October 2012 Issue 24
Tyrone Benson
Bruce Durham
Rodney Buckson Carl Burman
Paul Bailey
Hanna Bryant
Spencer Canty Andre Crews Agnes Currie Melvin Davis Clayton Dendy
Lets get fit! Every Monday evening get help from personal trainers at the Sayre Recreation Center located at 58th & Spruce. On Wednesdays lets line dance at the Turner School at 59th & Baltimore Avenue at 6 pm. On Thursdays Senator Williams - “We need to get fit, eat right and be here for each other!” at 6 pm at the Kingsesing Recreation Center located at 50th & Kingsessing, its ZUMBA. Join the Walk Club every Saturday at 9 am at the Laura Sims Skate House, 63rd & Walnut Streets. All activities are FREE. For more information call Donald Cave at 215.492.2980.
Stephanie Dixon Chad Enos Gregory Garrison Donna Gass Ron George Ida Glenn Cassandra Graves
EVELYN GRAVES SCHOOL OF PERFORMING ARTS Youth & Adults Performing Art Classes If you want to learn or perfect your dance, voice, and drama skills, you must find out about the Evelyn Graves School of Performing Arts. It has been a long-standing institution in SW and has several different classes (piano, drums, voice, and drama) for you. For more information please contact Dr. Cassandra Graves at 215.727.7796.
Constance Harris Crews Mark Harrison Lillian Hood Joanne Jones
Vernon Keith Montague Marsha J. Moore Daryl Nelson Carol Payne Joe Purnell Christine Riddick Joanne Robinson Myra Robinson Michael Ross Eric Sabin Sims A’za Sims ChrisAnne Smith Yvette S. Smith Tara E. Smith Robert Stone
Audrey Allen
Alexzina Bryant
Marsha W. Wall Cassandra Whiters Roger Wilkerson Officer Joe Young
On Thursday November 1, 2012, the SWCAG will hold its 5th Annual Community Meeting for all residents. Presentations on parenting, mentoring and the Juvenile Justice System will be provided. Doors open up at 6 pm to hear our three dynamic speakers. Also resources to help families will be provided and light refreshments will be served. We need you to RSVP by calling 215.729.2389. This will all take place at the Francis J Myers Recreation Center located at 5800 Kingsessing Avenue. Come meet SWCAG members and learn what we are doing.
If you are 65 years or older and have individual income totally less than $14,500 or married with a combined income of $17,700, you may be eligible for the state’s low cost prescription plan. You pay the first $9 for a prescription, and the State Lottery Fund pays the remainder (WOW!).
If you are retired and have an income not exceeding $19,200 annually, you may be eligible for a reduction in your motor vehicle registration fee from $36 to $10 annually (Can’t beat that!)
If you turn on your porch light at night, that may deter crime on your block (Criminals love darkness!)
If you are 65 years or older, you are eligible for reduced hunting or fishing license. Each license cost a one-time fee of about $52 for the rest of your life (Say it at so!) Please call your state representative, and they can get this info for you.
To learn how to get your child involved in sports programs for youth at Kingsessing Recreation Center, please call Ms. Connie Crews at 215.939.6283. Ask about basketball, track & field, football, boxing, cheerleading, chess, and other activities.
BE RESPONSIBLE: VOTE!! Voting is so important in our city and across our great country. People have died fighting to allow women, minorities and others the right to vote and voice their opinion. While the SWCAG cannot tell you who to vote for, they are strongly encouraging Southwest Philadelphia residents to educate themselves, register to vote and hold their elected official accountable. The SWCAG has been trying to register people at many different events. WE MUST GET OUT AND VOTE ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2012. If you need to give someone a ride, wake them up, walk with them, or whatever is necessary, everyone must make it to the polls that day. The voting polls open as early as 7 am. People have lost their lives to give us an opportunity to vote. Do not take this privilege for granted.
Councilman Kenyatta Johnson hosts FALL 2012 JOB FAIR
On Friday, November 9, 2012, Councilman Kenyatta Johnson will host another job fair to help residents of South and Southwest Philly. Jobs seem to be one of the biggest economic challenges for people across the country. We cannot complain, we need ACTION. Councilman Johnson understand this and has asked over 30 hiring employers to come to the Marian Anderson Recreation Center located at 740 South 17th Street in South Philly. You must dress professionally and bring plenty of resumes and a positive attitude. Sugar House Casino, Philadelphia just want to help my constituents be Water Depart- “I more employable and get jobs ” ment, ComCouncilman Kenyatta Johnson cast, Rite Aide, Verizon Wireless, Presbyterian Children’s Village are just a few of the employer that will be in attendance. For more information call 215.686.3412 and tell them that the Southwest Community Advisory Group gave you the information.
The Sons of Abraham Church has a free food giveaway in North Philadelphia at 3124 N. 16th St. every third Saturday of each month. One of its members, Roger Wilkerson, also a SWCAG member, is promoting this gracious event in the area. To know more, call Mr. Wilkerson at 215.239.8668.
PROJECT BUILD If you have a teenager in at least the 9th grade, who attends a school in Southwest or West Philadelphia and who is interested in being in a afterschool to improve themselves and their communities, please call Ebony Joyner at 215.851.1857 to learn about YOACAP’s Project BUILD.
HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS FOR YOUNG GIRLS Come to Myers Recreation Center to learn about health relationships every Friday from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm. This program is for females between the ages of 12-15 years of age and is one of many positive activities being held at the center. After school programs are held from 3 pm to 6 pm, Monday through Friday; call Carl Burman 215.685.2698.
F.Y.I. Youth Basketball (for girls & boys) Free HIV Testing (give code 99 when you call) Town Watch Integrated Services Interested in Becoming A Block Captain 18+ Interested in finding a job Abstinence Program Councilman Kenyatta Johnson State Representative Ron Waters Office 12th Police District—Community Officer Senator Anthony Williams’s Office FREE Computer Training Any problem that the City can help with: CHIP Insurance Program YOACAP’s Youth Book Club (14-18 yrs. old)
Call 215.939.6283 Call 215.724.7430 Call 215.686.1422 Call 267.939.2366 Call 215.729.2389 Call 215.239.8668 Call 215.686.3412 Call 215.748.6712 Call 215.686.3122 Call 215.492.2980 Call 215.851.1968 Call 311 Call 215.851.1968 Call 215.851.1968
Ms. Connie Crews Ms. Hanna Bryant Ms. Tara Smith Mr. Clayton Dendy Ms. Marsha Wall Mr. Roger Wilkerson Mr. Roi Ligon Mr. Helen Walker Officer Joe Young Mr. Donald Cave Ms. Tajuana Wall City of Philadelphia Ms. Tajuana Wall Ms. Tajuana Wall
NEIGHBORHOODS UNITED AGAINST DRUGS (NUAD) offers FREE HIV Testing! Get your results in 10-15 minutes! For more information, call Hanna Bryant at 215.724.7430. And ask about their other programs too!