

We welcome the three leagues to the South Gambier Football Club this weekend for the tenth South East Zone Carnival and wish all players, coaches, officials, sponsors, andsupportstaffaverysuccessfulandenjoyablecarnival.
We look forward to seeing the Under 15 and Under 17.5 teams compete in the round robin format and hope we have a great spectacle in the senior game between the newly formed Bendigo Bank Limestone Coast Football NetballLeagueandMidSouthEasternFootballLeague. We hope all players enjoy the opportunity to represent their leagues and to test themselves against the best players in theSouthEast.
As we all know sponsorship is the lifeblood of sport and we greatly appreciate the ongoing support of Iberdrola Australia as our Major Sponsor for the carnival along with NBCFinancialServicesandKlasBiltwhohavebeencarnival sponsors from the beginning. We thank them for their supportandcon nuedcontribu ontofootballintheSouth East.
The carnival is now a prominent part of the football calendar in the South East with great rivalry between the threeleaguesatseniorandjuniorlevels. Thishasprovento be a great breeding ground for the elite juniors in our zone and Glenelg Football Club. We thank the Glenelg Football Club for their con nued support of the junior carnival and hope a few of our players get the opportunity to represent theGlenelgFootballClubinthefuture.
Players compe ngintheSouth East Zone Carnivalwillhave the opportunity to be selected in the South East Zone team
which will contest the South Australian Country Championships being played at Victor Harbor on the 13th and 14th July 2024. Once again, we will have a men’s and women’s team compete at the carnival, and we wish our men’s coach Nick Davis and new women’s coach Chris Bostonandtheirteamsasuccessfulweekend.
I wish to acknowledge the efforts of everyone involved in preparing teams for this year’s carnival including the League Representa ves who make up the management group for the carnival, to the Umpires, Volunteers and League Execu ves for their hard work and dedica on to ensurethisweekendisagreatsuccess.
I wish to acknowledge the work of Michael Summers and theLCFNLExecu vealongwiththeSouthGambierFootball Club and the South East Zone Carnival Management Commi ee in preparing, coordina ng and managing the carnival There has been a lot of work in trying to con nually improve the carnival and a big thank you to all involved.
We trust all in a endance at the South East Zone Carnival will enjoy the compe ve football played, catch up with many old friends and enjoy the best on offer of South East football.
Sco Duncan
SANFLCountryZoneCommi eeMember-SouthEast
Presenta onsoftrophiesfortheUnder15andUnder17.5willbe held at half me of the Senior game. The presenta ons for the Seniorgamewillbeheldintheclubroomsaround6.00pm.
Composi onofCompe ngTeams-Eachleaguecompe nginthe carnival in the Senior compe on shall have a playing squad of twenty three (23) players. A minimum of five players must be under 21 years as at 1 January 2022. If a league/associa on is unabletonominatefiveunder21playerstheywillbepenalisedin playernumbers,ie.ifonly2under21playersarenominatedthey are required to play with 20 players for the dura on of the carnival.
All twenty-three (23) players are eligible to compete in all scheduledmatches.
Players compe ng in this carnival are eligible for the South East Zonetrainingsquad.
Match will be played in four (4) quarters of twenty (20) minutes plus meon.Time-onwillonlybeusedwhensignalledbythefield umpireorwhenascoreisrecorded.Thequarter meintervalwill be five (5) minutes, the half me interval will be twenty (20) minutes and the three quarter me interval will be five (5) minutes.
All matches will be played in two (2) halves of twenty-two (22) minutes with no me-on. The half me interval will be five (5) minutes.
This is the tenth year the carnival has been held, where the best representa ves of the three south eastleaguesgohead-to-head.
Prior to the carnival, interleague matches were held against various teams from around SA and Victoria.
Previous player of the carnivals include Brad Mitchell (Naracoorte - KNTFL) 2019, Simon Berkefeld (Penola - KNTFL) and Gerard McGrath (Hatherleigh - MSEFL) 2017, Cameron Sandercock (Border Districts - KNTFL) 2016, Bre O’Neil (South Gambier - WBFL) in 2015, 2017 and 2018 andBenMcIntyre(Penola-KNTFL)backin2014.
A highlight of the carnival is the addi on to each league having to select five players under the age of 21 to showcase some of the young talent from aroundtheregion.
Previouswinnersoftheunder21awardfromeach league include Western Border’s ToddReid (South Gambier) 2021, Jonah Grimes (Millicent) 2018, 2019, Declan Carmody (North Gambier) 2017,
Jesse Pfitzner (West Gambier) 2016, Jak Ryan (South Gambier) 2015 and Brad Bryant (South Gambier)2014.
From the KNTFL previous winners include Reagan Tink (Bordertown) 2019, Cody Woolford (Keith) 2018, Sco Merre (Penola) 2016 and 2017, Tom Williams (Penola) 2015 and Patrick Baker (Lucindale)2014.
The MSEFL’s previous under 21 award winners include Tye McManus (Kalangadoo) 2021, Jake Wehl (Robe) in 2018 and 2019, Mitch Lowe (Kalangadoo) in 2017, Jack Casey (Kalangadoo) in 2016, Ma Kaspanian (Glencoe) in 2015 and Jack Dawe(Tantanoola)in2014.
What’spleasingtoseeisanumberoftheseplayers s ll represen ng their leagues at this level and a few even furthering their football at a higher level. It will be great to watch this year’s crop of youngsters compete and get a vison of what the future holds for representa ve football in this region.
Presenta ons for both the U15 and U17.5 grades willtakeplaceathalf meoftheSeniorgame.
IntheU15andU17.5aPlayeroftheCarnivalwillbe presented, which will be decided upon from votes cast by the field umpires for each minor round match. The player will receive a trophy and in the eventofa e,allplayerswillberecognised.
Best and Fairest trophies will also be awarded by each League for both U15 and U17.5, the Senior game the best player for each league as well as the BestUnder21award.
An U15 and U17.5 Team of the Carnival will also be selectedbasedonposi ons playedandallselected willbepresentedwithamedallion.
Game 1 - U/15's
8.50am - 9.40am
Game 2 - U/17.5's
9.50am - 10.40am
Game 3 - U/15's
10.50am - 11.40am
Game 4 - U/17.5's
11.50am - 12.40pm
Game 5 - U/15's
12.50pm - 1.40pm
Game 6 - U/17.5's
1.50pm - 2.40pm
Game 7 - Seniors
2.50pm - 5.05pm
U/15 Presenta ons - 3.45pm Half Time Senior Game (on oval)
U/17.5 Presenta ons - 3.45pm Half Time Senior Game (on oval) Presenta ons - 6.00pm (clubrooms)
In the week following the carnival, players will be invited to train for the South East Zone for the South Australian Country Football Championships.
The Bendigo Bank Limestone Coast Football NetballLeaguewelcomeallLeagueExecu ve, Players and League Supporters to the inaugural Bendigo Bank Limestone Coast Football Netball League Interleague Game. LCFNL is excited and is really looking forward to showcase our wonderful league at South Gambier Football Netball Club at the 2024 LimestoneCoastRegionalCarnival.
LCFNL welcome Mid South Eastern Football League and Kowree Naracoorte Ta ara Football League for the opportunity to play against each other today, may the leagues play some exci ng football and play in the best sportsmanship and all come away injury free.
We are looking forward to the contest as it allows our best Juniors and Seniors footballers an opportunity to play representa vefootballatahighestlevel.
Under 15 Coach for the Bendigo Bank
Limestone Coast Football Netball League is Andrew Nitschke, Andrew is an outstanding coach and is a highly respected player and coach over our league for many many years, it's a outstanding team with the best players toshowcasetheirclassandskillsatthislevel.
Under 17.5 Coach for the Bendigo Bank Limestone Coast Football Netball League is Ciaran Buckley very highly respected player and coach around our league has a lot of knowledge to pass on to our future senior footballersofourleague.
Both teams are looking forward to tes ng their skills against MSEFL and KNTFL counterpartsinagreatdisplayoftalent
Bendigo Bank Limestone Coast Football Netball League Senior Interleague Coach for 2024 is Tom Renzi from Millicent Football Netball Club, the team will be pu ng the game plan and highest level skills against MSEFLinwhatwillbeaoutstandinggame.
LCFNL would like to thank our naming Rights sponsor in Mount Gambier & Community Bendigo Bank for their on going support over many years as a WBFL sponsor and now as a new league we looking forward to con nuing ourrela onshipformanymanymoreyears.
To all players and coaches of the inaugural Bendigo Bank Limestone Coast Football Netball League Interleague team, thanks for your commitment and dedica on to represen ng our league in such a great opportunity to display a high standard of football.GoodLucktoyouall.
Manythanksalsotoparentsandfamilieswho are here suppor ng our players and thank you to our clubs for allowing their players represen ngourleague.
Field:ChrisSco –KNTFL/DanielCumming-LCFNL/NathanChapple–MSEFL
Field:ChrisSco –KNTFL/ReeceBarre -LCFNL/NathanChapple–MSEFL
Field:AndrewBorg–KNTFL/ReeceBarre -LCFNL/BarryNillson–MSEFL
Field:ChrisSco –KNTFL/DanielCumming–LCFNL/NathanChapple–MSEFL
Field:AndrewBorg–KNTFL/ReeceBarre -LCFNL/BarryNillson–MSEFL
Field:JohnLangdon–KNTFL/KerranWingard-LCFNL/Ma Cockrum–MSEFL
Goal:JadenWa s-LCFNL/DaveGilbert-MSEFL
OnbehalfoftheMidSouthEasternFootballLeague, thanks to the execu ves of the LCFNL and KNTFL juniors for their coopera on and involvement in today'sSouthEastZoneCarnivalatSouthGambier.
Thiseventisaremarkableopportunityforourfinest footballers, both underage and senior, to showcase theirskillsatahigherlevel.Thebondsformedtoday willfosterlas ngmemoriesandcamaraderie.
Our Senior Coach, Clint Gallio, and his dedicated staff have assembled a talented squad. Today, zone selectors will begin forming an ini al squad for the Country Championships from the two leagues, with addi onalselec onsfromtheKNTFLtobeadded.
The 15 & Under and 17.5 & Under matches will highlight the impressive skills of our juniors, crea ng as much excitement as the senior match. Excep onalplayerswillbenamedintheteamofthe
carnival for their respec ve age groups. Special thankstoKevinDinnisonandhisteamfortheirhard workinorganisingtoday'sevent.
Wean cipatethatthefootballcommunityofSouth EastSAwillturnoutinlargenumberstoenjoyseven thrillinggames.
Our gra tude extends to the donors of today's trophies and our major interleague sponsors: Belgravia Apparel, IDM Sports, Collin's Court Butchers, and Ma hews Petroleum. We also thank Sco Duncan for his reless efforts and unwavering enthusiasm, which have been vital to this Carnival's success.
PeterMitchellMid South Eastern Football League President
Welcome, everyone, to the South East Zone Carnival,amarqueeeventonourfootballcalendar.
Today, we face an exci ng challenge as we take on the rebranded WBFL in the LCFNL – I am sure that there will much excitement surrounding the unveilingoftheirnewstrip. Representa vefootball is a pinnacle for many players, and with our squad’s excellentmixofyouthandexperiencethisyear,Iam confident that the MSEFL will meet and hopefully exceedexpecta ons.
I would like to extend my thanks to selector and bench coach, Reece Duncan, for his invaluable contribu ons and to all the club coaches for their input. To all clubs, coaches, and players, thank you for your unwavering support of the MSEFL in the Interleague football concept I am certain your playerswillmakeyouproudtoday
A er three high-quality training sessions, the camaraderie within the squad has been outstanding. Combined with a strong work ethic, I am op mis c we will achieve the result we aim for today.
I also want to thank the League Board for giving me theopportunitytocoachandleadthisteam. Ihope I can repay your faith in me with a well-deserved inauguralwin.
Ourmedicalsupportstaffhavebeenincredible,and we are extremely fortunate to benefit from their exper sebothattrainingsandheretoday Finally, let’s get behind the MSEFL and support our players.Bestoflucktoallpar cipantstoday.
ClintGallioThe KNTFL is once again looking forward to this highlight on the football calendar, the opportunity to play along side one’s normal rivals provides the opportunity to develop rela onshipsthatmaynot occurotherwise.
So many people must come together to make a carnival like this happen. Coaches, selectors, sponsors, trainers, umpires, mekeepers ,players and family members. The KNTFL would like to thank all those that have given their me on a long weekend to allowthiscarnivaltohappen.
KNTFL would like to acknowledge the incredible 50 year plus service to our interleague football by our head Trainer Arthur Eyles. Arthur’s commitment to football is invaluable. Arthur has helped countless players prepare and been there to lendassistancewheninjuryoccurs.
Wishing all players and spectators a great day atthefooty.
Chris King KNTFL Junior Commi ee PresidentOur 2024 KNTFL U17.5 team is li ered with talent with a number of our boys having experience at Glenelg in the U16 & U18 compe onsaswellasseniorfootballatclub level.
We have a great representa on from across the leagueand I am reallyexcited to seewhat theboyscanputoutontheparkagainstsome reallyhigh-qualityopposi on.
For many young men, this is the pinnacle of theirjuniorfootballcareers&toplaywithand against some of the best footballers across the South East is something they will rememberforalong me.
Allthebesttoallplayerstoday&thankyouto allwhohavecontributedtomakethiscarnival happen.
Ma WillsonThe KNTFL U15.5 team this year will be coached by current Kybybolite Junior Coach, LukeCrossling.
He will be assisted by 2023 Junior Coach of the year Clint Barras, Kyby A grader Will Russell, & Penola’s, Kym Berkin as Team Manager.
The KNTFL have assembled a solid group of players for this season’s carnival Due to injuries and many not available, it is possibly the youngest side to date, with several skilled bo omagedplayersselected.
Returning players from last year’s team, Penola’s George Berkin & Reinging KNTFL JuniorleagueMedalist,Naracoorte’sQuinten Mitchell, headline a team that will be built on contestedballwinningandsharpskills.
The group are looking forward to the carnival to see how they match up against the best of the best in the other leagues and gaining valuable experience in their football journeys.