Mid South East Football League
Finals Information
As we head closer to the Major Round of Season 2023, some important finals informa on to note.
Venues for the Mid SE Finals are:
1st Semi Saturday 2nd September @ Hatherleigh
2nd Semi Saturday 9th September @ Tantanoola
Prelim Saturday 16th September @ Robe
Grand Saturday 23rd September @ Port MacDonnell
Star ng mes for the first three minor finals are:
Junior Colts 9.30am
Senior Colts 10.45am
B Grade 12.15pm
A Grade 2.00pm
Star ng mes for Grand Final day are:
Junior Colts 9.15am
Senior Colts 10.30am
B Grade 12.05pm
A Grade 2.00pm
In the event of a draw in any final of any grade a er full me, the game shall be con nued with five (5) minute halves un l a result is achieved.
Admission prices for the minor finals are:
Adults - $10
Concession - Invalid & Age Pensioners Only - $6
Children (17 & Under) - Free
Grand Final admission prices:
Adults - $15
Concession Invalid & Age Pensioners Only - $10
Children (17 & Under) - Free
Once again both Junior and Senior presenta ons will be conducted on the one day, Sunday 10th September. Junior presenta ons will commence at 10:30am with the senior presenta ons commencing from 2:00pm. The venue for both func ons will be the Millicent War Memorial Civic and Arts Centre.
Finals Information Mid South East Football League
Any person who require an invalid park during the final series are reminded that you need to be the holder of a current State issued Disabled Parking Permit and be present on the day.
Patrons who comply with this condi on are then requested to contact your home club prior to the preceding Wednesday of each match. You will need to advise them of your Disabled Parking Permit number for them to formally request an invalid park on your behalf, and the permit will need to be displayed on the day. Patrons are NOT to make individual requests to host clubs.
Any allocated parking will be held un l 12noon of each day. Any vacant spaces a er this me will be opened up for general parking.
The MSEFL Board reminds patrons that for the comfort, safety and enjoyment of all patrons that as a condi on of entry NO alcohol is to be brought into the grounds.
During the final series security and police will be conduc ng random searches of vehicles entering the ground as well as spot checks of cars throughout the day and any alcohol found during these searches will be confiscated.
No responsibility will be taken by the League, host club or gate keepers in rela on to goods seized for the safe return of such goods.
Foot patrols will also be carried out throughout the day and patrons found to be consuming alcohol not purchased from the venue may be requested to leave.
Police and security personnel will be par cularly vigilant regarding glass containers as this poses a very real danger to player and spectator safety
Supporters are requested NOT to take alcohol onto the playing surface at any me during the day. This includes at the conclusion of each match.
Objec onable behaviour by patrons will not be tolerated and those who transgress can also expect to be asked to leave the venue.