Mid South Eastern Football & Netball Budget - 1st Semi Final, 2023

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ROB MSEFootball L E A G U E MSENetball A S S O C I A T I O N nd SATURDAY 2 september 2023 at hatherleigh football netball club
mid south eastern football & netball OB HAT IGH A GRADE FOOTBALL TANTANOO OBE A GRADE NETBALL Adults $10.00, Concession (Invalid & Age Pensioners Only) $6.00, Children (17 & Under) Free

Mid South East Football League

Finals Information

As we head closer to the Major Round of Season 2023, some important finals informaon to note.

Venues for the Mid SE Finals are:

1st Semi Saturday 2nd September @ Hatherleigh

2nd Semi Saturday 9th September @ Tantanoola

Prelim Saturday 16th September @ Robe

Grand Saturday 23rd September @ Port MacDonnell

Starng mes for the first three minor finals are:

Junior Colts 9.30am

Senior Colts 10.45am

B Grade 12.15pm

A Grade 2.00pm

Starng mes for Grand Final day are:

Junior Colts 9.15am

Senior Colts 10.30am

B Grade 12.05pm

A Grade 2.00pm

In the event of a draw in any final of any grade aer full me, the game shall be connued with five (5) minute halves unl a result is achieved.

Admission prices for the minor finals are:

Adults - $10

Concession - Invalid & Age Pensioners Only - $6

Children (17 & Under) - Free

Grand Final admission prices:

Adults - $15

Concession Invalid & Age Pensioners Only - $10

Children (17 & Under) - Free


Once again both Junior and Senior presentaons will be conducted on the one day, Sunday 10th September. Junior presentaons will commence at 10:30am with the senior presentaons commencing from 2:00pm. The venue for both funcons will be the Millicent War Memorial Civic and Arts Centre.

PROUDLY SUPPORTING MSEFL YOUR INDUSTRY SUPER FUND NEED HELP WITH YOUR SUPER? Contact your local First Super Coordinator: Jo Podobnik Call 1300 360 988 firstsuper.com.au mail@firstsuper.com.au PUTTING MEMBERS FIRST Auth Rep # 452015

Finals Information Mid South East Football League


Any person who require an invalid park during the final series are reminded that you need to be the holder of a current State issued Disabled Parking Permit and be present on the day.

Patrons who comply with this condion are then requested to contact your home club prior to the preceding Wednesday of each match. You will need to advise them of your Disabled Parking Permit number for them to formally request an invalid park on your behalf, and the permit will need to be displayed on the day. Patrons are NOT to make individual requests to host clubs.

Any allocated parking will be held unl 12noon of each day. Any vacant spaces aer this me will be opened up for general parking.


The MSEFL Board reminds patrons that for the comfort, safety and enjoyment of all patrons that as a condion of entry NO alcohol is to be brought into the grounds.

During the final series security and police will be conducng random searches of vehicles entering the ground as well as spot checks of cars throughout the day and any alcohol found during these searches will be confiscated.

No responsibility will be taken by the League, host club or gate keepers in relaon to goods seized for the safe return of such goods.

Foot patrols will also be carried out throughout the day and patrons found to be consuming alcohol not purchased from the venue may be requested to leave.

Police and security personnel will be parcularly vigilant regarding glass containers as this poses a very real danger to player and spectator safety

Supporters are requested NOT to take alcohol onto the playing surface at any me during the day. This includes at the conclusion of each match.

Objeconable behaviour by patrons will not be tolerated and those who transgress can also expect to be asked to leave the venue.

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first semi-final FOOTBALL SCHEDULE

A GRADE – 2:00pm


Umpires: Travis Lockwood, Adam Gilbert, Sco Chuck

Boundary: Kallan Price, Tighe Hurley, Riley Ferguson, Noah Cockrum

Goals: Dave Gilbert, Tom Egan

Reserve Umpire: Bre Watson

B GRADE – 12:15pm


Umpires: Barry Nilsson, Travis Kneen, Darrin Brown

Boundary: Chad Cockrum, Nicholas Lile, Brodie Pfitzner, TBC

Goals: Kevin Nobes, Michael Pink

Reserve Umpire: Tim Biggins

SENIOR COLTS – 10:45am


Umpires: Tim Biggins, Ma Cockrum, Adam Maidment

Boundary: Kallan Price, Tighe Hurley, Riley Ferguson, Noah Cockrum

Goals: Dave Gilbert, Ted Peacock

Reserve Umpire: Barry Nilsson



Umpires: Daniel McKenny, Andrew Rohrlach

Boundary: Chad Cockrum, Nicholas Lile, Brodie Pfitzner, TBC

Goals: Kevin Nobes, Ted Peacock

Reserve Umpire: Ma Cockrum

Wishing all teams the best in 2023

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Port MacD. 5.1 10.3 12.4 16.10 (106)

Hatherleigh 4.2 5.5 9.7 12.8 (80)

Best - Port MacDonnell: C. Munro, N. Wilke, C. Howle, W. Macdonald, L. Tilley, J. Woodall; Hatherleigh: M. Telfer, B. Wight, T. Hutchesson, J. Telfer, M. Telford, J. Webster

Goals - Port MacDonnell: K. Thomson 4, J Woodall 3, L. Tilley 2, A. Ridding, C. Howle, A. Kuhl, T. Sullivan, W. Macdonald, N. Wilke, L. Boomley; Hatherleigh: J. Telfer 3, L. Brown 3, T. Hutchesson 2, S. Telfer 2, B. Mitchell, J Telford.

Kalangadoo 6.4 12.9 17.11 28.15 (183)

Glencoe 2.2 2.2 3.7 3.7 (25)

Best - Kalangadoo: J. Pra, D. Bromley, T. McManus, S. Agnew, M. Lowe, B. Auld; Glencoe: J. Edmonds, S. Giersch, D. Williamson, W. Maloney, P. Mitchell, Z. Cocks.

Goals - Kalangadoo: D. Bromley 10, S. Agnew 8, A. Lyon 3, T. McManus, S. Mcmanus, C. Genle, L. Jones, B. Gregory, T. Schumacher, J. O’Connor; Glencoe: T. Weaver, A. Hentschke, J. Finnis.

Tantanoola 3.4 6.8 10.11 15.14 (104)

Kongorong 3.1 4.5 5.10 10.12 (72)

Best - Tantanoola: J. Dawe, H. Brown, B. Pis, D Pink, Z. Walker; Kongorong: J. Aard, M. Cordy, W. Vickery, R. Vickery, R. Hein.

Goals - Tantanoola: L. English 3, J. Dawe 2, H. Brown 2, C. Baker, B. Reilly, R. Osborne, B. Hateley, J. Cytrowski, H. Thomson, A. Roberts, M. Nelson; Kongorong: J. Aard 2, R. Hein 2, M. Roberts 2, C. Sandercock, M. Cordy, T. Rayner, T Richardson.

Best - Nangwarry: M. Thomson, T. Vanderhorst, J. Pudney, T. Virgo, T. Dinnison, J. Virtanen; Robe: B. Walker, H. Lawrie, Z. Deane, B. Dinning, J. Bryant, J. Sneath.

Goals - Nangwarry: T. Virgo 3, A. Hyland 3, B. Deamer, B. Parsons; Robe: H. Smith 5, B. Walker 4, H. Lawrie 2, J. Bryant, K. Woodward, P. Mahews.


Port MacD 0.1 1.3 1.3 4.6 (30)

Hatherleigh 3.2 5.5 9.10 13.10 (88)

Best - Port MacDonnell: R. Von Stanke, J. Turner, M. Stark, J. Lile, I. Narass, J. Feast; Hatherleigh: H. Jones, J. Faulkner, B. Watson, J. Marino, L. Lang.

Goals - Port MacDonnell: A. Harding 2, R. Von Stanke, J. Lile; Hatherleigh: H. Jones 7, J

Abbo 2, J. Faulkner 2, T. Merre, J. Gilbertson.

Kalangadoo 7.4 12.8 21.12 28.17 (185)

Best - Kalangadoo: T. Jones, J. Simmonds, B. Male, R. Lindner, M. Phillips, B. Von StankeDowie; Glencoe: B. Lipscombe, J. Agars, J Kipping, S. Megaw, C. Adams.

Goals - Kalangadoo: J. Simmonds 8, M. Phillips 3, N. Reeves 2, D. West 2, R. Lindner 2, B. Lindner, B. Von Stanke-Dowie, B. Mules, T. Jones

Hatherleigh: Z. Bowering, J. Solomon, J. Bellinger, A. Nele, H. Nowak.

Goals - Port MacDonnell: K. Gilmore 3, D. Habner 2, Z. Chant 2, A. Lamb 2, C. Wilson, B. Anderson, B. Neale; Hatherleigh: T. Atkinson 2, E. Marshall.

Best - Tantanoola: J. Braun, N. Haywood, C. Kelly, B. Rowe; Kongorong: J. Ausn, M. McDonald, E. Williamson, T. Richardson, T. McKinnon, C. Janeway

Best - Tantanoola: N. Joy, R. Redway, A. Mulraney, E. Courbois, T. Holden; Kongorong: B. Long, A. Telford, B. Pannenburg, L. Whiy, D Hann, L. Durcan.

Goals - Tantanoola: J. Batchelor 2, E. Courbois, H. Riddoch, N. Joy; Kongorong: D. Hann 6, J Simkin 3, R. Maconachie 2, B. Pannenburg 2, S. Beard 2, J. Arthurson, G. Hay

Best - Nangwarry: B. Just, J. Smith, B. Neshoda, S. Brooksby, J. Neshoda, H. Sanders; Robe: Z. Donnelly, D. Day, J. Wilson, J. Aston, M. Keane, K. Cross.

Goals - Nangwarry: B. Dinnison 2, M. Chaplin, J Hagge; Robe: J. McMarn 4, Z. Donnelly 3, L. Hentschke, J. Wilson.


Best - Kalangadoo: C. Genle, N. Von StankeDowie, C. McCann, H. Mules, M. Brand, B. Von Stanke-Dowie; Glencoe: P. LangSmith, D Richards-Fennell, B. Pfitzner, L. Brierley, B. Rothall, L. Stubberfield.

Goals - Kalangadoo: C. McCann 4, B. Lear 2, H. Mules; Glencoe: B. Rothall 4, K. Price 2, B. Sco 2, D. Ferguson.

Best - Nangwarry: B. Moy, A. Virtanen, T. Grigg, R. Edwards, J. Gosse, C. Borman; Robe: F. Peel, C. Thomas, N. Gibbons, K. Carter, C. Moore.

Goals - Nangwarry: A. Virtanen, N. Virtanen, R. Tilby; Robe: F. Peel, M. Mckenny, N. Gibbons, K. Carter

Best - Port MacDonnell: P. Robinson, K. Gilmore, R. Morgan, J. Spehr, Z. Smith, B. Anderson;

Goals - Tantanoola: C. Kelly 6, N. Cockrum 2, B. Hateley 2, K. Wichman, J. Bevan, N. Haywood; Kongorong: C. Galpin, A. Page.


Best - Kalangadoo: J. Box, E. Burr, N. Cooper, B. Ross, J. Dekoning, A. Cooper; Glencoe: T. Hurley, K. Price, K. Mulraney, J. Hewle, T. Richards, S. Haase.

Goals - Glencoe: T. Richards 3, B. Gosden 2, T Hurley, A. Gordon, C. Tweddle, J. Sinkunas, L. Jagger, J. Hewle.

Best - Nangwarry: T. Virtanen, J. Manninen, J Manninen, H. Virtanen, J. Barry, B. Heron; Robe: B. Carter, J. Hinchliffe, F. Collins, V. Moore, C. Beae.

Goals - Nangwarry: J. Manninen, J. Crawford; Robe: B. Carter 3, J. Hinchliffe 2, V. Moore, J Mckenny, E. Jess, J. Parker, N. Allen.

Best - Port MacDonnell: H. Carroll, K. Gilbert, N. Fox, B. Pra, K. Gilmore, B. Gilmore; Hatherleigh: T. Grgec, T. Bowering, H. Bowering, W. Dower.

Goals - Port MacDonnell: B. Gilmore 3, O. Fox 2, J. Lewis 2, H. Carroll, B. Pra, C. Byrne; Hatherleigh: C. Taylor, T. Grgec.

Best - Tantanoola: J. Grant, J. Bevan, G. Altschwager, Z. Linnell, K. Bromley, E. Jazepczyk; Kongorong: D. Richardson, N. Von StankeDowie, M. Galpin, J. Gordon, R. Lucas, B. Telford.

Goals - Kongorong: R. Lucas 3, N. Von StankeDowie 3, A. Page 3, M. Galpin 2, D. Richardson, J. Gordon.

MSEFL Champion Club Award

Tantanoola 4.3 7.6 8.8 13.9 (87) Kongorong 1.0 1.0 2.1 2.1 (13)
Nangwarry 1.2 1.3 2.5 4.6 (30) Robe 0.6 1.10 3.11 4.12 (36) Kalangadoo 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 (0) Glencoe 6.3 9.6 11.13 11.15 (81)
Kalangadoo 0.2 2.4 4.6 7.8 (50) Glencoe 1.1 4.2 6.2 9.3 (57)
Port MacD. 2.1 3.1 8.3 10.6 (66) Hatherleigh 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.6 (18)
Port MacD. 1.2 8.4 9.5 12.7 (79) Hatherleigh 1.1 1.2 2.5 3.7 (25)
Nangwarry 0.1 0.2 2.2 2.2 (14) Robe 3.4 6.6 10.7 10.10 (70) Tantanoola 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 (0) Kongorong 3.5 7.11 11.12 14.15 (99)
Nangwarry 2.4 3.8 6.11 8.11 (59) Robe 4.3 6.3 11.5 14.13 (97)
0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 (1)
8. Tantanoola 1.2 1.5 4.6 5.8 (38) Kongorong 7.2 11.7 15.9 17.13 (115)
Nangwarry 0.1 1.5 2.9 4.9 (33) Robe 3.4 4.5 7.5 9.6 (60)
Klasbilt A GRADE RESERVES SNR COLTS JNR COLTS TOTAL PORT MACDONNELL 56 32 56 60 204 HATHERLEIGH 44 60 44 40 188 ROBE 48 48 36 32 164 KONGORONG 4 40 32 48 124 GLENCOE 24 4 20 60 108 TANTANOOLA 24 4 56 20 104 KALANGADOO 48 52 8 4 112 MT BURR 32 18 32 8 90 NANGWARRY 8 30 4 16 58

2023 ladder


b grade

Senior Colts

Junior Colts

Mt Burr 8 8 0 2 1269 1196 32 51.48 Tantanoola 6 10 0 2 877 1351 24 39.36
Robe 12 4 0 2 938 622 48 60.12 Kongorong 1 15 0 2 976 1839 4 34.67 Robe 12 4 0 2 1459 896 48 61.95
W L D B For Agst Pts % Port MacD 14 2 0 2 1744 814 56 68.17 Kalangadoo 12 4 0 2 1565 908 48 63.28 Hatherleigh 11 5 0 2 1554 957 44 61.88 Glencoe 6 10 0 2 1408 1578 24 47.15 Nangwarry 2 14 0 2 865 2178 8 28.42 W L D B For Agst Pts % Kalangadoo 13 3 0 2 1381 526 52 72.41 Hatherleigh 15 1 0 2 1498 404 60 78.75 Kongorong 10 6 0 2 1136 616 40 64.84 Port MacD 8 8 0 2 1002 792 32 55.85 Nangwarry 7 8 1 2 804 861 30 48.28 Mt Burr 4 11 1 2 492 1160 18 29.78 Tantanoola 1 15 0 2 562 1488 4 27.41
W L D B For Agst Pts % Glencoe 1 15 0 2 360 1704 4 17.44 Tantanoola 14 2 0 2 1329 615 56 68.36 Port MacD. 14 2 0 2 1200 594 56 66.88 Hatherleigh 11 5 0 2 905 704 44 56.24 Nangwarry 1 14 0 2 663 1367 4 32.66 Mount Burr 2 14 0 2 403 1076 8 27.24 Port MacD. 15 1 0 2 981 277 60 77.98 Nangwarry 4 12 0 2 437 1035 16 29.68 Glencoe 5 11 0 2 628 940 20 40.05 Kalangadoo 1 15 0 2 361 984 4 26.84 Mount Burr 8 8 0 2 1079 920 32 53.97 Robe 9 7 0 2 937 819 36 53.35 Kalangadoo 2 13 0 2 829 1431 8 36.68
W L D B For Agst Pts % Robe 8 8 0 2 707 740 32 48.85 Tantanoola 5 11 0 2 570 934 20 37.89 Kongorong 12 4 0 2 907 364 48 71.36 Glencoe 15 1 0 2 1060 360 60 74.64 Kongorong 8 8 0 2 764 848 32 47.39 Hatherleigh 10 6 0 2 869 454 40 65.68 14 George Street, Millicent Phone 8733 1725 Email in2tmw@bigpond.com leading goalkickers sponsored by A Grade Jack Gregory Mt Burr 0 65 Andrew Hyland Nangwarry 3 57 Colby Munro Port MacDonnell 0 51 Tory Weaver Glencoe 1 49 Dylan Bromley Kalangadoo 10 48 Ben Gregory Kalangadoo 1 39 Patrick Chay Hatherleigh 0 38 Name Club R18 Total Thomas Hutchesson Hatherleigh 2 38 Jack Dawe Tantanoola 2 29 Alex Hentschke Glencoe 1 27 Reserves Name Club R18 Total Tom Bell Hatherleigh 0 38 Harvey Jones Hatherleigh 7 40 Daniel Hann Kongorong 6 35 Tyler Jones Kalangadoo 8 34 Senior Colts Christopher Burdon Robe 0 20 Name Club R18 Total Charlie Bevan Mt Burr 0 27 Brady Sharp Mt Burr 0 42 Kai Gilmore Port MacDonnell 3 31 Junior Colts Cooper McCann Kalangadoo 4 35 Bodhi Pannenburg Kongorong 2 27 John Simkin Kongorong 3 32 Tim Marre Hatherleigh 1 22 Cade Kelly Tantanoola 6 78 Josh Clayfield Nangwarry 0 27 Shakielle Von Stanke Kongorong 0 45 Tyson Atkinson Hatherleigh 2 25 Ryan Lucas Kongorong 3 34 Eli Sims Hatherleigh 0 31 Ben Curran Glencoe 0 21 Coaden Taylor Hatherleigh 1 21 Je Lewis Port MacDonnell 2 34 Mason McKenny Robe 1 24 Brody Pra Port MacDonnell 1 28 Name Club R18 Total Alex Page Kongorong 3 23 Brodie Anderson Port MacDonnell 1 24 Jed Sinkunas Glencoe 1 29 Thomas Richards Glencoe 3 54 Levi Thiele Mount Burr 0 23 Jake Bevan Tantanoola 0 26 2 Eleanor Street, Mount Gambier p. 08 8725 1699 f. 08 8723 0899


Back (L-R): Kaiden Carter, George Duon, Bram Whilesea, Jesse Robertson, Zac Deane, Brodie Foulds, Egan Regnier, Kaden Woodward, Sam Huebner, Zack Donnelly. Middle: Jaryd Dawson, Debra Mackey (President / Trainer), Tom Wachtel, Mason Keane, Joel Bryant, Hamish Smith, Tom Miller, Bailey Walker, George Pretlove, Jason Pet, Ella Mackey (Trainer). Front: Henry Lawrie, Jordan Pet, Jack Sneath (Vice Captain), Nathan Brown (Coach), Jordan Hentschke (Captain), Kane Dunn, Ben Dinning. Absent: Henry Hawker, Flynn Peel, Roger Sweetman (Team Manager).

1 - Tom Wachtel: Hard running high leaping and super fit, versale and fills posions all over the ground.

2 - Henry Lawrie: Midfielder who works hard both ends of the ground, wins the ball in ght contests.

4 - Hamish Smith: Gun full forward, slowly regaining form aer injury

5 - Zac Deane: Loads of experience and has the skills to play any posion.

6 - Egan Regnier: Another of the back six who knows his job and does it without fuss.

7 - Bailey Walker: Plays most posions in the forward line and has very safe hands.

8 - Nathan Brown: Coach, class, excellent with hand or foot and dangerous around goal.

9 - Jordan Pet: Bleeds red and white, tough and uncompromising.

10 - Kane Dunn: Another of the hard running tough midfield group, is never beaten.

11 - George Pretlove: Plays across centre, smooth skills and uses the ball well.

12 - Joel Bryant: Tall and pacy with a booming le foot.

13 - Sam Heubner: Used to pinch hit in defence or up forward, makes very good football decisions.

15 - Tom Miller: Robe’s number 1 ruckman who competes all day and is never out of the contest.

16 - Ben Dinning: Tough and hard at the ball, uses his le foot to pinpoint accuracy.

17 - Jess Robertson: Shut down defender who runs in straight lines and rarely beaten.

18 - Jordan Hentschke: Captain, reliable

defender who marshals the back six.

20 - Kaiden Woodward: Tough and hard running midfielder.

22 - George Duon: Pace and skills, tough at the contest.

23 - Brodie Foulds: One of the back six who can play on talls or smalls.

25 - Pat Mahews: Clean hands and a good user of the ball, puts on a lot of forward line pressure.

39 - Jack Sneath: Vice-captain, reliable full back and can be swung into the forward line if required.

55 - Max Robertson: Under 17's player who has benefied from his me at Glenelg. Can play anywhere.

1st qtr 2nd qtr 3rd qtr 4th qtr final scoreboard


3 - Gerard McGrath: Reliable defender who bales along.

4 - Jack Webster: Extremely fit winger, loves to run all day with long penetrang kick.

5 - Jack Skeer: Great ulity player. Gives his all in any posion, wing, forward or down back.

6 - Tom Hutchesson: Extremely strong player who can burst away from packs. Dangerous up forward as well.

7 - Will Chay (captain): Our captain and leader on field. Real workhorse in the centre. Loves the hard in and under.

8 - Brad Mitchell: Tough year with injuries but important midfielder/forward for the team.

9 - Jed Telfer (vice captain): Classy midfielder, Pendles like, always with plenty of me with ball in hand.

11 - Jase Bateman: Speedy wing/halack with a long penetrang kick.

12 - Joe Rayson: Small in and under

player who give his all.

13 - Max Telfer: Beast down back, cemenng his place as a reliable defender

14 - Mikey Telford: Extremely fit midfielder who runs all day. Great leader for the team.

16 - Sam Gray: Casual bloke on and off the field but has stepped up to be a quality midfielder this year.

17 - Sam Telfer: Dangerous up forward when given the chance to shoot on goals.

18 - Cameron Slape: Solid ruck who cracks in all day, does a massive job for the team.

19 - Jack Gray (vice captain): Reliable and fit defender who dabbled up on the wing this year

20 - Brad Wight: Great to see back aer some bad injuries. Turned into a great marking defender.

21 - Jake Wight: Talented but unlucky forward. Sorely missed through injuries.

22 - Louis Brown: Small forward who's changed roles to become a fit running winger.

25 - Darcy Bateman: Tall forward who's had a great year

27 - Lyndon Smith: Great leading target up forward. Strong hands and presents all day long.

29 - Jack Sullivan: Senior statesman of the team with a short fuse. Smart around the goals and strong around the packs.

31 - James Telford: Sneaky small forward who cracks in hard.

36 - Hudson Nowak: Senior colt who's composed and reliable when called on.

42 - Patrick Chay: Dangerous target up forward with a huge leap.

51 - Dylan Vanderhorst: Strong, reliable small defender who gets the job done.

55 - Ayden Reid: Speedy winger/defender who loves to run and carry the footy

Back (L-R): Jack Sullivan, Dylan Vanderhorst, Jase Bateman, Paddy Chay, Max Telfer, Mikey Telford, Thomas Hutchesson, Brad Mitchell, James Telford. Middle: Louis Brown, Lyndon Smith, Jake Wight, Cameron Slape, Darcy Bateman, Ethan Leopold, Brad Wight, Eli Kneen, Jack Webster. Front: Dylan Clough (Runner), Sam Gray, Jed Telfer, Will Chay (Captain), Gerard McGrath (Coach), Jack Gray (Vice Captain), Tyson Atkinson, Lewis Walker, David Coghlan (Bench Coach). Absent: Sam Telfer
1st qtr 2nd qtr 3rd qtr 4th qtr final scoreboard


Back (L-R): Liam Whiy, Aaron Shepherd, Dan Hann, Liam Durcan, Wayne Awill, Braidon Frost, Andrew Janeway (Team Manager). Middle: Tony Elletson (Coach), Sean Madden, Mark Paech, Sco Fleming, Jacob Arthurson, John Simkin, Shaun Beard, Brad Long, Legh Jenkin (Runner). Front: Mandy Stephens (Trainer), Declan Wright, Tommy Bellinger, Sam Whitehead, Sean Farrell, Riley Maconachie, Harry Maddern, Tyreese Newton.
Coach: Anthony Kokiousis Coach: Tony Elletson 44 Tye Palmer 14 Henry Hawker 21 Mason Keane 24 James Kokiousis 35 Chris Burdon 42 Antony Kokiousis 54 Simon Ferguson 27 Jed Regnier 3 Lachlan Hentschke 28 Dougal Day 32 Flynn Peel 31 Jayden Campbell 33 Ethan Cornish 30 Bram Whilesea 26 Ben Legoe 36 Kane Cross 53 Branden Soussa 29 Tom Emery 34 Baden Ling 59 Josh Wilson 46 James Francisco 13 Andrew Telford 2 Shaun Beard 8 Bryce James 10 Liam Durcan 15 John Simkin 19 James Allen 20 Wayne Awill 23 Liam Whiy 26 Sean Farrell [c] 24 Jacob Arthurson 28 Harry Maddern 29 Lachie Pulford 32 Geoff Hay 34 Mark Paech 36 Tyreese Newton 39 Sco Fleming 47 Sean Maddern 48 Paul Ellis [vc] 56 Riley Maconachie 63 Declan Wright 61 William Cameron 77 Tom Bellinger 52 Braidon Frost 54 Aaron Shepherd 88 Tony Elletson 65 Robbbie Hein 62 Bodhi Pannenburg 66 Sam Whitehead 57 Dan Hann 1st qtr 2nd qtr 3rd qtr 4th qtr final scoreboard
Back (L-R): Baden Ling, Josh Wilson, Ty Palmer, Bram Whilesea, Ollie Hagge, James Mahews, Adam Brooks, Roly Day (Assistant Coach). Middle: Debra Mackey (President), Henry Barri (Team Manager), Paddy Mahews, Codee Weston, Christopher Burden, Aaron Clarke, Dougal Day, Jordan Aston, Jessie Smith (Trainer). Front: Jayden Campbell, Ethan Cornish, James Francisco, Antony Kokiousis (Coach), Jed Regnier (Captain), Kane Cross, Harry Hooper, Jake Jauncey.
kongorong hawks


Front: Will Chay (Assistant Coach), Fletcher Leopold, Ausn Nele (Vice Captain), Jed Telfer (Coach), Zak Bowering (Captain), Tyson Atkinson (Vice Captain), Charlie Sims, Deon Howell (Team Manager). Absent: Jack Bellinger (Vice Captain), Ollie Fitzgerald, Brayden

Ethan Marshall.

Back row (L-R): Archie Hagge, Myles Burzaco, Tyson Maczkowiack, Mason McKenny, Riley Sutherland, Ben Hayes. Middle: Lonny Peel (Team Manager), Riley Boundy, Seb Moore, Taj Boundy, Ethan Carter, Cameron Gibbons. Front: Andrew Wells, Kaiden Carter, Nathan Gibbons (Vice Captain), Sam Heubner (Coach), Flynn Peel (Captain), Blake Wylie, Charles Moore. Absent: Cooper Thomas, Max Robertson, Jimmy Murch, Danie Nunan, Brodie Dew, Flynn Collins.
senior colts 10:45aM Coach: Jed Telfer Coach: Sam Huebner 2 Blake Snook 3 Jimmy Kneen 53 Cooper Walters 32 Hudson Nowak 5 Fletcher Leopold 8 Tyson Atkinson 25 Ausn Nele 31 Alby Mitchell 18 Jack Bellinger 42 Riley Prouse 29 James Solomon 28 Brayden Chambers 30 Ethan Marshall 9 Oskar Howell 14 Zak Bowering 24 Cohen Clark 26 Zac Ballantyne 6 Ollie Fitzgerald 12 Isaac Chambers 15 Archie Morgan 27 Charlie Sims 34 Winston Figg 3 Flynn Peel 13 Archie Hagge 8 Nathan Gibbons 23 Myles Burzaco 26 Kyle Hampel 15 Kaiden Carter 4 James Duon 7 Mason McKenny 9 Blake Wylie 10 Andrew Wells 12 Charles Moore 16 Max Robertson 17 Benjamin Hayes 18 Riley Boundy 19 Sebasan Moore 20 Riley Sutherland 22 Cameron Gibbons 25 Cooper Thomas 27 Ethan Carter 31 Tyson Maczkowiack Daniel Nunan 29 Taj Boundy Jimmy Murch 1st qtr 2nd qtr 3rd qtr 4th qtr final scoreboard
Back (L-R): Cooper Walters, Jordan Atkinson, Riley Prouse, Cohen Clark, Isaac Chambers, Albey Mitchell, Jimmy Kneen. Middle: James Solomon, Blake Snook, Oskar Howell, Archie Morgan, Hudson Nowak, Zack Ballantyne, Louis Brown (Runner).

kongorong hawks


FIRST SEMI-FINAL junior colts 9:30aM
Coach: Mark Paech Coach: Dylan Clough 47 Harry Baker 1 Beau Higgins 59 Balin Thomas 57 Alex Sutherland 36 Coaden Taylor 56 Henry Bowering 58 James Mahews 44 Patrick McGrath 38 Eli Sims 35 Tom Bowering 46 William Andre 51 Will Dower 48 Harry Gilbertson 40 Jordy Atkinson 41 Riley Haines 49 Billy Bowering 52 Leo Skeer 55 Reef Chambers 45 Banjo Morgan 13 Patrick Freebairn 37 Ned Fitzgerald 10 Caine Ballantyne 11 Sebason Figg 17 Campbell Leopold 50 Paddy Fitzgerald 54 Tommy Atkinson 60 Tait Grgec 14 Angus Maidment 38 Jackson Bald 1 Declan Richardson 32 Logan Cordy 9 Mason Galpin 24 Zach Paech 18 Jacob Gordon 29 Sam McInnes 12 Connor Gordon 21 Noah Von Stanke-Dowie 7 Ryan Lucas 8 Jimmy Whiy 23 Axel Page 2 Koby Galloway 20 Blake Telford 26 Sam Pearce 31 Hunter Bingham 1st qtr 2nd qtr 3rd qtr 4th qtr final scoreboard
Back (L-R): Will Andre, Billy Bowering, Will Dower, Patrick McGrath, Harry Gilbertson, Patrick Freebairn, Leo Skeer, Sebasan Figg, Leni Clifford, Alex Sutherland. Middle: Ben Sims (Runner), Amy Haines (Team Manager), Henry Bowering, Beau Higgins, Banjo Morgan, Tom Bowering, Campbell Leopold, Coaden Taylor, Caine Ballantyne, Thomas Atkinson, Balin Thomas, Sam Uola (Team Manager), Michael Figg (Water). Front: James Mahews, Tait Grgec, Eli Sims (Vice Captain), Dylan Clough (Coach), Riley Haines (Captain), Ned Fitzgerald (Vice Captain), Paddy Fitzgerald, Reef Chambers. Inset: Harry Baker. Back (L-R): Logan Cordy, Connor Gordon, Axel Page, Jackson Bald, Samuel Pearce. Middle: Peter Gordon, Mark Paech (Coach), Jacob Gordon, Ryan Lucas, Declan Richardson, Blake Telford, Ma Lucas (Runner), Damien Galloway (Team Manager). Front: Mandy Stephens (Trainer), Angus Maidment, Zach Paech, Koby Galloway, Mason Galpin, Hunter Bingham, Samuel McInnes, Nathaniel Elletson. Absent:
Noah Von Stanke Dowie.



Hatherleigh and Mount Burr go head-tohead in the First Semi Final for the 13 & Unders. Both teams have had a win in the minor rounds and will need to fight hard to secure their place in the Preliminary Final. Hatherleigh’s Livvi Faulkner and Sienna Clark combine well in the circle, shoong with accuracy, supported from outside the circle by Alirah Bowman and Grace Andre. Mount Burr’s Isabelle Ballantyne and Hope Wilson will apply strong defensive pressure in Hatherleigh’s goal circle, forcing errors and creang turnovers, working the ball down the court with the help of Courtney Sigston and Alice Smith. Down the other end of the court Hatherleigh’s Tilly Prouse and Paige Walters will use their ability to read the play to their advantage, creang pressure for Sophie Smith and Emily Lowndes. This game has the potenal to go either way with both teams fighng to play another game.


Port MacDonnell and Mount Burr play off against each other in the first game of the day for the first semi final. Port MacDonnell’s Layla McPherson and Chelsea Fulham will work hard to apply pressure and create turnovers for Mount Burr’s Sarah Sigston and Stella Davis. Sigston and Davis are both able to shoot with accuracy in the circle for the Mozzies, being fed well from outside the circle by Kaylah Wilson and Lola Schultz. Down the other end of the court Demons goalies Chloe Day and Bailee Lewis are able to shoot well, supported by Lily Jacob and Bree Ridding. Mount Burr’s Sara Smith will use her knowledge and experience on court to help guide her team from the defensive end. Aer a tough fight from both teams this game is likely to go the way of the Demons, as it has through the minor rounds.


Tantanoola are set to face off against Kongorong this Saturday at Hatherleigh. Both teams had a win in the minor rounds and will be eager to get a win this weekend to guarantee their spot in the Preliminary Final. Tantanoola’s Bella Poulish will lead

from the goal circle as a focal point in the aack line, pairing well with Molly Cushion. Kongorong’s Kyla Gordon and Hayley McInnes will apply a strong pressure through the Tigers’ aack line, forcing errors before feeding the ball back down the court through Tahlia Von Stanke and Paige Hicks. Tantanoola defenders Charli Kaigg and Holly Walker will put the pressure over the shot of Evie Sealey and Becky Duivenvoorde. Any turnovers will be worked down the court by Tigers Demi Bevan and Ebony Cytrowski. Both teams will come out firing from the first whistle, fighng hard to come away with the win.

B Reserve

The Mozzies and Demons face off in the B Reserve First Semi Final. Both teams will be vying for a win aer finishing the season with a win each in their matchups through the minor rounds. Port MacDonnell’s goalies Robyn Hill and Amber Moulden combine well in the goal circle, with Hill holding well and being fed with accuracy from outside by Arriella Smith and Salem Moody. Mount Burr’s Rebecca Fox and Dawn Smith will put the pressure over Port Mac’s shots, chasing up any loose balls, feeding the ball back down the court with the help of Hannah Fraser and Zali Burns. Down the other end of the court Port MacDonnell’s Brooklyn Jones and Fiona Sco will be applying pressure to Mount Burr’s goalies Sophie Jankowski and Ava Smith-Muhovics. This game has the potenal to go either way.

B Grade

Glencoe and Port MacDonnell go head to head in the B Grade First Semi Final at Hatherleigh. Port MacDonnell’s Jenni Taylor and Montanna Millard will need to work hard to curb the influence of Glencoe goalies Kayla Medhurst and Briany Liebich, who move well in the circle and are fed with accuracy from outside by Hayley Dunsford and April von Duve. Port MacDonnell goalies Kelly Millard and Jess Grigg will combine well and shoot with accuracy throughout the circle; however, they will be under intense pressure from Murphies Kayla McInnes and Kate Sealey Port MacDonnell have won both mes

these teams met throughout the minor rounds and are likely to go through to the Preliminary Final.

A Reserve

Aer baling for fourth place Tantanoola will take on Port MacDonnell in the A Reserve First Semi Final. Both teams came away with a slight win in the minor rounds and will come out firing from the first whistle. Port MacDonnell’s Kirby Carrison and Cody Manning combine well in the goal circle for the Demons, shoong with accuracy and fighng for any rebounds, however they will be defended intensely by Tantanoola’s Michelle Robinson and Lucy Barber. Tantanoola’s Krystal Redden and Port MacDonnell’s Isabella Lamb will have a good tussle throughout the court, both players fighng to gain possession for their team. Down the other end of the court Tantanoola’s Bianca Taylor and Shelby Ryan are able to create space and shoot throughout the circle. Demons Nicola Collins and Isabella Sneath will fight hard to create turnovers for their side, feeding the ball back down the court with the help of Kate Winterfield. These teams have had close games through the minor rounds, both having a win to their name and the game has the potenal to go either way

A Grade

Tantanoola and Robe face off in the A Grade first semi final. Tantanoola’s Kate Varcoe and Robe’s Annie Regnier will fight hard from the first whistle for their respecve teams, working up and down the court to create turnovers and chase up any loose balls. Tantanoola defenders Kate Bromley and Tayla Rowe combine well in the circle, geng hands to balls and creang turnovers, meaning that Robe’s Tori Gluyas and Demi Carter will need to move well and be fed with accuracy from outside the circle. Down the other end of the court Tantanoola’s goalies Emma Gould and Keryl Ousey will use their height to their advantage in the circle but will have a lot of pressure applied from Robe’s Emma Wheal and Georgia Perkins. This game has the potenal to be close, with both teams coming away with a win in the minor rounds.

Contact: Dale Price 0428 394 300 Adam Price 0428 230 100

firST SEMI-FINAL A grade


Maryanne Walker (Manager), Bella Poulish, Emma Gould, Keryl Ousey, Tayla Rowe, Kate Varcoe, Leah Ousey (Coach). Front: Kate Bromley, Jami Walker (Captain), Casey Walker, Ebony Cytrowski.

firST SEMI-FINAL A reserve

port macdonnell

1st qtr 2nd qtr 3rd qtr 4th qtr 1st qtr 2nd qtr 3rd qtr 4th qtr
Back (L-R): Pauline Mulraney (Assistant Coach), Shelby Ryan (Vice Captain), Bianca Taylor (Captain), Lucy Barber, Leah Ousey, Kylie Schultz (Coach). Front: Madi Kelly, Dakota Hateley, Krystal Redden, Michelle Robinson.
1st qtr 2nd qtr 3rd qtr 4th qtr 1st qtr 2nd qtr 3rd qtr 4th qtr
Back (L-R): Kate Winterfield, Isabelle Sneath, Kirby Carrison, Nicola Collins, Lara Wilson. Front: Cody Manning, Sophie Lewis, Narelle Lewis (Coach), Isabella Lamb.
Back (L-R): Em Vasek (Team Manager), Kimberley Ausn (Coach), Emma Grant, Demi Carter, Ellen Ramke. Front: Tori Gluyas, Lucy Perkins, Georgia Perkins, Annie Hunter, Halle Carter

firST SEMI-FINAL b grade

port macdonnell glencoe

firST SEMI-FINAL b reserve

port macdonnell mount burr

Back (L-R): Lauren Kenny (Coach), Kate Sealey, Kayla Medhurst, Kayla McInnes, Amy Clegge. Front: Briany Liebich, Hayley Dunsford, April Von Duve, Alyce Finnis.
1st qtr 2nd qtr 3rd qtr 4th qtr 1st qtr 2nd qtr 3rd qtr 4th qtr
Back (L-R): Montanna Millard, Candice Merre, Jess Grigg, Lilly Day, Rachel Johnstone, Kelly Millard. Front: Chloe Newton, Jenni Taylor, Deanne Spencer (Coach), Elivia Stanley. Back (L-R): Arriella Smith, Fiona Sco, Robyn Hill, Brooklyn Jones, Ashton Jones, Eboni Smith, Jenni Taylor (Coach). Front: Jasmine Morgan, Salem Moody, Amber Moulden, Paige Cawthorne.
1st qtr 2nd qtr 3rd qtr 4th qtr 1st qtr 2nd qtr 3rd qtr 4th qtr
Back (L-R): Leah Puia (Coach), Sophie Jankowski, Tracey Was, Emily Haines, Karen Hayward, Ava Smith-Muhovics, Olivia Montuori (Team Manager). Front: Dawn Smith, Hannah Fraser, Bec Fox, Zali Burns, Mia Grant.

firST SEMI-FINAL 17&under

firST SEMI-FINAL 15&under

port macdonnell mount burr

Back (L-R): Riley Buckingham (Coach), Becky Duivenvoorde, Kyla Gordon, Jordy Heraper, Milla Buckingham (Assistant Coach). Front: Jasmin McKinnon, Evie Sealey, Hayley McInnes, Paige Hicks, Thalia Von Stanke.
1st qtr 2nd qtr 3rd qtr 4th qtr 1st qtr 2nd qtr 3rd qtr 4th qtr
Back (L-R): Jami Walker (Coach), Charli Kaigg, Holly Walker, Molly Cushion, Kaitlyn Thomas. Front: Demi Bevan, Ebony Cytrowski (Captain), Bella Poulish (Captain), Kailah Gledhill.
kongorong TANTANOOLA
Back (L-R): Lilly Hateley (Team Manager), Sarah Sigston, Becky Davis, Holly Lowndes, Sara Smith, Stella Davis, Madi Bowering (Coach). Front: Kaylah Wilson, Lola Schultz, Gemma Salo, Lexi Fox, Callie Brant.
1st qtr 2nd qtr 3rd qtr 4th qtr 1st qtr 2nd qtr 3rd qtr 4th qtr
Back (L-R): Keyarnah Smith (Assistant Coach), Chelsea Fulham, Layla McPherson, Bree Ridding, Bailee Lewis, Chloe Day, Montanna Millard (Coach). Front: Bella McLean, Jasmine Morgan, Lily Jacob, Isla Fulham.
firST SEMI-FINAL 13&under
Back (L-R): Dawn Smith (Team Manager), Jessica Salo, Sophie Smith, Courtney Sigston, Isabelle Ballantyne, Leah Puia (Coach). Front: Alice Smith, Emily Lowndes, Hannah Gellion, Hope Wilson.
1st qtr 2nd qtr 3rd qtr 4th qtr 1st qtr 2nd qtr 3rd qtr 4th qtr
Back (L-R): Mollie O'Connor, Luca Hamilton, Sienna Clark, Tilly Prouse, Keston Green (Coach). Front: Alirah Bowman, Grace Andre (Captain), Chloe David, Livvi Faulkner. Inset: Paige Walters.
mount burr hatherleigh

174 Jubilee Highway, Mount Gambier

Phone: 08 8725 7060 Mobile: 0419 801 592 |

Email: collinscourtbutcher@bigpond.com

round 18 RESULTS


Port MacDonnell 39 (A. Coon, K. Collins) lost to Hatherleigh 46 (T. Telfer, E. Watson)

Kalangadoo 50 (A. Duncan, C. Peacock) def Glencoe 44 (A. Tentye, C. Cocks)

Tantanoola 68 (T. Rowe, E. Gould) def Kongorong 31 (R. Buckingham, E. Lightbody)

Nangwarry 16 (C. Ferguson, H. Vanderhorst) lost to Robe 79 (H. Carter, E. Bamke)


Port MacDonnell 47 (I. Sneath, N. Collins) def Hatherleigh 43 (L. Corman, S. Jones)

Kalangadoo 62 (R. Wetherwall, L. Williams) def Glencoe 31 (L. Childs, S. Brieley)

Tantanoola 54 (L. Ousey, L. Barber) def Kongorong 41 (Z. Von Stanke, K. Farrell)

Nangwarry 19 (B. Dyer, E. Jones) lost to Robe 103 (M. Hayes, A. Laurie)


Port MacDonnell 52 (L. Day, J. Taylor) def Hatherleigh 46 (S. Gibbs, H. Bell)

Kalangadoo 55 (D. Ingley, E. Mulraney) def Glencoe 39 (B. Liebich, G. Ferguson)

Tantanoola 44 (K. Varcoe, A. Fersom) def Kongorong 26 (M. Buckingham, L. Page)

Nangwarry 10 (A. Shephens, M. Mckay) lost to Robe 87 (M. Wirth, A. Culley)


Port MacDonnell 39 (A. Smith, B. Jones) lost to Hatherleigh 48 (S. Bateman, E. Burton)

Kalangadoo 65 (R. White, J. Greenwood) def Glencoe 21 (J. Jones, J. Jones)

Tantanoola 32 (J. White, C. Taylor) lost to Kongorong 41 (C. Sealey, C. Hardacre)

Nangwarry 18 (J. Jennings, M. Smith) lost to Robe 58 (M. Warren, O. Valente)


Port MacDonnell 78 (S. Lewis, S. Collins) def Hatherleigh 39 (K. Carruthers, D. Brown)

Kalangadoo 19 (A. E-Yeates, A. Chuck) lost to Glencoe 66 (G. Ferguson, M. Biggins)

Tantanoola 36 (D. Bevan, M. Cushion) lost to Kongorong 45 (B. Dulvenwoorde, P. Hicks)

Nangwarry 25 (E. Timms, S. Black) lost to Robe 71 (G. Wirth, L. Hayes)


Port MacDonnell 39 (B. Lewis, C. Day) lost to Hatherleigh 43 (K. Nele, S. Barlow)

Kalangadoo 95 (S. Russell, Z. Wurst) def Glencoe 11 (M. Biggins, K. Phillips)

Tantanoola 12 (R. Thwaes, A. Baker) lost to Kongorong 41 (D. Jennings, H. Kent)

Nangwarry 43 (M. Timms, S. Virtanen) lost to Robe 49 (K. Brooks, O. Birchall)


Port MacDonnell 34 (A. Smith, K. Mclean) lost to Hatherleigh 60 (L. Faulkner, A. Bowman)

Kalangadoo 50 (M. Peacock, T. Clark) def Glencoe 24 (L. Hawke, H. Sealey)

Tantanoola 30 (T. Long, E. Manson) lost to Kongorong 39 (A. Brant, S. Milich)

Nangwarry 37 (E. Clayfield, J. Petrie) def Robe 19 (L. Brooks, M. Maczkowiack)



W L D B For Agst Pts % A RESERVE Robe 16 0 0 2 897 455 32 197.14 Port MacD 11 5 0 2 797 589 22 135.31 A GRADE Tantanoola 11 4 1 2 845 680 23 124.26 Kalangadoo 15 0 1 2 1063 550 31 193.27 Glencoe 13 3 0 2 836 572 26 146.15 Port MacD 5 10 1 2 720 706 11 101.98 Hatherleigh 8 7 1 2 754 718 17 105.01 Robe 11 5 0 2 801 646 22 123.99 Mount Burr 5 11 0 2 632 707 10 89.39 Kongorong 2 14 0 2 551 895 4 61.56 Nangwarry 0 16 0 2 350 1078 0 32.47 W L D B For Agst Pts % Kalangadoo 13 3 0 2 807 532 26 151.69 Hatherleigh 9 7 0 2 748 654 18 114.37 Glencoe 8 8 0 2 730 684 16 106.73 Mount Burr 4 12 0 2 591 833 8 70.95 Kongorong 3 13 0 2 568 876 6 64.84 Nangwarry 0 16 0 2 414 1053 0 39.32 Tantanoola 8 8 0 2 751 627 16 119.78 B GRADE W L D B For Agst Pts % Kalangadoo 14 2 0 2 835 499 28 167.33 Robe 13 3 0 2 792 492 26 160.98 Port MacD. 12 4 0 2 720 572 24 125.87 Glencoe 11 4 1 2 785 585 23 134.19 W L D B For Agst Pts % Kongorong 3 13 0 2 303 751 6 40.35 15&UNDER Tantanoola 8 8 0 2 628 526 16 119.39 Hatherleigh 7 8 1 2 708 604 15 117.22 Glencoe 3 13 0 2 509 628 6 81.05 Hatherleigh 12 4 0 2 713 408 24 174.75 Port MacD. 9 7 0 2 542 459 18 118.08 17&UNDER Robe 5 11 0 2 667 672 10 99.26 Port MacD 13 3 0 2 821 467 26 175.80 Port MacD. 14 2 0 2 884 590 28 149.83 W L D B For Agst Pts % Kongorong 3 13 0 2 467 674 6 69.29
Kalangadoo 14 2 0 2 794 526 28 150.95 Glencoe 9 7 0 2 785 679 18 115.61 Mount Burr 10 6 0 2 627 620 20 101.13 Hatherleigh 14 2 0 2 875 527 28 166.03 Mount Burr 3 13 0 2 393 752 6 52.26 Mount Burr 11 5 0 2 638 469 22 136.03 Kongorong 6 10 0 2 511 556 12 91.91 Robe 6 10 0 2 507 618 12 82.04 Nangwarry 0 16 0 2 260 955 0 27.23 Nangwarry 0 16 0 2 304 928 0 32.76 Mount Burr 15 1 0 2 937 507 30 184.81 Port MacD. 11 5 0 2 585 432 22 135.42 Tantanoola 11 5 0 2 792 631 22 125.52 Hatherleigh 6 10 0 2 741 802 12 92.39 Nangwarry 1 15 0 2 462 1005 2 45.97 Kalangadoo 1 15 0 2 416 930 2 44.73 Hatherleigh 13 3 0 2 925 435 26 212.64 Kongorong 10 6 0 2 758 626 20 121.09 Nangwarry 6 10 0 2 579 747 12 77.51 Glencoe 5 11 0 2 492 719 10 68.43 Robe 6 10 0 2 455 682 12 66.72 W L D B For Agst Pts % Tantanoola 7 9 0 2 551 519 14 106.17 Kalangadoo 16 0 0 2 1258 245 32 513.47 Tantanoola 0 16 0 2 244 1038 0 23.51 13&UNDER W L D B For Agst Pts % Kalangadoo 16 0 0 2 872 249 32 350.20 Glencoe 13 3 0 2 722 334 26 216.17 Mount Burr 10 6 0 2 475 541 20 87.80 Tantanoola 4 12 0 2 370 571 8 64.80 Nangwarry 5 11 0 2 357 594 10 60.10 Robe 0 16 0 2 139 655 0 21.22 Kongorong 3 13 0 2 300 679 6 44.18
* Ladders not official


Glencoe 44 lost to Kalangdoo 50

In sunny condions, Glencoe started the quarter strongly and applied great pressure from the first whistle, with the defensive combinaon of Sarah Edwards and Chelsea Owen causing some early turnovers against Kalangadoo’s goalie combinaon of Abbey Duncan and Ebony McDiarmid. Glencoe’s goal shooters Jenna Paproth and Chantelle Cocks found plenty of space and rewarded their side’s defensive effort to go into the first break with a three-goal advantage.

Both teams remained unchanged during the second quarter and saw Glencoe increase their intensity with Donna Jaeschke running hard for Glencoe, feeding her goalies accurately. Glencoe’s Sarah Edwards and Kalangadoo’s Abbey Duncan had a ght contest, with Edwards making Duncan earn every possession. Glencoe went into the main break with a four-goal lead.

Glencoe made no posional changes at half me, while Kalangadoo switched around the mid court. This quarter was a ghtly contested tussle with Kalangadoo defenders Lauren Kain and Lara Munro working hard to create turnovers and curve Glencoe’s momentum. Kalangadoo were able to have a two-goal advantage 33 to 31 at the threequarter break.

The final quarter saw a high work rate from both teams and Kalangadoo’s circle defence connued to work hard and made the most of rebounding opportunies. Kalangadoo’s mid court was paent and posioned well to feed their goalies with precision. McDiarmid was able to find space and make an impact on the game in the goal circle to help Kalangadoo finish the game 50 goals to Glencoe 44.

Nangwarry 16 lost to Robe 79

Both teams started off strong first few goals were goal for goal. Then Nangwarry aack line struggled to get the ball into the ring with some good circle defence by Robe defenders. Down the other end Nangwarry defence were having to work hard for any balls from Robe goalies Demi Carter and Tori Gluyas with both shoong at high accuracy Robe led by 16 goals going into the first break.

Both teams unchanged Robe lied Emma Grant and Georgia Perkins really stopping Nangwarry goalies who struggled to move in the circle. Halle Carter having a good tussle with Claire Ferguson through the centre was driving well for her team along with some good movement from Lucy Perkins at Wing Aack feeding their goalies well. Nangwarry were turning over some balls, but good defence pressure made them throw a lot away. Robe led 41 to Nangwarry 5 at half me.

Nangwarry swapped their goalies around this quarter and bought on youngster Scarle Black at Wing Defence to replace Chrystal Lock. Black stepped up straight away making Perkins work harder this quarter. Kayla Gray really started to get soke nice intercepts and

rebounds providing a lot of opportunies for her team. Nangwarry were a bit more paent coming out of defence. Hayley Vanderhorst started to posion strongly providing a focal point for her feeders Cassie Dinnison and Ferguson making it easier. Unfortunately, not all shots were sinking for Nangwarry and Perkins and Grant jumped on any rebounds. H. Carter connued to drive well into aack posioning well around the ring making it easy for her goalies. Robe had a 49-goal lead going into the final break.

Nangwarry made a few more changes pung Dinnison into Goal Aack, Tahlia Wilson to Wing Aack, Lock back onto Goal Keeper and Gray into Wing Defence. Lock and Carly Ploenges really worked hard blocking out well in defence but just lacked some height. Ferguson keep running well for her team combining well Wilson and Dinnison. Dinnison gave the goal circle a bit more movement making it easier to feed Vanderhorst as well. Any silly passes were quickly jumped on by Grant and Perkins, who drove the ball strongly drove out of defence. Ellen Ramke really came into the game in this quarter at Wing Defence for Robe, turning over many centre passes and geng some great intercepts around the ring. D. Carter really stepped up more this quarter moving well ll she was in a comfortable posion to shoot. Although Nangwarry scored more this quarter, Robe were just too strong.

Robe: Halle Carter, Ellen Ramke.

Pt MacDonnell 39 lost to Hatherleigh 46

In nice, sunny condions, Port Mac hosted the Eagles in a match that didn’t mean anything in the finals race but saw both teams certainly wanng to finish their season on a high with a win.

Hatherleigh were out of the blocks earlyErin Watson in Centre and Rosie Nele in Wing Aack providing plenty of drive into their aack line where Maddie Pulmer and Demi Vanderhorst in the circle were finishing off accurately. Port Mac’s goalies Megan Hein and Kori Collins missed early opportunies, which Eagles defenders Elly Redden and Maddie Redman capitalized on, creang turnovers and more opportunity to score. Hatherleigh’s led 14-8 at quarter me.

Hatherleigh’s Watson had the second quarter off, which saw Nele move to Centre and Tegan Telfer come on into Wing Aack. The Eagles goalies missed a few opportunies this quarter thanks to the defensive pressure of demon defenders Alana Berkefeld and Alysha Coon. Collins had a beer quarter at Goal Aack, finding her range, while Kate Faint and Nele had a great bale through the middle. Port Mac won the quarter, but sll trailed by 4, 23-19 at the main break.

The third quarter saw Watson return to the court and Nele have a quarter off. Fresh legs helped the Eagles - Watson and Telfer working extremely well together. A few Eagles misses this quarter saw the Demons desperately trying to stay in the game, but the Eagles put their foot down in the laer part of the quarter, Lara MacGregor having a

terrific quarter at Wing Defence. The Eagles led 33-25 at three quarter me.

The final quarter saw Collins and Hein switch bibs for the Demons and Nele return to the court for the Eagles with Redden taking the bench. Hein and Collins had a far more accurate quarter, despite the impressive defensive efforts of MacGregor and Redman. Port Mac again won the quarter - but the lead was too great for them to make up, with Hatherleigh eventual winners by 7 goals.

Best players - Port MacDonnell: Alysha Coon, Kori Collins; Hatherleigh: Tegan Telfer, Erin Watson.

Tantanoola 68 def Kongorong 31

Kongorong won the toss and took the first centre pass for the game and scored through Tilah Buckingham. Tantanoola responded through Keryl Ousey who found her range early in the piece. Unforced errors from the home side allowed Kongorong to gain possession but pressure from Tantanoola’s Goal Keeper Tayla Rowe kept her side with ball in hand taking some crucial intercepts for her side and keeping her player to just two goals for the quarter. Kongorong’s Riley Buckingham and Emily Lightbody worked hard despite the height mismatch of Tantanoola’s goalie combinaon of Ousey and Emma Gould who were able to rebound strong under the ring. The Tiger’s went into the first break with a seven-goal advantage.

Kongorong’s defensive duo of Buckingham and Lightbody stepped up their pressure in the second quarter causing turnovers for their side and were able to convert through Tilah Buckingham who shot eight goals for the quarter. However, Tantanoola’s Casey Walker increased her work rate on the wing, intercepng any ball that went into the pocket and was a target when driving the ball out of defence.

Half me saw a lot of changes being made to the Tantanoola line up with Ousey moving to Goal Keeper, Rowe to Goal Defence, Kate Bromley to Wing Defence, Casey Walker to wing aack, Jami Walker to Goal Aack and Gould to Goal Shooter. It didn’t take long for Walker to find her range in the goal circle, shoong at 100% for the quarter. Rachel Perry stepped up for the Hawks, passing accurately to Sealey and Buckingham. Tantanoola seled into the new posions using the ball affecvely across the court to extend their lead to the quarter break 46-27.

Going into the final term we saw both sides unchanged. The home side were much more methodical in their approach, with the pressure of the Tigers creeping in on the Hawks. The Kongorong defence baled hard in the final quarter, but increased errors crept into their game. The height advantage from Ousey and Rowe in the defensive end caused havoc for the Hawk’s shooters with shots being deflected and Tantanoola capitalising off every opportunity with precise delivery into Gould from Kate Varcoe and C. Walker. Gould had the upper hand in the final term shoong 15 from 17 to finish the game with a win. Final score 68-31.

Best players - Tantanoola: Tayla Rowe, Emma Gould; Kongorong: Riley Buckingham, Emily Lightbody

Best players - Glencoe: Alice Tentye, Chantelle Cocks; Kalangadoo: Abbey Duncan, Chloe Peacock. Best players - Nangwarry: Claire Ferguson, Hayley Vanderhorst;

Well, just like the 2023 regular season is complete! Thank you to all our amazing sponsors, volunteers, coaches, players, and families for their efforts this year. We now head into the business end of the season with 4 weeks of finals acon. We sll have both football and netball teams in the race for the ulmate prize, so let's make sure we get plenty of support out there on game day and at the club for trainings and Saturday night. Last weekend we finished the year at Kalangadoo for round 18. It was a sunny day and perfect condions for footy. We managed to come away with 2 out of 4 wins from the footy field.

Junior Colts: The Junior Colts connued their march towards finals with their 15th win in a row aer only losing their opening match of the year Sing 15 and 1 they enter the finals in the same posion as last year and hope to win the Semi final and book a place straight into the Grand Final. Make sure we get out nice and early to watch these kids as they are playing amazing footy We also had Tom Richards take out the league leading goal kicker award by 20 goals kicking 59 himself. Excellent effort Tom. This is the 2nd year in a row we have had a junior colt win the award as Dan Ferguson won it last year with 54 goals. Their final game of the regular season saw them kick 11.15.81 to no score. Hopefully some more accurate kicking will occur during the finals. Best players were Tighe Hurley, Kallan Price, Kade Mulraney, Jaxon Hewle, Tom Richards and Sam Haase. Well done to Pricey and the team for making it this far and good luck in the finals.

Senior Colts: The Senior Colts also finished the year with a win. Aer a season of ups and downs with a lot of improvement shown the boys managed to get on top early in the game and hold on in the last few minutes to get up 57 to 50. A few Penola recruits nearly helped the opposion steal a win but thankfully our boys fought hard to hang in there and scrape through with the win. Best players were Patrick

Langsmith, Digby RichardsFennell, Brodie Pfitzner, Lachy Brierley, Bailey Rothall and Luke Stubberfield. Only a few of these boys go up into seniors next year so there will be plenty of numbers to choose from and connued improvement. Well done on the year

B Grade: Aer the Reserves got their first win of the year last week there was suddenly, a shortage of players. Some might have already headed off for footy trip early. This meant we again had 8 senior colts filling in but were also facing the 2nd place team who were more than handy, with a handful of A graders. Unfortunately, it was not the ending to the year we were aer and we went down dismally 1 to 187. Best players were Bevan Lipscombe, Josh Agars, James Kipping, Shannon Megaw, and Chris Adams. A big thanks must go to Ben Hentschke for coaching this year in what was the hardest year we have ever had in the Reserves with extremely short numbers all year

A Grade: The Seniors finished their year disappoinngly as well with Kalangadoo having all to play for trying to book a top 2 finish and us just trying to limp to the line, it was one of the worst performances we have put out all year. We started the 1st quarter well, but aer that we did not put up any sort of a fight. The game finished with the score 25-183. Best players were Jack Edmonds, Sam Giersch, Darcy Williamson, Will Maloney, Patrick Mitchell, and Zacc Cocks. A bit of work to do to get everyone fit and commied for pre-season next year to take that next step. Well done to Tom Edwards for coaching the last 2 years in what was a mes a very tough gig, with some lack of player availability on the regular

As we head into finals let's get out and support the remaining netballers and Junior Colts. A reminder to keep the 24th of September pencilled in for Junior Presentaon Day and the 29th of September for Senior Presentaon night.

Junior 2: What great weather we had and what a great fun game! You all have improved so much since the start of the season and you all should be super proud of yourselves! Everyone got to have a half in their favourite posions and it was great to see you all shine in these posions. Everyone kept their heads up and played each quarter to the best of their abilies. Lots of touches, great passes, good talking and great shoong efforts. Encouragement this week went to Ruby J who tried really hard to use the angles in the circle, then did some great driving and finding the space in C. Best player this week went to Charloe B with so many touches and intercepts in defence, you read the play well and your reoffering down the court was good to see. Thank you to all of you for a great season and to all the parents who have helped out. Look forward to seeing you all next season!

Junior 1: A great way to finish the season with some excellent work, especially our first half. The defensive pressure and drive down the court was fantasc by everyone. Thank you for being a lovely bunch of girls to coach this season. You all have improved so much this year and its lovely to see you all enjoy the season. I look forward to seeing you all again next year. Best player went to Hollie, and Jaz, Shelby and Mikayla all received encouragement awards.

13 & Under: Bad luck today girls. We come up against a very skilled and determined Kalangadoo team who played a strong four quarters. We had a great first half of the game where we were within 5 at half me but we couldn't quite keep this intensity up for the remainder of the game, and adjust to the condions. Remember to connue to have trust in yourselves and each other and keep the posivity going for the whole game. First best went to Layla for playing a strong four quarters and adjusng well to the game when needed. Second went to Hallie for not giving up and working hard to get in front of her player and provide drive down the court. Third best went to Isabella for great defensive pressure in the circle and creang many turnovers. Let's start fresh in a couple of weeks ready for our first final and keep the posivity up, because we can do this. Most importantly, enjoy your netball and have fun with each other!

15 & Under: Where has the season gone? Great game today it was nice to see each and every one of you smiling and encouraging each other. We had a changeup of posions and girls playing some posions they haven't played since juniors. Best player went to MacKenzie, who played really well outside of her comfort zone. She also did some great leads and applied pressure to each ball. Second went to Kloe Philips; she moved well on the court and used her voice at mes. Well done girls! Thanks for an enjoyable season.

17 & Under: Glencoe 2023 17s, your improvement from round 1 to round 2 was super pleasing and a highlight every week was the focus you all had in being unaffected by anything out of your controlbe that opposion flow, a team error, unfavourable call or the weather. Your ability to get on with the game & brilliantly represent our club is something which you collecvely made happen and we're very proud of you all. In the second round we had 2 wins against teams placed above us on the ladder being 4th placed Kongorong and 3rd placed Tantanoola. And a narrow loss of 2 goals to 2nd placed Port Mac. Thank you to parents who helped us when asked and for geng your girls to training and games. Most importantly, to you girls for your commitment to training, playing & also in umpiring and undertaking club tasks you were rostered to do, well done! The nine of you came together strongly as a team this season. Best wishes to Zoe, Caitlyn, Lara, Lilly, Kayla and Giaan as they step into seniors and to Montana, Jena and Alyssa as top age 17's in 2024.

B Reserve: Hard to believe that it was our last game today. Coming up against strong, second ranked side and a different kind of weather to what we're used to didn't discourage us. We had some good and not so good patches of play but we kept our heads up. We went out there to end our season with some fun and that's exactly what we did! We had a change up with our posions at half me and we were able to play some we wouldn't normally, or ones that we hadn't played in a very long me. I could definitely see some potenal in future combinaons and posions, and our versality did show. And I'm sure our new goalies could one day become real goalies, with lots and lots of pracce! Congrats to Alarna and Mik for shoong their goals! Best players went to Jacinta (Key2Sale), Alarna and Julia. I would like to say a huge thank you to our girls for a fun year Although we didn't get many wins on the board, we made up for it in our improvement in our individual performances and learning to play and gel as a team. Our focus was on posivity, encouragement and keeping our heads up, and I can say we achieved that. Thank you for trusng me as a coach and all your support. Thank you to all volunteers who med, wore the green arm band, scored and umpired for us, making the job a lot easier as well as all who helped coach from the bench so I could focus on the game. Thank you to Joyce who brought some aer game goodies too!

B Grade: 39-55. Bad luck today, girls. I feel like the score didn't reflect the game today We had a lot to change and adapt to from the get go and you all worked really hard to adjust to our starng posions. From there on our luck only got worse with us taking 3 separate injury mes throughout the game, which each come with its own challenges. You can all pride yourself with knowing we kept going against a tough opponent and never really dropped our heads, which was great to see. Our best player went to Bri for an outstanding game in goals keeping our team alive even though she was desperately wanng to step into defence. Second best went to Giaan geng the call up and seling in really well and changing posions aer only a short while aer taking the court. Her pressure was great and got many touches on against a strong opposion. We now move forward to our first final with a slightly different team but let's go out and give it our best!

A Reserve: Disappointed we didn't get any cupcakes Paul! Work on that next me! Good job girls on a great season – didn't quite get to the final four even though I think we deserved to and definitely had the team to take it up to them. We had some great patches today and some not-so-great ones – the heat definitely caught us a bit off guard! Really happy with everyone's improvement as the year went on and our ability to be quite a flexible side. I really enjoyed playing and coaching you all, it was really fun – I hope you all had a great year too.

A Grade: Good game girls. Even though we didn't get the win there was sll plenty of posives to come from the game. Everyone played with an increased confidence and determinaon this me around which was showing from our performance. It was great that everyone was posive and backed each other up on court. First best went to Alice (O'Brien Electrical) for constantly providing an opon down court, being hard to the ball and feeding with confidence. Second went to Chantelle for her movement in the circle and high work rate. Overall, a great team game that only slipped away from us by a few dips in momentum and some missed communicaon at mes. Let's work hard to keep beering our connecons and come out with the same level of intensity when we next hit the court. Keep up the good work.




A Grade: Last week started as a cracking day, sun out, sunscreen on and the oval looked a treat.

Unfortunately, the game didn't start the same, 3 costly mistakes from our defence lead to the first 3 goals of the game for them. Whilst we wrestled back some control, we were down by 5 points at the break. The 2nd quarter was a bit of a struggle, with Pt Mac slamming on 5 goals whilst we had plenty of opportunies but couldn't capitalise only managing 1. We shuffled around some magnets at the main break which lead to beer ball movement and scoring rate. Pleasingly we hung tough throughout the 2nd half with a limited bench but couldn't reduce the margin, losing by 24 points. Fingers crossed for Paddy Chay who suffered a knee injury during the 3rd term. Best players were Max Telfer and Brad Wight holding down key defensive roles, Hutchy and Jed Telfer who worked relessly on ball, Mikey Telford down back and on ball, and Webby who started on the wing but rolled back to help the defence in the 2nd half.

B Grade: The boys were keen and ready to get back onto the winners list against the bay, on a sunny spring day and fresh looking deck. We did just that, playing some good patches of footy using our pace and skill to split the game open running out 10 goal winners.

Congratulaons to Harvey Jones who took over Tom Bell in the goal kicking boong 7 to win the league award, his first year out of juniors and kicking 40 goals in reserves just goes to show the kid has some

class about him. Harvey named best on ground, Jason Faulkner played a good game around the ground, Bre Watson connues his string of form. Jack Marino is really taking a liking to his role in the reserves and playing good footy. Padlock lang rounded out the best at full back. We look forward to the week off before tackling a tough task of Kalangadoo for a spot in this year's GF. Go Eagles!

Senior Colts: In a big test for our boys we came out blistering. However, we couldn't manage to contain the pressure and intensity for the 4 quarters. We finish the year in 3rd spot and look forward to improving our effort if we get another shot against the Bay. Our best players were Zak Bowering, James Solomon, Jack Bellinger, Ausn Nele, Hudson Nowak and Tyson Atkinson. These lads had great games, but we require a full team effort to cause some damage in finals.

Junior Colts: We had a great start to the game going in to the first break leading the minor premiers Pt Mac by 1 point, our intensity was right up from the get go, I couldn't of asked for a beer start by the lads, unfortunately we couldn't keep that intensity going for the second half, Pt Mac kicked away in the 3rd having a 6 goal lead going into the last. We only managed the 3 points aer half me which was frustrang aer a good first half. Over all happy with the teams season finishing 4th, we move onto Kongorong this week in a knockout final, the boys deserve to keep their finals campaign going!

Junior 2: What a way to end our season! The girls came out firing, they back each other, chased loose balls and moved well all game. Our passing and leading has improved so much since the start of the season and we really showed that today. All the girls listened well and used advice given to them. Teamwork throughout the game and the efforts in any posion and situaon was fantasc and came together for a fabulous four quarters of netball. Awards: Emma McGrath (Millicent Toy Kingdom), Emily Freebairn (Maccas – Mt Gambier), Poppy Bowering (Denton's Sportspower).

Junior 1: What a strong team effort to finish off the season! We were relentless in defence, reading the play well and turning the ball over me and me again. Our ming, ability to reoffer and vision down the court was impressive, while our shoong style and accuracy was outstanding! Well done girls!

Awards: Hazel Hamilton (Gino's Pizza), Sienna Varcoe (HLC).

13 & Under: Hatherleigh (60) def Pt Mac (34). We stood up today in what was a physical contest. Our ability to change direcons under pressure, chase down the loose balls, back each other up and play with intensity was impressive. Defensive pressure and blocking down the court created plenty of turnovers for us. Our goalies connue to combine well and shoot with accuracy. Keep working on giving the ball to the player in front rather than pung each other under pressure. Awards: Mollie O'Connor (HLC), Alirah Bowman (Denton's Sports Power)

15 & Under: Hatherleigh (43) def Pt Mac (39). We started off with a very tough and well fought bale against Port Mac. All four quarters were a tough fight but thankfully we came away with the win. Kalli and Sylvie really stepped up with their agility and accuracy in goals. Meeka, Liv, Amber, Chloe, and Hannah created mulple scoring and possession opportunies, being the driving force from defence into our aack line. Poppy, Leni, and Hannah got their hands to countless rebounds and intercepons, truly making the difference in the scoreline. Great win today girls, hold your heads high going into finals. Awards: Kalli Nele (Denton's Sports power), Sylvie Barlow (HLC), Poppy Fitzgerald (Denton's Sportspower).

17 & Under: Hatherleigh (39) def by Pt Mac (78). 2023 done and dusted! Well done to everyone today, you all put a great effort out there against a very high-quality side. We gave it our all and put some great passages out there, focusing on some things we implemented at trainings. Well done to Imogen and Niah, you both showed great improvement in your movement and shoong, Deni put out four solid quarters, with some great hands to ball. Also well done to Kyah, your aack onto the ball and footwork throughout was excellent, Ayrlie did very well in WA and WD being able to switch into either spot well. Overall, we have had a mixed bag with this season, but with some very big posives to take from it, it has been a pleasure to coach you all and wish Imogen and Halle all the best with their senior netball. Awards: Kyah Carruthers (AllSeasons-of Beauty), Deni Brown (HLC).

B Reserve: Hatherleigh (48) def Pt Mac (39). Well done girls, to finish the minor round with a win and to finish on top of the ladder. With the injury list growing, I saw and felt today's game was a testament to our commitment, self-belief, trust, and determinaon in our own abilies and each other. As coaches we are lucky to have the versality you bring. Every one of you have played or play your part in our team each week, whether that be on the court, on the bench, taking stats, checking in on the injured or just encouraging your team mates. We would also like to thank the juniors that have helped us throughout the season when needed. We welcome back Kalli today from her snt in the A Reserve, you certainly are an asset to any team. We now come into the business end of the season where finishing top of the ladder means nothing. Let's li a notch or two and connue on this journey as a strong and united team, connue to commit to our club, each other and yourself and see where it takes us. We have everything crossed our injured are fit to play finals and wish Di Loveday a speedy recovery also, we certainly did miss you on the coach's bench Saturday along with the bits and pieces you do for our team. Awards: Sally Bateman (AllSeasons-of-Beauty), Eliza Burton (Gino's Pizza), Nicole Thomas (Somerset Hotel).

B Grade: Hatherleigh (46) def by Pt Mac (52). This unprecedented sunny day at Port Mac started with a beauful goal scored by Hayley out of the starng blocks. The B grade girls were well composed and seled, moving the ball quickly across the court and parcularly in and

around the goal circle. Jas and Meg successfully supported the goalies for beer posioning around the goal and Ellie and Hayley both put scores on the board. Port Mac provided a strong counter aack which was met by a ruthless Sophie picking rebounds and taking an impressive four intercepts during the first quarter, creang turn arounds, and scoring opportunies for Hatherleigh. The second quarter changes brought Ella on as GD, playing her usual high quality defensive netball, ensuring Hatherleigh remained compeve. Port Mac didn't waste me, eager to close the gap and capitalising on what appeared like a slightly unseled Hatherleigh side scoring a few quick goals. Demi managed herself well in the WD posion, successfully taking key intercepts. Jas connued to strategically place herself around the court to best support the team and gain advantage. Hatherleigh managed to increase their score to a six-goal lead at half me. The game remained compeve and even amongst the two teams during the first part of the third quarter. A number of changes had Deni successfully stepping up as C from juniors and doing a great job of it. Both sides connued to play clean but very compeve netball with limited errors. Sophie took a cracker 'toss-up' which hadn't been seen to much on court this season but made for an entertaining spectacle. The final quarter of netball for this 2023 season for our B grade girls started with a Port Mac goal due to a turnover from our centre pass, this change set the phase. Port Mac found another gear and accurate shoong and consistent defensive play allowed Port Mac to score five goals consecuvely with no answer from Hatherleigh. The theme connued and further mid-quarter changes from coach Nat, allowed the girls to just have some fun as the game became an unlikely win for our side. Even though the game was lost, the girls ended their season on a posive and happy note. Awards: Sophie Gibbs (All-Seasons-of-Beauty), Hayley Bell (Mad Penguin), Deni Brown (Somerset Hotel).

A Reserve: Hatherleigh (43) def by Pt Mac (47). Unfortunately, illness struck us again just prior to starng Saturday and a bit of shuffling around. We started strong with Abby and Imogen in the goal circle, Eliza at WA and Shayla at C, Lucy at WD and Cate started in the defensive circle with Millie due to Sarah unwell. Our intensity, pressure and hard at the ball right from the start was great, taking the lead at quarter me by six. Our second was sll prey good with Millie keeping her GS to minimal scoring but our third quarter we had plenty of turnovers in the mid with Lucy who had been unwell all week playing a blinder and followed by Shayla and Ali working hard in the mid-court but Pt Mac's defence started playing more on the body and we started to lose the plot and miss shots, only scoring seven goals for the quarter to find ourselves four goals down at ¾ me. Eliza came in GA in the last quarter and majority of us kept fighng picking up some good intercepts but unfortunately, we couldn't get the lead back and went down by four goals. Prey disappoinng not to make finals especially when we were looking the goods midway through the start of the season, unfortunately injuries and illness took its toll on us. Thank you to Sarah Gray for filling in and doing the scoring today, to Niah Faulkner from the 17's who sat on our bench all year, Olivia Slaery for being our team manager and Grace Chay our scorer. A huge, big thank you to Liss McGrath for all your support week in and week out, so greatly appreciated. Good Luck to our 13's, 15's and B Reserve ney teams and our four footy teams all playing in finals in the coming weeks. Awards: Lucy Corman (Somerset Hotel), Shayla Jones (Mad Penguin), Ali McLellan (Since-Fiy-Six).

A Grade: Hatherleigh (46) def Pt Mac (39). Last game of the season for the A girls and again having eight for the game saw us having changes at every break but despite the changes the girls played a great team game to finish the season on a high! We've put in some hard work to work on our structure, intensity and team work and unfortunately hit our straps a lile late to leave us without a finals gig, but we should be proud of our season and the netball we have been playing. Awards: Tegan Telfer (Since-Fiy-Six)), Erin Watson (Somerset Hotel), Demi Vanderhorst (Mad Penguin).

Thanks to all my helpers over the season in the off-court dues being Maree, Anna, Kalli, Sarah, Di, Kate, Anne-Marie, Sam & Olivia. A big thank you to Kerry for her help every week and to the A Res girls who played and sat bench throughout the year. Good luck to the Hatherleigh teams going into the finals.



Hard to believe the final round has been done and once again we got to celebrate some milestone games for some devoted club people in Westy’s 200th and Cam Auld in 100th games as we welcomed the Murphies to Magpie Park in a perfect day for footy

There was a touch of spring in the air and with the oval in perfect condion for footy our youngest magpies, all nearly 40 of them, got the day underway as they have done al year under the watchful eye of Boxy, Sholzy and crew and as always never disappointed. While a few of the U11’s go up to Junior Colts next year, there will sll be huge numbers and will connue watching them grow and develop their cra along with the enjoyment they bring when watching them.

Congratulaons to all that have helped grow and work with our youngest footballers throughout 2024 and to all the players we cant wait to see what the future holds for you all.

Junior Colts: Coming up against 2nd place Glencoe was always going to be a tough ask for Macca’s crew but with the connual growth of the group and some quality footy over the past weeks along with having an abundance of numbers the Junior Colts made sure the Murphies had to work hard throughout the game and didn’t have it their own way The scoreboard didn’t reflect how the game was played as we had plenty of the ball around the ground however size won out in the end. Best players went to Joe Box, Elodie Burr, Nathaniel Cooper, Blake Ross, Jessie Dekoning & Aiden Cooper With only a handful moving up into senior colts and some ready-made players stepping up from U11’s the U14’s will be one to watch next year as they look to connue the good work from this season.

Senior Colts: In what’s been a tough trying year for our Senior Colts full credit to Tommy and the playing group in connually fronng up each week and baling it out to represent the black and white. With the addion of a few Penola lads once again it looked a very even match up around the ground and showed that with a group of players our Senior Colts can be more than compeve against any side. With plenty of the footy and run throughout the 4 quarters the Colts were in the game right up unl the final siren and not for some inaccurate kicking would have seen the 3rd win for the season. Best players – In his final game of junior footy Connor, Nateo, Coop, Harry, Brycie, Marcus Brand and Brycie. As Tommy has said, its about development and looking to the future and senior footy and we have several ready made seniors set to go in the very near future.

B Grade: Another super day for football at Kalangadoo as the

Magpies faced Glencoe. Aer a strong win the week before it was important for the B Grade that they connued to build on form heading into a finals campaign. Brad Male was strong in the ruck and was able to provide the mid-filed with first use. Brad was also really good around the ground and this enabled Flare Phillips, Chris Mules and Ricky Lindner to move the ball forward. In a change of roles Jacob Simmonds played forward and was able to boot 8 majors with Tyler Jones also contribung 8 goals for the game. This enabled the Pies to run out comfortable winners in the end, especially important as we celebrated and acknowledged 200 games for Des West and 100 games for Cam Auld. As we head into finals we would like to acknowledge the Club and all the volunteers who help us get on the ground every Saturday, your efforts are really appreciated.

A Grade: Sing in 3rd spot going into the final round it was going to take a big win by the A’s and then relying on other results to fall our way to jump into 2nd spot and the double chance. Glencoe are never a side to take lightly as have some handy playmakers, but Lynsey had the maggies up and about ready to put on a show in what was the final home game for the year. As expected the Murphies pushed hard early and halfway through the 1st the scores were level but with Jaggs Pra repelling the ball out of defence constantly and the forwards geng hold found us with a 26 point lead at quarter me. The second quarter the work around the contest increased with the midfield starng to get on top in winning clearances and providing quality ball to the forwards and allowing them to go to work while the defence held resolute not allowing the Murphies a score for the quarter meaning a 67-point lead at the main break. Something that we haven’t been able to do a lot of in season 2023 is put sides away over the 4 quarters and at half me Lynsey urged the group to not back off now and put the foot on the throat and finish the game off strongly in second half. And that they did by only allowing the Murphies the solitary goal in the second half while adding another 16 goals to our tally to record a comprehensive 158-point victory and at the same me securing 2nd spot and the double chance. Best players – Jaggs Pra, Dylan Bromley, Tye McManus, Sco Agnew, Mitch Lowe & Brad Auld.

With the finals ahead for both senior sides and several of the netballers it’s a great me to be around the club and need to make sure we get around the players as embark on what will be another excing finals campaign for the black & white.

Junior 2: Mini magpies made us all proud with the vast improvement, great sportsmanship and awesome plays that have developed. Everyone got best on today with a special menon to Alyssa, Zali, and Ariella. I know the footwork is ready for J1 level and the ball handling skills also. Well done and thanks to the parents that helped and children for being so coachable, it has been an epic year, and so much growth! You beer all be back next year, because you are all a bunch of absolute legends with huge netball potenal.

Junior 1: Aer a bit of a slow start we came out firing in the second half. Lots of defensive pressure caused many turnovers with some lovely passing into the ring to the goalies. Once again there were lots of posional changes to give everyone a go, all players take up any challenge with a great effort. Harper (Penola Recyclers) played her usual quiet but consistent game while Emily showed her incredible progress in defence, earning the Wendy’s award. This lile team has come so far this season and have been lots of fun to coach. Thank you to all the players and their families for their support and encouragement with my first year of coaching.

13 & Under: A solid team game from all seven players who worked hard to win their posions. Tekani (Wendy’s award) had another fabulous defensive game geng lots of intercepts and rebounds. Molly (Penola Recycling) was also outstanding and provides good leadership on court. We had some really great passages of play where we led in front and made strong passing choices. Now it’s the serious end of the season as we head into finals!

15 & Under: A great way to finish the minor rounds with a strong and focused game. Shayden (Wendy’s), Lucy and Kiersten combined well and shot with great accuracy. Zoe (Penola Recyclables) Maya and Molly applied pressure in the goal circle and down the court creang lots of extra opportunies for our aack line. It’s so nice to see us taking the intercepts and strong balls with 2 hands. Ava drove well and fed from the circle beaufully and Chloe as always was outstanding wherever we put her Be proud of the season we have had but now the real work starts.

17 & Under: Such a fun group with so much chat (not always about netball)! Good to see us finally geng our two claps in perfect me and making Jenna happy. A lot of different combinaons and some players choice on posions led to a fun and entertaining game.

Who knew we had so many wannabe goalies! Ash (Penola Recyclables) showed her versality both ends of the court and Allara (Kiralee Jade) moved well in the circle and shot some lovely goals. Thanks for the season girls, you never failed to make us smile and we definitely improved over the year. Hope to see you all back here next season.

B Reserve: Was great to finish the minor rounds with a solid win. Everyone did what they needed to do to win their posions and implement the work that we have been pung in at training. The belief in ourselves and one another is back and we will connue to back each other all through finals. Best players were Bec (Globe), Jodi (Sheltons) and Gem (BFT).

B Grade: Great way to end the minor rounds girls. We again had new combinaons but everyone adjusted and combined really well together. Lydia and Ebs feeds into the goalies were on point finished off with another consistent and accurate game by Bel in goals. The defensive end were on fire creang lots of turnovers which were rewarded by the aack end. Again a massive thank you to our young guns Abby, Eb and Maya for stepping up and filling in when we’ve needed you, and thank you to Jenna for sing bench for us today. Let’s the keep up the posivity and hard work going into finals. Demi (globe hotel award) and Emily (Kirralie Jade award).

A Reserve: A fantasc win for our last minor round game! We came out firing and didn’t let up for the enre game. The flow down court was much more consistent and the defensive pressure was as strong as it has been all season. Gina and Sophie found each other easily and connually improve to be a strong combinaon. Re and both Georgia’s created plenty of turnovers both in and around the circle all game. Enjoy the week off girls and let’s come out with everything we have against Robe. Best Re Wetherall (Sheltons Butchers) and Lucy Williams (Globe).

A Grade: Slow start had us playing catch-up. Great team effort to increase our intensity and persist. Defensively we were able to provide opportunies in the second half to secure the win. Thank you to our sideline support. Best players: Abbey (Commercial Hotel) and Jane (BFT).

The Kalangadoo Netball Club would like to thank all players, supporters, volunteers and sponsors for the 2023 season and good luck to the teams that head into finals rounds.



With the last of the home and away rounds behind us, we look forward to the first final this week at Hatherleigh. Junior Colts will kick the day off for us @ 9:30am (earlier start than usual), followed by the Under 17 netballers, then back to the footy for the Reserves. Let's get good numbers of supporters along to watch these teams at Hatherleigh, and best of luck to the teams, coaches, etc.

Last weeks reviews and award winners:

Under 11: The young Hawks travelled to Tantanoola and they were pumped for the last game. They all played their best game for the season, and to see how each and every player has improved throughout the season is a real credit to them all. Thank you to the parents and supporters who came out each week to watch the Under 11's, they certainly enjoyed playing for a crowd! Thank you also to the parents who umpired throughout the season, it was greatly appreciated. Awards:

Intersport - Iziah Hunt, Coaches Award - Huey Harding, Rob & Amy Whiy - Ted Ellis, President's Award - Vann Byron, Donut King - Mason Lile, Judd Buntsma & Harry Collins.

Junior Colts: Firstly, I'd like to thank all our volunteers and supporters this year. The team have had a great year, and with finals around the corner, the kids and myself are very excited. We had a great win against Tantanoola on the weekend, and it's always great to see them geng beer and more confident every game, and I can't wait unl the first final this week. Awards: Lucas Family Award - Declan Richardson, Aussie DisposalsNoah Von Stanke Dowie, SpotOn Fishing - Mason Galpin, Janeway Plumbing - Jacob Gordon, Paradise Pizza - Ryan Lucas, with Blake Telford coming in sixth best.

Senior Colts: A tough game to finish the year off for the lads, but credit to them, the second half of the season everything seemed to click and they have been playing some great footy. A testament to this is the

number of them that have played in the seniors and reserves, holding their own, for a number of games now, well done to you all. Awards: MT Wheels - Jack Ausn, Swallow Drive Meats - Marley McDonald, Mick Mullan - Ethan Williamson, Coach AwardTyler Richarsdson, Badenoch's Deli - Toby McKinnon and Cohen Janeway rounding out the best players.

Reserves: Good way to finish the minor round with a solid performance. The boys set the game up with a seven goal start and we were able to move the magnets and give everyone a chance to get around the ball. Looking forward to finals and hopefully we can put our best foot forward. Brad Long controlled the half back for the Commercial Hotel Award. Andrew Telford connued his impressive form for the Colllins Court Butchers Voucher. Bohdi Pannenburg dominated in the air for the Killara Food Centre Voucher and Liam Whiy was everywhere for the Club Tea Award. Dan Hann sloed 6 and won the Pick Avenue Deli Award and Liam Durcan took the final spot for the other Club Tea Voucher

Seniors: A tumultuous season that we can put behind us and focus on 2024. With a very young line up and a number of players to return from injury next year, hopeful of a more successful year on the field. Well done to the lads for giving it their all when we were up against it, and connuing to run games out each week, with great quarters of footy played, just lacked consistency and that's what has let us down. A new approach into next season will see your efforts rewarded. Awards from last week's game included: Commercial HotelJe Aard, Collins Court Meats - Ma Cordy, Killara Food Centre - Adam Prosperi-Porta, Club Tea Awards - Will Vickery & Ryan Vickery, with Robbie Hein rounding out the best.

Reminder to the Under 11's families of the break-up on Saturday 9th September, with lazertag, then BBQ back at the club. All welcome.

13 & Under: Yeah! What a way to finish the season off girls with an awesome win 3039! Highlight for us as coaches was to see some of that hard work in training really paying off. Each and every player played their part, from the defensive pressure, through to mid court bringing the ball and the shooters compleng the task. Awards this week went to each and every player, working as a team.

15 & Under: What a game! You girls came out and gave it your all and it showed. You chased every loose ball. Faught hard for rebounds and made the game flow down the court. You all have made me so proud. Everything we have worked on at trainings you girls took on board and worked well together. Im so proud of you all. If I could I would give you all best players. Best players were Harmony Kent (Fasta Pasta) and Demi Jennings (money). Special shout out to Imogen for shoong 13 goals in the last quarter! Well done and I’m sure you all made Maddie proud.

17 & Under: Finals bound baby! It was so great to go out and see us play with such a high level of intensity throughout the enre match but remain so paent and controlled with the ball. It was because of this that we we're able to get a 10 goal win so we know we're more than capable of being compeve with the teams above us and will be able to carry that mindset into finals. Great game today girls, so proud of you all. Best players Becky Duivenvoorde - Lima and Co and Paige Hicks - Confession.

B Reserve: Awesome game against Tantanoola. The defensive pressure was strong all game. You were all leading in front and our passing was good. Tamika & Courtney H worked hard in defence and were able to get the ball back down our shoong end for a goal. Marnee and Julie

worked well through the centre court and Leta was having one of her best games for the season and was quite oen open and free and the use of her arms was great throughout the whole game. Amber started well in shooter but had to come off with a calf injury. Great effort with Amie not feeling 100 percent taking her spot and giving her all for the next 3 quarters.

Courtney S & Amie held their space in the goal circle and were able to score well.

Tamika came into GS in the last quarter and also shot well. Great team effort to end the season. Well done everyone, you have improved so much throughout the year and I think it really showed today. Awards: Courtney SLima & Co, Courtney HConfessions.

B Grade: Great game girls! Loved coaching you all for the year. Congratulaons to Lyl for finishing the season strong and welcome to rerement! See you at presos!

A Reserve: A disappoinng loss to end the season! We started with a strong lead, but the heat got to us. Today seen all players very fagued as the game went on, with an unexpectedly sunny day Aack worked well in the circle, feeding and shoong. Today's best players, Zara Vonstanke receiving the Lima and Co voucher, & Kaylah Farrell with the Commercial Hotel voucher

A Grade: Bad luck girls. Probably not the way we wanted or could have finished the season but I'm proud of our effort and development through the year. We showed patches today that are really posive and show how well we can play when we are all playing together and using our heads. Commitment to the ball was huge all over the court today but Riley (The Commercial Hotel) and Emily (South Eastern) took a huge amount of body and stood tall for four quarters to earn themselves best players.




Junior Colts: For the last game of the season for us burr boys the junior colts turned on a great performance. Aer a slow start Reed and Levi took the game on and shined. The two major standouts were Logan and Sonny, they played 4 quarters of great footy. With the season done and dusted just wanted to give a menon to all the parents who have helped out with coaching these young boys this year. My first season of coaching wouldn’t have been as smooth sailing as it was if it wasn’t for the great support of the parents and club. I look forward to seeing these boys grow and develop not only as footballers but people.

Senior Colts: Last week the senior colts had a huge challenge to hold on to fourth spot and a finals berth. Unfortunately we were not able to come away with the win against Robe who have now taken fourth spot meaning we are likely to miss finals by one game. The boys have had a good year with a couple of costly lapses but have all improved their football. Best players were Charlie Bevan, Brady Sharp, Jackson Dean, Bradlee Lawson, Sam Hunt and Cohen Montuori.

B Grade: And just like that another season is over. Our final game ended with a compeve effort against a near full strength Robe team. Despite winning lots of the ball we couldn’t put it on the scoreboard. Best players were Nick Morrison, Frazer Johnston, Ben Ballantyne, Brock Sandow, Jacob Gregory and Mark Teagle. Thanks to everyone that has helped out the B grade in any way this year. To all my players, I hope to see all of you back in the

green & gold next year.

A Grade: Round 17 saw our final game for 2023 down @ Robe. Before the game we spoke about effort and a commitment to finishing the year off well as a group. Robe were able to make the most of their opportunies where we were not. It was pleasing to see our boys connuing to crack in and have a go all day, working hard throughout the 4 quarters. Best players for the day were - 1. Jackson Dean who has played a huge role for us all year as a Snr Colter playing a key posion. Was up for the bale against Smithy and held him well all day. 2. Sam Wallis who again spoiled and contested everything within a 100m radius with his long arms. 3. Jack Muhovics who again lead the way with his contested work and repeat efforts. 4. Horse Guye who once again played a role for us and did it well, doing what was needed to contest everything. Found himself up forward in the last but was unable to find the scoreboard. 5. Dylan Ridley who despite seeing yellow early in the game sll proved he’s one of the best midfielders in the compeon by geng plenty of the ball. 6. Josh Fiebig who started forward before pushing up onto the wing and finding plenty of it himself. Rarely loses a contest. That’s it from me, thanks again to all who help make Mt Burr what it is and supporng us throughout. Special thanks to my support team of Jenna, Mack, Teddy, Rue & Arecouldn’t have done it without you.

All the best to the netballers in the finals!

Thanks to our major sponsors - Your Choice Conveyancing, J & M Shanks Engineering, ACM Plumbing, South East Property, Acky's Deli, Lowndes Abrasive Blasng, Laura and Vicki Hair

Wow our last home game all over for 2023. Thank you to everyone that has volunteered their me on Saturday's throughout the year, especially on our home games when there are so many extra dues to complete. Our players, supporters, club members, volunteers and our very valued sponsors help to make our club an amazing one to be involved in and apart of. With one home and away game to go, we travel down to Robe. I wish all teams all the very best and encourage all players to dig deep and finish the round with the feeling that you gave the last game your all.

Junior 2: What a game! You girls have shown so much improvements within this season and it's fantasc to see! You all should be so proud. We had great defensive pressure all game, which led to passing and moving down the court to get the end result of a goal. The Fasta Pasta award went to Holly who showed great improvements with her passing and focused on her movements with coming in front of her player. The Zambreros award went to Alaska who always uses a loud voice when calling for the ball and had a lot of confidence when shoong goals. The Donut King award went to Evie who had a great quarter in centre, showed confidence with her moving and has really worked on using her voice. We have one more game this season girls, let's go out and have some fun!

Junior 1: Well done girls, you all showed great persistence today. Our defence all over the court was good and we moved the ball well in the second half. Awards went to Mia (Fasta Pasta) for her defensive efforts all game and Eva (Donut King) for her great reoffering and movement to create space. Thanks to Zoe for umpiring and Sarah for scoring.

13 & Under: Well done girls, good team game. We played some great netball in wet condions. We sll need have paence bring the ball down the court and make sure we are looking down the court to give the ball. We had lots of changes and some of the girls played in different posions, but everyone adapted well, and played and support each other with great communicaon all over the court. Lets come out firing against Robe today. Thanks again for Poppy filling in. Thanks to Shannon for scoring, Stacey for ming and Simone for umpiring. Awards went to Hannah –Denton’s Sportpower, Hope – Subway, Jessica – Donut King and Poppy – Zambrero.

15 & Under: Well done girls. Today was a game that we were able to strengthen our weaker aspects of our game. We just need to work on our talking and communicaon. The start of our game seen us a bit rocky but as the quarters progressed we got stronger and a lot more confident. Best players went to Kaylah (Boost) for having confidence, posioning well on the circle and feeding our goalies accurately. Stella (Subway) for her 4 persistent quarters and talking to her teammates. Sarah (Cafe Melzar) for her accurate shoong and a strong quarter in C. Lexi (Donut King) for strong leads, cung in front and a strong defensive quarter in GD Thank you Bec for umpiring, Allan for scoring, Pete for ming and always Lilly for her support.

17 & Under: The wet weather made it tricky to move the ball quickly, however you adapted to condions and had strong hands to catch the ball. Our aacking line showed strength with driving onto the circle edge, having paence when passing and clearing space for each other. Ashlee, Jemma and Jazmine all shot with accuracy, making the most of any turnovers that Olivia, Abbey and Ella fed in. It took a lile while for our centre court defence to block the drive out of the defence line, but Macy, Ella and Tilly all made intercepons due to great body

posioning and ancipang where the ball may go. Your flexibility and talent in a range of posions was again on show. Great work in the cold, damp condions. Congratulaons to Jemma for winning the Muffin Break award and Oliviah for the Zambreros. Thanks Nathan for scoring, Ma for ming and Zoe for umpiring. With this being the last "round game" for the year, I would like to thank all those that have contributed to our team with umpiring. We are looking forward to our finals journey, and hope we can play strong netball to have some success. We would love your support on the sidelines in the coming weeks.

B Reserve: Well done girls, coming away with the win. We need to remember let's reward our player that present front with the ball. We have to paence with space awareness all the over court and with driving back to the ball. Keeping our heads up with things aren't going our way and keep pung pressure over ball to create the turnover Lets come out fifing against Robe today Thanks to Madi for scoring, Zoe for ming and Lynne for umpiring. Awards went to Hannah – Millicent Florist, Sophie – Fasta Pasta and Zali – Zambrero.

B Grade: Congratulaons girls, what a fantasc win yesterday. We played our own game and held our composure against a very physical side. Defence was consistent in the goal circle with Stacy and Charloe geng many intercepts and rebounds and with pressure applied from mid court many turnovers were made. Tilly and Mackenzie worked hard to make sure there shots counted and their teammates turnovers were well deserved. The contest in the goal circle was very physical so well done to play 4 quarters and shoot accurately. Thank you to Makaylah Gregory for filling in for us on Saturday, Holly team manager, Karen and Sophie for scoring/me keeping and Jody for umpiring. Best players Tilly Gamble, Charloe Shaw

A Reserve: What a beer start to the game this week, you came out firing working well as a team, being paent with our passage of plays. We finished the first quarter 7 goals up. Kongorong stepped up the memento and wanted it more and levelling the score at 18 all going in to the second half. Unfortunately, we couldn't come away with the win. Also congratulaons to Abbey on making her A grade debut aer already playing 2 games. Awards: Maddi B – Millicent Florist, Alisha –Fasta Pasta.

A Grade: Round 16 saw us take on Kongorong. We started the game a lot more focused than the prior week, coming off at the first break with a five goal lead. Our goal for the rest of the game was to build on that lead. It was great to have the young gun Ashlee Dean back in the side, creang space and shoong accurately. This combined with the defensive combinaon of Madi and Olivia, helped us to gain a 16 goal lead at half me. We made a few changes going into the third quarter, with Abbey Falng coming into WA and making her A Grade debut. She held her own super well and sloed into the team perfectly. Our final quarter saw our captain Laura step aside to allow Ella to come into the C posion and play with her fellow 17s teammate and friend Abbey on her debut.

The selflessness of all the girls this season has been a pleasure to watch and coach. The young girls played super well together, with the guidance of our experienced Ebony Ebony really stepped up in the second half of the game, direcng and creang the play for the young ones. It was hard to pick best players as it was such a team game, with everyone playing exceponally well. But our standouts were Madi Hagge, creang turnover aer turnover and Ashlee Dean who has been incredible every me she has taken the court. She has an excing future ahead of her and we can't wait to be apart of it! Congratulaons again to Abbey Falng on making her debut, it was a pleasure to watch you shine.

Go Burr
Lynne Lambert, MBNC President


A big thank you to the sponsors commiee for pung on a big show Saturday, it was well aended and the day ran smoothly. A very big thanks to all of this year's sponsors whether they were major, game day or aucon your support is always appreciated.

A big thank you to the Penola boy's and Toby from East who came out on Saturday and had a game in the Junior or Senior Colts. I know the boy's appreciated it and so did many of the supporters.

This week's sponsors are Mount Gambier Maccas and PE Stump Removal.

We once again thank PE Stump Removal and are grateful to Peter and Gaylene Radley for their connuing support of the Nangwarry Netball & Football Club.

Be sure to stop at Maccas this week and buy that burger or coffee to say thanks!

Sporng clubs would not survive without sponsorship, so we thank you very much.

Under 11: Thanks for all the under 11's who played today and to their parents for geng them to the game, it was a good hit out and the kids showed a lot of effort and baled hard all day with some really good patches of play. For today's best player award I've given it to a player who tried really hard with good skills, made a lot of second efforts, and who's tackling and pressure was good to watch and that was young Zander. Well done to Zander and well done to all the kids on a good game. Cheers.

Junior Colts: Last game of the year for our under 14s, although we didn't get the result we wanted it was a great game to be a part of Beauful weather at Nangwarry made for some clean skills all day, some great footy to watch. It's easy to look at a final score of 70 to 14 Robe’s way and think yep that's a loss, but to watch the way we played you'd think it was a lot closer. We had a lot of the ball in 50 just needed some composure in front of goals and we could've been a lot closer. Absolutely rapt with everyone's efforts on the day, we played some good footy throughout and it was excing to watch.

B Grade: Well as the year draws to an end, the boys have improved on last year. Winning 5 games last season to 7 wins and a draw this season. Thanks to everyone who helped out during the season. Yesterday game was a fantasc effort and the scores reflect the game. Libba had his best game for the season, Josh Smith was in everything, the Neshoda boys had great game and Scoy played his usual game. Hope to see all you boys back next season and to the boys rering thanks. A special

menon to the senior colts who came up and helped out. One can't leave out a special menon to Jordan Hagget for missing a goal in the goal square. Goals Ben D 2, Chappo 1, Hagget 1. Stay safe and go the Saints.

A Grade: A great day of weather greeted us for our last oung for the year and was great to finish in front of a large home crowd confirming that the boys are playing a brand of football that gets our supporters through the gate and something to cheer about. We wanted to reward our hard work for the season with a strong showing against a top 4 side. Robe got the jump on us early and were finding opons out the back of stoppages and short kicking out of defence before we seled and ghtened up in these areas to regain control of play when we had the ball and making their opons more difficult when they had the ball. We went in to quarter me trailling by 11 points. The supporters witnessed a good brand of football for next two quarters and both teams presented a ghtly fought contest and although we had more scoring shots in the second and third quarters inaccuracy prevented us from leading at each of the breaks. In the last quarter Robe got the upper hand to run out winners by 38pts but our boys remained determined and did not give in unl the final siren. The scoreboard was not reflecve of our effort on the day. Goal kickers were Andy Hyland and Tyler Virgo with 3 goals each and singles to BJ Deamer and Brodie Parsons. Congratulaons to Andy Hyland for another stellar year in front of goals finishing the season with 57 goals. Best player awards went to Marcus Thomson, Thomas Vanderhorst, Jack Pudney, Tyler Virgo, Ty Dinnison and Joel Virtanen.

Congratulaons on a super effort this year boys. You have put the club in its best posion in a decade and you gained respect from your competors and as a reward for your efforts the club did not receive the wooden spoon for first me in 10 years. Each week you connued to train well determined to improve your cra. We have such a wonderful list of young talent that is now gaining experience we cannot wait to see what you can do next season aer another pre season under your belt.

A big shout out to our coaching staff Butch Muhovics, Josh Smith and Marcus Thomson, our wonderful training staff Rossy, Gobba and Robyn, team manager Gadget, runner Trevor Fenn, Mick Boneham, President Plugger, our hard working commiee and game day volunteers. We appreciate all your hard work and we couldn't get up each week without you.

A big thank you to the sponsors commiee for pung on a big show Saturday, it was well aended and the day ran smoothly. A very big thanks to all of this year's sponsors whether they were major, game day or aucon your support is always appreciated.

Well done to all the netballers who took to the court in the 2023 season, it was a difficult season on the court but off the court we are working towards building a strong culture with the footballers.

This week's sponsors are Mount Gambier Maccas and PE Stump Removal.

We once again thank PE Stump Removal and are grateful to Peter and Gaylene Radley for their connuing support of the Nangwarry Netball & Football Club.

Be sure to stop at Maccas this week and buy that burger or coffee to say thanks! Sporng clubs would not survive without sponsorship, so we thank you very much. Junior 2: This week was very bier sweet. We are so proud of how far all the girls have come. They have all improved so much! The sun was put and the goals went in! We scored a total of 26 goals, Scarle with 13, Maddie T with 8 and Kenzie with 5. This was a great team effort, the defenders did an amazing job geng mulple turns overs we would like to say a special thank you to Keeley for sing bench every week, all the parents that have helped Amy and I throughout the season. Especially Karlie for being our appointed team manager. Also, I would like to thank Lou Masters for donang $5 each week for our second best prize. Go the Saints, Bring on season 2024!

Junior 1: Great last game today. First half started off a lile slow. But played much beer last half. Even with all the swap around we did and whatever posions you played you all did very well. I'm so proud of you all, the improvement you have all made this season had been huge. You all should also be proud of yourselves. Hopefully you all connue on next year and keep improving together. Team effort for last game

13 & Under: What a fantasc last game guys! It was excellent to see everyone working together as a team to come away with a win! Darcy and Lucy did a great job in in goals! James and Ruby worked hard in defence all game! Ella, Paige and Immy all moved well down the court, creang lots of space and had strong passes. First best went to Ella for her strong and accurate passing all game. Second best went to James for his hard work in defence.

15 & Under: What a great game. Both teams had plenty of great passages of play and high skilled netball was on display to all who watched. Although we didn't get the win to finish off the season you should all be proud of how you played. Great way to finish the season. It has been a pleasure to coach you all. Hopefully you all connue to play netball for years to come. Big thank you to all who umpired, scored and med throughout the year. Enjoy the break and your summer sports. Stay safe.

17 & Under: Well girls! That's a wrap! What a year hey! We had some really good moments this game where what we had spoken about previously was actually happening so it was really good to see. It was always going to be a tough game but all I wanted for you guys was to enjoy your last game. Thank you all for accepng me as your coach half way through the season. It was such a pleasure to have you. Good luck to Em, Tanisha and Mads on going up to seniors next year, I just know you are all going to do so well! See you all next year! Best players Emily Timms and Scarle Black.

B Reserve: What a great last game! This was definitely up there with one of our

beer games. Everyone played incredibly today, and what a glorious day it was for our final game. Thanks for an amazing season - we may have not scored a win, but the growth I've seen from you all as not only players but team mates has made me nothing short of an incredibly proud couch. Best player today was Jessie - a new addion to our club this year and an absolute asset to our team. You played an amazing game and deserve the recognion.

B Grade: Thank you girls for a great season! You were all a pleasure to coach and I have made some epic friends. We were unlucky to not get any wins but you all worked relessly every week and always implemented the small things into your game plan that you learnt at trainings. As a coach all I hoped for was to help improve your game so hopefully I taught you all something on the court. I hope the new girls enjoyed their first season as a saint and connue on for many years. Saturday's game was one of ancipaon as we agreed to mix things up a lile and boy did we! I have had a number of comments about how much fun it sounded over at court 2 with many footballers who were playing even saying how infecous our happiness was. Somemes it isn't about winning but about having fun and from the side lines that was exactly what it looked like. To those making comments such as “don't you get bored and cold when the ball is at the other end all the me” I hope netball is sll fun for you? Because even though the ball doesn't come down our end a lot not one person from my side le the court unhappy on Saturday. Love you girls! A Reserve: It was a tough game on Saturday and you should all be proud of how even at the end you were all sll giving 100%. Bri and Lyndall had the hardest job of us all as Robe's goalies were unstoppable. It is hard to defend at the best of mes but those two were on fire rarely missing a shot. A big thank you to Chloe who stepped in and played again this week, it was a pleasure to have you and your paence in the mid court. I have missed playing with you and it was nice to have your guidance in the mid court these last few weeks. Meighan and Kaitlyn worked hard in the goal circle and seemed to sele when we were took our me and played a more seled game of netball. Ella you have an amazing arm span and when you apply great defensive pressure you are able to get your hands to many balls. I really believe if we were all able to have a great game on the same day we would have been lucky enough to have got a win this season but unfortunately we were not able to get all 7 girls in sync.

A Grade: We started off much beer this week bringing ball down a lot just struggled at mes to get it into circle with some pressure defence. We had though so many great patches of play, so much improvement. Everyone worked real hard and defence got many intercepts. Last quarter was much beer we improved as the game went on. Well done this season girls, good to see that we improved the score line last half of the year. We all knew it was going to be tough from the start and the girls that stuck it out me thank you for your efforts this season. Thanks to Tahlia and Claire for joining the team when we needed players, you both did so well and improved weekly. Thanks to youngster Scarle that stepped up this season and really gave it a crack, forever geng beer with every game under her belt. Without you 3 we never would of had a side. Thanks to all the Ares girls for also helping out when we needed it. Thanks to Cassie for scoring every week and Asha and Julie for ming. Let's keep our heads up and regroup ready for next season. Best Claire and Hayley

NETball fooTball


Mini Colts: Encouragement awards

donated by Bakers Delight this week and they went to all the players. Jai asked the boys to reflect on all they had learned this season and put it into acon and they did just that. The boys came away undefeated this season, this is a future premiership team. Goal kickers were Mitch Lewis, Charlie Lasle, Max Wilson, Zachary Howard, Jaxon

Junior Colts: Hatherleigh gave our side a strong challenge in our last minor round game. They came out of the blocks flying and had us on the back foot early. We managed to respond late in the first to go into quarter me just behind. We made some changes and encouraged the team to want to be first at the ball which they started doing. Half me saw some more changes made which led to a 5 goal term. 3 of these were kicked by super boot Beau! It was also in this quarter that we played some outstanding footy with every player standing up and doing their bit. By the end of the game, we were able to run away with a great win leading into finals. Now we move into the 2nd semi against Glencoe who got the beer of us on their home deck. Hopefully with the training we’ve been doing over the past 2 months will help change that result.

Senior Colts: For the final home and away game we welcomed Hatherleigh down to the Bay on a day which was perfect for football. The first quarter was a real even contest with both sides bringing the heat. Aer addressing some improvements at quarter me, the boys kicked 7 goals in the 2nd quarter to take a decent advantage into the 2nd half. The boys connues their style of footy and managed to finish the game with a 79 to 25 win, bringing some momentum into finals. The coaches and club are extremely proud of how far this group has come but we are not done yet! Plenty of hard work at training over the next few weeks in needed to give ourselves the best chance of geng a shot at a Grand Final. Best players sponsored by the Whan Family were Parick Robinson who was instrumental across halack, Kai Gilmore kicked goals from anywhere, Riley Morgan played a consistent 4 quarters, Jaob Spehr connues to show how good he is down back (much to his disgust), Zaylen Smith was rock solid in the backline and Brodie Anderson had a great game up forward.

B Grade: Port MacDonnell 4.6 lost to Hatherleigh 13.10. What a beauful day in the Bay! The sun was shining, the wind was non existent (almost), there were no scratching's on the team sheet, Linda made cupcakes for aer the game, no one was seriously injured and the oxygen tanks only came out at half me… it's just a pity we didn't finish with a win. It was more like when you are at the top of a steep hill with a go-cart, your mates give you a push and you gently start to roll and then as you gain momentum, the wheels wobble, steering goes out the window and you start to think, hmmm... this could end badly but jeez it's a lot of fun. Unl you see a wheel go past and make it to the boom before you do! And you're barrel rolling out of control unl you stop. With a never say die atude and like he was “on a mission from God!”, Ryan Von Stanke won the BOG for his tenacity on the ball both in the back lines and through the midfield. “Joliet Jake“ Turner and Ma (Murphy) Stark gave the Hatherleigh forwards the “Blues” with hard-hing stoppages, both players creang opportunies in the midfield and pushing the ball forward. Jai Lile and Isaac Narass 'rocked' the flanks providing much needed run while Jess “Aretha F” Feast earned himself a 'lile R.E.S.P.E.C.T.'

for his terrier like aack on the ball and around the packs, driving the play forward at every turn. Of the 4 goals kicked Aaron “Elwood” Harding hit the sweet spot twice while Ryan “Ray“ Von Stanke and Jai Lile both 'shook a tailfeather' with one each. There are many to thank in pung on this lile show… Adam Lewis for coaching, the last minute phone calls, his begging and outright thievery and promises in order to get a team on the field; Ducky and Ron O'Dine for bench coaching, (Ducky for pulling on the boots!); Hayley Goodwin for her team managing par excellence and pung up with a bunch of estrogen deficient men! (who says girls are drama queens!); Shaneo for running… and running! To all the lads who helped with the boundaries and water; Gordy Lewis for goal umpiring, you are not just a top dad but a top bloke too; to Tracey and her team for taping up, rubbing down and keeping the 'life' in life support going; to all the Senior Colts who played 2 games in order for us to field a team on occasion; to all the cameo players, the players who turned up for training (once in a while) and to those who just played this year (there really was far too many to menon!). And to the faithful who came to watch. Our season has now come full circle (where has the year gone?) from a Top Gun opening to a Breakfast Club finish (with a fist punch in the air from Judd Nelson!) we've made it through another season. So… let's see you Red and Blue(s) Brothers get out there again in 2024! Put that wheel back on the go-cart… and I'll see you back at the top of the hill! Go Demons!

A Grade: Port MacDonnell 16.10 def Hatherleigh 12.8. The weather gods were smiling at the Bay and with the grounds in top condion the stage was set for a quality game of footy. Despite the fact we will finish as Minor Premiers for the 2023 season, Hatherleigh are a dark horse in the race to Finals and therefore not be taken lightly. Both teams came out hard and fast in the first quarter and with even scoring shots for goals our accuracy in the breezy condions gave us the head start we needed to stay on top of this game. It proved to be a grueling match and while we had control of the 2nd quarter, we let the momentum slip a lile in the 3rd leng the Eagles back into the game. We finished stronger in the 4th, but we will need to fix that 3rd quarter slump going forward. Colby Munro again need a BOG for his pace through the field and hard drive at the footy along the flank. Ned Wilke stabilized the CHB and midfield yet again with another stand out performance earning him 2nd place in the BP list. Chrisan Howle dominated the CHF line not only kicking a goal himself but assisng in many of our majors. Will Macdonald and Tim Sullivan took charge of the ruck workload throughout the game, their talent and height giving us the advantage for much of the day. Lockie Tilley played his usual no holds barred game, whipping through the packs, and delivering the ball with ease to the forward lines and even managed to score a couple of goals himself in the process. Josh Woodall rounded out the BP list with his consistent effecveness roving the ball. Of the 16 goals scored, Kev Thomson kicked 4, Josh Woodall 3, Lockie Tilley 2, A Ridding, C Howle, T Sullivan, W Macdonald, N Wilke, L Boomley and Adam Kuhl all kicked one each. The minor rounds are now over, and the real workload begins as we train toward that ulmate prize of Grand Final glory. From this point on, NO game is to be considered certain, our discipline, training and fitness will determine our outcome. Train hard to play hard… Go Demons!

Junior 2: What a great effort for our last game girls! To see the improvement in each & every one of you from the start of the season to the end has been so rewarding. Everyone played a great game yesterdayRuby had a cracker, moving so well & taking intercepts, Imogen got numerous touches at WD & shot a great long bomb goal! Ellie was busy in defence - reading the ball so well & creang turnovers, while Desny shot our first goal of the game & moved so well in the circle. Emilee was her reliable self in GK, gaining intercepts & some rebounds. Milah also worked really hard in both aack & defence, driving well & intercepng. Pippa also had a great game, ran really well in C & found some space right down the court & chased all the loose balls. Lucy was busy again, running hard into space & looking for those intercepts that she was successful in geng. Fantasc effort girls all year, it's been a pleasure to coach you & I really hope we see you all back again next year! All girls received a Donut King voucher today

Junior 1: The girls put up a fantasc fight against Hatherleigh. What a super last game. Thank you to our sponsors today, Boost Juice and Bakers Delight, awards went to all players.

13 & Under: Port MacDonnell 34 defeated by Hatherleigh 60. The excitement was high, and the determinaon was there, but the tears aer the game showed how bad the girls wanted it, although Hatherleigh came out stronger than we expected. Bad luck girls, we'll get 'em next year! Each and every week these girls gave their everything growing immensely on the court from being such a shy bunch of girls to the most chay and sassy bunch! I couldn't be prouder to be their coach and couldn't ask for a beer group of girls! Thank you to the parents and umpires who volunteered their me, and to our opposion for a great season! Awards: Kasey McLean (Fasta Pasta), Addison Smith (Fasta Pasta).

15 & Under: Port MacDonnell 39 defeated by Hatherleigh 43. What a great team effort and well fought out game today girls. Even though the score line didn't show in our favour in the end, I think we should all be so proud of ourselves for coming back and bringing the margin to an even draw in the last quarter. It was just a few bad passes that let Hatherleigh over that line. We had great defensive pressure the whole way down the court, we had great transion once we had control over the ball and slowed it down to our speed. It's great to see that some of the defensive pressure we're learning has started to pay off in the middle and that you are listening to your coach on the side line. We had some different combinaons today and to say they worked was an understatement, and it's great knowing now going into finals we have some different opons if things are not working. Our aack line is looking beer, and we aren't geng stagnant. We are realising when things are not working and when we need to move which is incredibly important now going into finals. We had some great posive talk out there today and it shows on court that we are out to back one another up at all mes. Everyone today should be proud of their efforts, and it will be good to train both nights next week ready to hit the court firing and hopefully get the win too. Awards: Bailee Lewis (Subway), Bree Ridding (Arena).

17 & Under: Port MacDonnell 78 defeated Hatherleigh 39. In the final of the minor rounds, our girls faced an unpredictable Hatherleigh side. The last me the two sides met, torrenal winds and rain made for an uncharacteriscally scrappy game so this was not a team to be underesmated. The bay girls started strong, geng a couple of quick scores on the board, a credit to our hard working defensive ouit to provide opportunies to convert.

Hatherleigh slowed our scoring in the second quarter, however our girls managed to hold on unl half me. From here the Port Mac girls kicked it up a gear and really began to capitalise on every opportunity Lara Wilson posioned well in goals and moved well outside the circle to get the scores we needed to build our lead. Ruby Moody was fantasc in defence, fighng to get stop aer stop when considerably outsized by her opponent. Stevie Collins once again showed everyone that she truly is a defensive force to be reckoned with, working hard unl the final whistle. The star of the show this week however was Sophie Lewis, providing control into the aack line and explosive drives in transion, leading her team to a win. Our girls will now play Mount Burr in the second semi final in Tantanoola, be sure to get out and support this fantasc group of young ladies! Awards: Sophie Lewis (Kirralie Jade Makeup), Stevie Collins (Arena Sports).

B Reserve: Port MacDonnell 39 defeated by Hatherleigh 48. Wasn't the way to finish the round but let's focus on what is now ahead of us. Together as a team we we'll work hard, gain the upper hand to successfully reach our goal. Keep pushing hard and doing everything that you can for your team! Awards received by Amber Moulden & Brooklyn Jones. Thanks to our sponsors Victoria Hotel Shipwreck Bistro, Taylormade Hair and Beauty and F45 Mount Gambier

B Grade: Port MacDonnell 52 defeated Hatherleigh 46. A slow start had us on the back foot, chasing hard. We put pressure on ourselves and made lile mistakes. Once we found our rhythm we were able to work the ball around and find space and our goalies Jess and Kelly under the post. Precision passing and strong execuon allowed us the opportunity to gain momentum. Candice and De worked hard to gain the upper hand and push forward with strength in the aack line. We worked incredibly hard together as team to reach our desired outcome. Jenni, Montanna and Elivia's strong defence all over the court provided us with turnovers which were capitalised on. The aack line shuffle provided us with a strong tall target under post. Lilly providing great value. A fantasc team effort. Awards: Lilly Day (Shipwreck Bistro, Victoria Hotel Port MacDonnell), Jenni Taylor (F45).

A Reserve: Port MacDonnell 47 defeated Hatherleigh 43. Very slow start on the score board today as Hatherleigh came out firing and wanted that win. We were all very flat and literally didn't look like we wanted to be out on the court. Coming into the second half something changed and we started gaining momentum and playing the game I know we all can play. Slowing pinning back the score line one turnover and goal at a me, we were able to come away with the win. We really need to work hard at training and keep pushing to try and get as far as we can in this finals series. Awards: Izzy Sneath (Victoria Hotel), Nic Collins (Periwinkles).

A Grade: Port MacDonnell 39 defeated by Hatherleigh 46. Last game today for you girls and not the season ending game we hoped or aimed for. You all have definitely grown throughout the season as players and individuals, and it was great to see you all go from strength to strength. Our only downfall was not being able to play 4 consistent quarters, always having that 1 quarter that let us down. I am very excited to see where the next few seasons will lead you all cause I truly believe if you stay together and keep building on the fundamentals you've grown you will be a team to watch out for. Best - team effort and Alysha Coon, sponsored by K&S Freighters (Victoria Hotel), Michelle Moore sponsored by Merre Logging (Periwinkles Cafe).

NETball fooTball

robe roosters CLUB NOTES

netball football

Junior Colts: The boys were determined to finish the season on a high: during the week they trained with great enthusiasm, focus and intensity. This atude, and approach, was carried into Saturday’s game. We made a good start, that was built upon as the game progressed. Each player did what they were asked to do, played the way we wanted; never giving up, doing their best at every contest, being accountable for their opponent, and doing everything possible to contribute to a total team effort and a win. It was pleasing that the ball was shared around at every opportunity, resulng in 7 goal scorers, and a 56 point win. Really the whole team played well, each player should feel proud of their contribuon. Players considered to be high on the list were: Byron (best game of the year), John, Flynn, Conrad, Eli, Vinnie, Brodie and Spencer. Goal scorers were: Byron with 3; John with 2, and 1 each to Eli, Joey, Booda, Nate, and Vinnie. I have really enjoyed coaching the young blokes this year, the support I have received has been fantasc, and I look forward to connuing discussions with our Junior Colts Execuve about how we can go about

next year. To all of our football and netball teams involved in the finals; all the best, do yourselves proud, walk off the oval / court knowing that you have done everything possible to contribute to a win. Make a statement!

A Grade: As Robe were preparing for a lt at the finals it was good to have a hard physical hit out against a determined Nangwarry especially for the players who were called up to the A Grade to replace Robe long injury list. Robe went into the match without a quarter of the team. However, the good news is that these players will be back for the finals although Robe did pick up another serious knee injury on the weekend. It was good to see Hamish Smith get his hands on the ball and gradually find some form and he combined well with Deane and Walker in the forward line. Coach Brown has sll got some nkering to do with the manner in which Robe move the ball forward which will be a priority for training this week. Best for Robe where Lawrie, Walker, Deane, Dinning, Bryant and Sneath with solid contribuons from Robertson, Pet and Woodward.


Clubs are encouraged to submit arcles regarding social events plus player and club milestone informaon for inclusion in the Mid SE Football & Netball Budget. To assist the publisher please note that the preferred format for arcles is as a Word document and any photographs should be supplied as a JPEG file to ensure the best quality reproducon.

All arcles are required by 12 noon each Monday and should be emailed to msebudget@xpressigns.com.au

A Grade: Nang 16 def by Robe 79. A strong game by everyone, great fight and determinaon by each player. It was great to see everyone give 100% Halle ran at centre all day and came away with the Calcua (Steve's Place). While Ellen had a great game at WD, geng hr hands to lots of balls and coming away with the incenve (Eighth Leer Bungalow). Bring on finals.

A Reserve: Nang 19 def by Robe 103. What a great finish to the end of the season! The girls played a controlled and in front game, whilst sll pung the pressure on down the court. The aacking end was strong, playing with confidence and Sarah coming away with the Calcua (Caledonian Inn). The defensive end put in second efforts, pressure over the ball and worked on some of our goals from the last few weeks. Well done to Maisie for geng the incenve (Union Café) and playing a solid game in aack and defence! Looking forward to the finals in a couple of weeks me!

B Grade: Nang 10 def by Robe 87. Great team game, great feeling. Pressure was good across the whole court, and we made sure of our turnovers. Good to have another swap around. We finish the minor round second and now head into finals. Calcua went to Mads (Eighth Leer Bungalow)! How was she in goals-bloody amazing. Incenve to Pom (Eighth Leer Bungalow) who turned our heads with some classy intercepts. Enjoy the feeling.

B Reserve: Nang 18 def by Robe 55. The first quarter was an unseled quarter for the girls. The play was too fast and it all looked a bit messy. Luckily aer the first quarter the girls seled and the passages of play were smooth and precise. Defence worked relessly all game which resulted in many turn overs helping us to sustain a solid lead for the game. Calcua went to Mahalia (Eighth Leer Bungalow) for 4 solid quarters in GK. Incenve went to Olivia (Salubrious Hour) who played her best game yet by far. A 40 point win was just what we needed to finish off our season. Thanks to Nangwarry for a great game.

17 & Under: Nang 25 def by Robe 71. I think today’s game was the best game of netball I have seen the girls play this season as a team. They went in with all guns firing, countless turnovers some amazing shots and some great plays! Everyone has their eye on the ball, used their voice and had great leads. Best player this week went to Lexy (Union Café) for a great

game in defence and for a great job at blocking her players out. Incenve went to Sienna (Union Café), who like always had a great game in goals and really had her eye in today!

15 & Under: Nang 43 def by Robe 49. The girls started strong, lead from the first goal and managed to finish the season with a welldeserved win! Defence was ght through the whole court with plenty of intercepts creang turnovers. Great work from the goalies using the ring to get in the right posion for the goal. Best player went to Kaitley (Steve's Place) for her persistent back-up and intercepts and incenve went to Olivia (Steve's Place) for her connuous effort in defence. Well done girls you fought hard and deserved the win.

13 & Under: Nang 37 def Robe 19. Last game and the girls finished strong all playing hard for the ball. Unfortunately, we didn't get a win but the girls should be proud of their efforts. Scoring the highest number of goals we had all season it really showed the girls were fighng for the win. Best player was awarded to Lacey Brooks (Steve's Place) for her phenomenal game in C geng lots of turnovers. Our goalies worked relessly with Makenzie earning herself incenve (Steve's Place). Well done girls, good luck for next year

Junior 1: What a great end to a fantasc season. First quarter saw the girls playing a goal for goal game. A change of the opposion players throughout the other quarters meant the girls had to work out how to pass the ball and get around some much taller players. Harper worked hard in defence the whole game which resulted in some great turn overs. Edie as always played a ripper game in GK and this resulted in her geng one of the awards for the game (SE Excavaons). Scarle also had a great game earning herself the other award (SE Excavaons). Kendall and Maddison tend to always end up playing against the tallest opposion and they never let it get to them and work extra hard and never drop their heads. Today was by far the best game we have played, a great way to end our season.

Junior 2: A great team game - with 10 players, we had lots of changes, and everyone got to have a go in a posion they wanted to try. I'm so proud of how you have all improved so much throughout the season. I hope to see you all out again next season. Incenve went to Ava and Mia (Caledonian Inn).



With the minor rounds now finished we would like to say a huge thank you to all of our volunteers and coaches for your work this season. To run a club is a massive job but with many hands on board it spreads the load to make it easier

To our valued sponsors, thank you for all of your support, without you our club would not be able to funcon like we do.

Congratulaons to our teams playing in the finals series – 17 & Under, A Reserve and A Grade netball play in the 1st semi and our Senior Colts play off in the 1nd semi aer finishing in top posion.

Junior presentaons will be held at the club on Sunday 17th September and Senior Presentaons will be Friday 29th September – keep an eye on our socials for more info.

We would like to make a special menon to our Silver sponsors – Café Melzar, Cool Moose Refrigeraon, Gildera Forestry Services, JKM Maintenance & Labour Hire, Nutrien Ag Soluons, Professional Wind Services, Sapiatzer Excavaons, Denton’s Sportspower, Splendid Eggs and Telf's

Plumbing. Gold sponsors –Glen Johnson Bowen, Moreland Holdings, The Property Co SA and Globe Hotel. Corporate sponsors –Holla Fresh, Iberdrola and Somerset Hotel.

A Grade: Last game of the year we were really keen to try finish a much improved year off with a win. We started well and baled in almost perfect football weather. With plenty of shots on goal and good movement we got the win to finish the year off. A year full of ups and downs we walk away with an improved year and definitely heading in the right direcon with a young playing group who is geng closer as a group. Best in no order: Hayden Brown, Brandon Pis, Jack Dawe, Darcy Pink and Zac Walker.

www tantanoolafootball club.sporngpulse.net

Stay update date with game day scores and photos on our Instagram page: @tantanoolafnc

Find us on Facebook: Tantanoola Football and Netball Club

Junior 2: What a way to finish the season girls, I couldn't be prouder of the way you played! Last weeks game was evident that you have been listening to instrucons at training! We were all coming forward and our passes were strong. Our aackers were finding the space to receive passes, the goalies shot beaufully, Defence gained some intercepts and our mid court girls brought the ball down fluently. You all deserved best player this week. I am so proud of the progress you have all made this season each game you showed improvement! You're the juniors of our club, but you are all showing great potenal. Cannot wait to see what the future holds for you all! Best players went to Ellie, Gracie and Lexi!

13 & Under: What a beauful day for our last game of netball. We come up against a very evenly matched team this week & it was good to see great compeon between all of the girls. We struggled to score so swapped it up at half me & put some girls into new posions & it worked really, really well. The girls we swapped into defence did an amazing job, excellent effort. Everyone has been so resilient this year & willing to have a crack at any posion, you should all be very proud of yourselves! Awards went to Tamika & Emie - going from defence to aack at half me & turning that scoreboard over, job well done. Our 3rd award went to Olivia for going from aack to defence & just giving 100% every me she takes that court. Lets have a good summer break & look forward to another compeve season next year! Go Tigers!

17 & Under: A tough bale this week for the girls coming up against a top four side. We let them get ahead of us early which made it tricky to catch up but we worked hard all game and won so much ball. Defensively, Holly, Molly, Charli and Kaitlin worked well as a unit with Kailah slong in there as well. In aack we grew as the game went on and Bella and Ebs worked really well together. Demi's ming onto the ball was perfect and it was great to watch. Poppy came on into the middle and sloed in seamlessly. A big week at training this week girls, let's do this!

B Reserve: Last game of season girls was a tough and quite hot match! All played well and did your bit unfortunately didn't come away with the win! Awards: Heaven on Hanger: Chloe and Jade Congrats to A res for coming over

the line to secure a well-earned spot in the finals! Best of luck to under 17's, A Res, A grade netball and Senior Colts footy, you played hard all year for an earned spot in finals! Let's bring home the flag.

B Grade: A slow start for us girls on the weekend. A lot of unforced errors and poor decisions, showing we really do need to slow down and take control and work on our passes. Some changes at half me with Indi switching to aack and Danni coming on in defence. A great second half with some nice play down the court and some lovely drives from Chloe, we were able to pull ahead and increase our lead. With great defensive pressure down the court from Sal and turnovers from defence, Ash and Indi were able to reward, working hard making sure their shots count. Best on went to Kristy with some great direcon of play down the court and second best went to Ash. Great to finish the season on a high girls and a big shout out to our coach Erin for all her dedicaon over the season!

A Reserve: A great way to end the minor rounds with a win. It was a rough start to the game with a lot of unforced errors of our own doing. Some changes made at the 1/4 and had immediate impact on the game. Turnovers were coming from everywhere. We capitalised on these and put us ahead in the game. Another injury in the 3/4 gave us the opportunity to use junior Molly Cushion in goals. We got momentum and kept pushing ahead. While we were waing for results on other games to see if we made the finals we were confident we had it done. Congratulaons girls on finishing top 4! Best: Leah Ousey - Lima and Co, Lucy BarberChelsea Feast make up.

A Grade: Was pleasing to see Tayla (Limo award) and Casey taking the game on with several intercepts throughout the game. Kate and Kate were ght checking throughout, and connue to provide opons to team mates. Keryl's ability to play different posions and using her height for our advantage was pleasing. Emma (Chelsea Feast Makeup Arst) provided a strong, controlled target and along with Jami who slong back into goals with ease, shot extremely well. It is excing for us to now move in the final series and put into acon all that we have worked on during the season. Our main focus needs to be reducing our own errors so that we can maximise our possessions.

In conjuncon with


Round 1 - 15th April 2023

Round 10 - 24th June 2023

Round 2 - 22nd April 2023

Round 11 - 1st July 2023

Round 3 - 29th April 2023

Round 12 - 15th July 2023

Round 4 - 6th May 2023

Round 13 - 22nd July 2023


- 13th May 2023

Round 14 - 29th July 2023


Hatherleigh 100 d. Tantanoola 50

Port MacDonnell 60 d. Kalangadoo 51 Glencoe 185 d. Nangwarry 95

Kongorong 59 lt. Mount Burr 92 Robe bye

Round 8 - 3rd June 2023

Kalangadoo 108 d. Hatherleigh 100

Tantanoola 88 d. Glencoe 54

Nangwarry 103 d. Kongorong 75

Mount Burr 60 lt. Robe 76

Port MacDonnell bye


Hatherleigh 61 d. Port MacDonnell 19 Glencoe 46 lt. Kalangadoo 82

Kongorong 33 lt. Tantanoola 64

Robe 145 d. Nangwarry 32 Mount Burr bye

Round 15 - 5th August 2023

Nangwarry 38

Port MacDonnell 145 d. Tantanoola 34

Glencoe 74 lt. Mount Burr 83

Kongorong 50 lt. Robe 128 Kalangadoo bye

Round 16 - 12th August 2023

Tantanoola 3 lt. Hatherleigh 149

Kalangadoo 45 lt. Port MacDonnell 88

Nangwarry 46 lt. Glencoe 182

Mount Burr 134 d. Kongorong 58 Robe bye

Round 17 - 19th August 2023

Hatherleigh 52 lt. Kalangadoo 64

Glencoe 118 d. Tantanoola 41

Kongorong 59 lt. Nangwarry 77

Robe 69 d. Mount Burr 30

Port MacDonnell bye


Port MacDonnell 106 d. Hatherleigh 80

Kalangadoo 183 d. Glencoe 25

Tantanoola 104 d. Kongorong 72

Nangwarry 59 lt. Robe 97

Mount Burr bye

18 - 26th August
- 20th May 2023 Round 7 - 27th May 2023
Carnival 1st Semi Final Preliminary Final 2nd Semi Final Grand Final 2nd September 2023 16th September 2023 9th September 2023 23rd September 2023 8th July - SA Country Championships Kalangadoo 127 d. Kongorong 104 Tantanoola 31 lt. Robe 121 Nangwarry 37 lt. Mount Burr 126 Port MacDonnell 121 d. Glencoe 28 Hatherleigh bye Kongorong 27 lt. Kalangadoo 114 Robe 94 d. Tantanoola 15 Mount Burr 167 d. Nangwarry 55 Glencoe 57 lt. Port MacDonnell 120 Hatherleigh bye Glencoe 161 d. Hatherleigh 64 Kongorong 62 lt. Port MacDonnell 92 Robe 76 d. Kalangadoo 36 Mount Burr 69 d. Tantanoola 62 Nangwarry bye Hatherleigh 132 d. Glencoe 37 Port MacDonnell 164 d. Kongorong 31 Kalangadoo 96 d. Robe 62 Tantanoola 79 d. Mount Burr 38 Nangwarry bye Hatherleigh 125 d. Kongorong 66 Port MacDonnell 68 lt. Robe 84 Kalangadoo 67 lt. Mount Burr 68 Tantanoola 113 d. Nangwarry 46 Glencoe bye Kongorong 22 lt. Hatherleigh 128 Robe 60 lt. Port MacDonnell 107 Mount Burr 80 lt. Kalangadoo 137 Nangwarry 56 lt. Tantanoola 87 Glencoe bye Robe 85 d. Hatherleigh 51 Mount Burr 30 lt. Port MacDonnell 125 Nangwarry 34 lt. Kalangadoo 132 Kongorong 114 d. Glencoe 72 Tantanoola bye Hatherleigh 66 d. Robe 25 Port MacDonnell 89 d. Mount Burr 53 Kalangadoo 173 d. Nangwarry 23 Glencoe 157 d. Kongorong 100 Tantanoola bye Hatherleigh 60 d. Mount Burr 46 Port MacDonnell 188 d. Nangwarry 62 Kalangadoo 84 d. Tantanoola 34 Glencoe 72 lt. Robe 96 Kongorong bye Mount Burr 58 lt. Hatherleigh 87 Nangwarry 33 lt. Port MacDonnell 148 Tantanoola 30 lt. Kalangadoo 67 Robe 79 lt. Glencoe 80 Kongorong bye Nangwarry 69 lt. Hatherleigh 145 Tantanoola 43 lt. Port MacDonnell 103 Mount Burr 135 d. Glencoe 61 Robe 162 d. Kongorong 43 Kalangadoo bye Hatherleigh 154 d.
- 17th June
10th June - South East Zone

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