October 2008 Issue 4
THE Southwest
Tyrone Benson Alexzina Bryant Hanna Bryant
Bruce Durham
Rodney Buckson Carl Burman Spencer Canty Andre Crews Agnes Currie Melvin Davis Clayton Dendy Stephanie Dixon Chad Enos Gregory Garrison Donna Gass Ron George Ida Glenn Cassandra Graves Constance Harris Crews Mark Harrison Lillian Hood Joanne Jones Vernon Keith Montague Marsha J. Moore Daryl Nelson Carol Payne Joe Purnell Christine Riddick Joanne Robinson Myra Robinson Michael Ross Eric Sabin Sims A’za Sims ChrisAnne Smith Yvette S. Smith Tara E. Smith Robert Stone
Paul Bailey
Audrey Allen
Marsha W. Wall Cassandra Whiters Roger Wilkerson Officer Joe Young
People were standing in line at 9.30 a.m. on June 28th, 2008, at Myers Recreation Center to turn in a handgun. Many rumors were circulating: It was said that we were conducting a raffle, only giving away one Playstation 3. Supposedly, we were not giving out XBOX 360s because they cost $325. One of the most harmful rumors was that I may get arrested because I have a warrant, if I go turn in a gun. None of these rumors were true. We did not ask The Turn In Your Gun Campaign held in June at Myers Rec. Center was a complete success. Pictured are a few anyone’s name, no one was arrested, and guns that were turned in that day, no questions asked. everyone who turned in a gun either received a $100 gift card, XBOX 360, an IPOD, MP3 Player, a digital camera, or a Playstation 3. Despite all the rumors, the Turn In Your Gun Campaign held in June was a success. In fact, the community said it needs to be done again, so we are having another TURN IN YOUR GUN CAMPAIGN on Saturday, November 15, at Kingsessing Rec. Center, located at 51st & Kingsessing Avenue in SW Philadelphia. We will be giving out the same incentives for turning in 45 cal., 9 mil., 380s, Tec 9s, 40 cals., sawed-off shotguns, and other firearms. Remember: NO QUESTIONS ASKED. Come join Power 99 FM, SW CAG, 12th Power 99 FM that will be broadcasting live, along with the SW Police District, and YOACAP are CAG, 12th District Police, and YOACAP at 10 a.m. at Kingsessing partnering for this crucial event. Recreation Center. For more information, call 215.851.1834.
VOLUNTEERS MAKE A BIG DIFFERENCE A young man age 14 or 15 who lives around the Kingsessing Recreation Center was at a recent football practice with about 30 other boys his age. There were six volunteer coaches that were working with these boys to better prepare them for their upcoming football season. At the end of practice, one of the volunteer coaches wanted to applaud the hard work of one of the youth by sharing what success the young man had that practice. He called out his name and began to speak highly of him in-front of his fellow teammates. The boy smiled and said thank you to the coaches, while his team gave him a loud round of applause. After viewing this support, I thought, what would happen to these teens if they did not have men who were willing to volunteer their time to be mentors, coaches, and positive figures? We have to male an investment into our youth and communities. So please, become a volunteer. Without your help, many organizations could not be as successful. To volunteer a few hours of your time, please contact Marsha Wall at 215.729-2389.
The Southwest Community Advisory Group (SW CAG) would like to invite you to our
Annual Community Meeting at Myers Recreation Center on Tuesday, October 28, 2008, between 6 p.m. and 7 p.m.
You spoke, we heard and we responded. Join us, Power 99, and our special invited guests to find out how you can be a part of this community-led effort. Please RSVP by calling 215.729.2389. We look forward to seeing you at Myers! Light refreshments will be served.
SOUTHWEST SHOWED THEIR PRIDE By Marsha Wall / Photos by Clayton Dendy On Saturday, September 20, 2008, Southwest Philadelphia beamed with pride. Early that beautiful crisp morning, SW Philadelphians celebrated their 14th Annual 12th Police District Open House and Southwest Pride Day Septa also participated in the parade by bringing an antique trolley from the 1940s Parade and Festival. that the youth were allowed to ride. The procession, which started at 10 a.m., had antique cars and sleek new ones donated by Pacifico Mazda / Hyundai. Members of No House Untouched, young people from the Evelyn Graves Christian Academy, various other community organizations and sponsors strutted to the beat of the Phoenix Drill Team down Woodland Avenue, from 72nd to 65th streets. Along the parade route, there were several hundred onlookers, cheering and applauding as each group marched by. Once the parade reached the 12th District Police Station, hot dogs, water bottles, soda, snacks and water ice, donated by the Brown’s Family Shop Rite, were passed out to everyone free of charge. There was outside entertainment as well. A “Jaws The Harper Singers’ Band were of Life” demonstration was also part of this successful event performed by Engine 40 Ladder #4 Medic 19 of 65th & Woodland Avenue. A children’s pavilion was set up with a moon bouncer, clowns and face painting. In addition, various vendors were available with important resource information. Several honorees were presented with awards, including our very own SW CAG member, Marsha J. Moore, for all her hard work throughout the community. Other SW CAG members, such as Officer Joe Young, Hanna Bryant, Lois Clayton, Tara Smith and Christine Riddick were also actively involved in the event. The SW CAG would like to congratulate Officer Joe Young, Helen Hellon Divers, and the Southwest Pride Day Planning Committee for such an entertaining and well organized event. See you next year!
The SW CAG supports a fair Election
VOTING IS EVERYONE’S RIGHT, NOT A PRIVILEGE OF SOME By Tiffany Brown In recent weeks, there have been many rumors about people’s ability to vote in the upcoming presidential election, from not being able to wear certain clothing to your polling place, to requiring at least 5 years of citizenship or ability to speak English, or to being told that if you have a warrant out against you, you will not be able to vote. ALL OF THESE CLAIMS ARE FALSE and meant to discourage voting. If protecting your right to vote by discouraging such tactics is not enough reason to vote, here are a few more: Violence in communities The financial & housing crisis Unemployment rates Rising gas and grocery prices 4,000 + deaths in Iraq Poorly funded schools Cost of college tuition increasing upwards of 6%
Please note that if you have registered to vote and the County Board of Elections says that you are missing information on your voter registration form, please respond to their letter by October 16th, 2008 to ensure that you can vote on Election Day, November 4th, 2008. You do have the right to contest their decision if your registration was rejected for any reason. If you have any problems on or before Election Day regarding people trying to intimidate you about voting, not sure where your voting site is located, or just have questions, please call 1-866-MYVOTE-1 (1-866-6986831). Vote November 4th, 2008, and be a part of the solution to make this country the one you want it to be.
F.Y.I. Youth Basketball in October Ex-Offenders Program Free HIV Testing Interested in Becoming A Block Captain 18+ Interested in finding a job Track & Field / Ages 5 & up Support Group - Women infected w/HIV Possum Complaints Rat Complaints To be a Volunteer Townwatch Integrated Services
Call 215.939.6283 Call 215.685.3373 Call 215.724.7430 Call 215.971.0339 Call 215.851.1959 Call 215.219.0792 Call 215.851.1898 Call 267.385.3800 Call 215.685.9000 Call 215.729.2389 Call 215.686-1422
Ms. Connie Crews Help Line Ms. Hanna Bryant Mr. Bruce Durham Ms. Tameka Matthews Mr. Daryl Nelson Ms. Diane Mills Hotline Hotline Ms. Marsha Wall Ms. Tara Smith
**** Mark your calendars for the next...
JOB FAIR At the 12th Police District! Friday, November 14th, 2008 From 9 a.m. To 1 p.m. 12th Police District Headquarters 6448 Woodland Avenue For more information, call Officer Joe Young at (215) 686-3122