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Morecambe Bay, Lancaster, UK Grimshaw
Au cours des cinq dernières années, l’agence Grimshaw Architects, qui a dirigé la conception de l’Eden Project en Cornouailles, a travaillé avec Eden Project sur la conception de l’Eden Project Morecambe, une attraction qui, à travers une série de structures en forme de coques, accueillera des expositions, des expériences immersives et suscitera l’émerveillement devant la nature de la baie de Morecambe. L’équipe a travaillé en étroite collaboration avec les partenaires locaux, c’est-à-dire avec le conseil municipal de Lancaster, le conseil du comté de Lancashire, le Lancashire Enterprise Partnership et l’université de Lancaster, afn d’obtenir des résultats au niveau local, notamment en créant directement 300 emplois verts de haute qualité dans le cadre du projet et plus de 1 000 nouveaux emplois supplémentaires dans le cadre d’activités de soutien dans toute la région. L’attraction prévoit de recevoir 740 000 visiteurs par an. Ce projet unique en son genre s’appuie sur une approche de conception régénérative et biophile et vise la réduction du carbone intrinsèque et opérationnel, la diminution de la consommation d’énergie et une contribution positive au respect de l’environnement. Un ensemble de jardins extérieurs entourant les bâtiments a également été conçu pour valoriser et reféter la fore, la géologie et les rythmes de l’environnement côtier. En offrant de nouvelles vues sur la baie, l’Eden Project Morecambe agrémentera le paysage urbain, y compris le cadre des Winter Gardens et du Midland Hôtel, classés Grade II* qui se trouvent à proximité.
Grimshaw, che ha guidato la progettazione di Eden Project in Cornovaglia, ha collaborato con Eden Project negli ultimi cinque anni per la progettazione di Eden Project Morecambe, un’attrazione che, attraverso una serie di strutture simili a gusci, ospiterà mostre, esperienze immersive e che ispira meraviglia nella vita naturale di Morecambe Bay. Il team ha lavorato a lungo con i partner locali – Lancaster City Council, Lancashire County Council, Lancashire Enterprise Partnership e Lancaster University – per aiutare a realizzare vantaggi per i locali, tra cui i previsti 300 posti di lavoro ambientale di alta qualità creati direttamente dal progetto e più di 1.000 nuovi posti di lavoro aggiuntivi a sostegno in tutta la regione. L’attrazione prevede 740.000 visitatori all’anno. Questo progetto unico è guidato da un approccio progettuale rigenerativo e bioflo e si concentra sulla riduzione del carbonio incorporato e operativo, riducendo al minimo l’energia e contribuendo positivamente all’ambiente. La serie di giardini all’aperto che circondano gli edifci è progettata anche per celebrare e rifettere la fora, la geologia e i ritmi dell’ambiente costiero. Offrendo nuove viste sulla baia, l’Eden Project Morecambe, classifcato di Grado II*, completerà il paesaggio urbano, compresa l’ambientazione dei Winter Gardens e del Midland Hotel nelle vicinanze.
Grimshaw, who led the design of Eden Project in Cornwall, has worked with Eden Project over the past fve years on the design of Eden Project Morecambe – an attraction which, through a series of shell-like structures, will host exhibitions, immersive experiences and inspire wonder in the natural life of Morecambe Bay. The team has worked extensively with local partners Lancaster City Council, Lancashire County Council, Lancashire Enterprise Partnership and Lancaster University to help realise local outcomes including the expected 300 high-quality green jobs directly created by the project, and more than 1,000 additional new jobs in support across the region. The attraction is expecting visitor numbers to be 740,000 each year. This unique project is driven by a regenerative and biophilic design approach and focusses on reducing embodied and operational carbon, minimising energy and contributing positively to the environment. A collection of outdoor gardens surrounding the buildings are also designed to celebrate and refect the fora, geology and rhythms of the coastal environment. Affording new views across the bay, Eden Project Morecambe will complement the townscape including the setting of the Grade II* listed Winter Gardens and Midland Hotel nearby.
Client: Eden Project

Project: Grimshaw (grimshaw.global)
Project Partners: Lancaster University, Lancaster City Council, Lancaster County Council, Lancashire Enterprise Partnership
Project Manager: Trivandi
Structural Engineer: Schlaich Bergermann Partner
MEP & Environmental Engineering: Buro Happold
Cost Consultant: RLB
Planning and Transport Engineering: WSP
Landscape Design: TEP
Sustainability Consultants: 3ADAPT