Woopi News March 2024 Issue 55

Page 33

WOOPI NEWS – WOOLGOOLGA AND SURROUNDING AREAS – MARCH 2024 Woolgoolga and Surrounding Areas March 2024 issue #55 Bring a natural coastal harmony and warmth into your home with coastal colours and natural textures. Wide range of affordable coastal homewares from seashells to unique furniture pieces. We ship Australia wide. Open 7 days and also online www.thatbeachshop.com.au Shop 3/62 Beach St, Woolgoolga Phone: 0418 402 073 Your FREE community magazine

Woopi Words to Live by


1. Great things never came from comfort zones. – Neil Strauss

2. It’s no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then. – Alice

3. Just a reminder, if you’re making it your ‘bit’ to complain about an artist that you don’t have to see, that nobody is forcing you to see - perhaps get a hobby? Stop yucking other people’s yums, it’s so lame. – Annabell Brett When Taylor Swift , Pink and Matchbox 20 were touring our country.

4. No matter what happens in life, be good to people. Being good to people is a wonderful legacy to leave behind. – Taylor Swift

5. My definition of stupid is wasting your opportunity to be yourself because I think everybody has a uniqueness and everybody’s good at something. – Pink

6. I’m not crazy, I’m just a little unwell. – Matchbox 20

7. You can be happy, hurting and healing all at the same time.

8. Everything you can imagine is real. – Pablo Picasso

9. Slow down and the thing you are after will eventually catch up with you.

10. Life doesn’t happen to you, it happens for you. – Tony Robbins

11. You are perfect exactly as you are. No need to change anything except the thoughts that you are not good enough. – J. Cole

12. When you can’t find the sunshine be the sunshine.

13. I will not let anyone walk through my mind with dirty feet. – Gandhi

14. The only two places I am going in 2024 are to places that heal me and places that inspire me. – Still Moments

15. Don’t spend your time worrying about what could go wrong. Your soul is waiting for you to get excited about everything that could go right.

16. Live as if you were to die tomorrow. – Mahatma Gandhi

17. Give whatever you are doing and whoever you are with the gift of your attention. – Jim Rohn

18. Give yourself permission to live a big life step into who you are meant to be. Stop playing small, you’re meant for greater things.

19. Every moment is a fresh beginning.

– T.S. Eliot

20. Finding your passion isn’t just about careers and money, it’s about finding your authentic self the one you’ve buried beneath other people’s needs.

21. Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.

– Dr Seuss

22. Do one thing every day that scares you.

23. Don’t give up now. Chances are your best kiss, your hardest laugh and your greatest days are still to come. – Atticus Poetry

24. The time is always right to do what is right. – Martin Luther King Jr.

25. A warm smile is the universal language of kindness. – William Arthur Ward

26. Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. – Lucille Ball

27. Decisions without actions are worthless. – W. Clement Stone

28. To live will be an awfully big adventure. – Peter Pan

29. May the clouds in your life be only a background for a lovely sunset. – Irish Saying

30. Either you run the day or the day runs you. – Jim Rohn

31. The best things in life aren’t things. – Art Buchwald


Welcome to Woopi News ...

Mad Hatter March!

It kind of feels a bit mad, with the speed this year is passing. All the more reason why we should make the most of every moment.

Our front cover this month is the beautiful, wise and absolutely amazing Martine Robertson. Back in 2019 Martine gave me the confidence to leave my safe job and take on this journey as a magazine publisher, so she definitely deserves a cover.

Every now and then, when I need my confidence restored, she performs her magic and I get stuck back into it again. But there is way more she can do than that. You can read all about her and her upcoming Chakra course on page 14 and 15. (Martine’s photos were taken by Ruth Fahey.)

We also have an inspiring story about an amazing young lady named Iylah Weller, who recently broke several swimming records at the Sandy Beach Public School Swimming Carnivals.


Why don’t you see dinosaurs at Easter?

Because they are eggs-tinct.

Bob Breen has been busy writing some interesting stories for us all, from the Plantations Lifestyle Resort shenanigans to the RSL Sub Branch preps for Anzac Day and the latest updates on the War Memorial resurrection plans.

In addition, we have news about the new Woolgoolga Singles Collective, where people over 50 can meet new friends and even find their soul mate! Check out page 18 for more details. The Woolgoolga Surf Life Saving Club has also been busy, with the juniors travelling to the NSW Country Championships and the Boaties hosting a round of the North Coast Surf Boat Series, which brought lots of visitors to Woolgoolga.

We even spotted two ex Woopi Surf Club members, (Sean Smith who now rows for Coolangatta and Jason Smith who rows for Tugun) dining out with the one and only Marie Matthews. It was nice to have you back in town, boys!

There’s plenty more to read inside, so be sure to check it out.

If you’re an early riser, you can also

catch a segment on ABC Coffs Coast radio 92.3FM or via the ABC Listen app every Wednesday at 6.40am. Fiona Poole and I have a little chat about what’s happening around Woopi – so tune in, it’s always a great morning show with lots of local news.

The next edition of Woopi News, will be out just prior to Easter and the ensuing school holidays later in the month, so if you’re interested in advertising in that issue, please give me a call or send an email ASAP. Details can be found at the bottom of this page.

Thank you, as always, for supporting Woopi News! ~ Lisa

Woopi News was established in 2019 and is a free monthly community news magazine for Woolgoolga and surrounding areas.

Publisher/Editor/Advertising: Lisa Nichols - lisa@woopinews.com.au - 0410 052 601 Graphic Designer/Pre Press: Brad Nelson

Consultant/Writer: Carole Beros


ABN: 27 728 512 311

The paper we print on is FSC certified, Responsible Forestry CO1068, produced with ECF pulp, meets ISO14001 Accreditation, EFC Elemental and TFC Chlorine Free!

Woopi News makes a constant effort to ensure content is accurate on the date of publication. The views expressed in the articles reflect the contributors opinions and are not necessarily the views of the publisher and editor. The published material, advertisements, editorials and all other content is published in good faith. Woopi News cannot guarantee and accepts no liability for any loss or damage of any kind caused as a result of reading our publication. All rights reserved and nothing can be partially or in whole be reprinted or reproduced without a written consent.

♻ Please recycle your edition. If you’re not saving it, pass it on to someone else or take it back to the shop you picked it up from.

forget to tell ’em “You saw them in Woopi News!”
Important Numbers Emergency 000 Lifeline 13 11 14 Beyond Blue 1300 22 4636 eheadspace 1800 650 890 Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800 Mensline Australia 1300 78 99 78 24hr Mental Health Line 1800 011 511 Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467 13YARN 13 92 76 QLife 1800 184 527 Woolgoolga Police 6654 1244
Lisa Publisher/Editor Advertising Brad Graphic Designer Pre-press
What’s this? Prominent local artist spotted dining with two mystery men?

Woopi has turned Piiink

Some of our Piiink Merchants

Beachouse Café

Big Garden Furniture

Blue Elephant Thai Cuisine

Box Factory Burgers

Coastwalk Remedial Massage

Eco Caravan and Camping Hire

Eco Threads

Emerald Beach General Store

Esmé Bar & Kitchen

Everlush Oracle

Exit 59

Ground Earth

Home + Yard

Jed’s Bakehouse

La Hacienda 101

Les Pepper Mechanical

Mitre 10

Moose & Me

Riptide Pizzeria

Sandy Beach General Store

Secret Valley Plants


That Beach Shop

The Good Beautician

Voodoos 101

Woolgoolga Beach Bottleshop

Woolgoolga Beach Lottery Office

Woolgoolga Mobile Caravan Repairs

Woopi Boxing Club

Woopi Brewing Co

XS Surf

Check out the Piiink facebook page - Piiink Coffs Coast for more update s

Piiink Coffs Coast would like to welcome all our new members.

We hope you are enjoying the app and the discounts it offers. It feels nice to know when you’re spending your money locally, it’s also helping a charity or a local club. Some deals being offered at the moment are:

Exit 59

Offering 15% off everything except for Pizzas on Monday night (because they are already a budget friendly price of $18.) Takeaway restaurant with homemade fresh meals.

3/22 Moonee Beach Road, Moonee

Esmé Bar & Kitchen

Offering 15% off everything from 3pm till 5pm Monday to Sunday. Mediterranean eats, Lo Fi Beats. Boujee Bar, Harbourview Deck. Indoor and outdoor seating.

59/361 Harbour Drive, Coffs Harbour

Ground Earth

Offering 10% off 7.30am-10am every day, 10% off display fridge after 1pm. Café with a large selection of tasty healthy options, especially for the gluten intolerant.

1/8 Market Street, Woolgoolga


Offering 10% off Boyo’s Big Meals, Breakfast and Burgers - all day every day. Enjoy home-cooked style meals with that Welsh touch in the outdoor courtyard.

58 Beach Street, Woolgoolga

Blue Elephant Thai

Offering 10% off every day and night of the week. Delicious Authentic Thai cuisine. Your choice of meats or vegetarian options available. Dine inside or out. Take away.

58 Beach Street, Woolgoolga

Discounts could change any day or any hour, so check out your app to double check what’s currently on offer. Simply open app, click on the Merchants button at the bottom, choose view all to scroll through merchants or search for the one you are after in the top search bar.

Don’t forget to select which charity you’d like some of your purchase price shared with via the My Profile button.

Scan here to download the app or sign up in-store


Super Fish – Iylah Weller

The Sandy Beach Public School’s School captain for 2024 is not just a really nice person but also a potential Olympic champion.

Freshly back from the Swimming Championships in Brisbane where she swam all personal bests, Iylah Weller (11) participated in her school’s annual swimming carnival, participating in six races, not just winning, but breaking, six school records! Some of which hadn’t been broken for 20-30 years or more. She doesn’t stop at swimming - she is a mad netballer. Her team, The Ketchups, were Minor Premiers and won last year’s Grand Final, where Iylah was voted Player of the Match.

She also plays for the Woolgoolga Touch Football Club. Her team, the Under 12 Girls, recently won the Northern Eagles Touch Football Championships in Coffs Harbour. Did I mention how she is also a really nice person, showing kindness and caring wherever she goes?

Keep an ear out for this name Iylah Weller. She’s going to achieve big things in this world.

EASTER 19-21 Scarborough Street, Woolgoolga 19-21 Scarborough Street, Woolgoolga northernbeachesanglicans.org.au northernbeachesanglicans.org.au - Phone: 6654-1370 - Phone: 6654-1370 8am 10am 9am C e l e b r a t e E a s t e r
Iylah Weller with her biggest fan, mum Carley

Meet Barkley

Bishop Druitt College has introduced a Wellbeing Dog named Barkley to their school.

Barkley is a friendly and affectionate Labradoodle who has quickly become an integral part of the school community. He contributes positively to the overall wellbeing of the students, staff and even parents.

Barkley is a part of The Dogs Connect Program and a Wellbeing Dog brings a new dimension to the whole school wellbeing initiatives, with numerous benefits for

everyone involved.

Having Barkley around promotes a sense of calmness, reduces stress, fosters a positive atmosphere, and more.

Barkley’s role extends beyond providing companionship. He participates in various wellbeing programs and activities designed to support the mental health and emotional wellbeing of the students. Whether it’s during exam periods, stressful times, or just regular days, Barkley is always there to lend a comforting paw and a wagging tail.

76 Beach Street Woolgoolga (next to Beachouse Cafē) Phone 6654 1049 or find us on facebook Spend over $500 and get a free holiday voucher valued at up to $1000 Spend over $500 and get a free holiday voucher valued at up to $1000
Bishop Druitt College students: Taj Heather from Emerald Beach, Freya Hannaford from Woolgoolga and Quade Lewis from Sandy Beach all enjoy spending time with Barkley


brewery kitchen specials

Sat 2 Mar - Billie Jo Porter

Sun 3 Mar - Pam Hata

Sat 9 Mar - Mighty Ocean

Sun 10 Mar - Yhan Leal

Sat 16 Mar - Sam Buckley

Sun 17 Mar - DJ Dangerwaves

sat 23 Mar - Charlie Davis

Sun 24 Mar - Lttl King

Thu 28 mar - Brewery


Easter weekend Extravaganza (we are open Good Friday)

Sat 30 Mar - Jess Crossman

Sun 31 Mar - DJ Crane

Scan for tickets Open Thur to Sun from 12 noon 7 Willis Rd Woolgoogla

Tai Chi for Health Workshop

Red Rock to Host Tai Chi for Health Workshop with Master Trainer

Next month Tai Chi for Health Institute Master Trainer, Rosalie Rudduck, will be conducting a Tai Chi for Health Workshop at the Red Rock Multi-Use Centre.

The workshop will focus on the Tai Chi for Arthritis and Falls Prevention program, which was created in consultation with medical and Tai Chi experts. Scientific studies have proven its effectiveness in assisting pain relief, quality of life, balance and falls prevention.

The workshop is open to physiotherapists, occupational therapists, exercise physiologists, certified allied health assistants, lifestyle coordinators, diversional therapists, health practitioners, nurses, Tai Chi teachers and Tai Chi students. Completion of the Self-paced Instructor Preparation Package (SIPP) is required for anyone wishing to gain instructor certification.

Rosalie Rudduck, a physiotherapist and master trainer in the Tai Chi for Health Institute, will be leading the workshop. She has a Certificate IV in Workplace Assessment and Training and has worked extensively with people of all ages.

Deb Marriner, a local Senior Trainer, will be assisting her with the forthcoming workshops.

The Tai Chi for Arthritis and Falls Prevention workshop will take place on Saturday, April 6, while the Tai Chi for Rehabilitation workshop will follow on Sunday, April 7.

Online preparation is required in order to gain the most benefit from the in-person workshops. DVDs or online lessons are available to assist.

For those interested in learning more about the programs, an enrolment form is available by contacting either Rosalie or Deb. If you are a health professional, you could share the benefits of the Tai Chi for Health program with your clients.

Rosalie: 0499 290 910 (please text or leave message)

Email: jrrudduck@skymesh.com.au

Deb: 0429 672 122 (please text or leave message)

Email: deb.marriner@gmail.com

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from a Master Trainer and improve your quality of life.

Woolgoolga VIEW Club to Host Fundraiser

Woolgoolga VIEW Clubs to Host Fundraiser in Support of The Smith Family on International Women's Day

Woolgoolga VIEW Club is set to host a fundraising event on International Women’s Day, which falls on March 8, 2024, at the C.ex Woolgoolga.

The event aims to support The Smith Family’s goal of achieving digital

inclusion for all Learning for Life students by June 2027.

The fundraiser seeks to provide every student with access to a laptop device, reliable internet at home and resources to improve their digital literacy and safety skills. Attendees can look forward to a fun-filled day of market stalls, lucky door prizes, raffles, keynote speakers, music and dance.

The organising team expressed its gratitude to the businesses, families and individuals who have already contributed in any way. The event promises to be an excellent opportunity for the community to come together for a worthy cause.

For more information on the fundraiser, interested parties can contact Elfie via phone at 0427 541 032.

Safety Beach
Simmons Unisex Barber Cuts for men, women and children + ear piercing Mon-Fri 9-5 : Sat 8-12 – Walk-ins only 43b River Street, Woolgoolga Tel: 0414 717 476 Seaside Cuts Seaside Cuts Also Stockists of Highland Pet Food Also Stockists Highland Pet Food

Fluro Friday Woopi

There’s been a lot happening at Fluro Friday this year, as we gather every Friday at 6.30am, in our brightest clothes, to bring awareness to and support of mental health and suicide prevention, no matter the weather. We start each session with an Anti-badvibe circle, where we discuss different topics, talk about ourselves, and how we feel or what we have planned. Then, some of us go for a swim or a surf, and some of us go for a coffee, while others do both!

Recently, a number of us attended the safeTALK training morning provided by Lifeline. We all found it extremely helpful, even though we have attended many similar courses. We all agree that you can never have too much training

on how to have a conversation with someone who is contemplating taking their own life.

This month, we have a couple of special mornings coming up.

On Friday, March 15, we plan to remember Sukhi Hundal by creating a nature mandala on the beach. It should be a lovely low tide that morning, and we encourage you to bring as much pink and purple as possible.

Then, on Friday, March 22, it will be One Wave’s (Fluro Friday’s founding group) 11th birthday. We invite the entire northern beaches to GO FLURO that day! Mufti Day dress ups with as much colour and happiness as you can find.

We will once again start the day forming a human wave along the shoreline of Woopi Beach. Beaches all over the world will be doing the same thing to celebrate 11 years of

Freeing the Funk and helping people understand and support those struggling with their mental health. We hope you can join us!

Living Legend Deborah Conway at Woopi Brewery

Acclaimed Australian songwriter and vocalist Deborah Conway will be performing at Woopi Brewery in what organisers are thrilled to call “an exclusive curated” performance. Her first in the City of Coffs since the early 90s and her first ever in Woolgoolga.

“I think we did Do-Ré-Mi back in the early 90s at the Planto, but she hasn’t been to Coffs since when she was just a kid” said promoter John Logan this week.

Deborah was a founding member of the 80s rock band DoRé-Mi with their top-5 hit ‘Man Overboard’.

When she later performed solo she had a top-20 hit single with ‘It’s Only the Beginning’.

Deborah will perform her best-known songs and material gathered from a long career spanning back to the 80s, accompanied by her husband and accompanist, Willy Zygier. Conway and Zygier have been musicians for over 40 years, collaborating together for 32 of them. They have released 10 albums, played countless live shows, recorded many songs, produced albums, performed in shows, tours and festivals. The couple has earned several awards over the years, including the Aria Award for Best Female Performer, Gold and Platinum album awards, induction into the National Film and Sound Archive, and Conway being named a Living Legend by the Leaps and Bounds Festival and Rolling Stone Magazine.

In 2019, Deborah was made a National Living Legend by

the National Live Music Awards, and in 2020, she was given a Member (AM) of the Order of Australia and won the Don Banks Award. In 2022, Music Victoria inducted Conway into the Music Hall of Fame.

In 2023, Conway’s autobiography, Book of Life, came out through Allen & Unwin.

The tickets for the show which is on Friday May 10 at 6pm are already on sale at trybooking.com

Don’t miss out on this exclusive opportunity to witness the magic of Deborah Conway and Willy Zygier perform live.

10 – WOOPI NEWS – WOOLGOOLGA AND SURROUNDING AREAS – ISSUE 55 – MARCH 2024 6654 7300 1/82 Beach Street, Woolgoolga (We moved just around the corner, we are next to Blue Cow Gelato) Prizes to be won! COMPETITION TIME We’ve moved! We need a new name! We need your help! NAME OUR STORE Prizes to be won! Submit your entries in store at Woolgoolga Discount Pharmacy before March 13, 2024.

Fences for Feathered Friends

The burning hot sand on the dunes in midsummer might not feel like a great place to raise babies, but for some animals, this is the perfect environment for their little ones.

Have you noticed the fencing and signage keeping dogs and vehicles out of the sand dunes around Flat Top this summer?

North Coast National Parks and Wildlife Service staff have been monitoring the breeding of endangered Little Terns in the dunes just north of Flat Top since December last year. With a little bit of luck and a lot of help from our community, the Little Terns have had their first successful breeding season here in ten years.

Little Terns haven’t successfully bred near Flat Top since 2013. An incredible 29 nesting pairs were counted this summer, with 20 chicks surviving to the fledgling stage. One of the main threats to Little Terns is

human disturbance to their nests, particularly damage by 4WDs driving on the dunes and predation by domestic dogs.

Woolgoolga Back Beach regulars will be familiar with the abundance of furry friends on this offleash beach and will have noticed 4WD tracks on the southern end of the beach. The community’s assistance in keeping their dogs and vehicles away from Little Tern nests throughout the breeding season has meant the nesting birds were able to safely raise their chicks. National Parks and the Little Terns are extremely thankful to the Woolgoolga community for their invaluable support for this important conservation project.

Fencing and signage will be removed as soon as the last chick moves on with its parents, so your dogs will have free rein across the dunes again. Hopefully, the Little Terns will choose these

dunes for their nesting site again next breeding season, so keep an eye out for fencing next summer. For more information on how to help our threatened shorebirds, have a look at the NSW Share the Shore project online.

✍ Josie Fraser, local resident �� Kaitlyn York, Threatened Species Project Officer from NPWS

End of Summer SALE on now Moonee Market Place and online tandtcleansurf.com Wanted to Buy Tree Ferns All shapes and sizes. Royalties paid. Ongoing Supply Needed. 0414 904 396

Australia Day Awards for Woopi Plantationers

For the past three years, the community at Plantations Lifestyle Resort has submitted nominations for Communitarian of the Year, which is announced on Australia Day.

Their name is then inscribed on a shield near the Club House Office. Residents’ nominations testify to special groups serving the Plantations community: those who help when neighbours are enduring ill health; those who share their manual and mechanical gifts by fixing things, maintaining things, putting furniture together, providing advice, and chauffeuring neighbours to and from appointments. Others help with gardening, watering, cleaning, shopping, administration and dog and cat sitting. Finally, some contribute to the community’s social well-being through organising and contributing to social functions.

This year’s Communitarian of the Year of 2023 and the two runners-up are members of all groups but are known for their contributions to song, music, raffles, social events and fun.

A resident presents a short Australia Day address before announcing the awards. Before he did so this year, those who coordinated the 15 activity groups at Plantations in 2023, such as bike club, community garden, snooker, choirs, craft, cards, aqua aerobics, port appreciation, mahjong,


scrabble, table tennis, dancing, horseshoe, bocce and bowls, received boxes of chocolates and the warm applause of those gathered to celebrate Australia Day.

This year’s Australia Day address began with:

I want to begin by acknowledging three traditions that make this nation what it is.

I acknowledge the traditional owners of the land we live on and where we gather today, the Gumbaynggirr Indigenous nation. I pay my respects to these elders, past, present and emerging and thank them for their love of country and culture.

I acknowledge the Anglo-Celtic settler Australians of the Northern Beaches district – the pioneers - who came to make a new future for themselves, their families, and their descendants. I thank them for building the local economy and towns, introducing Christianity, the rule of law, democratic government, the arts, music, sport and community spirit.

M arket S t S titches

I acknowledge immigrant Australians from around the world who have settled and worked in the Northern Beaches district, especially the Sikh and African communities who came to make a new future for themselves, their families, and their descendants. I thank them for their contributions to the economy, culture and community.

M arket S t S titches

Bob Breen with Scott Rodham, 2023 Plantations Communitarian of the Year and John Dwyer, President of the Social Club holding the Communitarian Shield
1/4 Horizontal AD - WOOPI NEWS - MSS V2 FINAL.indd 1 11/5/2022 11:16 am
Keryn Rodham was presented with flowers by resident, Rhonda Elliott

I look forward to the time when there is no need for referendums because the descendants of Indigenous, settler and immigrant Australians are proud of each other, proud of their heritage, proud of each other’s contribution and proud of their one unified Australian identity. Advance Australia all.

The presenter then shared extracts from the 2023 Plantations Communitarian of the Year’s resident nominations, using the number used by the Assessment Committee, who discuss allocated numbers assigned to nominations, not the names of nominees:

71’s ‘enthusiasm is infectious’. 71 is ‘inspirational, carrying everyone along with excitement and energy’ … ‘inviting all to join in’. 71 ‘exhibits patience, guidance and direction when organising, overseeing, or just participating in Plantation functions’. 71 ‘puts in a lot of time and effort’. 71 is about ‘work, love and thoughtfulness that 71 gives to the community’. 71 ‘constantly offers assistance to everyone, organises and runs many activities, cares for all residents and helps where 71 can, raises money for the needy, disadvantaged and

charities.’ 71 is ‘highly respected by charity recipients’. 71 ‘has many other gifts and contributes them quietly and with dignity.’ 71 brings ‘joy to the community with song.’ Number 71 received the most nominations; some were of the highest quality. These nominations embody the spirit of service admired at Plantations.

The 2023 Plantations Communitarian of the Year is Scott Rodham, a longtime Northern Beaches resident and community volunteer at the Woolgoolga Red Cross and the Anglican Church. The presenter also acknowledged Scott’s wife, Keryn, who has been ill. She was a runner-up in last year’s Communitarian of the Year. Several nominations mentioned her as someone residents missed but wanted to be acknowledged on Australia Day. They wanted her to know that she was missed but not forgotten and that they looked forward to her being well again and contributing her talent and time to the Plantations community with her husband, Scott.

The runners-up were John Dwyer and Brian Conway. They contribute similarly, with different personalities, to the community’s social life. They

Service NSW Mobile Service Centre in Woolgoolga

The friendly team will be set up at Woolgoolga Diggers, 17 Beach Street, on Monday, March 4 from 12pm-4pm.

Mobile Service Centres offer similar services to the physical sites including: Driver Licence, photo card applications and renewals, Driver Knowledge Tests, Working With Children Check applications, Hazard Perception Tests, Applying for birth, death and marriage certificates, etc.


info about Service NSW, visit www.service.nsw.gov. au or phone 13 77 88.


love to clown around and make people laugh. Plantationers enjoy their social events even more because these two recipients put their time and talent for fun into every one of them. While both have a public face because they are prominent in conducting functions, they spend hours before and after functions setting up and cleaning up. They are fun people, hard workers behind the scenes, and do many other jobs for the community.

✍ Bob Breen OAM �� Lyn Bannister
Cellar Door & Tasting Room Wed-Fri | 10am-4pm Sat-Sun | 12pm-5pm 24A HAWKE DRIVE WOOLGOOLGA 02 6654 8140 crittersdistillery.com.au DISTILLERY Yoga & Meditation Rejuvinate With Jayne: Classes starting back February 2024 WOOLGOOLGA COMMUNITY VILLAGE (Boundary Street)
Bob with Christina Latham receiving four boxes of chocolates for coordinating four community groups
Flow – Mondays 5.30-6.30pm
Yoga – Tuesdays & Thursdays 5-6pm 1 x Class $12 JANKIANAND STUDIO WOOLGOOLGA Aerial Yoga – Wednesdays & Fridays (Bookings essential) 3 x Classes $43 or 1 x Class $16 All Classes end with Guided Meditation Ph: 0403 126 904

Find your Health, Wellness, Vitality, Joy and Love

Discover Your Truth and Embrace Love with Martine’s Chakra Immersions

Who am I?

My name is Martine; I moved to Coffs Harbour 12 years ago and have had a word-of-mouth clinic in Natural Health, which has expanded globally in the 15 years I have been in practice.

What do I do?

Ha, loaded question! I go on journeys with people to discover the truth behind emotional, mental and physical expression, suffering, pain, blocks and patterns.

How do I do this?

We all have superpowers; mine is the ability to see this truth and use a series of tools to activate you into a direction of health, wellness, vitality, joy and love. The ‘tools’ are homeopathy, which is like a key in a lock activating your being’s homeostasis, nutrition, food and a wonderful test (Hair Tissue Mineral) that shows me how your body is processing and what is going on, and some not so conventional energetic tools where I work with your spiritual posse (yup, we all have one) and many other beings of the light.


I also offer a number of workshops and courses (INTENSives as they are coined in my community) that help elicit any


areas of your life that are not in flow with your truth. One being ‘The Chakra Immersions’.

These offer a hub for us to utilise the chakras as a gateway to self-awareness. A chakra is an energy centre meaning ‘wheel/disk’. They correspond to particular themes, including organs and body centres as well as life themes, such as the way we communicate, how we express ourselves in relationships, how we view security, abundance, safety etc.

The Chakra immersions offer a way for us to spend some time in each of these, cultivating awareness around them whilst I subtly prod and poke some themes out of you and provide an opportunity to bring to the spotlight some patterns or conditions, traumas and grief that may be locking you into a perception you are living out.

Why would I want to do that?

Ha! My philosophy is that we are all on this journey earthside together; it’s a fun one and filled with many options for us to venture into. These options come from two places:

Fear & Love

Sometimes it is challenging for us to see where we are aligning to fear qualities. Some examples of fear may lie in judgments, anger, criticism, worthlessness, physical health expressions and ‘stuckness’. You were not born feeling these; they have taken you a few years to ‘acquire’. The opposite of these is Love vibrations. These look like connection, abundance, joy, vitality, compassion, harmony, openness and creativity.


The Immersions

There are two options for you to begin work through the lens of the chakras;

�� 1. The 7 week Chakra immersion (which you can do anytime) – entails a week in each chakra; I call this ‘The Toe in’ as you are uncovering rocks of truth and then quickly moving to another chakra to do the same. I am in this with you, supporting and nudging you.

�� 2. The 7 Month Chakra Immersion (Is offered once a year, and this year starts on April 6) –yup, you guessed it, that is a whole month in each chakra where you get to journey with your jaw in flabbergasted position for seven months in shock as to how you thought you were moving through life with grace and ease to ‘umm, why was I making that so hard for myself’? This one you journey through with me and many other amazing souls who decided to amplify their life in 2024. Both are about rising up to love and choosing this over lower

e-motions! The Medical Medium says that if we all had healthy livers, the world would be a lovely place. This example is taken from the concept that not many of us are walking around with high functioning livers, they are one of the most overworked and underpaid organs in our body and when not functioning, cause us to feel sluggish and act out with toxicity.

When we choose love every day, we choose options in life from the highest frequency, ones that come from surrender and trust. These choices ripple out into everything around us, everyone around us. I love that the work I do impacts the entire community of people who are in surrounds with the one individual I see.

How can you connect with me?

Whether you are ready to work 1:1 or in an INTENSive, you can reach out to homeopathy@ martinerobertson.com.au or find me at www.martinerobertson. com.au

WOOPI NEWS – WOOLGOOLGA AND SURROUNDING AREAS – ISSUE 55 – MARCH 2024 – 15 Care at this clinic includes • Soft Tissue Therapies • Sports & Spinal Injuries • Back care during pregnancy • Work Cover Accredited • DVA & EPC Provider • HICAPS available Established 1983 D.O., D.C. Woolgoolga Chiropractic and Sports Injury Clinic 29 River Street Woolgoolga 6654 2002

Young Mum exhibits her art at Ground Earth Café

Milly Mainhardt was a wait staff member and then a barista at the popular Ground Earth Café in Market Street for several years before she and her husband decided to start a family. A busy working schedule had limited the time Milly could spend on her art, but after ending work to have her baby, Leni, in 2022, she found more time and the output has been wonderful.

Milly is a proud Indigenous woman from the Gunggan mob who is passionate about the Indigenous Australian art genre. She had her first exhibition, the Mandana [Community] Exhibition, at Ground Earth Café on 26 November 2022. Since then, she has displayed her art on a feature wall in Ground Earth, attracting steady interest. Her work also contributes to the space’s personality at the Rattle Restaurant and Bar at Emerald Beach, where she figuratively shares the surrounding landscape’s story. If you are interested in her art, contact Milly on 0413 900 520 or at @milsdesigns.

16 – WOOPI NEWS – WOOLGOOLGA AND SURROUNDING AREAS –������ NOW OPEN ������ ‘Down the Alley in the Secret Valley’ 58 River Street Woolgoolga So drop into the nursery and be in on the Secret. Phone 0499 770 248 6 days a week Tuesday to Friday 10am - 3pm Saturday & Sunday 10am - 1pm Every March we go positively bonkers at the Good Beautician 100-104 Harbour Drive, Monterey Arcade, Coffs Harbour BOOK ONLINE www.thegoodbeautician.com.au or 0416 777 142 That’s because it’s tamily’s birthday ... shhhh Don’t tell anyone BOOK ONLINE TODAY
A local buyer with Milly and her daughter, Leni, at Ground Earth Café

Woolgoolga Gallery

Woolgoolga Gallery has kicked off the year with a bang, thanks to the opening of Kevin Tierney’s solo exhibition, ‘In Search of the Perfect Line.’ The event was a resounding success, with live music, light refreshments, and a great turnout.

But that’s not all that’s been happening at the gallery. Term One classes are already in full swing, and there are plenty of exciting additions to the creative timetable.

Returning tutor Carol Treadwell and new tutor Julianne Gosper are leading classes in everything from pottery and mixed media to watercolour and oil painting, with something for artists of all ages and skill levels.

And for those looking to get out and explore the local art scene, the Woolgoolga Art community is gearing up for the annual Art by the Sea day on March 30th.

This highly anticipated market event features original works by local artists, including paintings, pottery, fibre crafts and more. Visitors can expect a BBQ, coffee and other drinks available for sale, making it the perfect day out for friends and family.

But the fun doesn’t stop there. Woolgoolga Gallery is also hosting another year of Life Drawing Sessions on the last Sunday of every month. Artists of all mediums are invited to join a small group and sketch a live model, letting their creativity flow in a supportive and inspiring environment. Looking ahead, there are plenty of exciting exhibitions and events on the horizon, including Celebrating Nature: Australian Flora & Fauna from March 8th to April 7th, and Autumn: the Changing Seasons and its Moods from April 12th to May 12th.

Interested in attending any of these events? Registration is easy through Humanitix – just scan the QR code. Come out and explore the vibrant art scene in Woolgoolga today!

Artby Sea WOOLGOOLGA BEACH RESERVE WOOLGOOLGA GALLERY 73 TURON PARADE | 6654 1054 the 9am -2pm Saturday March 30 Art for Sale Demonstrations Market Stalls Kid’s Activities Kid’s Activities

Woopi Singles Collective

Woopi Singles Collective Offers Offline Dating Opportunity for Over 50s

Finding Love Beyond Screens: A Call to Connect in Real Life. In a world increasingly dominated by digital interactions and swipe-based connections, the Woopi Singles Collective is offering a refreshing alternative for those over 50 who are seeking genuine companionship and love. Recognising the limitations and pitfalls of online dating platforms, the collective is inviting individuals to come together in real life for an afternoon of mingling, drinks, and the possibility of forming meaningful connections.

The initiative, spearheaded by the Woopi Singles Collective, aims to provide a platform where individuals can meet face-to-face, away from the screens and algorithms that often dictate modern dating. Emphasising authenticity and genuine human connections, the collective believes in the value of traditional dating methods where individuals have the opportunity to truly get to know each other in person.

“We recognise the value of meeting others in real life instead of on dating apps and websites with hidden costs and deceptions,” says Heidi, one of the organisers of the event.

“Calling our men folk… ladies are responding; however, we need your male presence,” Heidi added.

The event, scheduled for Sunday, March 3, 2024, from 3-5pm at La Hacienda 101 Mexican Cantina, located

Beachside Beauty

at 16 Market St, Woolgoolga, promises an afternoon of relaxed socialising in a comfortable setting. Attendees are encouraged to come with an open mind and a willingness to engage with others in meaningful conversations.

“We invite individuals over 50 who are looking for love and friendship to join us for an afternoon of connection,” Heidi adds. “Come and share a drink and help build a genuine and meaningful connection.”

To RSVP for the event, interested individuals are asked to send a text to Heidi at 0478 758 751. This will assist the organisers in making necessary arrangements to ensure a pleasant and enjoyable experience for all attendees.

The Woopi Singles Collective hopes that this event will not only provide an opportunity for people to potentially find love and companionship but also foster a sense of community among like-minded individuals who share similar values and aspirations in life.

In a world where digital interactions often overshadow genuine human connections, initiatives like the Woopi Singles Collective serve as a reminder of the importance of face-to-face interactions and the beauty of forming relationships in real life.

So mark your calendars, step away from the screens, and embrace the opportunity to connect with others in a

Woolgoolga Beach Lotteries Lotteries • Newspapers • Magazines Monday-Friday 7.30am-5pm Saturday 7.30am-12pm Sunday 8am-12pm Phone 6699 3598 66 Beach St, Woolgoolga (front of Bottleshop)
Nautilus Resort
sapphirebeach Call Moira - 0405 064 886 Sapphire Beach, NSW 2450

Let’s Dive Into Your Brand Story

Hey there! I’m Kirsty, a Brand Photographer based on the stunning Coffs Coast. Curious about my work? Well, I specialise in capturing unique image collections tailored to entrepreneurs and businesses, authentically reflecting their vibe and expertise.

Now, back in the day, when I said I had a focus on wedding and family photography, everyone got it. But now, when I say “brand photographer,” I often get a puzzled look. So, let’s clear that up: what is brand photography?

Brand photography is like the new kid on the block. It gained momentum as social media and the online world started craving more eye-catching visuals. But what exactly is it? Picture it as a special branch of photography dedicated to giving your business that extra visual spark. It’s about telling your story through images so your audience truly gets what you’re about.

Essentially, it’s about bridging the gap between what you showcase and how your audience perceives you. It’s more than just a fancy headshot or product photo; it’s about painting a complete picture – revealing your personality, your process, and, of course, what you offer.

Now, let’s get real. Why do you need brand photography? Well, for starters, your brand is all about YOU. People want to see the face behind the brand. It’s about building trust and forging connections. Plus, scrolling endlessly for stock images? No fun. With brand photography, it’s all about YOU and your brand – no more stock photo blues!

And hey, who wouldn’t want to save time and have a social media feed that looks consistently awesome? With a library of images, you’re sorted for months, freeing you up to focus on your biz!

So, if you want to stand out and truly connect with your online community, brand photography is the way to go. It’s about capturing those moments that make you, well, YOU! Stay tuned for more tips, tricks, and some awesome local businesses nailing their photo game.

Featuring: Dr Rosie Ross www.drrosieross.com


Facebook: @kirstyfikkersphotography

Instagram: @kirstyfikkers.photography


Plantations Lifestyle

Fun, Friendship, Fitness

Another summer of fun, friendship and fitness - aqua aerobics at Plantations Over 55 Lifestyle Resort Resident Tina Adams started aqua aerobics at Plantations Lifestyle Resort several years ago. Since then, it has grown into a regular summer activity for residents. One of the early instructors, Camile Cardosa, returned for a guest spot with her one-year-old son, Luca, while the regular instructor, Simone Saunders, was on holiday. A full class attended and rejoiced when Luca ‘scissored’ his little legs after Mum demonstrated the next exercise!

Aqua aerobics offers numerous benefits for seniors. Firstly, the buoyancy of water reduces the impact on joints, making it an ideal exercise for those with arthritis or joint pain. This low-impact nature of aqua aerobics helps improve flexibility, range of motion and overall joint health. Secondly, the water provides natural resistance, making every movement in aqua aerobics a muscle-toning exercise. This helps

Community Gardens come online

After years of planning, the Plantations Over 55s Lifestyle Resort Community Gardens have come online. This project is an example of a collaboration between the former operations manager at Plantations, Ann Blair, and a core group of keen volunteers coordinated by Silvana Camilleri.

For her part, Ann funded a fence, shed and building materials for planter boxes, green waste and compost containers and materials for

a timber table and benches. Residents donated tools, a wheelbarrow and many other gardening items, materials and plants.

The Plantations Garden Club was inspired and supported by the Woolgoolga Regional Community Gardens (aka Woopi Gardens). Gardening together builds friendships and connections and fills participants with the joy of planting, growing and consuming a range of fresh, organically-grown vegetables.

seniors build strength and endurance, which are essential for maintaining independence and preventing falls. Furthermore, Aqua aerobics is a cardiovascular workout that improves heart health and increases lung capacity. Regular participation in these classes can reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure.

In addition to physical benefits, aqua aerobics is a social activity that promotes mental well-being. Seniors at Plantations Over 55’s Lifestyle Resort can enjoy the camaraderie of exercising together, fostering friendships and a sense of community.

Lastly, Aqua aerobics is a fun, refreshing way to stay active. The water provides a cooling effect, making it an enjoyable exercise even during hot weather.

Aqua aerobics offers seniors many benefits, including joint health, muscle toning, cardiovascular fitness, social interaction, and a fun exercise experience.

Thank you, Tina Adams, for getting residents’ backsides poolside at Plantations.

A noodle welcome from the Aquanauts for Camile Cardosa and son, Luca Instructor Simone Saunders and aqua aerobics class at Plantations Volunteers enjoying the amenity of the new table and benches Volunteers celebrating new growth in the gardens Lynn Kellahan and Lyn Bannister harvesting first produce
Try each piece at home with Stressless® @home app Quality Furniture Beatties Monday to Friday 9am-5pm Saturday closed Sunday 9am-12pm Cnr Pioneer St & Duke St, Nambucca Heads PH: 6568 7484 www.beattiesfurniture.com.au FREE DELIVERY TO THE WOOLGOOLGA AREA

Workshops at Vitality Bloom

Vitality Bloom Nursery, located just south of Coffs Harbour, is not only famous for its iconic greenhouse visible from the highway, but it also offers a peaceful atmosphere where visitors can enjoy being with family and friends.

Nestled under the fig trees at Garden Mania, visitors can explore a vast selection of unique, locally grown plants and garden additions.

The nursery grows the largest range of ornamental gingers on the Coffs Coast, amongst thousands of plants available, including indoor plants, tropical plants, and rare plants on display in the greenhouse.

The nursery offers various botanical classes, including Beginners Bonsai workshops, Terrarium Workshops, Kokedama workshops, and more.

The creative space at Vitality Bloom Nursery is a perfect place for artists and crafters to bring their own project and participate in creative classes facilitated by Renate, an artist and fashion designer who recently joined the nursery team.

The workshops and classes range from visual art such as acrylic painting, watercolour, and mixed media to hand sewing, machine stitching, crocheting, and knitting to art journalling,

Do you enjoy working with young people and are keen to see them succeed in their future careers?

Volunteers are sought for Coffs Coast Science and Engineering Challenge 2024.

Planning is well-advanced for this year’s Challenge. It will be held at the Wiigulga Sports and Multipurpose Centre.

The Science and Engineering Challenge (SEC) is a nationwide STEM* outreach program (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). It is presented by the University of Newcastle in partnership with communities, Rotary clubs, universities, and sponsors. Through the SEC,

scrapbooking, and sketchbooks. Children under 9 are welcome with adult supervision. Recently, Vitality Bloom Nursery added a kids’ corner, providing a relaxing atmosphere for mums to have a cuppa and get inspired.

On the last Sunday of every month, the nursery hosts Music Mania, a free event with local guitarists and singer/ songwriters performing outdoors in the garden.

Vitality Bloom Nursery is located next door to Willy Wagtail Homewares, The Secret Garden Cafe, Hair at the Promenade, and Rosa's Pet Salon. Visitors can soak up the good vibes and make new friends at this tranquil destination. For more information, visitors can visit the website or drop by in-store.

Vitality Bloom nursery is located at 19 Lindsays Rd, Boambee and is open 7 days a week, from Mon - Sat 9am-4pm, and Sunday 9am3pm.

Volunteers needed for Annual Science Challenge Woolgoolga

students experience aspects of science and engineering that they would not usually see in their school environment. School teams are given real-world challenges, from building earthquake-resistant towers, sending encrypted messages using light, constructing bridges, etc.

Volunteers must have or obtain a current Working with Children Check and be able to commit to a two-hour briefing the afternoon before and then attend the event on Tuesday, 9 April, from 8.30am to 3.30pm. Free morning tea and lunch will be provided.

The Challenge focuses on fun, practical, hands-on activities to inspire high school students. You will have a small group of students to support along with other volunteers.

Approximately 250 Year 10 students from eight state and private schools will be involved in the Coffs, Woolgoolga, Bellingen, Dorrigo, and Grafton areas. The successful school can progress to regional, state and national levels. Committee member Patty Delaney stated, “We are excited to have the Challenge back at Wiigulga. It is a fantastic venue. This is a great opportunity for our students to participate in a unique experience.”

Sponsorship for the event has been secured from Engineers Australia, Clarence Consultants, and the Chief Scientist of New South Wales.


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Embracing Sustainable Living

Embracing Sustainable Living: A Journey Back to Basics

Hello, I’m Kirsty, and with over twelve years of experience in sustainability and environmental education, I’ve witnessed the growing urgency of our collective responsibility to protect our planet. Now, I’m thrilled to embark on a new adventure, bringing the focus back to basics right here on the stunning shores of the Coffs Coast.

In our rapidly changing world, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the daunting challenges of climate change and environmental degradation. However, I firmly believe that the solutions to these complex issues often lie in simplicity. That’s why I’m excited to explore easy, at-home sustainability with you all.

Living sustainably doesn’t have to be complicated or inaccessible. Whether you’re a seasoned eco-warrior or just beginning to dip your toes into the world of environmental consciousness, this column is for you. Together, we’ll uncover practical tips, actionable

advice, and inspiring stories to help each other tread more lightly on our planet.

This stunning region holds a special place in my heart. Its lush rainforests,

pristine beaches, and vibrant communities make it the perfect backdrop for our sustainability journey. By tailoring our discussions to the unique needs and opportunities of our local area, we can make a tangible difference right here at home.

Through this column, my goal is to empower each and every one of you to embrace sustainable living in your own way. Whether it’s reducing waste, conserving energy, supporting local businesses, or reconnecting with nature, every small action adds up to create meaningful change.

So, readers, I invite you to join me on this adventure as we rediscover the joy of living in harmony with nature. Together, let’s cultivate a brighter, greener future for ourselves, our community, and generations to come.

To book an appointment, please visit our website or call our office Monday to Friday between 9:30am – 5:00pm. Open Saturdays by appointment only. www.staysharpaccounting.com.au 5/66 River Street Woolgoolga 0408 308 101 Are you looking to change Accountants for your Business? Book an obligation free meeting with Stasha or Anita today. Accounting services available:  Business Financial Statements  Individual & Business Tax Returns  Bookkeeping & Business Activity Statements  Self Managed Superannuation Fund Compliance STASHA DUNN Principal Accountant ANITA PERRETT Senior Accountant CHARMAINE GRANGER Administration Assistant

Meet the Owner and Stylist Carole Beros: Carole star ted out in design overseas, ended up in Australia back in the 80’s She married, had children, and returned to her passions, which are Fashion Styling and design, writing, photography and enjoying the buzz of working with the general public She is the owner of Boutique Le Dãin Designs in Sawtell. Le Dãin Designs Jewellery and accessories are also available at Beachfront Opal Cove Resor t

ladies to look and feel their best at any stage of their lives The b outique has an old scho ol feel, with the buzz of today. You will be welcomed with a smile and get to enjoy a personalised service.

New service: Personalised or group styling sessions available.

G i ft Vo ucher s ava i la b le .

The Boutique is situated on First Avenue in Sawtell The store has a luxe look, but don’t be misled, clothing and accessories start at $10.00! They pride themselves in dressing ladies of all sizes (8-20 plus) at any age (18-90+) for any occasion (Casual, Work, Race days to Formal) There are experienced stylists to help you and have after hours and free local delivery services to all areas. Le Dãin Designs Boutique is renowned for their personal one on one ‘old school’ service!

You can expect to find a wide selection of AUSTRALIAN made garments in this store, which is refreshing to see. The stand out features of this store are, definitely something that has been worked on over the years They have lounges to relax on, not just for the men there is always someone who isn’t into shopping and wants to sit down! Refreshments or a bubbles (at certain

store is small dog friendly! Make overs, photo shoots and styling adds to the list Definitely a DESTINATION Boutique!


104.1 CHYFM

It’s Time To Get Involved – 104.1 CHYFM Membership Opens

As the Station Manager of 104.1 CHYFM, I am truly privileged to reflect on my involvement at the station over the past four and a half years - a journey filled with challenges, obstacles, and numerous highlights. At the heart of 104.1 CHYFM are our dedicated volunteers who generously contribute their time, skills, and passion, ensuring the station operates smoothly and resonates with our community. They play diverse roles, from hosting shows, producing content, and managing social media to sponsoring events, organizing functions and fundraising.

Community radio stations, like 104.1 CHYFM, thrive on the involvement of volunteers, sponsors, members and donors. These individuals and businesses are essential to sustaining our training, operations, programming and overall success. Community radio uniquely caters to the specific needs and interests of the local community, promoting diversity and inclusivity. Now is the time to fortify our community bonds and encourage even greater involvement at 104.1 CHYFM.

Starting March 1st, we’re launching the Get Involved Membership Program, with a specially-reduced membership fee of just $10 throughout March. Members will receive a Membership Pack and enjoy exclusive perks and

discounts from a growing list of local businesses, invitations to MembersOnly functions, eligibility for on-air giveaways and tickets to concerts and advance movie screenings. Signing up in March brings a chance to win weekly prizes, such as a $200 JB HiFi voucher, a thrilling Coffs Harbour Trike Tour for two, an enthralling Wajaana Yaam Stand-up Paddleboard Adventure Tour for two, or an exhilarating HWH Stables horse ride for two. Everyone who joins in March enters the draw for a private in-water dolphin experience for four at the Coffs Coast Wildlife Sanctuary, valued at $1200.

tuned for more announcements of new programs to come.

March also brings exciting new locally-produced shows on air. Tune in to Stirling and Akirah hosting The Other Breakfast Club on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 7am to 9am. Lisa returns with Eat Play Love on Wednesdays from 12 noon to 2pm, and

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The Get Involved Membership Program aims to foster a sense of ownership and engagement within our community. In our 50th year of broadcasting, 104.1 CHYFM stands as a testament to the power of collective action and shared responsibility. It demonstrates that when a community comes together, it creates a valuable platform for expression, dialogue, and positive change. At 104.1 CHYFM, we are about entertainment, inspiration, information, education and being the voice of youth in the community. Become a member today at www. chyfm.org.au

WOOPI NEWS – WOOLGOOLGA AND SURROUNDING AREAS Authorised by Gurmesh Singh MP, 1/9 Park Avenue Coffs Harbour NSW 2450 Funded using Parliamentary Entitlements September 2022 Authorised by Gurmesh Singh MP, 1/9 Park Avenue Coffs Harbour NSW 2450 Funded using Parliamentary Entitlements July 2023 coffsharbour@parliament.nsw.gov.au (02) 6652 6500 The NSW Government is helping reduce the cost of living with more than 70 rebates and vouchers. By answering the tailored questions in the Service NSW Savings Finder tool, you can find rebates and vouchers relevant to you. You can apply by visiting service.nsw.gov.au or by scanning the QR code. Gurmesh SINGH MP

The Cheese Lady

Seasons and Sustainability

As autumn graces us with its presence, I wholeheartedly welcome my favourite season. There’s an undeniable magic in the air – the nutrients in the grass intensify after the summer rain; the milk adopts a delightful richness, and it’s just perfect for crafting your very own homemade cheese. It’s time for me to indulge in the delicious earthiness of washed rind and smear ripened cheese. But beyond the art of cheese making, autumn signals a time of preparation in my garden for the winter planting season.

The produce harvested from my garden not only finds its way into delectable cheese-inspired lunches for my class participants but also brings me so much joy, and the surplus produce is shared with my friends and neighbours.

Frequently, I’m asked about my secret to timing, planting just right, to yield such a bountiful harvest. I am no horticulturist, but I do like my garden. My method is simple, told to

me by an old Italian fellow: ready your garden beds in advance, and once the overnight temperature dips to 14 degrees Celsius, it’s the perfect time to plant those advanced seedlings. With everything primed and prepared, I’ve discovered success in synchronising my garden’s growth with the rhythm of the changing seasons. For those seeking further guidance, a visit to Woopi Community Gardens is a must. They offer a treasure trove of knowledge and inspiration. It’s a true community gem, showcasing the wonders of cultivation.

It’s easy to underestimate the treasures nestled in our own vicinity. Woolgoolga and its environs abound with riches waiting to be uncovered, and the exploration knows no age limit. Even after nearly five decades as a resident, each day brings forth new discoveries for me to unearth.

Looking back on a personal milestone, in January I reached the anniversary of my foray into cheese-making education in 2009, a bold step taken at the age

of 50 to embark on a new journey into unknown territory. Now, fifteen years on, I find myself enjoying what I do more than ever. A very special thank you to those who have supported me over my 15-year journey of sharing my knowledge of cheese and how it is made.

The Cheese Lady.- Lyndall

Artisan Cheese & Cooking School


0477 000 262

The Artisan Garden

Woolgoolga High School

University Roadshow

Woolgoolga High School senior students interested in attending university after school received important advice from staff of local universities - Charles Sturt University, Newcastle University, Southern Cross University and New England University at a University Roadshow held at school on Thursday 15 February.

Representatives spoke about their universities and students learnt what university is like – including student life at university, student timetables, university costs, scholarships, early entry programs, government youth allowance, open days, university support services, university accommodation options and studying overseas. Students were gifted various university paraphernalia for answering questions correctly during the presentation and at the end of the event students were able to speak one on one with representatives and obtain brochures on their universities of interest for 2025/2026.

Woolgoolga High School 2024 Student Leaders

Benjamin Warden (Vice Captain), Isaac Lee (Captain), Simran Kaur (Captain), Riley March (Vice Captain) with Principal Lu Nickell.

Congratulations to our student leaders for 2024. We know you will do an excellent job leading our students and representing our school in the community.

Valentines Day Stall

Woolgoolga High School Year

12 students were spreading love across the school on Valentine’s Day by running a fundraising stall where students and staff could purchase baked goods and gifts or write a message to be shared with their Valentine/ friend on Valentine’s Day to show them that they are loved.

Happy 100th Birthday to Betty Backman

Celebrating a Century of Life: Betty Backman's Remarkable Journey

Last month one of Woolgoolga’s favourite residents celebrated a remarkable milestone.

Betty Backman marked her 100th trip around the sun surrounded by the warmth of her family and friends.

Betty’s centennial birthday was a testament

to a life filled with love, laughter, and cherished memories.

A resident since the 1980s, one of Betty’s early ventures into community service was through Meals on Wheels, where she dedicated her time to delivering nourishment and companionship to those in need. It was through this initiative that she forged lasting friendships and became a familiar face in


Betty was also a proud member of the RSL Women’s Auxiliary for many years.

A devout member of the Uniting Church, Betty enjoys playing cards and Bingo, still participating to this day at the Woolgoolga Retirement Village.

Here’s to Betty Backman, a beloved centenarian of Woolgoolga. Happy 100th Birthday, Betty!


Woolgoolga RSL Sub-branch

Woolgoolga RSL Sub-branch AGM and Anzac Day Update

The 2024 Woolgoolga RSL Sub-branch AGM was held at the Woolgoolga Diggers Club on 10 February. An experienced volunteer Treasurer, Allan Harrison, joined the subbranch’s Executive team. He is also the Treasurer of the Coffs Coast Showjumping Club. Thank you for stepping up, Allan.

The President’s report to the AGM reflected a successful 2023. The Sub-branch delivered Anzac Day and Remembrance Day commemorative ceremonies in Woolgoolga to fulfil its commitment to the Northern Beaches community. The community reciprocated by turning out in large numbers, despite wet weather on Anzac Day and a sweltering Remembrance Day. Much of the credit for event success was due to the tireless efforts of Honourary Secretary Christopher Chayko, who revived and strengthened connections with the City of Coffs Harbour, NSW Police, other

state authorities, schools, service clubs and community organisations, building on the solid foundation laid by former Secretary Allan Crouch. Thank you, Christopher and Allan.

The Anzac Day and Remembrance Day ceremonies in 2024 will apply the lessons from 2023 to ensure that the Northern Beaches community

and visitors join their compatriots on these two iconic days to remember the service and sacrifice of those who have protected Australia’s sovereignty and way of life and the rules-based global order in distant areas of military operations.

The sub-branch has secured the support of the Coffs Coast Pipes and

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Sub-Branch members at 2024 Annual General Meeting

Drums to lead the 2024 Anzac Day march and support the Anzac Day lunch at the Diggers Club. The 41st Royal NSW Regiment will provide a guard for the Dawn and Main services, and trumpeter Dave Michael and piper William Mackie will play. Jenny Holliday will lead Woolgoolga’s Zingapella Choir at both ceremonies. Thank you to the choir for your continuing support and congratulations to the Zingapellas, who are celebrating their 20th Anniversary this year. Thank you again to the Coffs Coast Pipes and Drums, the 41st Battalion and Dave and William.

The Sub-branch will take events to a new level with a couple of marquees for those who forget umbrellas and raincoats if it rains, more chairs undercover, as well as a professional Public Address system to ensure everyone attending can enjoy the experience comfortably – rain, hail or shine.

Those attending the AGM recommended reminding those attending ceremonies in 2024 of the Bay Scout movement’s famous motto. The sub-branch does not have the resources to put everyone under cover, give everyone a seat with a view of the ceremonies or ensure they are hydrated sufficiently for an outdoor event subject to the vagaries of the Mid-North Coast climate.

The sub-branch convened the Northern Beaches Memorials Project in 2022 to modernise the Diggers Club memorial and restore the Woolgoolga and District Great War Memorial to a location on public land in the heart of Woolgoolga. In 2023, the Project secured $10,000 for a local architectural firm, Design Studio 22, to propose an enhanced design for community consideration in 2024— the sub-branch thanks the Wyong Leagues Group for this donation and Christopher Chayko’s ingenuity in securing it. The proposed design will be in the next edition of Woopi News and available at the Diggers Club for community consideration in April.

The Project has collaborated with the Woolgoolga Rotary Club in a joint funding submission to secure a DVA Saluting

Their Service Commemorative Grant. The results of this application are expected soon. The subsequent phases will approach the City of Coffs Harbour for approval to restore this Memorial to a refurbished original state on public land, after community consultation.

Vice President of the Sub-branch Allan Crouch OAM, who received one of four National RSL Anzac of the Year Awards in 2023, continued to lead the Sub-branch team in conducting RSL funeral services in 2023. Four services and several similar requiem events were supported throughout the year.

Welfare provision by the sub-branch has continued through ‘friendship visits’ with referral of actual casework to Veterans Wellbeing Network Mid North Coast, the Department of Veterans Affairs and RSL LifeCare. The sub-branch is most grateful to Roz McKenzie for leading friendship visits. Now that Covid restrictions have been eased, the sub-branch will develop a roster of members to visit veterans in hospital, care and home-bound in the Northern Beaches district. In sum, in 2024, the sub-branch will deliver enhanced Anzac Day and Remembrance Day ceremonies and progress the Northern Beaches Memorials Project in collaboration with the Woolgoolga Rotary Club, while increasing outreach to veterans in care, home-bound and in-hospital and referring clinical physical and mental issues to Veterans Wellbeing Network Mid North Coast, the Department of Veterans Affairs and RSL LifeCare.

Please e-mail woolgoolgasb@rslnsw.org.au if you would like to help us in this vital community work.

Open 7 Days Mon-Fri 7am-5pm, Sat & Sun 8am-4pm 3 Featherstone Drive, Woolgoolga Ph: 6654 1229 Your local Hardware Store, supporting the Woopi community for almost 15 years! Zingapellas at Dawn Service 2023 Flag Bearers at Dawn Service 2023

An Upgrade for the Sandy Beach Rural Fire Brigade

The Sandy Beach Rural Fire Brigade has an upgraded training room and bathroom, thanks to the generous donations and efforts of local community businesses and brigade volunteers.

Brigade Captain Mick Collins said that before the renovation, the brigade’s facilities were outdated, had limited functionality and needed repair. He enlisted RFS volunteer firefighter and Treasurer Jamie Wood to manage the upgrades. Jamie approached several businesses and asked for their support in providing materials and labour. Jamie and Michael Bigelow (President) coordinated the volunteers from the brigade who helped with the demolition, painting, cleaning, and other tasks to minimise costs. Jamie said she was overwhelmed by the response from the local businesses. ‘They were all very generous and supportive of our brigade. They donated not only their time and skills, but also much of their materials and equipment. We are all very grateful for their help’.

The modernised bathroom and transformed meeting/ training room now provides a more comfortable and functional space for volunteers. The brigade’s bathroom was renovated with new tiles, paint, plumbing and accessories. At the same time, the meeting room was revamped with fresh paint, carpet, new blinds, a new boardroom table and the installation of a much-needed air conditioner.

The brigade funded the renovation from its own budget, which it raised through volunteers selling raffle tickets at the Moonee Beach Hotel. The brigade relies on the generosity of the community to provide equipment and facilities for its volunteers.

Sandy Beach Brigade would like to thank the community for their generosity and ongoing support and a huge thank you to the following people and businesses who helped us make this happen by providing free labour and supplying materials for this project:

Adam Wood from ADW Tiling: Adam was the major donor to this project, giving not only his own time, but also provided two of his employees to completely renovate the bathroom from start to finish.

Jody Beringer (plumber): Jody dropped everything and immediately adjusted the toilet plumbing for work to begin, donating his time and materials.

Woolgoolga Bathroom & Kitchens: Shane Anderson kindly gave us full access to all of his tools to prepare the bathroom. Shane also completed the final fit-off of accessories.

Tile Wizards: Doug donated floor tiles and provided wall tiles, waterproofing, and other materials at cost price.

Tradelink Coffs Harbour North: Anthony who manages Tradelink donated a laundry tub, tap ware and provided a toilet at cost price.

Hayes Brothers Painting – donated paint for the training room.

Coffs Air Comfort, Paul Thomas Plumbing and Rapid Clean. The Sandy Beach Rural Fire Brigade is now ready to face any emergency with theses improved facilities.

The brigade is always looking for new volunteers and welcomes anyone who is interested in joining.

For more information, visit the RFS website https://www.rfs. nsw.gov.au/volunteer/join-the-nsw-rfs

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Handrails • Balustrades
Fencing • Gates • Screens
Adam Wood and his team from ADW Tiling were one of the many tradies who offered goods or services for the renovation to the Sandy Beach Fire Brigade

Candles for Easter

Beeswax Candle Making Workshops

One of the benefits of keeping bees is having an ongoing supply of fragrant fresh beeswax. This beautiful buttery substance has been used for candle making for thousands of years and is still considered to produce the purest, cleanest and brightest candles.

Coffs Beekeeping Supplies will be using beeswax from their own hives later this month in two candle making workshops at the Woopi Bee Shed. The workshops are a great way to learn about beeswax candle making and to make and take home some great candles for your Easter table.

The workshop will cover:

• The properties and benefits of beeswax

• How beeswax is produced in the hive

• How to clean and render wax from the hive

• Choosing wicks, moulds, wax and wax foundation sheets

• How to make candles using moulds

• How to roll candles from wax foundation sheets

• How to make dipped candles

• How to decorate your candles with coloured designs

• How to make tea lights

• How to cast wax into blocks and pastilles

• Tips for storing, melting and managing your wax

• Entering your wax and candles in the upcoming Coffs Harbour Show.

The aim of the workshops is to be creative in a relaxed outdoor setting with a small group of like-minded people. All equipment needed is provided in the cost along with a light morning tea. Participants can take home between 4 and 8 candles (depending on size) at the end of the class. The workshops will be held on Wednesday 27 March and Thursday 28 March from 10am till 12.30pm in the gardens at the Woopi Bee Shed, 23 Hawke Drive, Woolgoolga.

Bookings can be made on Eventbrite or by contacting Coffs Beekeeping Supplies on 0447 308 906. Don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity to learn and create.

About DFM

With over 30 years of experience, DFM Financial Group Accountants specialise in all business and personal taxation services.

We have a strong team based here in Woolgoolga servicing clients locally as well as Australia wide.

We can assist you with your individual tax return, business tax return and self-managed superannuation fund annual tax compliance.


and information:

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DFM can look after your business with the preparation of business activity statements, bookkeeping, payroll, and annual tax compliance so that you can look after the important things like running your business. We welcome new business consultations and can provide the expertise and advice you need to make the right business decisions. Contact us to arrange an appointment.

4/5 Market Street

Woolgoolga NSW 2456

Phone: 02 6654 1690

Website: https://dfmgroup.com.au/ woolgoolga

Email: admin@dfmgroup.com.au

and follow us on Facebook to view our latest updates

Music in the Gardens

Come along to this summer event.

Bring your family and friends - relax and enjoy some amazing music with ‘Them Too’ – River Williams and Ian Collier, followed by Chris Aronsten and Mark Feeney.

When: Sunday March 10th - 2pm till 5pm.

Where: Woolgoolga Community Gardens

79 Scarborough Street, Woolgoolga.

Bring: A blanket, for sitting on the hill. Comfortable chairs – or use the ones supplied. A nibble platter and your own water bottle. Cost: $5 per head or $10 a family. Provided: Tea, coffee and a beautiful environment. Reminder: The Gardens are alcohol and pet free.


Now available – a range of easy dinners, Stir Fries, Curries, Satays, Gourmet Snags and Rissoles.

Come in and check out our selection of small goods.

6654 8877

Hi, Woolgoolga and the Northern Beaches

I recently dropped into the newly opened Blue Cow Gelatoa wonderful addition to the business scene in Woopi.

It was great to see their surge in trade over the Christmas holidays, bringing more money into the local economy. Also speaking with other local businesses, I found it great to see that everyone shared the increase in activity during these holidays.

I would highly recommend checking out the gelatos at Blue Cow Gelato!

Red Cross needs your support this March

Every March since 1991, Woolgoolga Red Cross has been seeking Northern Beaches community financial support for its everyday humanitarian work, which is essential for the well-being of community members facing challenges such as homelessness, financial stress, isolation and other difficulties. They also provide support for refugees and asylum seekers, including driver training, food assistance and parenting support.

The Red Cross Coffee Day at the Beachouse Café on Beach Street, down from the BCU Branch, has recently been an outstanding success. Owner Mikayla very kindly donates $1 for each coffee sold on the day. In addition to raising a considerable sum, the Coffee Day enables Red Cross members and volunteers to talk with interested community members about what Red Cross does for the community.

This year, the Red Cross Coffee Day will be at Beachouse Café on Friday, 15 March. Come along, enjoy a coffee, and help us with funds to do our work in your community.

Northern Beaches community support and generosity constantly thrill and touch the Branch members.

March is traditionally Red Cross Calling Month, which used to culminate with the Doorknock Appeal. This event brought the community together for a common purpose. Students from Woolgoolga High School and other volunteers ‘door knocked’ homes across a broad area, seeking donations. The Woolgoolga Lions Club provided drivers and conducted BBQs for volunteers. Bank staff volunteered with the bank’s machines to count and pack coin donations, and the Woolgoolga Bottle Shop stored funds

in their safe overnight. Publicity was free, and during the first twenty or so years, tens of thousands of dollars were raised, and the local community was incredibly supportive and generous. The recent COVID restrictions and the safety of volunteers, especially school students, ended the annual Doorknock. The Branch developed other ways of reaching out to the Northern Beaches community for support.

Red Cross Branch volunteers will give the community a ‘pop-up’ donation opportunity in the Plaza near the Woolgoolga Post Office on selected days in March. Donation buckets are also placed in many of the Northern Beaches district’s small businesses. Over the years, a popular fundraiser has been the Motorbike Dice Run, where participants pay a small fee and ride to various locations throughout the area, tossing a dice at each venue. Valuable donated prizes are awarded on scores.

Watch out for their red shirts around the area during March, and if you would like more information, to help in any way, or to donate, please call Judy at 0408 354 422.

35 EASTER 19-21 Scarborough Street, Woolgoolga 19-21 Scarborough Street, Woolgoolga northernbeachesanglicans.org.au northernbeachesanglicans.org.au - Phone: 6654-1370 - Phone: 6654-1370 8am 10am 9am C e l e b r a t e E a s t e r
Lillian Essex-Clarke, one of the founders of Woolgoolga Red Cross, leading a Door Knock donations counting team of school students back in the day John Rooth, one of the founders of Woolgoolga Red Cross (centre) with Red Cross volunteers having a coffee at the Beachouse Café which will donate to Red Cross from takings on 15 March 'Pop up' donations team getting ready for the March Appeal

Embracing Passion and Purpose

For WPAS teacher Miss Hayley or Hevs, as she is known to her students, dance isn’t just a profession; it’s a lifelong journey filled with passion, dedication, and a deep-seated commitment to inspiring others.

Since her early days with the WPAS (formerly WDS) in 1992, Hayley has been immersed in the world of dance, shaping her career and touching countless lives along the way.

Her journey began with a love for movement that led her to pursue an advanced diploma in dance. From there, she embarked on a path that took her to Sydney, where she made her mark in the vibrant landscape of commercial dance shows. Her talent and dedication soon saw her rise to become an assistant choreographer on the renowned ‘SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE,’ where she honed her skills and gained invaluable experience. Yet, beyond the glitz and glamour of the stage, Hayley found her true calling in teaching and mentoring aspiring dancers. Nothing fuels her spirit more than witnessing the transformation of her students as they discover their own love for dance and unlock their potential. Hayley is not just a teacher; she is a beacon of inspiration, guiding her students with unwavering support and encouragement.

Central to Hayley’s approach is her passion for wellbeing, recognising that dance is not just about mastering

steps but nurturing the mind, body, and soul. Her favourite style, lyrical dance, allows her students to delve into their emotions, expressing themselves authentically through movement. It’s in these moments of raw vulnerability and artistic expression that Hayley finds her greatest joy.

As Hayley continues to inspire and empower the next generation of

dancers, her journey is a testament to the transformative power of passion and purpose. Through her unwavering dedication and infectious enthusiasm, she reminds us all that true fulfilment lies in following our hearts and sharing our gifts with the world. Hayley’s legacy is not just in the steps she teaches but in the lives she touches and the dreams she ignites.

NOW TAKING ENROLMENTS FOR 2024 WOOLGOOLGAPERFORMINGARTSSTUDIO.COM Visit our website or email info@woolgoolgaperformingartsstudio.com
Excellence in Performing Arts WPAS

Stress and You

We often think that our life circumstances cause us misery, stress and unhappiness.

When actually, a large part of your suffering is due to your mental commentary about your life circumstances. Often, it is not what has happened but the meaning and thoughts you place on the situation.

Your mind, that is your thoughts, is telling you something that creates the unhappiness.

You can even test it out in a simple situation, like waiting in line somewhere. Maybe think back to the last time you were in line waiting for something. How was it?

You’re waiting. It’s taking a long time.

It’s taking too long.

You get impatient and irritated.

You get fidgety, annoyed and some people even get very angry.

Then, experiment with how you would experience the situation without adding any thought to it.

If you just stood silently in the line, waiting, and didn’t add any thoughts to this moment at all? You would just be waiting in the line and be totally calm.

So, it wasn’t waiting in the line that irritated you. It was the thoughts that you were thinking about the situation that created the irritation.

Your mind and thoughts have made up a story that, in turn, has shifted your energy and mood into discomfort.

Your emotions are triggered. Then your behaviour might be affected. You might huff and puff, stomp around or have an outburst at someone.

Your thoughts, 90% of them unconscious, have triggered an emotional and physical reaction that is interfering with you right now.

Your thoughts have got you going. Now, you have an emotion, attitude and behaviour that you need to calm down and regulate to get yourself calm, behaviour managed, and your brain back online.

And then the thoughts and story start up again. I wouldn’t be so angry if the person behind the counter would just move faster. Blaming your emotions on someone else.

Practise noticing your unconscious thoughts. Are they kind and positive?

Take charge of your thoughts, take charge of emotions, behaviours and life.



WOOPI NEWS – WOOLGOOLGA AND SURROUNDING AREAS – ISSUE 55 – MARCH 2024 – 37 Supported by Call us about RETAIL MEALSAvailable to the general public not on My Aged Care COFFS COAST MEALS ON WHEELS INC Coffs Harbour Ph: 6648 3600 | Woolgoolga Ph: 6654 2870 www.mealsonwheelscoffscoast.org.au CommunityVillage, Coffs Harbour 22 Earl St, (behind Coles) 8 Boundary StreetWoolgoolga Coffs Coast Meals on Wheels Inc FREE DELIVERY OR PICK UP Joy Cassells, Max Cambell, Gary Addison, Robyn Whalen, Kerry Richardson,
WOOPI GARDENS Our aim is to build a sustainable garden accessible to all. To encourage community involvement, good health, well-being and environmental awareness via a shared garden for people of all ages, abilities and cultures to enjoy. 79 Scarborough Street (next to Netball Courts) www.woopigardens.com.au 0490 897 439 79 Scarborough Street (next to Netball Courts) www.woopigardens.com.au 0490 897 439
open Monday to Saturday from 8am till 12noon Come and join us for morning tea
open Monday to Saturday from 8am till 12noon Come and join us for morning tea

Stay Sharp with your local Accountant

Tax Cuts from July

1 2024 – for all taxpayers

There has been a lot of media coverage regarding the changes to the tax cuts that were to take effect from July 1 2024, and some media reports have given the impression that highincome earners are worse off. It is important to recognise that, yes, the tax cuts for high-income earners have been reduced from what was originally promised, but the new tax rates from July 1 are still lower for all taxpayers than the tax rates currently in place, meaning all taxpayers will see some tax relief from July 1.

Law Learnings

Is Mr Bunny an independent contractor or an employee?

The previous government had promised tax cuts that were beneficial to those in all tax brackets; however, the higherincome earner was to receive more relief from the tax cuts than the low or middle-income earner, and in my opinion, this seemed too good to be true. The current government has amended these tax cuts so that from July 1, the low- and middle-income earners will receive more relief, whereas the high-income earners, although still receiving a tax cut, will only receive about half of what was originally on offer. We have had inquiries from our clients, friends, and members of the community about how they will receive their tax cut, i.e. will it be a lump sum amount they receive, will it be a boost to their tax refund when they do their annual tax return or will they see the difference in their net pay on payday? For those receiving salary or wages, you will see the difference on payday; the amount of tax your employer withholds from your pay will be reduced, leaving you with more money to spend. Those who are selfemployed should see an adjustment in their quarterly tax instalments or their annual tax return, depending on their personal circumstances.

Standards Legislation.

Local legal firm providing advice and assistance in relation to Wills & Estate Planning, Probate Applications, Workers Compensation, Personal Injury and Insurance Claims, and General Legal Matters.

Contact KC Hilton on 0419 464 946 or khilton@wnblegal.com.au for further information.

It’s that time of year again; the hot cross buns are on the shelves, and there is a muchanticipated return of Mr E. Bunny delivering his usual cargo of chocolate eggs. The Easter Egg Corporation (EEC) have, however, encountered a problem this year and need to reconsider their contracting arrangement with Mr Bunny. Mr Bunny has done some research and believes he should be paid as an employee. The EEC have made the common mistake of thinking that as their contract with Mr Bunny clearly refers to him as an independent contractor, they do not have to pay him overtime for all the after hours work or sick leave if he comes down with Covid before the big delivery day. Unfortunately, the wording of a contract does not define whether someone is an independent contractor or an employee for the purposes of any Fair Work or Workers Compensation dispute. There are a number of indicators that need to be considered, such as the amount of control Mr Bunny has over how the work is performed, who bears the financial responsibility and risk, whether the EEC supplies all the tools and equipment, whether Mr Bunny has the ability to delegate or subcontract his work to another party, who determines the hours of work, and whether Mr Bunny has a reasonable expectation of the work continuing. After considering all these issues and getting appropriate legal advice, the EEC have realised they have been paying Mr Bunny as an independent contractor when he should actually be paid as an employee. Mr Bunny performs the egg delivery work under the direction and control of the EEC, including his hours of work on specific dates, where deliveries are to be performed and the manner in which the work is to be performed (dusty footprints left behind aside).

Mr Bunny has no financial risk as he gets paid the same amount regardless of the number of deliveries he makes (or might forget to make!). His egg basket and uniform are supplied by EEC. Mr Bunny is required to do the delivery work himself, he cannot contract it out to his friend Mr Claus, and he has an ongoing expectation of work, which includes working in the EEC chocolate manufacturing plant in the off-season.

This means that Mr Bunny should be paid the usual employee entitlements such as annual leave, sick leave, overtime and the minimum rates of pay per the National Minimum Wage if he is not covered by an award or registered agreement. The EEC should also be deducting tax from Mr Bunny’s wages, paying superannuation contributions and ensure that he is covered under their worker’s compensation policy.

The EEC has corrected their records and will ensure that Mr Bunny receives his employee entitlements moving forward. As there is now no pending litigation to resolve the issue, it is anticipated that Mr Bunny can concentrate on getting those egg deliveries out on time.

Liability Limited by a scheme approved under Professional

Heart To Heart

Various heart tests prove my heart, which pumps blood through my body, is a healthy heart. Yet, I have a heart problem. Affecting every part of my life. The problem is my other heart. My inner being. That part of me shaping my thoughts and feelings.

Words and actions follow. Jesus says, ‘What comes out of a person is what defiles them. For it is from within, out of a person’s heart, that evil thoughts come.’

You may have different words for your inner being. The principle is the same. The origin of words and deeds comes from within – the heart problem.

One Bible writer sums up the situation accurately, ‘I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do, I do not do, but what I hate I do.’ This is me, more than I like to admit. Those who truly know me will agree. I have a significant but repairable heart problem. There’s only one cure for this heart problem. And it is not found within ourselves.

As we reflect on the mess our world is in. Where to point the finger of blame. Do you have a heart problem like me? If you don’t you are off the hook. The finger points to me and others with a heart problem. People past and present. We’re to blame for the mess.

Owning up to a heart problem passes the honesty test.

Listen to the Bible’s summary of the human heart. ‘The heart is deceitful above all else.’ ‘If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.’

You would agree that human experience confirms this. The core of our heart problem is rebellion against God. The Bible says, ‘There is no one who seeks God’ and ‘There is no fear of God before their eyes.’ If the Bible’s diagnosis is correct, the sobering truth, we all share the blame.

How do you respond to that? Where do you stand regarding our heart problem? ‘What problem.’ ‘Won’t affect me.’

‘Couldn’t care less.’ ‘What will be, will be.’ ‘What protective measures can I take.’ It’s worth considering; even if you think I am delusional, my understanding of the Bible might be true. And the consequences of the heart problem must be faced.

Heart problems can be fatal. How does God respond to our heart problem? If there is no God, how do we live with the mess we are unable to fix? Stay tuned.

Thank you to readers commenting and interacting with me regarding Heart to Heart. Much appreciated.

Happy to continue the conversation personally or via email.

Northern Beaches Anglicans

Coffs Harbour 6651 9622 78 Albany Street Woolgoolga 6654 2477 3 Fawcett Street www.ccsp.net.au

What’s on at the

Looking for somewhere different to hold a birthday party for your child? Why not consider Wiigulga Sports Complex? The team can tailor a package to suit you! Make the most of the playground and pump track and why not include some court time for hoop shooting or other games? We can even take care of the catering for you as well! Contact the team at wiigulga@chcc.nsw.gov.au to book today.

Here’s the daily ‘What’s Happening’ for activities at Wiigulga in March


6am Mat Pilates

8.45am Vinyasa Yoga

10am Mat Pilates

4.30pm Coffs Harbour Basketball – Representative training

6pm Mat Pilates

6pm Social Basketball

7pm Social Pickleball – Open Session


8.30am Bishop Druitt College - Playgroup

9am Zumba with Debbie Leaney

9.30am Walking Basketball

9.30am Social Pickleball – Open Session

4pm Coffs Coast Physie & Dance

4pm Australian Futsal – Futsal Academy

5.45pm Zumba with Debbie Leaney

6pm Coffs Harbour Basketball – Representative training


6am Mat Pilates

8.45am Vinyasa Yoga

10am Mat Pilates

3.15pm Australian Futsal – Little Feet Program (3 – 5 years)

4pm Australian Futsal – Futsal School (5 – 12 years)

4pm Coffs City Physie

4.30pm Coffs Harbour Basketball – Representative training

6pm Casual Futsal – Open Session

6pm Yin Yoga


10.30am Ukulele Group

4.30pm Coffs Harbour Basketball – Representative training


6am Mat Pilates

10am Mat Pilates

5.30pm Social Pickleball - Open Session

Also coming up in March:

9/10 March NEJL Basketball Round

14 March Rotary Youth Driver Awareness (RYDA) Program

16/17 March NCAS Basketball Program

23/24 March NSW Netball – Regional Tournament Sports Fields

5 March Boambee Primary School AFL Gala Day

8 March Narranga Primary School AFL Gala Day

28 March North Coast School AFL

Please note that the Wiigulga Sports Complex will be closed Friday 29 March – Monday 1 April (inclusive) for the Easter long weekend.

To contact the venue team for booking enquiries, or to get in touch with one of the activities listed above, call 02 6648 4950 or email wiigulga@chcc.nsw.gov.au

Like our Facebook and Instagram pages to keep up to date on all the upcoming programs and activities.

www.pilatesyogamaryann.com Booking via website Mat Pilates Vinyasa Yoga Yin Yoga

Fluro Friday

Meet every Friday, Woolgoolga Beach at 6.30am. Supporting and bringing awareness to mental health and suicide prevention.

NSW SES Corindi-Woolgoolga Unit

Meetings and Training: Tuesdays 7pm to 9pm. Venue: 31 Coral Street. Corindi enquiries: Dona Powell 0428 297 769. For emergency help in floods, storms and tsunamis call 132 500. In a life threatening emergency call 000 (tripe zero).

Rotary Club of Woolgoolga

Meet 2nd and 4th Monday of the month, Woolgoolga C.ex Club (Bowling Club), 6 for 6.15pm.

Sandy Seinager

Monthly coffee club get together, 4th Thursday of the month, 10.30am, at Woopi C.ex. Bring your friends, jokes, stories, a few brain quizzes and enjoy a free coffee and slice. For more info phone Annie 0438 627 551.

Silver Salties

Fun, fitness, and friendship for older Australians delivered by Surf Life Saving Australia. 0419 715 730 silversaltieswoopi@ gmail.com

U3A - Australian History and Poetry

Led by the indefatigable John IMRIE of Red Rock. Woopi Library 10am - 1st and 3rd Friday each month.

Waratah Seagulls

Social Support Group for over 65yr olds. Meet twice a week

Wednesdays and Fridays 9am to 3pm at the Woolgoolga Community Hall, 8 Boundary Street Woolgoolga. Call Waratah Respite Service on 6648 3610.

Woolgoolga CWA

The Country Women’s Association is a 100-year-old organisation that advocates for the welfare of women and children. It is the largest women’s organisation in Australia, and the Woolgoolga Branch welcomes like-minded women to join us. Coffee and craft on the 1st Monday each month from 10 till noon - non-members are most welcome! Meetings are held on the 3rd Monday, 9.45 for 10am start. 21 Beach Street. Enquiries: Trish Stabback 0417 409 627.

Woolgoolga Day VIEW

(Voice, Interests & Education of Women)

Meet 3rd Thursday of the month at the Seaview Tavern. Enquiries: Maisie Richardson 0400 098 230.

Woolgoolga Lions Club

Meet the first Thursday of the month 6pm at Woolgoolga C.ex. New members welcome. Enquiries to President Lion, David Dodsworth, Phone: 0400 446 395.

Woolgoolga Probus Club

Probus is a club for active retirees who are seeking

friendship, fun and fellowship. Meetings are held the 4th Wednesday of the month at the Uniting Church Hall. 10.15am for a cuppa, meeting starts at 10.45am. Enquiries to Noreen on 0410 466 188 or Tony on 0438 989 924.

Woolgoolga Red Cross

Meetings second Tuesday of the month.

Venue: CWA Rooms 21 Beach Street - starts 2pm.

Enquires: Annette Dodsworth 0409 600 056.

Woolgoolga Red Cross Friendship Afternoon Tea

Last Friday of each month at 2pm.

Venue: Woolgoolga Seniors Centre.

6 Boundary Street. Entry: $2.

Enquires: Annette Dodsworth 0409 600 056.

Woolgoolga RSL Sub-Branch

Meetings second Saturday of the month.

Venue: Woolgoolga Diggers Club.

Time: Starting at 10.30am.

Enquiries: WoolgoolgaSB@rslnsw.org.au

Woolgoolga Seniors Centre

6 Boundary Street, Woolgoolga. 6654 7311

Weekly Classes in House


9.30 to 12.00 Scrapbooking $5


10.30 to 11.15 Fitbits $5 Gentle muscle tone, stretching, Balance and well being)

11.30 to 12.25 Seat Beats $5 Dance moves while sitting


9.30 to 12.00 Craft $5

9.30 to 10.30 Strength Training $5

Members morning tea $2


9 to 12 Wrap with love Blankets $5

10 to 11 Chair Fitness $10

12 to 4 Quilting $5

1 to 3 Table Tennis $5

4 to 6 Line dancing for beginners $5


9.30 to 12 Indoor bowls $5.50

1 to 3pm Art Class $5

1 to 4pm Rummikan Games

Red Cross last Friday of the Month 2pm


9.30 to 12pm Line Dancing $8

Second Saturday of the Month

1 to 3pm Garden Club

Weekly bus trip to various places

All activities require membership $10

Please come along and join us, or enjoy a cup of tea and a chat, you are most welcome

Bonville-Boambee VIEW Club

Hold their lunch meetings at Sawtell RSL Club on the second Thursday of each month. A social outing is held on the fourth Thursday. The next lunch meeting will be held on Thursday March 14, commencing at 11am for an 11.30am start. For further information please contact Gail, the VIEW Club President, on 0428 551 311.

This community page is proudly brought to you by the Woolgoolga Swim School
42 – WOOPI NEWS – WOOLGOOLGA AND SURROUNDING AREAS – ISSUE 55 – MARCH 2024 Haircuts at Home Located In Woolgoolga Womens $20 - Restyle $25 Mens $20 Colours Available By Request Phone Elesha 0413 771 534 Local Trades and Services Guide GARAGE DOORS PIGGOTT EXCAVATIONS TIGHT ACCESS SPECIALISTS ABN 50 921 919 893 1.7t excavator & tipper No job too big or small... “Piggott can dig it!” Contact Jayke 0432 010 862 piggottexcavations@gmail.com EXCAVATION CLEANING 0407 429 679 info@woolgoolgacleaning.com www.woolgoolgacleaning.com ABN: 24 546 821 802 Servicing Coffs Harbour to Corindi • Residential Home Cleaning Specialist • Regular Weekly, Fortnightly or One-off Cleans available • Fully Insured and Police Checked • All product and equipment supplied BUILDERS A & G MALLETT SPECIALIST BUILDERS ANDREW GRAEME 0408 736 946 0408 666 589 Lic. No. 92095C Lic. No. 19809C • Patio Awnings • Gable Roofs • Timber Decks • Glass Rooms • Screened Rooms • Renovations • Extensions 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE – FREE QUOTES BATHROOM & KITCHEN Free Measure and Quote - Bathrooms, Kitchens and Laundries Now offering renovations and decks • Licence No 347648c Call Shane 0413 644 740 Email: woopibathandkitch@gmail.com MECHANIC Lic. No. MVRL 55519 RTA AU47110 HAIRDRESSING ELECTRICAL Local Friendly Electrician Servicing Woolgoolga and the Northern Beaches Domestic - Commercial - Industrial – Level 2 ASP NATHAN WYATT 0402 130 412 CARPENTRY Decks, pergolas and other small-scale carpentry Call Michael for a quote 0425 828 246 admin@mastercutcarpentry.com.au PLUMBING All plumbing services Red Rock to Scotts Head jettyplumbing@gmail.com jettyplumbing.com.au 0459 339 205 PLUMBING Michael 0400 772 474 Plumbing • Blocked Drains • Roofing • Gasfitting REMEDIAL MASSAGE REMEDIAL MASSAGE Safety Beach Christine Taylor BTSM Bachelor of Therapeutic and Sports Massage 0402 255 684 (By appointment only) PLUMBING W o o l g o o l g a a n d N o r t h e r n B e a c h e s A l l a s p e c t s o f p l u m b i n g 2 4 h o u r m a i n t e n a n c e a n d b l o c k e d d r a i n s 0424 876 796 newlevelplumbing@gmail.com You can advertise in Woopi News - Local Trades and Services Guide for just $65. Phone: 0410 052 601 • Email: lisa@woopinews.com.au CONCRETING Callum Barry Concreting & Concrete Cleaning Mobile: 0431 536 996 Email: Callumbarry1@hotmail.com Instagram: @callumbarryconcreting Facebook: Callum Barry Concreting BUSINESS CARDS 1000 Business Cards - $150 (360gsm, double sided, Gloss or Matt laminate) Design Service available (Flyers & brochures, cards, stationery, Presentation folders, Books, Calendars - all printing needs) email for a quotation BizCards@woopinews.com.au

Woolgoolga Junior Surf Club

Over the Australia Day long weekend, Woopi Surf Club had 54 junior/youth and 4 masters travel to Warilla to compete in the NSW 2024 Country Championships at Warilla-Barrack Point Surf Lifesaving Club.

The team performed beautifully and Woolgoolga came away with 6th place overall, with only 22 points separating 4th – 6th and only 83 points from obtaining 3rd place - the future of Country Championships looks very bright for Woolgoolga SLSC. Woolgoolga Team came home with 13 Gold, 10 Silver and 16 Bronze, as well as multiple point scoring (4th-6th) and top 10 placings.

16 Market St, Woolgoolga - Thursday to Monday Bookings essential 6699 2665 WWW.LAHACIENDA101.COM.AU margarita lounge open from 5pm a Fiesta of Flavours open for breakfast lunch and dinner from 8am
WOOPI NEWS – WOOLGOOLGA AND SURROUNDING AREAS – ISSUE 55 – MARCH 2024 – 45 Voodoos 101 Put your taste buds under a spell! Old School Hamburgers and Fish N Chips Takeaway during the day with Dine-in Seafood Options at night 6656 1633 101 Fiddaman Road, Emerald Beach All Mechanical Repairs & Tyre Sales Rego E Safety Checks AUVIS Blue Slip Checks Mon-Fri 8am-5pm Les 0410 542 320 – Greg 0402 666 140 47 River Street, Woolgoolga Tel 6654 0445 MECHANICAL REPAIRS ABN 35 721 562 730 MVRL 28700

C.ex Woolgoolga Bowling Club

Woolgoolga bowlers have just started their Pennant Games.

These will be played on most Saturdays, either at Woolgoolga or away at other clubs, until May 4.

Woolgoolga has entered three grades. Grade 5three teams of four players, grade 6 - three teams of four players and grade 7 - three teams of four players.

The club wishes them good luck in all matches.

Friday January 24: Players played 2:4:2 D Barnard, S Barnard (D) K Frost, K Stirling. J Taylor, P Buck (D) J Hurrell, H Katala. The players

also played one two bowl Gurber (D) W Gavenlock, B Parker, B Merchant.

For all your beekeeping needs

For all your beekeeping needs

23 Hawke Drive Woolgoolga

23 Hawke Drive Woolgoolga

0447 308 906

0447 308 906

Mon-Fri 8:30 to 5:30

Mon-Fri 8:30 to 5:30 Sat 9:00 to 1:00

Sat 9:00 to 1:00

Tuesday January 30: Players played 2-2-2-2 R Ryan, G Cunningham (D) K Stirling, S Dodd. J Gibbon, R Whelan (D) W, Fred C. D Barnard, J Hurrell (D) J Taylor, H Schultz. M Lambert, C Latham (D) Larry Walsh, Lorna Walsh. T McKenzie, P Buck (D) R Gurber, A Wroe. C Davis, G McInerney (D) P Hemming, K O’Sullivan. R Bennell, T Allen (D) P Wroe, R Shaw. Triples Game, J Prosser, M Hodge, B Napper (D) W Prosser, I Cork, K Costello. Thursday night

25/1 Sam, Justin, H Pallister (D) Harry, Ian, Bruce, won 2 games (M 17), K Ryan, G McInerney (D) S Oliver, G Pallister, won 2 games (M 6). R Davis, G Davis (D) L Hamilton, P Cook, won 1 Game (M 4). Donna, Rick B (D) Dee, Tom, won 1 game (M 5), Wendy/Sue (D) K Stirling, D Barnardm, won 1 game (M 2), Angela, Stuart (D) Glenda, Hodgy, won 1 game (M 4).

If you would like to play Thursday Night Twilight Bowls please contact Meryl Brookes on 0411 278 298.


Woolgoolga Boaties

Woolgoolga Surf Life Saving Club hosted another North Coast Surf Boat Series carnival last month. Robert Watkin was there to take these great shots. There were lots of thrills and spills on the day. You can view more photos via our gallery page https://woopinews.com.au/photogalleries


Lee Harvey: 0487 050 475

Office: 0467 549 069

Email: info@harveyex.com.au

Our employees have years of experience and leadership skills, we can offer a range of plant hire, site supervisor, project management and labour hire solutions for your projects.

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• Employees have confined space ticket, up to date first aid and appropriate machine tickets

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30 Hawke Dr, Woolgoolga

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NSW 2456

48 – WOOPI NEWS – WOOLGOOLGA AND SURROUNDING AREAS – ISSUE 55 – MARCH 2024 Custom Cabinets (shown here $6000 in Blackbutt) POA BUILT TO LAST Call us today for an obligation free quote Ph 0417 205 807 Open Monday – Friday 7am – 3pm Saturday by appointment only Sunday & public holidays Closed Steven and Marlie Bell Showroom 0417 205 807 www.biggardenfurniture.com.au info@biggardenfurniture.com Big Garden Furniture biggardenfurniture FURNITURE YOU WILL LOVE FOR LIFE We make solid hardwood furniture built to stand the test of time We also sell kiln dried Blackbutt, Spotted Gum, Ironbark, Jarrah, Tasmanian Oak, Tasmanian Blackwood and American Oak. Distributor of Cutek Products and Aussie Clear Oil. BUY LOCAL AUSTRALIAN MADE Prices quoted in this advertisement are correct at the time of print and are subject to change. $1760 Firepit Seats from $990 each SHOWROOM UNIT 1, 20 BOSWORTH ROAD, WOOLGOOLGA

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