The Family League
mid south eastern football & netball
MountBurrbye ISSUE #1475 th
MSEFootball L E A G U E MSENetball A S S O C I A T I O N
Image courtesy Celeste Raymond (Facebook)
football club
PROUDLY SUPPORTING MSEFL YOUR INDUSTRY SUPER FUND NEED HELP WITH YOUR SUPER? Contact your local First Super Coordinator: Jo Podobnik Call 1300 360 988 PUTTING MEMBERS FIRST Auth Rep # 452015 100 Jack made his A Grade debut in 2016 and is one of our most popular players for the Murphies. Today Jack Miller plays his 100th senior game for the Glencoe Football Club. He began playing Junior Colts with the Murphies in 2010 and represented the Mid South East Football League under 14’s at interleague in 2012. From everyone at the club, we congratulate Jack on reaching his 100th senior game for the Murphies and wish him all the best in today’s match and into the future. He is always willing to help around the club and is a valuable commi ee member and footy trip organiser Jack is also one of the main drivers in organising our social func ons and is a capable umpire for our Junior Colts team.
senior games
jack miller glencoe
andrew telford
kongorong football club
Huge congratula ons to Andrew 'Noddy' Telford for playing his 150th senior game for the club. Noddy is a fantas c club man who has got be er every year and is now playing his career best football. He never misses training when he's home from his FIFO work, and sets the standard for how a good player should prepare, lead and play for everyone in the club. Well done Noddy, the club is very proud of you.
senior games 150
Servicing the Limestone Coast with • Chemicals • Food Packaging • Canteen Supplies
14 George Street, Millicent 5280
Ph: 0400 221 357
Follows us on Facebook & Instagram
senior games
geoff hay
kongorong football club
A huge congratula ons to Geoff 'Jazzy' Hay on his 150th game for the club. Jazzy is an inspira on for all, with his passion and commitment for the game and for the Hawks jumper. He is selfless and one of the smartest players in our side, always ge ng to the right spots and using the ball with elite precision. Jazzy's football career has spanned a few decades, and we're so happy he chose to pull the boots back on for another season (or two). Well done Jazzy!
Image courtesy Kristy Janeway
Image courtesy Kristy Janeway
kongorong football club
Liam 'Bobby' Durcan came to the Hawks with li le or no football experience and has turned into one of the great success stories for our club. Bobby worked relessly to learn the game and ended up playing A Grade in a few short years. He is feisty, tough, smart and has shut down some of the league's best players. His passion to win drives his teammates and is now a key leader for our side. Congratula ons Bobby on 150 excellent games.
senior games
paul ellis
kongorong football club
Congratula ons to Paul Ellis who has played his 100th senior game for Kongorong. Paul has been a fantas c player in the A Grade and sets a brilliant example of what it takes to be a top-level footballer with his professional prepara on and team first a tude. He is the life of the party at trainings and keeps everyone on their toes with his quick wit and funny remarks. A fantas c teammate and outstanding player. Well done Paully!
Image courtesy Steve Walters
Image courtesy Kristy Janeway
liam durcan
senior games
174 Jubilee Highway, Mount Gambier Phone: 08 8725 7060 Mobile: 0419 801 592 | Email: FOR ALL YOUR BBQ & PARTY MEAT!
Finals Information Mid South East Football League
As we head closer to the Major Round of Season 2023, some important finals informa on to note.
Venues for the Mid SE Finals are:
1st Semi Saturday 2nd September @ Hatherleigh
2nd Semi Saturday 9th September @ Tantanoola
Prelim Saturday 16th September @ Robe
Grand Saturday 23rd September @ Port MacDonnell
Star ng mes for the first three minor finals are:
Junior Colts 9.30am
Senior Colts 10.45am
B Grade 12.15pm
A Grade 2.00pm
Star ng mes for Grand Final day are:
Junior Colts 9.15am
Senior Colts 10.30am
B Grade 12.05pm
A Grade 2.00pm
In the event of a draw in any final of any grade a er full me, the game shall be con nued with five (5) minute halves un l a result is achieved.
Admission prices for the minor finals are:
Adults - $10
Concession - Invalid & Age Pensioners Only - $6
Children (17 & Under) - Free
Grand Final admission prices:
Adults - $15
Concession Invalid & Age Pensioners Only - $10
Children (17 & Under) - Free
Once again both Junior and Senior presenta ons will be conducted on the one day, Sunday 10th September. Junior presenta ons will commence at 10:30am with the senior presenta ons commencing from 2:00pm. The venue for both func ons will be the Millicent War Memorial Civic and Arts Centre.
26th August v Tantanoola (away)Kongchella
14th October - Senior Presenta on Night
TBA - Junior & Senior Presenta ons
Wishing all teams the best in 2023
8733 2888
2 George Street, Millicent
KONGORONG nangwarry
George Street, Millicent Phone 8733 1725
All ar cles are required by 12 noon each Monday and should be emailed to
Mid South East Football League
Finals Information
Any person who require an invalid park during the final series are reminded that you need to be the holder of a current State issued Disabled Parking Permit and be present on the day.
Patrons who comply with this condi on are then requested to contact your home club prior to the preceding Wednesday of each match. You will need to advise them of your Disabled Parking Permit number for them to formally request an invalid park on your behalf, and the permit will need to be displayed on the day.
Patrons are NOT to make individual requests to host clubs.
Any allocated parking will be held un l 12noon of each day. Any vacant spaces a er this me will be opened up for general parking.
The MSEFL Board reminds patrons that for the comfort, safety and enjoyment of all patrons that as a condi on of entry NO alcohol is to be brought into the grounds.
During the final series security and police will be conduc ng random searches of vehicles entering the ground as well as spot checks of cars throughout the day and any alcohol found during these searches will be confiscated.
No responsibility will be taken by the League, host club or gate keepers in rela on to goods seized for the safe return of such goods.
Foot patrols will also be carried out throughout the day and patrons found to be consuming alcohol not purchased from the venue may be requested to leave.
Police and security personnel will be par cularly vigilant regarding glass containers as this poses a very real danger to player and spectator safety
Supporters are requested NOT to take alcohol onto the playing surface at any me during the day. This includes at the conclusion of each match.
Objec onable behaviour by patrons will not be tolerated and those who transgress can also expect to be asked to leave the venue.
Clubs are encouraged to submit ar cles regarding social events plus player and club milestone informa on for inclusion in the Mid SE Football & Netball Budget. To assist the publisher please note that the preferred format for ar cles is as a Word document and any photographs should be supplied as a JPEG file to ensure the best quality reproduc on.
Hatherleigh 1.3 2.7 3.11 6.16 (52)
Kalangadoo 3.5 4.7 9.8 9.10 (64)
Best - Hatherleigh: G. McGrath, B. Wight, T Hutchesson, M. Telford, W. Chay; Kalangadoo: T. McManus, L. Hay, M. Lowe, J. Pra , T Schumacher, S. McManus.
Goals - Hatherleigh: T. Hutchesson 4, J. Skeer 2; Kalangadoo: J. Casey 2, B. Gregory 2, S. Mcmanus 2, S. Agnew, L. Jones, J. Norman.
Glencoe 4.6 8.9 11.13 17.16 (118)
Tantanoola 1.3 2.4 5.5 6.5 (41)
Best - Glencoe: D. Childs, T. Edwards, P Mitchell, A. Hentschke, Z. Cocks, S. Giersch;
Tantanoola: C. Kelly, T. Ha , B. Hateley, B. Reilly, H. Brown.
Goals - Glencoe: D. Childs 4, P. Mitchell 3, B. Glynn 2, T. Weaver 2, A. Hurley, Z. Cocks, I. Mulraney, D. Williamson, B. Hentschke, H. Comley; Tantanoola: J. Dawe 3, C. Kelly, Z. Walker, J. Cytrowski.
Kongorong 2.6 3.6 7.6 8.11 (59)
Nangwarry 4.1 7.6 9.9 11.11 (77)
Best - Kongorong: W. Vickery, M. Cordy, T
Richardson, J. Maconachie, R. Vickery, B. Kranz; Nangwarry: T. Virgo, J. Pudney, B. Parsons, J Virtanen, J. Stocker, T. Vanderhorst.
Goals - Kongorong: M. Roberts 5, J. A ard, L. Lewis, S. Fleming; Nangwarry: A. Hyland 6, J
Virtanen 2, T. Virgo, J. Pudney, N. Virtanen.
Robe 2.5 5.6 8.13 9.15 (69)
Mount Burr 1.0 2.0 2.0 5.0 (30)
Best - Robe: H. Lawrie, J. Bryant, N. Brown, G. Pretlove, J. Robertson, J. Pe t; Mount Burr: J Dean, S. Wallis, J. Muhovics, P. Guye , D. Ridley, J. Fiebig.
Goals - Robe: N. Brown 3, Z. Deane 2, H. Smith, J. Bryant, S. Huebner, M. Robertson; Mount Burr: J. Gregory 3, J. Fiebig, S. Hunt.
Best - Hatherleigh: L. Lang, J. Wight, A. Reid, J Altschwager, E. Bowman; Kalangadoo: J Mules, M. Phillips, N. Reeves, C. Mules, B. Mules.
Goals - Hatherleigh: H. Jones 2, T. Bell, T Merre , J. Gilbertson, E. Bowman;
B. Male 2, B. Mules 2, M. Phillips, B. Von Stanke-Dowie, T. Jones, M. Varcoe.
Best - Glencoe: N. Herring, B. Weedon, M. Li le, S. Hentschke, B. Curran, J. Kipping; Tantanoola: H. Thomson, J. Patzel, W. Wright, N. Cory, M. Nelson.
Goals - Glencoe: B. Curran 9, B. Hentschke 3, K. Price 2, B. Lipscombe; Tantanoola: C. Hale 2, W. Wright, R. Redway, M. Nelson, J. Wright.
Best - Kongorong: J. Arthurson, L. Pulford, L. Durcan, R. Maconachie, S. Beard; Nangwarry: S. Brooksby, J. Schmi , B. Kelly, B. Deamer, J Mills, B. Just.
Goals - Kongorong: J. Simkin 2, T. Bellinger 2, S. Beard, L. Whi y, D. Hann, S. Von Stanke; Nangwarry: J. Clayfield 2, B. Dinnison, V Virtanen.
Best - Robe: E. Cornish, P. Ma hews, L. Hentschke, M. Keane, J. Wilson, K. Cross; Mount Burr: N. Morrison, F. Johnston, B. Ballantyne, M. Teagle, J. Gregory, N. Telfer
Goals - Robe: L. Hentschke 9, E. Cornish 2, J Lee, A. Brooks, S. Ferguson; Mount Burr: B. Robbins.
- Robe: M. Robertson, S. Moore, F. Peel, M. Mckenny, C. Thomas; Mount Burr: C. Bevan, B. Sharp, J. Dean, B. Lawson, S. Hunt, C. Montuori.
Goals - Robe: M. Robertson 4, A. Hagge 3, D Nunan 2, M. Mckenny, C. Moore, K. Carter, E. Carter; Mount Burr: B. Lawson 2, B. Sharp, C. Bevan, R. McKay, L. Thiele.
Best - Kongorong: J. Janeway, R. Taylor, L. Allen, C. Janeway, J. Aus n, S. Pearce; Nangwarry: R. Edwards, T. Zerk, T. Bell, A. Lynch, A. Virtanen, B. Sealey.
Goals - Kongorong: S. Von Stanke 4, L. Allen 3, W. Von Stanke 3, L. Cordy, J. Aus n, S. Pearce; Nangwarry: C. Borman 2.
Best - Hatherleigh: A. Ne le, C. Sims, Z. Bowering, J. Bellinger, J. Kneen; Kalangadoo: H.
Mules, C. Gen le, B. Von Stanke-Dowie, C. McCann.
Goals - Hatherleigh: A. Ne le 4, O. Howell 3, T Atkinson 2, I. Chambers, A. Morgan, C. Clark, E. Marshall, R. Prouse; Kalangadoo: C. Gen le, J Minge, F. Skeer
Best - Glencoe: M. McGrath, T. Rothall, R. Ferguson, L. Brierley, D. Richards-Fennell, K. Price; Tantanoola: C. Kelly, B. McKee, J. Braun, B. Klingberg, B. Hateley
Goals - Glencoe: J. Younger; Tantanoola: C. Kelly 9, A. Foulds, B. McKee, B. Klingberg, K. Bell.
Best - Robe: E. Jess, J. Hinchliffe, V. Moore, F Collins, C. Bea e; Mount Burr: L. Carr, S. Wiese, J. Gamble, R. Gardiner, L. Thiele, M. Li le.
Goals - Robe: V. Moore 3, J. Parker 3, J Mckenny, E. Jess, C. Bea e, J. Hinchliffe; Mount Burr: L. Thiele 2.
Best - Kongorong: A. Page, S. McInnes, H. Bingham, B. Telford, R. Lucas, D. Richardson; Nangwarry: T. Virtanen, H. Virtanen, J Crawford, J. Manninen, D. Gartside.
Goals - Kongorong: A. Page 3, B. Telford 2, J Bald 2, R. Lucas 2, D. Richardson, H. Bingham; Nangwarry: J. Crawford.
Best - Hatherleigh: E. Sims, W. Dower, C. Taylor, P. McGrath, R. Haines; Kalangadoo: L. McCann, N. Cooper, D. Gibbons-Clark, M. Meulenmeesters, J. Box.
Goals - Hatherleigh: E. Sims 3, W. Dower 2, T Grge c 2, L. Clifford, C. Taylor, N. Fitzgerald, R. Chambers; Kalangadoo: M. Meulenmeesters.
Best - Glencoe: T. Hurley, K. Price, B. Dale, S. Haase, J. Sinkunas, K. Mulraney; Tantanoola: K. Bromley, J. Rowe, K. Bell, E. Grant, S. Batchelor
Goals - Glencoe: T. Richards 4, J. Thompson 2, J. Sinkunas 2, K. Mulraney, K. Price, T. Hurley, S. Haase, B. Dale, J. Hewle .
MSEFL Champion Club Award Klasbilt
Hatherleigh 2.0 2.1 4.2 6.5 (41) Kalangadoo 3.1 6.1 6.2 8.3 (51)
Kongorong 2.0 2.1 5.1 8.4 (52) Nangwarry 1.4 2.7 3.8 4.10 (34)
Glencoe 4.4 8.5 13.7 15.12 (102) Tantanoola 3.2 5.5 6.7 6.9 (45)
Robe 5.1 8.2 12.2 14.5 (89) Mount Burr 0.1 1.4 1.4 1.4 (10)
Robe 5.1 9.3 13.4 13.5 (83) Mount Burr 0.0 2.0 4.1 6.2 (38)
Kongorong 4.3 7.5 9.7 13.10 (88) Nangwarry 0.3 1.3 2.3 3.3 (21) Glencoe 5.5 9.8 13.12 14.13 (97) Tantanoola 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 (2) Hatherleigh 3.3 6.4 8.10 11.12 (78) Kalangadoo 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 (6) Hatherleigh 4.2 8.6 11.7 15.10 (100) Kalangadoo 1.2 1.3 4.3 7.3 (45)
Glencoe 0.1 0.3 0.3 1.7 (13) Tantanoola 5.1 7.6 10.10 13.11 (89)
Robe 1.4 5.6 8.7 10.12 (72) Mount Burr 0.0 0.0 3.0 3.0 (18) Kongorong 3.4 7.7 10.11 11.13 (79) Nangwarry 0.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 (7)
NANGWARRY 8 30 4 16 58 ROBE 44 44 32 28 148 KONGORONG 4 36 32 44 116 TANTANOOLA 20 4 52 20 96 A GRADE RESERVES SNR COLTS JNR COLTS TOTAL KALANGADOO 44 48 8 4 104 GLENCOE 24 4 16 56 100 PORT MACDONNELL 52 32 52 56 192 HATHERLEIGH 44 56 44 40 184 MT BURR 32 18 32 8 90
2023 ladder
b grade
Senior Colts
Junior Colts
Hatherleigh 14 1 0 2 1410 374 56 79.03 Hatherleigh 11 4 0 2 1474 851 44 63.39 Glencoe 6 9 0 2 1383 1395 24 49.78 Kongorong 9 6 0 2 1021 578 36 63.85 Tantanoola 5 10 0 2 773 1279 20 37.67
Port MacD 13 2 0 2 1638 734 52 69.05 Mt Burr 8 8 0 1 1269 1196 32 51.48 W L D B For Agst Pts % Kalangadoo 11 4 0 2 1382 883 44 61.01 Nangwarry 2 13 0 2 806 2081 8 27.91 Robe 11 4 0 2 1362 837 44 61.93 Kongorong 1 14 0 2 904 1735 4 34.25
W L D B For Agst Pts % Kalangadoo 12 3 0 2 1196 525 48 69.49 Robe 11 4 0 2 878 589 44 59.85 Port MacD 8 7 0 2 972 704 32 57.99 Mt Burr 4 11 1 1 492 1160 18 29.78 Tantanoola 1 14 0 2 524 1373 4 27.62
Tantanoola 13 2 0 2 1249 595 52 67.73 Hatherleigh 11 4 0 2 880 625 44 58.47 Mount Burr 8 8 0 1 1079 920 32 53.97 Robe 8 7 0 2 901 789 32 53.31 Kongorong 8 7 0 2 744 768 32 49.20 Nangwarry 7 7 1 2 771 801 30 49.04 Glencoe 4 11 0 2 571 890 16 39.08 Kalangadoo 2 12 0 2 779 1374 8 36.18 W L D B For Agst Pts % Nangwarry 1 13 0 2 633 1331 4 32.23
Port MacD. 14 1 0 2 915 259 56 77.93 W L D B For Agst Pts % Glencoe 14 1 0 2 989 350 56 73.86 Kongorong 11 4 0 2 827 344 44 70.62 Hatherleigh 10 5 0 2 851 388 40 68.68 Robe 7 8 0 2 637 726 28 46.73 Tantanoola 5 10 0 2 550 854 20 39.17 Glencoe 1 14 0 2 359 1519 4 19.11 Port MacD. 13 2 0 2 1121 569 52 66.33 Kalangadoo 1 14 0 2 351 913 4 27.76 Nangwarry 4 11 0 2 423 965 16 30.47 Mount Burr 2 14 0 1 403 1076 8 27.24 14 George Street, Millicent Phone 8733 1725 Email leading goalkickers sponsored by Andrew Hyland Nangwarry 6 54 Senior Colts Josh Clayfield Nangwarry 2 27 Harvey Jones Hatherleigh 2 33 Jack Gregory Mt Burr 3 65 Cooper McCann Kalangadoo 0 31 Charlie Bevan Mt Burr 1 27 Brodie Anderson Port MacDonnell 0 23 Tyson Atkinson Hatherleigh 2 23 Ben Gregory Kalangadoo 2 38 Alex Hentschke Glencoe 1 26 Name Club R17 Total John Simkin Kongorong 2 29 Bodhi Pannenburg Kongorong 0 25 Tory Weaver Glencoe 2 48 Colby Munro Port MacDonnell 0 51 Thomas Hutchesson Hatherleigh 4 36 Dylan Bromley Kalangadoo 0 38 Reserves A Grade Name Club R17 Total Tom Bell Hatherleigh 1 38 Daniel Hann Kongorong 1 29 Tyler Jones Kalangadoo 1 26 Patrick Chay Hatherleigh 0 38 Tim Marre Hatherleigh 1 21 Ben Curran Glencoe 9 21 Jack Dawe Tantanoola 3 27 Christopher Burdon Robe 0 20 Name Club R17 Total Cade Kelly Tantanoola 9 72 Shakielle Von Stanke Kongorong 4 45 Brady Sharp Mt Burr 1 42 Kai Gilmore Port MacDonnell 0 28 Aus n Ne le Hatherleigh 4 23 Mason McKenny Robe 1 23 Max Robertson Robe 4 23 Junior
Name Club R17 Total Thomas Richards Glencoe 4 51 Ryan Lucas Kongorong 2 31 Eli Sims Hatherleigh 3 31 Jed Sinkunas Glencoe 2 28 Brody Pra Port MacDonnell 0 27 Jake Bevan Tantanoola 0 26 Coaden Taylor Hatherleigh 1 20 Alex Page Kongorong 3 20 Levi Thiele Mount Burr 2 23 Je Lewis Port MacDonnell 0 32 2 Eleanor Street, Mount Gambier p. 08 8725 1699 f. 08 8723 0899
A Grade Coach: Josh Woodall B Grade Coach: Damian O’Dine
senior colts
junior colts
football club notes
Mini Colts: Another great game of footy with many goal kickers and best players.
Junior Colts: It was a really strong performance from our team against Kalangadoo in our most recent ou ng. We were able to put together a game that included every player on our team doing their bit to get the win. It’s been pleasing to see the team grow over the season with improvement being seen across the board. We’re playing some great team football and it’ll be important to play this way coming onto finals me. Best players were extremely difficult to pick such was the evenness from everyone however Cayden Byrne was outstanding with some great marking and leading up forward. TJ played his best game of the season showing brilliant ball skills. Harri Kennion con nues his stellar run in the ruck giving us first use. Pa y Clarke has really found his feet back in footy this year and is proving to be a versa le big. Oli Fox used his cra y le foot well to crumb a couple of nice goals and Blake Lasle played a fantas c game across half back using his a ack on the ball to his advantage. Big game now against the Eagles who are playing some excellent footy and will be a great challenge leading into the business end of the season. Senior Colts: Last week we drove up to play an undermanned Kalangadoo side. They were very short so throughout the game 14 of our boys went over and played for them, so thank you to all of those boys for making a game possible for both sides. With some of our stronger players on the opposi on for the first half, it was a very even contest which is what we needed. Kalangadoo had the lead at the first break, but then we managed some late goals in the 2nd quarter to take a lead at the main break. The 2nd half the boys got back to their style of footy, lowering the eyes, hi ng targets and playing team footy. This helped the boys run away with another solid win128 to 32. Best players sponsored by The Lynch family Jack Kain, Pa y Robinson, Bradley Neale, Luke Richards, Riley Morgan and Jacob Spehr
B Grade: Pt MacDonnell 3.3 lost to Kalangadoo 12.12. Welcome to the season finale of the soap opera that is B grade... “Like meatloaf through a straw, so are the Days Of Our Lives”… and with plot lines worthy of an Emmy award or even an Academy award, this 2023 season has delivered. From the high ra ngs winners (vs Glencoe, Tantanoola, Mt Burr) to nailbiters (vs Kongorong, Nangwarry) to the plot thickeners (vs Robe, Hatherleigh, Kdoo)… we saw the demise (playing career) of a beloved character (Ducky O'Dine), we had the rise of Jack ”Shadow Recruit” Cawthorne elevated to “The Bold & The Beau ful” (the A's), the surprise of finding past players in the opposi on sides, the medical emergencies of many suppor ng cast members (ribs, concussions, sprains and tears)... and let's not forget the long list of cameo performances (Benny Mac, D Perryman, Ben Stratman, Adam Kuhl to name a few) to bring up the numbers and the decision by the network chiefs and producers to bring in some new and upcoming talent like senior colts Alex Lamb, Bradley Neale, Deegan Habner, Kur s Lasle and Archie New. Last episode saw us take on K'doo, who were always going to be a challenge. Execu ve producer Adam Lewis con nued his mantra in needing the win to keep the teams' ra ngs (finals) hopes alive or be put into mothballs for another year. With the scene set – soggy oval, the odd shower of rain to keep it slippery, cold and overcast - we had a promising start keeping an even score before
the lack of presence (fitness), dialogue (voice) and gag reel worthy gaffs (training!, the 1% stuff, like handballs & kicking to a player) affected the outcome of the performance. Best Actor award (B.O G.) goes to Brayden Tilley for his outstanding performance in the Back line drama “A Goal Too Many” a searing story of hindering heavy opposi on behind enemy lines while Best Suppor ng Actor was won by Luke Pitson for his part in “Half Back, Half Forward - A Life in the Middle”. Best in a Cameo role went to Benny Mac whose meless play “A Man for All Seasons”, encouraged the younger thespians to greater heights. Nathan “Ver cal Limit” Brotherton garnered an award for his portrayal of a young highflyer marking and rucking everything within contest, while Jye “Braveheart” Li le resonated with audiences in his s rring performance of mee ng an opposi on head on and his tenacity on the ball with crea ve flair. In a breakaway from his usual defensive posi on Adam Richards wowed the audience and the producers with a standout “performance in a niche role”, showing plenty of run and style as he moved through to the forward line. Best Score (goals) was awarded to Ma Stark, Jess Feast, and Ben McGregor with one goal each. In another musical interlude “Happy Birthday” to Shaneo! This year our final episode is a game against Hatherleigh and while the “Usual Suspects” will always turn up (to training) the ques on remains… will “They Die(d) with their Boots On” and is “Sunday Too Far Away?” … un l the Director calls “Cut! ”.. I'd like to say “thanks for the memories”... that's a wrap people! Go Demons!
A Grade: Port MacDonnell 13.10 def Kalangadoo 6.9. Our match at Kalangadoo was never really in doubt but you should never take a win for granted against a quality opposi on and with the ground condi ons less than ideal (soggy and slippery) it made for an interes ng game as both teams scrambled for the ball. We were level at the first break before finding that next gear boo ng 6.1 in the second quarter and holding K'doo to just one point. A er the half me break K'doo found a way to slow the flow of our game but our determina on shone through, and we added another 5.5 to our score despite this. Reliable backman Wade Chant was instrumental in slowing the opposi on and won BOG with his relentless tenacity to the ball. Mark Smith and Colby Munro placed 2nd and 3rd best for their efforts through the centre clearances and mely interven ons along the flanks. Captain/Coach Josh Woodall also maintained a steady tally of possessions claiming 4th spot while Lockie Tilley showed he's not afraid to put his body on the line and his persistence paid off with 5thbest. Team stabilizer Kevin Thomson con nued to cause havoc throughout the game, boo ng a handy bag of 5 goals, and rounded out the BP list. Adding to Kevins haul of 5 goals, fellow mul ple goalkickers included Colby Munro 3, Rhys Timms 2, Alex Ridding 2 and a single for Jake Schleter. What a season it has been and it's gra fying to see that all of our hard work has paid off and we finish as Minor Premiers. We all know the finals are a tricky beast and anything can happen so let's con nue with our determina on and keep the momentum going with a win against Hatherleigh at home. Come on Demons, train hard to play hard and get to that one day in September we all look forward to.
1st qtr 2nd qtr 3rd qtr 4th qtr final port macdonnell hatherleigh
Steve Lewis & Mark
Ma hew Fox 57 Tom Sullivan 51 Ben Holmes 56 Liam Bo omley 88 Nathan Brotherton 49B Chris Driver 49A Kyall McLean 7B Ben McGregor 12 Chris an Howle 15 Blake Lynch 7A Colby Munro 1 Aron Harding 3 Ethan Gladman 4 Jake Scheleter 5 Fraser Lynch 6 Alex Ridding 9 Jake Turner 14 Josh Woodall 16 Adam Kuhl 17A Mason Brown 18 Rhys Timms 19 Tim Sullivan 20 Wade Chant 23 Will Macdonald 24 Grady Hutchesson 25 Ben O’Dine 26 Adam Richards 17A Mark Smith 27 Rory Na rass 29 Isaac Na rass 30 Ned Wilke 21 Zack Williams 34 Lochie Tilley 1 Casey Wilson 14 Patrick Robinson 31 Kai Gilmore 35 Lincoln Bowd 20 Archie New 21 Zaylen Smith 4 Phoenix O’Dine 42 Joshua Virgo 13 Brodie Anderson 6 Dexter O’Dine 52 Aidan Telford 25 Alex Lamb 16 Connor Richards 24 Wil Lewis 55 Zeb Chant 12 Naite Rogers 58 Bradley Neale 61 Keileigh Kilsby 9 Sam Whan 2 Kur s Lasle 3 Luke Richards 8 Riley Morgan 29 Jack Kain 59 Jacob Spehr 51 Deegan Habner 7 Maison Byrne 13 Tyler Neale 30 Blake Lasle 39 Declan Kain 10 Taj Manning 3 Harry Carroll 19 Je Lewis 2 Tyron Howard 43 Tye Dennert 14 Naite Fox 49 Kane Gilbert 5 Oliver Fox 9 Zane Lewis 22 Patrick Clarke 8 Kade Gilmore 12 Gracie Carroll 16 Beau Gilmore 15 Brody Pra 33 Cody Vandepeer 40 Caleb Morgan 54 Charlie Carroll 47 Harrison Kennion 55 Jackson Knowles
football club notes seniors
senior colts
junior colts
A Grade: Last week was another huge game leading into finals as we look to hold onto 2nd spot. There was a good feeling pre match, with everyone switched on and ready to go. Unfortunately, the Doo were the be er starters, using a slight wind to their advantage. We managed to wrestle back some control around the stoppages in the 2nd term, slowly grinding our way back, but inaccuracy at goal was star ng to hurt us. We let ourselves down in the 3rd term as they got a roll on, and we couldn’t halt their momentum. They kicked 5 goals to lead by 33 points at the last break. A er a good rev up at three qtr me, the boys responded which was pleasing. Keeping them goalless gave us a sniff but our inefficiency at goals cost us the game, kicking 6-16 to fall short by 2 goals. Best players were Brad Wight and Gerard McGrath down back, Hutchy, Mikey and Will Chay through the middle.
B Grade: Well what can I say losing sucks. Bi er pill to swallow but our winning run came to an end, the 41-game streak has ended. Going down to a harder and hungrier Kalangadoo side by 10 points. We couldn't get our running game together, along with our skills and we were last to the ball all day. The loss will do us more good than harm. We will hit the track this week, work on a few things to tackle another
big match down at Port Mac. Good teams know how to bounce back, so that's what we will be trying to do. Lachie Lang took out BOG being a rock down back all day. Josh Wight had his work cut out for him all day but played well at CHB. Jack Altschwager gave us plenty of op ons up and down the line with his strong marking. Reidy con nued his good run of form along with Ethan Bowman.
Senior Colts: Overcast and blustery condi ons seen a game that was highly congested with lots of pressure. We came away from the game winners by 7 goals. However, we know we can improve the performance we displayed. Thanks to the boys that went over and had a run for Kalangadoo and tried just as hard as they would if they were wearing the blue and gold. Our best players were Aus n Ne le who put a clinic on around the ground, Charlie Sims off of half back, Zak Bowering in the middle, while Jack Bellinger and Jimmy Kneen were solid down back. We look forward to our next big test before we enter finals against Pt Mac.
1st qtr 2nd qtr 3rd qtr 4th qtr final port macdonnell hatherleigh
A Grade Coach: Gerard McGrath B Grade Coach: James Thorne
Coach: Jed Telfer
Coach: Dylan Clough 3 Gerard McGrath 4A Jack Webster 8 Brad Mitchell 2 Jase Faulkner 4B Tom Bell 6 Thomas Hutchesson 9A Jed Telfer 11A Jase Bateman 11B Bre Watson 5 Jack Skeer 7 Will Chay 9B Dylan Vanderhorst 12 Joe Rayson 13 Max Telfer 14 Mikey Telford 10 Tim Merre 15 Todd Watson 16B Harvey Jones 16A Sam Gray 17 Sam Telfer 28 Je Faulkner 53 Riley Chester 58 Ethan Bowman 21 Jake Wight 25 Darcy Bateman 32 Jack Altschwager 49 Jordan Abbo 43 Ben Lang 22 Louis Brown 41 Zak Bowering 24 Ethan Leopold 50 Tom Agnew 42 Paddy Chay 19B Joshua Hales 31 James Telford 33 Tom Pegler 30 Sam Gray 39 Myles Widdison 44 Jack Cassidy 27 Sid Reeves 19A Jack Gray 20A Brad Wight 46 Lauchie Lang 26 James Gilbertson 37 Cameron Atkinson 40 Riley Shanks 47 James Thorn 48 Jacob Lang 52 Louis Brown 20B Josh Wight 23 Eli Kneen 54 Je Faulkner 29 Jack Sullivan 35 Ma hew Fabris 18 Cameron Slape 44 Lachie Jackman 55 Ayden Reid 59 Elliot O’Farrell 5 Fletcher Leopold 25 Aus n Ne le 24 Cohen Clark 26 Zac Ballantyne 8 Tyson Atkinson 27 Charlie Sims 14 Zak Bowering 30 Ethan Marshall 18 Jack Bellinger 3 Jimmy Kneen 12 Isaac Chambers 28 Brayden Chambers 29 James Solomon 31 Alby Mitchell 42 Riley Prouse 6 Ollie Fitzgerald 32 Hudson Nowak 2 Blake Snook 9 Oskar Howell 53 Cooper Walters 34 Winston Figg 15 Archie Morgan
36 Coaden Taylor 55 Reef Chambers 41 Riley Haines 44 Patrick McGrath 45 Banjo Morgan 59 Balin Thomas 38 Eli Sims 52 Leo Skeer 51 Will Dower 60 Tait Grge c 37 Ned Fitzgerald 47 Harry Baker 49 Billy Bowering 57 Alex Sutherland 35 Tom Bowering 40 Jordy Atkinson 46 William Andre 54 Tommy Atkinson 48 Harry Gilbertson 50 Paddy Fitzgerald 56 Henry Bowering 58 James Ma hews 1 Beau Higgins 10 Caine Ballantyne 11 Sebas on Figg 13 Patrick Freebairn 17 Campbell Leopold
kalangadoo magpies
A Grade Coach: Al Lyon
B Grade Coach: Adam Box & Leigh Peacock
football club notes
With the end of the home and away season on our doorstep and the smell of spring in the air with finals approaching for our senior grades it was off to poten ally one of the tougher road trips of the MSE season as we took on Hatherleigh on their home deck in the second to last home and away game.
Under 11: As with each year the Eagle have plenty of U11's but this year the youngest Maggies held there own once again and con nued to wow the crowds with their developing skills and we are seeing a few already step up into Junior Colts and slot straight in which is as always exci ng to see.
senior colts
junior colts
Junior Colts: As has been the case all year the Junior Colts were up against a much larger opponent across every line but we saw a much more compe ve young Maggies ou it who across the 4 quarters applied plenty of pressure to the much larger Eagles ou it. The scoreboard unfortunately doesn't reflect the contest over the 4 quarters as Eagles size made scoring a li le easier, but the con nuous defensive pressure meant we held them up during the game and Mason managed a goal late to make sure we had a score. The growth and the development of the young Maggies over the year needed to be seen as with only a couple of players heading up at the end of the season and several players to step up from U11's it will be exci ng to see what the future brings for this group. Best players: Lachy McCann, Nathaniel Cooper, Dante Gibbons-Clark, Mason Meulenmeeters and Joe Box.
Senior Colts: Been a tough year for our Senior Colts in lacking numbers but the boys have con nued to show up each week, put on the black and white, gone into ba le to represent the club and they needed to commended for it. With a couple of boys back from injury and a few on loan from Penola along with Jed sending a few Eagles over during the game meant we could play 16-a-side and make a real game of it. We jumped the Eagles early in the 1st but this seemed to spark them and by half me had a 45 point lead. The second half was a very even yet tough affair with both sides having plenty of the ball and the Maggies showing that with a side around them they can take it up to any side in the league and this showed as one of their be er games for the year. In the end the weight of numbers meant the eagles managed a comfortable 55-point win but gave Tommy and the group plenty to believe in leading up to the final round. The bones are there for a strong side and with a few addi onal numbers this group would be capable of anything. Best
B Grade: One of the toughest asks for our Ressies this week coming up against the undefeated Eagles ou it on their home deck with a couple of Maggies unable to suit up or in senior side. Under the watchful eye of Harry, we lined up well across the ground and managed to get a
jump on the Eagles in the 1st and hold a 7point lead at qtr me. The 2nd saw the Maggies se le into the game and apply relentless pressure to a shocked Eagles proving plenty of ball to our forwards while holding them to a single point and kicking away to 4 goal half me lead. You always knew they would throw everything at us in the 2nd half as they li ed their intensity and while held us goalless, we held them to only 2 goals to s ll have a 12point lead at the final change. Neither side wanted to give an inch in the last with a tough dour quarter and both sides kicking a couple of majors and in the end the maggies broke a 40+ game winning streak with a 10-point win and securing 2nd spot on the ladder at the same me. Best players: Johnny Mules, Mark Phillips, Reevsey, Chrissy and Benny
A Grade: Coming off a tough loss to the Bays, Lynsey was keen to get the boys back to playing the brand of footy they know they can play especially on the wide expanses of the Hatherleigh oval. A solid week on the track saw the lads up and about ready for some retribu on and from the outset cracked in hard winning the contested ball early and pu ng the Eagles on the back foot. If not for some inaccurate kicking in the 1st we would have had a larger lead than the 14 points shown on the scoreboard. Kicking into the wind in the second the Maggies backline went to work applying plenty of pressure to the Eagles forwards and not allowing any easy shots on goal, allowing only the single through the s cks while slo ng 1 major ourselves to have a ght 12-point lead going into the hal ime break. The Maggies increased their work rate in the 3rd jumping the Eagles by winning the contested ball around the ground and supplying our forwards plenty of quality ball in scoring posi ons to kick 5 goals for the quarter while poor kicking from the Eagles with 1.4 for the quarter meant a 33point lead at the final change. You knew with the Eagles going into the last having the wind they were going to throw everything at us, and they did exactly that but plenty of pressure by our backline on the forwards caused inaccurate shots on goal and the Maggies held them off in the last to take the points by 2 goals and look to finish the season off strongly. Best players: Tye McManus, Liam Ha, Mitch Lowe, Jaggs Pra , Tom Schumacher and Sam McManus.
The final round sees the Maggies at home to the Murphies as we look to finish the season off strongly. Make sure you get there early to support our 3 junior grades in the last game of the season in what's been a big year for them, followed by our seniors who looking to tune up as they run into the finals.
Presenta ons and club teas will be on so make sure hang around for a drink and feed a er the games to celebrate the season that's been and share in the excitement with finals around the corner for our footballers and netballers.
1st qtr 2nd qtr 3rd qtr 4th qtr final kalangadoo glencoe
Images courtesy Steve Walters (Snapperific)
Connor, Brycie, Cooper, Nateo and Blake Ross. 10 M. Lowe 26 B. Auld 29 A. Lyon 20B E. Maney 37 E. Pegler 44 C. Larocca 12 L. Jones 21 S. Casey 22 J. Pra 11 D. Bromley 2 B. Lindner 5 S. McManus 13 T. Williams 14 T. Schumacher 7 J. Bannister 15 D. Barlow 17 J. Larocca 18 C. Gen le 1 B. Male 3 T. McManus 4 N. Jenkin 8 M. Fatchen 20A T. Jones 23 N. Reeves 9 S. Agnew 24 J. Mules 27 B. Gregory 30 A. Blom 34 B. Mules 39 A. Blom 46 J. Bromley 10 Nathanial Cooper 14 Charlie Widdison 1 Emalee DowdellSajevec 6 Preston Lydeamore 3 Lachlan McCann 7 Darcy Wurst 13 Dante Gibbons-Clark 19 Jack Dowdell sajevec 24 Je Lennon 25 Koby Parker 27 Natalia Edwards 30 Mason Meulenmeesters 31 Elodie Burr 44 William Cary 51 Jack Newton 17 Joesph Box 36 Aiden Cooper 23 Nathan Murdock 57 Max Monaghan 28 Alexander Lee 39 Jessie Dekoning 11 Nate Von Stanke-Dowie 17 Joesph Box 1 Cooper McCann 3 Harry Mules 18 Connor Gen le 36 Bryce Von Stanke-Dowie 64 Dean Crute 54 Blunay Say 37 Dante Gibbons-Clark Cody Hu on 50 Ryder White
players: Harry,
Coach: Tom Williams
Coach: Steve McCann
football club notes seniors
A Grade Coach: Tom Edwards
B Grade Coach: Ben Hentschke
senior colts
junior colts
Coach: Adam Price
Last week we had our last home game of the year where we hosted Tantanoola. Thanks to our home game sponsor, Red Rooster. It was a cold and wet day, but we came away with 3 out of 4 wins on the football field which was a much be er turn around from our first round of matches against Tant. We now look towards our last round of the year where head to Kalangadoo and then our finals campaigns. A big thank you to all our sponsors, volunteers, and players throughout the year. Let's hope we can see some successful sides compete throughout the finals series.
Junior Colts: The junior colts started the day for us in great fashion playing fast paced football and scoring at will. They kept their opposi on goalless for the game and managed to kick 14 goals themselves. 9 different goal kickers con nue to show their range of depth and they ran out with a 95-point win. One game to go and they have locked up a top 2 finish already. Best players were Tighe Hurley, Kallan Price, Bailey Dale, Sam Haase, Jed Sinkunas and Kade Mulraney
Senior Colts: The senior colts con nue to show improvement every week, but this week came up against the top side. They ba led through the game and if we could've have kicked straighter the score line would have looked a lot be er. Not many of these boys go up to seniors next year so they will show a massive improvement next season. We ended up losing by 76 points. Best players were Marcus McGrath, Tyler Rothall, Riley Ferguson, Lachy Brierley, Digby Richards-Fennell and Kaleb Price.
B Grade: The Reserves finally got their first win of the season in empha c fashion. Although we s ll had a few players unavailable and some more in the A grade, the guys played excellent footy and scored easily our highest score of the year The final score being 102 to 45. This was a great reward for the effort these guys have put in and the work Ben has done to put a team of the park every week. The senior colts who have filled in have also been the main contributors to this win. Ben Curran was the pick of the goal kickers bagging 9 himself, with a special men on to veteran Bevo who snuck forward from the ruck to kick his first goal in over 10 years. Best players were Ben Hentschke, Nick Herring, Ben Weedon, Mitch Li le, Sam Hentschke, Ben Curran and James Kipping.
A Grade: The Seniors reversed the result from our last ou ng against Tant, this me running away with a 77-point win. Some inaccurate kicking from ourselves in the first half kept the game close, but thankfully we kept the pressure on during the 2nd and 3rd quarters and managed to finish the game very well in the last. It was pleasing to see 10 individual goal kickers on the day to share the load. Best players were Dylan Childs, Tom Edwards, Patrick Mitchell, Alex Hentschke, Zacc Cocks and Sam Giersch.
This week a er the Kalangadoo game we have our final social func on of the year, Coe-Chella! Make sure you have your best fes val ou it sorted. There is a $10 door entry and a bus returning to the Mount late in the night.
1 Aidan Hurley 11 Patrick Mitchell 5 Dylan Childs 3 Brodie Glynn 4 Dane Paproth 7 Declan Hurley 8 Zacc Cocks (A capt) 9 Tom Edwards 13 Jake Blackwell 14 Isaac Mulraney 16 Jack Edmonds 18 Darcy Williamson 20 Sam Giersch 21 Ben Hentschke 23 Kyle Maney 24A Dylan Pfitzner 24B Ma hew Jaeschke 26 Jason Bates 28 James Kipping 29 Henry Smith 27 Tory Weaver 30 Jack Miller 31 Clay VonDuve 12 Will Maloney 32 Mitch Li le 34 Josh Agars 36 Braeden Lipscombe 59 Byron Tentye 40 Adam Pulford 57 Ben Curran (B capt) 70 Anthony Lipscombe 75 Ethan Bronca 44 Jayson Finnis 63 Shannon Megaw 73 Bevan Lipscombe 68 Sam Hentschke 50 Mitch Boyd 37 Harry Comley 39 Tim Mutch 43 Alex Hentschke 51 Isaac Stubberfield 42 Trent Hawke 41 Dillan Young 72 Kieron Rigney 55 Jed Ma hews 69 William Rowland 1 Tobi O’Neill 4 Bailey Rothall 7 Digby Richards-Fennell 10 Daniel Ferguson 13 Declan Mutch 15 Marcus McGrath 17 Luke Stubberfield 19 Brad Shelton 21 Riley Ferguson 23 Shane Longhurst 20 Patrick Lang-Smith 3 Tyler Rothall 24 Kaleb Price 18 James Seeliger 26 Lachy Brierley 27 Brodie Burdon 67 Brodie Sco 64 Sam Longhurst 38 Tyrone Siebert 73 Kieron Rigney 49 Josh Younger 29 Brodie Pfitzner
Coach: Will Maloney 19 Riley Cooper 29 Mason Crowe 2 Kade Mulraney 22 Callum Rothe 30 Leslie Jagger 9 Samuel Haase 15 Bailey Dale 11 Annabelle Gordon 23 Tyler Fiegert 20 Connor Tweddle 68 Jaxon Hewle 5 Max Earl 8 Hunter Crowe 4 Tighe Hurley 11 Dominic Midwinter 13 Jasmine Haase 6 Harley Dale 12 Hamish Gordon 18 Blake Gosden 3 Kallan Price 21 Ryley Dunn 24 Jed Sinkunas 16 Jake Thompson 17 Lachlan Earl 25 Tom Richards 14 Jack McGrath 28 Alejandro Jagger 7 Lawson Fennell 36 Luke Medhurst 1st qtr 2nd qtr 3rd qtr 4th qtr final kalangadoo glencoe
football club notes
As this week is our last game of the season for many of our teams we would like to say a big thank you to all of our coaches, managers and players. We wish our teams that will be playing in finals all the best and we hope other teams get around and support them. We are hos ng the second semi with rosters that will need to be filled so please put your hand up to help make this a successful day for the club. We would like to make a special men on to our Silver sponsors – Café Melzar, Cool Moose Refrigera on, Gildera Forestry Services, JKM Maintenance & Labour Hire, Nutrien Ag Solu ons, Professional Wind Services, Sapiatzer Excava ons, Dentons Sport Power, Splendid Eggs and Telf's Plumbing. Gold sponsors – Glen Johnson Bowen, Moreland Holdings, The Property Co SA and Globe Hotel. Corporate sponsors – Holla Fresh, Iberdrola and Somerset Hotel.
senior colts
row. To our boys credit they put the pressure on Glencoe in the first half with plenty of scoring opportuni es and some really good team footy, and didn't take the foot off all day, which resulted in a really good win. Best players were Cade Kelly who kicked 9 and gave us a lot of scoring opportuni es all year. Blake McKee who was everywhere all day and used the ball excep onally well, James Braun who found a lot of the footy, Brydon Klingberg who con nues to improve every week and Braydn Hateley who was in and under all day. Well done lads.
Reserves: Last week saw us at Glencoe up against a very hungry reserves side. Neck and neck for three quarters but unfortunately we fell away and they managed to get the W. Best players were Hamish Thompson, Jack Patzel, Nick Cory, Will Wright and Ma Nelson
Under 11: Last week we played Glencoe down at Glencoe, a er some light showers on the way there it cleared up and was looking like a great day for footy. The kids were pumped as they always are, they surprise me more and more every single week, the passage of play they we're playing and the a ack on the footy was a great sight. Best players were Jobe Bell, Kallan Shawyer! Everyone played a great game!
Junior Colts: Last week we came up against one of the top sides in Glencoe and with three of our leaders out we had an extremely young side. We asked our guys and girls to not focus on the score and to give their all and a ack the football. Our kids improved every quarter and in the last quarter we managed to keep Glencoe to one goal which made us all extremely proud. Best player went to Kobe Bromley who played unreal down back and Jack Rowe who put his body on the line all game which was awesome for a kid s ll eligible for under 11s. The whole team was the remaining best and it's so great to see our kids improving every week it has been a privilege to be involved with each and every one of them this year.
Senior Colts: Last weekend seen us head to Glencoe to try and get back into some winning form a er a couple of poor performances in a
A Grade: Last week we played Glencoe at their home ground in some very wet and average condi ons. The game started even with both teams having strong chances. Unfortunately a few things didn't go our way, which led to the opposi on having a handy lead at half me. We kept ba ling all game our very young side never gave up and tried our hearts out. Unfortunately the wet condi ons played to Glencoe's strength's and there big bodies around the contest were too good on the day. With a much improved season our last 3 games haven't been up to scratch but we keep learning and improving so let's try finish the year of strong next week. Best players in no order Cade Kelly who is really star ng to find his feet in senior footy. Braydn Reilly who played his 250th, a legend of the club and turning into Mr Consistent. Hayden Brown who ba led all day, Brayden Hateley who crunches in the packs to guys that are 10 to 20 years older than him and Troy Ha who had plenty of the ball in the 2nd half
www.tantanoolafootballclub. spor
Stay update date with game day scores and photos on our Instagram page: @tantanoolafnc
Find us on Facebook: Tantanoola Football and Netball Club
1st qtr 2nd qtr 3rd qtr 4th qtr final tantanoola kongorong
Jack Dawe
Nick Cory
Troy Ha
Sporer & Jake Bromley
A Grade Coach:
B Grade Coach:
Coach: Ma
1 Adam Mulraney
Cade Kelly 4 Zac Walker 5 Corey Baker 6 Troy Ha 7 Zachary Walker 8 Ellis Cushion 9 Jack Dawe 42 Ma Nelson 22 Zane Walker 44 Jake Bromley 19 Marc Roberts 41 Laurie Persello 38 Jamie Williamson 43 Jacob Wright 27A Hamish Thompson 37 Aaron Trowbridge 45 Nick Joy 10 Jack Patzel 23 Darcy Hogan 21 Nathan Bell 26 Jack Cytrowski 30 Nathan Chapple 36 James Batchelor 34 Riley Redway 28 Will Wright 39 Henry Riddoch 48 Brad Williams 32 Tom Winkley 35 Hayden Brown 40 Alec Roberts 17 Brandan Triffi 11 Darcy Pink 24 Chris McCallum 33 Ma Sporer 13 Rob Versace 48 Tyson Holden 12 Braydn Reilly 20 Liam English 29 Jordan Ha 14 Cameron Saint 15 Brandon Pi s 31 Nick Cory 49 Ma Sorella 50 Ma Michelson 55 Dave Langley 53 Cameron Patzel 56 Brodie Snook 61 Blake Bowman
Jake Bevan
Grace Altschwager
Jedd Hardingham 25 Evan Jazepczyk
Kobe Bromley 19 Nicholas Li le 28 Charlie Bromley 13 Summer Batchelor 30 Chad Cockrum 12 Jayden Hunter 31 Zac Linnell 26 Josh Vanderhorst 43 Marcus Forrest 46 Harley Chapple 44 Jackson Grant 40 Jack Rowe 45 Jackson Long 35 Kaden Bell 32 Eli Grant 38 Kaiden Shawyer 39 Harvey Vanderhaul 41 Maxx Bevan
11 Jake Bevan 15 Braydn Hateley 1 Samuel Simmons 9 Zeb Elshaug 35 Kaden Bell 3 Bradley Scanlon 5 Noah Cockrum 6 James Braun 7 Ashleigh Foulds 8 Ellis Cushion 2 Cade Kelly 4 Eli Bowman 10 Ky Wichman 14 Blake McKee 17 Brayden Rowe 21 Brydon Klingberg 29 Ned Hayward 41 Jamie Aylesbury 42 Shaunn Robinson 46 Ryan Long 47 Jake Bevan
kongorong hawks
A Grade Coach: Cameron Sandercock
B Grade Coach: Tony Elletson
senior colts
Coach: Je A ard
junior colts
football club notes
Our last home game for the season saw us welcome Nangwarry to the home of the Hawks, with us taking three wins from four. Notes and awards are as follows:
Under 11: We welcomed Nangwarry for our last home game of the season. It was a tough game for the young Hawks, coming up against a very polished and skilful Nangwarry side, but every li le Hawk also enjoyed the swap to play for the opposi on, showing great sportsmanship. They worked together as a team to kick a few late goals in the game which kept the team spirit alive. Awards: Rob & Amy Whi y Award – Zayley Vandepeer, Intersport – Coby Brant, Coaches Award – Brody Stephens, Donut King – Nash Brant, Club Award – Jack McKenzie, Harry Nicholas & Toby Telford , President's Award – Harry Collins.
Junior Colts: Awesome win last week by the Junior Colts. It looked great watching the kids working as a team in defence and moving the ball forward. It's also great to see what the kids are learning at training and pu ng it into prac ce and using it on game day. Well done to you all. Awards: Axel Page – Lucas Family Award, Samuel McInnes – Aussie Disposals, Hunter Bingham – SpotOn Fishing, Blake Telford – Janeway Plumbing, Ryan Lucas – Paradise Pizza, and Declan Richardson coming in sixth best.
Senior Colts: Five wins in a row and the boys are stringing together some great teamwork, showing the poten al we all knew was in the team and ge ng the reward for their efforts. Awards: Jobe Janeway – MT Wheels, Ryan Taylor – Swallow Drive Meats, Luke Allen – Mick Mullan Award, Cohen Janeway –Coaches Award, Jack Aus n –Badenoch's Deli and Samuel Pearce got a special men on for his first game in the Senior Colts and kicking a goal.
Reserves: It took us a long me to get going but to the boy's credit, when it counted, we li ed and found a way. Full credit to the Saints, they came with a plan and made us look ordinary early. Our leaders/veterans did what good leaders do and set the tone in the third quarter. This
allowed our younger legs to find a way into the game and put the icing on the cake. Jacob Arthurson was outstanding for the Commercial Hotel Award. Lachie Pulford was a rock down back for the Killara Food Court Voucher. Liam Durcan celebrated his 150th in style for the K&S Fuels Voucher. Riley Maconachie racked up the touches for the Pick Avenue Deli Award while Shaun Beard set the standard, especially in the third, for the Club Tea Award. Men ons also to Pumba Farrell, Sean Maddern and John Simkin for their effort and leadership. Onto Tant and a strong finish to the minor rounds.
Seniors: The boys started well but let their guard down in the second quarter. In the third they ba led hard, with sixteen on the field, they fought on well and turned it around, to get back in the game. Unfortunately, we couldn't put the score on the board in the last but ran the game out well. Awards: Will Vickery – K & S Fuel Voucher, Ma Cordy – Collins Court Butchers Award, Tyler Richardson – Club Tea Award, Joel Maconachie – Club Tea Award, Ryan Vickery – Killara Food Centre Award and Lennox Lewis –Commercial Hotel Award.
Good luck to all our teams this week, and hopefully a few results go our way which will help some make it through to finals in both netball and football. Make sure we get a big con ngent of supporters along to watch those in finals, always an achievement in itself, but even be er if made through to the GF
This week we a er the Tantanoola game we head back to the club for Kongchella, so get along in your fes val gear and enjoy the final social event of the season.
Dates to remember:
League Presenta on Day – Sunday 10th September – Juniors in the morning, Seniors a er lunch.
Superhawks Dinner – Friday 15th September – Blue Lake Bar & Bistro 6:30pm
Club Junior Presenta on Day –Sunday September 24th 1pm
Club Senior Presenta ons – Saturday October 14th commencing 4pm
1st qtr 2nd qtr 3rd qtr 4th qtr final tantanoola kongorong
4 Fraser Brewster 5 Darcy Hunt 8 Bryce James 9 Luke McIntyre 10B Liam Durcan 10A Ma hew Roberts 6 Cameron Sandercock 11 Ma hew Cordy (A vc) 13A Je A ard (A c) 13B Andrew Telford 52 Braidon Frost 54 Aaron Shepherd 59 Tyler Richardson 55 Ma hewMaidment(Bvc) 62 Bodhi Pannenburg 47 Sean Maddern 65 Robbbie Hein 17 Will Vickery 68 Brodie Moulten 56 Riley Maconachie 24A Ethan Norman 37 Dan Hann 16 Brandon Kranz 45 Adam Properi-Porta 15A Ricky Hay 18A Joel Maconachie 14 Lennox Lewis 23 Jack Aus n 28B Harry Maddern 24B Joel Maconachie 29A Tyrone Rayner 32 Geoff Hay 21 Ryan Vickery 26 Sean Farrell (B c) 25 Marty Von Stanke (A c) 33 Corben O'Dea 20 Wayne A will 36 Tyreese Newton 41 Jackson Meyer 43 Will Von Stanke 46 Tom Hunter 27 Michael Waters 15B John Simkin 48 Paul Ellis (B vc 51 Shak Von Stanke 34 Mark Paech 39 Sco Fleming 28A Jacob Arthurson 53 Adam Searle 57 Campbell Graney 60 Lachie Pulford 61 William Cameron 63 Declan Wright 64 Ma Lucas 66 Sam Whitehead 67 Cohen Janeway 88 Tony Elletson 5 Declan Richardson 3 Tyler Richardson (vc) 10 Marley McDonald 14 Blake Telford 18 Ryan Taylor 22 Noah Pearce 1 Kain Ashby 2 Cohen Galpin 7 Luke Allen 8 Axl Von Stanke 11 Axel Page 12 Logan Cordy 15 Jacob Gordon 20 Zac Pearce 26 Ryan Lucas 27 Will Von Stanke (c) 29 Shak Von Stanke 34 Ethan Williamson 36 Bam Kent 40 Jackson Bald 25 Jack Aus n 81 Cohen Janeway (c) 24 Toby McKinnon 23 Jobe Janeway 35 Judd Cordy 88 Harrison Elletson 2 Koby Galloway 1 Declan Richardson 9 Mason Galpin 12 Connor Gordon 14 Angus Maidment 18 Jacob Gordon 7 Ryan Lucas 8 Jimmy Whi y 20 Blake Telford 21 Noah Von Stanke-Dowie 31 Hunter Bingham 38 Jackson Bald 24 Zach Paech 23 Axel Page 29 Sam McInnes 32 Logan Cordy 26 Sam Pearce
Coach: Mark Paech 2A Bryn Weaver 1A Jarrod Ryan 1B Jordan Cozzi 2B Shaun Beard 3 Jake Whi y
A Grade Coach: Shane Raymond
B Grade Coach: Butch Muhovics
26 Ben Just
28 Jarrad Neshoda
football club notes
We would like to individually thank our several sponsors for suppor ng the Nangwarry Netball and Football Club for season 2023. This week we acknowledge GT Industrial and Richard’s Crash Repairs.
This week’s sponsors are GT Industrial and Richard’s Crash Repairs both are silver sponsors and have been with us for a while now Thank you for your ongoing support it is much appreciated.
11 Arron Heron
32 Mick Chaplin
GT Industrial Sales is the tradesman's choice supplier of high quality industrial hardware and engineering products with reliable onsite service solu ons to industry and the general public in the Green Triangle region.
15 Ty Dinnison
21 Brodie Parsons
senior colts
Coach: Josh Smith
junior colts
Coach: Marcus Thomson
Richard’s Crash Repairs 08 8725 8820 give them a call.
Spor ng clubs would not survive without sponsorship, so we thank you very much.
Under 11: The kids were all keen as beans on Saturday, they are beginning to really work together as a team, and encourage each other on the field. It is good to see them con nuing to develop the skills they are being taught and having a crack each week.
Junior Colts: Thank you to Vesa for coaching, and to the Penola boys for joining us this week. Our boys ba led hard all day and never gave up. We played some good patches throughout the match and I do believe that when we play our best we can match good sides just need to be able to do it for 4 quarters.
B Grade: Congratula ons to Taz and all the people involved with Nangwarry A Grade, what a fantas c day. Unfortunately for the B Grade it was a must win game but unfortunately we fell short. The score doesn’t reflect on the game, the boys had a red hot go. But kicking 10 points didn’t help. A couple of injuries late in the game didn’t help. So let’s all get out on the track this week and finish with a win against Robe. Best Sco y, Schmi , BJ, Donny, Ben J. Goals Josh Clayfield 2, Ben D 1, Josh Smith 1. Go the Saints.
A Grade: Again we had another good prepara on throughout the week on the track in readiness for our much
an cipated contest with Kongorong at Kongorong. Condi ons were slippery as misty rain fell on and off throughout the en rety of the game. We started the game well and our intent was clear from the outset. We registered our first goal early before kicking another 3 and ending the first quarter with a 7 point lead. Our second quarter was again played on our terms although we felt due to some poor disposal heading into our forward 50 cost ourselves more chances to score, however, we s ll managed to extend our lead to 24 points at the main break. During the third quarter we were fumbly and made fundamental errors in dangerous areas of the ground which allowed Kongorong a purple patch. Despite this we were s ll 15 points up at the final change but we knew we had to regain composure and control our decisions and skill execu on. The boys responded and held firm through the last quarter in what is another great learning experience for our young team. And in the end got to claim our second victory of the season running out winners by 18 points in front of a parochial Nangwarry crowd. The win was of most importance for our club. It’s been a decade since the club has won more than one game in a season and our commitment to develop collec vely as a group clearly shows the future of the Nangwarry Football Club is exci ng. Need to make men on and congratulate Jake McKeon on his influen al return to senior football a er all his hard work and commitment to return a er a serious knee injury last year. Also congratula ons to Tyler Virgo, Josh Mills and Calais Borman on playing in their first win for the Nangwarry Football Club. Goal kickers for the day were Andy Hyland with 6, Joel Virtanen 2 and singles to Noah Virtanen, Tyler Virgo and Jack Pudney. Best players for the day Tyler Virgo, Jack Pudney, Brodie Parsons, Joel Virtanen, Jack Stocker and Thomas Vanderhorst.
This week we look forward to hos ng Robe in our last ou ng for the year and we are looking forward to the challenge. Again we look forward to playing in front of our wonderful supporters.
1st qtr 2nd qtr 3rd qtr 4th qtr final nangwarry robe
Tyler Virgo 6 Jake Biggs
50 Stephen
(A c)
Pra (A vc)
3 Thomas Vanderhorst 9 Benjamin Deamer
Just 10 Joel Virtanen
7 Dylan Podobnik 16 Marcus Thomson 17 Adam Todd 12 Aaron Hill 19 Sco Brooksby 18
Ma hew
4B Calais Borman
Pudney 13
Joshua Smith 24 Jayden
25 Jacob Hutchesson 27 Jacob Schmi 30 Jack Stocker 31 Josh Mills (B vc) 33 Andrew Hyland (A c) 37 Noah Virtanen 39 Sam Shaw 40 Hayden
42 Archer Virtanen 41 Darren
44 Josh Clayfield (B c) 47 Jordan
49 Haydon
66 Robert
52 Harrison
Peter Davis 9 Tayte Virtanen 23 Jordan Dinnison
Calais Borman 5 Riley Edwards 8 Wya Balshaw 10 Archer Virtanen (c) 13 Benne Moy 12 Noah Virtanen (c) 19 Brandon Bu on-Sander 21 Taj Bell (vc) 23 Dylan Raedel 16 Dusty Cooper 23 Hayden Thomson
Blake Heron 13 Dominic Stewart 18 Jordan Edwards 20 Dallas Davis 21 Orion Mckay 19 Jack Barry
Jakobe Barry
Harvey Virtanen (vc)
Je Dinnison
William Barry
Tayte Virtanen (c)
Joshua Manninen (vc)
4A Isaac Raymond
Joshua Weedon 14
Millard 2
A Grade Coach: Nathan Brown
B Grade Coach: Anthony
football club notes
senior colts
junior colts
Junior Colts: It was great to see the boys finally enjoying a win and singing the club song with real enthusiasm. Their efforts and commitment over the last month, were finally rewarded. It was a good 4 quarter effort, with every player, playing their role; they were accountable, disciplined and hungry for the footy. This type of performance is the benchmark for this week against Nangwarry. Anything less will not be acceptable. Our main goal scorers were Booda and Vinnie with 3 each. Best players in no par cular order were Conrad, Eli, John, Flynn, Vinnie and Dylan. It is important that we finish the season with a total team effort; have a red hot go boys and leave the oval knowing that you have done your personal best and have done everything possible to create a win. Finally, we wish all the teams in the finals the best
Senior Colts: Biggest test of the year, win and we make finals, lose and our season is done. The boys rocked up more ready than they have ever been. Discipline and team work is our key to playing our best footy We did just that running away seven goal winners. Best players Max Robertson, Seb Moore, Flynn Peel, Mason McKenny and Cooper Thomas. Incen ves went to Seb Moore and Ethan Carter.
B Grade: A must win for the Robe B Grade to have a chance at finishing second and ge ng the double chance for finals. Needing more percentage we wanted to win by a lot and play our style of footy for the first game in a few weeks. With a lot of players back into the A Grade side we had a few
numbers drop back which helped. A er a slow start in the first quarter, we found our feet and started to quickly score a few goals. Lachie Henstchke came back through the B Grade and kicked a solid 9 goals. With our 2 origins ruckman out we had Mason Keane come in and do a great job of playing that roll. Dougal Day was the general he always is down back and kept it together down there. Ethan Cornish played well all day with lots of speed and Paddy Ma hews was consistent all day around the ground. With another must win against Nangwarry at their home deck. We are looking forward to finals footy and seeing what we can do. Go Roosters.
A Grade: It was pleasing to see that Robe’s A Grade included all but one of its long-term injured players and while none of them had a huge impact on the match they got through the match unscathed and will improve as the team moves forward into the finals. The match was exactly what Robe needed in prepara on for the major round being, hard fought and physical. The team will however need to improve their forward play and kicking for goal if they wish to have an impact on the major round. Robe found it hard to kick goals while Mt Burr could not miss. Best players for the Roosters were Lawrie, Bryant, Brown, Pretlove and J Robertson and while the back six at mes had li le to do, they worked as a ght unit to snuff out any of the forward movement from Mt Burr. Next week Nangwarry and then onto the finals.
1st qtr 2nd qtr 3rd qtr 4th qtr final nangwarry robe
Chris McLay
Sam Huebner
Dylan Thomas 4 Vincent Moore 5 Joel McKenny 6 Flynn Collins 3 Brock Gibson 1 Jaxon Johns 17 Byron Carter 19 Conrad Bea e 32 Charlie Hooper 16 Brodie Dew 27 Maddox Boyle 35 Saxon Mar n 8 Eli Jess 23 Rinaldo Wells 11 Jack McGuiness 9 Spencer Aitken 15 Jimmy Collins 18 Harvey Moore 14 Daniel Hayes 20 Reid Johns 21 Nate Allen 12 Jacob Parker 24 William Carter 25 Noah Maczkowiack 26 Braxton Maczkowiack 33 Riley Bermingham 30 John Hinchliffe 8 Nathan Brown
Egan Regnier 9 Jordan Pe t
Henry Lawrie 21 Mason Keane 24 James Kokiousis 27 Jed Regnier 29 Tom Emery
Ben Denning
Bailey Walker 25 Pat Ma hews 30 Bram Whi lesea
Jesse Robertson 35 Chris Burdon 59 Josh Wilson
Joel Bryant 23 Brodie Foulds 33 Ethan Cornish
Tom Wachtel
Zac Deane 14 Henry Hawker
Lachlan Hentschke
Hamish Smith
George Pretlove
Sam Huebner
Jordan Hentschke (c) 20 Kayden Woodward 10 Kane Dunn
Tom Miller
Goerge Du on 26 Ben Legoe 28 Dougal Day 31 Jayden Campbell 32 Flynn Peel 34 Baden Ling 36 Kane Cross 39 Jack Sneath (vc) 42 Antony Kokiousis 44 Tye Palmer 46 James Francisco 53 Branden Soussa 54 Simon Ferguson
9 Blake Wylie 15 Kaiden Carter 29 Taj Boundy 13 Archie Hagge 17 Benjamin Hayes 19 Sebas an Moore 8 Nathan Gibbons 31 Tyson Maczkowiack 4 James Du on 3 Flynn Peel Jimmy Murch 20 Riley Sutherland 18 Riley Boundy 16 Max Robertson 23 Myles Burzaco Daniel Nunan 7 Mason McKenny 25 Cooper Thomas 26 Kyle Hampel 27 Ethan Carter 10 Andrew Wells 22 Cameron Gibbons 12 Charles Moore E F B N O C R
In conjunc on with
round 17 RESULTS
Kalangadoo 64 (E. McDiarmid, Jane Auld) def Hatherleigh 37 (T. Telfer, D. Vanderhorst)
Glencoe 36 (L. Childs, C. Pfitzner) def Tantanoola 35 (T. Rowe, K. Varcoe)
Kongorong 46 (R. Buckingham, E. Sealey) def Nangwarry 17 (K. Gray, C. Ploenges)
Robe 50 (E. Grant, L. Perkins) def Mount Burr 41 (M. Hagge , L. Schultz)
Kalangadoo 48 (G. Gen le, G. Gogel) def Hatherleigh 45 (L. Corman, I. Nowak)
Tantanoola 54 (S. Ryan, M. Kelly) def Glencoe 41 (A. Cocks, C. Hentschke)
Kongorong 56 (S. Gardin, C. Sealey) def Nangwarry 30 (J. Lynch, B. Dycer)
Robe 83 (K. Moore, K. Aus n) def Mount Burr 30 (L. Hateley, A. Lambert)
Kalangadoo 46 (M. Anderson, D. Ingley) def Hatherleigh 42 (E. Cook, M. Grey)
Glencoe 44 (H. Dunsford, K. McInnes) def Tantanoola 37 (K. Johnson, D. Ruthowski)
Kongorong 50 (J. Poel, C. Weaver) def Nangwarry 15 (A. Stephens, M. Mckay)
Robe 54 (A. Wetherall, J. Regnier) def Mount Burr 17 (M. Bowering, B. Gray)
Hatherleigh 63 (E. Burton, S. Batemen) def Kalangadoo 39 (B. Devine, R. Clark)
Tantanoola 43 (L. Kulper, F. Roberts) def Glencoe 27 (J. Mutch)
Kongorong 41 (L. Clarke, I. Jenkin) def Nangwarry 11 (K. Noble, J. Jennings)
Mount Burr 34 (D. Smith, R. Fox) def Robe 26 (J. Meggison, K. Skeer)
Hatherleigh 62 (I. Nowak, N. Faulkner) def Kalangadoo 32 (G. Varcoe, M. Badenoch)
Glencoe 59 (A. Medhurst, Z. Mulraney) def Tantanoola 53 (E. Cytrowski, B. Poulish)
Kongorong 64 (J. Heraper, E. Sealey) def Nangwarry 20 (E. Mustart, E. Timms)
Mount Burr 62 (E. Easterby, A. Dean) def Robe 28 (A. Birchall, E. Dew)
Kalangadoo 59 (L. Egan, M. Anderson) def Hatherleigh 32 (L. Carruthers, K. Ne le)
Glencoe 55 (R. Buckley, Biggins) def Tantanoola 17 (A. Baker, S. Brown)
Nangwarry 30 (K. Ephia, K. Roper) def Kongorong 20 (R. Janeway, H. J Kent)
Mount Burr 46 (H. Lowndes, S. Smith) def Robe 34 (T. Gibbons, M. Fennell)
Kalangadoo 38 (M. Peacock, T. K-Clark) def Hatherleigh 35 (T. Prouse, C. David)
Glencoe 55 (G. Cary, L. Hawke) def Tantanoola 12 (T. Long, P. Bowman)
Nangwarry 35 (L. McKay, D. McNair) def Kongorong 31 (S. Milich, A. Elletson)
Mount Burr 40 (H. Gellion, H. Wilson) def Robe 1 (M. Mackowiack, L. Brooks)
Robe 10 5 0 2 722 630 20 114.60
W L D B For Agst Pts % Glencoe 13 2 0 2 792 522 26 151.72 Tantanoola 10 4 1 2 777 649 21 119.72 Hatherleigh 7 7 1 2 708 679 15 104.27 Port MacD 5 9 1 2 681 660 11 103.18 Kongorong 2 13 0 2 520 827 4 62.88 Kalangadoo 14 0 1 2 1013 506 29 200.20 Nangwarry 0 15 0 2 334 999 0 33.43 Mount Burr 5 11 0 1 632 707 10 89.39 A RESERVE W L D B For Agst Pts % Robe 15 0 0 2 794 436 30 182.11 Kalangadoo 12 3 0 2 745 501 24 148.70 Port MacD 10 5 0 2 750 546 20 137.36 Hatherleigh 8 7 0 2 708 580 16 122.07 Tantanoola 8 7 0 2 694 613 16 113.21 Glencoe 8 7 0 2 699 622 16 112.38 Mount Burr 4 12 0 1 591 833 8 70.95 Kongorong 3 12 0 2 527 822 6 64.11 Nangwarry 0 15 0 2 395 950 0 41.58 Mount Burr 11 5 0 1 638 469 22 136.03 Tantanoola 7 8 0 2 584 500 14 116.80 Mount Burr 3 13 0 1 393 752 6 52.26 Port MacD 11 4 0 2 668 526 22 127.00 Robe 4 11 0 2 596 647 8 92.12 W L D B For Agst Pts % Port MacD. 11 4 0 2 546 384 22 142.19 Kalangadoo 13 2 0 2 729 505 26 144.36 Tantanoola 0 15 0 2 232 997 0 23.27 W L D B For Agst Pts % Robe 5 10 0 2 449 600 10 74.83 Kalangadoo 13 2 0 2 780 460 26 169.57 W L D B For Agst Pts % Kongorong 5 10 0 2 470 524 10 89.69 Nangwarry 0 15 0 2 242 897 0 26.98 Glencoe 8 7 0 2 719 660 16 108.94 Mount Burr 15 1 0 1 937 507 30 184.81 Tantanoola 11 4 0 2 756 586 22 129.01 Kongorong 9 6 0 2 713 590 18 120.85 Kalangadoo 1 14 0 2 397 864 2 45.95
Nangwarry 0 15 0 2 294 841 0 34.96 W L D B For Agst Pts % 17&UNDER 15&UNDER Hatherleigh 6 9 0 2 702 724 12 96.96 Port MacD. 13 2 0 2 782 424 26 184.43 Hatherleigh 12 3 0 2 882 396 24 222.73 Mount Burr 10 6 0 1 627 620 20 101.13 Nangwarry 6 9 0 2 536 698 12 76.79 Glencoe 5 10 0 2 481 624 10 77.08 Robe 0 15 0 2 120 618 0 19.42
Robe 12 3 0 2 705 482 24 146.27 Glencoe 11 3 1 2 746 530 23 140.75 Hatherleigh 7 7 1 2 662 552 15 119.93 Kongorong 3 12 0 2 441 630 6 70.00 Hatherleigh 13 2 0 2 827 488 26 169.47 Tantanoola 7 8 0 2 519 478 14 108.58 W L D B For Agst Pts % Glencoe 3 12 0 2 488 563 6 86.68 Port MacD. 13 2 0 2 806 551 26 146.28 Nangwarry 1 14 0 2 437 934 2 46.79 Kalangadoo 15 0 0 2 1163 234 30 497.01 Robe 5 10 0 2 406 639 10 63.54 Kongorong 2 13 0 2 262 739 4 35.45 13&UNDER Glencoe 13 2 0 2 698 284 26 245.77 Tantanoola 4 11 0 2 340 532 8 63.91 Port MacD. 9 6 0 2 508 399 18 127.32 Kongorong 2 13 0 2 261 649 4 40.22 Kalangadoo 15 0 0 2 822 225 30 365.33 Nangwarry 4 11 0 2 320 575 8 55.65 Mount Burr 10 6 0 1 475 541 20 87.80 Hatherleigh 11 4 0 2 653 374 22 174.6 2023
* Ladders not official
Dale Price 0428 394 300
Adam Price 0428 230 100
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round 18 preview
Hatherleigh head to Port MacDonnell in the final round of the season to face off in the match of the round. Both teams will be looking to redeem themselves a er this match up finished in a draw in round nine. Eagles goalies Maddie Pulmer and Demi Vanderhorst will need to shoot with accuracy; however, they will be under the pressure of Port MacDonnell’s defenders Alana Berkefeld and Alysha Coon. Kate Faint and Shannon Scheidl will work hard through the court to earn possessions for the Bay, crea ng shoo ng opportuni es for their team. Elly Redden and Maddie Redman are a strong defensive combina on for Hatherleigh and they will apply pressure to Port MacDonnell’s goalies Megan Hein and Kori Collins who will need to reward every turnover for their team. Last me these teams met the game finished in a draw so has the poten al to go either way.
The Murphies head to Kalangadoo this weekend to play off against the Magpies as the top two teams in the compe on. Glencoe will be looking to rock the s ll undefeated Kalangadoo before finals begin next weekend. Kalangadoo defenders
Lauren Kain and Lara Munro combine well in the circle and will create havoc for Glencoe’s Jenna Paproth and Chantelle Cocks. Donna Jaeschke and Jane Auld will have a tough tussle through the midcourt, with both players figh ng to create turnovers for their team. Kalangadoo goalies Ebony McDiarmid and Abbey Duncan combine well in the circle, moving and shoo ng with accuracy; however, they will be under pressure from Glencoe defenders Sarah Edwards and Chelsea Owen. The pressure and drive down the court from both teams will be intense, with everyone figh ng to win the ball. This game will be a tough one however is likely to go the way of the Magpies.
The Hawks head to Tantanoola this weekend to play off against the Tigers. Both teams have a lot of drive and will work hard to earn every possession. Kongorong goalies Evie Sealey and Tilah Buckingham will work relessly to earn possession and put the points on the board for their team. Tantanoola’s Emma Gould and Keryl Ousey shoot with accuracy and are able to move well within the circle but will be toughly guarded by Emily Lightbody and Riley Buckingham. Tantanoola’s Kate Varcoe and Kongorong’s Rach Perry will have a tough tussle for any loose balls throughout the court. Tantanoola defenders Kate Bromley and Tayla Rowe will fight hard to create pressure and force errors from the Hawks goalies. This game will likely go the way of the Tigers but Kongorong won’t let them win without a fight.
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