Western HS Key Club September 2015 Newsletter

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Division 30 South | Region 3 |CNH

Volume: 4, Issue 7

The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | September 2015

The Key Club Times

! S 0 3 D s g n i t e Gre Hiya Pios! Now that the school year is in full swing, so is the second half of the Key Club term! In case you didn’t already know, the Key Club term actually started earlier this past March, and ends in mid-April of 2016, so it doesn’t correlate with the school year. So basically, we’re already more than halfway through the term! I have high hopes for Western Key Club from here on out. Did you know that this year, at our first general meeting, we had TWICE as many members (almost 200) show up compared to the first general meeting three years ago? Looking in hindsight, I’ve realized how far we’ve come as a club. We had a lot of mishaps last month which include Light the Night and OC Food Bank—which I sincerely apologize for—but I just know that we WILL recover from this and keep on serving in our community and BEEing leaders, which is most important! For you new members, I hope that you’ve been enjoying Key Club so far. I know that the cheers and pelvic-thrusting can be overwhelming and that the acronyms can be very confusing, but trust me when I say that this club is like a second home to a lot of us, including myself. Don’t be afraid to ask questions or to try something new—whether it’s going to a service event with new friends, talking about your Key Club experience at a Division Council Meeting, or even running for a board position later in the year! “One day you’ll wake up and there won’t be any more time to do the things you’ve always wanted to do. Do it now.” This seems a little dramatic to say now since most of you aren’t even 18 years old yet, but the point I’m trying to make is that you should try new things both in and out of Key Club. Don’t hesitate, and just BEE confident in all that you do! You are all leaders, regardless of how “small” or “big” of a leader you are. Shinin’ with Service, Van Bui, Western Key Club President 20152016"

What's Happening Pios? Finally we’re all back in school and learning just like last year! I hope this year turns out great for all of you. I know that most of you that are new to Key Club might be slightly overwhelmed with what might be going on, but no fear, the board is here! Please ask any of us if you need assistance with deciding on whether or not to attend an event, need a ride, need help with school, or just want to talk. We’re all open to conversation! Anyways I hope you’re all having a great time so far as school kicks in and all your responsibilities are up and coming. Who’s taking the SAT soon? Me, yea, oh wooooo, good luck to all you Pios on the SAT and ACT, I know you’ll do well. Don’t forget to stay involved and be active Pios! Yours Truly, Michael Coates, 2015-2016 Bulletin Editor

Table of Contents e g n a l l h o s o h u t C R ra 1 . b a P u l M C f l P.2 y Ha g e n n i t is e D e e c 3 . a M P t R t s c n 1 i e j a 5 o . r r B P P t op ea r T G le 7 b . P a T P.8 ! a b f o e B ic 9 n . P U M C 0 P.1 pt. D e t S d r h 1 a 1 ig . o l t B P o 3 p 1 S P.

September Collage


Club rush! I did my best to show my pride and spirit for this club on those two days, running all over campus with a flag and posters and yelling my lungs out, trying to advertise who we are and what we do. I may have looked pretty silly, and my voice would constantly (and embarrassingly) crack, but it was definitely worth it. People would hear me yelling and come up to ask me questions. I was able to effectively inform all kinds of students about the work we do, and a lot of them showed interest in joining! The feeling that comes with a potential member signing up is amazing, and I’m so glad that I could inspire people to do that. Additionally, there was a prize for the most spirited club at Club Rush this year, with a few teachers judging each day. Though it was tough, Key Club actually ended up winning! We were able to earn $100 for our club as our prize, which was another great way for us to help raise funds for our upcoming projects as well as our preferred charities. Ultimately, my last Club Rush was incredible. Writing about this event last year was one of my first articles, so writing about it again has a very full-circle feeling to it, and I’m so glad that I could partake in the experience. I’d spent two years as a general member signing up, and then two years as a board officer managing, and I can’t wait for more moments like these with my family.

My freshmen, sophomore, and junior year I walked right past the Key Club table during club rush. It’s not that I didn’t know what Key Club was, I just felt like I wouldn’t find my place there. I got involved in clubs and organizations with similar ideals to Key Club but I always felt like there was something missing. I’ve come to realize what was missing was the social aspect that comes with service. My love for Key Club grew because of the people I get to interact with. At events, I always manage to see at least one familiar face and meet a new one. I regret not joining Key Club since the beginning of my high school experience but I’m so glad I started getting involved in the middle of my junior year. To keep an optimistic mindset, I like to keep in mind that being an outsider help me better understand the reasons to why people don’t want to or hesitate to join. It’s simple, due to human nature, people fear being rejected. Honestly, that’s exactly why I was hesitant to join.

Brenda Rosas

Randall Belyea



Disneyland Half Marathon What is sleep? This little motivation that I’ve been pounding in my head to be hyped for the Disneyland half marathon event. On Sunday September 6th Division 30 South has been invited to volunteer at the Disneyland half Marathon. While still being awake all night I had to be ready and punctuation when arriving to the event, I had carpooled with a bunch of other board members as we were pumped and ready to lose our voices. We had arrived and the Disneyland parking lot as we were told that the volunteer registration would be there, when given our basic information we were given a fashionable lime green shirt and a box filled with snacks, while given some time I was trying to figure out how to change shirts; realizing how lazy I was to walk over to the porta potties I tried the old switch under the shirt trick, in the middle of my exchange I noticed that I was stuck, hoping to see that no one would point me out but suddenly I quickly succeeded in changing my shirt. While successes filled within me I still felt pumped and ready to cheer on the runners. Minutes have past by and I was getting anxious to go on the bus to take us to our location but since it will take a while for us to get us situated with a bus we were told to stay in a specific area, when sitting at the designated area I began to mingle with other clubs and trying to meet new people, sadly I didn’t being awkward and awake in the morning might had scared off some people. As the time had finally come for our division to go on one the provided buses towards our location I was excited yet starring to feel drowsy but the adrenaline of not sleeping kept me pumped up during the bus ride their we had to take many detours since they had blocked the road due to keeping the race efficient and safe as possible. By the time that we got off the bus it was GO TIME since we had little time to set up the water station since the many detours that we took had set us back. Running around trying to keep the tables set up and filling up the waters as fast as I can I still tried to feel pumped and ready for anything; at last we had finished our weary job, since we had a couple minutes to rest and get ourselves ready for the race to start while walking back to the isolated area which my home club had settled, I began to feel dizzy and a little bit sleepy but I slapped myself in trying to be awake. It will take a while for the runners to get to our station. While enjoying the few minutes we had left when I stood up I felt a sudden urge to sleep as I ignored this feeling I went to the location where we were to meet up but as John Hoang and the other officials stared to talk I felt dizzy and fell asleep, knowing that this feeling will bother my work in volunteering I still ignored it trying to think why I was crazy enough to volunteer at a 3AM shift. The race had begun and runners started to come by our station still feeling somewhat sick I began to stand back a little and rest trying to refocus but as I kept trying to refocus I felt even more sick so I just sucked it up and did my duty. I passed out water and did my best, during in the middle of the race I felt that I was going to pass out so I begged some of my fellow friends to throw water at me, as awakening and wasteful that was I felt some sort of hype to cheer on the runners but as the race further on progressed I had worsen in my conditions, so instead of losing my voice and worsen my myself in being more sick than I have been since the beginning I started to collect trash as it was easy to do and it soothed me for some reason. When the last of the runners began to come through I was somewhat sad yet happy, sad in which I didn’t lose my voice since I didn’t cheer loud and long enough but yet happy since I got a feeling that I would get better. In the motion that I would feel better I realized that all I had to do was sleep but yet my lack of sleep showed how excited I was for this even; as I am for all the events that I go to, so by this “wonderful” experience I now know my limits and how much I can function without sleep, but as this event also brought a great memory which shows what I will do for Key Club as I will always be ready and filled with hype for the this wonderful organization.

Abraham Vicente


The Disney Half Marathon took place on Sunday, September 6 th, 2015. It began at 3:00 AM and lasted until 11:00-12:00 PM. The Disney Half Marathon was located all over Downtown Disney and the Angel’s Stadium. Key Clubbers of Division 30 South and 30 North gathered together to this very event to help out. The Key Clubbers were expected to arrive at the parking lot structure at 2:00 in the morning. Once they have arrived they were told to get their name tags and to check in. Then they received a snack box for throughout the day and headed over to the sign of their assigned station to wait for the bus to pick them up. Volunteers used the time to socialize and grab some coffee or hot chocolate provided by the Disney Half Marathon event coordinators. After like an hour of waiting just for the bus, the buses finally came to pick the volunteers up and take them to their assigned station. One by one each group left. All of Division 30 South was assigned together at the water station in the Angel’s Stadium parking lot. Once they have finally arrived to their destination, the volunteers were put straight to work. The first thing the volunteers had to do was to set up the tables for the water and PowerAde. Then, they distributed the waters out to each table. While some were doing that others were setting up the trashcans and distributing them around the area. The volunteers were literally running around all over the place; the event coordinators made sure that everyone was doing something. It was great, because everyone was basically working. We had a lot leaders that stepped up to help the event coordinator lead the Key Clubbers through! Not very long after they finished setting up. The event coordinator gathered everyone up, and introduced himself. He informed them with what they will be doing and also thanking them. He also said that they were the fastest group he ever had, which is a plus! Woot, woot go Division 30 South! Then he everyone go back to their spots with only two people per table. The volunteers headed back and basically was relieved the setting up part was over. Everyone seemed pretty exhausted by that point, so they took a break until it was finally time to cheer on the runners and handing out the waters to them. At first, when there weren’t many runners it felt kind of dead. No one was really cheering. Later on when more runners came pouring, things started to get a little more exciting! They just kept on cheering the runners on and constantly providing the runners with water. Finally, it was time for the volunteers to clean up which didn’t really take much time. After that everyone was getting pictures taken with their club while they were waiting for the bus. Then, the bus finally came to pick them up and bring them back to where they were picked up in the morning. Overall, I honestly thought it was so worth it. I mean, we got the chance to socialize, earn hours, and a free hopper ticket! I really enjoyed volunteering at this event, and I hope to volunteer with this event again. I did not regret it a single bit!

Linda Le


First General Meeting The 2015-2016 term officially had its first general meeting of the school year on Thursday, September 10 th, 2015 during lunchtime! Since this is the week after club rush- which is the ultimate event for publicizing the clubs on campus- the board members and I highly anticipated this meeting, for we hoped it would be filled with tons of new faces, and also members from the previous year(s). AND, it was just as expected, and much more! The total in attendance has been extremely outstanding, we had nearly 200 people show up at the meeting, which was twice as much as last year. A big thank you to those who came on out! I’m particularly glad at the noticeable improvements in our club this year. Plus it’s a positive thing that involvement in clubs in general has gotten a lot better, and that tons of freshmen aren’t too shy to come to the meetings. Looking back at my first meeting as a freshmen, I felt really shy and awkward during meetings, but that all has changed as Key Club seemed to have influenced me greatly. Now as a senior, this first general meeting is bittersweet since it is also the “last first” meeting of Key Club for my high school career. Comparing my freshmen year to now, I definitely don’t have any regrets with my decisions of involvement towards this club, for it has helped shaped by mindset towards volunteering and outlook for the future. Trust me, Key Club is a great influence on positive thinking, responsibility, and organizations- basically the skills that comes in handy in life. Through Key Club comes a friendly environment with everybody sharing similar goals. First meetings such as these is a new start for endless opportunities, service, and fulfillment in goals. It’s worth it.

Kiara Legaspi


Thank you all for coming! When you get almost 200 people to come out to the First Key Club meeting of the year means you are doing something right! Having the first meeting of the year really gave me nostalgia because so many memories flushed back. I can still remember the first Key Club meeting my freshman year. I remember we had around 60 students there and the lovely Jennifer Tarm was leading the meeting. I loved the atmosphere; it felt so warm and welcoming. Tarm and the board had this way to make you feel welcomed and happy. I always admired the board from afar because they looked so official and in charge when they stood in the front of the classroom. I then made a promise to myself that one day I will be standing up there just like them. The event where I had my Key Club Moment was the Pasadena Rose Float Parade. It was my first major event of the year and I honestly didn't know what to expect. I couldn’t contain my excitement at five in the morning waiting for the bus! I stayed wide awake and waited till we arrived. I was so shocked to see how many people were there. I honestly didn’t think Key Club was international. Well I knew but it did not hit me until I was at the event. I met people from schools all over the county! Even though it was freezing, early in the morning, and started raining, it didn't stop a single person from helping. And I think that moment and action really made me find a love for this amazing club. Staring out at the member's faces I suddenly felt that same feeling I had at Rose Float, a sense of belonging, I really hope I bring this same feeling to every member I possibly can this year.

Lesley Aguirre


Great Brain Race Where’s Jerry?

Although this was a very small event, it was still a very valuable experience. On Saturday, September 12 th at Mile Square Park there was a small little run that was put on with the rest of the division. We were all separated as the directions were a bit odd, but most of us managed to meet up in the end. I met up there with another board member and a few other new members, who were taught some of the core values of Key Club. A group of us was sent down the course to be marshals who would not allow the runners to go off track. It was a fairly simple task, until we realized how scarce the other volunteers were. They did not have anyone at the other stations that passed ours down the road. But it was alright; we spread out and made the best of it. At this event I met Jerry. This was Jerry’s first event of the year and I hope I gave him a good impression. We went over the Feel Good chant and the remix portion. He picked up really quickly. I was glad I was partnered up with a new member, because Jerry sure did need a lot of encouragement. I mean I’m not exactly outgoing, but I do try my best. So as the runners ran by, one by one, I helped Jerry come up with generic cheers that would help him out. It soon became a competition between the two of us and we had a great time in the end. Soon enough our Member Recognition Officer Crystal Ly challenged us to a loudness competition. Needless to say, one Crystal overpowered me and Jerry. It makes me happy, to see our Sunny family Growing.

Michael Coates


Table-Top Project

On Saturday September 5th we had the Table top service project in Buena Park. I arrived at 11:00pm. Not many people were there only about four. Later other people started coming and we all sat on the tables in the park. We moved two tables close to each other so we could all work and be close. We had to make ABC books for sick children in hospitals. It was simple making the books; we only had to write the letter and draw a picture. When we all met, there were two adults to chaperon us and tell us what to do. They were pretty cool and fun to be with. Rafa ,one of the chaperons , gave us the supplies and showed us examples of the other books made. We were about 12 people including the chaperons then we started working . It was fun meeting some new people and talking to them. While working ever now and then I would take pictures of others working. Me, personally aren’t good at drawing that’s why I teamed up with one of the girls with us. I wrote the words and made the books and she drew. At the end we had pretty good results.

Lara Matty

For the alphabet books, all we had to do was teach the kids the alphabet by saying something like “A is for acorn” for each letter. It sounded simple enough, bu barely finished one alphabet book by the end of the event! Trying to think of a word for each letter that was appropriate and easy for the kids to understand was actually harder than I thought.

Throughout the event, we played music, drew our drawings, and wrote “happy holidays!” over and over again on those cards. I thought I was a pretty creative pe son, but after this event, maybe not as much as I thought I was… We were there for roughly two hours, and although we didn’t make that many books altogethe we still did our best to make a difference for those hospitalized children. In all honesty, I just look forward to the next service project that we can collaborate wi Circle K on!


Van Bui

Boba Fundraiser With this 90 degree weather and everything, boba was truly a good investment. However, getting the boba to sell was an entirely different matter. The first day of boba sales was pretty slow but the pace picked up on the second day. I’m really happy and thankful for everyone that came out to help us. The Western staff coming out to support us was really sweet to us as well. I’m really looking forward to our future fundraisers. We were able to sell out for our days, despite having to stay an extra hour after school to make the extra effort to sell the last few. Nonetheless, we were able to make the most out of everything, and I am truly thankful for those who had stuck with us for so long and still continued to attempt to advertise for us and help us. Speaking of fundraisers, I’m looking forward to working on the merchandise for Fall Rally as well. I hope everything goes well for the attendees this year and I want to do my best to fundraise and help them in everything that they do. I’m really looking forward to this future term with my kids and I am thankful for all that they do.

Nhi Truong It’s back! Western Key Club’s famous boba fundraisers has returned! The recent boba fundraisers occurred on Tuesday to Wednesday, September 22nd23rd, and also the week after that, September 29th and 30th. These drinks are sold after school, which makes the day fresh, especially with the warm weather lately.To put a little more emphasis on Key Club’s fundraisers, these funds certainly go towards charities and the club. Since, after all, Key Club is a student-led organization to help our home, school, and community. This fundraiser in particular helped raise for one of the largest events for Key Club- Fall Rally. A major part of Fall Rally is to fundraise for Pediatric Trauma Program, which helps reduce the amount of children killed each year due to trauma. Through this program, we are able to contribute into helping change children’s lives for the better. Just for a sneak peek of Fall Rally, it’s the event where many members get their Key Club Moment, especially since this event has tons of opportunities to have fun, get to know a bunch of Key Clubbers throughout, and experience the unique auction and spirit session. Positively, the fundraiser went smoothly and we managed to sell out the boba and raise sufficient funds. If you missed out on our boba (which were sold for $3 each and there was also another limited flavor), don’t worry, for Key Club has many fundraisers coming your way. Look forward to Key Club’s future events, and don’t forget to stay involved!

Kiara Legaspi


What is Unicef? 

Child Protection and social involvement GOAL: End Violence and help nurture children.

Child Survival GOAL: Interventions to prevent child disease and trauma.

Education GOAL: Educate and expand!

Emergencies and Humanitarian Action GOAL: Help other countries in a major time of need.

What can I do to Help? 



September DCM The September Division Council Meeting took place on Saturday, September 26 th, 2015. It began at 12:45 PM and lasted until 4:00 PM. It took place at Mile Square Park. This event was organized for all of Region 3! Key Clubbers of Division 4 East, 4 North, 4 West, 30 South, 30 North, 41 South, and 41 North gathered together to make up for the Light the Night mishap. The Key Clubbers had the opportunity to get updated about their division, eat, bond, and make blankets for the orphanages. Meaning tons of fun! Unlike the past Division Council Meeting it was a lot easier to spot where it took place. There were so many people. However it took them quite awhile to get started, which I didn’t really mind, because it gave me the opportunity to catch up with my friends from other schools. I honestly thought it was really cute how they turned the Division Council Meeting into a Region event just to make up for Light the Night! Region events are honestly always nice to have. After socializing time it was finally time for them to start the Division Council Meeting. It was just the usual; John talked about old businesses, division updates, opportunities to volunteer with our own division, recognitions, and etc. From one of the new updates one of our board members was recognized for the month of September for Division 30 South, Kiara Legaspi! I was honestly really bummed that she was not there to accept it herself, because I’ve noticed she wanted it so badly. It didn’t just physically, but it was mostly shown through all of her hard work! She definitely deserved it. On the other hand Western High School got recognized for being the fourth shining club for the month of September as well! GO WESTERN! I really hope this motivates our members to keep shining with service! Without our beesy bees nothing would be possible! After the meeting was finally adjourned, it was lunch break. Before we went out to get out lunch (Chipotle and Frostbite) we took a club picture. Then, someone announced that the food were finally being sold we all rushed over, of course. During the lunch break they had a guest speaker come over to talk about the Key to College Event at CSULB with Circle K on Sunday, October18. Then, they had a mini Fall Rally session to, well you know, prepare us for Fall Rally! Afterwards, we went straight to the service project which was to make blankets for the orphanages. It took quite awhile to get things figured out and started since there not every table brought scissors. They had to wait for others to finish using the scissors so then they could past it to someone else or basically just have one scissor per group. The service project lasted for awhile but was pretty successful. To sum it up, despite the fact that it was really hot; I still enjoyed being there. I thought it pretty neat how they were selling Chipotle and Frostbite, because people do get hungry. I kind of hope they sell food for the next Division Council Meeting! I can’t wait to see what new ideas and activities they have planned for the next Division Council Meeting!

Linda Le


On September 26th, I attended our September Division Council Meeting (DCM) at Mile Square Park. In order to prevent myself from getting lost in that huge park I made sure to go with Abraham, one of our club’s publicists, and Brenda, a lovely general member. We were fortunate to have not gotten lost and find the location where Region 3 was meeting. When we arrived I saw many key clubbers from our region, it looked like a sea of different colors in every direction. The reason why was because they had worn their division shirts. As I was looking around I didn’t really see anyone from our club and wondered who else would come. After a while, I noticed Van Bui, our club president, was there. As time went on more people from our club started to arrive and it made me happy to see new general members attend the Division Council Meeting. Despite it being at Mile Square Park they still came to check out the meeting. When more people arrived and it settled down, each division then started their meeting in separate locations. During the meeting we did the usual recognition of clubs, members, secretaries, and officers. While we were listening to them announce who had gotten what we were surprised to hear that Western Key Club had gotten one of the five spots for shining club of the month. It was also much to our surprise when we heard Kiara Legaspi, our wonderful secretary, get shining secretary of the month! We felt accomplished as a club due to the fact that we had gotten two awards this month! It was a pretty big deal for us. When the meeting was over we then moved on to other activities, including food. In order to fundraise, they had done a Chipotle and Frostbites fundraiser. The food was pretty good and it was my first time actually trying food from these two food chains. It was honestly amazing trying out new food, especially the Frostbites because the weather was pretty hot that day. After everyone had finished eating or come close to finish eating, we started the fun part of the division council meeting. Making blankets! This service project had to be one of the best ones I’ve done so far in Key Club due to the fact on how much fun it was to make blankets. Our club decided to all work together to make blankets, at first it was hard to figure out what to do. However, Van helped us a lot by telling us what we needed to do in order to make it. Each of us took turns in cutting the blanket in order to make it fair within our group. Meanwhile one person cut the sides of the fabric another person would be tying the two separate fabrics together in order to create one blanket. After we finished doing this it was pretty fun seeing what we had manage to make in that amount of time. I thought our blankets looked pretty cute due to the fabric and the way it was cut and tied together. After a certain time it was time to finish up the service project since the DCM was coming to an end. However, we decided to stay a bit longer than going home. Some key clubbers from other regions were playing music from their phones on a speaker; this probably was one of my favorite parts due to the fact that their music taste was quite similar to mine. It made the event much more enjoyable than it already was, because I was about to connect in a way with other key clubbers through music and service projects. This division council meeting is by far my favorite one that I’ve been to in all my years in Key Club. It was a great way to make up for Light the Night and I would definitely recommend others to attend division council meetings in the future!

Jennifer Hernandez


Board Member Spotlight 1. Favorite Color? Blue and Black 2. What’s the best part about being in Key Club? Watching the event coordinators

Jennifer Hernandez

and people at events be grateful for the hard work you put in. 3. What is your favorite fruit? Mangos 4. Who is your role model? My brother 5. Are you enjoying your current position and term? Yes, I’m actually loving being historian. 6. What clubs/activities are you involved in? Key Club, V.O.L.T 7. Who is your favorite music artist? The Neighbourhood 8. Do you prefer tap water, refrigerated water, hose water, or bottled water? (Everyone’s different) Refrigerated water, but I don’t mind what type of water it is. 9. How hard is your job? Personally I don’t think my job is difficult compared to other positions. 10. What is your way of escaping school and relaxing? Listening to music and skyping with Brenda Lee. 11. Any advice for up and coming board members? Definitely to stay committed and focus on making the experiences of new members the best they can. 12. What is your favorite book series? Fallen book series 13. Who is your favorite superhero? Spider Man 14. Do you have a catchphrase? Probably “I cry” 15. Who/What inspired you to join Key Club? My friends and the aspect of helping out my community while having fun.


Monthly Calendar Silverado Days

Walk and Trick or Treat for Animals Oct 24th

Oct. 17th

Surf City 10Mi 10K

Walk to stop Diabetes

Oct. 24th

Nov. 7th

Fall Rally!

ROC Race: Wipeout Nov. 7th


Nov. 14th

Walk to end Alzheimer's




Van Bui

Nhi Truong

Kiara Legaspi




(714) 824-2884

(714) 234-0275

(714) 931-7222


Spirit Coordinator

Bulletin Editor

Member Recognition

Randall Belyea

Lesley Aguirre

Michael Coates

Crystal Ly


aguirre_lesley@yahoo.com (714) 576-3432

coates179@gmail.com (714) 225-2181


(714) 209-3865


(714) 315-6317


Lara Matty/ Linda Le/ Jennifer Hernandez laramatty999@gmail.com (714) 306-9969

Brenda Rosas/ Abraham Vicente

lindale922@gmail.com (714) 886-2467


jenniferhernandez1634@gmail.com -

(714) 342-0281 abrahamvicente3@gmail.com (714) 855-7625

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