1 t-soda 1 t-vanilla Cream the butter, add one cup sugar. Mix egg yolks, the other cup sugar, onehalf cup milk and chocolate; cook two minutes, stirring constantly. When cool, add this to the first mixture. Add the rest of the milk, vanilla, the flour and soda sifted together. Beat two minutes. Add stiffly beaten egg whites. Fill two tin pans prepared with waxed paper, bake in a moderate oven twenty-five minutes. When cool, ice with white icing.
HEN Bettina called the girls into the dining-room after several hours spent in hemming dish towels for Alice, they exclaimed that the time had passed so quickly. The table was set for twelve, and the chair at the right of the hostess was gaily decorated with white ribbon and white paper flowers. "Oh, for me?" cried Alice. "How important I feel!" As soon as the girls were seated, Ruth rose and placed before the guest of honor a large wicker basket heaped high with packages of all shapes and sizes, each wrapped in white tissue paper and tied with white ribbon. A card hung from the handle of the basket. "I'll read it aloud!" laughed Alice. "Dear Alice, we have tried to choose Some gifts for you that come by twos. A few, perhaps, you'll often use, While some may comfort and amuse, If you should chance to get the blues, When household cares your mind confuse. "This basket, which our blessing bears, Besides the gifts that come in pairs, Our friendship and our love declares. 'Twill share your troubles and your cares And hold the hose that Harry wears. So keep them free from holes and tears." "Goodness!" cried Alice. "The thought of my future cares frightens me! But now I must open all the packages!" She discovered a salt and pepper shaker, a pair of guest towels, a pair of hose, a sugar bowl and a creamer, and many other gifts in pairs. It was a long time before the girls could calm down sufficiently to eat the luncheon that Bettina, with Ruth's assistance, set before them.