February 2013 Issue 27 COALITION MEMBERS Audrey Allen Tyrone Benson Alexzina Bryant Hanna Bryant Rodney Buckson Spencer Canty
Bruce Durham
Carl Burman
Paul Bailey
GET YOUR MEDICAL CONNECTION TODAY! The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) is here! Get the peace of mind that health insurance can bring! Open enrollment ends March 31, 2014. Don’t be left out! If you are young & healthy, you may think you do not need insurance or it costs too much. Health insurance is a good idea for many reasons - you never know if you’ll get sick or in an accident and all of us need preventive health care to keep us healthy. The Southwest Community Advisory Group and Healthy Philadelphia are working together to make sure YOU get the health care you deserve.
Andre Crews Agnes Currie Melvin Davis Clayton Dendy Stephanie Dixon Chad Enos Gregory Garrison Donna Gass
In-person assisters can help eligible uninsured people sign up for insurance and can help people who have insurance that they can’t afford enroll in a plan that costs less. They can also help eligible people sign up for CHIP and Medicaid. In-person assisters can help you enroll in a plan that works for you and that you can afford. Call 267.388.1250 to set up your time.
Ron George Ida Glenn Cassandra Graves Constance Harris Crews Mark Harrison Lillian Hood Joanne Jones Vernon Keith Montague Marsha J. Moore
Southwest Community Advisory Group discussing the Affordable Care Act
In-person assisters have been certified and extensively trained to help people sign up for health insurance, including on issues of privacy and confidentiality. Personal information will not be collected or saved by inperson assisters. They will ask only for personal information needed to complete applications for insurance. In-person assisters can help people of all ages enroll, but we are especially looking for adults ages 18 - 35, the group most likely to be living without health insurance.
Daryl Nelson Carol Payne Joe Purnell Christine Riddick Joanne Robinson Myra Robinson Michael Ross Eric Sabin Sims A’za Sims ChrisAnne Smith Yvette S. Smith Tara E. Smith Robert Stone Marsha W. Wall Cassandra Whiters Roger Wilkerson Officer Joe Young
MLK DAY GUN RALLY On Martin Luther King Day, January 20, 2014, Councilman Kenyatta Johnson held a gun rally to fight the onslaught of gun violence that has plagued our streets. The rally started at the scene of a recent shooting at 61st & Buist and marched to 62nd & Grays Avenue where a second shooting had occurred. The Councilman was joined by Shira Goodman, President of CeasefirePA; State Representative Maria Donatucci, Southwest Philadelphia Community leaders, as well as nearly 100 residents. Councilman Johnson said it is important that the community work hand in hand with city agencies, the District Attorney’s Office and the Police to fight the rise of gun violence; but firstly the community needs to put their arms around the families of these victims of gun violence and give them the help and support they need to get through this emotional time.
THE COMMUNITY HUB The Community Hub is a community services facility run by a coalition of community services organizations consisting of Empowered Communities Development Corporation, The Orisa Community Development Corporation, The International Institute for Advanced Instruction (TIIAI), Gateway to re-entry and the International Gateway. Our coalition seeks to advance the empowerment of individuals and communities through the delivery of a seamless suite of services that will support the dreams and aspirations of both the community Community Hub 5803 Kingsessing Ave. For more info 267.388.1250 and its individual residents. We will fulfill our mission by providing programs and initiatives that build sustainability, pride, and the reintroduction of the concept of village in the context of modern society. We offer an array of programs and services, Job Readiness, Affordable Housing, Financial Literacy, Credit Repair, ReEntry for returning citizens, Tutoring, Healthy Choices, Recycling & the upcoming Myers Garden. The Community Hub addresses the immediate & long-term needs of the community.
BLOCK CAPTAINS’ WORKSHOP On Thursday, February 27, 2014 from 11:00 AM to 1 PM the 12th District Philadelphia More Beautiful Representative Darryl Thompson will collaborate with the Southwest Community Advisory Group to host a Welcome Workshop for Block Captains of the 12th District. The location of the meeting will be 65th & Woodland Avenue. Guest speakers will be in attendance from Senator Anthony H. Williams, Office of the Managing Director, Town Watch Integrated Services, PhillyRising, L &I and others. Call Darryl Thompson at 215.685.3986 for more information.
Each year, the Southwest Community Advisory Group works with the Kingsessing & Myers Recreation Centers. Their goal is to provide parents and their children (14-21 years) with information to assist in obtaining summer employment. They meets with parents each March to provide vital information to make sure their children are prepared early to get a job late June through August. If a child can work 20 hours per week and earn $7 per hour, that goes a long way to build their esteem and responsibility. It also gives youth the opportunity to gain valuable work experience needed to develop into a productive young adult. While the we cannot guarantee jobs, this summer job program was developed because people in SW Philly told the Southwest Community Advisory Group that jobs or employment was critical to improve overall community wellness. If you want to attend the upcoming meeting, please call Officer Joe Young at the 12th District Police Station at 215.686.3122, and we will see you there. SW MIDDLE SCHOOL YOUTH NEEDED Kingsessing Recreation Center If you know a 6th, 7th, or 8th grader who lives around 51st & Kingsessing and wants to play chess & scrabble or basketball, learn computers & life skills or enjoys reading, enroll them into a program that can help them academically & socially. Youth meet after school as part of YOACAP & Jayhawks from 3 pm - 7 pm. If they are 14 years old now or will be 14 in the Spring, they are offered a summer job as well. Have their parent call 215.851.1968 to enroll them. There are only a few slots left. Ask about our teen program
F.Y.I. FREE TAX services Youth Basketball (for girls & boys) Free HIV Testing (give code 99 when you call) Town Watch Integrated Services Interested in Becoming A Block Captain 18+ Interested in finding a job Councilman Kenyatta Johnson State Representative Ron Waters Office 12th Police District—Community Officer Senator Anthony Williams’s Office Afterschool Program for teens 9th-12th grade
Call 215.851.1968 Call 215.939.6283 Call 215.724.7430 Call 215.686.1422 Call 267.632.1183 Call 215.729.2389 Call 215.686.3412 Call 215.748.6712 Call 215.686.3122 Call 215.492.2980 Call 215.851.1968
YOACAP WANTS TO GO GREEN! If you would like to receive this newsletter electronically, please email Tajuana at 215.851.1968 to update your subscription status. Checkout YOACAP’s website @
Tajuana Wall Ms. Connie Crews Ms. Hanna Bryant Ms. Tara Smith Mr. Clayton Dendy Ms. Marsha Wall Mr. Roi Ligon Mrs Helen Walker Officer Joe Young Mr. Donald Cave Ms. Tajuana Wall Follow & Like Us for daily Updates @YOACAPPHILLY SCAN 2 CONNECT