September 2008 Issue 3
COALITION MEMBER S Paul Bailey Tyrone Benson Alexzina Bryant Hanna Bryant
Bruce Durham
Mark Harrison
Rodney Buckson Carl Burman
Audrey Allen
Spencer Canty Andre Crews Agnes Currie Melvin Davis Clayton Dendy Stephanie Dixon Chad Enos Gregory Garrison Donna Gass Ron George
HELP IS ON THE WAY By Woody Beale You spoke, and we heard. In response to the data collected from residents by the SW CAG in Fall 2007, the SW CAG conducted its preparation workshop for young adults in Southwest Philadelphia on Saturday, Facilitator Tameka Matthews (right) with some September 20th. The data collected indicated of the workshop’s participants. that many young adults in Southwest Philadelphia may have challenges obtaining jobs because they are ex-offenders or face other real-life obstacles. The focus of these meetings is to assist young men and women who may be having a difficult time identifying potential employers and/or may not have all the necessary tools required to obtain a job. Ms. Marsha Wall, of the SW CAG, noted, “We cannot ask young people to stop doing illegal activities without helping them; that’s what the SW CAG is supposed to do. That’s our mission: to help people.” Workshop participants’ needs seemed to vary from resume development, access to computers, travel to potential employers, and leads to employment. To get a young man or woman involved in these sessions, call Tameka Matthews at (215) 851-1959, or to get more information about the ex-offenders program please call (215) 685-3373.
Ida Glenn Cassandra Graves Constance Harris Crews Lillian Hood Joanne Jones Vernon Keith Montague Marsha J. Moore Daryl Nelson Carol Payne Joe Purnell Christine Riddick Joanne Robinson Myra Robinson Michael Ross Eric Sabin Sims A’za Sims ChrisAnne Smith Yvette S. Smith Tara E. Smith
MIND, BODY AND SOUL By Cassandra Graves This week, Principal John Graves, of the Evelyn Graves Christian Academy, asked students returning to school to indicate by a show of hands how many had diseases such as asthma, diabetes and high blood pressure. Stretching, walking and running are part of the He was shocked and appalled to discover that “Mind, Body & Soul” sessions. over half of the students had these diseases. Four days later, Graves emptied out the school, marched nearly 80 students, grades 3rd to 12th, to Bartram Field in SW Philadelphia for a vigorous morning of stretches, walking, running, and brief motivation speeches. Next week, he vows to challenge each parent to adopt same life-saving, healthy practices. Mr. Graves stated that these children are just too young to have diseases usually suffered by older adults. This year, our motivation is “Mind, Body and Soul.” Staff and students enjoyed the ninetyTired but happy students race minute workout as they returned to class with sweat trickling before going back to class. from their foreheads, but surely in high spirits.
Robert Stone Marsha W. Wall Cassandra Whiters Roger Wilkerson Officer Joe Young
Register to vote by October 6th, 2008, and get out to vote on Tuesday, November 4th, 2008. Let your voice be heard! Turn In Your Guns! November 15th, 2008 at Kingsessing Recreation Center.
No House Untouched:
Helping victims of foreclosures and predatory lending By Marsha Wall On September 9, 2008, No House Untouched (NHU) hosted an informative Mortgage Foreclosure and Predatory Lending Forum, No House Untouched hierarchy and State Representative Ronald Waters posing for the press attendance. held at Myers Recreation Center. On hand was Kahlil Walker, Director of Counseling for the Housing Association. Mr. Walker addressed the impact of foreclosures in our community, as well as budget and credit counseling, housing consumer education, and how to avoid mortgage default. In addition, Kenya Yokeley, who was representing Pennsylvania State Representative Kenyatta Johnson (18 th District), was also in attendance bringing a wealth of information on the foreclosure topic. Pennsylvania State Representative Ronald G. Waters joined the panel of guest speakers to make the public aware that his office is also available to help anyone with foreclosure assistance and information on many other services. Representative Waters also reminded everyone of his “Annual Senior Fish Fry”, held Friday, September 12, at the Presbyterian Senior Homes. In attendance at the forum, there were several Southwest Community Leaders ready to lend their support. There were approximately 30 local residents that took advantage of the forum. One local resident who participated in this event stated that she received information on how to be an advocate and not a victim of predatory lending. Also, she obtained information about employment opportunities that exist in our community. Concerned residents, NHU and SW The SW CAG and NHU members felt there was a need to get the information elected officials after the event. out to the community because our area has one of the highest numbers of mortgage foreclosures and sheriff sales in Philadelphia. For more information on mortgage foreclosure issues, contact the Housing Association at (215) 978-0224; the office of State Representative Waters at (215)748-6712; or the office of State Representative Johnson at (267) 324-5563. NHU has their monthly meeting every second Tuesday of each month at Myers Recreation Center at 6:30 p.m. Please contact Bruce Durham at (215) 971-0339 for more information.
MISSION: ACCOMPLISHED By Roger Wilkerson The Young Business Executives (YBE) Program at Myers Playground is proud to acknowledge the following youth for completing Abstinence Training. The program was a twenty-hour course funded by To Our Children’s Future With Health (TOCFWH). The intent was to give the youth knowledge on how to avoid risky behaviors as teenagers. The instructor was Roger Wilkerson, assisted by Tomeka Green and Terri Drew. These were the successful participants: Cecilia Armstrong * Dylan Armstrong * Alexis Bradley * Mercedes Bradley * Heshakia Garrett * Devon Jones * DeShawn Wilkerson * Rita Jones * Shamar Jones * Antwan Parker * Bridget Parker * Shaaire Ferreall * James Parker * Antwine Reid * Kwamir Reid * Dymond Smaugh * Isaiah Snell * Zaaire Thompson
F.Y.I. Youth Basketball in October Ex-Offenders Program Free HIV Testing Interested in Becoming A Block Captain 18+ Interested in finding a job Track & Field / Ages 5 & up Support Group - Women infected w/HIV Register to Vote Free Resource Guide To be a Volunteer Philadelphia Townwatch
Call 215.939.6283 Call 215.685.3373 Call 215.724.7430 Call 215.971.0339 Call 215.851.1959 Call 215.219.0792 Call 215.851.1898 Call 215.796.3677 Call 215.851.1836 Call 215.729.2389 Call 215.686-1459
Ms. Connie Crews Help Line Ms. Hanna Bryant Mr. Bruce Durham Ms. Tameka Matthews Mr. Daryl Nelson Ms. Diane Mills Ms. Tiffany Brown Ms. Virginia R. Descailleaux Ms. Marsha Wall Ms. Tara Smith
**** Don’t miss the opportunity to meet the Southwest Community Advisory Group and your elected officials! Tuesday, October 28, at Myers Recreation Center, 6 p.m. Light refreshments will be provided.