August 2010 Issue 18
COALITION MEMBER S Paul Bailey Tyrone Benson Alexzina Bryant Hanna Bryant
Bruce Durham
Rodney Buckson Carl Burman
Audrey Allen
Spencer Canty Andre Crews Agnes Currie Melvin Davis Clayton Dendy Stephanie Dixon Chad Enos Gregory Garrison Donna Gass Ron George Ida Glenn Cassandra Graves Constance Harris Crews Mark Harrison Lillian Hood Joanne Jones Vernon Keith Montague Marsha J. Moore Daryl Nelson Carol Payne Joe Purnell Christine Riddick Joanne Robinson Myra Robinson Michael Ross Eric Sabin Sims A’za Sims ChrisAnne Smith Yvette S. Smith Tara E. Smith
Robert Stone Marsha W. Wall Cassandra Whiters Roger Wilkerson Officer Joe Young
COMMUNITY AT WORK On Saturday morning, July 17, 2010, a line of mostly women formed inside Myers Recreation Center located at 5800 Chester Avenue. As members of the Southwest Community Advisory Group (SWCAG) prepared for the Turn In Your Gun Campaign, officers of the 12th Police District filed in to begin the gun buy-back, which started at about 10:25 am. The goal of our Turn in Your Gun Campaign is to get youth and young adults who carry illegal firearms and use them to commit crimes or to hurt others to turn them in, no questions asked. The event this year was sponsored by 12th Police District, Power 99 FM, SWCAG, and the Youth Outreach Adolescent Community Awareness Program (YOACAP)/GPUAC. This gun buy-back is part of many activities that are being conducted in Southwest Philadelphia by concerned residents, block captains, law enforcement, stakeholders, social service agencies, and elected officials. The SWCAG’s mission is to build a unified Top: The SWCAG members and community residents community in Southwest Philadelphia by promoting positive gathered at the summer 2010 Turn In Your Gun Campaign at Myers Recreation Center, along with direction and empowering individuals to be State Representative Kenyatta Johnson. economically, socially, and mentally stable. YOACAP Top Right: (1) Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter continues to work with the SWCAG to conduct job with State Senator Anthony Williams and SWCAG members, Marsha Moore, Officer Joe Young, Marsha readiness workshops, generate jobs, to promote positive Wall and Dr. Cassandra Graves. (2) SWCAG youth development, work with hard-to-reach young adults, President, Ms. Marsha Wall, and Vice President, Dr. and to improve community communication. Cassandra Graves, with Deputy Police Commissioner Linda Burnette, Founder/President & CEO of YOACAP, Kevin Bethel. (3) SWCAG’s Officer Joe Young and Captain Daniel McDonald with the collected guns. noted, “RARE and similar community-driven activities (4) Mayor Nutter talking to police officers. should be conducted across the city because each community is so different.” As Marsha Wall, SWCAG’s President, stated, “Many of the programs in the neighborhood work together because we have limited resources. The SWCAG and YOACAP is just one example of why organizations work together with a shared vision and mission. Programs are not in competition because we know we can accomplish more together than separately.” For more information, please contact Ms. Wall at 215.729.2389.
OFFICIAL COMMITMENT Joseph Young is a very well-known name in Southwest Philadelphia. Not only is well-known, but also recognized as one of the most positive and reliable stakeholder in the community. With 24 years working for the 12 th Police District and having over 80 community service awards, Officer Joe Young has achieved his own personal goal: To help people improve their quality of life and to assist the community to organize & become self-reliant. Officer Young has been the Community Relations Officer at the 12 th Police District for the past 13 years. During that time, he has organized the 12th Police District’s Community Outreach Programs, Open House and Southwest Pride Day Parade & Festival. Other important events, such as job fairs, school supplies give-away, and the renowned Fun Day for Children, have been developed under the leadership and direction of Officer Young to build-up and improve the community. Among his most important accolades, Officer Young Enroll your child into YOACAP’s has received the Valor Award, which is the highest recognition in the Police department; and he Youth Development Program… was first runner up for the George Fencl Award, which recognizes heroic or distinguishable PROJECT work of police officers in their communities by the residents who benefited by the officer’s actions. BUILD A two-year experience that builds the During his free time, Officer Young likes to study the Bible and play sports. Throughout the assets of youth and their families. years, Officer Young has earned a helping reputation and name as a result of his dedication and For more information, please call commitment to Southwest Philadelphia. Ebony Joyner at 215.851.1857
Source / Excerpts: The Southwest Globe Times
The youth of the Evelyn Graves’ Day Camp took a A. Holloway, R. Cropper, and moment to surprise Dr. Evelyn Graves Dr. Evelyn Graves with an astonishing bowling birthday blast on Thursday, July 15th at Elmwood and Island Avenue. Nearly 40 enthusiast youth, from 5 to 15 years old, sang joyous songs and brought a beautifully decorated birthday cake. Elijah, age 8, excited about the event, asked, “How old is Dr. Graves?” Smiling staff answered with a mathematical formula, which left Elijah counting on both hands. Dr. Evelyn Graves is the Founder / CEO of Evelyn Graves Ministries, a non-profit organization and a cultural and educational institution serving Southwest Philadelphia and the Delaware County. In November, the Evelyn Graves Ministries will celebrate 40 years of local and international cultural arts programs.
Police at the 12th Police District hosted more than 250 children for a day of free food, music, face painting, a clown, music and a mural dedica-tion on Friday, August 13th at the station located at 65th and Woodland Avenue. The day was designed to show how the police department can work with the community instead of against it. Children came from camp sites, daycare centers and homes across Southwest Philadelphia. “The focus was on bringing the kids in and letting them know they can come into the district and have a good time and not just come here in a negative way,” said SWCAG member and 12th Police District’s Officer Joe Young, who spear headed the event. The event was possible thanks to donations he received from McDonald’s Ron Yu, Puff of the Elmwood Skating Rink, Speedy International and Lee Downs of George’s Check Cashing. It is the third year for the activity which appeared as much fun for the police officers as it was for the children. The artwork was endeavored by the Mural Arts Program working in collaboration with the Department of Health and Human Services, PA Department of Community and Economic Development as well as officers and children who participated in workshops to design the mural called “Wings of Hope,” which took five months to complete. Both programs at the 12th Police District could not have been completed without the help of other police officers as well as SWCAG members Marsha Moore (PDAC), Marsha Wall (No House Untouched), Lois Clayton (Epic Stakeholders), Hanna Bryant (NUAD), Edith Dixon (SW CDC NAC), and Eugene Sherlock (Streets Department).
Southwest Family & Community Day DONATE A SCHOOL SUPPLY! From August 1—28, 2010 And get a FREE Philly Breakfast House Iced Tea
For more information, call 267.595.7249
F.Y.I. Free HIV Testing (give code 99 when you call) Interested in Becoming A Block Captain 18+ Interested in finding a job Youth Basketball (for girls & boys) Abstinence Program Town Watch Integrated Services State Representative Kenyatta Johnson State Representative Ron Waters Office 12th Police District—Community Officer Senator Anthony Williams’s Office Blueprint for a Safer Philadelphia Heat Hotline Any problem that the City can help with: Full version of the SW Resource Guide YOACAP’s Youth Book Club (15-18 yrs. old)
Call 215.724.7430 Call 267.939.2366 Call 215.729.2389 Call 215.939.6283 Call 215.239.8668 Call 215.686.1422 Call 215.726.4613 Call 215.748.6712 Call 215.686.3122 Call 215.492.2980 Call 1.888.570.2583 Call 215.765.9040 Call 311 Call 215.851.1836 Call 215.851.1968
South West Philadelphia
COMMUNITY APPRECIATION DAY Ms. Hanna Bryant Mr. Clayton Dendy Ms. Marsha Wall Ms. Connie Crews Mr. Roger Wilkerson Ms. Tara Smith Mr. Roi Ligon Mr. Hellen Walker Officer Joe Young Mr. Donald Cave Hotline Hotline City of Philadelphia Virginia Rivero-Descailleaux
Tajuana Wall
Saturday, August 28, 2010 Johnson’s Playground (48th & Woodland Avenue) 12 PM— PM—6 PM
School supplies & book bags, softball games, free health testing, meet local business owners… and more! For more information, call Rasheen Crews at 215.807.9255 This event is being brought to you by the Foundation For A Better Society