9 minute read
L ife Without Sugar: My Rules
from Cookbok
Life Without Sugar: My Rules
CAN ONE LIVE COMPLETELY without sugar? No, one cannot: glucose is the main nutrient for our cells, and it is vital for us. However, instead of getting our sugar from wholesome products such as vegetables, fruit or cereals, we often prefer glucose from refined sugar, pastry or sodas. As a result, our body takes several times more sugar than it actually needs, and this causes it great harm. No wonder that doctors all around the world are sounding the alarm about the growing number of people with diabetes and obesity. Actually, the craving for sweets is an important message that our body is trying to tell us; it tells us that its balance is disturbed. So, if you notice a sudden love for sweets, ask yourself what your body wants, and most importantly why. There are a number of different reasons for sugar cravings:
SUBSTITUTE OF PLEASURES. When we are not satisfied with our relationships, we are drawn to sweets. The same thing happens if our physical activity is wrong: if we do either too much, too little or the wrong kind. We comfort ourselves with sweets when we are bored, stressed, dissatisfied with our job, burnt out, or when we lack spiritual practice.
DEFICIT OF WATER. Thirst is very similar to a light hunger. The first thing you should do when you want something sweet is to have a full glass of water and wait a little bit. By the way, too much fluid in the body can also trigger sugar cravings.
UNBALANCE OF ENERGIES. The ancient Chinese believed that products had their own energy. Some of them are overloaded with Yin energy and are considered cold and low-calorie. Others have more Yang energy: they are "hot" products, which provide large amounts of energy. If your daily menu is not balanced with these products, sugar cravings appear as the way to balance your diet.
REMINDER OF THE PAST. Quite often cravings appear FOR food which brings back memories. It may be food from our childhood which we associate with happiness and carelessness or some kind of race memory. The best way to get rid of these cravings is to allow yourself a healthier version of that particular food.
SEASONAL MOOD. In Spring, people are drawn to detox products such as leafy greens and citrus. In Summer, they desire "cooling" raw fruits and vegetables. During these months cravings for sweets disappear. However, in Winter we love hearty, warming dishes like meat, fat or sweets. Your appetite may also increase during holiday times: just one thought of the traditional New Year Olivier salad or tangerines makes us salivate.
DEFICIT OF NUTRIENTS. Weird cravings for food may indicate that our body lacks protein or other substances important for our metabolism. For example, sodium deficiency can cause cravings for salt, and a deficiency of carbohydrates can cause painful addiction to innutritious forms of energy, such as caffeine.
HORMONE FLUCTUATIONS. During menstruation, pregnancy or menopause, unstable testosterNatural sugar which is abundant in vegetables, fruits, and grains is much easier, simpler and better absorbed by our body. It gives us energy for a longer period of time. An advantage of fruits and vegetables is that they combine sugar with other nutrients, as well as with vitamins, minerals, useful acids, and fiber. It is this that makes our diet healthy. Many would argue that pumpkins, zucchinis or spinach are not sweet enough. However, it's only because we're too used to the taste of refined sweets. The first thing I would like to recommend when you are trying to give up eating sugar is to step by step purify your taste palette. In the beginning, your receptors may not taste natural sugar and food will not taste sweet enough. However, after a short period of time, when your body gets rid of all the waste, you will be able to taste completely the different quality of products. Soon they will taste sweeter than cakes to you! FIGS. Queen Cleopatra’s favorite fruit is sweeter and more useful dried rather than raw. Figs give you a feeling of satiety quickly and for a long period of time, and they are a godsend for those who want to keep their weight trim. one and estrogen levels may also cause unusual food cravings.
SELF-SABOTAGE. When things are going very well, sometimes we may experience a "self-sabotage" syndrome when we literally crave food which will deter us from our goal. It often occurs due to low blood sugar and may cause severe mood
Where should we get sugar from?
swings. STRAWBERRY. "The queen of berries" is good both fresh and frozen, and I often use this fruit for smoothies and desserts. Of course, I really like the taste of strawberry, but it is also very useful! It contains many substances that help burn fat, and it is rich with vitamin C, which boosts immunity. It also contains a rare antioxidant called ellagic acid; this acid fights skin failures and prevents wrinkle formation.
PAPAYA. I adore papaya! It is rich in vitamins and in enzymes enhancing digestion. It is a wonderful fruit for diabetics: even very sweet papaya contains little sugar and has a low glycemic index. Therefore, papaya is also a great option for those who want to lose weight.
APPLES. There is a great saying: “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”. I am always eating apples; they contain many antioxidants, which help the body fight free radicals, as well as B vitamins, lowering stress levels and improving memory. An apple is the best snack during the day and perfect food for diabetics.
BANANA. What can be simpler than a banana? It is one of my favorite snacks and a necessary ingredient in many healthy smoothies and shakes recipes. Banana is an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber; it helps to normalize digestion and blood pressure due to the amount of potassium it contains.
PUMPKIN. Soups, pies or salads - there’s so much you can cook using pumpkins! It is one of the best allies in our fight against aging. It contains a lot of fiber but is low in calories. This makes it an ideal food for those who care about their weight. Purified sugar has long been a rare delicacy and was very expensive; in the past, it was available only to wealthy families and on special occasions. Until the 19th century, humans had eaten natural sweeteners only, such as honey or maple syrup. These are also sweet and a source of energy but, thanks to their extra benefits, much more useful. Be sure to consult your doctor or dietitian before choosing a product to replace sugar. If you have a chronic illness, some sugar substitutes may be contraindicated. For example, honey and some syrups are not suitable for those suffering from allergies and diabetes. Diabetes patients may have no more than 1 tsp of honey daily. Another very important point when you are giving up sugar is to eat a balanced diet. You can argue that you know your own body better than anyone else, but there still exists the risk that your independently developed diet will be poor in nutrients. I always suggest that you consult with an expert dietician or health-coach who will create a balanced menu customized just for you and teach you the skills of CARROT. It contains a lot of fiber, antioxidants, and B-Carotene - an element that tremendously essential for our health and beauty. Carrot juice on its own, or mixed with vegetables (celery) or fruits (apples), is very tasty.
POMEGRANATE. It is very useful for the immune system, heart and blood vessels. Pomegranate contains substances which lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of strokes and heart attacks. It is beneficial for our joints and protects our skin from
Natural sweeteners
ultraviolet rays. proper nutrition, thus making your life much easier. If you decide to quit refined sugar completely, remember that it is very important not to become too extreme; maintain balance in everything. Do not become fond of one specific sweetener, try to alternate them. There exists a great variety of natural sugars to choose from.
Here are my favorite natural sweeteners:
INULIN IS A PREBIOTIC. It improves digestion, controls weight and diabetes, removes toxins from the body, helps maintain bone density, and strengthens the immune system. Inulin has a very low calorific value: 1g contains just 1.5kcal. The powder dissolves easily in hot water. It is easy to add to food and use for cooking.
AGAVE. Its sugary juice does not affect the taste of baking. It is 2 times sweeter than sugar which should be taken into account when you cook. In its pure
form, this syrup is good with waffles and pancakes and is suitable for desserts, cocktails, tea, and coffee. Agave improves metabolism and helps to remove excess water from the body; it contains a lot of healthy elements.
OUR BODIES. We all know that it boosts immunity. It is an excellent treatment, strengthening and rejuvenating remedy. Honey contains 60 times more vitamin A than beef! It also contains many organic acids and biogenic stimulators, which activate the body's vital functions. But remember, honey, as well as other bee products, can cause allergies.
STEVIA IS UNIQUE. Unlike agave and honey, it is suitable for those suffering from diabetes; it does not contribute to the release of insulin and reduces blood sugar levels. Stevia leaves are typically 15 times sweeter than the sucrose that we are used to, and that is why it is often called a "honey herb". It is sold as a powder, an extract, as a concentrated syrup or as phyto tea. Stevia is harmless, even if you take it for a long time, but its pronounced taste can change the flavor of smoothies or tea. However, you cannot taste it in pastry at all.
DATES. This dried fruit regulates the metabolism, helps cleanse the body, and maintains the good condition of hair and nails. In addition, it is beneficial for the cardiovascular system and can prevent anemia, chronic fatigue syndrome and headaches. Dates are very good as power snacks. A couple of dates for breakfast may become a crucial complement to muesli or oat porridge. Due to their high glycemic index, dates are not recommended for diabetics.
XYLITOL. It is called wood sugar because it can be produced from almost any raw material of vegetable origin (for example, from birch). The discovery of xylitol has revolutionized the treatment of diabetes! It is added to pastries, desserts, diabetic sweets, fruit juices, sausages, and chewing gum. Scientists do not recommend consuming more than 50g of this sweet powder per day as it can irritate the digestive system.
FRUIT JUICES such as apple juice, grape juice, beet juice, and pomegranate juice contain a lot of sugar. I often use natural juices as sugar substitutes in baking, and in different smoothies and sauces.
SYRUPS such as rice malt syrup, yacon root syrup, and maple syrup also have the properties of sugar substitutes and can be actively used in sauces for vegetable and main dishes. I love playing with the sour and sweet flavors, and these sweeteners are great for such experiments!

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