Dearhearts, When we came up with the theme of FEELING GOOD for this issue, I was sooooo excited. An issue all about the things that bring us joy, even as life throws us curve balls? GENIUS! And, I’m not just saying that because we thought of it! Then I sat down to write this letter, and nothing came out. Seriously, the blank page just kept staring back at me, as I looked for the words to inspire and encourage and spread joy to all of you. Finally, I realized I was struggling to write about FEELING GOOD because the truth is I haven’t been. Pandemic. Social Justice. Hate. War. Shortages. Inflation. Political Divides. Sickness. Death. . . It feels like the world has gone mad, and I’m pretty sure we’re all experiencing some sort of collective “post” traumatic stress disorder, even as the madness continues. Then, on top of that, I’ve had my own stuff. Death anniversaries. Grief. More loss. Health uncertainties. Work challenges. Adulting. Life... As blessed as I know I am, this season has been hard! So, in this issue, I’m not going to sugarcoat it or pretend. Instead, I’m going to say that if you’ve been feeling it too, you are not alone. And, I’m here to remind you that you have the right to feel whatever it is that you’re feeling, and the right not to be happy every single day. 4