreras | President many smiling faces. There were even people Many people have heard and experienced the annual Strawberry Festival located in the heart of Garden Grove, around the historic Main Street. However, there is also an annual 5k run each year before the festival begins, which is called the Strawberry Stomp 5k. On Saturday, May 25, I had the pleasure of volunteering for my hometown, cheering on the hundreds of runners during the race. The race kicked off at 8:00am and it was a 3.1 mile race! I have never seen so many people crowded in one area to solely RUN. And I mean RUN. The top 3 runners ran such impressive time! However, many families had their fun too, bringing along their children for the 5k.

Once the race started, Western Key Club line up right by the route, on the road itself, cheering each runner on! Often times, we did the “superstar” cheer as well as “keep, keep, keep it up! Keep that running spirit up! Every so often, the supervisors came around to make sure we were cheering our hardest and we were! All our members cheered with enthusiasm and smiles on their faces. Overall, this was an extremely fun event in which we were able to help the community exhibit their pride about their their city! I 100% recommend this annual event to any of you who love to cheer your hearts out! This is a great event for both service and spirit ;)

First, many people were warming up by stretching or jogging near the start line. The smiles and joy they expressed were amazing to see!

— Kathy Tu | Treasurer


Liquid Run MUDA MUDA MUDA! It was very relaxing to volunteer next to the open waters of Newport Beach! I found tranquility in watching the waters move by the breezes. This event was outside, and the weather was perfect for being out! It was not too hot, or too cold.

like me, then be careful at this event to not overexert yourself by carrying heavy items, or else your back will hurt a lot!! At this event, there were also two lovely dogs who were very friendly! It almost felt like I was at the beach at this event because of all the sand and the body of water. The event coordinators were very kind in buying pizzas for all the volunteers! It was very delicious.

The main task of this event was to help with taking down the floatable obstacle course. They were very big, so it took a while to tear everything down. Volunteers had to sweep the sand As I said before, this event had a relaxing atoff of the floatables and also suck the air out of mosphere, and I would recommend you to go the floatables. I did not expect this whole process with sunscreen since you will be under the sun for to take around 2~3 hours. There were other small the majority of the time! side tasks to do as well, which were to hang dry — Alexandra Sitthydeth | Member Recognition belts and sort the life jackets by their sizes. After deflating the obstacle courses and packing them, they were still pretty heavy and most were around 200 lbs. If you have scoliosis


The DCM was a great way to end AP testing, and although I myself did not have AP testing it was still a great way to end the month of May! The DCM’s purpose was to destress and relax and was exactly what it helped me with. I was having a really busy past week and it helped. we made pillows, dog toys, and stress balls to help with the stress. every DCM I bring along my friend Celeste and she’s new to key club so I really enjoyed bonding with her through the club and the DCM’s we go to! at the DCM they also had clubs selling churro’s and Boba to enjoy. Soon the DCM had to come to an end but the gun wasn’t over! My club board went to In -N- Out to have our monthly board meeting! overall the DCM was probably one of the best TCM so I’ve been to and I highly recommend anyone in going to any DCM to have an amazing experience and to learn more about what our division has accomplished in the month. I got to see friends that I haven’t seen in a while from

other schools, as well as getting to know new people. I got the opportunity to meet new people by participating in the ice breakers that they had planned out for the DCM. I'm so glad that every DCM I’ve ever been to has been really enjoyable and motivates my friends to get more involved in Key Club! — Arena Hernandez | Spirit Coordinator


June Events



Picture Search! Earn one hour service by answering this correctly:

how many bees are there throughout the newsletter? HINT: These bees come in different sizes and color They don’t appear in any of the pages after this It’s less than 20 (don’t count the bee on this page) • • •


leaderboard Thank you for all your hours of volunteering! Keep shining, suns of WHS Key Club! :D



NAME | Ontiveros __ hours | 66.5 hours Anthony


Khrystal Contreras | 51.5 hours


Edison Wong | 29 hours


Ashely Baqui | 28 hours


Tiffany Castillo | 25 hours

Featuring one of our spirit coordinators….

Huy Nguyen 1. What has been your experience so far as a spirit coordinator?


As a spirit coordinator, I feel proud of myself because I was able to plan a joint social with Oxford Key Club. With that, my term has been so far so good. 2. What is your goal for this term? To plan as many social as possible with Arena, my co-spirit coordinator.

3. What do you love about Key Club? What I love about key club is that it gives me more opportunity to connect with other key clubbers within my division, D30S and other divisions. 4. What is one of your favorite moments in Key Club? One of my favorite moments is DCON. It really changed my life and I got to make new friends over the course of 3 days. Also, I was able to see different leaders from my region, Region 3 , and learned about different branch of Kiwanis. 5. How’s your business going? Regards to my business, I feel like it’s going great so far. 6. Have you gone to the gym? I have not gone to the gym but I did swim to lose weight so I’m getting there. 7. What’s your catchphrase My catchphrase is take criticism into consideration, not heart so you can improve, not hurt. 8. Lastly, how do you feel? I feel pretty tired. Just kidding. I FEEL GOOD OH I FEEL SO GOOD. I FEEL FINE ALL OF THE TIME. ABOOGA! ABOOGA! ABOOGA, BOOGA, BOOGA


Board Info ! President


Vice President

Khrystal Contreras

Vicky Vu



(657) 226-7150

(714) 585-0443



Ivy Vi

Kathy Tu



(714) 725-5136

(714) 926-9392

Project Chair

Bulletin Editor

Member Rec

Nicholas Dinh

Danica Lopez

Alexandra Sitthydeth




(714) 353-3655

(714) 797-8840

(714) 718-8472




Tiffany Castillo

Allen Sia

Farrah Ermeje




(714) 886-0659

(702) 470-4469

(714) 805-3253


Spirit Coordinator

Maile Kobayashi

Huy Nguyen



(714) 351-1256

(714) 725-1403


Spirit Coordinator

Anthony Ontiveros

Arena Hernandez

anthony.onti2475@gmail.com (951) 565-6897

arenahernandez101@icloud.com (657) 456-4865



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