Life Without Sugar: My Rules
AN ONE LIVE COMPLETELY without sugar? No, one cannot: glucose is the main nutrient for our cells, and it is vital for us. However, instead of getting our sugar from wholesome products such as vegetables, fruit or cereals, we often prefer glucose from refined sugar, pastry or sodas. As a result, our body takes several times more sugar than it actually needs, and this causes it great harm. No wonder that doctors all around the world are sounding the alarm about the growing number of people with diabetes and obesity. Actually, the craving for sweets is an important message that our body is trying to tell us; it tells us that its balance is disturbed. So, if you notice a sudden love for sweets, ask yourself what your body wants, and most importantly why. There are a number of different reasons for sugar cravings: SUBSTITUTE OF PLEASURES. When we are not satisfied with our relationships, we are drawn to sweets. The same thing happens if our physical activity is wrong: if we do either too much, too little or the wrong kind. We comfort ourselves with sweets when we are bored, stressed, dissatisfied with our job, burnt out, or when we lack spiritual practice. DEFICIT OF WATER. Thirst is very similar to a light hunger. The first thing you should do when you
want something sweet is to have a full glass of water and wait a little bit. By the way, too much fluid in the body can also trigger sugar cravings. UNBALANCE OF ENERGIES. The ancient Chinese believed that products had their own energy. Some of them are overloaded with Yin energy and are considered cold and low-calorie. Others have more Yang energy: they are "hot" products, which provide large amounts of energy. If your daily menu is not balanced with these products, sugar cravings appear as the way to balance your diet. REMINDER OF THE PAST. Quite often cravings appear FOR food which brings back memories. It may be food from our childhood which we associate with happiness and carelessness or some kind of race memory. The best way to get rid of these cravings is to allow yourself a healthier version of that particular food. SEASONAL MOOD. In Spring, people are drawn to detox products such as leafy greens and citrus. In Summer, they desire "cooling" raw fruits and vegetables. During these months cravings for sweets disappear. However, in Winter we love hearty, warming dishes like meat, fat or sweets. Your appetite may also increase during holiday times: just one thought of the traditional New Year Olivier salad or tangerines makes us salivate. Anastassia Khozissova | JUST DOLCE