Western HS Key Club April 2016-2017 Newsletter

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Division 30 South | Region 3 |CNH Volume: 5, Issue 2 The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | April 2016



Hi everyone! I have to say, Jerry really does keep me on my toes, and not physically-although looking up at him all the time does horrid for my neck so I have no choice but to result to tippy toes--in terms of work and such. I digress. Thanks for this past month everyone! The board has been finding its groove this past month and we've finally started settling into our new roles, just as you guys have started adjusting to seeing the new faces up front. It's very refreshing in an aspect! I'm not trying to sound overexcited in any way as I do use exclamation points sparingly--but wow! I guess I'll take this bit to thank the seniors then, and the 2015-2016 school year. Thank you for sticking to us through thick and thin. Thank you for being our support. Thank you for being the ones we look up to (heh). Thank you for being with us. You who have made us whole, good luck in all that you do. The future is in your hands now, and head at it with your best! And remember, if you ever feel tired out or just need a break or an ear, we'll still always be here. Thanks for being the sunshine. Good luck, and thank you! Shining and speedin' 2016-2017 WHS Key Club Pres. Nhi Truong

Hello, Western-ly lovelies! The weather today looks terrible… Western pios and Key-Clubbers, we made it to the end of the school year! All the struggles and obstacles in the past year, class after class, night after sleepless night… now that we have finally reached the end, we can put all that behind us. Look back in time and laugh at the hardships that failed to take us down, and rejoice in all the achievements achieved and the memorable memories made, because we flippin’ made it!! As the high school year comes to a close, the seniors graduate, leaving us to begin their journeys into a higher education and beyond. I want to emphasize the amount of love and respect for I have for the 2016 and 2017 classes. Seniors, graduating and incoming, thank you for representing Western High School. Thank you for being the role model, being the standard that I—among many others—have aspired to match. Thank you for paving the path, for being there through all the cheers and tears, and for making the high school experience unforgettable. And with that, I hereby present you a little something to help you remember all the awesome things we have done over the past month! Thank you for being beautiful, and keep on giving back to your community and being the most amazing you can be!

TABLE OF CONTENTS Ronald McDonald Walk For Kids

p. 5

District Convention p. 6 Sunset Banquet p.8

Lion King Production p. 11

St. Polycarp Fiesta p. 10

April Sunrise DCM p. 12




Ronald McDonald Walk-For Kids The Ronald Mcdonald walk for kids on Sunday April 3rd was a fun event because the few other members and I that went were cheering on walkers that were supporting a great cause. It started out with me being a bit late, (due to car problems) and once I got dropped off, there was music and so many booths that had activities. I got assigned to cheer on walkers along with other members. It took a while for the event to start since it was a walk not a run. We got to cheer on the walkers in such a great environment, because everyone was happy and joyful, there was also a band playing music which made it even more joyous. I also got thanked by the walkers many times for being there and giving my time to support them, which made me feel what i was doing really meant alot to others. It was a great experience seeing so many people have joy on their face there was kids dancing to the music, and people dressed up in tutus, supporting the cause. The coordinators showed how they truly appreciated our work because they thanked us and also they gave us water and some snacks. After our shift was over, all the volunteers walked over to the finish line and there we finished cheering on the walkers. After we got told that we have been dismissed, we went to walk around the booths that they had set up and we were free to go to any. We got free mini funnel cakes, which was really good! and there was also games and other activities like a bouncy house. (I won a necklace, Amazing right) After roaming for a while through all the activities and booths it was time to go home. This was such a great event because everyone was so happy and thankful. Which really put a smile on my face, this event really made me see the importance that Key Club has on the community. Elicia Hernandez


THE 70th ANNUAL CNH A bus filled with screaming, quite, spirited kids was one way to describe the bus ride to District Convention 2016. On the weekend of April 8th-10th, the Cali-Nev-Ha Key Club District held their 70th annual convention to celebrate the accomplishments that we as a district have had. When arriving on the first day of District Convention we were all happy to get out of the bus and ready to go meet new people. Walking into the Sacramento Convention Center for the first time as that will be the first time I saw the amount of dedication and passion people had for Key Club. When registering I couldn’t wait to go to the judging room and drop off our club poster entry as I was scared of damaging it. The first general session was an inspirational time as our guest speaker was amazing. She shared with us her inspirational story and a new way to praise people, with more and more extravagant things occurring along the day we were thrilled and tired. We originally planned to have our game cube tournament but we all fell asleep due to how tired we were. The following day had intrigued us due to it being filled with workshops and Governor’s Ball!!! When awakening the Saturday morning we all got ready to rush into the breakfast lines to be the first ones to eat. The day consisted of various activities; one was the elections of our new District Governor, Secretary, and Treasurer. The House of Delegates would vote on the new board. Next were the jam packed Key Club activities informing all the busy bees on different aspects of Key Club. Lastly the end of the day we would hold our third general session and recognize all these members who were superb and award them for their accomplishments.

During the award ceremony all of Western Key Club members were happy as Western got recognized 19 times (YAY FOR US!!). At the end of the award ceremony our Kiwanis advisor pulled us aside and told us how proud he was that Western got recognized and we received the recognition we deserve. This emotional speech to us made me appreciate this organization to a whole new level as this club made me grow and be a responsible, independent person. After the emotional speech from Mr. Carter, we headed to Governor’s Ball while our advisors headed to the activities being held for them. Governor’s Ball was filled with so many Key Clubbers dancing away to the loud music that filled the room. Our club laughed as we all made awkward and funny dance moves, since none of us really knew how to dance. Despite our lack of skill in dancing, we all had an amazing night. The last day of District Convention was filled with emotional good-byes and speeches, since the term had officially come to an end. I was thankful for the memories we had made and despite being sad about the term ending, I would welcome the new term with open arms. This club and organization had made such an impact on my life that I don’t regret joining it. Abraham Vicente


DISTRICT CONVENTION On April 8th-10th, eight members from Western Key Club attended District Convention in Sacramento. For those of you who may not know what District Convention is, it’s a convention where Key Clubbers from California, Nevada, and Hawaii attend to celebrate the year’s accomplishments and end the term. It was 5:00 a.m. when we left Savanna High School to head on over to Sacramento. I was anxious and excited to see what this weekend held in store for us. It took about 9 hours if I remember correctly to arrive at Sacramento. When we arrived at the hotel we were all bursting with excitement to head to the Sacramento Convention Center, but of course we had to check in and leave our stuff in our rooms. When we finally did what was necessary, we all headed to the convention center. I was amazed at the amount of Key Clubbers that were in this big Convention Center. It made me realize how many high schools students are committed to a wonderful and big organization in order to make an impact in their communities. Everywhere I turned there would be all sorts of different colors, each representing all the different divisions that exist in our district. After officially checking in at the convention center, Abraham, our treasurer, and I hurried to the judging room in order to submit our submissions for scrapbook and poster. Michael and Abraham then headed to a mandatory SAA meeting, while the rest of the club members and I went to see our past president’s, Van Bui, workshop. The rest of the day consisted of fun workshops in which we learned more about the different aspects of Key Club; along with the workshops we had a general session in which a speaker gave an inspirational speech to all of us. After the first day being completed we returned to our hotel exhausted, but despite this we continued to play cards against humanity until 1 a.m. even though we were expected to wake up at 6 a.m. The second day of District Convention consisted of many different workshops, general sessions, and elections for the new district board. Our club throughout the day went to different workshops in which sometimes would be filled completely! Whenever this occurred we would sit outside in the hallways and play games together to pass time until the next workshop. When the evening finally approached, we went to the awards ceremony in which our club got recognized 19 times!! During the session we also got to see all these dedicated members receive the recognition they deserve for putting in so much effort into Key Club. Saturday night also meant the announcement of our new district board and Governor’s Ball in which we danced the night away. Last day of District Convention and we were all in an emotional state. After the last general session, tears were shed. So much had happened this weekend that I wish I could write about, but I wouldn’t be able to fit it in. As DCON officially ended, Van and Mr. Carter thanked each of us for the past term. I started crying when all of us board members were hugging because I knew our term together had ended. District Convention made me appreciate even more all the memories I made this past term with the board and club because after all the stress we went through we were all able to grow as individuals. They are family to me. From the constant jokes we made towards each other to the effort we all put to make the club better, I would never forget these individuals who made my experience in Key Club this past year one of the best I could ever ask for. Also, thank you to each member, chaperone, and advisor. For the upcoming term I wish to continue the legacy of what is Key Club with the new board. Crystal Ly


Division 30 South On Friday, April 15th we had our division banquet. Although I was already there around 6:30 PM as I was told the banquet began around 7:00 PM. The division hosted the banquet at Lion hotel near Disneyland. They had rented a forum room to have the banquet in. It was a nice hotel witch was why each attendee had to pay $25 for entry, some paid by the door and others paid a few days before hand. When I first got there I was greeted by friendly division board members that welcomed me and told me where to go. The room was almost already set up, they had the projector ready and some slides in the background playing , the historians were setting up the photo booth and food was being prepared. A lot of people were already there but still not seated yet. I headed to my school Key Club table, sadly we were separated because we were too many. Most of the club sat in the table I was in and the others mixed in a table with another school key club far away. After sitting down and adjusting John, our 2015-2016 division presi--------dent started welcoming us as he stood in front of the room. He mentioned while talking that the historians were happy to take pictures of anyone that wanted to in the photo booth and told us the schedule of the evening. After we were welcomed, a slideshow was set up of all the term pictures. Many memorizes rushed by as we were looking through the pictures. Throughout the banquet love notes were being read. I believe that almost everyone sent at least one love notes, I know for sure that Western Key Club members all wrote at least one. A love note is very simple a person got a little piece of paper and a marker from the table next to the door and wrote something positive on the note and put it in a box with all the other notes. Our use-to be President Van Bui brought all of us a piece of paper and a marker to write at least one positive thing about the term.

After the slideshow and the note reading it was finally time to eat. Each table had to answer a question about the division to be able to have their turn to get food. I enjoyed how motived everyone was to answer the questions just so they could have their turn in line. While eating we had a talent show and skits. Anyone who wanted to share their talent was able to get up and show everyone and the skits were already rehearsed. The skits were simple; one of the skits was a spirt battle. Later awards were handed out for deserving Key Clubbers. They called out each person and gave them the award and took pictures. Before ending the night for an hour or so people got up in front of the room and talk about their Key Club experience and what they were thankful for. Mostly seniors got up or were invited to say something because it’s their last year in club as high schoolers. It was heartwarming hearing how Key Club has changed them but that made me even more excited for my next term to discover how Key Club will change me even more. At the very end before leaving we took group pictures together to always remember this nigh with everyone who is leaving this term. Lara Matty


Sunset Banquet I realize how appropriate the use of the word “sunset” in the D30S Sunset Banquet is. The shining sun making its beautiful exit under the horizon, the end of a sunny day setting up the beginning of a new one… And that was what D30S end-of-the-term banquet was all about! As the end of the school year approaches ever more closer, clubs from all over SoCal came together to the Red Lion Hotel in Anaheim to celebrate a great end to the 2015-2016 Key Club term, to commemorate the achievements we achieved as a division, and to cheer on the new officers on their arrival to their 2016-2017 term. Awards were rewarded, speeches were spoken, skits were played, tears were shed, food was eaten… A lot of it, too. That Red Lion pasta was surprisingly good. And the food was but one of the things that made that night so jubilant! The amount of people that were there representing their respective schools was really cool! It’s awe-inspiring to see so many Key Clubbers, all devoted to the same organization and cause, to come together in one room to have a nice dinner and to poke fun at former DLG John Hoang. Compared to everyone else in the room, I was relatively new to the Key Club setting, but everything we did in that banquet room for the next couple hours—the slideshow, the ridiculous skits, the chit-chat, piece after piece of lovely love box notes, speech after teary, heartfelt speech… helped me realize that maybe the Key Club Division family isn’t so awfully distant. In all honesty, I almost didn’t go because of how new I was to Key Club. Attending the banquet only proved this further. There were so many older, more involved, more dedicated members there at the banquet, and I couldn’t help but feel left out in terms of everyone else’s experience. But though I knew I didn’t match up, I felt the love. Despite there being all these rival schools in one room, everyone felt like they were part of a big family. That feeling only convinces me further that I do want to be part of this loving family. Overall, I did not regret my decision to attend this D30S banquet. The food was good, John was cute, and the speeches were truly something. I’m sure that I’ll be the one person that bawls through their speech when I attend the annual banquet again as a senior. Congratulations to Kiara Legaspi and Van Bui for getting recognized at the banquet! The rewards only add on to how much of an amazing person both of you are. Keep shining!

Jerry Castillo


St. Polycarp Fiesta On the 15th, 16th, and 17th of April, St. Polycarp Church held their annual Festival. I was event chair on that day and had to make sure every volunteer got their hours. It was relatively difficult since it was a three day event and new volunteers were unexpectedly signing up. But overall, it was a very smooth process; all members were proactive and managed to make my job easy by notifying me about their arrival and when they were done. The church that was also volunteering for this event treated us with warm greetings and gave us a flexible schedule; we were able to work at any vender as provided and or if needed. As we arrived to the event, it was pretty easy to find the destination. Although bummed that we weren’t allowed to manage the carnival rides, we volunteered to help with catering, prize games, and cleanup. The first things we noticed as we entered the event were big white tents. Each tent served its own purpose; majority of the tents were for catering purposes. We went to the first tent which exhibited to be the volunteer station. The church volunteers recorded our hours and checked us in; they also gave us business cards to track our hours.. No real job was assigned to the volunteers, we got the option to choose which we would like to work with. Since on the day I volunteered, Sunday, the event wasn’t as hectic as some other volunteers who went either Friday or Saturday. Overall, each day was very flexible and the job options were very diverse. The jobs provided were to assist catering booths with food or selling, be in charge of game booth and give out prizes, or roam around the premises and pick up trash. It was really enjoyable to be around kind spirits. Nobody was rushing or stressed, even the vendors and those in charge were laughing and singing. Mia, a volunteer, and I went to help a taco booth for the first three hours. Mia helped with orders and I got the job to add onions, lemon and hot sauce to the tacos. It was really fun but after 3:00 p.m. our help was not needed and we fully understood. It was perfect timing because game booths needed volunteers right away. We stayed volunteering at the game booth until 11:00 p.m. Although it seemed as if we volunteered for several hours, I felt that time was flying by. Honestly, this event was filled with fun and excitement. The aurora of the room was so pleasant that volunteering wasn’t a drag.

During the event, I was so surprised to see how many people volunteered. Originally, my three friends and I were the only ones who signed up but since this was a flexible event, members were able to volunteer on the day of the event. Within the first hour, three more members notified me that they were attending the volunteer. I was very surprised but grateful, this event offers great memories and plenty of experience points. I was even reluctant to stay till midnight but alas I couldn’t. However another member, Kevin Magalang, served from morning to midnight. He really did admire the church’s event and wanted to help his church out by taking the opportunity to volunteer. After 6:00p.m. the real party began and the job technically started. My belief is to why the event was technically an all-day event was because in the morning, it is considered setting up and the night is when the real work starts happening. It did take a long time to set up but by the night the work was disguised into a whirlpool of energy and happiness. Being at the game booths was probably the best job, in my opinion. We got to talk to the little kids and basically sell ourselves so they would come play. Very fun and we got to make new friends by talking to the booths next to us. Since it was an all-day volunteer event, food was provided by the staff. Volunteers got two hotdogs, nachos and a bottle of water for their great effort. Despite the long hours, I was glad to have the experience to work with the members of key club as well hand-in-hand with church volunteers. St. Polycarp Festival is an annual event so I encourage more members to go.


Tiffany Nguyen

Lion King Production On Saturday April 23rd, 2016, I volunteered at the Lion King Production. Originally I wasn’t going to volunteer at this event because I had a lot of homework, but I realized that I needed two volunteer hours for French Honors Society. It turns out that like all of the other events I’ve volunteered for, it was truly memorable. I arrived at Segerstrom High School right after the April DCM. Right when I walked in the door, I could tell that they had an amazing theatre program. It turns out that this was a bigger organization that works with K-12 students around the area. The theatre was huge, with a chandelier at the entrance and a spacious orchestra pit inside. After some confusion, I was assigned by the theatre teacher to sell raffle tickets and do crowd control. I stayed at my post directing performers and parents away from the theatre entrances until the show was just about to start. I had some time to talk to some of the parents who were volunteering there, and it was really odd to find that they were much more awkward than I was. Then again small talk is always awkward. I came off as a shy high schooler, which gave them quite a surprise when we started selling raffle tickets. The tickets went into a chance drawing to win gift baskets. There was an overwhelming amount of people in the building, so I had to get everyone’s attention to be able to sell as many tickets as possible. Anyone who’s ever volunteered with me at a running event knows what I’m capable of. I started chanting “RAFFLE TICKETS, GET-CHA RAFFLE TICKETS HERREEEE, ONLY $1 FOR A TICKET. BUY 5 GET 1 FREEEEE!” This coming from a 5’1” girl, I got a standing ovation to say the least. I continued selling raffle tickets until the show started. The theatre teacher allowed me to enjoy the show for the first act. I was genuinely taken away by how talented these kids were. They honestly acted with as much conviction and emotion of some great actors I’ve seen on Broadway. I know that’s a bold statement, but truthfully it was impressive. Unfortunately I couldn’t stay for the entire play, but the portion that I had the honor of watching showed me that talent can come from anywhere, and that is why programs such as this that advocate young people pursuing their dreams in the arts is so extremely important. Not to mention, those kids were SO CUTE in their costumes! Crystal Ly


April Sunrise DCM As the sunrise DCM is my first DCM as a board member, it was very exciting to see all members in Key club from all the different schools in division 30 south. And even though prom was on the same day as the DCM, seeing Key clubbers setting aside time to bond with the division really inspired and delighted me. During the beginning of the DCM, as most of the Key clubbers have arrived, the hosts of the DCM were able to discuss each division event that took place during the month of April, while asking for a volunteer from different schools to discuss the event and their own experiences. It was very enjoyable, as each key clubber had their own interesting experiences and opinions to share of the specific events. Throughout the DCM, bonding with Key clubbers from different schools was the most emphasized aspect of the DCM, as most of the time, after discussing general events of the previous and upcoming events for the month of April, was spent playing small games and activities that would increase bonding between different schools. One of my favorite activities was the fashion show that shows off the spirit of each school. As the schools go up one by one, rapping, dancing, and posing as a way to demonstrate their unique spirit of their school, our very own Western Key Club’s previous board members, Linda Le, Abraham Vicente, and Van Bui, strut their school colors of blue, causing many laughs to erupt among the audience. All in all, the fashion show was very light hearted fun, as each school was able to joke around and warm up to their environments. As most key clubbers are outgoing, it was not hard for others to joke and get along with one another. Another interesting activity that took place during the DCM was the water balloon toss near the end of the event. Although I did not directly participate in the toss, as I was taking pictures, I still enjoyed watching the activity because seeing all the laughter and smiles from the different key clubbers brought a smile to my own face. There were many more fun activates throughout the DCM, for instance, the race of filling a bucket with water using a small sponge and the collaborate tic-tac-toe which really helped the key clubbers from different schools to intermix and bond with one another. Ultimately, the Sunrise DCM was quite a fun event to participate in and with all the bonding that had occurred throughout the event, I was able to meet new people, and make many memorable memories. I look forward to the next DCMs to come. Hadeel AlBaghdadi


The April DCM: Sunrise Olympics was a great success and bears a special place in my heart. Welcoming Western High School’s new 20162017 Key Club board along with other schools’ new leaders, this first DCM of the term officially marked a new beginning within the margins of Key Club and has provided a wonderful opportunity for bonding, first-time introductions, socializing, and staying active. This DCM really allowed for the expansion of a Key Clubber’s networking horizons through the numerous of teamwork games that were offered. Relay races, water balloon tosses, tic-tac-toe, and huggy-bear summed up the heart of the welcoming activities that required mingling, an exchange of names, team cheering, and social interactions between the members, which made the creation of new friendships a huge possibility. A Key-Club-gear fashion show was also put on that bid welcome joyful laughters and of course, the flashing paparazzi-historians of the new term. I personally was able to experience and experiment for the first time with my job as historian and I am genuinely glad to say that I really take joy and interest in picture-taking at Key Club events. It was very exciting for me to see how engaged and active all the participants were and to be a part of such a close-knit community. Within the Division 30 South, a new appointed Division Leadership Team was introduced, including our very own club member and president, Linda Le and Nhi Truong (congratulations!). This DCM was truly a fresh kick-off to an all-new start, such as gathering around with our new LTG, Kelly Tran. All in all, the Sunrise DCM served as an introductory paragraph to what the rest of the 2016-2017 Key Club term holds before us. The DCM was held in a positive atmosphere throughout the entire duration of the event that kept everyone connected and interacting with one another; with the concept of inclusiveness and close connections constructing the core of Key Club ideals, these concepts were successfully fulfilled through the April DCM.

Brenda lee

On Saturday, April 23rd, The amount of people that attended the April DCM surprised me, and I’m glad I went to the first DCM of the term despite coming a little late. The meeting began with the recital of the Key Club Pledge, and the many events that were recognized throughout the entire division. Because it was the first DCM meeting of the term, its purpose served as a bonding as well, as the new board members for the 2016-2017 term took charge of some of the activities. The activities that consisted of: huggie bear, the tic-tac-toe relay race, water balloon toss, the final relay race, and filling-the-bucket-up-with-water-with-only-a-sponge. The DLT board was announced, the entire Western High School Key Club cheered for Linda Le as she attained the position as Spirit Coordinator for the entire division. Then we met up with our new club buddies, Cypress and Kennedy Key Club. With these buddies we competed in the various activities of the DCM, The bonding activities between our club buddies and other key clubs was a very competitive yet delightful experience due to the connection between the different high school key clubs coming together for a common goal and purpose. I was able to make more friends with people from different high schools like Kennedy, and was able to establish a successful and interesting conversation. Some of the activities were kind of confusing at first, like the tic-tac-toe relay race, I was thinking of “what can we actually do to the other team?”. I wanted to push the other people but I wasn’t sure if I would cause a penalty of my team so I proceeded to let the other team physically block me, losing that event. But what is most important is TEAMWORK and I didn’t want to risk losing this in order to win. I met many people who have the same kind of dumb yet annoying humor as well, as seeing this almost brought tears to my eyes, finding someone who was relatable in that manner. 10/10 would do it again. Jason Jose


Member Recognition!

1. Linda Le (40 hours)

2. Kevin Maglalang (20 hours)

3. Jimmy Le (9 hours)

4. Annie Nguyen (8.3 hours) 5. Aaliyah Chee/Tiffany Nguyen/ Mia Urtez (8 hours)



BOARD MEMBER SPOTLIGHT featuring… our Key Club VP, Crystal Ly! 

Your name is absolutely lovely, but if you were able to rename yourself, would you do it?

“Nope! People say that my name suits me so I’m stickin’ with it.”

What do you do in your free time?

“I watch YouTube videos and nerd out about anything related to comic books.”

If you had to choose one food item to eat and nothing else, what would you choose?

“Salad, because you can mix any foods together and say that it’s a salad.”

How do you feel?


What makes Key Club so special to you?

“Oh man. Well, without writing a novel, Key Club is a place where you can be the best, most honest version of yourself. You can be as loud as you please! The most important thing is that it's not about acting in a way that doesn't call for judgement, it's living life so freely that the judgement is merely background noise. Key Club has proven that no matter who you are, you can make a difference in the community.

What motivates you to do things/improve yourself? “I use the mistakes I made yesterday to push me to do better tomorrow. “

What question do you absolutely abhor answering? “ ‘What did you get on the test?’ “

How many licks does it take to reach the center of a Tootsie Pop?

“OH OH FUNNY STORY! So I tested this out once but I think I got impatient and bit into it like the owl in the commercial. Sooo… I’ll get back to you on that!”

Would you rather be insanely beautiful but dirt poor, or frighteningly ugly but filthy rich? “I would rather be frighteningly ugly but filthy rich, because I can invest money into causes that I deem worthy.”

What sets you apart as different from everyone else?

“I’d like to say I have a positive outlook on life. I’ve learned not to worry about things from the past that can’t be changed, but rather consider it as an opportunity to learn and grow.”


Monthly Calendar

April 8th-10th

April 1st

CNH District Convention

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April 23rd Sunrise DCM

May 12th

May 7th

National Fibromyalgia Awareness Day

Rocket Launch May 8th Tinkerbell HalfMarathon



May 21st Children’s Arts Festival

May 26th SCHOOL IS OUT!!

Nhi Truong

Crystal Ly

Jennifer Hernandez




(714) 234-0275

(714) 315-6317

(714) 588-1644

Abraham Vicente

Isabel Almanza & Jason Jose

Jerry Castillo

Lara Matty





(714) 855-7625

(714) 588-7304

(714) 854-4848

(714) 306-9969

jasonisonjose@yahoo.com (714) 204-5067

Hadel Ahmer / Brenda Le / Elicia Hernandez

Annie Nguyen & Tiffany Nguyen

Hadeelameralbaghdadi@gmail.com (714) 746-9825


brendaax79@gmail.com (909) 609-4428

(714) 251-3847

eliciahernandez14@yahoo.com (714) 727-8669

tiffaniouo@yahoo.com 714-467-5347


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