The North Philadelphia Corner Issue 24 June 2013

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June 2013 Issue 6 COALITION MEMBERS Alice Baker

YOACAP Partners with VILLA for YOACAP Summer Series

Della Baker Kim Balknight Valerie Bell





Douglas Bellamy Lt. Blackmorr Lola Blount Sonia Blount Delores J. Brown Diana Brown Erna L. Bryant


Everyone’s favorite neighborhood sneaker store is going to team up with YOACAP this summer for our Summer Series. This summer we’re hoping to see 8,000 Philadelphians pass by our mobile unit, and we want them to get tested for STDs so they can have a worry-free, great summer. Together with VILLA, we have created promo cards that we will be handing out in our neighborhoods to let people know about our new services. These cards will feature a 20% off coupon to VILLA Stores. Please join us in welcoming our new partner to the YOACAP/CAG family!


Geraldine Bryant

(6 pm — 9 pm):

Barbara Cooke Norman Doman Sekeya Duncan Laverne Dwight Douglass Evans Phyllis Gerald Esther Hodges Irene Hagans Joshua Hawkins Alice Henderson Quentin Hoye Elder Yvonne Hughes Sherry Hunter Carmenta Johnson

Monday Perry & Pike 22nd & Allegheny Garnett and Somerset Tuesday 18th & Cumberland 16th & Clearfield 16th & Ontario

Wednesday 18th & Wingohocking 32nd & Allegheny Sts. Thursday Park & Pike Sts. Kensington Ave. & F St.

Free resources: Condoms STI testing Job training Computer training Tutoring GED class Afterschool Programs

Exciting New Partnerships in the Community YOACAP is always appreciative of new partnerships. Businesses and individuals in the community do so much to help us, and we couldn’t do our work without them. Join us in thanking Ingram’s Plumbing, Roberta Ginsburg at DNA Connect, and the fine folks at Barnes & Noble for their support. If you visit these businesses, thank them for their support.

Jessica Kennedy Elizabeth Lassiter Officer Lukaitis Maggie McCall Ann Miller Pamela Munroe


Our partnership will provide materials to increase awareness

Meet CAG member Esther Hodges

Pearl L Nicholson Aletta Parris-Olday Eugene Parson Ann Proctor Gail Pryor Mildred Rice Carlos Rolland Mary D. Smith Pastor Billy Thompson Tajuana Wall Cassandra Whiters Monica Williams Carol Willis

Everyone knows that our Community Advisory Group is full of committed members, but every so often the spotlight needs to be shined on one member in particular. This issue, it is Esther Hodges. Ms. Hodges has been a resident of the Nicetown area for 47 years. She actively contributed to the Parents Committee of the Nicetown Boys and Girls Club, of which her children

were members. She enjoys participating as a member of the Nicetown & North Philadelphia CAG. Esther would love to see more people join the CAG. “We can better help the community stay STD-free, thrive in education, increase the employment rate, and enhance overall computer literacy through our computer classes.” Ms. Esther Hodges.

Interested in joining the Nicetown & North Philadelphia Community Advisory Group (CAG)? Do you enjoy helping others? Do people in your neighborhood turn to you for advice and assistance? Then you may be a natural CAG member. Since March 2012, YOACAP and residents of Nicetown and North Philadelphia have joined together to help the formerly incarcerated, guide youth and spread info to keep the community safe and STD-free. If you’re interested in joining us, contact Tajuana at 215-851-1968.

Meet the Lenfest Center, Our CAG Partner The Lenfest Center, located at 3890 N. 10th St. (10th & Pike) is a community center dedicated to improving the physical, mental and emotional health of the community it serves. Built in 2007, the center began a new era of service and programming in the fall of 2012 featuring a daily afterschool program for grades K- The Lenfest Center 8. The afterschool program includes snack, homework/educational help, and club time. Summer 2013 at the center will feature numerous camps and activities for kids ages 6-18. Registration has begun and slots will be filled at a first-come-first-served basis. Most camps are free while some require a small fee. Membership at the center is free to all youth grades K-12. Stop by for more information, check out the center online at or call 215-851-1968.

Sex Group: What’s the Worst That Could Happen? My homie had a sex group that met up and got it in! They had a private group on Facebook that in order for you to be down, you had to buss cheeks wit people you didn’t know. So I thought, “I can’t get hurt, nobody knows me, so what’s the worst that could happen?” Til after a session, my jawn was burnin’ like fire. Every chick there was bangin’ though, like WTH. So anyway, I went to YOACAP’s mobile unit and got tested, and they helped me get treated too. Call YOACAP at 215-851-1968 to schedule a time to get tested for STD’s at YOACAP’s office, or just come to the mobile unit, where you can be seen confidentially.

Getting 311 Trained Works Abandoned cars? A building that isn’t up to code? A traffic light that’s out? A raccoon is running around the street? What do all these problems have in common? They can be addressed by calling 311 (215-686-8686) from your phone. Philly 311 is a free tool to help people get resources from the City. The CAG will be holding 311 Neighborhood Liaison training the last Wednesday of each month from 6:00 -7:00 p.m. If you have a computer or phone with Internet access and want to be directly connected to the City to get your problems addressed, RSVP for the training by calling Tajuana at 215-851-1968.

Members of the CAG completed 311 training.

Project BUILD Youth Needed Do you know a teenager who is not applying themselves, having difficulty in school, or may not be focused? Then they are a good candidate for Project BUILD. If your teenager is interested in improving themselves, enroll them into a program that can help them academically and socially. Youth meet after school from 4p-7p each day and are taught life skills, health, goal-setting, and ways to prepare for young adulthood. If you know a teenager trying to improve, have their parent call 215-8511968 to find out more information and to get them enrolled.

STD Spotlight on HIV       

Spread during vaginal, anal, or oral sex with someone who has HIV Symptoms show up several months to several years after contact with the HIV virus that causes AIDS In women, it comes up as a yeast infection that does not go away Sometimes a symptom is flu-like feelings that don't go away HIV cannot be cured, but medicine can control it. HIV can cause illness and even death A mother with HIV can transfer the virus to her baby in the womb, giving birth, or during breastfeeding To schedule an appointment to get tested for HIV/AIDS or other STIs, call Ms. Tajuana at 215-851-1968



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