Mid South East Football & Netball Budget - Grand Final, 2021

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mid south east football & netball

The Family League

ISSUE #1435


SATURDAY 18th september 2021 at TANTANOOLA

MSEFootball L








MSENetball A S S O C I A T I O N



tantanoola football netball club ENTRY GATE
































GRAND final DAY FOOTBALL SCHEDULE A GRADE – 2:00pm PORT MACDONNELL vs KALANGADOO Umpires: Neil Webber, Travis Lockwood, Bre Watson Boundary: George Wimshurst, James Allen, Brodie Von Stanke-Dowie Goals: Dave Gilbert, Bill Chapman Reserve Umpire: Lindsay Drowley B GRADE – 12:15pm HATHERLEIGH vs PORT MACDONNELL Umpires: Barry Nilsson, Chris Sco , Ma Cockrum Boundary: Noah Cockrum, Kallan Price, Brian Bonney, Ryan Long Goals: Kevin Nobes, Ted Peacock Reserve Umpire: Adam Gilbert SENIOR COLTS – 10:45am ROBE vs HATHERLEIGH Umpires: Michael Pink. Sco Chuck, Adam Gilbert Boundary: George Wimshurst, Brodie Pfitzner, Brodie Von Stanke-Dowie, James Allen Goals: Dave Gilbert, Bill Chapman Reserve Umpire: Lindsay Drowley JUNIOR COLTS – 9:30am KONGORONG vs HATHERLEIGH Umpires: Andrew Rohrlach, Darrin Brown Boundary: Kallan Price, Chad Cockrum, Noah Cockrum, Brian Bonney Goals: Kevin Nobes, Ted Peacock Reserve Umpire: Michael Pink


KALANGADOO vs HATHERLEIGH Du es by: Kongorong Presenter: Kalangadoo on behalf of the late Val Li le A RESERVE - 1:00PM, COURT 1


Presenter: Maureen Ey


KALANGADOO vs GLENCOE Du es by: Mount Burr

Presenter: Kirsty Johnson


KALANGADOO vs GLENCOE Du es by: Kongorong

Presenter: Necia Evans

17 & UNDER - 11:30AM, COURT 1

HATHERLEIGH vs KALANGADOO Du es by: Port MacDonnell

Presenter: The Serle Family

15 & UNDER - 9:45AM, COURT 1

MOUNT BURR vs KALANGADOO Du es by: Nangwarry

Presenter: Raelene Smith

13 & UNDER - 11:15AM, COURT 2


Presenter: Willow Financial

MSEFL PRESIDENT’S REPORT It is with pleasure that I present my Grand Final report to you as President of the Mid South Eastern Football League (MSEFL). All roads lead to Tantanoola for the 2021 Mid South Eastern Football League (MSEFL) Grand Final and on behalf of the Bendigo Bank Mid South Eastern Football League I extend a warm welcome to you as we seek an exci ng finish to 2021, in all grades of Netball and Football a er a sensa onal season with some close contests having already been played in the finals series. Thank you to Mount Burr (1st Semi), Glencoe (2nd Semi), & Kongorong (Preliminary Final) for showcasing your club facili es and for being excellent hosts in the three finals and I am certain today again at Tantanoola will be no excep on. The oval surface is in great condi on and all other ma ers will be taken care of under the leadership of Tantanoola Football Club President Kylie Serle. I thank all of the League's member clubs for your efforts and achievements on and off the field this year as well as the work that you do in your communi es as leaders. People in our communi es are reliant on the social and spor ng opportuni es that are provided by the Football and Netball Clubs. Our communi es are faced with many challenges in today's world and our spor ng clubs need to con nue to be the hub of the community providing opportuni es and social interac on for everyone. We must always strive for con nuous improvement to ensure the long term viability and sustainability of the League and all member clubs. It is fantas c to see the obvious pride and joy in the support that goes for each club from their communi es and the people in it and I'm sure we'll see plenty of club colours and vocal support today in all football and netball contests. One of the many high points of any season is always the interleague compe on. I thank all the clubs and players for their con nued support. The League par cipated in the SE zone carnival against the WBFL in the Seniors & against the WBFL & KNTFL in the U15's & U17's on the June long weekend, which was hosted by the WBFL at Millicent. I take this opportunity to thank Senior Coach Ben McGregor, Under 17 Coach Reece Duncan, Under 15 Coach Andrew Nitschke and their players and support staff for their efforts. Interleague football showcases our League and provides a pathway and opportunity for our players. From the Senior Carnival the MSEFL had five players Andrew Stone and Mitch Lowe (Kalangadoo), Sam Wallis (Mount Burr), Tom Watchel (Robe) and Dylan Bromley (Port MacDonnell) chosen in the SE Zone team to play in the SA Country Championships at Victor Harbor, where they all performed admirably. The side finished the Carnival in fi h place a er a couple of close losses on Saturday. Ben McGregor was an assistant coach and Glen Johnson was trainer. As in previous years, imbalances on the scoreboard and lack of numbers have been issues in our underage compe ons. More work by clubs is needed for numbers in the Under 11's as this is cri cal to sustain junior numbers in later years at all clubs as it provides a pathway to assist for finding future senior players. I con nue to urge all clubs to work with schools and Auskick programs to provide that pathway for your next MSEFL club footballers. Thanks to our Tribunal Commissioners panel that adjudicated a couple of mes throughout the season and thanks for your commitment and assistance. Neil Webber, our Umpires Director once again had another challenging year with many injuries and unavailability's, however good support and co-opera on from clubs ensured that all posi ons were filled each week. The League s ll needs to gain new umpires to ensure that we con nue to have adequate numbers and to keep the umpiring panel strong. I encourage any newly re red player or any person (male or female) that may be interested in becoming an umpire to come forward – training and assistance is provided and it is a great way to s ll be involved in the game that we all love. Our Umpire Scholarship is available to encourage and reward new central umpires and we hope that it will provide a pathway to bolster our ageing umpire panel. The League would love to hear from those that have just re red as footballers and even our younger males and females that have a love of the game and would like to be involved. The League's website, www.msefl.com.au has con nued to evolve and grow in popularity for all followers to find that result or search other documents or check out the history or browse the sponsors we have. I am keen to see the website further developed and would be interested in hearing from anyone who may be able to assist with volunteering some of their me assis ng

with upda ng sponsors as well as pu ng on news worthy items to keep our clubs and members informed. I believe the Clubs that con nue to develop their own website a ached to Footyweb and fully u lise the system will lead the way in ensuring long term effec ve management of your Club. Commi ee, player, member and sponsor details can be recorded in the database to allow for easy referencing when you need to get hold of someone. Currently our website has had over 750,000 hits throughout the last 5 months. Over the coming summer we will again be upda ng more informa on onto the website to con nue to improve it and to ensure that everyone has easy access to relevant informa on about the MSEFL. We also 3,974 followers on Facebook at the me of print and we con nue to post updates over the final series and other news worthy items. In today's society there are many things that are affec ng us all and ways in which we can express ourselves (all forms of social media etc) and there have been occasions where some inflammatory comments have been made. We are all responsible to make sure that we treat each other with respect and be mindful of our comments (email, Facebook, verbal) that may offend anyone. I am also aware that there may have been some other fine lines trodden with other forms of vilifica on / abuse that have occurred and once again there is no place in our society or our League for this behaviour and it should never be tolerated or accepted. Educa on programs for all of our people will be available, if required, to make sure that everyone is aware and any issues are iden fied, reported and dealt with promptly. It has been a good season for the netballers and we are delighted with their successes and we are keen to con nue to build on and strengthen the rela onship again next season. Thanks Sara to you and your team on a job well done. It is pleasing that the netball and football rela onships are con nuing to get be er at Club and League level, but there will always be ways to improve and strengthen those bonds. Both sports rely on each other being successful to ensure a vibrant and sustainable compe on in all grades. All outlets of the Media (print, radio & web sites) have promoted the MSEFL very well, however I believe we all need to con nue to provide good stories to the media so that we get be er coverage of our League. Xpress Signs published the Budget this season online culmina ng in this week's superb Grand Final Budget publica on, which is a collector's item for all MSEFL enthusiasts and clubs. Special thanks to SE Voice for providing a superb print sec on of the Budget in their paper, which was greatly appreciated by many MSEFL followers. View from the Hill provided a weekly ar cle with some interes ng reading throughout the season and I thank the writers for their me. We acknowledge the generous sponsorship provided by our sponsors and especially our naming rights partner Bendigo Bank. Our other major sponsor of the Family League – Football and Netball – The Sco Group of Companies, in a rela onship that goes back to 2006, is also significant and we thank them for their con nued support. All of our season sponsors have been promoted in the Budget and on the MSEFL Website and include the following: First Super, JS Sports, J & A Valcarcel-Fuentes & Sons Pty Ltd, IDM Sports, Ma hews Petroleum, Infigen, Sherrin, South East Property Sales & Management, Thomas Foods Interna onal, Marjadah, Glenelg Football Club, Somerset Hotel Motel, Klas Bilt, In2 Trophies Monogramming & Workwear, Collins Court Butchers, South Eastern Hotel, Acky's Deli, Richmond Park White Suffolk, Tony Pasin, Troy Bell, Nick McBride, Willow Financial Services, Hyland & Fox Signs, Patrick of Coonawarra & DiGiorgio Family Wines. So, where possible please consider our sponsors when you need anything, and then thank them for their support of our league. The Presenta ons for Seniors and Juniors was combined with Netball on the Sunday a er the 1st Semi Final and was held at the Millicent War Memorial Civic and Arts Centre. The day ran smoothly and we will con nue to consult with clubs to seek ideas for any suggested improvements. Thank you to the Nangwarry Football / Netball Club for catering to the a endees superbly. Congratula ons to Mail Medal winner Hatherleigh's Joe Ferguson-Lane, Reserves Carthew Medal winner Mount Burr's Jacob Gregory, Senior Colts Malseed Medal joint winners Hatherleigh's Ethan Bowman and Tantanoola's Cade Kelly and Junior Colts Mansell Medal winner Hatherleigh's Oliver Fitzgerald and all other trophy winners. Also, player life membership was awarded to Ben Dinnison from Nangwarry and John Simkin from

Kongorong. Congratula ons on being recognised through many years of involvement within the MSEFL. Please remember, as clubs, to look a er your volunteers and as supporters, to assist and volunteer your me / skills wherever possible to make your Club more successful and to share the workload. It really does help your club commi ees to know that they can rely on some jobs being handled – so well done to all volunteers that have assisted each club and in turn assisted the League in becoming stronger. The League and all clubs can become much be er with more 'Givers'' and less 'Takers''. Thanks to all those people that have assisted me as President, especially all of the Senior Board Dennis Muhovics, Bob Jones, Trevor Ling & Naomi Mitchell along with the Junior Execu ve Shane Kelly, Gary Wilson, Ma Cockrum and Umpires Director Neil Webber. All have worked well as a team and I hope we have delivered the needs and requirements of Clubs. The Board has been willing to share the heavy administra ve workload and I especially thank my wife, Naomi Mitchell in her role as League Secretary. I urge all clubs that are not currently represented to consider nomina ng a delegate to the Execu ve. There is a requirement for someone with the following skill sets; liaising with the media with reports, IT skills, diplomacy, level headedness and to occasionally think outside of the square in looking at opportuni es and solu ons to any issues!! Thank you to friends and family that assisted in any way that you did. Thank you to all clubs that made me and all Board members welcome throughout the year. To those that provided any feedback on how the Board can be of be er assistance to Clubs, thank you. As always, there will be sec ons of the Cons tu on / Bylaws, which need to be reviewed, and I urge all clubs to submit no ces of mo on for considera on at our AGM in Millicent later in the year. We appreciate the support of Murray South East Regional Director and Community Football Board director Sco Duncan, SANFL SE Football Opera ons Coordinator Michael Mourbey, staff at the Community Football Board, and SANFL South East Regional Game Development Officer Heath Sims. Our rela onship with Glenelg Football Club con nues to evolve and the opportunity for our young footballers at U18 & U16 levels has seen a number of footballers involved again this season. Our final crowds have so far have been excellent and shows that the interest in the MSEFL is the equal of any compe on in this region. The mix of mul ple clubs involved in football and netball final contests has helped to increase crowd numbers and add to the atmosphere at the ground. Our football and netball region con nues to have many rumours and stories going around, which our League and clubs need to ensure that we are abreast of to make sure that we con nue to be in the best posi on possible going forward. This situa on presents opportuni es and threats, so it is challenging mes ahead for all Clubs and the League. We must ensure that we con nue to work together, con nue to focus on core ac vi es in our clubs and League which include Facili es, Junior Development, Volunteers, Financial Stability, Risk Management and Community Ties, strive for con nuous improvement, and con nue to meet our market place, offer opportuni es for our volunteers and youth in order for all of us to remain viable, sustainable and relevant to our communi es well into the future. Finally, a big thank you to all partners and family of the Board to allow them the me necessary for mee ng their obliga ons to our clubs at various mes throughout the year with mee ngs etc. Special thanks to my family, wife Naomi and kids Bradley, Patrick & Jorja – all have put up with a lot throughout the year and your support is much appreciated for all that I'm involved in. Remember that not everyone can win on the field, but we must all be winners off the field. There will be some great netball and football contests in every grade today where seven of our nine clubs are represented and I hope that all players and supporters have some special memories of 'that one day in September'. Be kind to each other and I hope that you have a great Grand Final Day and have a safe trip home. Peter Mitchell Mid South Eastern Football League President

MSEFL SECRETARY’S REPORT Welcome to Tantanoola and our 2021 Grand Final Day, and thank goodness we can put a full stop to the 2021 season today which earlier seemed a li le unlikely. This year we have once again be challenged by the prevalence of COVID and all the protocols and restric ons that comes with trying to exist during a pandemic. All clubs have had to review the way they conduct their business a er the majority of season 2020 was abandoned. It was however, great to see a shortened junior season during last year and congratula ons to all that made this happen. A very big thank you and a huge amount of apprecia on needs to go to the clubs that have hosted finals this year. What a massive undertaking it has been to navigate the need for a COVID Management Plan to allow more than 1,000 people to a end our minor finals and then of course having to implement all the condi ons that go along with it. All clubs have handled this extra level of compliance thoroughly and completely and I certainly feel that thank you is not enough praise to you all. To all compe ng teams in both football and netball premiership matches today, I wish you all the very best as you seek the ul mate prize to end your season on. You have shown that you are the two best teams in each of your respec ve grades this year and even though only one of you will take home the premiership, your par cipa on in the final game of the year is s ll a wonderful accomplishment. Our presenta on day was a smaller affair thanks once again to COVID and thank you to the Nangwarry Football Club for their superb efforts in hos ng our clubs and the League on the day. To all our individual medal winners on the day, especially Joe Ferguson-Lane (Hatherleigh) in taking out the League's Mail Medal, Jacob Gregory (Mt Burr) winning the Carthew Medal for the Reserves grade, joint Malseed Medal winners in Ethan Bowman (Hatherleigh) and Cade Kelly (Tantanoola) in the senior colts and Oliver Fitzgerald (Hatherleigh) who was awarded the Mansell Medal as the junior colts best & fairest. The format of the Zone Carnival was a li le different this year due to the KNTFL's decision not to par cipate at senior level. A revamp of the junior carnival was then considered with the decision made to only play 17 & under and 15 & under sides, but the plus behind all this was that we all got to play on the Saturday of the long weekend, thus giving mums and dads and all our club volunteers a much needed two day break. In the seniors and up against the WBFL, it was a case of so near yet so far. A er 3 ½ very compe ve

quarters the MSEFL just couldn't gain the ascendency over their opposi on. Our juniors faired slightly be er, with the 15 & under team scoring a well deserved win over the KNTFL. Our 17's couldn't quite secure a win on the day but no doubt took away valuable experience in being involved at the next level. To all our interleague coaches, Ben McGregor (seniors), Reece Duncan & Tim Li le (17's) and Andrew Nitschke (15's), thank you for your me and dedica on you provided to give the best in our league the opportunity to represent the MSEFL. To the players and officials that represented the league at the SA Country Championships – Mitch Lowe and Andrew Stone (Kalangadoo), Sam Wallis (Mt Burr), Tom Watchel (Robe), Dylan Bromley and assistant coach Ben McGregor (Port MacDonnell), Glen Johnson (Tantanoola) trainer and Peter Mitchell (League) team manager, congratula ons on your selec on and par cipa on. Our junior talent pathway via our SANFL zone club Glenelg has been quite ac ve in the past two years with the structure of the U15 Intrastate Championships also seeing an overhaul. This carnival is now played in the September school holidays rather than July and at the me of wri ng we s ll had quite a number of players vying for spots for the carnival that will take place at the end of the month. Another added bonus for our Juniors has been the SANFL appointment of Andrew Nitschke as our Junior Coach Coordinator. A number of clubs have u lised the wealth of knowledge Andrew possesses, as good coaches will ul mately produce good players. To the League Board in Peter, Dennis, Bob and Trevor thank you for your commitment to our organisa on. Without people willing to put club loyalty aside for the be erment of our league we simply wouldn't be in the strong posi on we currently are. With a number of Board members contempla ng stepping down I would like to encourage anyone with even a small interest to consider giving something back to the League at either Junior or Senior level. To Shane Kelly and the Junior Execu ve – Ma Cockrum and Gary "Tug" Wilson congratula ons on another well run year. Shane has decided to step down from the Junior Execu ve and I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank him for his strong leadership of the Junior League – it has indeed been a pleasure working alongside a very well organised, commi ed, friendly and good-humoured individual. To Sara Gray and all the Netball Execu ves, thank you for all that you do for Netball within our League. It has been a tough year yet again, but the close

rela onship we have between both leagues has never been stronger. Thank you for your contribu on and efforts in deciding what the remainder of our season would look like a er lockdown and I look forward to the con nua on of our associa on in the years to come. I must also give my thanks to Michael Mourbey our Limestone Coast SANFL Football Opera ons co-ordinator who con nues to take a considerable amount of weekly administra ve work off my shoulders, and con nued to do so during a me of extreme personal heartbreak. We all know what a great league we have and it now seems that another league who shall remain nameless wants to know our secrets. Suffice to say that our lips are sealed and no one or nobody will be determining our fate but our league and our clubs. Our league is unique in that we are all small rural/regional communi es and our football and netball clubs are the essence of your communi es and we must do all we can to assist them to remain viable and therefore sustainable for the benefit of all. To all Club Presidents, Secretaries and Delegates, thank you for your coopera on and assistance throughout the year. Thank you also for your hospitality during the year whenever we have visited. To my three wonderful and amazing children, Bradley, Patrick and Jorja who do not know any different to me being involved at League level and I can't thank you enough for all that you do on the home front and for assis ng whenever you can. Today as we play, support or just watch, please be mindful and respec ul of those around us. Today there is going to be winners and unfortunately losers, be passionate in your support, and know that all par cipants are out there trying their very best to achieve the ul mate prize of premiership glory and the nega ve and unhelpful commentary from the sidelines will do li le in achieving this objec ve. And to all the players, playing in a grand final is a great experience, a memory that you will have to cherish for a life me. Remember not to lose sight of the big picture and the team effort that has got you here today. Play to your poten al and enjoy the atmosphere created all for you. Individuals win the ball, teams win games but Clubs win premierships! Enjoy your day. Naomi Mitchell Mid South Eastern Football League Secretary

junior president’s report I would like to thank all clubs, volunteers, support staff, family and players for being extremely flexible and willing to adapt with the ever changing COVID landscape, not only having to cancel rounds and keep changing capacity numbers, cleaning protocols etc but also adhering to the reduc on of interac ons in changerooms and team huddles which I know is extremely difficult especially in junior football. But with all that in mind we were quite a bit more fortunate than some other parts of the country and really did end up with quite a great season. Special thanks to all clubs involved in hos ng finals, which by itself these days is a massive task, with the implementa on of variable protocols and restric ons which on the day seem to go off seamlessly even though we would all agree that a great amount of work is done behind the scenes to make these days a huge success and a real showcase of our club and League. Thanks go to Neil Webber and his umpiring team for making themselves available and doing a great job. Without your full support and commitment, we would not have had such a successful and enjoyable season. Thanks also goes out to all clubs for supplying club umpires when and where required in the junior grades and hopefully they got something enjoyable from the experience. We also were lucky enough to have the opportunity this year to work closely with the SANFL in crea ng a Mid-South East Junior Coach Co Ordinator role that was taken up by Andrew Nitschke. As most would be aware Andrew is no stranger to the local football landscape and comes with an immense amount of knowledge and talent and has been a great resource for our junior coaches with most clubs u lising his services throughout the year and hopefully this role will only con nue to grow in the future. We managed to fit in some interleague representa ve games again this year against Western Border and Kowree Naracoorte with a bit of a changed format than in previous years. The age groups were under 15s coached by Andrew Nitschke and Under 17.5s coached by Reece Duncan and Tim Li le with both teams playing on the same day and culmina ng with the Mid South East and Western Border senior game. I think this format led to the junior teams playing under a bigger crowd base and gave them the opportunity to really showcase some of the region's fantas c junior talent. I would like to pass on my thanks to all involved from Coaches, trainers, and gaol umpires and also to the Western Border Football League and Millicent Football Club for hos ng. Some fantas c football was played by all, and the Mid-South East were more than compe ve in both grades with an extremely bright future ahead. We really do have some great young talent in our system. To Michael Mourbey our SANFL contact, I would like to personally extend my apprecia on for your consulta on and ongoing support especially during another difficult season with helping us navigate and implement the ever evolving landscape and upda ng us on any regional changes in football opera ons. Even when inundated with a record amount of match day transfer request. A men on also to the Mid-South East Senior Delegates who are always more than happy to pitch in and help the junior side and make themselves available for me when I needed some help or guidance. Special men on must go to Naomi Mitchell who again worked extremely hard behind the scenes to help us put together not only another successful junior compe on but also an interleague carnival. And last but certainly not least my extended thanks to the Junior Execu ve Team of Tug Wilson and Ma Cockrum for all your help once again. Even though the Junior Exec team seems to keep shrinking I appreciate all the help and support you have given not only to myself but to the Mid SE junior compe on. Good luck to all those teams that are playing off in the grand final today and above all stay safe. Shane Kelly MSEFL Junior President

VIEW FROM THE HILL So, we are off to the Big Dance – welcome to Tantanoola, who will have everything ship shape with the grounds and ameni es in superb shape. Just before we put our dancing shoes on, we'll just recap last week's games. In the junior colts Hatherleigh took on Robe in blustery condi ons and it was Hatherleigh who took control early restric ng Robe's scoring with the wind and then making the most of their opportuni es during the second term to lead by 11pts at half me. Given the condi ons the general play was of a very high standard and it was an enthralling game to watch. In the end Hatherleigh had just that bit more depth to their team and finally ran out comfortable winners by 29pts. The senior colts match between Hatherleigh and Tantanoola was a real arm wrestle with neither team being able to gain any ascendency. The condi ons once again favoured the school end for scoring, but both teams struggled to score at all during the game due to the pressure being applied. Hatherleigh were a li le inaccurate in front of goal, giving Tantanoola a glimmer of hope heading into the last. But even kicking with the wind Tantanoola failed to bother the scorers in the last quarter handing Hatherleigh a very hard earned 12pt win. In the Reserves game, Port MacDonnell won the toss and kicked to the school end and by quarter me the "fat lady" was warming up her vocal chords. Port MacDonnell were relentless in their a ack on the ball, winning the 50/50 and pushing the ball forward at every opportunity. By half me the Bay had posted a match winning 55pt margin and the foot came off the pedal slightly with players going through the mo ons un l the final siren. Port MacDonnell ran out eventual winners by 68pts. In the main game, most pundits had suggested that a full-strength Hatherleigh side was going to be the team to beat and Kalangadoo would need to play excep onal, near perfect football to overcome the Eagles. At quarter me a er Kalangadoo had first use of the breeze, it certainly looked like the "experts" might actually know what they were talking about. Hatherleigh were able to restrict Kalangadoo to just 2-5 whilst kicking a very valuable goal against the flow of play to trail by just 9pts at the first break. However, Kalangadoo hasn't been a final contender for the last seven years for nothing and in the second quarter

Kalangadoo's short lead up game started paying dividends and with Ben Mules assuming the full forward role, he provided a strong marking op on and Kalangadoo were able to kick 5 goals to 1 to lead by 33pts at the main break. To Hatherleigh's credit they did not give up, but all the damage had been done in that second quarter, and whilst the Eagles had the be er of their opponents in the last half it was too li le too late with Kalangadoo running out comfortable 27pts winners. Ben Mules for Kalangadoo was their only mul ple goal scorer with 4 with be er players named being Sam McManus, Mules, Lachy Jones, Mitch Lowe, Jon Mules, and Nathan Reeves. Whilst for Hatherleigh their coach in Jake Dowdy finished as their only mul ple goal scorer with 2 with best players Jack Skeer, Will Chay, Mitch Pulmer, Gerard McGrath and Louis Brown. So, we come to today's grand final matches and what a great day of country football it is going to be. The junior colts will get the day underway with Kongorong to ba le Hatherleigh. In the 2nd semi-final when these two teams last met, it was a very defensive game, with neither side able to penetrate the defensive set-ups of their opponents. The game will feature two standout players in Hatherleigh's Oliver Fitzgerald and Kongorong's Tyler Richardson who were the Mansell Medal winner and runner-up respec vely so you can expect these two lads to have a big impact on the game. In what promises to be a keenly contested match it might be the lesser lights of each team who stands up that will be the match winner. The result could go either way, but it might just be a Kongorong victory, but only just. In the senior colts match I would expect Robe to be far too strong for Hatherleigh. Robe have been the benchmark of the compe on in this grade and they come into todays grand final currently undefeated. However, I can recall many sides being in this same posi on only to fall at the final hurdle. Unfortunately for Hatherleigh I can't really see this happening today. This will be the biggest margin of the day and the Robe Roosters will be taking home the Stevens Memorial Shield. The Reserves match between Hatherleigh and Port MacDonnell promises to be a very ght contest with both sides fortunate to have the depth and talent that would beat some of our A Grade sides. Their last mee ng in rnd 16 it was Hatherleigh with a comprehensive 43pt win, but just have a feeling that today's game

Lake Bonney Community Fund Major sponsor for the MSEFL Junior Interleague Squads

will be a lot closer. Hatherleigh rely on their younger running brigade and so do Port MacDonnell to a certain degree, but they also have a level of physicality that they are able to impose on their opponents. Port MacDonnell has been in blistering form during their finals campaign, sweeping past Kalangadoo and Robe, but take nothing away from Hatherleigh, their 102pt demoli on of Robe in the second semi was by far the biggest winning margin in a final for quite a number of years. This will be an excellent prelude to today's main game, with Hatherleigh to take home the chocolates. And so, to the final game of the year between Port MacDonnell and Kalangadoo. As shown in the second semi-final no one is unbeatable, and it really came down to who could execute their game plan with the least amount of mistakes. As far as match ups goes, both sides will have taken away valuable lessons from the second semi. I s ll struggle to see Kalangadoo having the fire power up forward to kick a winning score. As shown in last weeks game, Ben Mules was their only mul ple goal kicker, and yes, he kicked 4 of his teams 11 goals, but it was Kalangadoo's defence where the game was won. They restricted Hatherleigh to just 7 goals for the day and they will need to do this again if they are to have any chance of overcoming Port MacDonnell. Port MacDonnell are a very well-balanced side, but their advantage is their talls, they have them in spades. The weather might just favour the small running side of Kalangadoo and I would expect that they will want the ball to come to ground at every opportunity. Defensively, I can't see Kalangadoo being able to match the tall mber of Port MacDonnell, but if they can at least nullify their opponents and prevent them having too much influence on the game, then they might just get away with a win. Port MacDonnell on the other hand will come into the game with the confidence that they have the ability to beat Kalangadoo. Their running brigade will need to be at the top of their game to create opportuni es but also react and rebound because coming from experience there is nothing that will stop Kalangadoo once they get their tails in the air and a sniff of victory. Only one thing is assured – this game is going to be an absolute cracker of game from the first bounce, it is so evenly matched that picking a winner is impossible. The key will be a good start, who se les first and plays footy and puts that all important scoreboard pressure on. But if I was a be ng man, the money is on Kalangadoo, for no other reason than they have been the best side all year.

umpire director’s REPORT



With so much uncertainty heading into 2021 due to COVID, we are very lucky and fortunate to be able to complete an almost full season of football and netball. Welcome everybody to Tantanoola today as we witness four games of exci ng football. We started the year struggling for numbers so we put the call out for help from every club to provide support to our panel. What we received in response was absolutely fantas c from every club. The odd club may have struggled a bit but a huge thank you to every club for giving us the support we desperately needed. Over the course of the year we were able to include 6 new umpires to our panel, some with excellent experience and some with no experience at all. Their a tude in wan ng to umpire is nothing short of brilliant and infec ous so we as a league need to be pa ent with these guys and anyone else we can include amongst our group. Thank you to Chris Sco , Ma Cockrum and Sco Chuck for a job well done in umpiring the zone carnival this year, hopefully you enjoyed your experience in umpiring representa ve football. We have been spoilt this finals series with our goal and boundary umpires doing a fantas c job with their enthusiasm and professionalism, making the right signals and bringing the

ball back to the middle makes our job so much easier. Thank you to my assistant Michael Pink for your excellent support and especially when I was in lockdown, you handled the role perfectly. Also a big thank you to Michael Mourbey for your support towards our panel and our tribunal issues. A wonderful job under difficult mes so thank you. To Kathy, thank you for your con nued support and pa ence in what is at mes a rewarding job and others a very stressful and frustra ng role. Some people may wonder why a person goes so grey up top! Good luck to all umpires who are officia ng today, enjoy the atmosphere the games bring, embrace it and try to do the best job you can. Today we farewell Kevin Nobes and Rob Ransom from umpiring. Enjoy your re rements boys and thank you for the outstanding service and commitment you have both given to our family league over many decades. All the guys have thoroughly enjoyed umpiring with you both. Presenta on night, Friday October 8 at Jens Hotel; Lake George trip Saturday October 9. Good luck to all clubs compe ng today. Neil Webber

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leading goalkickers

PRELIMINARY FINAL RESULTS Bendigo Bank A Grade Kalangadoo Hatherleigh

2.5 1.2

7.5 2.2

11.9 5.4

11.11 7.8

(77) (50)

GOALS - Kalangadoo: B. Mules 4, L. Jones 1, A. Stone 1, S. McManus 1, J. La Rocca 1, A. Lyon 1, B. Galpin 1, B. Gregory 1; Hatherleigh: J. Dowdy 2, J. Telfer 1, D. Bateman 1, J. Skeer 1, W. Chay 1, J. Ferguson-Lane 1. BEST - Kalangadoo: S. McManus, B. Mules, L. Jones, M. Lowe, J. Mules, N. Reeves; Hatherleigh: J. Skeer, W. Chay, M. Pulmer, G. Mcgrath, L. Brown.

RESERVES Port MacDonnell Robe

9.2 0.1

10.2 1.1

14.4 4.2

15.7 4.5

(97) (29)

GOALS - Port MacDonnell: L. Bo omley 3, R. Timms 3, P. Buchanan 2, T. Newton 2, A. Richards 2, T. Ebejer 2, F. Lynch 1; Robe: J. Regnier 2, A. Brooks 1, B. Ling 1. BEST - Port MacDonnell: A. McGregor, B. O'Dine, J. Simmonds, T. Ebejer, L. Bo omley, L. Lewis; Robe: N. Hurst, P. Ma hews, B. Whi lesea, J. Cornish, H. Hooper, D. Coxon.

senior colts Hatherleigh Tantanoola

1.4 1.1

1.5 2.3

3.8 2.4

3.1 2.4

(28) (16)

GOALS - Hatherleigh: H. Jones 1, E. Bowman 1, C. Atkinson 1; Tantanoola: C. Kelly 1, N. Cockrum 1. BEST - Hatherleigh: J. Faulkner, E. Kneen, M. Widdison, J. Cassidy, T. Atkinson; Tantanoola: E. Cushion, B. Telfer-Sco , A. Lindner, W. Scanlon, J. Marino.

Bendigo Bank A Grade Name Michael Krieger Kevin Thomson Jack Gregory Dylan Bromley Zac Deane Alex Hentschke Brandon Newton Louis Brown Riley Dickinson Jake Wight

1.0 0.2

3.1 1.2

4.1 2.4

R18 9 5 1 3 0 2 6 4 3 0

Total 70 49 40 37 36 34 34 31 30 29

R18 1 0 1 1 1 3 7 2 0 1 0

Total 41 27 25 25 24 24 23 21 21 20 20

R18 15 5 1 1 3 6 0 0 3 5

Total 58 54 41 38 32 32 27 27 24 24

R18 3 6 3 5 2 0 2 1 2 0

Total 50 36 33 29 27 21 19 19 18 18

RESERVES Name Jack Mullan Thomas Bell Mason Brown Ma hew Jennings Luke McIntyre Sco Sawyer Jack Altschwager Benjamin Curran Damien O'Dine Niall Easterbrook Jez Jones

Club Kongorong Hatherleigh Port MacDonnell Robe Kongorong Robe Hatherleigh Glencoe Port MacDonnell Glencoe Hatherleigh

SENIOR COLTS Name William Maloney Harvey Jones Ellis Cushion Lachlan Alcock Thomas Bellinger Codee Weston Cade Kelly Kallan Bevan Max Robertson Brodie Von Stanke-Dowie

junior colts Hatherleigh Robe

Club Kalangadoo Port MacDonnell Mt Burr Port MacDonnell Robe Glencoe Port MacDonnell Hatherleigh Robe Hatherleigh

Club Glencoe Hatherleigh Tantanoola Mt Burr Kongorong Robe Tantanoola Mt Burr Robe Kongorong


(52) (23)

GOALS - Hatherleigh: O. Fitzgerald 2, H. Nowak 2, E. Sims 1, N. Fitzgerald 1, C. Taylor 1, R. Haines 1; Robe: C. McMullan 1, A. McLachlan 1, K. Carter 1. BEST - Hatherleigh: O. Fitzgerald, E. Marshall, T. Lawlor, R. Prouse, C. Sims; Robe: C. Moore, C. Thomas, K. Carter, M. Mckenny, C. McMullan.

Name Tyler Richardson Kaleb Price Mason Mckenny Hudson Nowak Kaiden Carter Archer Virtanen Charlie Bevan Ryan Lucas Riley Prouse Jake Bevan

Club Kongorong Glencoe Robe Hatherleigh Robe Nangwarry Mt Burr Kongorong Hatherleigh Tantanoola

sponsored by

Proudly supporting the Mid South East Football League

14 George Street, Millicent Phone 8733 1725 Email in2tmw@bigpond.com

ladders Bendigo Bank A Grade Kalangadoo Port MacD Hatherleigh Robe Mt Burr Glencoe Kongorong Tantanoola Nangwarry

P 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16

W 14 11 10 10 6 5 5 3 0

L D 0 2 3 2 4 2 4 2 9 1 9 2 10 1 11 2 14 2

Hatherleigh Robe Port MacD Kalangadoo Kongorong Tantanoola Glencoe Nangwarry Mt Burr

P 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16

W 13 11 10 9 9 5 5 1 1

L 1 3 4 5 6 9 9 13 14

Robe Hatherleigh Kongorong Tantanoola Glencoe Mt Burr Port MacD Nangwarry Kalangadoo

P 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16

W 13 11 11 10 8 6 3 1 0

L 0 3 4 4 6 9 11 13 13

Kongorong Hatherleigh Robe Glencoe Nangwarry Tantanoola Mt Burr Port MacD Kalangadoo

P 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16

W 13 12 11 10 5 5 4 2 1

L 2 2 3 4 9 9 10 12 12

B 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

FF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

For 1643 1579 1419 1464 1081 1134 920 911 581

Agst 732 874 760 862 998 1354 1369 1363 2420

% 69.18 64.37 65.12 62.94 52.00 45.58 40.19 40.06 19.36

Pts 60 48 44 44 26 24 22 16 4

For 1236 1126 1237 838 1064 710 750 237 384

Agst 317 510 413 751 713 881 1037 1562 1398

% 79.59 68.83 74.97 52.74 59.88 44.63 41.97 13.17 21.55

Pts 56 48 44 40 38 24 24 8 6

For 1191 1079 1027 967 1172 996 622 644 682

Agst 425 740 703 676 966 920 1186 1245 1520

% 73.70 59.32 59.36 58.86 54.82 51.98 34.40 34.09 30.97

Pts 60 48 46 44 36 26 16 8 4

For 797 812 834 682 506 521 417 355 474

Agst 291 334 315 486 578 652 762 843 1140

% 73.25 70.86 72.58 58.39 46.68 44.42 35.37 29.63 29.37

Pts 54 52 48 44 24 24 18 12 12

Reserves D 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1

B 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

FF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Senior Colts D 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 2

B 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

FF 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Junior Colts

Wishing all teams the best in 2021

8733 2888

2 George Street, Millicent

Hatherleigh Robe Kongorong Glencoe Port MacDonnell Kalangadoo Tantanoola Mt Burr Nangwarry

A GRADE 44 44 22 24 48 60 16 26 4

D 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2

B GRADE 56 48 38 24 44 40 24 6 8

B 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

FF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

S/COLTS 48 60 46 36 16 4 44 26 8

J/COLTS 52 48 54 44 12 12 24 18 24

TOTAL 200 200 160 128 120 116 108 76 44

MSEFootball L















MSEFootball A














SENIORS BEST & FAIREST - MAIL MEDAL: Joe Ferguson-Lane (Hatherleigh) 27 votes, presented by Peter Mitchell.






SENIORS RUNNER-UP BEST & FAIREST WALKER MEDAL: Dylan Childs (Glencoe) 15 votes, presented by Wayne Walker.


MSENA A GRADE BEST & FAIREST: Winner Heidi Clark (33 votes - Mt Burr), Sara Gray (Associa on President), and Runner-up Abbey Duncan (27 votes - Kalangadoo).

a grade grand final preview


Zack Williams

Jacob Langdon

Ben McGregor

Andrew Stone

Ben Mules

Justin La Rocca

Alex Moore

Jacob Pfitzner

Kyall McLean

Lachy Jones

Ben Gregory

Al Lyon

Brandon Newton

Mark Smith

Wade Chant

Tom Williams

Chris Mules

Billy Galpin

Dylan Bromley

Jake Turner

Rohan Povey

Nathan Reeves

Mitch Lowe

Matt Fatchen

Ned Wilke

Kevin Thomson

Will Macdonald

Sam Casey

Jason Bannister

Brett Lindner


C INTERCHANGE Isaac Nattrass


Jake Schleter Nathan Brotherton Lachlan Tilley







Justin Bromley Thomas Jerome Bryden Wagstaffe






Simon Merrett

Tim Sullivan

John Mules

Kevin Stark

Daron McElroy

Sam McManus

Hamish Stevens

Tye McManus

BY J.L. “FRED” SMITH KALANGADOO will add to its impressive tally of premierships da ng back to the 1920s with a hard-fought win over Port MacDonnell in the 2021 Mid South East Football League grand final. The roof will be li ed at the clubrooms later in the night as the ny township gets swathed in the black-and-white colours. COVID-appropriate celebra ons at the Kalangadoo War Memorial Park will con nue well into the weekend as the local lads will have lowered the red-and-blue colours of the seasiders. I an cipate the winning margin might only be two goals or so but that will be irrelevant once the final siren is blown. To sum it up succinctly, the reigning and minor premiers have a spread of scoring op ons led by Ben Mules and the best onball division in the compe on comprising the two other Mules brothers and the two McManus brothers. It is essen al that the Kalangadoo short game is in gear as that will be the way to counter the tall mber of Port MacDonnell. The Magpies last squared off with the Demons in a season decider at Tarpeena 23 years ago and the match was a muddy affair. The Bay Boys led by Roger Murdoch just held on to win. It was one of the we est grand finals in 40

years. In a rare move in the 2021 MSEFL grand final, neither team will have a playing coach. Magpie Kevin Stark and Demon Simon Merre will guide proceedings from the sideline. A third major round game in the space of two weeks in 2021 for Kalangadoo won't have an impact on the outcome. Their past two finals have been played on excellent firm surfaces at Glencoe and Kongorong and the Magpies won't have the so-called heavy legs afflic on brought about by playing in mud. The Demons were obviously off-line with 4.8 in the opening quarter of the second semi-final at Glencoe. They hit their straps a er the long break and went on to defeat the Magpies by 11 points. However, Port MacDonnell cannot afford to come out of the blocks slowly in the grand final as first term goals are like diamonds. The Bay Boys could find themselves well behind by quarter me if they are inaccurate or tardy. There remains an op mis c mood at the seaside with the talls in good touch in that double chance encounter. Captain Daron McElroy, ex-skipper Will Macdonald, ruckman Tim Sullivan and key forwards Dylan Bromley, Jake Turner and

Ned Wilke are in crackerjack form. With four Mail Medals, Macdonald is the best Mid SE footballer of his genera on but his sole flag has been the last Demon flag in 2012. All Demon forwards will face tough opposi on from the ght Kalangadoo defence led by skipper Mitch Lowe which was seen at its best in the second half of the preliminary final. It combined superbly to thwart the efforts of the Eagle a ack. Saturday could be the swansong for veterans from both teams but I am loath to name them. Port MacDonnell players can be proud of their efforts in 2021 in losing just a handful of games. Their next loss will be the grand final. Predic ons (wet or dry): Kalangadoo to win. Phil Muhovics Memorial Medal (premiership coach): Kevin Stark. Stan Jones Memorial Medal (best-onground): Ben Mules (Kalangadoo). In the curtain-raisers, Kongorong will account for Hatherleigh and claim the Junior Colts pennant. Hatherleigh will also come second to a dominant Robe ou it in the Senior Colts. However, the Eagles will defend their flag in B Grade at the expense of Port MacDonnell. Both Hatherleigh and Robe had all four grades reach the major round.

grand final previews Junior Colts

v In today's Junior Colts grand final minor premiers Kongorong will take on Hatherleigh in a rematch of the second semi-final. In that game Kongorong had a very close win over Hatherleigh to take the direct route to today's game and Hatherleigh overcame a very determined Robe ou it last week to again get another crack at them. Both sides boast a large playing group and it is great to see the two coaches rotate their benches regularly to give all players the opportunity to contribute to the game. There is a lot of talented players in both sides, with Mansell Medal winner Ollie Fitzgerald from Hatherleigh and leading goal kicker Tyler Richardson from Kongorong key to each of their side's success. Hatherleigh will look to the likes of Fitzgerald, Charlie Sims, Brayden Chambers and Chloe Bellinger to take control and be the main play makers for Hatherleigh. For Kongorong they look a much more even side with the Hawks not relying on 1 or 2 players and they are not afraid to bring their younger, less experienced players into the game. S ll look for Tyler Richardson, Declan Richardson, Jim Kyle, Kur s Lasle , Jobe Janeway and Rhys Newton to be the main players for the Hawks. The second semi-final was just a 4 point win to Kongorong, so expect this game to be one of the closest of the day.

Today's premier will have to show plenty of determina on to get over the line – we might even see our first extra me grand final! Good luck to both teams, the game will undoubtedly showcase the quality of our younger players in the league and a great way to start grand final day.

any chance of an unlikely victory. A Hatherleigh victory would certainly be a surprise, but it wouldn't be the first me an undefeated side lost the unlosable final game of the year. Good luck to both teams.


Senior Colts



The Reserves grand final is shaping up to be one of the most even of the day Today's Senior Colts grand final will given both Hatherleigh and Port feature the undefeated Robe Roosters MacDonnell have scored convincing up against the Hatherleigh Eagles. wins in their final round matches to These two teams have had two very date. different finals campaigns, with Robe Hatherleigh breezed through to today’s recording a resounding win in the 2nd grand final, easily defea ng Robe, while semi to go straight through to today's Port MacDonnell have done likewise decider, whilst for Hatherleigh they had sweeping past Kalangadoo and Robe to to defeat a very gallant Tantanoola side earn the right to challenge for today's that earnt them another opportunity to ul mate prize. inflict Robe's first loss of the season. Robe have clearly been the benchmark Hatherleigh ended the home and away season three games clear on top of the all year in the compe on and rightly ladder with only the one loss for the deserve to be premiership favourites. year, whereas Port MacDonnell have But as we all know finals, and come from third a er clearly being the par cularly grand finals are a whole premiership favourites earlier in the different ball game. Hatherleigh will year. need to work over me to shut down Port MacDonnell have really stepped the likes of the Du on and Robinson up in the la er part of the season, brothers, but then you they also have helped by a full playing list to choose to contend with solid contributors in from, and they have shown in their last Flynn Peel, Ethan Cornish and Jayden two finals games that they are nearing Lines. their early season form. In the For Hatherleigh look for joint Malseed preliminary final they had 7 goal kickers medallist in Ethan Bowman to lead the and winners all over the ground. way with his ability to find and deliver Hatherleigh have only played 1 game in the ball to his teammates up the 3 weeks and Port MacDonnell go into ground and he will also need support today's grand final with winning form from Patrick Chay, Je Faulkner and and this will see them successful. Harvey Jones up forward to give them



Back (L-R): Blake Lynch, Jack Primer, Hamish Stevens, Tre Davis, Ma Roscow, Ben McGregor, Kyall McClean, Isaac Na rass, Jacob Pfitzner; Middle: Tracey Livingston (Trainer), Bob Bowd (Team Manager), Nathan Brotherton, Rohan Povey, Rhys Timms, Tim Sullivan, Dylan Bromley, Jake Turner, Jacob Langdon, Alex Moore, Brandon Newton, Jake Schleter, James McGregor (Assistant Coach), Darryl Jones (President); Front: Vicki Livingston (Trainer), Kacee Driver (Trainer), Mal Lewis, Ned Wilkie, Kevin Thomson (Assistant Coach), Simon Merre (Coach), Daron McElroy (Captain) Wade Chant, Mark Smith, Zack Williams, Raymondo Stanton (Runner). scoreboard

1st qtr

1. Mal Lewis: Small forward who applies terrific pressure. Has been a great inclusion. 4. Jake Schleter: Contested beast. Thrives in the contest. O en at the bo om of the packs ge ng things going for us. 7. Ben McGregor: The veteran of the side. Very smart player. Enjoying a new role this season. 8. Jacob Langdon: Tough as nails defender. Doesn’t give his opponent an inch. 9. Jake Turner: Mr fix it. Can fill a variety of roles. Great team player. 10. Hamish Stevens: Game breaker. Really tough match up. Blistering pace, makes the difficult look easy. 11. Tre Davis: Another who has come out of colts. A booming le foot, he runs and carries the ball all day long. 13. Ned Wilke: Great awareness in traffic, terrific skills on both feet. One to watch this finals series. 14. Kev Thomson: O en kicking or se ng up goals. Has a great understanding of

2nd qtr

3rd qtr

the game. Runs hard all day. 17. Mark Smith: Ultra consistent player. Reads the play extremely well. Know what you’re going to get each week. Up and coming leader of the club. 19. Tim Sullivan: Takes a great contested mark and a nice kick at goal. Reliable contributor. Huge work rate. 20. Wade Chant: Very reliable key posi on player. Rarely beaten one on one. 22. Zack Williams: Lock down defender. Gets the tough jobs and rarely beaten. Having a very consistent season. 23. Will Macdonald: Has done it all. Had a tough season with a nasty injury during pre-season but is star ng to hit his straps now. 24. Jacob Pfitzner: Dashing half back. Very good ball user. 29. Daron McElroy: Captain. Had a great season. Will lead by example. 30. Rohan Povey: Had a great year a er returning to playing football. Racks up plenty of ball, great user.

4th qtr


32. Brandon Newton: Exci ng! Does things not many others can. Rare talent. 34. Lochy Tilley: Really impressed this season. Applies lots of pressure. Fills a variety of roles. 36. Alex Moore: Very honest centre half back. Had a tough season but has done everything right to get back. 44. Dylan Bromley: Big game player who loves the big stage. Covers a lot of ground. 53. Ma Stark: Consistent performer. Broke into the side mid season and has been great. Very sneaky forward. 60. Isaac Natrass: Senior colt. Isaac has had a really impressive season filling numerous roles. Football has really improved across the season. 88. Nathan Brotherton: Breakout season. Coming out of Senior Colts has really established himself as one to watch for the future. Reliable and composed. Coach: Simon Merre


kalangadoo magpies

Back (L-R): Troy Wilkinson (Team Manager), Reece Carlson (President), Nathan Reeves, Sam Casey, Jason Bannister, Bre Lindner, Mathew Fatchen, Billy Galpin, Jus n Bromley, Jon Mules, Lachy Jones, Al Lyon, Tom Jerome, Ben Mules, Connor Gen le, Jet Mules, Dallas Jeffree (Assistant Coach), Adam Box (Runner/Vice President), Peter Savage (Time Keeper); Front: Chris Mules, Josh LaRocca, Tom Williams, Michael Krieger, Tye McManus, Mitch Lowe (Captain), Kevin Stark (Coach), Sam McManus (Vice Captain), Ben Gregory, Jus n Mansell, Andrew Stone. Absent: Josh Searle. scoreboard

1st qtr

2. Bre Lindner: Like a fine wine, ge ng be er with age. Very consistent and a smooth mover around the ground. 3. Tye McManus: Plays above his age. Smooth mover, sublime skills. Third in the Mail Medal. 4. Andrew Stone: Had another excep onal season. Enjoyed more midfield minutes. Ligh ng fast and great skills. 5. Sam McManus: Vice Captain, excep onal leader. Works harder than most. Provides great drive playing off the wing. 6. Jus n Bromley: Loves the contest. Has been a great inclusion to our side. A very good second ruckman. 7. Jason Bannister: The Glove! One of the ghtest defenders in the comp. Always gives his all. 8. Mathew Fatchen: Excep onal intercept marking ability. Very skilful and gives his all week in week out. 10. Mitch Lowe: Captain of the team. Smooth and reliable. Rarely beaten. An excep onal leader.

2nd qtr

3rd qtr

11. Chris Mules: Club legend. Contested king. Great leader amongst the group. 12. Lachy Jones: First year back at the footy club a er a few seasons off. In career best form. Super skilful. 13. Billy Galpin: Had a great season. Been a crucial link up and transi on player going forward. Good goal sense. 14. Tom Williams: Has been a great inclusion this year. Great lockdown defender. Provides good talk and advice for the team. 16. Al Lyon: Had another very consistent year. Club and team favourite. Has great dukes. 17. Josh LaRocca: New recruit this year. Has great forward pressure and energy around the group. 18. Jus n Mansell: Great skills and works hard. Loves the contest. 21. Sam Casey: Honest back pocket player. Rarely beaten 1 on 1. Very consistent. 23. Nathan Reeves: Experienced rebound defender. Plays tall and provides a lot of run and drive forward.

4th qtr


24. Jon Mules: Had a very consistent season once again. A superb tap ruckman, who rarely gets beaten. 27. Ben Gregory: Enjoying his year playing on a wing. Great skills and moves well for a big guy. Kicked 20 goals off the wing. 31. Jet Mules: S ll in Senior Colts. Has made the most of his senior opportuni es. 33. Michael Krieger: Goal sneak. League leading goal kicker this season. Has been in career best form. 34. Ben Mules: Club legend. S ll proving a threat to opposi on. Great footy smarts. Great teacher on and off the field. 36. Josh Searle: Plays a huge role off of half forward. Clears space for the other forwards. Has great forward pressure. 37. Tom Jerome: Senior colt. Very promising young player. Super athle c. 62. Connor Gen le: Another up and coming star. Has a bright future in the black and white. Coach: Kevin Stark



Images courtesy Steve Walters (Snapperific)


1st qtr

2nd qtr

3rd qtr

4. Tom Bell: One of our captains who always leads from the front. Great chest marker, and leading goal kicker for our side.

26. James Gilbertson: Vice captain. Small forward who can run through the midfield. Loves spending me with the boys.

5. Luke Haines: Veteran of the side who never takes his eye off the ball. Reliable defender who can also be swung forward and kick goals.

31. James Telford: Small forward/midfielder who puts his body on the line each week. Dangerous around goals.

6. Saxon Ellis: Ball winner and reliable midfielder over many years. Tough as an ox.

32. Jack Altschwager: Tall forward who can take a grab and reliable shot on goal. Loves finals footy.

9. Dylan Vanderhorst: Our other captain. Midfield bull who loves the contest and always has an impact.

34. Tom Pegler: Junkyard dog who bores into the contest. Can some mes kick a goal, and some mes not.

10. Tim Merre : Playing coach of the side. Midfielder who likes to dri forward and hit the scoreboard.

36. Max Telfer: Half forward with good hands and strong kick. The be er brother.

15. Todd Watson: General of the defence. Uses his voice and athle cism to impact the game. Rarely beaten. 17. Jez Jones: Snags and bags is what this guy is all about. Freakish goal kicker. 18. Cameron Slape: Ruckman/defender who loves a ba le. Never gives in.

4th qtr


45. Lauchie Jackman-Tilley: Small defender who can also play forward. Can be given a shutdown role. 46. Lachie Lang: Tight checking defender who hasn't been beaten all year. Loves the contest. 47. James Thorn: Defender/mid with surprisingly silky skills. Puts body on the line each week. 48. Jacob Lang: Youngest of the three Langs. Whiteline fever type operator. Very good defender. 53. Riley Chester: Small forward and great team man. Willing to play any role.

38. Jack Kain: Ruckman/u lity who can play either end. Sweeping le boot.

54. Spencer Jones: Tight checking defender and reliable tackler. Has bobbed up for a couple of goals during the season.

43. Ben Lang: Reliable defender, leads our backline with his voice. Solid player with a solid mullet.

55. Ayden Reid: Hard running midfielder who always finds space and racks up plenty of possessions.

44. Jasper Thomas: One of our younger players in our side. Has pace to burn and can bob up and kick a goal.

Coach: Tim Merre



Back (L-R): Ryan Von Stanke, Tyresse Newton, Bryce Redman, Rhys Latchford, Liam Bo omley, Travis Smith, Ma hew Sullivan, Lennox Lewis, Caleb Catena, Lachie Tilley, Ryan Donovan; Middle: Darryl Jones (President), Hayley Goodwin (Team Manager) Ben Milstead, Jacob Simmons, Mason Brown, Jordie Carrison, Rory Natrass, Connor Gibbe -Twomey, James Carrison, Ryan Walter, Brad Creek, Ron O'Dine (Assistant Coach); Front: Vicki Livingston (Trainer), Gus McGregor, Ben Holmes (Vice Captain), Damien O'Dine (Captain), Adam Lewis (Coach), Ma hew Stark, Adam Richards, Tarquin Newton, Trent Ebejer, Linda Driver (Time Keeper). scoreboard

1st qtr

2nd qtr

3rd qtr

4th qtr


3. Trent Ebejer: Mesmerising with the ball in hand, makes others look like they are standing s ll.

18. Rhys Timms: Big bodied hardworking player, that can play anywhere, forward, back or midfield.

5. Fraser Lynch: Hard runner works up and down the ground with great skills.

21. Tarquin Newton: Elusive a real goal sneak and tackles hard.

6. Caleb Catena: Gives his all at every contest, excellent work rate always in the contest.

23. Damien O'Dine: Captain who is always leading by example.

48. Ryan Vonstanke: Can play forward and back, can do a role wherever the team needs him.

25. Benjamin O'Dine: Tough hard player, you don’t want to be between him and the ball.

50. Jacob Simmonds: Runner-up in the League Medal again this year, pure class.

10. Lennox Lewis: Big bodied ruckman with good pace and skills. 13. Bryce Redman: Hard working player down back, always looking to make good decisions with ball in hand. 16. Peter Buchanan: Skilful player has added a lot to the side since joining the team. 16. Ryan Donovan: Great team-first player, always puts the team first. 17. Mason Brown: Goal sneak, very good goal sense, always looking to score.

26. Adam Richards: Laid back calm, always cool in with ball in hand.

44. Brad Creek: Clever smart veteran who dazzles everyone with ball in hand. 46. Tyreese Newton: A skilful player who does not waste a possession.

51. Ben Holmes: Vice Captain, the voice of the team can be heard everywhere.

27. Rory Na rass: Big target up forward, always makes a contest and brings to ground.

56. Liam Bo omley: A free running player, enjoys a goal.

33. Jess Feast: Always in the contest, very rarely beaten.

57. Tom Sullivan: Real smooth mover, works up and the down the ground like a surf break.

40. Jordy Carrison: Heart and soul player, always suppor ng his teammate. 41. Angus McGregor: Mr Consistent who never plays a bad game.

61. Benjamin Milstead: Hard player always looking to impact a contest, good runner and user of the ball. Coach: Adam Lewis

GRAND FINAL senior colts 10:30aM


Back (L-R): Max Robertson, Ethan Cornish, Ollie Hagget, Clayton Peel, Hudson Peel, Jai Hagget, Riley Sutherland; Middle: Bill Keane (Team Manager), Nathan Gibbons, Flynn Peel, Codee Weston, Mason Keane, Riley Boundy, Cameron Gibbons, Grace Mackey (Trainer); Front: Jodie Keane (Team Manager), Mitchell Nunan, Jayden Lines, Tom Wachtel (Coach), Jesse Robertson, James Du on, Sam Newton, Stephen Gibbons (Assistant Coach). 1st qtr

3. Jimmy 'Murchy' Murch: A rebound half back machine! He is able to read the football like no other. He intercepts opposi on kicks and spreads decep vely quickly. 4. Cameron 'Camo' Gibbons: Lightning quick ruck man who gracefully glides into his contests and hit outs. He is also known to sneak forward and give off a quick handball to runners. A real team man. 5. Mitchell 'Mi s' Nunan: One of our forward brigade who loves to kick a bag. He leads up hard and marks the footy in his 'mi s'. Can kick goals from anywhere. 6. George 'Du s' Du on: Older brother of James and the Rolls Royce of our midfield. He is nimble around the pack and rarely gets caught. He takes off with lightning pace and uses his phenomenal skills. 7. Ethan 'Mr Glenelg' Cornish: Good luck catching this slinky midfielder. Loves a run and bounce and finishes with his dangerously accurate kicking. An absolute clearance machine. 10. Ollie 'Haggy' Hagge : One of our leaders and an absolute excitement machine around the football. He loves going on ball and sneaking down forward for a goal. He weaves, ducks, darts and dives to get his hands on the footy. He can do things that most midfielders only dream of. 11. James 'Podge' Du on: Younger brother to George and a very silky customer indeed. He can play anywhere on the field but loves a run on the wing. He o en sneaks into the forward line for a goal or 2. 12. Codee 'White Chocolate' Weston: A tall basketball power forward. He controls the ball both on the ground and in the air and has a strong leading presence up forward. Loves to kick a bag of snags. 13. Ollie 'Ol' McInnes: A tough in and under midfielder who is gutsy in every contest he a ends.

2nd qtr

3rd qtr

He works forward and back and o en leads the rebound from half back. Very skilful player who causes headaches for the opposi on. 14. Clayton 'Clay' Peel: One of our Peel trio and possibly the strongest of them all. He is dynamic on the field and can play in the middle and down back. Watch out for this tackling machine. 17. Jesse 'Gtrain' Robertson: Our fearless captain and leader and a strong physical bull around the contest who leads by example. He runs in straight lines off the half back and is known for his big hits and tackles. 18. Flynn 'Peely' Peel: One of the Peel trio and a Joel Selwood type operator. Physical, quick and tough. Good luck tackling this midfield machine. 19. Sam 'Newy' Newton: Another one of our reliable back man who runs through the footy and takes it with him. He has a nimble li le sidestep that gets him through traffic. Gives his opponent absolutely nothing with his long reach and golden fist. 20. Nathan 'Nato' Gibbons: A silky half forward who has excep onal skills when hi ng up teammates and can also find the goals with accurate snaps. 23. Raj 'Tarzan' Legoe: An excitement machine around the footy. Super quick and damaging with the football. Loves a run down the wing and regularly finds space. 28. Jay 'Linsey' Lines: Our vice-captain and a vocal leader who sets the group straight. A hard nut half back who only runs in straight lines whether its through the pack or on the outside. 31. Max 'Moo' Robertson: One of our leaders and younger brother of Jesse Robertson. A physical CHF who competes all day and clunks some big contested marks. Watch out for his accurate kicking Infront of goals. 34. Hudson 'Huddo' Peel: One of the Peel trio and a

4th qtr


hard and aggressive unit. He monsters both the ball and his opponents. Watch out for this beast around the footy. 37. Jai 'Bin Chicken' Hagge : One of our forward brigade and a li le goal sneak. He is nimble and dangerous around goals and is physical around the contest with his body. 44. Mason 'Keany' Keane: A hard leading half forward who loves to ruck out games. He is a Max Gawn type operator who is able to get around the ground like a midfielder. Racks up plenty of kicks in the middle of the ground and burns his opponent with his big engine. 50. Riley 'Sutho' Sutherland: Another one of our reliable backs who never gives his opponent a sniff. A great one on one player and is rarely beaten. 51. Riley 'Boundy Bear' Boundy: One of our reliable backs who doesn't let much past him. He is able to shutdown his opponent and create a contest. Rumor has it he is s ll growing. Cooper 'Coop' Thomas: Pound for pound this guy is as tough and mad as they come. No ma er your size or skill, Coop will take you down. Never gives up on the contest and will do anything for the footy. Kaiden 'Flea' Carter: A silky wingman/forward who loves a cheeky goal. What he lacks in body size he makes up for in skills and his nimble sidestep. Mason 'Ken Dawg' McKenny: A dangerous forward with a big presence around the goals. He is a big- me player and loves kicking a goal when the game is on the line. Seb 'Sebatron' Moore: This ruthless young man has a luscious flowing mullet and the voice of a warrior. He is physical around the contest and you will be hearing his booming voice all day. Coach: Tom Wachtel

GRAND FINAL senior colts 10:30aM


Back (L-R): Danny Golding, Eli Kneen, Myles Widdison, Tyson Atkinson, Harvey Jones, Je Faulkner; Middle: Aaron Leopold (Manager) Jack Cassidy, Riley Shanks, Ethan Leopold, Zak Bowering, Cameron Atkinson (Vice Captain), Will Chay (Runner); Front: Kaden Thomas, Tom Gray, Ethan Bowman (Vice Captain), Jed Telfer (Coach), Paddy Chay (Captain), Aus n Ne le. scoreboard

2. Eli Kneen: Most improved player in the team. Plays solid down back and uses the ball well. 6. Harvey Jones: Dangerous forward that is the barometer for the team. Enjoys the big moments and consistently gets the job done. 8. Jack Cassidy: Quick defender that rarely gets beaten. Has improved significantly this year. 9. Patrick Chay: Captain of the team who leads from the front. Takes big marks and is very good around stoppages. Has a booming right foot that is dangerous in front of goals. 10. Joel Smith: In and under all day. Gives 100% every contest and tackles hard when not in possession. 11. Tyson Atkinson: First year player who is an exci ng talent. Finds plenty of space and uses the ball with great composure. 12. Je Faulkner: Plays at half back and breaks the lines with his run and carry. Has had a great year and is always improving.

1st qtr

2nd qtr

3rd qtr

14. Cameron Atkinson: U lity player who is willing to do anything for his team. Has the ability to turn a game on its head and kick freakish goals. 16. Ethan Leopold: Big ruckman who gives it his all. Is adding more to his game each week and gets the ball going our way. Works excep onally hard on the training track as well as game day. 17. Myles Widdison: A much improved player that does the 1 percenters excep onally well. Has developed his understanding of the game and provides the team with plenty of run from the backlines.

4th qtr


22. Ethan Bowman: Great skills on either side of his body. Has great composure and knows where the goals are. Won the league and club best and fairest. 23. Danny Golding: A hard defender that rarely gets beaten. Has a long and accurate kick. 24. Riley Shanks: Has been one of the most consistent players all year. Intercepts the ball and gets us moving forward with his long kicking and run. 25. Tom Gray: Versa le player that finds himself playing all over the ground. Puts his head over the ball and li s the team with his hard tackling.

18. Kaden Thomas: Highly skilled player that hits the scoreboard regularly. Gets in all the right spots and has an exci ng future.

29. Ollie Fitzgerald: Junior colt that has an elite kick and composure. Won the league and club best and fairest.

19. Zak Bowering: First year player that plays way above his years. Has a good pair of hands and tackles hard.

31. Aus n Ne le: Small forward that has an elite kick and good goal sense. Has an exci ng future at the club.

20. Will Watson: Has improved out of sight throughout the year. Gives his all to every contest and works hard to win the ball.

Coach: Jed Telfer

GRAND FINAL junior colts 9:15aM

kongorong hawks

Back (L-R): Graham Dowie (Coach), Nate Von Stanke-Dowie, Toby McKinnon, Kain Ashby, Jacob Gordon, Blake Telford, Ryan Lucas, Clancy Nicholson, Bam Kent; Middle: Daniel Ashby (Team Manager), Jobe Janeway, Deagan Bogie, Axl Von Stanke, Jim Kyle, Luke Allen, Rhys Newton, Xavier Hunt, Harrison Elletson, Logan Cordy, Mandy Stephens (Trainer); Front: Noah Von StankeDowie, Cohen Galpin, Declan Richardson, Kur s Lasle (Captain), Tyler Richardson, Lily Gordon, Ryan Angelino, Jackson Bald, Blake Lasle ; Absent: Tony Elletson (Runner). 1st qtr

1. Ryleigh Atchison: Joined at the halfway mark of the season and has played in mul ple posi ons, shows a clean set of skills with the ball in hand. 4. Ryan Angelino: A smooth mover around the ground who always looks to have me when has the ball and can see the game playing out in front of him. 5. Harrison Elletson: Key playmaker off the half back flank who always looks to bring teammates into the game. 6. Deagan Bogie: New to the club this year and a real team player who always gives his all and has improved his footy as the year has gone on. 7. Jobe Janeway: Another of the midfield group who has grown into the role as the season has gone on and a real leader around the ground. 9. Cohen Galpin: A nuggety defender who has very rarely been beaten all year but also managed to go forward on occasions and bag a few goals. 10. Rhys Newton: A quiet achiever of the group who lets his footy do the talking and very rarely wastes a ball. 11. Bam Kent: In only 2nd year of footy has really taken his development and understanding of the game to another level and con nues to improve each week. 12. Kur s Lasle : Captain. Has played in mul ple posi ons throughout the year and can influence a game very quickly with his speed out of packs.

2nd qtr

3rd qtr

13. Lilly Gordon: 1st year of footy and very quickly showed an appe te for the contest and always looking to play a team brand of footy. 14. Logan Cordy: Our ever-smiling forward who has a clean set of hands, always looking to get teammates involved and gives his all. 15. Blake Telford: Unfortunately missed a bit of footy through the year but has really developed into a handy player that will give his all in any posi on. 16. Jackson Bald: Can play Jacko in any posi on on the ground and as a very smart footballer always knows where to posi on himself. 17. Blake Lasle : 1st taste of U14's this year as part of our minis but whenever had the opportunity was never afraid to get in to the contest. 18. Jacob Gordon: A big improver throughout the season and really found a niche on his wing with plenty of run and developing into a very smart footballer. 19. Noah Von Stanke-Dowie: One of our minis who has filled in throughout the year. Loves the crash and bash of footy and always prepared to do a bit of trash talking. 20. Jim Kyle: Has held down centre half back all year and provided plenty of run and carry out of the backline. 21. Luke Allen: A real confidence player who is developing into a handy footballer. Has good skills with the ball and always looking to bring teammates into the game.

4th qtr


22. Kain Ashby: Another of the backline who has had a great season and managed a few goals. Always smiling and prepared to ba le hard when needed. 23. Toby McKinnon: Mr Versa le has hardly been beaten at full back all year and managed to go forward on occasions to snag a few goals. 25. Nate Von Stanke-Dowie: Lives for the crash and bash of each contest and always prepared to put his head over the ball to create opportuni es for others. 26. Declan Richardson: A key player in our midfield who the harder the contest is the more Deccy thrives. Always prepared to be in and under feeding the ball out. 27. Tyler Richardson: Vice-Captain. Our leading goal kicker for the year and has played in a mul tude of posi ons and always prepared to run for the 4 quarters. 29. Ryan Lucas: Had an amazing 1st year of footy and another who can play in mul ple posi ons but does love kicking a goal or several. 30. Axl Von Stanke: Is always prepared to play a team game. Has enjoyed a lot of me up forward throughout the season for a few goals. 32. Zavier Hunt: Has played in numerous posi ons all season but developing into a handy forward target and has really improved as the season has gone on. Coach: Graham Dowie

GRAND FINAL junior colts 9:15aM


Back (L-R): Ben Sims (Runner), William Andre, Cooper Walters, Riley Haines, Jordan Atkinson, Ned Fitzgerald, Tom Bowering, Eli Sims, Isaac Chambers, Jimmy Kneen, Harry Gilbertson, Harry Baker; Middle: Sam Atkinson (Team Manager), Jacob Hall, Charlie Sims, Hudson Nowak, Brayden Chambers, Ethan Marshall, Riley Prouse, Coaden Taylor, Amy Haines (Team Manager), Michael Figg (Water); Front: Beau Higgins, Chloe Bellinger, Hannah Bellinger, Jack Bellinger (Vice Captain), Dylan Clough (Coach), Oliver Fitzgerald (Captain), Fletcher Leopold, Teej Lawler, Winston Figg; Inset: Oskar Howell (le ), Cohen Clark (right). scoreboard

1st qtr

1. Tom Bowering: First year in Junior Colts, he is an in and under player, plays a hard brand of footy. 2. Riley Prouse: Very skilful player, can always back him in to hit a target when he has ball in hand, had a really good season. Very accurate in front of goals.

2nd qtr

3rd qtr

in confidence every week. Great team mate. 12. Jordan Atkinson: In and under player, had a really good season playing across different posi ons, skilful in front of goals. 13. Hudson Nowak: Exci ng player when he has ball in hand, has very good vision in front of goals.

4th qtr


21. Ned Fitzgerald: First year Junior Colt, skilful and has great match awareness. 24. Eli Sims: First year Junior Colt, very skilful and accurate when kicking for goal. 25. Cooper Walters: Improving each week, courageous and great team player.

3. Fletcher Leopold: Played a joint ruck role this year, can also play up forward or down back when needed.

14. Issac Chambers: Skilful player, puts himself in great posi ons up forward and is always amongst the goals.

26. Coaden Taylor: Very skilful player on both sides of the body, has a great football awareness.

4. Jimmy Kneen: Beau ful kick of the footy, plays a key role down back for us and has great match awareness.

15. Cohen Clark: Second year Junior Colt, hard runner, great team mate and always tries his best.

27. Riley Haines: First year Junior Colt, very quick up forward, tackles well and great kick for goal.

5. Ethan Marshall: Growing as a player every week, very good skills and becoming a very handy full back.

16. Harry Gilbertson: First year Junior Colt, hard running wingman, can hit the scoreboard when playing up forward.

6. Charlie Sims: In and under player, o en gets a job as a defensive midfielder each week, hard runner and good kick.

17. Oskar Howell: Made a good come back from a knee injury at the start of the year, se led down back for us, reads the play well.

28. Jack Bellinger: Vice Captain for the team, good role model, plays a sharing role in the ruck each week, always tries his best. Improving each game.

7. Winston Figg: Improving each week, courageous player who always gives 100%, great team man on and off the field.

18. Teej Lawlor: Pacey wingman, plays a bit through the middle, not afraid of taking on the bigger players. Great skills.

8. Brayden Chambers: Top age player, very versa le, can play anywhere on the field. Plays tall and has good skills.

19. Chloe Bellinger: Courageous player, versa le and has great skills, always gives 110%.

9. William Andre: First year Junior Colt, plays up forward, lightning quick player.

20. Hannah Bellinger: Courageous player, versa le and has great skills, always gives 110%.

10. Jacob Hall: First year Junior Colt, growing

29. Ollie Fitzgerald: Captain of the team, has had an outstanding season, very versa le and skilful player. 2021 club and league best and fairest winner, bright football future. 30. Harry Baker: First year Junior Colt, has great skills and great match awareness. 51. Beau Higgins: First year Junior Colt, improving every week, skilful and a great team mate. Coach: Dylan Clough



2020 2019


Kongorong* Mt Burr


Hatherleigh* Robe * Shortened COVID junior season

2020 2019

2021 2020

J. Ferguson-Lane, Hatherleigh DNP

2021 E. Bowman (Hath) & C. Kelly (Tant) 2020 Not awarded

2021 2020

J. Gregory, Mt Burr DNP

2021 2020

O. Fitzgerald, Hatherleigh Not awarded

2021 2020

M. Krieger, Kalangadoo....................70 DNP

2021 2020 2021 2020 2021 2020

T. Richardson, Kongorong.................51 Not awarded

W. Maloney, Glencoe........................58 Not awarded

J. Mullan, Kongorong.......................41 DNP


2021 2020

Ben Dinnison, Nangwarry John Simkin, Kongorong

Hatherleigh & Robe DNP

2021 2020

Dylan Childs, Glencoe DNP

2021 2020

Josh Wallis, Mt Burr & Aaron Lightbody, Kongorong DNP

2020 2019

DNP Chris Mules, Kalangadoo

2020 2019

Zak Bowering, Hatherleigh Oliver Haggett, Robe

2020 2019

DNP Joe Rayson, Hatherleigh

2021 league officials MID SOUTH EASTERN FOOTBALL LEAGUE President ..................................................................... Peter Mitchell Secretary ................................................................... Naomi Mitchell Vice President ........................................................ Dennis Muhovics Execu ve Members ....................................... Bob Jones, Trevor Ling Umpires Director ........................................................... Neil Webber Regional Director ......................................................... Sco Duncan Football Opera ons Coordinator South East ........ Michael Mourbey Game Development Officer ............................................. Heath Sims MID SOUTH EASTERN JUNIOR FOOTBALL LEAGUE President ......................................................................... Shane Kelly Secretary ................................................................... Naomi Mitchell Execu ve Members .............................. Gary Wilson, Ma Cockrum MID SOUTH EAST NETBALL ASSOCIATION

2020 2019

Brayden Leicester, Kongorong Tom Vanderhorst, Mt Burr

2020 2019

DNP Ethan Maney, Kalangadoo

President ............................................................................ Sara Gray Vice President ....................................................... Pauline Mulraney Treasurer ....................................................................... Jacqui Cocks Secretary ................................................................... Courtney Lewis Assistant Secretary .............................................................. Kim Ross Records Officer ....................................................... Megan Bowering Execu ve Member .................................................. Rebecca Scanlon Publicity Officer ..................................................... Kirrily McPherson PAST MID SOUTH EASTERN FOOTBALL LEAGUE OFFICIALS Football Presidents & Secretaries since 1946 (not official) MSEFL Presidents: G. McDonald 1946-47, MacLeish Durant 1948, R.R. Robinson 1949, Ed Canute 1950, Ivor Bateman 1951-52, Stuart Nash 1953-57, A.R. "Fred" Basheer OAM 1958-1963, Malcolm Morrison 1964-66, Lin Wright 1967-73, Alistair Pegler 1974-76, George Considine 1977-79, Allen Jenkin 1980-81, Keith Sneath 1982-84, Peter Ey 1985-87, Wilf Sprengel 1988, Mostyn Telford 1989, Keith Sneath 1990-96, Rob Dycer 1997-2000, Dennis Muhovics 2001-2008, Peter Mitchell Jnr 2009 - Current. MSEFL Secretaries: M.H. "Mel" Bell and R.C. "Bob" Neale 1946-54, Fred Carthew 195565, W.J. "Bill" Schuller 1966-71, Wilf Sprengel 1972-87, Jim Maney 1988-92, J.L. "Fred" Smith 1993, Jo Dean 1994-2001, Clarrie Squire 2002-04, Chris Paproth 2005-08, Naomi Mitchell 2009 - Current.

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mseNA president’s report On behalf of the Mid SE Netball Associa on, I would like to welcome, players, coaches, umpires and supporters to Tantanoola for Grand Final Day. As another season draws to a close its me to reflect on the season that was. Another year of challenges and achievements both on and off the court. Made all the more difficult by the issues brought about by Covid-19. In my seventh year as President I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Mid SE Netball Execu ve, a group of hardworking individuals who come together as a team for the good of netball in the Family League, so to Courtney Lewis, Jacqui Cocks, Bec Scanlon, Megan Bowering, Kim Ross, Pauline Mulraney and Kirrily McPherson, I thankyou for your me and commitment to Mid SE Netball. In May 2020 the 9 clubs who make up the Mid South East Netball associa on board voted and the decision was made to abandon the 2020 season. Hatherleigh, Mount Burr and Tantanoola Netball clubs took up the opportunity to play alongside their Junior footy counterparts on a Saturday and we ran a successful 2 day junior carnival in August at Tantanoola. Kalangadoo were the winners in 17s and 13s and Hatherleigh in the 15s, while not all clubs competed in all grades all clubs were represented on the day. Considering there was no season played there was a lot of work done behind the scenes and I would like to thank the 2020 execu ve and make a special men on to Courtney Lewis who was a huge help in ge ng informa on to clubs and to her and Jacqui Cocks for the amount of work undertaken in ge ng the carnival ready. We were very excited at the start of the 2021 season in what is the 60th year of Mid South East Netball and with the excep on of a 7 day lockdown and therefore 2 weeks of missed netball the season has been an entertaining one. Over the June long weekend we had 4 sides represent Mid South East Netball at the Country Championships for the 45th consecu ve year, we had mixed success with our seniors, 13s and 15s making finals

with the 15 & unders finishing runners up in Div 3. Congratula ons to Abbey Duncan and Sarah Faulkner who made the Team of the Year. A lot of hard work goes on behind the scenes in prepara on for this weekend and I thank all coaches, selectors and players. This year we had a few umpires who had to withdraw from the weekend and we thank the parents who offered to help out with umpiring. Lifelong friendships are formed at Country Champs and I encourage everyone to put themselves forward for an opportunity to represent our Associa on. We are fortunate through the hard work of Bec Scanlon to be able to offer C badging within our associa on and Congratula ons to Narelle Lewis, Abbey Duncan, Bek Millowick and Sophie Wrightson on gaining their C badges this year. Lisa Sco was rewarded for her hard work and gained her B grade badge and was awarded the MSENA umpire of the year award. Congratula ons to all Best & Fairest winners: 13 & Under: Kalli Ne le (Hatherleigh) 15 & Under: Chloe Peacock (Kalangadoo) 17 & Under: Lacey Haines (Hatherleigh) Junior Consistency: Lacey Haines (Hatherleigh) B Reserve: Rhianna May (Kalangadoo) B Grade: Chloe Watson (Glencoe) A Reserve: Ebony McDiarmid (Kalangadoo) A Grade: Heidi Clark (Mount Burr) Senior Consistency: Heidi Clark (Mount Burr) Best Under 21: Lacey Haines (Hatherleigh) & Emma Gould (Tantanoola) Thank you to Mid South East Footy for con nuing to work with the Netball Associa on, also to Dennis Muhovics who is the liaison between netball and football, if we keep working together we can con nue to keep the Mid SE the best in the region. Our sponsors in 2021 were South East Property & Sales, Allout Cray Pots, Bakers Delight, She's Apples, Fosters Foodland, Athletes Foot, Woolworths Millicent,

THANK YOU With the 2021 season drawing to a close today, Xpress Signs & Apparel would like to take this opportunity to thank all who have made contribu ons to the MSE Budget this season. Without the support of the clubs associated with the MSE and regular columnists, the Budget would not be known as one of the best publica ons of its type in the State - something all associated with the league can be proud of. All must be congratulated for their efforts as the success of the Budget cannot survive without it being the voice of the clubs. Credit must also be given to the businesses who have supported the Budget through adver sing and league sponsorship.

Millicent IGA, Bunnings Mount Gambier and In2Trophies. Thankyou to the Media for their con nued support and special men on to XPress signs for compiling and publishing the Budget each week and to the SE Voice for prin ng it as part of their Thursday publica on. In 2021 the Mid South East Team of the Year is once again made up of players who have been nominated by their peers congratula ons to the following players: Goals: Melissa Russell - Kalangadoo Abbey Duncan - Kalangadoo Lacey Haines - Hatherleigh Emma Gould - Tantanoola Centre: Jayde Peacock - Kalangadoo Tegan Merre - Hatherleigh Sarah Faulkner - Hatherleigh Laura Schultz - Mt Burr Defence: Maddie Redman - Hatherleigh Heidi Clark - Mount Burr Madi Hagge - Mount Burr Coach: Tamara Hagge - Mount Burr In closing I would like to thank the 9 clubs who make up the Mid South East Netball Associa on I enjoy being your President and building rela onships with you all. As always I thank my family, Dwayne, Georgia & Meg all of whom know more about the pros and cons of running a netball associa on than any of them really want to, their con nued support allows me to con nue doing a role I love. Good luck to all teams playing today and I look forward to seeing you all in Mid SE Netball in 2022. Sara Gray Mid South East Netball Associa on President



A GRADE Hatherleigh 62 def Tantanoola 44 BEST - Hatherleigh: M. Redman, K. Green; Tantanoola: C. Walker, J. Walker

A Reserve Glencoe 40 def Port MacDonnell 31 BEST - Glencoe: C. Pfitzner, T. Rothe; Port MacDonnell: B. O'Dine, M. Millard

B GRADE Glencoe 38 def Tantanoola 32 BEST - Glencoe: A. Cocks, H. Greenfield; Tantanoola: N. Rutkowski, K. Rowe

B reserve Hatherleigh 38 def by Glencoe 43 BEST - Hatherleigh: G. Chant, I. Marshall; Glencoe: L. Kenny, K. Owen

17 & under Kalangadoo 35 def Mt Burr 25 BEST - Kalangadoo: S. Wrightson, H. Watson; Mt Burr: M. Gamble, J. Hayward

15 & under Hatherleigh 24 def by Kalangadoo 35 BEST - Hatherleigh: B. Poulish, K. Carruthers; Kalangadoo: C. Peacock, T. Lythgo

13 & under Hatherleigh 32 def Mt Burr 17 BEST - Hatherleigh: P. Fitzgerald, S. Barlow; Mt Burr: S. Smith, K. Wilson

Kalangadoo Hatherleigh Mt Burr Tantanoola Glencoe Robe Port MacD Nangwarry Kongorong

P 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16

B 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

W 14 12 10 9 9 4 4 2 0

Kalangadoo Glencoe Tantanoola Port MacD Kongorong Hatherleigh Mt Burr Nangwarry Robe

P 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16

B 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

W 14 11 9 8 8 6 6 2 0

Kalangadoo Glencoe Tantanoola Hatherleigh Port MacD Mt Burr Kongorong Robe Nangwarry

P 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16

B 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

W 14 12 10 10 7 5 3 2 0

Hatherleigh Kalangadoo Glencoe Port MacD Mt Burr Tantanoola Kongorong Robe Nangwarry

P 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16

B 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

W 12 12 11 9 7 6 3 2 0

Hatherleigh Kalangadoo Mt Burr Robe Port MacD Glencoe Kongorong Tantanoola Nangwarry

P 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16

B 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

W 14 13 10 8 7 5 4 3 0

Mt Burr Hatherleigh Kalangadoo Port MacD Kongorong Tantanoola Robe Glencoe Nangwarry

P 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16

B 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

W 14 11 10 10 6 4 4 3 2

Kalangadoo Hatherleigh Nangwarry Mt Burr Port MacD Glencoe Robe Kongorong Tantanoola

P 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16

B 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

W 14 13 10 10 7 4 4 2 0

D 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1

L 0 2 5 5 5 10 10 12 15

For 909 841 764 823 674 610 485 501 367

Agst 478 518 523 644 544 665 692 938 972

Pts 30 26 21 20 20 10 10 6 1

% 65.54 61.88 59.36 56.10 55.34 47.84 41.21 34.82 27.41

L 0 3 5 6 7 8 9 12 14

For 773 735 567 590 644 485 532 378 355

Agst 432 440 476 485 556 518 592 841 719

Pts 30 24 20 18 17 14 13 6 2

% 64.15 62.55 54.36 54.88 53.67 48.35 47.33 31.01 33.05

L 0 2 4 4 7 10 11 11 14

For 897 851 724 637 663 461 536 441 460

Agst 418 554 510 466 589 688 835 707 903

Pts 30 26 22 22 16 11 8 7 2

% 68.21 60.57 58.67 57.75 52.96 40.12 39.10 38.41 33.75

For 754 927 723 679 503 467 366 344 239

Agst 414 388 387 485 519 533 715 754 807

Pts 27 26 24 21 15 15 7 7 2

% 64.55 70.49 65.14 58.33 49.22 46.70 33.86 31.33 22.85

For 987 752 667 578 469 453 349 327 238

Agst 342 393 499 498 469 527 649 576 867

Pts 30 28 21 18 16 12 9 8 2

% 74.27 65.68 57.20 53.72 50.00 46.22 34.97 36.21 21.54

For 739 666 642 578 418 334 325 266 432

Agst 351 398 330 405 650 502 539 590 635

Pts 29 24 22 22 13 10 10 8 6

% 67.80 62.59 66.05 58.80 39.14 39.95 37.62 31.07 40.49

For 883 528 464 459 380 260 250 135 123

Agst 158 260 336 355 386 391 433 475 688

Pts 30 28 22 21 16 10 10 5 2

% 84.82 67.01 58.00 56.39 49.61 39.94 36.60 22.13 15.17

A reserve D 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 2

B GRADE D 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 3 2

B RESERVE D 3 2 2 3 1 3 1 3 2

L 1 2 3 4 8 7 12 11 14

17 & UNDER D 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 2

L 0 1 5 6 7 9 11 11 14

15 & UNDER D 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2

L 1 3 4 4 9 10 10 11 12

13 & UNDER

2 Eleanor Street, Mount Gambier p. 08 8725 1699 f. 08 8723 0899

D 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 2

L 0 1 4 5 7 10 10 13 14

GRAND FINAL match PREVIEWS 13 & Under – KALANGADOO v HATHERLEIGH In our youngest ba le of the day, Kalangadoo will take on Hatherleigh in the 13 & Under Grand Final. The teams last met in the 2nd Semi-Final and it was Kalangadoo that won straight through to the Grand Final with a 47 goal win over the Eagles. Hatherleigh defeated Mt Burr by 15 goals in the Preliminary Final to take their spot in the Grand Final. The Magpies’ Chloe Peacock has had an outstanding season, winning the 15 and Under Best and Fairest award while s ll being eligible and playing in this 13's team. Likewise, Tegan Lythgo has also been compe ng in both grades, and playing amazing netball. Tegan and Chloe have both earned themselves best players during the finals series, showing they can handle the added pressure that finals bring. Shayden Russell was runner-up in the 13's League Best and Fairest, polling 25 votes. Shayden is a versa le player, playing in the midcourt or in goals, she uses her height to her advantage. Alice Allen is also another dangerous player for the Magpies, she is capable of playing any posi on on the court and is a clever player, able to read the ball extremely well. Lucy Egan, another young gun to watch, a keen eye when feeding into the circle at WA and also capable of playing at either end of the court if needed. Hatherleigh's Kalli Ne le won the League Best and Fairest, polling 30 votes a er an outstanding season. Kalli is a crea ve player who can play anywhere on court and enjoys a great contest. Kalli will likely play in goals this weekend, a er some credible performances also during the finals series. Alex Haines also a versa le player that has enjoyed a close checking season in defence. Leni Carruthers and Amber Chester will also give their all for the Eagles through the middle. While the Hatherleigh girls will give their absolute all, it is hard to see them being able to turn around the result of the 2nd SemiFinal. Kalangadoo are an amazing young team and will be very hard to beat. 15 & Under – MOUNT BURR v KALANGADOO In the match to kick off Grand Final day, we will see Mount Burr take on Kalangadoo in the 15's Grand Final. Mount Burr defeated Hatherleigh by just 2 goals in the 2nd Semi-Final to head straight into the season decider. Kalangadoo won their way through by defea ng Hatherleigh in the Preliminary Final by 11 goals. Mount Burr are a talented team that have showed versa lity and shown they can quickly adapt to posi onal changes. They apply strong defensive pressure, crea ng turnovers they can capitalise on. They are quite a tall side mixed with some speed and agility. Kalangadoo are a young and very talented side. They have shown improvement during the season and have had a stellar finals series to date. Just like Mount Burr, they have players that are able to play either end of the court and won't be afraid to make changes should they need too, adap ng with ease. Mount Burr’s Abbey Fal ng will be a player to watch, she played a great game in C in the 2nd Semi, earning herself a best player men on. Expect a tough ba le against the Magpies’ Chloe Peacock. The Burr’s Jasmine Holland also had a good day out in the 2nd Semi-Final, causing her opposi on some headaches. She will likely team up with Jemma Bowering. Both girls have a high work rate and finish off with accuracy, not giving their defenders too many looks at rebounds. Georgia Gen le and Ebony Wurst will be doing their best to stop Holland and Bowering ge ng too many opportuni es. Wurst has had a solid season at GD, while Gen le applies con nual pressure and has height to her advantage when rebounding any missed opportuni es. Mount Burr lead the head to head 2-0, but if Kalangadoo play as they have been so far in this finals series, it will be a very close contest. Should be a great spectacle of some of the junior talent our league has to offer. 17 & Under – HATHERLEIGH v KALANGADOO Hatherleigh will take on Kalangadoo in the 17 & Under Grand Final. Hatherleigh defeated Kalangadoo in the 2nd Semi-Final by a convincing 21 goals. Kalangadoo won their Preliminary Final against Mt Burr by 10 goals. Hatherleigh have talent from one end of the court to the other. Their goalies are certainly a strong and dangerous combina on. Dakota Hateley drives the base line hard, shoots with accuracy and gets her hands to any missed shots giving her team a second look. She teams up with Lacey Haines who has had a stellar season. Lacey is an accurate and dominate goalie who possesses both a acking and defence skills crea ng countless turnovers. Lacey will also compete in the A Grade final later in the day. Jasmyne Bellinger has had a great season in the middle, she is a fit, hard-worker,

reliable and feeds her goalies with precision. In defence for the Eagles, Rosie Ne le is a small, but agile and speedy defender. She is gutsy and determined and a natural on court leader. She teams well with Elly Redden who has also had a great season. Kalangadoo also have a wealth of talent on court. They have a versa le team that can play a variety of posi ons, allowing them to match up how they see fit against different opposi ons. Their goalie combina on of Shelby Ryan and Kori Collins is incredibly strong, crea ve and accurate. Sophie Wrightson is strong through the middle for the Magpies, she has had an outstanding season. She has incredible drive through the middle and intercepts from one end of the court to the other and also feeds into the circle beau fully. In defence for the Magpies could be Emily Mulraney and Holly Watson, these girls have developed into a dynamic defensive duo, ge ng hands to loose balls and crea ng many turnovers for their team. Accuracy will play an important part in this match, all goalies will need to bring their A game to give themselves the best chance. Going by the 2nd Semi-Final you would expect Hatherleigh to come out on top. But as we know finals are a different ball game and Kalangadoo certainly have the players and talent to take it right up to Hatherleigh. Should be another top game. B Reserve – KALANGADOO v GLENCOE In the B Reserve Grand Final, Kalangadoo will be taking on Glencoe. Kalangadoo defeated Hatherleigh by 3 goals in the 2nd Semi-Final, while Glencoe defeated Hatherleigh by 5 goals in the Preliminary Final a er extra me was needed to get a result. These teams have met twice this year, with one win a piece. Kalangadoo boast a very strong goalie combina on – Rhianna May and Jodi Greenwood. Both May and Greenwood are accurate goalies and hold and move well in the circle. Bianca Thorne and Imogene Ryan are strong for the Magpies through the middle, Thorne leads by example and is capable of very mely intercepts. Ryan is a quiet achiever, her passing into the circle is a feature of her game. Kalangadoo have a strong and persistent defence line, with Deb Mulligan leading the way for the Magpies, ably backed by Gemma Box and Brianne Devinne. Glencoe also have strength across the court. Their defence of Kate Sealey and Krystal Owen work incredibly hard and were important in their win against Hatherleigh. In goals for the Murphies will be Bri Liebich and Lauren Kenny who on their day are hard to beat and accurate shooters. Ang Tweddle, Nicola Hawke and Bri Scheer will be important for the Murphies through the middle. With one win each during the season, and not mee ng in the finals un l now, it should be a fascina ng game. B Grade – KALANGADOO v GLENCOE In the B Grade Grand Final we see Kalangadoo take on Glencoe. Kalangadoo defeated Glencoe by a fairly comfortable 8 goals in the 2nd Semi-Final. Glencoe defeated Tantanoola by 6 goals for their opportunity to win through to the Grand Final and have another crack at Kalangadoo. Magpie goalies Gina Gogel and Isobel Giddings were important players in their match against Glencoe and they will be relied upon again to get the job done again, against a tough Glencoe defence. Through the middle for Kalangadoo will be Jessica Blackmore and Jolie Crowhurst, both these players give their all and are strong and reliable with quick hands when feeding their goalies. Nicole Reeves has had an outstanding season for the Magpies, she is athle c and takes many intercepts with her reach and ability to jump. She teams well with Shanae Neale and Lucy Williams. Both of whom are smart players who read the ball well. Glencoe goalies Abbie Cocks and Kayla Medhurst played well together in the preliminary final, Cocks earning herself best player. They were well supported by Hayley Greenfield and Chloe Watson who will be important for Glencoe through the middle. Defensively for the Murphies, trio Sam Brierley and Sally McDonnell, along with Bianca Easterbrook, will try to keep the Magpies goalies to limited opportuni es. They all work well together, what they may lack in height, they make up for with their high work rate and ability to read the play. Should be another great match for spectators and supporters. A Reserve – KALANGADOO v GLENCOE The A Reserve Grand Final will be a re-match of the 2nd Semi-Final. We will see Kalangadoo taking on Glencoe. The 2nd Semi-Final was a fantas c game to watch, with Kalangadoo only just ge ng the upper-hand and closing out the game by 2 goals to win straight through

to the Grand Final. Glencoe took a while to shake Port MacDonnell off in the Preliminary Final before running away with a 9 goal win. Magpies’ Ebony McDiarmid was important in their win against Glencoe, shoo ng accurately and ge ng a lot of the ball. Glencoe’s defence will need to try to stop the supply to McDiarmid. Kylie Schultz will also be important for the Pies, years of experience and a tenacious defender, her on court leadership will prove valuable along with her ability to take some unsuspec ng intercepts. She combines well with Shanen Pulkkinen. The Pies also have plenty of op ons through the middle, they may rotate for fresh legs. For Glencoe, they have strong players across the court. Their defence line is a young duo, Tameka Medhurst and Chloe Pfitzner. They have been impressive through the year and present as a danger to opposi on goalies. They are well supported by April Von Duve and Jess Gosden on the circle. Glencoe have a few op ons through the middle. Von Duve, Gosden and also Alyce Finnis and Candice Albrecht. Gosden is strong for the Murphies, looks very fit and is a great on court leader, providing encouragement and direc on for her team. In goals for Glencoe is Malinda Markiewicz who brings a lot of knowledge and finals experience to the team. She shot accurately in windy condi ons in the Preliminary Final. She teams well Taitlyn Rothe who has had a fantas c season. Expect this game to be a ght contest, should be great to watch. A Grade – KALANGADOO v HATHERLEIGH We are certainly looking forward to this one! The Mid South East Netball Associa on A Grade Grand Final will be contested by Kalangadoo and Hatherleigh. The teams met in the 2nd Semi-Final and in what was a fantas c match, Kalangadoo came out on top by just 3 goals and marched straight into the Grand Final. Hatherleigh went the long way around, but easily accounted for the Tigers in the Prelim Final, earning themselves another crack at Kalangadoo this weekend. There will be changes from last me they met. For the Eagles, Sarah Faulkner didn't line up in the Semi due to a calf injury. She should hopefully be ok to take her spot despite also coming off in the Prelim Final. Sadly for Kalangadoo they won't have the experienced Melissa Russell a er she injured her knee in the Semi, doing considerable damage. Russell will likely be replaced by Ebony McDiarmid who is no stranger to finals netball. Although the Magpies will sorely miss Russell's on court leadership and experience, McDiarmid would be the perfect replacement. She is an accurate shooter and will combine well with the talented and quick moving Abbey Duncan. Trying to stop them will be the Eagles defence duo of Maddie Redman and Maddie Pulmer. The Eagles defenders have been in great form, Redman earning herself best player in the Prelim Final. They work well together and read the ball well, genera ng plenty of turnovers for their team. The midcourt matchups will be exci ng to watch. Last me the teams met it was a tough and physical encounter. Sarah Faulkner will add some experience coming in for the Eagles and won't be afraid to put her body on the line. Expect a tense tussle with Jayde Peacock, who also won't give an inch. Tegan Merre in WA for the Eagles had a great ba le with Kalangadoo's Chloe Pra , should they line up against each other again, this will be one to watch. Kalangadoo's Jane Auld has had a terrific season, her work rate in both offence and defence causing headaches for her opposi on. She will likely line up against Lara McGregor who has had a great season, she is fit, quick and agile and gets her hands to many balls. Down the Eagles a acking end, Keston Green and Lacey Haines have been outstanding in the goal circle. Green has a wealth of netball knowledge and finals experience behind her and has played a great finals series so far. Haines is speedy, quick and accurate and has had a fantas c season. Looking to stop them will likely be Mikaila Pi and Chelsea Croser. These two can be incredibly dangerous with their ability to the read to play, rebound strongly and drive the ball well out of defence. I think everyone is excited to watch this game on Saturday, so many fantas c match ups, experience and up and coming talent. Seven players across both these teams were picked in the Team of the Year and with the excep on of Melissa Russell, all these players should be on court. Accuracy will be important to the outcome of this game. Goalies from both teams have finals experience of some sort up their sleeve and should se le reasonably quickly. In what will be a fantas c game for spectators and supporters, only me will tell who will become Premiers in 2021.

GRAND FINAL A GRADE 2:45pm - court 1



Back (L-R): Kirsty Egan, Mikaila Pi , Kori Collins, Melissa Russell, Chelsea Croser, Chloe Pra , Judy Hill; Front: Jane Auld, Jayde Peacock, Abbey Duncan (Captain), Sophie Wrightson.

Back (L-R): Kerri-Lee Bromley (Coach), Chelsea Galpin, Maddie Redman, Keston Green, Maddie Pulmer, Sarah Broadhead, Kelsey Wight; Front: Tegan Merre (Coach), Lacey Haines, Lara MacGregor, Sarah Faulkner.

magpies 1st qtr

2nd qtr

3rd qtr

eagles 4th qtr

Melissa Russell: Determined and reliable player who’s experience and leadership is invaluable. Melissa provides inspira on to her team with her focus, strong posi oning and crea vity. Abbey Duncan: Hard working and effec ve play maker in the Kalangadoo a ack line. Abbey provides a great avenue into our goal circle, a acks with confidence and applies enormous defensive pressure through the court. Jane Auld: An unassuming player who maintains an outstanding work rate both in offence and defence and can be relied upon to make a consistent contribu on to her team. Jayde Peacock: Hardworking midcourter who maximises every opportunity. Chloe Pra : Is a reliable and commi ed defender who works over me to put her opposi on under pressure. Mikaila Pi : An invaluable team member who has the uncanny ability to read the play and ‘turn the de’ in her team’s favour. Chelsea Crosser: An outstanding talent with athle c brilliance. Chelsea applies relentless pressure and maximises every opportunity. Ebony McDiarmid: No stranger to finals netball. Ebony has the ability to step-up, as required and slots into the A Grade team with ease. Kori Collins: A junior netballer who has also performed excep onally in the senior compe on throughout 2021. Kori has slo ed into the team as required and her talent and versa lity as an a acking player provides invaluable support and depth to this line-up. Sophie Wrightson: Another junior player who is no stranger to finals. Sophie has maturely adapted to senior netball and proven that she is ready for the challenge. Her despera on and commitment cannot be ques oned and she also provides invaluable support and depth to this line-up.

1st qtr

2nd qtr

3rd qtr

4th qtr

Keston Green: Returning a er a couple of years off. Enjoying her netball and using her knowledge and experience to great effect. Lacey Haines: Talented junior taking the step up to senior netball. Speedy and accurate goalie who works hard on her defence too. Tegan Merre : Co-Coach. Speedy mid-courter who covers a lot of ground. Brings experience and posi vity to the court. A reliable avenue to goal. Sarah Faulkner: Another speedy mid-courter with a wealth of knowledge. Having a consistent season using her experience to keep the ship steady. Lara MacGregor: Having a great season at WD. Super fit and speedy, gets her hands to many balls and drives hard into a ack. Maddie Pulmer: Adds so much diversity to the team, a strong defender and accurate smart goalie. Always happy to do her best for the team. Sarah Broadhead: New comer to the club who has slo ed in well. Strong, smart defender, super fit and always gives 100%. Maddie Redman: Experienced defender who always gives her best and is rarely beaten. Ul mate team player, ready to do what’s needed for her teammates at either end of the court. Chelsea Galpin: A late starter this season due to pregnancy but since coming in has been an impact player whether star ng on or coming off the bench. A determined defender who has slo ed in nicely. Rosie Ne le: Another talented junior who unfortunately has had a shocking run with injuries. A capable player who has shown great maturity when hi ng the court, using her speed in the mid-court.

GRAND FINAL A reserve 1:00pm - court 1



Back (L-R): Lisa Ilsley (Coach), Holly Watson, Kylie Schultz, Ebony McDiarmid, Maddy Bonanno, Jaimee Ryan, Reanna Wetherall; Front: Anthea Paterson, Jamie Ryan, Emmason Ilsley, Shanen Pulkkinen, Shelby Ryan.

Standing (L-R): Alyce Finnis, Tameka Medhurst, Chloe Pfitzner, Madeline Watson, Malinda Markiewicz, Jenna Paproth (Coach); Front: Taitlyn Rothe, Jessie Gosden, Candice Albrecht, April Von Duve.

magpies 1st qtr

2nd qtr

3rd qtr

murphies 4th qtr

1st qtr

2nd qtr

3rd qtr

4th qtr

GRAND FINAL b grade 2:15pm - court 2



Back (L-R): Lucy Williams, Shanae Neale, Gina Gogel, Nicole Reeves, Brianna Gale, Sarah Williams; Front: Jolie Crowhurst, Jess Blackmore, Jessica Kilsby (Captain), Isobel Giddings.

Back (L-R): Abbie Cocks, Sally McDonnell, Kayla Medhurst, Amy Clegge , Bianca Easterbrook (Coach); Front: Samantha Brierley, Zoe Parham-Hawke, Chloe Watson, Hayley Greenfield.

magpies 1st qtr

2nd qtr

3rd qtr

murphies 4th qtr

1st qtr

2nd qtr

3rd qtr

4th qtr

GRAND FINAL b reserve 12:45pm - court 2



Back (L-R): Abbey Hartland, Rhianna May, Jodi Greenwood, Gemma Box, Pauline Mulraney (Coach); Front: Deb Mulligan (Co-Captain), Imogene Ryan, Brianna Devine; Absent: Bianca Thorn (Co-Captain).

Back (L-R): Bri Liebich, Kate Sealey, Taylor Clark, Lauren Kenny, Krystal Owen; Front: Bri Scheer, Alarna Briggs, Angela Tweddle, Nicole Hawke (Coach).

magpies 1st qtr

2nd qtr

3rd qtr

murphies 4th qtr

1st qtr

2nd qtr

3rd qtr

4th qtr

GRAND FINAL 17 & under 11:30am - court 1



Back (L-R): Maddie Pulmer (Coach), Dakota Hateley, Elly Redden, Demi Jones, Eliza Mewe (Coach); Front: Jasmyne Bellinger, Lacey Haines, Rosie Ne le, Laura Chester.

Back (L-R): Sophie Wrightson, Georgia Gen le, Kori Collins, Holly Watson, Maddy Stevens, Ebony Wurst, Abby Thompson, Narelle Ryan (Coach), Shelby Ryan (Co-Captain), Emily Mulaney (CoCaptain) Emmason Ilsley (Asst. Coach).



1st qtr

2nd qtr

3rd qtr

4th qtr

1st qtr

2nd qtr

3rd qtr

4th qtr

GRAND FINAL 15 & under 9:45am - court 1

mount burr


Back (L-R): Kate Nowak (Coach), Macy Burns, Makaylah Gregory, Lily Francis, Imogen Nowak, Ella Fal ng (Coach); Front: Olivia Holland, Oliviah Baker, Abbey Fal ng, Jasmine Holland, Jemma Bowering.

Back (L-R): Lucy Williams (Coach), Ashiah Earl, Georgia Gen le, Gabby Varcoe, Tegan Lythgo, Pauline Mulraney (Coach); Front: Chloe Peacock, Maya Anderson, Abby Thompson, Ebony Wurst, Shayden Russell, Molly Badenoch.

mozzies 1st qtr

2nd qtr

3rd qtr

magpies 4th qtr

1st qtr

2nd qtr

3rd qtr

4th qtr

GRAND FINAL 13 & under 11:15am - court 2



Back (L-R): Judy Wilkinson (Scorer), Maya Anderson, Tegan Lythgo, Alice Allen, Keira Roper, Pauline Mulraney (Coach); Front: Simone Badenoch (Manager), Lucy Egan, Chloe Peacock (Co-Captain), Shayden Russell (Co-Captain), Ma lda Badenoch, Lucy Williams (Asst. Coach)

Back (L-R): Olivia Bellinger, Shama Ballantyne, Poppy Fitzgerald, Sylvie Barlow, Anne-Marie Fitzgerald (Coach); Front: Amber Chester, Alex Haines (Captain), Kalli Ne le (Captain), Leni Carruthers.



1st qtr

2nd qtr

3rd qtr

4th qtr

1st qtr

2nd qtr

3rd qtr

4th qtr





Port MacDonnell










2021 L. Haines (Hath)

2021 R. May (K’doo) 2021 E. McDiarmid (K’doo)

2021 C. Peacock (K’doo)

2021 H. Clark (Mt Burr)

2021 C. Watson (Glencoe)

(K’doo) 2021 K. Nettle (Hath)

PRELIMINARY final match REVIEWs 13 & Under – HATHERLEIGH v MT BURR Hatherleigh entered this match as favourites based on results from the minor round. Both teams started the game with an even contest going goal for goal for much of the first por on of the quarter. The windy condi ons proved challenging for both sides goalies and gave many opportuni es for the defenders to get hands to ball and posi on for rebounds. Kalli Ne le proved a strength under the post, posi oning well to shoot with accuracy. The mid court ba led hard with Kaylah Wilson and Amber Chester figh ng for every ball. Hatherleigh finished the first quarter with a 4 goal lead. Both teams entered the second unchanged. Hatherleigh showed their ability to li and con nued to build on their lead through hard defensive pressure from Alex Haines and Poppy Fitzgerald enabling them to read the ball coming down court. This pressure kept Mount Burr’s goalies to just 3 goals this quarter. Hatherleigh built on their lead heading into halfme with a 10 goal lead. Mount Burr made changes going into the second half bringing Kaylei Alcock and Kodie Humphries into the game on the wings, and switching Tilly Gamble into GK and Kali Linnell into GA. These changes li ed the pressure and intensity on court from the Mount Burr side and made it difficult for the Hatherleigh line-up to con nue to build on their lead. Tilly Gamble and Sara Smith made hard work for Hatherleigh’s Kalli Ne le who had shown her strength in the first half, while the goalie combina on of Holly Lowndes and Kali Linnell proved to be a strength. Mount Burr won this quarter by 1 goal. A er the third quarter break Hatherleigh came out firing and looking to seal their lead. Kalli Ne le and Sylvie Barlow li ed their intensity, once again shoo ng accurately despite the weather condi ons. Poppy Fitzgerald took many mely intercepts and was rebounding strongly under the post giving her team plenty of opportuni es to con nue to build on their lead. Hatherleigh won the game with the scores being 32 to 17 at the final whistle. Best players for Hatherleigh were Kali Ne le, Poppy Fitzgerald and Sylvie Barlow, while Mount Burr’s best were Sara Smith and Kaylah Wilson. 15 & Under – HATHERLEIGH v KALANGADOO Kalangadoo started the match strongly with Hatherleigh showing a lot of nerves and taking a long me to se le. Hatherleigh made a lot of unforced errors and Kalangadoo capitalised. With a large margin at quarter me Hatherleigh made changes with Indi Howell going into goals and Bella Poulish into defence. Hatherleigh really struggled to shut down Chloe Peacock who dominated through the midcourt. Kalangadoo GA Tegan Lythgo controlled the goal circle and shot accurately in windy condi ons. All over the court, Kalangadoo’s defensive pressure made it very challenging for Hatherleigh to score. The final quarter saw Hatherleigh make more changes bringing on Alex Haines and Kalli Ne le, giving them some fresh legs. This enabled them to win the quarter but it was too li le too late. Hatherleigh defenders Kyah Carruthers and Bella Poulish were best for Hatherleigh while for Kalangadoo Chloe Peacock, Tegan Lythgo and Ebony Wurst led the way. 17 & Under – KALANGADOO v MT BURR Both teams started the preliminary final determined to get the first break in the game. Despite the windy condi ons both goalie combina ons worked the ball close to the post to give themselves the best scoring opportuni es. Kalangadoo defenders Holly Watson and Emily Mulraney got their team the first break of the game. Both teams’ midcourt ran hard with a ght tussle between Sophie Wrightson and Amelia Ballantyne. Mount Burr fought hard in the final minutes of the first giving themselves a 1 goal lead. The second quarter started much the same with each player going head to head with their opponent. Mount Burr goalies Jemma Hayward and Charlie Muhovics con nued to work the ball around the circle well and posi on themselves well to enhance their scoring opportuni es, despite the hard work of Kalangadoo defenders. At the other end, Mount Burr defenders Mckenzie Bevan and Maddie Gamble posi oned well to get their hands to any ball they could but strong and accurate feeds from Sophie Wrightson and Ebony Wurst gave them a 3 goal break in this quarter. Kalangadoo went into

half- me leading by 2. Both teams entered the third with changes to their line-up. Kalangadoo switched goalies Shelby Ryan and Kori Collins while Mount Burr’s Mackenzie Job entered the match at WD. The switch to Kalangadoo goalies proved difficult for Mount Burr defenders to stop their quick ball movement and accurate shoo ng. Kalangadoo defenders again li ed another level pu ng significant pressure on Mount Burr’s midcourt challenging every ball and crea ng numerous early turnovers. Kalangadoo held Mount Burr to just 5 goals and once again built on their lead to go into the last leading 25-18. Mount Burr came out strong in the last, figh ng hard to bring back the lead Kalangadoo had earned themselves. Despite some strong passage of play through the middle with Amelia Ballantyne, Jarrah Altschwager, and Mackenzie Job combining well their efforts weren't enough to stop the determina on and strength of the Kalangadoo line-up. Once again Kalangadoo outscored Mount Burr by 3 in the last, giving them a 10 goal lead at the final whistle. Best players for Kalangadoo were Sophie Wrightson and Holly Watson, while Mount Burr’s were Maddie Gamble and Jemma Hayward. B Reserve – HATHERLEIGH v GLENCOE A ght first quarter with atrocious condi ons, both sides shot accurately Indi Marshall for Hatherleigh and Lauren Kenny both pu ng up some great shots. Defensively Georgia Chant for Hatherleigh rebounded strongly intercep ng many balls whilst for Glencoe Krystal Owen took many rebounds. Quarter me score was 9-9. Going into second quarter Hatherleigh came out strong, reading the play and intercep ng many balls to finish the quarter 6 goals up at the main break. The third quarter saw Hatherleigh make changes which the team were able to maintain well as they took a 7 goal lead into the final break. The fourth quarter saw Glencoe make changes with their goalies and also their centre court which proved to be a game changer. Lauren Kenny and Bri Liebich domina ng and shoo ng strongly and accurately. Hatherleigh s ll fought hard thoughout the quarter with their strong defensive line seeing the score even at the end of the match. Time on saw Glencoe applying pressure throughout the court and scoring most of their shots and rebounding strongly to come away with a 5 goal win and the end of me on. Glencoe’s best players were Lauren Kenny and Krystal Owen, and for Hatherleigh it was Georgia Chant, Indianna Marshall B Grade – GLENCOE v TANTANOOLA In windy condi ons it was a rebounders game with the ball spending a lot of me travelling up and down the court. Glencoe came out firing in the first quarter with plenty of turnovers allowing Abbie Cocks and Kayla Medhurst plenty of scoring opportuni es to finish the quarter with a 6 goal lead. Tantanoola applied good defensive pressure from Kris e Rowe and Amy Mason but Glencoe s ll had the momentum, winning the quarter by 2 goals. Glencoe went into the main break with a 24-16 lead, helped by the long arms of Chloe Watson and a fast Hayley Greenfield with a lot of turnovers through the middle. Half me saw Danni Rutkowski move into WD for Tantanoola and the Tigers came out firing winning the quarter by 3. It was a close last quarter but Glencoe held on to win 38-32 helped by the defensive pressure of Sally McDonnell and Samantha Brierley. Best players for Tantanoola were Nicole Rutkowski and Kris e Rowe, and for Glencoe it was Abbie Cocks and Hayley Greenfield. A Reserve – GLENCOE v PORT MACDONNELL It was an intense start to the game with Port Mac missing their first few scoring opportuni es and Glencoe gathering up any loose balls. Glencoe’s Malinda Markiewicz and Taitlyn Rothe shot with accuracy in the windy condi ons. In Port Mac’s goal circle Megan Hein was the focal point and was fed well by Montanna Millard and Narelle Lewis. Glencoe went into the first break with a 3 goal lead. Both teams remained unchanged going into the second. Millard and Gosden both ran hard and contested every ball, making it a great match up to watch. Second quarter finished with equal scoring opportuni es with both teams scoring 7 goals each for the quarter. Half me saw Glencoe s ll in the

lead by 3 goals. Both teams made changes at half me. Glencoe bringing on Candice Albert into WA, Candice fed the goalies well and worked well with Jessie Gosden in the middle. Cody Manning came on for Port Mac in C to add some fresh legs to Port Mac’s a ack line. Belinda O'Dine from Pt Mac was able to shut out Taitlyn Rothe in the 3rd quarter, but Markiewicz had Holly Smith's measure and held the a ack line beau fully, scoring 11 goals for Glencoe in the quarter. Port Mac made changes coming into the final quarter with Glencoe s cking to the 7 they had on the court. Port Mac’s Millard was thrown back into the C to match Gosden, but was no match for the experience Gosden brings to the court. Holly Smith and Belinda O'Dine worked hard in defence all game making the Glencoe goalies work hard for every ball. In the end, Glencoe’s lead at the start of the game carried them through to a win. Glencoe 40 defeated Port MacDonnell 31. Glencoe’s best players were Chloe Pfitzner and Taitlyn Rothe. Port MacDonnell’s best players were Belinda O'Dine and Montanna Millard. A Grade – HATHERLEIGH v TANTANOOLA In the much an cipated A Grade match, Hatherleigh took on Tantanoola in the do or die preliminary final. Hatherleigh went down to Kalangadoo the weekend prior by just 3 goals, while Tantanoola got the win against Mt Burr in the 1st Semi and had the week off before facing the Eagles. The game started at a fast pace. The younger goalies started nervously missing their first goals but it didn't take them long to start hi ng their target in what were also quite windy condi ons. Keston Green started well for the Eagles, her finals experience showing. Hatherleigh’s Sarah Faulkner started at centre a er missing the 2nd semi. Her experience, along with her talking and direc ng on court was proving valuable. Lacey Haines had an outstanding first quarter, finding plenty of the ball, shoo ng 11 for the quarter. Emma Gould for the Tigers started well at GS, holding well, using her height to her advantage and finishing off with accuracy. The Eagles took a 17-9 goal lead at the first break. Neither team made changes coming into the second quarter. It was Hatherleigh that really came our firing pu ng the pressure on and forcing the Tigers to make errors. They scored 3 quick unanswered goals ge ng the jump on Tantanoola. Hatherleigh’s defence were relentless, with Maddie Pulmer and Maddie Redman ge ng touches nd giving their teammates opportuni es to score from their turnovers. The Eagles mid-court in Lara McGregor, Tegan Merre and Faulkner were also strong and provided plenty of drive ge ng the ball to their goal circle. Tantanoola had a be er second half of the quarter, they steadied and were scoring their own centre passes. It was Hatherleigh’s quarter however, scoring twice as many goals as the Tigers and taking a 33-17 lead into the main break. The third quarter saw some changes for both teams. Tayla Rowe came off for the Tigers, bringing Kate Bromley back to GK and Georgia Clarke into the GD posi on. Vic and Alex Lucas also swapped bibs, Vic moving to WD and Alex to C. Hatherleigh brought Sarah Broadhead into the game at GK, while Pulmer had a quarter off. Both GS's were dominant this quarter, Emma Gould was the focal point for the Tigers, shoo ng 8, missing 2. While down the other end Keston Green stood tall, sinking 10 for the quarter. Sarah Faulkner called injury me and le the court, the Eagles replacing her with Chelsea Galpin. The Eagles took a strong 49-26 goal lead into the final break. The last quarter saw more changes, Tigers’ Tayla Rowe reentered the game at GD, while Casey Walker moved to the defensive wing and was able to curb the influence of the Eagles’ midcourt slightly. Pulmer came back on for the Eagles, while Maddie Redman sat the final quarter out. Tant’s goalies had a good quarter, Jami Walker able to find some good space and finished off with accuracy. Lacey Haines at GA for the Eagles missed a few in the last but Keston Green was strong and rebounded well. Eagles’ Lara McGregor called injury me for an ankle which saw junior Rosie Ne le slot into the WA posi on. The Tigers won the last quarter 18-13 but thanks to the Eagles strong lead, they ran out eventual winners, taking the match 62-44. The Tigers’ gallant in defeat but it's the Eagles to progress to the Grand Final to have another crack at Kalangadoo.

president’s report


Back (L-R): Zacc Cocks, Isaac Mulraney, Declan Hurley, Will Maloney, Brodie Glynn, Cameron Brooks; Middle: Ted Peacock (President), Aiden Hurley, Jack Edmonds, Dane Paproth, Alex Hentschke, Dylan Pfitzner, Sam Giersch, Marcus Mulraney (Asst. Coach); Front: Carey Megaw, Jake Blackwell, Tom Edwards (Asst. Coach), Frazer Scanlon (Coach), Dylan Childs (Captain), Jack Miller, Patrick Mitchell. The 2021 season has been a mixed bag for the Glencoe football club with good results from our junior grades while the senior sides suffered from a horrid injury toll that took its toll on the season. On the field this year Frazer Scanlon took control of the seniors for the second year a er ge ng shut down with covid last year and to start the season with so much to look forward too but were decimated through injuries making thing very hard for both our senior sides . The upside of this was the opportunity that our senior colts got to playing both seniors and reserves throughout the season pu ng them in a great posi on when they move up to seniors. Thanks to Frazer for the work you have put in over the last two years and best of luck for your next chapter, the highlights for the seniors were Dylan Childs coming runner up in the best and fairest and winning the most valuable player and being captain of team of the year which also included Patrick Mitchell who had a top year as well. The reserves this year under Trent Hawke also struggled due to low numbers due to injuries and again the senior colts put up there hands to help out, they managed 6 wins for the season and were compe ve in all the games played, thanks to Niall Easterbrook for giving Trent a hand and for all the headaches picking sides Thursday nights. Thanks Trent for the job you did this year. The senior colts under Marcus Mulraney had a very good year winning 9 games and only missing out on finals close to the end of the season, a big thanks to all the lads that made up the numbers in the reserves every week and the ones that played seniors and did not look out of place at all. Thanks Marcus for your help over the last couple of years. The junior colts had an outstanding year finishing 4th and only just been beaten in the first semi final by Robe that had beaten them easily during the year , A big thanks to Adam Price with help from Ma Haase and Luke Rothall for the way in which the boys and girls improved during the year. The under 11s and auskick kids again were coached by Brad Gosden and it was fantas c to see all the young ones running around on Thursday nights and Saturday mornings and hopefully the kids keep going

to play with us when old enough. This year we appointed a football director and Jamie Edwards was happy to take the role on and has done an outstanding job with this role and was a big help with Frazer on game days as well. Symon Paproth and Graeme Gosden again helped ge ng recruits and a big thanks to them for this thankless job. To all of our team managers, runners, me keepers, boundary umpires and goal umpires thanks for the job you do every week in the season. Erica Hurley again led our trainers and with the help of Jody Price and Sharna Medhurst kept our players on the track as much as they could a big thanks to all for all the Tuesday and Thursday and game day help. Ben Young did an outstanding job with the oval again and it looked a picture come second semi-final day and thanks to Ian Peacock for your job marking the oval for game days. Thanks to Angela Tweedle and the netball club for your help during the season. To my commi ee another big year for the club during these uncertain mes your help was awesome and to my secretary Anne Childs the job you have done to keep our club running over the last couple of years with all the covid laws and also the second semi final is a credit to yourself, Peter Mitchell as treasurer for the 27th year in a row another outstanding job and to Craig Childs thank you for all the work you do organizing grants , membership , reunions , change rooms with Graeme Gosden and all the informa on I get of you thanks, David Giersch again another brilliant job with the BBQ and to my other commi ee members Sam Giersch, Dylan Childs, Zacc Cocks, Chris Jones, Brad Gosden and Adam Price a big thanks for all your work. This year Caroline Johnston took over control of the canteen and thanks for the job you have done Leone Jones a great job ge ng all the salads done for teas and thanks to Colleen Giersch for your help as well, and thanks to all the helpers ge ng things done in the canteen on home games. Thanks to our 4 groups of cooks for Thursday nights on

To Donna Jaeschke a massive thanks for the fantas c jobs you do with our sponsorship and our social media le ng our members know what is happing around the club and congratula ons to Laser Electrical on being our major sponsors. Sarah Edwards was in charge of the social club this year and we had some fun nights at the club with the shuffle night and beer pong and toga party's being great nights at the club , thanks Sarah and I hope you do next year as well, Dane and Jenna Paproth looked a er the auc on this year and it was an outstanding success. Finally all the best to all the sides in the football and netball grand finals and looking forward to seeing everybody at Glencoe in 2022. Andrew Peacock President Glencoe Football Club

president’s report


TEAM PHOTO NOT AVAILABLE Well, here we are at the end of season 2021 already! It seemed to take so long to get back playing footy and netball again at all levels but a er numerous restric ons, countless emails, endless discussions we got it done. Thankyou to everyone that may not have agreed with all the COVID stuff but s ll did what was required so we could con nue on. Like every year, there's lots of people to thank. Firstly, thanks to all the playersyou have done a wonderful job considering the restric ons that have been in place and this reflects in us being joint winners of the Klas Built champion club again. Congratula ons to all our Interleague representa ves and to the Mid-South East Football Medal winners. Ollie Fitzgerald with the Junior colts, Ethan Bowman with the senior colts and Joe Ferguson-Lane for the A grade Mail medal. Also, congratula ons to Joe Ferg, Jordy Galpin and Will Chay on making the Mid-South East team of the year!! Thank you to our wonderful sponsors and supporters- without you all we wouldn't be the strong club we are. Thank you to all our coaches, bench coaches, mekeepers, goal umpires, runners and team managers- without your volunteered me things wouldn't go as smooth as they do!

Thankyou to Sam and all her wonderful trainers for their efforts each week! It'd be fair to say you have been pushed to the limits this year, but you all turn up each week with a smile on your face ready for the challenge ahead. We had 16 senior footballers' unavailable halfway through the year so to say you were busy is an understatement!!! Thankyou to everyone who puts their hand up each week to volunteer their me with teas, bar duty, Sunday clean up and working bees. We are very lucky to have you all. Thanks to Tamara for taking on the new kitchen boss role as it's nice to go in and have everything sorted. We look forward to working with you next year. It'd be fair to say that the football and netball club are working together be er than ever, and this has been driven by Fiona in her push to make everything work easier and I thank her and the netball commi ee for this. Thanks to Tim and the Sport and Rec commi ee for the venue and facili es you provide us all with. I know the Sport and Rec commi ee has a lot of reless workers that do a lot to make it all run smoothly. To everyone on the footy commi ee I can't thank you enough! Your willingness

Images courtesy Steve Walters (Snapperific)

to help me out with the running of the club is unbelievable. Thanks again, you've all done an outstanding job. At the me of wri ng this we s ll have 9 football and netball sides alive in finals so wish them all the best and hope they get the ul mate reward for all their hard work and dedica on. We are always looking for volunteers to go on commi ees at Hatherleigh so if you're busy like all the commi ee members around the place but really want to see Hatherleigh be successful both on and off the field, please put your hand up. My last thankyou goes to Ange and the kids as without your support and understanding I wouldn't be able to do the job I do. I do enjoy being president of our wonderful club as we are surrounded by such wonderful people that care about Hatherleigh as much as I do, and I get great sa sfac on seeing the smiles on everyone's faces when we're together at the club. Please adhere to the covid rules over the finals series so we can con nue playing the games we love. Stay safe. Go Eagles! Deon Chester President, Hatherleigh Football Club

president’s report

kalangadoo magpies

Back (L-R): Troy Wilkinson (Team Manager), Reece Carlson (President), Nathan Reeves, Sam Casey, Jason Bannister, Bre Lindner, Mathew Fatchen, Billy Galpin, Jus n Bromley, Jon Mules, Lachy Jones, Al Lyon, Tom Jerome, Ben Mules, Connor Gen le, Jet Mules, Dallas Jeffree (Assistant Coach), Adam Box (Runner/Vice President), Peter Savage (Time Keeper); Front: Chris Mules, Josh LaRocca, Tom Williams, Michael Krieger, Tye McManus, Mitch Lowe (Captain), Kevin Stark (Coach), Sam McManus (Vice Captain), Ben Gregory, Jus n Mansell, Andrew Stone. Absent: Josh Searle. 2021 like 2020 has once again proven to be a unique year. We were faced with many challenges along the journey, most significantly Covid-19 lockdowns, and dodging border closures throughout various stages in the season. Once again, we the Kalangadoo Football Club have handled change and adversity in an efficient and produc ve manor. Over the preseason, the Community, Netball and Football Clubs all in tandem successfully built and opened our new facili es upgrade. Which we now have state of the art changing facili es, for both females and males. I once again want to formally recognize the extraordinary efforts by all involved. You have given us a phenomenal base to grow as people, a community and an excep onal environment for kids and families to fall in love with. I would like to thank all our Sponsors, given the impact Covid-19 has had on small businesses across Australia it is now more important than ever we as a club acknowledge your valued sponsorship and support. Without all your valued contribu ons over the past 12 months we would not be func oning on and off the field with the success we currently are experiencing. Thank you for all you do, I look forward to working together in the future. Special thanks to our 5 Major Sponsors, MG Plasterers, Steeline, Skookum, Planta on Treated Timber and the Commercial Hotel. We successfully held our 5th Indigenous Round, something we as a club are extremely proud and excited to support. James Brennan designed a special Indigenous Round Guernsey. Something he based on the close Kalangadoo Family and community that means so much to the Brennan Family. I believe this will be one of, if not the most important and significant days in the Club and Community's history. Our Women's Football team successfully made finals for the first me in their existence. Another part of our club we are extremely proud and passionate about suppor ng. The Women's Football has made us more diverse and inclusive as a Football Club. Well done to all the Girl's for what they achieved in Season 2020/21. I look forward to seeing the group together again this year and build on a solid base we have worked so hard to achieve. Tara Jefree made the SE Zone team and represented Kalangadoo well.

Our Junior Program has been highlighted as the most important part of our club. In years past we have struggled with Junior numbers and engagement. 3 years ago, we started up an Under 11's team, in the 1st season 2018 we had 12 kids playing. Now thanks to the hard work of our Commi ee, Adam Box and Tyson Scholz we have 44 kids playing in our Auskick and Under 11's. A phenomenal achievement in such a short turn around. Thank you to Midfield Meats and UDC who generously donated an embroidered Kalangadoo “Mini Magpies” jumper for all the kids to wear, they were a great hit amongst the group. Thanks to Adam Blom for taking on the role as Junior President, you have done a great job in your 1st year. We all look forward to working with you again. Across the other 2 Junior ranks we have weathered a tough season on the field, experiencing rela vely low success in terms of wins. Thankfully both grades were excep onally well led by great junior coaches and great people. Thank you to Josh Searle and Tim Brennan for your reless efforts. The main focuses across both grades are enjoyment and development. We successfully blooded 6 junior players into our senior ranks. Which is significantly higher than previous years. The focus for future years is to grow these groups significantly and have a good base going forward for our senior grades. Both senior grades have experienced rela vely successful seasons. Both Reserves and Seniors made finals, with the Reserves bowing out in the 1st Semi Final. Tyson Scholz coached the group with Josh Pra for the second consecu ve year. Both are developing into great leaders amongst the Football club and broader community. With sustained hard work and a focused group, I think we can take another step in the right direc on in years to come. The Senior grade are led superbly by first year coach Kevin Stark and Assistant Coach Dallas Jeffree. Kevin received Coach of the Year at the MSEFL Presenta ons, he is calculated, methodical and concise, all a ributes the playing group have responded excep onally well too. We have once again had a successful season, making the Grand Final. Mitch Lowe and Sam McManus led the team on the field and have developed into great young leaders with a passion to extract the best out of each

and every player. Michael Krieger has had an excep onal season and was rewarded with the League Leading Goal Kicking award. Mitch Lowe, Sam McManus, Tye McManus, Andrew Stone, Michael Krieger, Ben Gregory and Lachy Jones all represented MSEFL in the interleague this year against Western Border. Mitch Lowe and Andrew Stone then went onto represent the Murray South East Zone team, which was held at Victor Harbor. I would like to thank all that have helped in the Canteen across the season. Led by Kylie Turner on Saturday's and Jenny Mules on Thursday Tea's. Kylie stepped into the Canteen Manager's role and had an immediate impact, with sales and revenue at record highs. Well done to both Kylie and Jenny for all your hard work, it is greatly appreciated. To Bulljaw, Moorey, Benny Who, Brooksy and everyone else who helped at Benny's Hill well done and thank you for an outstanding year. Once again Benny's Hill proved popular amongst supporters of all clubs. Thank you to Lynchy, Ralph and Auldy who ran the gate every week this season. Thank you to the Commi ee for all of the support you have given me across the season. As I stated before we are a diverse, inclusive and forwardthinking Football Club and that culture is driven from the Members who generously donate their me to help make the Kalangadoo Football Club an enjoyable place for everyone to be apart of. Boxy, Chris, Trudi, Jamie, Andre, Aidan, Ben, Tommy, Jonny, Troy, Phig, Nick and Darren thank you for your countless hours of volunteering and support, without you we would not be able to func on with the levels of success we are experiencing. Lastly thank you to the Kalangadoo Community, Our Members, Supporters, Volunteers and Families. Thank you for choosing Kalangadoo. You are the fabric of our club, you are what makes Kalangadoo such a great place to be apart of. If all goes to plan our Senior Team will bring home the shield for you all this Saturday at Tantanoola. Go Pies! Reece Carlson President, Kalangadoo Football Club

Plantation Treated Timber

pty ltd

North East Terrace, Kalangadoo, S.A.

president’s report

kongorong hawks

Back (L-R): Michael Waters, Fraser Brewster, Charlie Schultz, Cameron Sandercock, Dan Hann, Ma hew Cordy, Daniel Kain, Ma Lucas (Runner); Middle: Lori Cozzi (Trainer), Paul Ellis, John Simkin, Mathew Weistra, Sco Fleming, Aaron Lightbody, Jake Whi y, Corben O'Dea, Liam Whi y, Mandy Stephens (Trainer); Front: Dylan Fishpool, Cameron Smith, Bryn Weaver (Captain), Will Whi y (Coach), Brad Cordy (Assistant Coach), Marty Von Stanke (Vice Captain), Je A ard, Bradley Long; Absent: Wayne A will, Shaun Beard, Alex Carter, Harrison Evans, Andrew Telford, Will Vickery, Joel Maconachie, Riley Maconachie; Inset: Steve Walters (Trainer), Dave Boyle (Team Manager).

Firstly, well done to all Clubs in the Family League, and the Board, for ge ng to this point. It's been hard work, but worth it to have both football and netball back, across all grades. This year we welcomed many new families, players, and supporters to the Club. Together with our loyal followers, players, etc we con nue to build a strong, resilient Club ready to take on whatever challenge is thrown up. A massive thank you to the General Commi ee, that has worked relessly in the background all year to ensure everything cks along like clockwork. We have achieved a whole lot this year, and without the right commi ee in place, things certainly wouldn't run as smoothly. Special men on to our Secretary Jacqui Doloughan who took charge of the Covid Return to Play/Safe Plans/Management Plan, etc and to our Treasurer Ange Von Stanke who has done a fantas c job. At our Jumper Presenta ons at the start of the season we awarded our wonderful Trainer Mandy Stephens Life Membership, catching her totally off guard, and celebrated with cheers from all those present. Congratula ons to our Junior Commi ee (special men ons to Graham, Stacey, Daniel & Porridge) on running a ght ship throughout the year, seeing both Junior Colts and Senior Colts make the finals, with Junior Colts pu ng it all on the line today in pursuit of Grand Final victory. Good luck to Graham, Tony, Andrew, all the boys and Lily, this is what reward for effort looks like, we'll all be cheering for you. Tim Bowering had the huge task of coaching the minis and auskickers this year, with assistance from Declan Wright and Brodie Von Stanke-Dowie. All the li le ones improved immensely over the course of the season, and we hope they con nue their footy into 2022. Shaun Beard along with Michael Waters and Paul Ellis took charge of the Senior Colts, ge ng them right through l the first semifinal, falling a couple goals short by the final siren. A talented bunch with loads of poten al. Sean Farrell is stepping down from the Reserves coaching role a er four years at the helm, and just missing out on a place in finals this year. Thank you for all that you have done, as we know it is not an easy job ge ng a full side on the field each and every week.

Will Whi y has been re-appointed to the A Grade coaching role, ge ng the chance now to coach two consecu ve years. With 2020 a non-event, and this season ravaged by injury, we look forward to 2022 being more promising, and the Football Management Commi ee con nue to work behind the scenes in the recruitment role, which we hope can add some more depth to our current list. Many thanks to Thirza, Sarah and the netball commi ee for all working together with the football commi ees in bringing some fun nights to the Club, sharing Thursday night tea du es and gate raffles, and the very successful 'punch-up' day. With everyone working together it can only con nue to build stronger rela onships, which will benefit one and all. A shout out to Brad Long, Emily Lightbody and Ash Galwey for organizing our biggest and most successful social func on of the year, Coola Cup, and the Ellis families for allowing us the use of the woolshed. To Mel Whi y for her singing talent, both for Anzac Day and with her music equipment for entertainment throughout the season, we thank you. The Grounds Commi ee are again some quiet achievers that go about their tasks, with no recogni on required, just happy to do what they do, and do it so well! We wouldn't be able to have the facili es we have, and run the club, without the support of our valued sponsors. From our major sponsors in Mundoolun Dairying and Telford's Rural Contrac ng right through to our fence sign sponsors, stubby shed sign sponsors, jumper sponsors, best player award sponsors and all those in between we thank you for your con nuing support, and ask our followers where you can, to support those that support us. A Club is only as good as its volunteer base, and we are fortunate to have a loyal band of volunteers. Filling roles from team managers and goal umpires to canteen helpers and a ending working bees and everywhere in between, with many going over and

above for the Black & Gold. The Club couldn't func on without each and every one of you! A couple reminders - Junior Presenta on Day is tomorrow, Sunday the 19th at the Club commencing at 1pm. Senior Presenta on Night is Saturday 9th October, commencing 4pm, book/pay for your seat with Amanda, Jacqui or Mel. Can book tables of ten. Finally, on a personal level, thank you to everyone that has supported me in my role as President, couldn't have done it without you. A new challenge that I have loved every minute of, and hope I measured up to all your expecta ons. Amanda Sealey President, Kongorong Sportsmen’s Club

president’s report

mount burr mozzies

Back (L-R): Paul Terry (Trainer), Jack Muhovics, Josh Wallis, Sam Wallis, Hamish Smith, Josh Murphy, Brodie Gregory, James Wallis, Tyler Stanley, Bailey Poulish, Doc Gregory (Team Manager); Middle: Cat Terry (Trainer), Andrew Ridley, Josh Fiebig, Peter Guye Jnr, Nathan Muhovics, Taylor Redden, Ed Ballantyne, Thomas Hales; Front: Taylor Allen, Finleigh Altschwager, Jack Gregory (Captain), Reece Duncan (Coach), Dylan Ridley (Vice Captain), Wil Bowering, Brad Sco . Today season 2021 comes to a close good luck to the 15 and under netball girls in todays grand final and all the teams par cipa ng today, a er a year off it was great to have football/netball back. Our football teams didn't make the finals but played some good football at different stages throughout the season thanks to our coaches A grade-Reece Duncan B grade-Sco Lesslie Senior colts-Tim Li le Junior colts-Tom Hales/Dylan Ridley Under 11-Ella Li le for your commitment and dedica on during the season with most of them con nuing on next year thanks also to all the team managers and all the volunteers that help out each week with the running of the football teams. Paul and Cat our invaluable trainers along with Soupy and Sharon thanks for your me and care for all our players. Thanks to Clarrie who volunteered to be our club

umpire this year o en umpiring 2 games on a Saturday and also George who volunteers to umpire our junior colts. It takes a lot of people to help run a football club during the season thanks to Bill/Jus n doing the gate, Jay, Sue, Ann, Peter/Bill in the canteen, Hendo, Trevor, Tony, Bri, Dale, Robyn, Pete, Jus n for running can hill, Ali, Sue, Robyn, Callie our kitchen crew for providing our meals, Hendo for all your work in maintaining our oval, everyone that helps clean up our oval and surrounds also thanks to everyone who volunteered their me or goods in helping the club host the first semi final . Our sponsors and patrons thanks for your ongoing patronage and support throughout the year. Finally to all our hard working commi ee's from the football commi ee, junior and social commi ee thanks for your help throughout the year. Go Mozzies!

president’s report


Back (L-R): Marcus Thomson, Jye Whitehouse, Ben Just, Ben Dinnison, Brodie Arundell, Aaron Hill, Jonathan Mills; Middle: Craig Lock, Logan Gibbs, Brayden Kelly, Benjamin Deamer, Jarrad Neshoda, Isaac Raymond, Ryan Zerk, Dylan Podobnik, Thomas Vandehorst; Front: Ty Dinnison, George McWaters (Captain), Luke Thomson (Coach ), Aidan Mills (Captain), Jake McKeon (Vice Captain), Joel Virtanen. Well, we have managed to finish the 2021 season whilst only having to miss out on 2 regular season games. It was great to have both Football and Netball back a er the setback of 2020. Whilst we all had to handle the extra challenges thrown at us, we were lucky to have some normality. I would like to wish all those playing today all the best and may your hard work and dedica on throughout the year be rewarded. Marcus Thomson stepped up and look a er a group of enthusias c U'11s this year. We had a group that grew as the year progressed and can look forward to some handy footballers stepping up in the years to come. I predict that we may have a poten al league medal winner amongst this group. Chris Bonney and Brent Deland along with Vesa Virtanen as their trusty runner took the Junior Colts under their wings. Whilst they came up against some handy sides early, they grew as a group and proved to be very compe ve as the season progressed. There was some very good football played by this group which augers well for our future. A great year by Archer who right in the mix for the league medal. Jamie Parsons took charge of the Senior Colts again and we were once again able to build on our numbers and had a solid group many who were able to have the opportunity for some senior experience. With Jamie suffering a setback with a personal illness during the year Luke Thompson and Ben Just stepped up to help which was greatly appreciated. Hopefully Jamie can step back in next year and con nue the work he has started. Sean Pudney took charge of one the hardest gigs going around coaching the B's. Once again there was a solid group of reliable numbers and the need to fill in the holes to put the team out on the park. This normally wasn't a huge ask thanks to the hard work of ex-coach Josh Clayfield who helped to fill the blanks in which was greatly appreciated. A win to finish off the season just reward for their effort.

Luke Thomson was appointed over the off season to step into the hardest job in the league coaching the Nangwarry Australia. Whilst once again we didn't manage a win, we took some steps forward being more compe ve and gaining some respect which was a credit to Luke and the boys. We look forward to building on this and ge ng that elusive win next year watch out. Congratula ons to the under 13's Netball team who were successful enough to make the first semi-final, it was great to see the future genera on looking strong. To all those who helped during the season the Nangwarry Football Commi ee is greatly apprecia ve. It takes lot of support to func on week in week out during the season and any help no ma er is very helpful and appreciated. We also hosted the League Medal Counts and manned the gates for the finals. Many stepped up and assisted for this and the events went off without a hitch showcasing our abili es to all within the League. To all who were new or returning to the club this year we hope you enjoyed the experience. Those who have been around for the long-term thanks for your con nued support and commitment. To all our sponsors thanks for your support is vital and greatly appreciated. We look forward to 2022 and being able to welcome all into our new clubrooms and facili es. It has been a long haul but thanks to the hard work of Aidan Mills we are seeing posi ve steps forward in the rebuild. Once again congratula ons to all the individual award winners this year and players and teams

who get the ul mate award of being a premiership player. Hopefully Joel Virtanen also gets the opportunity to accept a premiership medal today as he represents the Nangwarry Football Club for Glenelg in the SANFL under 18's decider. With all the talk of poten al changes to the structure of football leagues in the Southeast just a closing comment. The Mid Southeast is a strong and viable family league and hopefully going forward this con nues. Whilst Nangwarry may not be the strongest compe ve ou it at present, we are an important link in the chain. We provide an opportunity for par cipa on and social interac on which is what local sport should all be about. See you all out and about not only next year but for many years to come. Shane Ploenges Nangwarry Football Club President

president’s report


Back (L-R): Blake Lynch, Jack Primer, Hamish Stevens, Tre Davis, Ma Roscow, Ben McGregor, Kyall McClean, Isaac Na rass, Jacob Pfitzner; Middle: Tracey Livingston (Trainer), Bob Bowd (Team Manager), Nathan Brotherton, Rohan Povey, Rhys Timms, Tim Sullivan, Dylan Bromley, Jake Turner, Jacob Langdon, Alex Moore, Brandon Newton, Jake Schleter, James McGregor (Assistant Coach), Darryl Jones (President); Front: Vicki Livingston (Trainer), Kacee Driver (Trainer), Mal Lewis, Ned Wilkie, Kevin Thomson (Assistant Coach), Simon Merre (Coach), Daron McElroy (Captain) Wade Chant, Mark Smith, Zack Williams, Raymondo Stanton (Runner). Welcome to Grand Final day 2021, a er two difficult season we have finally reached the highlight of the Mid-South East Football League year the Grand Final. Firstly, congratula ons to all today's compe ng teams in in all grades and both Netball and Football, it is a fantas c achievement to make it this far and I wish you all the best. I also want to congratulate both our A grade and B grade side that are represen ng us today. Both will be very tough games against tough opposi on, but win lose or draw you have made the club very proud of your efforts this year. Just some individual congratula ons to Daron McElroy, Tim Sullivan, Kevin Thomson, and Dylan Bromley on making the Mid South East Team of the Year. Congratula ons to Jacob Simmons on runner up in the reserves league medal. The Mid South East Football League has been faced with many tough challenges and decisions over the last two season, so a thank you to the League Execu ve, both Senior and Junior for all the effort and hard work that you put in not only this year, but in all the years before to make the league as successful as it become. let's hope that 2022 is as successful as previous years and we con nue to keep ge ng stronger even in these tough mes. The main reason that we are so successful as a league it the community involvement and support that surrounds each club, Pt MacDonnell is extremely lucky to have great support around it, so a very big thank you and congratula ons to Cody and her commi ee as well as all the coaches at the Pt Mac Donnell Netball Club, you are all doing fantas c job to help grow and make netball successful with in our club and with your plans for the future, you are only to keep going forward. Junior Football is the future of the club and without the junior footballers coming through the club will struggle in the years to come, this year we unfortunately were unable to get a commi ee together for the juniors, the hope is this year we will be able to do so. A big thank you to Sally Ann Morgan, who has guided the junior football this year, you have done a fantas c job for the future of the Pt Mac Donnell Football Club. While on the theme of Junior Football I would like to thank you the Junior coaches, for the first me in we held Auskick at the club and Ryan Donovan took on the tough job of wrangling on 30+ kids and what he managed to achieve was a real credit, In the U11 big thanks to Travis Smith who volunteered to take on the coaching role this year, and

along with Saturday morning helpers have stepped up to assist Trav and the kids this year have made the U11 a real success this grade will only help and grow the Football Club going forward. In the U14 Jason Smith who has led this team for the last few years and con nues to impart his knowledge and wisdom of the game into these young players, Jason lesson's teachings will be seen for many years to come as these juniors move through, the grades. U17 Steve Lewis and Blake Lynch who took the job on this year late into the summer and have con nued to grow and build numbers and even when they suffered a few hurdles with injuries, their reless work over the year to improve the side has been nothing short of fantas c. In the Seniors we managed to make the Grand Final in both grades, and a big thank you to Simon Merre , Simon's leadership since joining us is a big reason on why we are here today. Also, thanks to Kevin Thomson for his leadership as Assistant coach. In the Reserves a big thanks to Adam Lewis for his dedica on, me, and effort to guiding the reserves, also thanks to Ron O'Dine for his support of Adam. To finish off I would like to give a big thanks to James McGregor who looks a er all parts of football opera ons from recrui ng and bench coaching on game day, without James guidance we would not be in today's posi on, I cannot thank him enough for his help. Also a big thank you to all the coaches families that have supported the Coached in all the grades to bve able to give up family me so the can give their me to the club. Like all clubs we blessed to have a great commi ee, thank you to Shannon Smith, Sally Ann Morgan, Wade Chant, Zack Williams, Andy McGregor, Shane Grosvenor, Bob Bowd, James McGregor and Cathie Williams. A special thanks to Lisa McGregor who joined us as secretary and with some help from Brooke Williams has made us a much be er and more organised commi ee. Thanks again to everyone for your contribu ons throughout the year as well the support that everyone has shown me it has been greatly appreciated. We are also blessed to have a great band of volunteers and helpers within our club, so thanks to Gordon Lewis for your work with sponsorship and thanks to you and Deb for the countless dona ons for raffles through the year. Also, to Phil and Wendy Lewis for their con nued work with the ca le scheme especially in this uncertain me, revenue away from football is

more important than ever, Jeff Feast and in his absence thanks to Darren Williams and Andy McGregor for the mowing of the oval, thanks to Jason Smith for his fantas c work in keeping the oval in such well-presented state every week. Thanks to Darren and Cathie Williams for their work with 100 club and the major raffle this again is so important to our club to generate much needed revenue. On fundraising thanks to Adam Lewis for his work with the auc on this year which was a great success. thanks to Fraser Lynch and Megan Hein for your work on the social commi ee which has been hard work due to Covid restric ons. Thanks also to Mark Smith, Wade Chant and Zack Williams for you work in filling rosters every week. Mick Sullivan and Jacky Taylor for your effort every week in the viewing area, this makes home games such an enjoyable experience for not only us but visi ng teams as well. Thank you, Chris Na rass, for all your guidance with financial ma ers this has been invaluable to me and thank you as I have learnt a lot. Thanks to Coleen Pe ngill for guidance to make the canteen and kitchen one of the best in the league. A big thank you to all that have given your me freely to help in the canteen, BBQ, gate raffle and game day jobs including team managers, mekeepers, boundry umpires and club umpires and anyone that contributes to making our club the great place that it is and allowing our players and netballers to take the field/court every week. If I have missed anyone and I am sure that I have please take this as my sincere apology as well as a big thank you for all that you do for the club it is greatly appreciated. A couple of personal thanks firstly to my family Mel, Sophie, Mollie, and Abbey for allowing me the me to undertake this role. Also, would like to thank James McGregor for all you help with the football department, and offering an ear on the way home from mee ngs and general support, also big thanks to Cathie Williams who has guided me throughout the last few years, her experience and knowledge, guidance and support has been fantas c and greatly appreciated, the amount of work Cathie takes on is unbelievable. Thank you to both Cathie and James families to allowing me to borrow them on the phone and other jobs through the year. To finish off best of luck to both senior grades today all the below let's hope we head back to the bay with a li le more silverware. Darryl Jones Port MacDonnell Football Club President

president’s report


Back (L-R): Flynn Peel, Max Robertson, Jordan Pe t, Ben Jarre , Jack Sneath, Tom Gould, Jordan Hentschke, James Francisco, Egan Regnier; Middle: Deb Mackey (President), Ethan Cornish, Sam Huebner, Jasper Barri , Dougal Day, Billy Laurie, Tom Wachtel, Jed Jarre , Riley Dickinson, Sharon Pe t (Team Manager); Front: Sam Clements, Bram Whi lesea, Kaden Woodward, Zac Deane (Co-Captain), Jack Kelly (Coach), Tom Williams (Co-Captain), Simon Ferguson (Assistant Coach), Jaryd Dawson (Assistant Coach).

2021 saw the return of senior football post COVID and my first year as a President with more to do than administra on du es. This was a great year for the Robe Football Club with all four grades playing finals footy as well as being named Champion Club for the first me since 1987, sharing the honor with Hatherleigh. Congratula ons to our players, team leaders, captains, team managers and coaching staff for a great year of football, your commitment to this club and to each other has been quite remarkable. The highlight for me for this year was the ANZAC Day weekend and our extraordinary game day tribute to our veterans which we shared with the Hatherleigh Football and Netball Club, the Robe RSL and the Robe To Recovery program. Very occasionally there are moments in your life when you stop for a second and remind yourself to take a good look around because you know that moment is special, and that day was one of them. I would like to thank Jacqui Bateman for her crazy hair brained idea in the first place and to everyone involved in that day for their outstanding work. We look forward to next year. 2021 has also been a remarkable year for the Robe Football Club off the field with the development and implementa on of our fiveyear Strategic Plan. In its first year this plan has given rise to a budget and financial management system, a new website, new communica on methods with our members and a strong and resilient vision for the future of our club. This dynamic change would not have been possible without the support and determina on of the current commi ee. I owe them my thanks for believing in change, for being respec ul of each other and for being prepared to try new things and own the consequences of our decisions. Every single member of our

commi ee has their own unique area of knowledge and to be able to ask for and listen to advice from each area has been the main reason we have been so successful this year. Outside of our immediate commi ee I would also like to thank the team leaders in each area. Geoff Prest for the bar, Em Vas for the kitchen and canteen, Sco Robo for the gate, Ac on Fenton for the grounds and game day nuances, Brad Nunan for the booth and Bruce Perkins for the changerooms. Apart from stay in touch, I did not have to worry about anything in any of these areas and every single one of these people were also willing to try new things and put in hours and hours of volunteer me purely for the be erment of our club. I would also like to thank Kim Ross as President of the Netball Club for her willingness to share her years of informa on with me and to be willing to con nue to work together to bring our two clubs even closer together. To her commi ee, coaches, leaders, and players well done on your year and I look forward to our con nual partnership in 2022. Congratula ons to the Mid South East Junior and Senior Execu ve members on managing a year quite unlike any other and on handling the endless administra on associated with community sport in COVID mes. Like

wise to the club execu ve members and volunteers across the league, it has been a year full of new challenges and you have all coped extraordinarily well. In par cular, I'd like to thank the Hatherleigh Football Club for working so closely with us to ensure our ANZAC day was such a huge success, we look forward to working with you again in 2022. To all the volunteers, sponsors, members and supporters of the Robe Football Club and to the families of those who invest serious me at this club and clubs across the league, thank you for your support and your generosity. You are the reason we are such a strong part of our communi es and will con nue to be so for many years into the future. Thank you, see you all in 2022. Debra Mackey President, Robe Football Club

president’s report


Back (L-R): Kylie Serle (President), Ma Sorella, Saxon Altschwager, Ellis Cushion, Will Scanlon, Braydn Reilly, Roy Osborne, Corey Baker, Jack Pearce, Chris Oliver, Liam English, Chloe Bell (Trainer); Seated: Jordan Ha , Brad White, Marc Roberts, Brandon Pi s (Captain), Jak Ryan (Coach), Mike Reilly (Assistant Coach), Jack Dawe (Vice Captain), Jayden Reilly, Hayden Brown; Front: Zane Walker, Alec Roberts, Cade Kelly, Darcy Pink, Jack Cytrowski; Inset: Cameron Saint. Welcome to the 2021 Grand Final Day and Welcome to the Tantanoola Football/Netball Club. A Grand Final does not happen without countless hours of volunteer me preparing grounds, changerooms, courts, clubrooms, erec ng marquees and ordering food & drinks. We are grateful for everyone who has donated their me to help out with organizing such a huge event and have put their hand up to assist with the extensive roster. Thank you to Jules and Kris e for formula ng the roster as it has been somewhat trying due to extra COVID instruc ons and for those who immediately volunteered to fill the various roles. Congratula ons to all players, coaches and umpires who have made it through to this day. In a topsy turvy year we are sure we are all grateful to be able to par cipate in a Grand Final! Tantanoola Football Netball club has had mixed results this year. Jak, our Senior Football coach, along with Mike Reilly have relished in their first ac ve season with our club. Although not as successful on the track as they would have hoped, there are many posi ve signs heading into the future. The Senior Colts, as well as the A & B grade netball teams advanced to the Prelim but were unable to get across the line. The A reserve netball team also made the second semi-final which was commendable. All our coaches have spent many hours on and off the field and courts throughout the year and we would like to congratulate all of them - from football Seniors through to Under 11s and A grade through to Junior 2 in the netball on their efforts throughout the year and appreciate your con nued hard work and determina on to get the best out of our players. Chloe Bell has been outstanding in her role as our trainer and has been ably supported by Shae Reilly. Kris e Rowe has also done a great job handling our social media and we wish to thank her for her efforts in effec vely communica ng to our supporters on our behalf. Jamie Bell has been

in charge of the bar orders and stocking this year, whilst community members and footballers have helped out on bar duty. A very important area of the club well covered!! Doc has quite eagerly managed the bar on home games and events. Thankyou. During 2020, when there was no season, lock downs and reduc on to the number of patrons fluctua ng, we were fortunate to have been able to offer Friday night meals. Thank you to Jess and Shae who were instrumental in keeping our club and community going during this difficult me. Our Grounds have once again been kept in pris ne condi on. Sco Bowering has gone over and above to keep our oval and surrounds one of the best in the League. Thanks also to the nucleus of people who have put their hand up to take care of the general maintenance throughout the year. Thank you to all those who filled our weekly rosters, ably put together by Alison Jennings this year. Our volunteers who took their turn either on the gate raffle, canteen, Haines Shed and Thursday/Saturday teas are very much appreciated. Thank you to the football and netball commi ees for their work throughout the season. The execu ve deserves a special men on, Vice President Shane Kelly has been ever so helpful, and Treasurer Janice Kelly has been amazing and has gone over and above the du es of a treasurer this year. Netball Secretary Alana Fensom has put in an incredible amount of

work, with Kate Bromley, Nat Telfer-Sco and Kris e Rowe's support being invaluable. Janice and Jules Cytrowski also worked together to gain sponsorship this year and we were able to a ract a few new sponsors, which are always valued and appreciated. A special thank you to all our Sponsors - small clubs like ours rely heavily on sponsorship to keep func oning and maintain and upgrade our facili es. Jak Ryan has been appointed as our Senior Coach for the 2022 season and we would like to congratulate him and his Assistant Coach Mike Reilly and wish them all the best for 2022. We would like to thank all our players, members and supporters for their support during 2021 and look forward to being successful as we move forward. Remember we are all volunteers and without everyone working together we cannot con nue to strive for further success. Kylie Serle & Bec Scanlon Presidents

2021 A grade netball teams


Back (L-R): Laura Edwards, Emily Thompson, Caitlin Hentschke, Sarah Edwards, Jenna Paproth (Coach); Front: Rebecca Edwards, Ashlea Edwards, Donna Jaeschke, Chelsea Owen.


Back (L-R): Kerri-Lee Bromley (Coach), Chelsea Galpin, Maddie Redman, Keston Green, Maddie Pulmer, Sarah Broadhead, Kelsey Wight; Front: Tegan Merre (Coach), Lacey Haines, Lara MacGregor, Sarah Faulkner.


Back (L-R): Kirsty Egan, Mikaila Pi , Kori Collins, Melissa Russell, Chelsea Croser, Chloe Pra , Judy Hill; Front: Jane Auld, Jayde Peacock, Abbey Duncan (Captain), Sophie Wrightson.


Back (L-R): Sonya Beare (Coach), Riley Buckingham, Ella McIntyre, Emily Lightbody, Emalee Stokker; Front: Georgia Seidel, Sarah Beare, Samantha Fox, Zara Von Stanke.

mount burr

Back (L-R): Ebony Clark, Sarah Nulty, Madi Hagge , Heidi Clark (Assistant Coach), Tam Hagge (Coach); Front: Ann Guye , McKenzie Bevan, Ava Smith-Muhovics, Laura Schultz.


Back (L-R): Kylie Heaver, Ange Pra , Carly Ploenges, Cassie Dinnison; Front: Ebony Lawson, Hannah Coon, Hayley Burner; Absent: Hayley Vanderhorst.

port macdonnell

Le to right: Montanna Millard, Brooke Williams, Lisa McGregor, Kirby Carrison (Coach), Morgan Amy, Michelle Moore, Jess Trench.


Back (L-R): Sammy Telfer, Kimberley Aus n (Playing Coach), Georgia Perkins, Keryn Moore, Asha Pe t; Front: Kim Ross, Sarah Laurie, Alannah Campbell, Tori Gluyas.


Back (L-R): Simone Li le, Alex Lucas, Emma Gould, Tayla Rowe, Kate Bromley (Captain), Kate Varcoe (Coach), Mary-anne Walker (Manager); Front: Madi Kelly, Ebony Cytrowski, Jami Walker (Coach), Vic Lucas, Casey Walker (Captain).

club contacts, presidents & secretaries

club notes

glencoe PO Box 100, Glencoe SA 291 Phone: 8739 4304 President: Andrew Peacock Secretary: Anne Childs

kalangadoo NETball club notes

hatherleigh PO Box 279, Millicent SA 5280 Phone: 8735 9062 President: Deon Chester Secretary: Cameron Slape

kalangadoo C/- Post Office, Kalangadoo SA 5278 Phone: 8739 3272 President: Reece Carlson Secretary: Jamie Ryan

15 & Under: Lucy and I are very proud of the 15 & Under team for the manner they went about their game Saturday. Without excep on the girls concentrated on what was asked of them individually before the game and the result was a great team effort. We were focused from the very beginning of the warm up and this carried through to dominate the first quarter that set the scene for the match. Top stuff! 17 & Under: One step closer girls! In what can only be described as atrocious condi ons (especially

kongorong PO Box 3502, Mount Gambier SA 5290 Phone: 8738 9319 President: Amanda Sealey Secretary: Jacqui Doloughan

mount burr PO Box 1122, Millicent SA 5280 Phone: 8734 8330 President: Maurie Puia Secretary: Amy Brant

nangwarry PO Box 45, Nangwarry SA 5277 Phone: 8739 7366 President: Shane Ploenges Secretary: Tamara Ploenges

port macdonnell PO Box 215, Port MacDonnell SA 5291 Phone: 8738 2075 President: Darryl Jones Secretary: Lisa McGregor

for goalies) we pulled together a well earnt albeit scrappy win. Sophie had a blinder in centre and created many turnovers. Great to see our defence have a crack and find some good form. Special men on to Eb who played back to back games and used the ball smartly. Thank you to our goalies, it was difficult condi ons and you never once stopped pu ng the shot up. Once again our reserves were suppor ve and we acknowledge your contribu on to our team. We have nothing to lose this week so let’s give it everything we have!

TANTANOOLA netball club notes A Grade: A disappoin ng end to the season losing by that margin. We didn’t come out with the passion or aggression to win like we usually do and Hatherleigh did. Despite a tough loss we have had a great season by all the girls and they should be proud to have made a preliminary final. Good job girls, bring on 2022. B Grade: Unfortunately we couldn’t get over the line to a quality Glencoe side but we should be proud of the season we have had. Many new faces at the start of the season and with only a couple of us who had played together before we came together well as a team and

played some fantas c netball having fun along the way. Having such a close compe on this season made it so you had to play well to come away with the win against all teams which is great for the league. Thank you to Ella who has sat bench and trained with us during the season. We look forward to seeing you up in the seniors full me next year. Thank you to everyone who has scored for us throughout the season, especially to Lois who stepped up throughout the finals, your help has been very much appreciated. Best of luck to teams playing in the grand finals.

robe PO Box 217, Robe SA 5276 Phone: 8768 2127 President: Debra Mackey Secretary: Brianna Ferguson

tantanoola PO Box 1803, Tantanoola SA 5280 Phone: 8734 4237 President: Kylie Serle Secretary: Paul Serle


club notes

mount burr


NETball club notes The Mount Burr Netball Club is proud to have Sam and Clark Fal ng, Igni on Fitness, and Kimberly-Clark Australia (KCA) as major sponsors for the 2021 season. 13 & Under: Bad luck girls, not our day. Hatherleigh were too good for us on the day, but in saying that all of you gave 100% all game. The windy condi ons weren't the best for the goalies and we did have some great passages of play to bring the ball down the court. Madi and I are very proud of how all of the girls have improved as individual players and especially as a team. We didn't make the grand final, but the more finals experience you all have will make you stronger players in the future. A big thanks for all the support from all the families and be proud of your girls, they did a great job. A massive thanks to our team manager Madi for her support for me and all the girls. A big thanks to Sam Fal ng for scoring in the finals for our team, and Lisa Sco for her support on the sidelines in finals. 17 & Under: Not exactly the result we wanted but each and every one of you gave it your all and should hold your heads high. Unfortunately, we were without Mae for the game due to illness but you all showed up to play in the hope that we could progress through to the Grand Final for her and for each other. The tough weather condi ons didn't suit our preferred style of play but we adapted as best we could and fought hard for every ball. Although it wasn't our day the improvement you have all

netball club notes demonstrated across the season was highlighted out on court and we couldn't be prouder as coaches. Thanks once again to Shannon for scoring. Thank you also to all the parents, family members, and supporters who have helped out across the season and for giving the girls the opportunity to play. Lynne Lambert – MBNC President As our season draws to a close I would like to thank our hardworking commi ee, junior and senior coaches, players, volunteers, and club members that have helped in any way throughout season 2021. Without your con nued support on and off the court, we wouldn't have had the success that we do. Congratula ons to all teams that made it into the finals and our 15 and Under team that will play in the Grand Final this week. You have all made our club and the wider spor ng community proud. We would like to wish Ella and her team the best of luck and hope that everyone can get behind the girls and give them the support they deserve. Congratula ons also to all other teams that will play off for the chance to take home a premiership in each respec ve grade this weekend. Lastly, thank you to our sponsors for their ongoing support, it is very much appreciated. We look forward to building upon this success in season 2022. Presenta on Dates Senior Presenta ons: Friday 24th September 7:30pm Junior Presenta ons: Sunday 26th September 1:00pm

That's a wrap, another year over. Another crazy year with unfortunately Covid-19 interfering again with our season, but at least we almost got a full one this year. I would like to thank the netball commi ee for all their hard work this season without everyone doing their part it makes it hard for the club to run well, even in this crazy season we were very vigilant on safe prac ces, we needed to follow in a Covid year. Thanks for all your hard work behind the scenes. No one really understands ll they are on a commi ee how much work goes into running a club, so thank you all. Thanks to our coaches, managers, scorers, and umpires without all you guys its impossible to play netball and every week you all do an amazing job. It’s never easy doing some of these posi ons but I believe it was a much be er year than previous, all players seemed happy and there was some huge improvement in our players and their teams, so well done. Special men on to our 13U team for making finals, was awesome to see. It's been great watching all our junior and senior teams improve every week. Even with the injuries our senior teams have had we s ll got out there every week and were compe ve. Every year we get together for our working bee. Thank you to all the people that turned up to that to get our clubrooms looking awesome. Big thanks to Michell who cleaned the clubrooms every home game. Also, to Chappo for

helping with the sponsor signs. Thanks to anyone else that helped in anyway throughout the year towards daily running of our club. We were so lucky to get some awesome sponsors on board this year to help us with some improvements we are making around the clubrooms. Thanks to the following: Major – South East Conveyors. Pla num – Village Pharmacy, Highway Mechanical, Gilbert Plastering, Custom Kit Kitchens, Trident Tyre Centre, The Pines Hotel, Blue Lake Golf Links, Brody's Bricks, Deland Engineering. Gold – IGA Penola, Greg Slade Transport, GEM, Pra Welding and Fabrica on, Mick Mullan Plumbing and Building. Silver – McDonalds Mt Gambier, P.E. Stump Removal, Gildera Forestry Services, GT Industrial, Richard’s Crash Repairs, Godrik Construc on, Empak Homes, GJ Gardner, Spiderman SE, Steeline, Sign Depot. Bronze – SE Vets, Sureway Employment. Thanks also to all the in-kind businesses who donated awards every week for our players and to others that donated items towards our auc on night and other fundraisers. Also don't forget presenta on days. Seniors on Saturday 9th October star ng at 5pm for meals. Juniors Sunday 10th October 12pm. Please check Facebook for details. Lastly, good luck to all teams in the Grand Final today and to all our Nangwarry supporters and players. Hope to see you all again next year to improve even more in 2022.

club notes

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fooTball club notes A Grade: A er the week off, we started our finals campaign in the semi-final against Kalangadoo with the chance to head direct into a grand final. Kalangadoo have been the form team for the last 2 seasons, ge ng through the minor round undefeated. However, our seniors form has been very consistent this year being top 2 most of the year and even though like most sides having a few injuries throughout the year we have managed to keep winning due to the depth in the list. Luckily, most of these injuries are behind us and the coaching group have been lucky enough to get most of the players back and with a couple of games into the player to give us the best chance. As game day arrived a beau ful, sunbathed Glencoe greeted players and supporters. As the game got underway the quality of the game was of the standard you would expect for such a big game. At the quarter me break we held a very narrow lead of 4.8 to 3.0 even though we were a li le wasteful in front of goal. In the second quarter Kalangadoo came back hard to take the lead at the half kicking 5 goals to 2 in the quarter. The coaching staff went in at the half me break and encouraged the boys to li in the second half and that they did kicking 3 goals to 0 to arrest the lead back by the final break. In a tough and ght last quarter that was as exci ng as any quarter of country football, our boys were good enough to kick 4 goals to 3 to take out a very narrow and hardfought win by 11 points. Best for the week was Jake Turner our Mr Fixit, he goes forward, back and in the midfield, where ever the team needs him. Second best was Ben McGregor, the old veteran that gets it done on the big stage and when his team needs him. Third best was young veteran Zack Williams, another reliable player that gets the job done for his team every week. Fourth best was Tim Sullivan who has been fantas c all year but again does it when his team need it most. Fi h best was the captain Daron McElroy who played a captain’s game li ing his side at key mes and leading from the front and sixth best was Kevin Thomson who is another player that contributes all over the ground and leads by example. A er 18 rounds and 1 final we are heading to the big dance to take a shot at winning a flag. This opportunity has been 2 years in the making a er last’s years season being abandoned. These chances

do not come along every year and we need to enjoy it while we can. Let’s head down to Tantanoola and get right behind the boys and ''Go Bay''. B Grade: A er a good win against Kalangadoo the reserves moved to the next stage of the finals. A er a week off we headed down the road to Kongorong for a Preliminary Final clash against Robe. Post the Kalangadoo win we made the trip to Millicent for the League medal count and with a big congratula ons to Jacob Simmons who for the second season in a row was runner-up in the medal count. Well done Simmo another fine season. Robe have been in the top 2 for most of the season and will be a formidable challenge, especially with such high stakes at play, with the winner earning the right to play Hatherleigh in this year's grand final. A er receiving a tough blow during the week losing captain Damien O'Dine to a season ending knee injury, the coaching team had to make some magic happen at the selec on table. As the game approached with such high stakes, a good start was going to be the key not only to se le the players down but some very nervous coaching staff. A good start was exactly what was delivered with the boys slamming on a 9 goal to 0 first term to really take control of the game. In the second quarter scoring slowed right down with each team kicking one goal each. In the second half the s ng had gone out of the game a li le, but it was s ll a rather entertaining affair with our boys kicking 5 goals to 4 in the second half to take out a nice win to book a grand final berth against Hatherleigh that have been top of the table for most of the season. Best for the week was one of the most consistent players across the last decade Gus McGregor. Second best was Ben O'Dine in another fine performance. Third best was Jacob Simmons - can't say much more about him. Fourth best was Trent Ebejer who returned to the side and can be just mesmerising with ball in hand. Fi h best was Liam Bo omley in a splendid performance across four quarters. Sixth best was Lennox Lewis who has had a magnificent back end to the year. This week we head to the big dance against a tough opponent Hatherleigh who have only dropped one game during the year. Let's head to Tantanoola and get right behind the boys as they chase premiership glory.

club notes

robe football club notes Junior Colts: Preliminary finals don’t come around too o en, unfortunately we couldn’t make the most of the opportunity going down to a talented Hatherleigh side who just wanted it a li le more than we did. We went into the game confident we could get the result we were looking for but ul mately fell short. In the rooms before the game I could sense some nervous kids, for some this was the biggest game they had played in and it probably showed in the opening few minutes. As I said the Hatherleigh boys and girls went in a li le harder than us at the contest which meant we were chasing tail for majority of the game. In the opening quarter some sloppy mistakes and poor errors cost us the lead even when we had a strong breeze as assistance. The next quarter we dug in a li le bit and made it hard for the Eagles to score. Some good physical work from Cooper Thomas and Charles Moore kept us in the game and had us all s ll confident that a come from behind win was on the cards. I tried to give the boys a bit of a rev up at the half me break which worked to a degree. The third was a shoot out, with both teams

able to capitalise from limited inside 50s. We were behind by three goals at the final break and just a hint of momentum going our way. The final term started very well. We were able to kick the first goal of the last from a good snap from Conner McMullan. Soon a er we had the opportunity to reduce the margin to 4 points but a costly miss followed by a countera ack goal put the Eagles up by 15 again. The remainder of the quarter was all Hatherleigh with them running over the top of us by 29 points. The margin definitely fla ered Hatherleigh as the game was much closer than that all day. There were some very upset boys a er the game but the loss will make us be er going forward and will put some fire in the belly for the next couple of years. Thanks to all supporters for coming to watch us throughout the year and to everyone that lent a hand, the season wouldn’t be able to go ahead with out you all. The boys and myself are grateful and we thank you lots. The season con nues this week for our Senior Colt team and we wish them all the best for their quest for ul mate success. Thanks, Jack.

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2021 SEASON FIXTURE Port MacDonnell 167 Mt Burr 104 Nangwarry 48 Tantanoola 62 Kalangadoo

d d l l

Glencoe 52 Kongorong 43 Hatherleigh 172 Robe 144 Bye

Kalangadoo 113 Glencoe 60 Kongorong 47 Robe 192 Hatherleigh

d l d d

Port MacDonnell 86 Mt Burr 105 Tantanoola 38 Nangwarry 55 Bye

Mt Burr 53 Tantanoola 66 Nangwarry 43 Hatherleigh 51 Port MacDonnell

l l l l

Kalangadoo 70 Glencoe 98 Kongorong 114 Robe 77 Bye

Kalangadoo 123 d Glencoe 118 d Kongorong 30 l Port MacDonnell 77 d Robe

Tantanoola 64 Nangwarry 71 Hatherleigh 83 Mt Burr 24 Bye


LE L E C CAN Hatherleigh 38 Robe 137 Nangwarry 30 Tantanoola 65 Kongorong

l Kalangadoo 64 d Glencoe 28 l Port MacDonnell 246 d Mt Burr 47 Bye

Kalangadoo 93 d Glencoe 58 l Port MacDonnell 89 d Mt Burr 162 d Tantanoola Kongorong 11 Robe 81 Hatherleigh 64 Nangwarry 47 Glencoe

Robe 73 Kongorong 101 Hatherleigh 70 Nangwarry 45 Bye

l Kalangadoo 136 l Port MacDonnell 103 d Mt Burr 42 l Tantanoola 158 Bye

Kalangadoo 133 d Port MacDonnell 81 d Mt Burr 68 l l Tantanoola 47 Nangwarry

Glencoe 45 Kongorong 38 Robe 72 Hatherleigh 52 Bye


LE L E C CAN Robe 66 Kongorong 51 Hatherleigh 84 Nangwarry 35 Tantanoola

l l d l

Kalangadoo 100 Glencoe 112 Port MacDonnell 69 Mt Burr 149 Bye

Kalangadoo 147 Port MacDonnell 101 Mt Burr 29 Tantanoola 158 Glencoe

d d l d

Kongorong 28 Robe 73 Hatherleigh 98 Nangwarry 52 Bye

Glencoe 67 Kongorong 25 Robe 87 Hatherleigh 161 Nangwarry

l Kalangadoo 149 l Port MacDonnell 144 d Mt Burr 34 d Tantanoola 50 Bye

1st Semi Final - 28th August 2021: Hatherleigh 84 def Robe 78

2nd Semi Final - 4th September 2021: Kalangadoo 83 def by Port MacDonnell 94

Preliminary Final - 11th September 2021: Kalangadoo 77 def Hatherleigh 50

Grand Final - 18th September 2021 at Tantanoola


MT GAMBIER 8725 2364

MILLICENT 8733 2944

NARACOORTE 8762 1114

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