ETTINA and Bob arrived at half-past six, as Ruth had requested.
"She wouldn't let me come earlier, Bob," explained Bettina as they rang the bell. "I wanted to help her, you know, but she said her father and mother were out of town and Fred was to be the only guest besides ourselves, so she was sure that she could manage alone. There she is now!" But it was not Ruth after all. "Why, Fred; hello!" said Bob. "Did you come early to assist the cook?" "I did," said Fred, "but she informed me at once that she wanted no inexperienced 'help' around. So I've been sitting in the living-room alone for the last half hour. She did say that I might answer the bell, but as for doing anything else— well, she was positively rude!" And Fred raised his voice so that its penetrating tones would reach the kitchen. "The worst of it all is that I've been hungry as well as lonesome. I might endure sitting alone in the living-room if I hadn't gone without lunch today in anticipation of this banquet. And now——" "Shame on you, Fred!" interrupted Ruth, coming in with flushed cheeks above her dainty white apron. "Did he receive you properly?" "I leave it to you, Bettina, to say that I've received harsh treatment! Here I went and purchased four good seats for the Duchess theatre tonight." "You did, Fred," cried Ruth. "Why, you dear boy! For that, I'll see that you are certainly fed well! Dinner is ready, people! Will you walk into the dining-room?" Ruth's dinner consisted of: Pigs in Blankets Candied Sweet Potatoes Escalloped Egg Plant Bread Butter Date Pudding Cream BETTINA'S RECIPES (All measurements are level) Pigs in Blankets (Four portions) 1 C-oysters 8 slices thin bacon