XS10 Magazine - Oct 2020

Page 21

2GENIUS WORLD Taking Your Music to a New Level We caught up music producer that goes by 2Genius World... How I first get into music... I consider that to be a 3 layered question. The first layer would be when I started as a preteen in church playing the piano, the organ and sometimes the drums during praise and worship. The second layer would be when I was a sophomore in high school and was introduced to the CEC (Career Education Center). There, I studied two music related courses, one was for Audio Engineering and the other was for Piano Keyboarding. Both courses were very helpful building blocks to start me on my music career. The final layer was after I graduated high school, and began looking for ways to feed my creativity. I began looking in the classifieds where I found a listing for a recording studio. I decided to check it out and the results of my curiosity set me on a path toward being a skilled Studio musician/ producer and recording/mixing engineer. Prior to any music education, I was more of a consumer/listener and enjoyed listening to a local Contemporary jazz radio station. While listening to the station, I was introduced to a contemporary jazz artist by the name of Ronnie Jordan. While I was always influenced by music from the time I grew

up in (which was the 90s), I was also influenced by music from the 70s and 80s as well. Ronnie Jordan introduced me on to his fusion of jazz and Hip Hop. At that time, I wasn’t biggest fan of hip-hop or music with any lyrics, for that matter. But this particular Fusion style of music helped to bridge the gap for me. At that point I began to study lyricism and the meaning behind songwriting and gained a new found respect for the art. One of my lifelong passions was to have a band, which I started in 2007 entitled Sweh. The band focused on various Urban Styles including jazz, funk, R&B and soul. During the band’s peak success we were fortunate enough to perform at the original Dazzle Restaurant and Lounge in downtown Denver. One of our sets was accompanied by a female lead drummer that played on tour for Beyonce. At that point, although I had not been able to meet any famous artists or musicians in person, the event with Beyonce’s drummer was very fulfilling! If I were forced to choose only one emotion, more than any other that drives me to stay in this tough business... I would have to say all of the above! But, since I have to choose one, I would say passion. That emotion alone fueled my ambition. It help me in learn to reinvent myself all of the time, which was


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