The southwest corner issue 29 december 2014

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December 2014 Issue 28 COALITION MEMBERS Audrey Allen Tyrone Benson Alexzina Bryant Hanna Bryant Rodney Buckson Spencer Canty

Bruce Durham





Carl Burman



Paul Bailey

Andre Crews Agnes Currie Melvin Davis Clayton Dendy Stephanie Dixon Chad Enos Gregory Garrison Donna Gass Ron George Ida Glenn Cassandra Graves Constance Harris Crews Mark Harrison Lillian Hood Joanne Jones Vernon Keith Montague Marsha J. Moore Daryl Nelson Carol Payne Joe Purnell Christine Riddick Joanne Robinson Myra Robinson Michael Ross Eric Sabin Sims A’za Sims ChrisAnne Smith Yvette S. Smith Tara E. Smith Robert Stone Marsha W. Wall Cassandra Whiters Roger Wilkerson Officer Joe Young


IT’S NOT WHERE YOU LIVE, IT’S HOW YOU LIVE! It was 6AM Saturday, October 4th 2014. It had rained all night and the streets were saturated. Every resident on the entire block had prayed it won't rain, nonetheless it was pouring. However, the rain didn't stop their spirit or determination. You could still smell the aroma of food cooking throughout the street and the rattle of tables, chairs and tents being put in place for the smorgasbord being served for lunch. About 9AM, the rain slowed down just a bit, but things on 60th & Trinity Street were just getting started: DjAnt Liva (Anthony Collier) was setting up his DJ equipment on his father's porch (Samuel Baskins). By 11AM the sun was shining high in the sky and our prayers were answered. Our guests started to arrive right on schedule: Councilwoman Jannie Blackwell, State Representative Jordon Harris, 12th District Police Captain John Moroney and Community Relations Officer Joseph Young and the West Powelton Drill Team. By 11:30am every resident, young and old alike was on the street dressed in their bright orange 60th & Trinity Street tee shirts. Even residents that had moved off of the block returned to be a part of the activities. It was a festive atmosphere; the street was abuzz with activity, little children and adults were dancing and singing to the Dj's music, a newspaper reporter was interviewing the elected officials and guests to offer their opinion's of what was occurring. Neighbors on the surrounding blocks looked from their porches and windows in one on looker stated "If I hadn't seen it for myself I won't had believed it!" At 11:50 am sharp a caravan of Police that led City Officials, Philadelphia More Beautiful Committee (PMBC) Judges and Representative were greeted with cheers, shouts and thunderous applauses from over 100 residents' family and friends. They all proceeded to march, strut and stroll onto 60th & Trinity Street to the beat of the drill team's drums. Introductions were made, several speeches were given, the Block history was read, and additional pictures were taken. After months of planning, several block strategy meetings, long night discussions and a lot of hard work led by PMBC Representative Darryl Thompson. The 2014 PMBC Clean Block Contest had officially come to 60th & Trinity Street! The day had finally arrived, with over 70 city commissioners, police, PMBC judges and staff in addition to other dignitaries diverging on to the block, we had done our best. The judges walked the block, toured the alleyways and inspected the sidewalks and lots. With this display of determination, hard work and unity the judges were impressed. The announcements of the winning blocks were made at the PMBC's Annual Banquet on Saturday, October 25th. The 6000 Block of Trinity Street was awarded the honor of First Prize. We had overcome our many challenges: blight, cracked sidewalks and curbs, abandon lots and cars. We weren't voted the prettiest block in Philadelphia, we were voted the cleanest! Congratulations' to all the blocks that entered the competition, you are all winners!

7TH ANNUAL SOUTHWEST COMMUNITY ADVISORY MEETING On Thursday, October 23, 2014, Southwest Community Advisory Group hosted its 7th Annual Community Meeting at Myers Recreation Center at 58th & Kingsessing Avenue. This year’s guests were from the Court of Common Pleas, Judge Timika Lane, the Philadelphia Fire Department and the Energy Coordination Agency (ECA). The Honorable Timika Lane discussed the importance of voting, specifically in primary elections, and shared with residents her personal journey to the Court of Common Pleas. She also brought her colleague, Deborah WatsonStokes, who is the Chief District Attorney for Southwest Division. They both were dynamic speakers and intrigued and challenged the audience to become more involved in their communities by way of voting and supporting the D.A.’s office with pertinent information in regards to crimes in their communities. Our dependable and loyal Philadelphia Fire Department discussed upcoming job opportunities, benefits of their career, and safety tips for families to practice. The Fire Department also shared some of their experiences and answered questions about their demanding careers. The third guest speaker from the Energy Coordination Agency (ECA), provided valuable information regarding weatherization tips and brought literature and weatherization kits for families to take home. Southwest Community Advisory Group would like to thank committed Master of Ceremony Mr. Roderick Slocum, all of our guests for taking time out of their busy schedules to come inform and educate the residents of Southwest, and Clay & Company for their musical styling. Don’t miss our next annual community meeting next year, you may regret it.

A GREAT FREE AFTERSCHOOL PROGRAM If you know a 6th, 7th, or 8th grader who lives around 51st & Kingsessing and wants to play chess & scrabble or basketball, learn computers & life skills or enjoys reading, enroll them into a program that can help them academically & socially. Youth meet after school as part of YOACAP & Jayhawks from 3 pm - 7 pm. If they are 14 years old now or will be 14 in the Spring, they are offered a summer job as well. Have their parent call 215.851.1968 to enroll them. There are only a few slots left.

GONE HOME We regret to inform you that Southwest Philly lost one of its most outstanding community leaders, Mr. Grealyn Bruce Durham known by most of his friends and associates as Left to right: Marsha, Bruce, Clayton, “Bruce”. Bruce was and Tara of the Southwest Community Advisory Group the president of “No House Untouched” and a long time member of the “Southwest Community Advisory Group.” He also networked with other community agencies, which led him to become the Committee Person for the 51st Ward, 25th Division. Unfortunately, he suddenly took ill and resigned from his position as committeeman in 2013. Bruce will always be remembered for giving out information to his community which he loved so much until his untimely death on Friday, October 10, 2014. Bruce will truly be missed.

F.Y.I. Youth Basketball (for girls & boys) Free HIV Testing (give code 99 when you call) Town Watch Integrated Services Interested in Becoming A Block Captain 18+ Interested in finding a job Councilman Kenyatta Johnson State Representative Ron Waters Office 12th Police District—Community Officer Senator Anthony Williams’s Office Afterschool Program for teens 6th-12th grade

Call 215.939.6283 Call 215.724.7430 Call 215.686.1422 Call 267.632.1183 Call 215.729.2389 Call 215.686.3412 Call 215.748.6712 Call 215.686.3122 Call 215.492.2980 Call 215.851.1968

YOACAP WANTS TO GO GREEN! If you would like to receive this newsletter electronically, please email Tajuana at 215.851.1968 to update your subscription status. Checkout YOACAP’s website @

Ms. Connie Crews Ms. Hanna Bryant Ms. Tara Smith Mr. Clayton Dendy Ms. Marsha Wall Mr. Roi Ligon Mrs Helen Walker Officer Joe Young Mr. Donald Cave Ms. Tajuana Wall Follow & Like Us for daily Updates @YOACAPPHILLY SCAN 2 CONNECT

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