The north philly corner december 2015

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December 2015 Issue 18 COALITION MEMBERS


Lt. Blackmorr


Douglas Evans


Deatrice Austin

Letha Jefferson


CALLING ALL BARBERS/BARBERSHOPS YOACAP has a new program that is partnering with barbers and barbershops throughout Philadelphia. The project, SHARP INSIGHT, will train barbers on how to provide non-partisan information to their customers about the importance of voting and volunteering in their communities. Barbers and barbershops who participate receive many benefits, such as free promotional items, free promos for the barbershop and small stipends for the barbers themselves. More importantly barbers receive vital information to share with their customers to help with other issues. To find out about the first barber orientation or to ask a question about SHARP INSIGHT, please call 215-851-1968. Please click this link or scan this QR code

Sonia Blount Erna L. Bryant Geraldine Bryant

Esther Hodges Nathaniel Hardy Donna Harrison Alice Henderson Quentin Hoye

Carmenta Johnson Elizabeth Lassiter Officer Lukaitis Tameka Mathews Maggie McCall





Pamela Munroe

Many parents raise their kids to be good listeners and to do what they are asked. The big question is, do kids learn from the behavior of the parent because of what the parent says or from what the parent may do in front of the child? Many people believe that kids should follow the directions of their parents; at YOACAP we do too. However, studies show that kids at a young age begin to follow the temperament of their parent or caregiver. A parent who sits in the car with their young child screaming, yelling, or cursing at other drivers, may be teaching their child how to act when they get upset.

Kenzo Nakauntase Gail Pryor Latasha Stone Tajuana Wall Cassandra Whithers Carol Willis PARTNERS Nicetown B&G Club STD Control UPENN Philly Rising Lenfest Center OIC Drexel University Temple University

The parent may not realize that their child sees this, and that the child may begin to scream and use bad language as they get older. While this may not be the case with every child, it is very true with most. Therefore, one recommendation that we propose to parents or caregivers is to be mindful of what they SAY and DO around your kids, especially beginning at a young age. A child's brain is like sponge absorbing information that they may adopt, and may become part of their character or values after watching the parent. So be a good example for your child so when they grow up they know how to communicate and act.

School District La Salle University College Access Urban Affairs Coalition Brown’s Shoprite

Follow/Like Us Youth Outreach Adolescent Community Awareness Program (YOACAP) 1207 Chestnut St.4th Fl. Philadelphia, PA 19107-4102 (215) 851 - 1968

RETIRED TEACHERS YOACAP is looking for retired teachers to volunteer and work within its after school program. Volunteers are needed to teach chess, scrabble, reading, computers and other skills that will help a young person become employable & help them succeed in college. To become a YOACAP volunteer, you have to pass a criminal background check and child abuse clearance in order to work with our youth. If you are interest in volunteering with YOACAP, please give us a call at 215-851-1968.

DAMN, DAMN, DAMN I ran into an old friend the other day when I was riding the subway. We haven't seen each other since high school, and I was so excited to see her beautiful smile. It's been almost 10 years, and she still looks fine as hell. She has one child and works in West Philly. I started telling her about myself, a tear rolled down her eye, and I asked, what's wrong? She hesitated, didn't say anything, and just shook her head. I wasn't sure what was wrong, but I knew it had to be something that jarred her since she started crying and we had not seen each other in years. She leaned over and whispered to me, "I recently found out that I have HIV.” The first thing I thought was she looked so good, how can she have HIV? She explained that her doctor told her that HIV is very manageable; it's not as it was 25-30 years ago. She told me that she takes her medication, and she feels good, but it has been hard just getting used to having HIV. I was shocked! She whispered that she continues to go to her doctor appointments and exercises like she did before, and that she feels great, but her friends and family still feel funny because they're uneducated. The one thing she said that stuck out was that she was glad she was tested because now she knows she has HIV so she can take care of herself in a different way. More importantly, she can make sure she does not pass the virus to anyone. She has many resources that have been provided to her, that I didn't know were available, such as case manager, infectious disease doctor, and even medication to help her partner remain HIV negative. Now that she has educated me, I am going to get tested every six months to know my status and so I can keep me and my family safe. If you're interested in being tested for HIV and, other STDs, call YOACAP at 215.851.1968.

A GREAT AFTER-SCHOOL PROGRAM FOR TEENS An 11th grade student that is a part of YOACAP's afterschool program, Project Build told one of the adult club leaders that they do not come to YOACAP for the money. As I listened to the teen explain the reasons why the money was not so important, it really made me feel good that this 16 year old knew what's important in their life even though she is just a teenager. She stated that she learns a lot in the afterschool program. It provides a place for her to come do her homework and to learn new skills. She explained that her parents are older and don't have many resources to share NOT because they don't care, but because they may not know. Being a part of YOACAP has helped her grow tremendously, but she acknowledged that she has a lot more developing to do. I am so proud of all the young adults who volunteer at YOACAP and the staff who work extremely hard to help the 30+ teens who attend every month. To find out more about Project Build and its activities, please call 215.851.1968. We are enrolling for the new cycle now.

FREE STD WORKSHOPS & TESTING · Takes about 60 minutes for the workshop

· Refreshments are provided · Help with jobs & GED training · Block parties, clubs, churches, recreation centers, barbershops, etc. · Schedule a convenient time for your friends/family, school or club.

STD Spotlight on—Trichomoniasis     

This STI can show symptoms 5 to 28 days after sex, and if it isn’t caught early it can lead to long term health effects. Like other STIs, trich doesn’t always show symptoms. But when it does, they are noticeable. Trich affects both men and women and is spread during vaginal sex In women, it may turn up as itching, burning or irritation in the vagina, or a yellow, greenish or gray discharge. Men could see a watery, white drip from the penis, feel burning or pain during urination, and need to urinate more often. If you or a friend have signs of an STI, call YOACAP at 215.851.1968 now to find out how you can get tested and treated.

YOACAP WANTS TO GO GREEN! If you would like to receive this newsletter electronically, please email Tajuana at to update your subscription status. YOACAP 1207 Chestnut St - 3rd Floor Philadelphia, PA 19107


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