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Jury Kim Gyeong Jeung, Yu Sang Gu, Min Yeong Gi (Winners 2022 Skyscraper Competition), Sina Mostafavi (CEO SETUParchitecture studio, Associate Professor Texas Tech University College of Architecture), and Kathy Velikov (Principal rvtr, Vice-President ACADIA, Associate Dean for Research and Creative Practice Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning) eVolo Magazine a annoncé les lauréats de la Skyscraper Competition 2023. Le Jury a sélectionné trois Premiers Prix et 15 mentions d’honneur parmi les 309 projets reçus. Le prix annuel créé en 2006 récompense les idées visionnaires qui, grâce à l’utilisation innovante de technologie, matériaux, programmes, esthétique et organisation spatiale, remettent en question notre façon de considérer l’architecture verticale et sa relation avec les environnements naturels et bâtis. eVolo Magazine ha annunciato i vincitori della Skyscraper Competition 2023. La Giuria ha selezionato 3 vincitori e 15 menzioni d’onore tra i 309 progetti ricevuti. Il premio annuale istituito nel 2006 riconosce idee visionarie che attraverso l’uso innovativo di tecnologia, materiali, programmi, estetica e organizzazione spaziale, sfdano il modo in cui intendiamo l’architettura verticale e il suo rapporto con gli ambienti naturali e costruiti. eVolo Magazine announced the winners of the 2023 Skyscraper Competition. The Jury selected 3 winners and 15 honorable mentions from 309 projects received. The annual award established in 2006 recognizes visionary ideas that through the novel use of technology, materials, programs, aesthetics, and spatial organizations, challenge the way we understand vertical architecture and its relationship with the natural and built environments. Organizer