YOACAP Newsletter Issue 13

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Educating Youth, Saving Lives


1207 Chestnut Street, 3rd Floor Philadelphia, PA 19107 P: (215) 851-1836 / F: (215) 851-1878



Linda L. Burnette


Affiliated with the Greater Philadelphia Urban Affairs Coalition

President & CEO


In this issue…

Duerward K. Beale, MHS Executive Director

Virginia Rivero-Descailleaux Editor In Chief



November 2010

Parent Partnership Meetings




Duerward K. Beale, MHS Alexis Bridges Linda L. Burnette Ryekisha Coffie, MHS Nathaniel Lee Felicia Lewis, MD Diane Mills Ebony Joyner, MHS Tajuana Wall

Our President & CEO, Ms. Linda Burnette, receives three distinguished awards this year

Project-Based Learning That Works


Community Promise


YOACAP’s Youth Graduates


The Freedom Readers


Life Lessons


Is Syphilis On The Rise?


Health Fair in SW


© Copyright. YOACAP. 2003. All rights reserved.

Check out some of the most effective and current projects of YOACAP...


 Educational Presentations : Small group discussions provided to areas schools, community centers, churches, etc. about issues like HIV/STDs, peer pressure, and youth development.  Project S.H.A.K.E.D.O.W.N.: Developed to provide skills, education, and risk reduction activities to reduce the transmission of HIV. Provided as part of this program is Becoming A Responsible Teen (B.A.R.T.), a 12-week curriculum provided to high school-aged students, 8-12 grades.  RAP Dramas : Plays written and produced by youth for youth, to provide education and awareness about the negative impact of social problems on urban teenagers.  Support Groups : Support and peer education. Targeted groups include youth smokers and women impacted by HIV disease.  Youth Development : Project Build, a 2—3 year program, designed to increase youth assets to support healthy transitions to adulthood.  Youth Civic Engagement : Voter registration and education for youth and young adults throughout Philadelphia.  Alcohol Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD) : Innovative education provided to youth about ATODs. Life Skills, an 10session skills building curriculum, is specifically for 5-10 grade students.

WHAT HAPPENED IN YOUR DISTRICT HIV/STD Screening: 2000 Councilmanic District 2, 3 and 5. Highlights include evening and late night outreach at 56th & Chester Ave.; 62nd & Woodland Ave.; 29th & Oxford Ave.; 23rd & Cecil B. Moore Ave.; 25th & Montgomery Ave.; 52nd & Market St.; 18th & Dickinson St.; 29th & Tasker St.; 40th & Market St.; 58th & Chester Ave.; 13th & Catherine St.; and many other locations. Youth Development & Life Skills: 2000 Councilmanic District 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 & 10. Highlights include participation of Project BUILD’s youth who attend Bartram, Fitzsimmons, Frankford, Fels, Lamberton, Pennwood, University City High Schools, and High School of the Future; World Community, the Valley, Freire, and Hope Charter Schools; and P.E.T. and the Maritime Academy. B.A.R.T., Smoking Cessation & STD Presentations: 2000 Councilmanic District 5 and 6. Highlights include presentation being implemented in Abraham Lincoln, Rhodes, Strawberry Mansion, Fitzsimmons, Bodine, and Martin Luther King High Schools; and at Myers and Kingsessing Recreation Centers.

Issue 13

And more! Our services include... Interactive Workshops Drama Presentations Risk Counseling Free STD/HIV Counseling Anti-Tobacco Youth Programs Counseling sessions for women infected by HIV/AIDS

Call (215) 851-1836 for more information

Linda L. Burnette, Founder and President & CEO of YOACAP, had been recently honored for her tireless and remarkable work in many Philadelphia communities with two different awards from nationally renowned organizations: The Ebony Magazine’s Unsung Hero Award and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). Our President/CEO, Linda Burnette (middle right), with the other Ebony Ms. Burnette will also receive the Magazine’s Unsung Hero Honorees 2010 (left to right): Erica Waller-Hill distinguished Ernest E. Jones (Destined for a Dream Foundation), Nicola Tolett Jefferson (The Community Leadership Award, Achievement Project), and Lorraine McGirt (Urban Youth Association). which recognizes a community leader whose commitment to building neighborhoods inspire hope and brings positive change. These awards honored Ms. Burnette’s dedication to youth, young adults, and their families during her more than 20 years of service. The Ebony Magazine’s Unsung Hero Award is given to women who are making a powerful difference in their communities and represent an inspiration to others. The award ceremony was held at the Philadelphia Marriott Hotel, located at 1201 Market Street on Saturday, August 28, 2010. The Managing Editor of Ebony Magazine, Terry Glover, and Jarvis Brown, Manager of Consumer Print at Clorox Company, were some of the corporation’s Ms. Linda Burnette at the representatives that were in attendance. ―The Pine Sol Lady‖, Ebony Magazine Awards Diane Amos, warmed up the attendees by explaining her life story and how she became an actress as well as a comedian. Featured author Valorie Burton, writer of ―How Did I Get So Busy,‖ was the keynote speaker at the luncheon. She spoke about reconnecting with what matters most in life and how to reclaim one’s schedule. Each guest received a copy of her book and other products donated by Ebony Magazine, Pine Sol, and the Clorox Company. Continues on page 6... Enroll your child into YOACAP’s Youth Development Program… PROJECT BUILD A two-year experience that builds the assets of youth and their families.

For more information, please call Ebony Joyner at 215.851.1857

YOACAP newsletter




Felicia Lewis, MD **

By Linda L. Burnette, President & CEO YOACAP has been truly blessed this year. We have been honored by Ebony/Jet Magazine with the Unsung Hero’s Award. We were also awarded the Outstanding Citizen’s Award by the NAACP. As a child of the civil rights movement, that was a moment not just precious to me, but a testimony to those who had gone on before me. My grandparents, my Sunday school teachers, and all those independent African American farmers in Bricks, North Carolina, who truly believed that we would, could and must overcome. I think I heard some celestial Amens while standing on the stage receiving that award with my granddaughter Avani, who by the way is still just a tad bit upset that the Tribune misspelled her name. When I was informed we were to receive the Ernest E. Jones Community Leadership Award, our cups were running over, and we are drinking from our saucers. You see, we have come full circle. Mr. Ernest Jones was the person who gave me an opportunity to create YOACAP, with a grant from the AIDS Activities Coordinating Office (AACO). He is a man who has shown a tremendous concern for the community and not only felt the need to address HIV among African Americans, but drug, alcohol abuse, violence prevention, and jobs. YOACAP is one of the many community-based organizations that was born at the ―Urb‖. We were so proud of being a member of such a committed organization where we were encouraged to grow and a create change in our communities. We sometimes forgot to say the name of our own organizations when working in the community. Thank you, Mr. Jones, not just from YOACAP, but from all of us whom you have guided through the years. Thank you for believing in me and our youth. Sadly this year, the coalition lost three long time employees, starting with retirement of Mrs. Margaret Barbee, a 40 year employee, then the layoff of Gladys Mitchell who had been here about 38 years, and the layoff of Gail Jones Anderson, who was known by most of us as Gail Jones. I started at the ―Urb‖ 23 years ago, along with Gail Jones, now Anderson, who was Ms. Gerri Mitchell’s secretary. I was the Recruitment Manager for the summer program. Gail and I grew together, and often cried together after those Friday afternoon meetings. Mrs. Mitchell taught us both that excellence and professionalism was not only expected but demanded. She taught us that people worked for more than money, honor, loyalty and respect for and from your employees, the chance for advancement and the opportunity to develop new skills were the most important things any manager should possess. This was not only expected of employees, but extended to the clients we served as well. We have also experienced some devastating incidents: One of our partner organizations’ employees, Howard ―Sid‖ Lucas, was attacked by two men wielding baseball bats. He was severely beaten outside of the PAAN offices. The staffs of PAAN and NU Sigma are still processing how one of their own, an activist and a mentor for our young African American men, could have been beaten for no apparent reason. One evening during outreach, Lewis Davis, outreach peer educator for YOACAP, was beaten by three young men with a pipe while posting signs for free HIV/AIDS testing. Our Southwest Community Advisory Group’s cheerleader and activist, Ms. Marsha Moore, was viciously attacked inside of her home while sleeping by an unknown assailant. She is still in the hospital and scheduled to have more reconstructive surgery. I commend my Southwest partners for holding a press conference and working closely with the police to locate this very troubled individual. Our hearts and prayers go out to Ms. Marsha Moore and her family The fight is not over. We cannot continue to stand by and watch CBOs being underfunded or simply dissolved. We must insist that the power elite understands that crime continues, HIV/AIDS had not taken a vacation, and people are self-medicating with drugs and alcohol. We must respond to these challenges in light of the changes taking place in our government and our communities. We cannot become so desensitized to what is occurring and accept it as the norm. We must take back our children, schools and our communities. We must insist and persist until we get the funds and support needed to do so. We, who have lost so much, must become the example for our children again and do what it takes to bring the attention and results to our issues. We have come too far and overcome too much. It is time for us to wake up!

ONE STEP AHEAD By Ebony Joyner, MHS Families! Welcome to the fall 2010 cycle of Project BUILD. As always, we are excited to work with a new group of young people. Staff is recruiting youth for the upcoming cycle by calling parents and scheduling intake appointments. Parents of new and returning participants attended the monthly Parent Partnership meeting on Thursday, September 30, 2010. Parent Partnership meetings are meant to build relationships so staff and families can work as a team to support youth as they transition into adulthood. Parents can expect to meet the SLC Instructors, Unit Leader, and Youth Specialist at these meetings. At YOACAP, it is believed that sustainable change occurs over a period of time, and given the right support, tools, and environment, every person has the ability to grow and flourish. Again, I would like to welcome old and new participants in joining us on our journey to change generations, one family at a time.

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Above: Project BUILD parents at the Parent Partnership Meeting receiving suggestions for their children’s education. Left: Project BUILD youth at the meeting with the parents.

In partnership with the Southwest Philadelphia Community Advisory Group and Youth Outreach Adolescent Community Awareness Program (YOACAP), the Philadelphia Department of Public Health (PDPH) is launching the ―Southwest Outreach for Syphilis‖ (SOS) campaign, a syphilis education and testing initiative that will take place this summer in select locations of zip code 19143. PDPH has organized SOS in response to a recent, significant increase in syphilis in young men and women all over the city, including Southwest Philadelphia. Syphilis is an infection that is transmitted from person to person through intimate sexual contact. Infected pregnant women can also pass the disease to their unborn children. In adults, the disease can cause a rash, sores, brain damage, and other symptoms, but often does not have any symptoms at all. Risks to a child born to a mother who has syphilis can include deafness, mental retardation, stillbirth, and death. Though the long-term health effects of untreated syphilis can be very serious, it is easily detectable through a blood test and is curable with a shot of penicillin. Condom use can greatly reduce the risk of syphilis transmission during sex. The SOS campaign will take place from July 26 through August 20. During this time, three different informational flyers will be hung on doors in parts of the neighborhood. Posters and other literature will be available at sites throughout the area and during other community events. In addition, free, confidential walk-in syphilis testing will be available at Neighborhood United Against Drugs at 5218 Woodland Avenue, from the mobile medical unit van run by PDPH and YOACAP, and year-round at city Health Centers #1 and #5. Syphilis is on the rise, but we can do something about it. PDPH encourages all sexually active Philadelphians to consistently and correctly use condoms and to talk to their health care providers about syphilis prevention, testing, and treatment. For more information about the SOS campaign and syphilis in Philadelphia, please call Tahira at 215-685-6585. * This article was originally published on The Southwest Globe Times on July 22nd, 2010. Minor changes were made. ** Felicia Lewis, MD is an infectious disease physician and the Medical Epidemiologist for the Philadelphia Department of Public Health, STD Control Program.

THANKS TO A FEW OF OUR PARTNERS! Department of Human Services (DHS) Urban Affairs Coalition (UAC) Haddington Neighborhood Collaborative Henrietta Tower Wurts Foundation Philadelphia Department of Public Health / AIDS Activities Coordinating Office (AACO) Philadelphia Department of Public Health (STD Control Program) Philadelphia Recreation Department School District of Philadelphia Southwest Community Advisory Group (SWCAG) 12th Police District Union Benevolent Association William Penn Foundation

BEING HEALTHY IN SOUTHWEST PHILADELPHIA By Ryekisha Coffie, MHS What a success! The Philadelphia Department of Human Services (DHS), in conjunction with YOACAP, and IDAAY held its 10th Annual Health Fair on Tuesday, June 29, 2010 at the Myers Francis Recreation Center. Our mission was to provide the Southwest Philadelphia community with on-site educational information and resources. With the help of DHS, specifically Emmitt Brayboy and Lisa Cain, many community SWCAG member Tara Smith (right), from Town groups, including the Southwest Epic Stakeholders and SWCAG, were able to pull the Watch Integrated Services, was one of the volunteers event off another year. at an informational table during this year’s Health Fair. Resource tables under the main tent provided educational materials, on-site referrals, and giveaways. Free services were provided as well, such as STD counseling and prevention service materials from the Philadelphia Housing Authority, the Southwest Community Advisory Group, Legal Assistance, Philadelphia Water Department, Shop Rite, No House Untouched, and more. There were three workshops held inside of the recreation center during the event. Kenny Johnson discussed conflict resolution with the youth and young adults of the community. A wellness workshop was provided by Hykeem Abdus Salim. Dwight Levy and Michael Rice did a workshop on community mobilization. In addition to offering free HIV/STD screening, YOACAP staff provided a HIV workshop. Participants of all workshops were encouraged to get tested, attend the violence exhibit in the gymnasium and enjoy a healthy and filling free lunch. Throughout the day, HIV statistics and personal testimonies were provided to help encourage everyone to be tested. The main stage is where all the live entertainment was provided. A special thanks to all of the agencies that provided wonderful information and resources. Also, this event could not have been a success without the assistance of Mr. Vernon K. Montague of the Philadelphia DHS and the efforts of IDAAY. We look forward to bringing this event to Southwest Philadelphia again next year during the National HIV Testing Week in June, 2011.

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Continuation of “With Pride and Gratitude”, from page 1.


The NAACP honored Ms. Burnette with one of its highest award recognitions at NAACP’s Freedom Fund Gala. Over 500 guests, including Mayor Michael Nutter, State Representatives Ronald Waters and Curtis Jones, Ernest E. Jones, Esq., Councilwoman Jannie Blackwell, and former Director of Social Services of the City of Philadelphia, Julia Danzy, were in attendance along with many others. Rick Williams, of Channel 6 Action News, was the Master of Ceremony, while J. Whyatt Mondesire, President of the Philadelphia NAACP, provided an elegant speech. The event had the 1940s theme, where guests had to dress up in styles worn by the late Billie Holliday and Duke Ellington. Kathy Sledge, former member of the Sisters Sledge, performed a Billie Holliday tribute, The Brighter Side of Ms. Burnette receiving the NAACP Award for Outstanding Citizenship from WPVI’s —Channel 6— News Anchor, Rick Williams, and the Day. That evening, other accompanied by her granddaughter Avani. awardees were the General Manager at WURD-AM Radio, Kernie Anderson, Sheriff John D. Green, and Gloria Casarez, Director of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Affairs, City of Philadelphia. Finally, Ms. Burnette will receive the Ernest E. Jones Award, which recognizes community leaders who have made a change in their communities by supporting civic education and building stronger neighborhoods. The award ceremony will be held at the Urban Affairs Coalition’s Annual 41st Breakfast on Friday, November 19, at 7.45 a.m. at the Crystal Tea Room of the Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East (near Ms. Burnette with radio personality Thera Martin-Connelly at the NAACP Awards. Juniper and Market Streets). For more information, please call Tswana Sewell of UAC’s Board and Constituent Relations, at 215.851.1712.

By Ebony Joyner, MHS

Congratulations to Ms. Burnette for dedicating over 20 years to youth, young adults, and their families in Philadelphia! Becoming A Responsible Teen:

LIFE LESSONS FOR YOUTH By Alexis Bridges Becoming A Responsible Teen (BART) is approximately a 12-week curriculum that teaches students valuable lessons regarding HIV/STD’s and understanding their positive values as well as support systems. The curriculum is for high school aged youth and prepares them for issues that they may face, such as peer pressure, ways to talk to family and friends about safer sex, delaying sexual activities, as well as ways to get out of risky, unsafe situations. YOACAP staff recently administered BART in Strawberry YOACAP’s Alexis Bridges in action at a local high school during the Mansion, Bodine, Fitzsimmons, and Rhodes High Schools. summer, educating teens on HIV and other STDs. Beginning in 2002, through CDC Grant, YOACAP worked in Simon Gratz, William Penn, and Audenried, just to name a few schools. By the end of the program, many students gain knowledge to help educate others about HIV. The curriculum encourages youth to share the information with their peers. Through BART, students are also able to enroll and participate in other programs at YOACAP. Students also have built trustworthy relationships with YOACAP staff and feel extremely comfortable disclosing personal information. Even if a young person does not feel comfortable disclosing personal information, they are still able to share with their peers who may be facing similar issues. Students are also able to see a variety of different views or ways to defuse challenges or issues that they are experiencing. Each year, many schools request BART to be facilitated in their school because it helps change negative behaviors that youth may be experiencing and provides valuable information to participants. If you would like to learn more about the BART program, please contact YOACAP at 215.851.1834.

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This summer, YOACAP was able to supply twenty youth with summer work experience again. Thanks to the support of Urban Affairs Coalition (UAC), these youth were able to earn money, gain work experience, and give back to their community. This year, the youth decided to work with YOACAP’s Youth Council to conduct a Blood Drive. The most important outcome of this summer employment program was that YOACAP youth completed a project that helped to raise awareness by working with the Red Cross to help save 69 lives! This was the biggest community service project for the youth council but it does not end there. The youth council will conduct 11 more community service projects between October 2010 and August 2011. As an incentive for participating in YOACAP’s youth development program, State Representative Kenyatta Johnson with Project Project ―BUILD‖, youth who were consistent and demonstrated to be willing to learn, BUILD youth at YOACAP’s Blood Drive, sponsored by the American Red Cross on August 30, 2010. had the opportunity to become employees of The Philadelphia Youth Network’s Work Ready Program and work with YOACAP / UAC’s Summer Enrichment Program. Youth worked in four Small Learning Communities (SLC), which focused on violence, health, self-esteem, and careers. Another focus of the job program this summer was to help youth to identify why and how they should give back to the Philadelphia community. By researching and participating in various workshops related to the weekly topics, youth were able to understand how certain decisions can have a positive or negative impact on their communities and how important it is for everyone to give back. During the week, youth participated in the violence SLC where youth identified different types of violence. They discussed violence in the school system, domestic violence, youth on youth violence, and the effect that violence has on individuals, families, and the community. The youth took a field trip to the criminal justice system, with instructor Tajuana Wall, to observe the system in action, witness how many African Americans were on trial for violent offenses, and how families are affected by the whole judicial system. During self-esteem week, youth were asked to define self-esteem, talk about how one’s self-image affects their self-esteem and how self-esteem plays a role in one’s life. Instructor Ryekisha Coffie tailored the week’s activities to help youth identify good and bad support systems. She helped youth to see how self-esteem affects self-confidence and how self-confidence affects how capable one feels to complete their goals. One outcome of this week was for youth to identify some of the things they were good at and how doing something well can help to increase self-esteem. She said that after the activities, youth stated they did not realize that they did so many things well. State Representative Johnson donating blood The health SLC helped youth to identify what blood does for the body and why for Project BUILD’s Sickle Cell Campaign. eating a healthy diet and maintaining an overall healthy life style is beneficial. They learned how different components of blood are used to help the sick, discussed the function of blood in the body and how blood transfusions help people with diseases. An American Red Cross trainer from the Sickle Cell Program discussed the disease, its effects, and talked in detail about the sickle cell donor program. Youth thought it was interesting to learn about all the different diseases. Another Project BUILD instructor, Diane Mills, said, ―Everything learned this week was to prepare youth for recruiting individuals of the community to become blood donors‖. Youth recruited over 80 people in the Center City district. Finally, activities during career week were centered on career exploration and the steps necessary to identify and secure certain jobs. Youth completed self-assessments used to help them identify their learning style, possible career match, and types of training & education to reach career goals. Instructor Ebony Joyner, accompanied youth on a tour at the Red Cross donor facility where they learned about the donor process, explored career opportunities and received a first-aid training certificate. After receiving her certification, one youth stated, ―Good! I need to know first aid with all the little brothers and sisters I have‖. YOACAP’s Youth Specialist Tajuana Wall (far right) with Project BUILD participants at the American Red Cross’ Each program participant is also required to complete a summer project Annual Sickle Cell Blood Donor Recognition Event for demonstrating strengths in certain core areas. Every year, the youth identify partners like YOACAP that conducted blood drives this year. a social problem, complete a research paper, and develop a project that can be accomplished in six weeks that will have a positive impact on the smaller community. We would like to say thank you to Youth Specialist Tajuana Wall, guest speakers, volunteers, and all of the YOACAP Summer employees for their hard work and dedication. You made this Project BUILD cycle a complete success!

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Community Promise:


Peers Reaching Out and Modeling Intervention Strategies

For Women

By Diane Mills Community PROMISE is a program that addresses health concerns, specifically the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and other Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs), among a population hard to reach and at a higher risk for these diseases. The primary goal of Community Promise is to increase condom use, condom carrying, and drug-related risk-reduction behaviors. The Youth Outreach Adolescent Community Awareness Program (YOACAP) is using Community Promise to work with African American women between the ages of 20-29 years of age, who may partake in activities that could put them at risk for contracting HIV and/or other STD’s. One of the most important aspects of Community Promise is that it relies on community members to provide information Diane Mills, facilitator of the and feedback to help make the program more Community Promise. effective for the people it is meant to help. The Community Promise program helps agencies identify and address behaviors that may be increasing the risk of people acquiring HIV or STD’s in their community. Role model stories are created by Peer Advocates (PA) who are members of the community. In the role model stories PA talk about the ways they lowered their risk for HIV infection and other STDs. Some of the ways of reducing risks may include increasing condom use, reducing the number of sexual partners and decreasing substance abuse. PA are trained to encourage others to make positive changes by distributing and sharing role model stories. This will help other women understand they are not alone, and others are experiencing some of the same difficulties. YOACAP’s hope is that more women would change risky behaviors and receive tests for HIV and other STDs. We are excited about this intervention and the way the community has embraced the program, uses the new skills, and become agents of change for the neighborhoods in which they live.

In 2006, the rate of new HIV infection for Black women was nearly 15 times as high as that of white women and nearly 4 times that of Hispanic/Latino women. (Source: National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

Heterosexual contact is currently the greatest risk factor or mode of transmission for African-American women who acquire HIV sexually. (Source Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention: www.cdc.gov/hiv/)

About 11.5 million, or 10.2% of all women aged 20 years or older have diabetes. (Source National Diabetes Fact Sheet, 2007)

High Blood Pressure is 2-3 times more common in women taking oral contraceptives — especially in obese and older women — than in women not taking them. (Source: JNC V – Fifth Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation and Treatment of High Blood Pressure)

More than one in three female adults has some form of cardiovascular disease (CVD). (Source 2010 NCHS and NHLBI)

Since 1984, the number of CVD deaths for females has exceeded those for males. (Source 2010 NCHS and NHLBI)

STUDENT OF THE QUARTER: NADINE COOPER By Alexis Bridges Every quarter, YOACAP selects a student to celebrate for their hard work and dedication. This month YOACAP wants to highlight Nadine Copper. An example of a true Leader, Nadine has completed YOACAP’s Project BUILD program (Phases 1, 2, and 3) and is currently in Phase 4. Nadine is also a part of YOACAP’s Youth Council and consistently displays what a true YOACAPER is about. She is a hard worker, leads by example, and is currently a senior at Parkway West High School and receives good grades. Nadine enjoys spending time watching her nieces and nephews and receives a lot of support from her family. Being the youngest of seven sisters and having a younger brother has only encouraged Nadine to do the best that she can do for her future. She will be applying to West Chester University as well as Temple University to pursue her Bachelor’s degree. CONGRATULATIONS Nadine and continue to strive hard to achieve your goals. All the best wishes from all of us at YOACAP!

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CONGRATULATIONS TO YOACAP’S 2010 GRADUATES! By Tajuana Wall June 2010 was an exciting month for the YOACAP Family! Ten of our Project BUILD participants graduated this year from high school and have moved on to institutions of secondary education. We are happy to say that 100% of the 2010 high school seniors enrolled in Project BUILD are furthering their academic careers. As we reminisce about these young people and some of the challenges they faced when they entered Phase 1 of Project BUILD, such as lack of trust, low self-esteem and many academic difficulties like failing grades, low test scores & poor study habits, we are elated that these young people have worked hard, strived, and obtained the skills necessary for success in college. They have overcome Shawn Grant and barriers by sacrificing and remaining dedicated to their education. Several of the young Shanequa Quarles people would come into the office early every Saturday morning for tutoring. Martisha Hardy, then a Junior at The Academy of Palumbo High School, said, ―Once PSSAs are over, I’m going to sleep late every Saturday!‖ This is a result of their hard work and dedication: They have accomplished one of the greatest achievements in the life of a young person graduating high school! As they move to the next phase in their education, everyone at YOACAP would like to congratulate our students on a job well done! Bayyinah Najeeulah Jasmine Hunt Keith Freeman Martel Keys Martisha Hardy Rashawn Pierce Robert Scurry Shanequa Quarles Shataiah Holland Shawn Grant

Paul Robeson High School Academy at Palumbo High School Northeast High School Delaware Valley Charter High School Academy at Palumbo High School Parkway West High School John Bartram High School Math Civics and Science Charter High Delaware Valley Charter High School Parkway West High School

Delaware Community College Kutztown University Cheney University JNA Culinary Arts Kutztown University Kutztown University Community College of Philadelphia University of North Carolina Greensburg Pennsylvania Institute of Technology University of North Carolina Greensburg


Martisha Hardy

Shataiah Holland

Bayyinah Najeeulah

Rashawn Pierce

The Book Club:

YOACAP’s FREEDOM READERS By Tajuana Wall How do you feel about reading??? Is it your favorite pass time or do you absolutely dread it? Either way…. The Freedom Readers welcome you! The Freedom Readers Book Club is a fun an d exciting way to meet new people, and discuss different books. The book club members select a book of the month and meet weekly to review and discuss the chapters, watch and compare books to movies, and take trips to local libraries and bookstores. The members have Freedom Readers’ Book Club participants during a chosen a diverse list of books that range from The Coldest Winter Ever by reading session at YOACAP. Sister Souljah to The Color Purple by Allison Hobbs. Reading helps to broaden vocabulary and improve reading and critical thinking skills. We hope this program gains interest from the community and provide teens a positive alternative to the negative influences they are exposed to in their neighborhoods. The Freedom Readers Book Club meets Mondays from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. at YOACAP, located at 1207 Chestnut Street, 3rd floor. The Freedom Readers Book Club is also looking for support to purchase books and materials, member incentives like gift certificates to bookstores and to sponsor fund raising events. If you are interested in becoming a Freedom Reader or would like to make a donation please contact Tajuana Wall at 215.851.1968. We hope you will collaborate with us to help make a difference in the lives of young people.

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