4 T-strong boiling coffee 1 t-vanilla 1½ C-powdered sugar Mix the vanilla with the coffee. Add the powdered sugar slowly until the proper consistency to spread. Spread over one layer and place the upper layer on the lower. Place the icing on the top layer and on the sides. More sugar may be needed.
SUPPOSE that when we get home again, Mildred will be insisting that we reorganize our household along the lines of yours, Bettina," laughed Polly. "I can just hear Selma's outbursts at the idea of any changes in her department." "But you can always smile Selma out of her 'spells,' Mother," coaxed Mildred. "And just think, Selma doesn't even know what a fireless cooker is! We'll have to explain it to her." "What can you make in a fireless cooker, Mildred?" asked Polly of her little daughter, who was fairly bursting with her newly acquired information. "Oh, Mother, this roast! Isn't it good? Aunt Betty kept it in the cooker almost four hours, and think how much gas that saved!" "Well, I'll admit that such an item would appeal to your father, Mildred," Polly replied, "so I think I'll leave it to you to get around him and Selma. I'm sure," she continued, turning to Bob, "that such an undertaking can reasonably be expected to occupy Mildred for some time. But I do like the roast." "The roast?" said Bob. "It is good, Polly, but you needn't think that this is a company meal, especially. Why, Bettina gives me company dinners every day!" For dinner that night they had: Pot Roast
Gravy Boiled Rice Apple and Nut Salad Chocolate Pie Coffee
BETTINA'S RECIPES (All measurements are level) Pot Roast (Four portions)