October 2013 Issue 8
Deatrice Austin Kim Balknight Valerie Bell Lt. Blackmorr Lola Blount Sonia Blount Delores J. Brown
Irene Hagans
Carmenta Johnson
Erna L. Bryant
Diana Brown
Douglas Bellamy
Geraldine Bryant Barbara Cooke Norman Doman Douglas Evans Phyllis Gerald Esther Hodges Joshua Hawkins Nathaniel Hardy Donna Harrison Alice Henderson Quentin Hoye Elder Yvonne Hughes Letha Jefferson Jessica Kennedy Elizabeth Lassiter Officer Lukaitis Tameka Mathews Maggie McCall Ann Miller Pamela Munroe Kenzo Nakauntase Pearl L Nicholson Aletta Parris-Olday Eugene Parson Ann Proctor Gail Pryor Mildred Rice Carlos Rolland Mary D. Smith Latasha Stone Pastor Billy Thompson Tajuana Wall Cassandra Whithers Carol Willis
Yo! You will never believe this. I’m home mindin my own business and someone called me from a 215.221 number. I answered and some chick said she was pregnant by my dude. WTH? At first I was shocked, but I chilled and fell back and smoked an L to think about it. I called my bro, and he told me that the jawn smashed all the homies. First, how could he be so ratchet and hit this dirty jawn raw and end up getting her pregnant? She might be lying though. Lie or no lie, I was getting checked out. I called Woody from YOACAP (215.851.1968), and he told me to come right then or I could go to the mobile unit at Dauphin & Colorado. I went to their office and got tested. I was cool, but I still have to handle this baby situation. I know he won’t be getting no more of this good lovin, FT!!!
MOBILE UNIT SCHEDULE (6 pm — 9 pm): Monday 18th & Cumberland (A) 17th & Lehigh
Wednesday 8th & Allegheny (A) 16th & Allegheny
Tuesday Carlisle & Butler 9th & Pike (A)
Thursday Dauphin & Colorado 15th & Wingohocking (A)
Friday Broad & Susquehanna
Saturday 2p-5p, Where should we test? Call 215.851.1968 and tell us.
Free resources 215.851.1968 : Condoms STI testing Job Readiness training Computer training Tutoring GED Class Afterschool Programs Individual Formally Incarcerated
Erma Bryant C.A.G Member My name is Erma L. Bryant, I have lived in Nicetown for 40+years. I have also raised two great sons into wonderful men while in Nicetown. I have been involved with making my community better for most of those years. My goal for Nicetown and the North Philadelphia area is to change it back to a vibrant, healthy and productive neighborhood; yielding men and women that give back to our communities. I am sure that goal is possible with the help of other neighbors. Join our community advisory group and help us improve our neighborhoods. Call 215.851.1968 to find out how you can help us. Many thanks to YOACAP and all of our partners!!!
Like & Follow YOACAP on Instagram, Facebook, & Twitter YOACAP has Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts. We use social media to send information free and quick to people who may need it. When we find out that an employer is hiring, we post it. When there is an internship opportunity that will benefit people, we post that information as well. Check out our website
We are asking you to follow us on Facebook, Instagram & Twitter @yoacapphilly. We also want you to LIKE our posts so your friends can have the information too. The more resources we can share, the healthier our communities will be.
Take Control Philly: YOACAP’s Partner Since April 2011, the Philadelphia Department of Public Health (PDPH) campaign, Take Control Philly, has been spreading the word about the high-rates of STDs, condom use & safer sex. One of the main components of this campaign was the design & launch of the Philadelphia branded Freedom Condom. Since April 2011, nearly 5 million condoms have been distributed. One of the exciting aspects of the Take Control Philly Initiative is the condom mailing program. This program, run through the website,, allows any teen living in Philadelphia to easily mail-order condoms to their house for no cost. Within a few days of ordering, the teen receives a discrete package containing 10 condoms, information about using condoms correctly, a card linking them to the Take Control Philly website, and a number to call with any questions they may have. Individuals are encouraged to order twice a month to have a good supply.
Excellent Program For Teens If you have a teenager (14-18) who is trying to improve themselves, enroll them in a FREE program that can support them academically and socially. Youth are exposed to chess, college trips, cooking, tutoring, life skills, college prep and more. Students come directly after school and are empowered to achieve and be successful. Our goal is to help them take small steps to be ready for adulthood. For more info, call (215) 851.1968.
Too Much Trash or Overgrown Lots What Can I Do? Do you have graffiti on your walls? Is there trash in the lot across from your house? Are there cats, raccoons, or possums running loose on your block? Then you can report these non-police emergencies using your mobile telephone computer. It’s easy as 1, 2, 3. Attend our monthly training and have direct connection to city services that work for you. Call (215) 851.1968 to attend this training and become a Neighborhood Liaison. Special thanks to our partner Philly Rising for all their support.
Shane Victorino Nicetown Boys & Girls Club The Shane Victorino Nicetown Boys and Girls Club is excited to provide a positive place for youth; ages 7-18. Membership is a onetime fee of $5 a year and accommodates after-school activities for all interests. Homework assistance, sport and recreation, arts and crafts & computers are just a few opportunities and activities offered at the club. The staff strives to create a fun environment through programming and activities that teach character, leadership, and life skills. For more information please call (215) 851.1968 or stop in to see for yourself; the center is located at W Hunting Park Ave and Clarissa Street, across from Simon Gratz Mastery Charter School. YOACAP would like to thank our partner the SVN Boys & Girls Club!!!
We Come to You During the Fall months, YOACAP will be offering workshops for people in zip codes: 19140, 19132, and 19129. We will be coming to your block or family meetings, rec center, church or sports meeting to provide information directly to your family, friends, and neighbors. Call us @ (215) 851-1968 to schedule a presentation. Learn about jobs, education, and other resources as part of the workshop. People of all ages are welcomes to call to schedule one. The costs for these workshops are F-R-E-E and STD testing may be available. To have a workshop around your way call 215-851-1968.
STD Spotlight—Herpes
Herpes can be transmitted thru vaginal, anal, or oral sex. Symptoms show up 1– 30 days after sexual intercourse or touching/grinding. Herpes can’t be cured. Medicine can help control it. A mother with Herpes can give it to her baby. Some people show no symptoms; Itching or burning before blisters appear. Blisters show up for 1-3 weeks and can go away, but you still have herpes. Call if you think you may have been exposed to any STD 215.851.1968
YOACAP WANTS TO GO GREEN! If you would like to receive this newsletter electronically, please email Tajuana at to update your subscription status.
YOACAP Needs Your Help! We are a non–profit agency half way to our fundraising goal. We will be contacting you soon for your support or you can donate today on our website. Website YOACAP 1207 Chestnut St - 3rd Philadelphia, PA 19107