Western Key Club 2017-2018 | October Newsletter

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CNH | KEY CLUB Division 30 South | Region 3 |CNH Volume: 6, Issue 8

The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | September 2017

Children’s Book Festival (pg.5) Greetings Letter (pg.1 and 2)

Surf City



12 Special Olympics (pg.6) October Collage (pg.3 and 4)

Silverado Days (pg.8)

Spirit Night # 1 (pg.9)

CONTENTS Calendar, Service Hours Leaderboard, etc (pg.10-14)

President‘s Let ter Hello, sunshines! I don’t know about you, but I love the cool autumn months! The month of October was jam-packed with plenty of volunteer events for you all to participate in, it was lovely to see everyone layered up and serving our community. We provided a wide variety of events this month, from Halloween-themed to environmental. A huge thank you to everyone who helped fundraise for UNICEF through the Trick-or-Treat boxes! Your contributions to one of Key Club’s preferred charities are very much appreciated. Along with that, we also had our annual apple sales! I hope you were able to enjoy delicious apples from your teachers, or the ones being sold by our board! Fall Rally anticipation was mounting in the month of October, and with that came a few new faces! I’m very content with knowing that many of the Fall Rally attendees were people who have already been incredibly dedicated members. Read about all the amazing Key Club experiences of the month of October!

Sincerely, Crystal Ly

A quick word from your editor Hello my fellow Key Clubbers! I feel really happy because you guys donated so much to UNICEF and aside from that, you guys volunteered a lot as well. It’s already starting to get cold so I would suggest that while volunteering, wear some warm clothing to warm yourself up! I won’t say as much this time but all I would say is thank you for supporting our communities through volunteering every single opportunity you can get and we will make sure that this coming month, there’s gonna be tons of events just for you guys!

Sincerely, Cedric Baral


Children’s Book Festival

OC Children’s Book Festival was an event that occurred on Sunday, October 1 at Orange Coast College. The Children’s Book Festival was actually to support education for children. There were many booths about a specific children book, story telling, entertainment stage like dance, train station, and a nice puppet show. There was also a petting zoo area and children were being educated on the animals. Many families came and the kids enjoyed each booth and was excited during the event. It was truly kid-friendly that you can encounter many fun events happening. Shawn Wayans (actor, comedian, writer, and producer) was also guest starring at this event. People were able to come meet him and get his signature in his written book. Volunteers were assigned to different tasks. Some had to pass out pamphlets, which consisted of event information, to the people, another had to work as a bodyguard for Shawn Wayan, some had to stay at a booth and help out, others had to help with entertainment, and some had to work in the break room for staffs. There was a variety of different jobs and the event coordinators kept us busy. During the event, it was nice looking at each booth and what they had to offer. It was pleasant to see that the kids still love reading books and were still excited about the event. The volunteers seemed to enjoy it whether it will be cleaning up for the day, working, or cleaning up and wrapping it up for today. In the bright side, some got to meet the famous Shawn Wayans up close.

- Khrystal Contreras

Special Olympics On Sunday, October 7th Western Key Club volunteered at the Softball Special Olympics at Lakewood. It was a breezy Sunday which was perfect because the event was 7 hours long. First, volunteers were divided into pairs of 2, and each pair was in charge of a team. All the volunteers distributed a bucket of ice and water to every field. Afterwards, the volunteers kept monitoring their teams. Around the afternoon, all volunteers were served lunch which Western Key Clubbers extremely appreciated. Every now and then we would go and restore the water and ice. After the end of each game, all volunteers passed medals to the winners. There were bronze for third place, silver for second place, and gold for first place. The games were extremely exciting and all the teams were competitive. It was a really nice event because we had new western key clubbers volunteer at it. At the end volunteers had to clean up their stations which was not very hard. We jut dumped the bucket of ice to water the green plants and took off al the signs around the fields since it was the park’s property. After all, it was a really nice event because I realized that watching softball is actually exciting! I really enjoyed the event and the coordinators were really nice and helpful. Volunteering with western key club is always a good time.

- Ali Al-Saleem

2017 Lakewood Softball Competition took place on Saturday, October 7 at Lakewood. Special Olympics was an event where softball athletes who have an intellectual disability compete with each other. There were three baseball spots. In each spot, there’s three teams that compete with each other. Once all of the three teams play each other in that spot, they will be either rewarded 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place medals. The teams will have lunch breaks, so they wouldn’t go hungry. People came to cheer and watch the game. Volunteers were in charge of each team. They were assigned to do any task their leader tells them to do—for instance, getting water for them during the game play in case of dehydration. Our very own general members, Winzel Payumo and Rossana Leal, were able to make cheers for their team and for the other general teams. They collaborated with one of the team’s instructor who was in cheer before. The other times, the volunteers would have to refill water bottles. Since it was humid at this time and day, we had to refill it more than once. Therefore, we would have to go in the cafeteria and come outside to refill each station with water bottles. Meanwhile, we had some breaks. We got to eat lunch and watch the game. It was a nice game to watch and I actually would want to try softball sometime in my life. After their final game, we each were assigned to give out the medals. There were bronze, silver, and gold. We took turns on who will give out the medals. The teams were happy with their place, but some were competitive about it and did not like their place. All in all, they each took their team picture and had a good time. One by one, the games were ending and the teams went ahead to go to their bus. Volunteers had to do one last job and that was to clean up each station and take them back in the cafeteria. It was a fun experience for both board and general members to experience. Though, it was a hot day, we still manage to work through it. I also got to befriend a new person name Crish Padua.

- Khrystal Contreras

Surf City 10 Miler ……….

There’s something about these marathons by the beach that get me coming back every time. Maybe it’s something about the place. Something about the sea and the sun, and how the young rising sun warms up the gray waters into its early-morning purples and blues. Something about the air, how even the palm trees can’t stay still. Funny how everything that surrounds the race track is one of the most amazing parts of the race for me. Or maybe it’s something about the people. I’ve grown to love the staff that I meet at these events. I’m getting to the point of volunteering with these race and marathon organizations so much that I have been starting to recognize some of staff members! I wonder what that says about me as a Key Club volunteer…

I hope the developing familiarity doesn’t stop me from meeting new people, either. The last thing that I would’ve thought I’d do was deeply reflect about my goals and desires after high school and college, but an older man, an army veteran and coffee lover and grandfather of 3, prompted me to do exactly that. The fact that he now knows and understands my dreams more than my own grandfather is a little cruel to me. Yes, something about the people. I loved how enthusiastic our own Western Key Club volunteers were to help with anything and everything, how tired sweaty faces cracked wide smiles when they ran up for water, how electric the air felt when it was saturated with Key Club cheers (shout-out to Westminster Key Club!). I’ve come to realize that it’s those kinds of feelings that I pursue when I go find and attend Key Club events. Or something like that. - Jerry Castillo

On Sunday October 15, Surf City 10 Miler was held Long Beach in the early morning. Volunteers went on a shuttle bus to the water station they were assigned to. Western Key Club got assigned to water station #3 which was at the Bolsa Chica Restoration. Once we got there, we had to fill up cups with water with a hose or pitcher. It was still dark so, I used my phone’s flashlight for others to see where to pour water. They provided us so much water. We had to fill four tables with tiny cups of water and after we were done there were still one and a half tank of water left. We got to watch the sunrise after we were done and it was so stunning. Runners began to show up and we handed out water for everyone. We pretended it was a competition to see who can get give people the most cups of water and it was funny because Jerry had none while Khanh had eight people. There were so many volunteers at this event which made it more fun because we all cheered together for the runners. The runners appreciated all of our efforts. There were also a lot of runners so, we had bring out more cups and refill them for a second round. The race was pretty long but, it was a ten miler. I was amazed at everyone who finished the race because that sure is a lot of running. The race was finally over at 9 am and we all cleaned up the leftover cups from the ground. Then, volunteers and I closed the tables and brought it inside the trunk. There was some water still left and people tried to chug all of it haha. Finally, we waited for the shuttle bus to pick us up and drop us back to our previous spot. Overall, this event was great. We had grown ups that were nice and helped with majority of the tasks. I got to enjoy a nice scenery of greens while volunteering and started my day watching a beautiful sunrise with people I love. - Joanna Chatouphonexay

Silverado Days On Saturday October 21st, I volunteered at Silverado Days. It was being held at William Peak Park in Buena Park which was convenient for me because it was a local event. Everyone had to wake up very early because this event was not only had a fair but a marathon. The coordinator was kind and let volunteered pick what job they want. Our tasks were like any ordinary marathon volunteer events. There was either helping out cheer on the runner or passing out to runners that completed the race. My group chose to pass out water bottles to people at the half way point. First, I grabbed water cases to load up on a golf cart with everyone. Then, they told us directions where to walk to our destination. I was kind of sad that they did not offer a ride to the place like other 5k marathons. I’m glad I was walking with a group because it was too dark to see much since it was it only 5:30 am. It was a twenty minute walk there so, some would say it was not bad. After we got to the half-way point, there was a lot of free time till the race actually started. I got to bond with my key clubbers while we pass time together. Soon, we began to see runners heading towards us so, we immediately open the water bottle cases. We all lined up and reached our hands out to give people that were thirsty a water bottle. It was fun because we got to see some runners in silly costumes, like Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head. We continued to cheer on each runner and gave them the motivation to push through by saying this was the half-way point. Finally, the race was over and we cleaned all the bottles that were dropped by runners. We headed back to the event and were told that there was nothing else we could do to help so, the event end earlier than expected. We got to enjoy the playground afterwards. Overall, I like this event and recommend people to volunteer here! - Joanna Chatouphonexay

Fall Rally South……...

Spirit Night #1 Fall Rally is approaching quickly and I AM SO HYPED! With fall rally approaching, Spirit nights take place. On Sunday, October 29th the first spirit night took place. To teach all the members if d30s the cheers, a spirit team must be established. Luckily, I had the chance of being on the Spirit Team. During the first spirit night, we taught all the members some of the most common cheers. Surprisingly, the members learned the cheers very quickly. We even wrote the name of the cheers on a poster to help the members. Being the Spirt Coordinator of Western key club extremely helped me when teaching the members all the cheers. Everyone was hyped which made me extremely happy, knowing that my work has been paid off. Besides the cheer session, we divided d30s into two groups and we had them play icebreakers so they can get to know each other better and to ease into the night. The key clubbers played icebreakers called “Indian Chief” and “I Love My Neighbor”. Both icebreakers were fairly easy and enjoyable. All the members seem to enjoy them and have fun. I got good feedback from western key clubbers because they extremely liked the activities. Icebreakers were one of the many things that made fall in love with key club and I hope it is the same for all the members. At last, I am much hyped for Fall Rally and the spirit nights are one of the reasons why! I cannot wait until d30s snatches that spirit stick!! - Ali Al-Saleem

The first Spirit Night was held on Saturday, October 28, 2017 at Stoddard Park. The event was very spirited, with so many Key Clubbers dressed up as different characters. Some are dressed up as animals in onesies, merch jesus, sugar momma, and a whole lot more. The whole purpose of Spirit Nights is to prepare our Key Clubbers who are attending the Fall Rally South 2017. We learned several different cheers and the spirit that we put into those cheers are really amazing. It’s glad to see that a lot of people, not just the ones that are going to Fall Rally, came and showed their Key Club spirit through chanting the cheers and dressing up for the Halloween costume event. My friend, Jehan, dressed up as “sugar momma”, which was pretty creative and she actually won the costume competition. Credits to Ali for the idea of her costume! Overall, 3 hours of fun, spirit, icebreakers, and much more activities was worth it. You can never beat a Saturday spent with fellow Key Clubbers who were very spirited in everything that you can think about. Whether it’s socializing, chanting cheers, etc, you name it!

-Cedric Baral



Thank you for all your hours of volunteering! Keep shining, suns of WHS Key Club! :D

Ali Al-Saleem

Manuel Camarillo

Rossana Leal

Diane Luong

Marilitz Diwa

Meet us @ Thursdays during Lunch COME OUT FELLOW WESTERN KEY CLUBBERS!



















-Bolsa Chica Habitat Restoration




-Dia De Los Muertos Celebration


- FALL RALLY !!!!!!























30 -



- WAND Tree Lighting

- La Mirada Chili Holiday Celebration

A&L Conserv- ancy | Hairspray

OC Symphony










Riverbed Farm

2017-2018 Western Key Club Board Members

Crystal Ly

Jerry Castillo





(714) 315-6317

(714) 854-4848

Annie Nguyen

Cecilia Dang





(714) 251-3847

(714) 837-5187

Cedric Baral Bulletin Editor cedricsalvador17@gmail.com

(714) 709-0165

Abril Petlacalco Publicist


(951) 410-3288

Linda Le Historian lindale922@gmail.com

(714) 782-2393

Omar Al-Saleem Member Recognition omarziadalsaleem2000@gmail.com

(657) 293-4569

Khrystal Contreras Publicist khrystal06@yahoo.com. (657)226-7150

Manuel Camarillo Historian

Joanna Chatouphonexay

(714) 420-6149

(714) 331-8542


Ali-Al Saleem Spirit Coordinator

Historian joannachatou@gmail.com

Jehan Kamoona Spirit Coordinator



(714) 933-6518

(714) 808-7817

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