E have gone 'over home' for so many Sunday dinners lately," Bettina had said to her mother, "that I want you and father to come here
tomorrow." "But, Bettina," her mother protested, "isn't it too much work for you? And won't you be going to church?" "I can't go to church tomorrow, anyhow, for Bob's Uncle Eric is to be in town all morning; he leaves at noon, and the Dixons have offered us their car to take him for a drive. Don't worry, Mother, I'll have a simple dinner—a 'roast beef dinner,' I believe. I often think that is the very easiest kind." Sunday morning was so beautiful that Bettina could not bear to stay indoors. Accordingly, she set the breakfast table on the porch, even though Uncle Eric protested that it was too far for her to walk back and forth with the golden brown waffles she baked for his especial delight. When he and Bob had eaten two "batches," Uncle Eric insisted that he could bake them himself for a while. He installed Bettina in her chair at the table, and forced waffles upon her till she begged for mercy. "Gracious!" Bettina exclaimed as she heard the "honk" of the Dixons' automobile at the door. "There are the Dixons already and we have just finished breakfast! Bob, you and Uncle Eric will have to go on without me, for I must get the roast in the oven and do the morning's work." "Well, I learned today to make waffles," said Uncle Eric. For dinner that day Bettina served: Roast Beef Browned Potatoes Lettuce Lemon Sherbet
Brown Gravy Baked Squash French Dressing Devil's Food Cake Coffee
BETTINA'S RECIPES (All measurements are level) Roast Beef (Eight portions) 3½ lb. rump roast of beef 4 T-flour 2 t-salt ¼ C-hot water Roll the roast in the flour and set on a rack in a dripping-pan. Place in a hot oven and sear over all sides. Sprinkle the salt over the meat and add the hot water. Cover the meat and cook in a moderate oven. Baste every fifteen minutes. Allow fifteen minutes a pound for a rare roast, and twenty minutes a pound for a well done roast. When properly done, the outside fat is crisp and brown. Brown Potatoes (Six portions)