The Southwest Corner March 2013

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MARCH 2013 Issue 23








SUMMER JOB WORKSHOP COALITION MEMBER S Paul Bailey Tyrone Benson Alexzina Bryant Hanna Bryant

Bruce Durham




Rodney Buckson Carl Burman



Audrey Allen

Spencer Canty Andre Crews Agnes Currie Melvin Davis Clayton Dendy Stephanie Dixon Chad Enos Gregory Garrison Donna Gass Ron George Ida Glenn Cassandra Graves Constance Harris Crews Mark Harrison Lillian Hood Joanne Jones Vernon Keith Montague Marsha J. Moore Daryl Nelson Carol Payne Joe Purnell Christine Riddick Joanne Robinson Myra Robinson Michael Ross Eric Sabin Sims A’za Sims ChrisAnne Smith Yvette S. Smith Tara E. Smith


Robert Stone Marsha W. Wall Cassandra Whiters Roger Wilkerson Officer Joe Young

In March, the SW Community Advisory Group will meet with families in Southwest Philadelphia to assist them with summer employment for their children. If you have a child between the ages of 14-21, the CAGs and its partner will be providing youth with job readiness workshops and their parents with a summer job preparatory workshop. Families will be referred to the Philadelphia Youth Network System so their children can apply for six weeks of summer employment. Attending the workshops does not guarantee a job. Our goal is to give youth positive things to do so they will not have so much free time to get involved in unhealthy behaviors. Please contact Officer Joe Young at 215.686.3122 for more info.

THIS WATCH: THE EYES & EARS PROGRAM The purpose of the “Eyes & Ears” program is to establish a foundation for Town Watch development and to impact the quality of life in the community. The “Eyes & Ears” Program promotes a sense of community and empowers citizens to address their neighborhood concerns. Citizens like YOU are trained by Town Watch Integrated Services to recognize, report suspicious activities in their neighborhoods, and become Town Watchers. If you see a crime or suspicious activity in your neighborhood, immediately report it to Police. Benefits of Town Watch: crime reduction, improved quality of life, greater sense of security, responsibility, personal involvement, community pride/unity, closer relationships with neighbors, opportunities to collaborate with law enforcement, organized blocks, and a healthy neighborhood. Town Watch organizations take on many forms of involvement like mobile patrolling, walking block watches, skating, biking and dog walking. There are “Eyes & Ears” Town Watch groups on blocks, apartment buildings, retirement communities and business districts throughout Philadelphia. This makes The Town Watch Integrated Services program unique.

7 Steps to Starting a Successful Town Watch Program: 

Contact Town Watch Integrated Services @ 215-686-1459 - Tara E. Smith

Talk with your neighbors to recruit and organize as many people as possible.

Plan a meeting @ your local Church, Recreation Center or someone’s home.

Create a flier to announce your meeting time, date and location or go to for a generic flier that you can personalize.

Discuss community concerns , develop an action plan and keep the meeting on topic.

Discuss the best time, day and place for holding regular Town Watch Training certification meetings for training on relevant skills.

Implement a phone/e-mail list of all neighbors for future meetings

To learn how to get your child involved in sports programs for youth at Kingsessing Recreation Center, please call Ms. Connie Crews at 215.939.6283. Ask about basketball, track & field, football, boxing, cheerleading, chess, and other activities.

The Planning Begins for Pride Day in SW Starting Monday, February 11, 2013, the planning process for this year's Southwest Pride Day and 12th District Open-House will begin. The planning meetings will be held every second Monday of each month until May and then they will increase to every two weeks. The meeting will be held at the 12th Police District Officers Joseph Young and Lisa McDowell located 6448 Woodland Avenue, at 11 AM. Come with your Ideas, suggestions and input. Please become a part of the planning process of this wonderful long standing event in Southwest Philadelphia. For more information contact Community Relations Officer Joseph Young at 215-686-3122.

"A New Captain at the Helm" On Friday, February 1, 2013, on a bright sunny afternoon, Captain John Moroney, returned to the 12th Police District, after a major investigation at one of the local pizza stores on Island Avenue. The 31 year Veteran, coolly removed his coat, sat behind his desk and immediately started answering questions for this article. Captain Moroney married for 20 years, father of two children, one in High School Captain Moroney the other in college, was recently assigned to the 12th District. He had previously been assigned commanding officer for six years of the 15th District located at Harbison Avenue and Levick Street. When asked his impression of the 12th District thus far, he stated "There's 12 miles of crime, but there are neighbors and businesses willing to work together to alleviate it. There are more good people here than there are bad." One of Captain Moroney's first order was to reassign the Foot Beat Officers back to Woodland Avenue. He said the officers were hardworking, and concerned about the businesses and residents: they have a positive relationship with the community." They're a Perfect Fit". (Continued on next col-

TAKE A NOTE ON THIS! FREE FOOD GIVEAWAY The Sons of Abraham Church has a free food giveaway in North Philadelphia at 3124 N. 16th St. on the third Saturday of each month. One of its members, Roger Wilkerson, also a SWCAG member, is promoting this gracious event in the area. To know more, call Mr. Wilkerson at 215.239.8668. PROJECT BUILD: ENROLL NOW! If you have a teenager in the 9th grade, who attends a school in Southwest or West Philadelphia and who is interested in being in a afterschool to improve themselves and their communities, please call 215.851.1968 to learn about YOACAP’s Project BUILD. (Continued ) His efforts are to reach out to the community through meetings and conversations with the residents. “I want to be open and accessable to the neighborhood. Improve the quality of life for the community: have people feel safe in their homes and businesses secure.” Captain Moroney’s vision for the 12th District is to have the Police, Town Watch "Eyes and Ears" businesses and community work together to solve their issues. "Police can't do it all". His goals are to increase: crime scene, firearms training. Also install of surveillance cameras in the community and increase the bike patrols.


F.Y.I. Youth Basketball (for girls & boys) Free HIV Testing (give code 99 when you call) Town Watch Integrated Services Interested in Becoming A Block Captain 18+ Interested in finding a job Abstinence Program Councilman Kenyatta Johnson State Representative Ron Waters Office 12th Police District—Community Officer Senator Anthony Williams’s Office Low Cost Computer Training Any problem that the City can help with: CHIP Insurance Program YOACAP’s Youth Book Club (14-18 yrs. old)

Call 215.939.6283 Call 215.724.7430 Call 215.686.1422 Call 267.939.2366 Call 215.729.2389 Call 215.239.8668 Call 215.686.3412 Call 215.748.6712 Call 215.686.3122 Call 215.492.2980 Call 215.851.1968 Call 311 Call 215.851.1968 Call 215.851.1968

Ms. Connie Crews Ms. Hanna Bryant Ms. Tara Smith Mr. Clayton Dendy Ms. Marsha Wall Mr. Roger Wilkerson Mr. Roi Ligon Mr. Helen Walker Officer Joe Young Mr. Donald Cave Ms. Tajuana Wall City of Philadelphia Ms. Tajuana Wall Ms. Tajuana Wall

NEIGHBORHOODS UNITED AGAINST DRUGS (NUAD) offers FREE HIV Testing! Get your results in 10-15 minutes! For more information, call Hanna Bryant at 215.724.7430. And ask about their other programs, too!

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