Western HS Key Club January/February 2013 Newsletter

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Division 30 South | Region 3 | CNH Volume 1, Issue 7

KEY CLUB The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | January/February 2013


what’s up, l








[SERVICE PROJECTS] Rose Float Decorating...............................................................................1 [OTHER EVENTS] January DCM/Conclave...........................................................................2 District News................................................................................................3 International News.....................................................................................4 Club News...................................................................................................5 Western’s Top 5 Shinin’ Suns......................................................................6 Board Member Spotlights..........................................................................7 Board Members’ Contact Information....................................................8

? [key club pledge] I pledge on my honor, to uphold the objects of Key Club International, to build my home, school and community, to serve my nation and God, and to combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.


bulletin editor’s


[rose float haikus] Rose float decorating Eight hours of fun, yet hard work It was very cold. - Warren Kim Waking up in the morning, to decorate floats lots of flowers used -Jennifer Tarm

[president’s remarks] Hello Key Clubbers! I hope everyone had a wonderful first semester! Now that it is almost the end of the 2012-2013 term I would like to say proud I am of the club and the members I serve. Members are still attending the meetings and there are waiting lists for service events, which means their commitment to service is still high and going. February is going to be a super busy month with elections, fundraising for District Convention, and looking for more service events. We also encourage everyone to go to District Convention! It's a time to celebrate the members and their commitment to service. It's part of that Key Club experience! Thank you to everyone who helped contribute to the club's success and I know that we will keep moving forward together! Have a great day!

Hello, Key Clubbers! Sadly, this is my last newsletter as your bulletin editor. Not to fear, though! Our newsletter tradition will continue with our new bulletin editor, Niel Apostol. I strongly believe that he will do an amazing job with the upcoming newsletters, and I’m excited to see what he has in store for us. Though making the newsletters was a tough job for me, believe it or not, and though at times I did not enjoy it very much, it has been a pleasure serving all of you. I have no regrets serving in this position. It has definitely been a learning experience, and I’ve learned a lot about myself--I procrastinate way too much on the newsletter, and my graphic design skills are not that amazing. I hope you had fun reading the newsletters this past term. It has been a pleasure getting to know all of you this past year because of your drives, positive attitudes, and generous natures. Yours in service, Mercy Tran

Jennifer Tarm Western High School Key Club President 2012-13

The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | January/February 2013

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january dcm & CONCLAVE

Division 30 North & 30 South Lieutenant Governor Elect

On January 19th of the new 2013 year, Division 30 South started the year with holding conclave at the January DCM at Rosary High School. When arriving just on time with Starbucks in our hands, we were all feeling ready for the long morning that awaited us. Western Key Clubbers all got together and it appeared like a great turn out. With the exception of our treasurer, all of our board officers were present along with seven members to vote for the next lieutenant governor of D30S. Conclave was being held with Division 30 North and so they went first before our DCM could start. The DCM began with taking attendance of the clubs. The top five clubs of the months were announced and Western Key Club came out number one! We could have not been happier because it is a great accomplishment. The DCM went as normal with the reports and such. Once it was over, conclave began shortly afterward. The two candidates running for lieutenant governor were both from Oxford Academy, Brandon Nguyen and Tina Mai. Elections procedure would be of three minutes for the candidate to recite their speech and two minutes for a caucus session with the members. With both candidates, common questions revolved around time commitment and spirit. Upon hearing all these questions, I realized how much of time is needed to put in a good effort into making the division reach a new level. Both candidates seem a little tense and nervous; however, it is expected of them since they are asking Key Clubbers to trust them to be the next lieutenant governor. Our election soon ended and the delegates casted their votes in. Division 30 North’s election began after a fifteen minute break. The same process and same turn of events I saw in our election, I could see in theirs. Both elections came to an end and everyone was anxious to hear who the next lieutenant governors are. Erick finally had the results and announced Tina Mai as the new LTG for the 2013-14 year! She showed strong leadership and passion for Key Club. She’ll do a great job in governing our division. The division conclave has left me anticipating our club elections which will be taking place in a few weeks.


The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | January/February 2013

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[district news]

HELLO my name is _____________ and i am attending dcon 2013. [WHEN] March 22-24, 2013 [WHERE] Anaheim Convention Center [COST] $267 [WHY] To celebrate A MILLION WAVES OF SERVICE! Come be a part of Cali-Nev-Ha’s 67th Annual District Convention! Learn more about Key Club, and make new friends! You won’t want to miss out on this if you are running for an elected or appointed position!

visit... www.cnhkeyclub.org/events/dcon

for more information!

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ICON 2013 ICON is Key Club International’s annual International Convention that is similar to the upcoming District Convention in March 2013. This year, Key Club International will be celebrating its 70th annual convention in July 2013 in Washington, D.C. Registration will be available soon, but check out http://www.keyclub.org/events/ convention.aspx in the meantime for more information!

The ELIMINATE Project reaches US


Thanks to the hard work, precious time and abundant giving of members of the Kiwanis Family, we have raised one million dollars toward the Eliminate Project, translating into 555,555 lives saved or protected from MNT. If every Kiwanis Family member (that means you!) raised $5.40 a year for the remaining three years, we would be able to reach our fundraising goal and help protect mothers and their babies from tetanus.

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CONGRATULATIONS TO THE 2013-2014 EXECUTIVE and APPOINTED BOARD! Ana Chavez, President Elect Nhuhao Do, Vice President Elect Kim Truong, Secretary Elect Jenny Cevallos, Treasurer Elect Mimi Nguyen & Kenneth Legaspi, Publicists Narae Kim, Lylybeth Arambula & Chelsa Deguzman, Historians Niel Apostol, Bulletin Editor

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FIRST PLACE shinin’ stats!

Thanks to all of your hard work, Western placed first in Division 30 South out of the fourteen schools in our division! This is the first time that we earned first place this year! All of your volunteer hours, and dedication and diligence in writing articles made this recognition possible. Way to go, Western!



1 Warren Kim, 6 hours How do you feel, Key clubbers? I'm Warren Kim, and I'm glad to be a part of Western Key Club. Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I'm the Division 30 South Division Secretary, a past Division 30 South Executive Assistant, and a past Distinguished Club Treasurer for Oxford Academy Key Club. I attended Oxford Academy for the past five years, and this is my first and last year at Western High School, currently being a senior. Aside from Key Club, I am involved in ASB, Yearbook, NHS, and CSF at Western. I've been volunteering with Key Club for the past three years, and I love every minute I'm volunteering. People always ask me why I wake up before the sun comes up on the weekends and "waste" the day volunteering. After all, it doesn't benefit me, right? Honestly, when I first joined Key Club, I did think this way. I only volunteered to make new friends or to socialize with people outside of my school. But after a while, I realized that the simple "thank you's" that people say with that grateful look on their faces when you give them a simple bag of oranges at a food distribution is the most priceless feeling in the world. As Key clubbers, we make a huge difference in our community without realizing it most of the time, and knowing that I make a difference through volunteering is why I continue to do so. I hope all of you reach that realization of how significantly you impact others, no matter how small the action, and continue to grow and serve as servant leaders in our school and community. Shinin' with Service, Warren Kim

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BOARD MEMBER SPOTLIGHTS mercy tran, BULLETIN EDITOR I think I’m quite an odd person. I think my life is quite superficial: I wake up, eat, go to school, study, do ambassador duties, go to church, and the cycle repeats. There’s little variation in my life. Sometimes I like it, though, I like knowing what’s coming up next. I’m also a really picky person. I can be mature or immature; it depends who I’m talking to. I like to bake during my free time but I’m not very good at it. I like to shop and pretend like I’m busy doing something on my iPhone just so people don’t think I’m a loner. I like pink and blue. I’m an Apple fan, not Microsoft. Since my life is pretty much all academics, I’ll tell you about my plans for the future. I hope to attend a top 20 university this coming fall. I will be majoring in Accounting and Finance, and I hope to work for a Big 4 accounting firm or as a financial analyst when I graduate. I want to attend a top 20 business school in the future to get my MBA with emphases in Finance and Entrepreneurship. My goal in life is to create a business that would reform our education system. I plan to go on mission trips with my church when I’m older. If there’s anything you should know about me, it’s that I wouldn’t be here without Jesus Christ. All I am and all I have is because He is in my life.

lanvi nguyen, PUBLICIST Hello my name is LanVi and I am a big fan of KPOP and tend to use KPOP puns whenever I can. I may seem quiet but I am actually quite loud and energetic because I am ONE OF A KIND. Though I am a generally laid back person I’LL SHOW YOU I am serious when I need to be and take my responsibilities seriously. My REAL STORY is I used to play tennis for Western and played the violin for around 7 years. I am Publicist for Key Club, Vice President for Japanese Club and Vietnamese Club, and President of Korean Club but I don’t let my positions affect my EGO. Though I might not the most outgoing person or the loudest I’M STILL ALIVE and I’LL BE THERE if you a friend. I enjoy listening to, singing along to, and dancing to

ericson tang, PUBLICIST Hi, my name is Ericson Tang. There really is much to say about myself aside from the same old I'm a pretty nice guy once you get to know me. Haha I'm Western Key Club's publicist and I'm willing to lend a helping hand if you ask for it. Don't be afraid to talk to me, I'm someone who won't bite.

ana chavez, TECH EDITOR, PRESIDENT ELECT Hi, I’m Ana Chavez. Few things about myself is like to debate on random topics, eat sushi, stay up late watching comedy shows or anime with my brothers, and draw during my free time. I used to be a bookworm as an elementary kid (still am during summer) and being part of cross country and track, I love to run whenever and wherever I can. My music tastes is weird; it’s such a variety that goes from Linkin Park or Rise Against rock to classical piano music and all in between. If you take me out to In-N-Out, I’ll be ordering that weird lettuce Protein Style cheeseburger. I got fat Scottish terrier that I got to take out for a walk more often and a small Westie terrier who needs to stop getting her food eaten by the other one (hence why she’s so “fluffy”). I guess there’s a lot of sides of me that sum up to me being weird… wonder how my friends get by me.

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CONTACT US! 2012-2013 Western High School Key Club Board

PRESIDENT, Jennifer Tarm [714] 213-9335 jtarm9@gmail.com

VICE PRESIDENT, Grishma Patel [714] 270-4346 grishmapatel26@gmail.com VICE PRESIDENT, Miranda Phan [714] 548-5143 mirandaphan@yahoo.com

SECRETARY, Hillary Tran [714] 797-4843 Hillaryt44@yahoo.com

TREASURER, Denne Tiengthong [714] 331-9124 dennetiengthong@gmail.com PUBLICIST, Ericson Tang [714] 422-9375 tang_ericson@yahoo.com

PUBLICIST, LanVi Nguyen [714] 878-8059 omg_its_lanvi@yahoo.com HISTORIAN, Kim Truong [714] 471-8732 piggy654321@yahoo.com

HISTORIAN, Zayrha Arambula [714] 315-3611 fam_bam12@yahoo.com

TECH EDITOR, Ana Chavez [714] 515–2584 gaby3141@sbcglobal.net BULLETIN EDITOR, Mercy Tran [562] 852-8541 mercyxtran@hotmail.com

ask us how we


The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | January 2013

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THANK YOU FOR READING The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter

a Kiwanis-family member keyclub.org | cnhkeyclub.org 8360 RED OAK STREET #201 RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91730 ~ 909.989.1500

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