Chicken and Mushroom Filling for Patty Shells (Fifteen portions) 2 C-cooked chicken, diced 1 C-button mushrooms, diced 3 T-pimentoes, cut fine 1 t-salt ¼ t-paprika 2/ C-flour 3 2/ C-chicken fat 3 3 C-milk Melt the fat, add the flour and salt; mix thoroughly. Add one-half a cup of milk. Cook until thick, remove from the fire and heat one minute. Add one cup of milk and reheat. When it thickens, beat vigorously until creamy. Add the rest of the milk, and cook until thicker than vegetable white sauce. Add the chicken, mushrooms and pimentoes. Serve hot in patty cases. To prepare the cases for serving, heat until hot in a moderate oven. To obtain the chicken fat, cook a fat chicken slowly for a long time. Remove the chicken from the stock and allow the stock to cool. The fat will rise to the top. Use this instead of butter. It has a better flavor and is cheaper. Fruit Jelly (Fifteen portions) 4 T-granulated gelatin 2/ C-cold water 3 4 C-boiling water 2/ C-lemon juice 3 2 C-sugar 1 C-white grapes, seeded ½ C-diced pineapple ½ C-maraschino cherries, halved Soak the gelatin twenty minutes in the cold water, and dissolve in the boiling water, stirring till all is thoroughly dissolved. Strain through a moistened cheesecloth and add the sugar and the lemon juice. Place in moistened individual moulds or one large pan. When the mixture is slightly thick and cool, add the fruit, wellmixed. Set in a cold place for one hour. Cut in squares when desired for use.
ETTINA had finished her morning's work and was busy with her mending when the telephone rang.
"Why, hello, Bob!" she answered, surprised to hear his voice at this time of day.