SETIEMBRE 2011 Issue 22
These are some of the faces of success! Rijan Syders (left) and Christopher Bailey.
Jobs are hard to get, but... COALITION MEMBER S Paul Bailey Tyrone Benson Alexzina Bryant Hanna Bryant
Bruce Durham
Mark Harrison
Rodney Buckson Carl Burman
Audrey Allen
Spencer Canty Andre Crews Agnes Currie Melvin Davis Clayton Dendy Stephanie Dixon Chad Enos
In 2007, the Southwest Community Advisory Group (SWCAG) completed research that identified job readiness for youth and young adults as being essential to improving life for Southwest Philadelphia residents. Each Monday, eager young adults who call to the SWCAG receive assistance in developing or altering their resumes, job leads, and/or getting suggestions on how to communicate with prospective employers. The meetings last one hour; participants come back the following week to receive their requested information and support. This past summer, the program continued with the SWCAG receiving about 25 calls each month from people in and outside of Southwest Philadelphia, including young adults from South and North Philadelphia. Through collaborations with the Urban Affairs Coalition’s Job Program and YOACAP’s Job Preparation Program, 20 individuals were able to obtain employment. SWCAG, YOACAP, and UAC continue to work together to assist in helping youth and young adults identify possible jobs. For more information, please contact Ms. Marsha Wall at 215.729.2389.
Gregory Garrison Donna Gass Ron George Ida Glenn Cassandra Graves Constance Harris Crews Lillian Hood Joanne Jones Vernon Keith Montague Marsha J. Moore Daryl Nelson Carol Payne Joe Purnell Christine Riddick Joanne Robinson Myra Robinson Michael Ross Eric Sabin Sims A’za Sims ChrisAnne Smith Yvette S. Smith Tara E. Smith Robert Stone
UNSTOPPABLE There is no doubt that the members of the Southwest Positive Powerful Advocates In Change (SWPPAC) are committed to their community! Under the management of Elder Robert Moore and his wife, Deacon Marsha Moore, they have had several activities during the past few months. The following are just a few examples of their wonderful work in Southwest Philadelphia: The SWPPAC donated many items for the Book Bag & Supplies Giveaway, held on August 2, 2011 by the 12th Police District. Elder Moore volunteered at the event, where police officers, like SWCAG’s Joseph Young, attended. The Cornerstone Christian Academy, along with SWPPAC, celebrated 25 years of service in the community of Mr. Ben Sweat on August 12, 2011. In the picture, Elder Moore and Marsha Moore with with Mr. Sweat (middle). On August 13, 2011, Elder Moore helped neighbors with the 12th Police District’s last Block Clean-up for the year on the 1900 Street of Cecil Street in Southwest Philadelphia.
LOW & NO-COST INSURANCE FOR KIDS? OF COURSE! If you have a child or children who are not eligible for Medical Assistance, UnitedHealthcare Community Plan has created the CHIP Program, which covers all uninsured children and teens up to age 19. When you qualify for the free CHIP plan, there are no premiums or copays for covered services that include routine check-ups, vaccinations, specialist office visits, lab tests & X-Rays, emergency & hospital care, dental & vision care, and prescription drugs. Eligibility is determined by your family size and income, but like CHIP says: No family makes too much money for CHIP! Find out today if you qualify! Do it for your kids! Please call 215.851.1968.
Marsha W. Wall Cassandra Whiters Roger Wilkerson Officer Joe Young
Don’t miss out these great opportunities in your area! Computer Training begins in September in Southwest High-speed Internet for $10 a month with Comcast Notebooks & desktops at reduced price For more info, call Tajuana Wall at 215.851.1968
The members of the SWCAG would like to express gratitude to their most current funders: Philadelphia Activities Fund & The United HealthCare CHIP Champion Program Thank you for your support!
Donald Cave: HELPING OTHERS CHANGE THEIR LIVES Donald Cave is the Director of Community Outreach for State Senator Anthony Williams. Originally from South Philadelphia, Mr. Cave resides in Yeadon, Delco with his two children and wife. Mr. Cave attended Penn Wood High School and graduated from Temple University with a B.A. in Political Science. Prior to joining State Senator Anthony Williams’s Office, Mr. Cave served as the Program Director and Instructor for STRIVE, a tough love program that has trained and assisted thousands of ex-offenders and public assistance recipients to transition into the workforce. In addition, Mr. Cave served as a life skills’ instructor and mentor for over 100 court-stipulated juveniles through the PRISE Program in the Frankford section of Philadelphia. Continuing his passion to assist those in need, Mr. Cave then also served Don Cave with his son. as a contracted life skills therapist for the CHANCES Drug & Alcohol Program, which assisted young mothers in recovery. In his spare time, Don enjoys spending time with his family, as he has served as Head Coach for Baseball, Basketball, and Football for youth organizations throughout the area. Mr. Cave has great passion for helping others and believing in people, even when they may not believe in themselves. In his own words, “There is nothing more rewarding than helping someone in need or helping a young person to grow. I have been blessed to have people step in my life when I needed help to turn things around, what kind of man would I be not to do the same?” The 12th Police District presents
The 17th Annual 12th Police District Open House and Southwest Pride Day Parade Street Festival Saturday, September 17, 2011 Parade begins at 10 a.m. on 72nd & Woodland Avenue The Open House begins after the Parade on 64th & Woodland Avenue
For more information, call Officer Joe Young at 215.686.3122
FUN DAY FOR ALL! On August 5, 2011, the 12th Police District celebrated its 4th Annual Fun Day, organized by Officer Joseph Young (pictured with his wife and granddaughter, right). The objective of the event is to open the 12th District’s doors to the community, and especially its youth, to let them know that the Police Department is in the area not only to serve as enforcement, but most importantly to build relationships with the entire community and to achieve together positive outcomes. The event, held at the 12th Police District on 65th and Woodland Avenue from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., was full of entertainment (like the attendance of Ronald McDonald and magicians) and delicious food, which brought the community together.
A WELL-DESERVED AWARD* For the third consecutive year, the George Fencl Award was given to a police officer from the 12th Police District. But this time, is not just a name: the awardee was our very own Officer Joseph Young, a SWCAG member since its inception in 2008. The prestigious ceremony was held on June 28, 2011, at the Inquirer/Daily News Building. Officer Young has been the Community Relations officer for the district since 2007, and according to the members of the Fencl selection committee, he received an overwhelming number of nomination letters, photos, and poems. But like Officer Young said, “You aren’t chosen by how many people you know. They go by what you’ve done.” Certainly, Officer Young’s work in the community has been quite significant during his 24 years of active duty, from hosting workshops, luncheons and attending community meetings, to organizing giveaways and donation events that have made a difference for many in Southwest Philadelphia. Congratulations for your great work, Officer Young! * Some excerpts were taken from the Southwest Globe Times, dated July 14, 2011
Enroll your 14-18 year-old child into YOACAP’s Youth Development Program
F.Y.I. Youth Basketball (for girls & boys) Free HIV Testing (give code 99 when you call) Town Watch Integrated Services Interested in Becoming A Block Captain 18+ Interested in finding a job Abstinence Program State Representative Kenyatta Johnson State Representative Ron Waters Office 12th Police District—Community Officer Senator Anthony Williams’s Office Blueprint for a Safer Philadelphia Any problem that the City can help with: Full version of the SW Resource Guide YOACAP’s Youth Book Club (14-18 yrs. old)
Call 215.939.6283 Call 215.724.7430 Call 215.686.1422 Call 267.939.2366 Call 215.729.2389 Call 215.239.8668 Call 215.726.4613 Call 215.748.6712 Call 215.686.3122 Call 215.492.2980 Call 1.888.570.2583 Call 311 Call 215.851.1836 Call 215.851.1968
PROJECT BUILD Ms. Connie Crews Ms. Hanna Bryant Ms. Tara Smith Mr. Clayton Dendy Ms. Marsha Wall Mr. Roger Wilkerson Mr. Roi Ligon Mr. Helen Walker Officer Joe Young Mr. Donald Cave Hotline City of Philadelphia Virginia Rivero-Descailleaux
Tajuana Wall
For more information, call Ebony Joyner at 215.851.1857
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